The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 08, 1897, Image 3

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    CORVALLIS, OREGON, Oct. 8, 1897.
The new line of Capes and Jackets
are now ready for yonr inspection.
The Latest Styles combined with
Lowest Prices will make the subject
interesting. They are not all here,
but the new things never stop coming
Braided Kersey Jackets
Plain Kersey Jackets
Boucle Cloaking Jackets
Beaver Jackets
Melton Jackets
Capes of Baucle, Kersey and Beaver.
Ladies' Walking Hats
Plaid Cloth, Plaid Corduroy
Plain Cloth. Plain Corduroy
75c, 65c, $L00, St25.
Agents for Bnttrick Patterns.
Albany, - - Oregon.
Happy Home Clothing.
Fresh ground buckwheat flour at
Jesse Huff, of Kings Vallev, left Tor
vallis Tuesday for an extended business
trip in Rogue River Valley.
Several conimunicatins sent for pub
lication were crowded out this week, but
will appear later.
At Salem, Wednesday, Chehalis broke
the world's two-mile pacing record, tnak-
ing the distance in 4:19
Sacks and storage 5 cents per bushel;
storage alone 2 cents. Highest price
paid for grain at Samuels warehouse.
. W. H. Kay, the Dusty merchant, ac
companied by his wife, were in Corvallis
yesterday on their way home from Port
land. According to Assessor Alexander the
gross value of property in Benton county
is $1,757,959. The exemptions amount
to $139.53-
A young Denny pheasant flew against
the window of Welker's furniture store
Sunday afternoon, and was caught by
Herbert Pygall.
Football practice has Vcguu iu earnest.
McMinrrville college expects to put a
winning team in th heid this season.
Tho vd issue of a verv modest little
monthly, the Pacific 'University News, :
has been received. Though small, it!
manages ta say much.
Rev. O'Kelly, pastor of the Evangeli
cal church, returned home Wednesday,
after an absence of two weeks. He has
been preaching in Polk county.
A new line of crockery and lamps to
arrive at ZierolPs in two weeks.
At the Oak Ridge Presbyterian church
i :n 1 .1
reception of members next Sabbath at
3 p. m., conducted by Dr. Thompson.
Marion Hayden, of Alsea, a promi
nent Benton county farmer, returned
from the state fair last Wednesday.
"Gent." says the fair was very good this
Subject at the Baptist church Sunday
morning: "A peculiar people." Even
ing: "A happy condition." Young
people's meeting at 6.30. Cordial invi
tation to all. j ...
To-morrow night Young America En
gine Co., entertain at firemen's hall.
Members of the H. & L. Co. and ladies
coffee club are cordially invited. Danc
ing and whist
Rev. N. Shupp will occupy the pnlpit
at the Evangelical church next Sunday
evening. All are cordially invited to be
present. Old church corner Fourth &
Monrce streets.
John Warner is again at home. For
the past two months he has been employ
ed in Marion and Polk counties. John
will be a strong member of the organiz
ing football team.
Chas. Mummery, who has been around
Corvallis for several years, and whose
best reputation is as a pool and billiard
player, is in California, where it is very
probable he will remain.
Among other Corvallis visitors to the
state fair, were: N. B. Avery." Marvin
Brandeberry, Mrs. J. C Mayo, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C Kiger and R. Kiger, besides
the college professors and students.
Subject at Methodist Episcopal church
Lord's Day morning will be: "The
eagle's nest stirred up." Evening: "I
have gone and played the fool." Young
and old should hear this discourse. ,
L. Y. Wilson and Wiley Young started
for southern Oregon Wednesday evening.
A buck hoard drawn by a team of good
horses takes themselves and their outfit.
They will doubtless .examine the mining
districts. I . . ,
The young people's christian t associa
tion of the college gave a reception to
the new students Friday evening. After
a brief and enjoyable program in the
chapel, games and other amusements
were indulged in.
- The Salvation Army had a big meeting
at the Baptist tabernacle Wednesday
evening. Major S. Marshal, who has
charge of the Washington, Oregon and
southern Idaho division, was present and
took charge of the meeting.
If tor your owii external improvement
yon have a few dimes to spend, sir, you
will act sagaciously if you leave a few
with Jesse Spencer, whose brilliancy as a
dispencer of haircuts and shaves radiates
far beyond the limits of Corvallis.
Mrs. W. T. and Chas. Small, who for
two weeks made and sold candy at the
manufacturers' exposition, Portland, re
turned home Tuesday. They say the
fair was a great success and their busi
ness while there, quite profitable.
M. Schmidt and son. Alba,, and W. W.
Frye, have' returned from Alaska, arriv
ing home Monday. They will remain
h.ere during the winter and then, prob-
Tnrney is to spend the winter in Skaguay.
" Vr irnn niaiu mnA nrrMtt inaf nr.
rived at Zierolf'a. .. I
The scaffolding has been taken down
from the front of the new Wkitehorn
building and one can see that it will be
a very handsome structure when com
pleted. Mr. Whitehorn will be able to
occupy his new quarters about the first
of next month.
'In the case of S. N. Wilkins vs. the
street railway company, in which plain
tiff asks for $15,000 damages on account
of an accident whereby his son lost an
arm, the jury hung, eight favoring the
plaintiff. Milton O. Wilkins was one of
plaintiff's attorneys.
There is another change of teachers in
the Corvallis public schools. Mrs.
Campbell.resigned her position and Miss
Read was elected in her place. Miss Ly
ford has been made, teacher of the eighth
grade, and Miss Minnie Wilson elected
supernuniery teacher.
The Willamette is low. Jesse Tunni
cliffe, of the electric light plant, says the
water has not been at so lew a stage
since the plant was establish .-d, and 111
consequence there is a j;reat strain on the
pumps The light was shut ff recentlv
for a few hours 011 this account.
Mr. W. W. Frye expects to start for
Dawson City in February. lie will go
from Skajnav. not "by the pass, but on
the ice when the Ska;-uay riv-.r freezes.
He is now engaged in building sleds on
which he and his two lovs. who are to
accompany him, will ilr.iw their outfits.
There is .1 pleai&p.t read bleness about
the ail of F. L. Miller. tliM week. It it
the plain talk of a reliable business
home and will lexr more than casual
scrutiny. The Kuckin-hatn & Hecht
$4.50 boots are goin off like hot cakes.
The "sweater" item will interest students
C. Schmidt, the well-known hots!
keeper of Corvallis, has returned from
Skaguay, accompanied by his son and
W. H. Frye, and is registered at the Per-
: kins.
lr. Schmidt had a lively expen-
:ece in the rouh town of Slcagnay, but
he gathered up all kinds of money before
he returned to civilization. Oregouian.
Jesse Hawley, a highly respected citi
zen of Eugene, and a member of the
well known Hawley family who reside
in the southern part of Benton county,
died at his home Monday morning. He
was 65 years old and came to Oregon in
1848, settling near Monroe. The remains
were buried iu the cemetery five miles
west of Monroe.
Interest in bowling increases. While
no very high scores have been made this
month, the general average is very good.
Tuesday sight the bowlers seemed steady
and the games were highly interesting.
In one game Robt. Johnson, Geo. Bow
ers, Johnson Porter and Fred Oberer,
constituting one side, made 42, 39, 39
! and 38, respectively.
Prof. Letcher attended chapel exer
cises at tne college Wednesday morning
and gate the students a brief interesting
talk. New pupils are still comicgiu and
the chapel every morning is crowded.
The cadet baud has organized with H.
Beard as leader. An innovation in the
military department this year is the or
gamzation of a cadet signal service corp.
The justly famous Nashville Students
will entertain the Corvallis public at the
new Methodist church to ni'-rrow night.
They are without doubt the finest com
pany of colored songsters in the country
and their entertainment is one of refine
ment and culture. The press speaks in
glowing terms of their work. The con
cert begins at 8 o'clock. Admission 50
cents, children 25 cents.
Regular services at the Presbyterian
church next Sabbath morning aud even
ing. Topics of special interest to all
will be presented at both services. Sun
day school at 10. Enueavor societies at
4 aud 6:30.
Service of praise at 7"lo. i
followed by short sermon. A kind wel
come to all and seats reserved for strang
ers and students. Topic for morning:
"The Winged Life." Evening: "The
school and scholar of the future."
The commissioners court passed upon
bills and transacted the usual business
Wednesday. Yesterday M. S. Woodcock
aud W. S. McFaddeu presented extend
ed arguments in behalf of the First Na
tional bank people, for a reduction of
bank stock assessment. They want the
stock assessed at 50 per cent of its real
value. There is no one appearing for the
ether side of the question. The attor
neys were still talking at press time.
Corvallis is to have a football team,
separate and apart from the college or
ganization. It is the present intention
to organize on the plan of the Astoria
footballists, i. e. form a permanent ath
letic club. Miles Phillip will probably
captain the team. Athletic quarters have
already been secured. A minstrel enter
tainment will be given shortly for the
benefit of the team. Corvallis has some
fine material and Will Bloss has promis
ed to do some coaching for the boys.
The semi-annual county exhibit that
appears on the second page, is the firt
one published in Benton couuty. The law
requires such publication, but heretofore
the law has not been complied with, the
only report published being the one at
the end of each fiscal year. In his re
port made last July. Clerk Watters gave
notice that he would hercaft.T follow the
la w rather than the custom heretofore
practiced and the publication of the
statement this week, is in accordance
with that notice.
The local football enthusiasts will be
given an opportunity to witness a game
on the O. A. C. gridiron tomorrow after
noon. The contest will be between the
Sophomare and Junior teams of the col
lege. Each team plays a good game and
with the rivalry that exists between the
members of the two classes it can safely
be asserted that to-morrow's game will
be an exciting on. Game will be called
at 2:30 and the price of admission has
been placed at 15 cents.
According to the associated press dis
patches, W. B. Sorsby, of Mississippi,
has been practically decided upon by the
president for consurgeneral and secre
tary ot the legation at Guatemala City.
Mr. Sorsby is well known here, where he
has business interests. He is an intimate
friend of J. H. Harris. Mr. Sorsby has
property interests in Guatemala and sev
eral other South American states and
served under Harrison . as minister to
Ecuador. . His Corvallis friends will be
pleased to hear of his appointment .
Buy Happy Home Clothing.
Fresh tea and coffee at Zierolf's.
New goods semi-weekly at No! a a
! Callahan's, v
The congregational meeting of the
Presbyterian church was very largely at-
J tended and the spirit of enthusiasm man-
ifested in the work. Capt. Crawford was
chosen moderator and the business of
the meeting was dispatched with prompt
ness and harmoniously. The members
by a rising vote expressed their hearty
appreciation of Dr. Thompson's splendid
services. The following officers were
elected: Trastee, G. W. Denman; eld
ers, Dr. Altnaan and J. Fred Yates; choir
leader, John Fulton; deacons, J. F.
Porter, D. W. Pritchard, J. R. Hughes
and C. D. Thompson; Sunday school
superintendent. Prof. Horner; assistant,
Mrs. M. M. Davis.
Andv Taylor bar quit the barbering
business at Eugene and is now in Cor
vallis. Although his actions do net sus
tain his theory, he argued vehemently
the other day that Eugene was a better
place for business thau our city. Mr. R.
E. Gibs. 11 took up the cudgels tor Cor
vallis and the debate was warm. It oc
curred at the store of F. L. Miller. Pres
ently Taylor inenli ned something about
a brid.-e across the Willamette at Eu
gene, :ind Gibsoti denied there was such
a bridge. Jiolli men were iu earnest and j
backed their opinion with a $20 gold
piece. Repairing to the telephone ollicc
Gibson called up Egeuc anJ found that
he had lost the wager. Taylor took' the
$40 and apologized to Mr.Mi))er. "Why"
said Miller. "'I don't see that you ave
anything to apologize for." "Yes I
have," ' answered' Taj lor, "I take back
ail I saiii about Corvallis as a business
place. J find that it is all right"
Miss Maud Hoffman, the bright Oregon
girl wh 11.1s succeeded in reaching the
top round of the histrionic ladder, is now
in New York, and will be Mr. E. S. Wil
lard's leading lady the coming season
at Wallack's theatre. Miss Hoffman is
U known in Portland, having lived
here a year teaching elocution at St.
Helens Hall. Her ambition, however.
lay in the histrionic line, and a Portland
nun advauced the tunds to allow her to
study iu Boston. Her first appearance
on the stage was a marked success, even
for critical Boston. She played her first
week as Juliet and each night to crowd
ed houses, winning praise from the critics
of the press. Her mother still resides at
Corvallis iu this state, and she is a grand
daughter of Daniel Boone. Miss Hoff
man will open with Mr. E. S. Willard at
Wallack's theatre Monday evening.
October 4, in-Hcnry Art!-.ur Jones' latest
play, "The Physician," which ha al
ready been successfully presented in
London. Oregonian.
What use is there in eating when food
does you no jjood in fact when it does
you more harm than good, for such is the
case if not digested.
If you have a loathing for food there
is no use of forcing it down, for it will
not be digested. Yon must restore the
digestive organs to their natural strength
! and cause the food to be digested, when
an appetite will come, and with a relish
for food.
The tired, languid feeling will give
place to vigor aud energy; then you will
put flesh on yar bones and become
stroug. The Shaker Digestive Cordial
as made by the Mount Lebanon Shakers
contains food already digested and is a
digester of foods as well. . Its action is
prompt and its effects permanent.
Doctors prescribe .axol because it has
all the virtues of Cas.or Oil and is palat
able. A Social Eyent
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Yates entertained
a number of friends Saturday evening in
honor of Prof, and Mrs. John Fulton
and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Johnson. The
rracious hospitality of their host and
hostess made the guests feel perfectly at
: home aud the evening was a very enjoy-
able one.
j The handsome rooms were decorated
1 with flowers and plants and presented a
charming appearance. Conversation,
i music, dancing and Prof. Horner's
graphaphone occupied the time until 11
o'clock, when a delicious lunch was
served. E. E. Wilson acting as toast
master, appropriate toasts were respond
ed to by Dr. Thompson, Prof. Pratt and
Prof. Denman.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Wilson, J. B. Horner, W. O. Pritchard,
Prof. Fulton and B. W. Johnson; Mrs.
W. A. Wells; Misses Gatch, Louis, Ham
ilton, Holgate and Yates; Messrs Wilson,
Lester, Pratt, Thompson, Denman, Kent
and Craig.
The College Fair Exhibit.
For the last few years the Agricultural
College has furnished one of the leading
exhibits in the pavilion, and this year is
no exception. The large and well ar
rayed exhibit is situated on the right of
the main entrance to the pavilion and oc
cupies a space 50x30 feet. The exhibit
is more . than passing interest, as it pre
sents . many items for instruction and
stud. The college exhibit icovers a
wide range of subjects, among which are
found represented all the leading depart
ments of the institution, agricultural,
chemistry, mechanical engineering, hor
ticultural, etomology and botany. Alto
gether the display is a credit, not only to
the institution, but also to the state.
'The college is doing a good work, and
offers to the young people of the state
a magnificent opportunity to become
thoroughly acquainted with the applica
tion of science to the great industries of
to day. Success to the Oregon Agricul
tural College, is only an expression of
good will from every one who sees the
display. President Gatch is fortunate to
be surrounded with a faculty who are
keenly interested in meeting the de
mands of a progressive age. Salem
Journal. v
If you have any photographs to be en
larged take them to Nolan & Callahan
before January 1, 1898.
Stop that Cough! Take warning. It
may lead to Consumption. A 25c. bottle
of Shiloh's Cure may save your life.
Sold by Graham & Wells.
Nolan & Callahan' waterproof shoes
need no rubbers.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet move
the bowels gently, relieves the feverish
condition and headache, making it the
best and quickest remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Lagrippe. Cures in one day.
"No cure, no pay." Price J5 cents.
Buy the SHAWKNIT socks for men.
Best made. Nolan & Callahan, agents. .
Royal makes tha food pare,
wholesonM and (Mlcteas.
Absolutely Pure
In Eugene, October 22, 1897, Justice
C. A. Wintermeler, officiating. I.vmari
Kelsav, and Miss Harriet Clark, both of
Corvallis. They leave on to-night's 11:38
overland for California, their future
home. Miss Clark formerly resided in
liugeiie. ,uarrl.
Both bride ami groom are young and
the world is vet before them. Every
lar--.- hearted man and woman will wish
for the youg couple a long life of re
spectability and Inppiness. It is their,
sincere hope that Mr and Mrs. Kelsay
in their new V-.ome will merit and gain
the respect and friendship of . those
whose friendship is worth possessing.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and
sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee.
Nasal injector free. Sold by Graham &
Interview Nolan & Callahan about
Happv Home Clothing.
No Cure No Pay.
That is the way all druggusts. sell
IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron aud quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it Adults prefer
it to bitter, nauseating Tonics.
Go to Nclau & Callahan for Mackin
toshes and overcoats, '
What Dr. A. E. Salter Says.
Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases
of ad van cel consumption, I am prepared
to say it is the most remarkable Remedy
that has ever Ix-eu brought to my atten
tion. Sold bv Grah.-.m fi. Wells.
Shiloli'.s Consumption Cure cures j
wkere others fail. It i the leading ;
Cough Cure, and no home should be i
without it. Pleasant to take and goes
right to the spot. Sold by Graham & ;
WelK j
New line golf capt opened at Nolan & !
Callahan's i
Karl's Clover Root Tea tor Constipa
tion, its the best, aud if after using it
you don't say so, return the package and
get your money. Sold by Graham &
Nolan Sc Callahan's big stock of cloth
ing has arrived.
For constipation take: Karl's-Clover
Root Tea, the Great Blood Purifier Cures
Headache, Nervousness, , Eruptions on
the face, and makes the head clear as a
bell. Sold by Graham & Wells.
The Golden Gate Compound for re
moving grease, tar, pitch or paint from
clothing or woolen goods of any kind is
for sale by Nolan & Callahan. Money
refunded if not satisfactory.
Tor Infants and Childjen.
To porsons who make the greatest n am
ber of words out of the phrase, "Patent
Attorney WeiderburM." For particulars
address the National Recorder, Washing
ton, D. C.
No man or woman can enjoy life or ac
complish much in this world while suffer
ing from a torpid liver. De Wilt's Little
Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that
organ, quickly. Allen & Woodward.
Wear thv guaranteed brand of Happy
Home Clothing.
Instant relief for skin-tortured battles and
rest for tired mothers in a warm bath with
CtmctraA Boat, and a single application of
CirncuRA (ointment), tho great skin euro.
The only speedy and economical treatment
for itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and
pimply humors of the skin, scalp, and blood.
Jm sold thTYraghoat the irorM. Form Dmtro ajtd Chm
boal joKromATion, boic iTtpneior, domoi.
" How to Can Every i
r U amor," nttta ttm.
Stenography and Shorthand.
The undersigned a graduate of Holmes
Business College, of Portland, is prepar
ed to do typewriting and stenographic
work on reasonable terms. Will also give
instructions to a few pnpils in stenog
raphy. Apply at residence or at the of
fice of E. Holgate.
"''. Hein L. Holgate.
County warrants taken at par for mer
chandise at Nolaa & Callahan's.
The ''Bicyclist' Best Friend" is a fa
miliar name for De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve, always ready for emergencies.
While a specific, for piles, it also instant
ly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt
rheum, eczema and all affections of the
skin. It never fails,. Allen & Wood
ward. ' -
A Man
Well Dressed.
. A neatly-dressed man has that
much the advantage over his less
tidy friend. We all realize the
advantage is not a slight one.
Printer's ink is too expensive to
be used in an extensive essay on
the benefits of ' '
Good Clothes.
It is presumed that you wish
to make a good appearance j at
least when you are "dressed up."
Then the questions
What to buy?
Wkere to Buy?
come up for consideration. The
mere expenditure of money will
not insure tutisfaction in the
matter of dress. A stylish ap-
pearauce is the result of
not j ; . ,, ,
and in these days of prosperity a
workingman can make as good
an appearance in his dress as a
millionaire. The most striking
feature in the fall and winter
fashion in men's clothing is
The well-made, well-fitting
suits now being received at the
store of F. L MILLER are mod
els of neatness. The quality and
appearance of the cloth; the ele
gant finish; the lining; the sew
ing; the buttons; m every par
ticular they show, that they are
put up to please people with
good taste.
., - .... ' -' i.w7,
at the very lowest prices.
F. L. Miller.
KITS CREAM BALM U a positive rare.
Apply into the aoitrils. His qaiekly abaorbed. M
cetfto at JJrnea-ian r brjaatt sample hy nail.
iLT ftRltyJft&BS, M warrca Kn York CVr.
Notice of
Final Scttle-
In the matter of the assignment of TG,
. Read.
an insolvent leltor:
, Notice is hereby given to all whom it may con.
ceru, that W. S. Hu fiord, assignee ot the -above
named insolvent debtor, has filed with the clerk
of the circuit court, of the state of Oregon, for
Benton county, his final account as such assignee,
and the same will come on for hearing and final
settlement on
Hnsday, the 8th nay of November, 1897,
at the .hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day,
before Honorable J. C, Fullerton, judge ot said
court, at the court house, in the city of Corvallis,
Oregon, at which time any and objections to said
final account will be heard; it is also ordered by
the court, that all objections to said account shall
b. filed with said clerk and a copy served on said
assignee on or before the 3rd day of November,
Dated, Oct. 4th, 1897.
-' W. S. Hvppord,
Assignee of Said Insolvent Debtor-
To Debtors.
Kings Valley, Or., Sept. 25, 1897.
All accounts and ntes due me if not
paid by November I, 1897, will be placed
in the hands of a collector ad collec
tions forced. Please call and settle and
save costs. -
F. J. Chambers.
If you have ever seen a little child in
a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if
you have been annoyed by a constant
tickling in the throat, you can appreci
ate the value of One Minute Cough Cure,
which give uick relieves. Allen &
For Rent.
A large house with barn and good well.
Enquire of Yates & Yates. -
Certainly yon don't want to suffer with
dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache,
sallow skin and loss of appetite. Yen
have never tried De Witt's Little Early
Risers tor these complaints or you would
have been cared. They are small pills
but great regulators. Allen & Woodward.
Don't ask for Happy Home Clothing
unless you want the best.
Moments are useless if trifled away,
and they are dangerowsly waited if con
sumed by delay in cases where Oae Min
ute Cough Cure would bring immediate
relief. Allen & Woodward.
Cotswold Bucks for Sal.
Perseus wishing to purchase will find
a few, two miles west of Corvallis at the
farm of John E. Wyatt
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of many4
year's, standing, may be cured by using
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes,
strengthens and heals. It is the great
pile cure. Allen & Woodward.
- Orders taken for O.
uniforms at 14.50.
A. C. regulation
S. L. Kline.
i :
Small precautions often prevent great
mischiefs. SeWitt's Little Early Risers
are very small pills in size, bat. are most
effective in preventing the most serious
forms of liver , and stomach troables.
They core constipation and headache
and regulate the bowels. Allen & Wood
ward. - ' -v.-.'-.-:
A Chapter
On Shoes
Our Shoe Department cannot
be excelled. We have Shoes in
all colors, sizes and toes. The
product of the following well
known firms in stock: '
Shoes in Calf, Kangaroo, Cor
dovan, Sealskin, Whaleskin,
Horsehide, Vici Kid and Chome
Special attention is called to
the celebrated
B. & H. $4.50 farmers' Boot.
Wc are snre to suit you in
Hats and Caps. The well-known
Stetson, Lion and -Triest & Co.
makes in stock. Hats from $1.50
to $5.00.
Nobby Neckwear.
An unusually good assortment
of Ties and Cravats; A kaledi
scope of colors and a great varie
ty of styles.
We have an unusually large
stock of Overalls. Prices and
Size to fit.
For Everyone.
The very latest patterns and
cuts. Meltons, Kerseys, Chev
iots and Irish Frieze Ulsters.
Prices: from $5.00 to $22.00
, . , .. . -
F. Xi. Miller.
Administratrix Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby given mat pu rsnant to an order
ot the County Court ef the State of Oregon for
Benton County, made on the 6th day of March.
1897, the undersigned administratrix of the es
tate of Andrew Purdy, deceased, will on Satur
day, tiie 30th day of October, 1897, at the hoar ef
1 o'clock p. m. of same iay, at the front doer of
the court house in the City of Corvallis, Benton
Couuty, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction
for cask in hand all the estate, right, title or in
terest, that said deceased at the' time ot his death
had in and to, ,
The north 45 feet of lot No. ii in block No. j in
the original town of Marysville. (now City of
Corrollis) Benton County, Oregon; also all the
right, title and interest that said estate now has
in and to the following described real estate, to
wit: The north feet ef lot No. 12 aud the south 5
feet of lot No. n in block No. 2 in the original
town of Marysville (now City of Corvallis)in Ben
ton county, Oregon; also
Beginning at a poiut 167 feet west parallel with
the streets in the City of Corvallis from a poiut
3S0 feet south from the north line of the divis
ion line ef J. C. Avery : and Martha
Avery donation land claim; thence
running west parallel with the streets in the City
ot Corvallis loe feet to a point; thence south par
allel with the streets in the CHy of Corvallis 5.
feet to a point; thence east parallel with the
streets in the City of Corvalli. 100 feet t a point;
thence north parallel with the streets in the City
of Corvallis 50 feet to the place of beginning, in
tended to be a piece of land the sixe ot one lot
(50 x 100 feet) in the City of Corvallis, Benton
County. Oregon; also
The south-east quarter ef section eight (f) in
township twelve (12) south of range six (6) west
of Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State
of Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty
(160) acres.
All the above described real estate except the
first 45 feet in lot 11 block 3 original town of
Marysville (now Corvallis) Benton County, Ore
gon, is subject to the lite estate (dower) of thii
This sale is being made for the purpose of pay
ing funeral charges, expenses of administration
and claims against said estate.
Dated this 34th day of Sey tember. 1897.
Fannie E. Frit or,
Administratix of Estate of Andrew Purdy, de
ceased. Guardian's Sale.
In pursuance of an order of sale made by tne
County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon,
(in probate) on the 9th day et September, 197, in
the matter of the Guardianship and Kstate ot
Mary E. Miller, I will offer for sale at public auc
tion, tor cash in hand, and sell as the law directs.
at the front doer of the County Court House, of
said County, in Corvallis, in said County, n
SatnrdHy, October 30th, Z897,
at the hour of Ore o'clock p. m.. the real prep
erty described in said decree, vise.
The north half of the donation land claim Ko.
52, of Isaac Miller and Iary E. Miller, his wife,
situated in township n, south range 6 west ia
Benton County. Oreron, and being that part of
said claim set apart by the United States govern
ment to said Mary H Miller, and containing in
the said north half thereof, 160 acres, little more
or less.
Corvallis, Oregon, Sept 23rd, 1897.
Asa Miu.bc,
Guardian of the Person and Estate of Mary E.
To heal the broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to
instantly relieve and to permanently core
is the mission of De Witt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Allen & Woodward.
For Sale.
Two horses and a buggy. A good out-,
fit for sale cheap. Enquire at my place
one mile and a half west of Philomath,
near Hawkin's saw mill.
Chris Schnurr.
W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis
kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Union Laundry Go.,
All white labor work guaranteed. N
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives
Saturdays. T. D. Campbeli, Agent.
Second-Hand Stare.
Made to Order.
We are agents for the celebra
ted J. J. Fiester Knitting Com
pany. You can have a Sweater"
made in any color or style.
that wears,, that's whaj the buyer
wants. We keep no shoddy
goods. The cheapness in the
following quotations is in the
price only; it does not extend to
the quality.
Sttporior Jersoy Ribbed, wears
like fcuckskia, per suit -$1.00
Mm'S) rut natural Wool, per
smlt $1.25
Meat's Natural Wool, better quali
ty thau above, per suit $1.50
' Mea's Natural Wool, better, extra
heavy, Jersey auklets $2.00
Meu's Sauitary Australian, Jer
sey ribbed, fleeced, superior finish
aud steam shrunk. ...... $2.50
Gent's Best Quality Australian
Wool,- $3.00
a Meu's French Ribbed Ways Un
derwear ..-... $5.00
Cotton Socks from 5 cents per
pair to two pair for 25 cents.
Men's Seamless Wool half
hose 15 cents per pair.
Men's Cotton half-hose, fast
black, superior quality, 25 cents.
At all Prices.
A full line of Mackintoshes at
from $3.50 up. We have a splen
did Ulster , Mackintosh, fleece
lined, warranted to turn wind
and water, for $12.50.
F. L. Miller.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
the county of Benton.
The First National Bank, of Corvallis,
II. B. Burgh, J. F. Kobinsou, Thos. M. Jenkins,
J. M. Cheney, A. K. Lyford, I. D. Kurgh and
Wm. Uhlraan, doing business under the name
and style of Coast Carriage - Wagon Co.,
To H. B. Burgh and J.. M. Cheney, the above
named defendants: In the name of the late of
Oregon, you are hereby summoued aud required
to appear and answer the complaiut of said
plaintiff in the above entitled action now on tile
in the .HUe of the clerk if said court, 1 y the
first day of th regular term of said court after
the expiration W the publication ot this sum
mons, to be held at the court house in Corvallis,
in the said county of Benton, in the -tale ol Ore
gon, on the second Monday, the &th day of No
vember, A. D.. tS?7; and if yon do not appear
and. answer raid -complaint as aforesiiiu, the
plaintiff, will take judgment against you as de
manded in said . complain t for the sum of one
thousand dollars with interest thereon from and
after the tth day of March, U95, at u-u per cent
per annum, less the sum of two hun;trc4 and
four and 89100 dollars paid thereon on the leth
day of February, 1897, besides the ci sts an-i dis-
bursementsof this action to be taxed;a;id yi-n are
hereby further notified that the following describ
ed real estate belonging to you and the other of
said defendants has been attached to secure any
judgment that may be obtained in this action.
to-wit: Fractional blocks number tnrenty-six
and fwenty.acven and all of blocks number
fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen, iu Avery
& ".Veils' addition to the city of Corvallii. Benton
county, Oregon, together with the Carriage Fac
tory buildin, dry house and engine house, aud
all other buildings and erections situate on said
real estate, together with all machinery, imple
ments, tools, belting, fixtures, gearing and ap
purtenances, belonging to and constituting the
plant of said carriage ftctory, heretofore known
as the Corvallis Carriage & Wagon Co., and
which is attached to and forms part of the realty
above described; and you are hereby . further
notified that certain personal property, consist
ing of a debt whereby certain money amounting
to abiut six hundred and seventy-two aud 32-100
dollars iu the hands of one M. M. Davis, which
is due and payable by said M. M. Davis to said
defendant H. B. Burgh, and which said plain
tiff has also caused to be levied upon in said
coanty of Benton, under a writ of attachment
and garnishced in the hands of said M. M. Davis
to secure any judgment which may be recovered
herein. This summons is served by publication,
as directed by an an order of the Hon. J. C Ful
lerton, judge ol said court, mai'e by him at the
term of said court held at Corvallis, Oregon, on
the strd day of July. A. D 1897, which order di
rected that said summons be published once a
week for six weeks in the Corvallis Gazette,
newspaper published at Corvallis. iu said county
of Benton, where said action is commenced. ,
W. S. McFabdex ahu M. Woodcock,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
America's Scenic Line
Meals in
Car a la
Carte. .
Shortest and
Quickest Line to
St. Paul, Minneapolis
Dulmb. Chicago
The Limited leave Fwtland, daily, 243 P. M.
. The United arrives Portland, daily, 11:55 A. M.
Daily Trains : Past Time
Por tickets and fall information call on
r address, " -
R. C STSVSMt, ' A. B. C Denniston,
O. W. P. A., Seattle. C P. & T. A.,
1 Portland, Oregon.
Suits for Men
And Boys.
The Suits for the fall and win
ter season are finely made, and
bear the closest examination.
We offer splendid value in the
clothing line.
Prices for .
range from $5.00 to $25.00; all
well-fitting and dressy. 1 , .
range in prices from $1.25; to
$15.00. The stock is varied
enough and large enough to sat
isfy anyone.
We are agents for High-art
Eastern Tailors, and you will be
surprised at the very reasonable
price asked for fine suits made to
order. If you are figuring on a
dress or business suit for the win
ter, call and see samples.
A good Umbrella, judiciously
used, will lengthen the life of a
suit of clothes by one-iourth.
The extraordinary rainfall in Or
egon, makes it imperative that
everyone should own an Umbrel
la. We have 'em in all grades
and at all prices.
Collars and Cuffs.
The visible Linen in man's at
tire must be carefully considered,
if he wishes to be well dressed.
We carryall styles of Collars and
Cuffs. The quality is excellent,
the prices low.
P. Xi. Miller.
Office ovkr First Xatkkcai. Bank,
coxvalllis, okeaok.
Will practie in all the state and federal courts
Abstnurttag. collections Notary public. C.n
OfOca upstairs over First National
StrhrUv First-ClMS Work nuaranfasf
CorvaUFs. Oregon
HOMOEOPATMIST ot woct.w and rhlMra n
Offloe over Allan A Wnmtward's drag (ton.
Offleo hoars I to 13 A. M., and S m l and Ttmt
P. M.
A' rldrie Hr-I snt Karrhwa I
n-.Rrt ana on nntiii..
G. R. FARRA. M. D.
Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's t rr.
Residence on Third street in fr : f
Office hours S to 9 a, ui., and t . i.ntul
7 to 8 p. nr. All calls attended promptly.
. Corvallis, Oregon