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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1897)
CORVALLIS, OREGON, Sep. 24, 1897. CAPES and JACKETS. The new line of Capes and Jackets are' now ready for your inspection. The Latest Styles combined with Lowest Prices will make the subject interesting. They are not all here, but the new things never stop coming here. Braided Kersey Jackets Plain Kersey Jackets Boucle Cloaking Jackets Beaver Jackets Melton Jackets Capes of Baucle, Kersey and Beaver. Ladies' 'Walking Hats Plaid Cloth, Plaid Corduroy Plain Cloth. Plain Corduroy 75c, 85c SLOO, SL25. S. E. YOUNG & Agents for Bnttrick Patterns. Albany, - - Oregon. . 1 j,. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ' f ' - Happy Home Clothing. Jos. Yates has purchased the Clark property near the Episcopal church. Prof. E. R. Lake is quil ill at.Yaqui aa. Mrs. Lake went over Moriday to be with him. The Occidental barber shop has the agency for the Albauy steam laundry. Leave your clothes. Gee. Patterson is vi-.iiing his mother and brother in this city. He leaves in a few days for Pendletuu. Seth Hurlburt left Tuesday for Port land, where h will visit his sitter. He expects to return Saturday by team. Hon. Geo. A. Waggoner is enjoying a hunting and fishing trip in that paradise of the sportsman, Alsea valley. The total enrollment at the public school on Wednesday evening was 305, about 40 more than that of last year. A steady increase in Gazette sub scriptions is noticed. This paper has grown wonderfully dariug the past two years. ' Solly Smith arrived 111 Corvallis yester day after an absence of two years. He has been in i.aiilurni-i, uettr San Fran cisco. S. L. Kline paid a business visit, to ' Lincoln county last week, ami says Tol edo is nuc of the must turning towns in Oregon. H. L. McAllister, "Pap Hayseed," has returned to the O. A. C. Everyone is de lighted to see his smiling handsomely homely face. Miss Bertha Thrasher had the uiisior tuue to dislocate her elbow last Pi iiUy, falling from a ladder, while engaged iu hanging a picture. Will Gellatly finished harvesting his .grain crop this week. In all he had I ." about 7,000 bushsls. It suffered lime damage from the rains. Ralph Terrell, now of Salem, who graduated at the O. A. C. last spring, at tended the fall opening of the college, returning heme Tuesday. , The Salvation army's harvest home festival was a success. The donations were liberal and. sold well. The pie so-, cial was largely attended. Chas. Chipman is iu the employ of S. L. Kline at the Busy Big Store. Mr. Chipman is deservedly popular and as a salesman is willing and able. Prof, ond Mrs. Fulton have returned from their bridal outing and are at home to thair frieads at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Thompson. 1 For artistic, neat, creditable commer cial stationery and good printing of all kinds, leave your order at the G&zbttb office. You will be pleased. Mr. Edward Witham and Miss Mary Ellen Leadbetter, both favorably known, were married Wednesday morning at the residence of the bride's parents, N. P. Briggs is seriously ill at his resi dence and grave Tears are felt concerning his recovery. His daughter, Mrs. W. C. Crawford, of Portland, is at his bedside. Mrs. H. B. Holland and daughter, Miss Constance, went to Corvallis today. Miss Constance will attend the Agricul tural College this winter. Salem Journal. Helen Holgate, stenographer. ' Will teaeh shorthand and typewriting. - Work by the day or folio. . At residence or with E. Holgate, office over First National Bank. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gray and daugh ter, Miss Marian, went to Corvallis today. Miss Marian will be among the stu dents at the O, A. C. this winter. Salem Journal. Rev. Peart, who is to occupy the pulpit f the Methodist church at Corvallis the coming year, bears a striking resem blance, in general appearance, to Bishop Barkley. Geo. Clark, expects to start within a few days, probably to-morrow, for New York state, where he will hereafter re side. Tbe others of the family accom p any him. Nolan & Callahan have secured the contract for furnishing the college uni form this year. The cloth contracted for is a splendid piece of goods and the style of uniform very neat. Roy Raber returned Tuesday from Snake River, where he is operating one of his gold machines, He says this sea son's run, so far, has been very satisfac tory. Mr. Osburn is still there. James Hamar, an old pioneer ot Ore gon and an honest, useful citizen died at his home in Yaquina City, September 15, 1S97. He was born November 30, 1822, in Nancy county, Indiana. He came to . this state in 1862. Services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath at the usual hours. Preach- ing by the pastor. Dr. Thompson. Sab bath school at 10. Endeavor societies at 4 and 6:30 p. m. A kind welcome to all special seats reserved for the students. Theodore Roosevelt, assistant secretary of war, says that we are on the verge of war with Spain. There is great activity in naval circles. Japan may have a try at us over the Hawaiian matter .if war with the Castillians actually breaks oat. i & i Students' Uniforms ... and ... General Supplies at Lowest Prices. Excepting the few Hungarian prunes; all the fruit shipped jreen from Benton county this Season failed to bring enough In pay expanses. The last lots sold for less than the first, and in some instances the shippers will have to pay part of the commission and freight charges. At the Baptist tabernacle on Sunday there will be Sunday School at 10 and and preaching at 11 a. m.; juniors at 4, Y. P. society at 6:30 and preaching at 7:30 p. m. Morning subject: "The sound in the mulberry trees J' Night subject: "Poverty and Riches." All invited. Hereafter, Miss K. Bertha Ellis will be iu the city from Wednesday evening un til Saturday evening of each week, and will meet her pupils at the ladies' hall Thursday and Friday afternoons from 3 to 4 o'clock. She can be fouud during other hours at Mrs. Weber's. Tuition, $2.00 per month. Prof. F. C. Kent returned Saturday from an all summer visit in the east. He inspected the agricultural colleges of several states and was constantly on the lookout for improved methods in dairy ing. Prof. Kent purchased a cheese plant for the college, which is being placed in the dairy building. In the golden mellowness of the pres ent, when the world feels young again; when gloom has flown and prosperity shines benignly for all. let us keep our bodies in harmony with the times. Keep clean; keep your face free from stubble. When? All the time. Where? Spen cers, the prince of barbers. Mr. Carl Krutzen, a deserving student, who is staying at Cauthorn hall, is a ood shorthand reporter and will do typewriting by the hour or by folio. He has a machine. He depends to some ex tent upon what be can make during evenings and baturuays to carry mm through school. Anv one needing his services can send word to Cauthorn hall. Peter Abbey aud-wifev well known and ; popular hotel people of Newport, will take charge of the Occidental hotel Oc tober 1st. M. Schmidt, retiring. Mr. Schmidt will return from Alaska to spend the Christmas holidays with his family and when he goes hack to his northern place of business, William will accompany him. In the meantime the latter will take a special course at the Agricultural College. , Young Allen Logan, of Toledo, who is charged with killing a man named Syl vester, in an Independence hop yard, is at home. He was held to answer 011 the charge of manslaughter and released on $2,000 bail. Judge W. S. McFaddcn is j one of his attorneys. There is some doubt as to whether young Logan struck the fatal blow, as in the row Sylvester received a powerful knock before the boy struck him.' Sam Logan, the boy's father, is well known and highly respect ed iu Benton and Lincoln counties'. Last spring Mr. Grant Corby,- of Philo math, lost a good overcoat. He adver tised for it in the Gazette, and in a few days the coat was brought into the office Mr. Corby, however, failed to call for it, and this week came into town to pur chase a new one. While trying one on, it occurred to him that posssibly his lost garment had been found, and stepping into this office it was given to him. The merchant says he lost a good sale through newspaper advertising. Mart L. Spangler left yesterday for San Francisco, where he has been offered a responsible and profitable position with a large iron company. - Mart is a splen did young fellow and will be .rreatlv missed by Corvallis young people. He is a cornetist of no mean ability, asd his absence will be particularly felt in musi cal circles; but opportunity to better his condition is an exceptional one and his many friends wish him godspeed and every success. He will be employed by the firm with which Mr. Charles Pearse is prominently connected. Among the Oregon City young people who have just departed or about to go elsewhere to school are: Miss Daisy Lawreace, Miss Edna Garrow, Misses Hulda and Blache Holden, Lee Harding, Ira Wishart, Wilbert Garrow, Joseph Garrew, N, R. Smith, Thompson Mel drum, Fred Charman and W. F. Smith, to the State Agricultural College at Cor vallis; Howard Brownell, Abel and Ed .gar Meresse and Guy Clarke, to Forest Grove; Erastus. A. Smith, to McMinn ville; Miss Florence Morey and Miss Helen Eastham, to New York; and Law rence L. Driggs, to Michigan university. Oregonian. A A A A 4 A A 4 i A I A 1 4 v- a ARRIVED At Our Store and NOW for Sale Nobbiest Line of Dress Goods Ever Seen, in The City. v Nobbiest Line of Silks in the City, ...... Nobbiest Line of Trimmings in the City, .... " Nobbiest Line of Men's Clothing in the City .... Nobbiest Line of Ladies' Shoes, Nobbiest Line of Men's Shoes, Nobbiest Line of Ladies' Capes in the City, Nobbiest Line of Ladies' Jackets in the City, You should see the above ciate the efforts made to please. Nobbiest Line of Underwear, Nobbiest Line of Mackintoshes in the City Goods and Prices in order to appre Respectfully, ,r J. H. HARRIS. -: No one in ordinary health ' need be come bald or gray, if he will follow sen sible treatment. We advise cleanliness of the scalp and the use of Hall's Hair Renewer. OROffiilStt THE 0 LLKiE. Buy Happy Home Clothing. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of yonr Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. Sold by Graham & Wells. A Lat A. C of Students for the 0. An Auspicious Opening. Monday morning the Oregon Agricul tural College opened for the year's work. The registration of pupils this year has been far in excess of that of any previ ous year in the opening week and stu dents are constantly arriving. A large majority of those entered are new stu dents, the old ones generally dalaying their arrival knowing the first week to be one of organization and bustle. At Wednesday noon the enrollment ' was 296, over 100 more than , that of last year. The college boarding halls are full and many students have reuted houses and will run them on the club plan. The de mand for houses has not been equaled for years. " Candidates for admission to the college as students are subjected to a moraugu examination oa the lines laid down in in the catalogue. As the present enroll ment indicates a larger attendance than the college can accommodate, each stu- dent must manifest his mastery of those studies usually taught in the common ; schools. ; The big crowd of studeuts represents every section of the state. The majority of them are bright, active appearing j young people, who will make the most of the splendid opportunity offered them to obtain a useful education . President Gatch and Dean Berchtold are greatly pleased with the way the col lege work has commenced. The profes sors are naturally very busy this week, arranging classes and getting things started, but thrre is a noticeably smooth ness ami harmony in the various depart-. incuts. An Interrupted" Party. Cit Finances. Corvallis. Oregon, August 31 1S97. To the mayor and commou council of the city of Corvallis: I heredy submit to your honorable body the following quarterly report of the fiuauces of the city. Jane 7, 1S99, balance on hand as last report $ 366 47 June 8, T. Wlntehorn, license-- 250 00 J G Wuestefeld, " 250 co ' B Woldt, " 250 00 " City Transfer Co, " -- 1500 " City Dray Co, j.' 1000 " City Delivery Co, " 1000 " Opera House, " 12 50 " 9, L E Nealy, fine --- 5 00 " 16, Joe Bryant, " -- 10 00 " r6, Wm Stevens,' fine 5 00 " 16, Geo Biugnam, license-'- 5 00 " 16, O J Treese, . " -- 5 co . " 29, Geo Avery, fine 6 00 ' 29, Lewis Williams, fine to 00 29, Rj.y Rickard. fine 10 00 July 1, Warren Clark, fine- 5 00 " I, McGee, fine r 10 00 " 9, W A Buchanan, taxes-. 67 17 ' 12, Fine & impounding cow 6 00 " 13, Kirk & Germansen, l'cs 250 00 " 15, B W Johuson, rent 10 co ' 19, Joe Bryant, fine 5 00 19, Ed McCuae, fine 3 00 " 19, C Calloway, fine . 10 00 ' '9. J Linger, license ,. 5 00 " 22, A Johnson, license - 250 00 " 22, H Myers, fine ------- 3 00 AugU3t 10, W L Fisher, fine 5 00 " -no, Jurv fee . 6 00 10, E Hill, fine 5 00 " ro, Empounding stock-- . 700 ' 17. J Fish, fine - 5 00 " 17, C Blackeslee, sand-- 40 YOU-SG IDEAS. 1,872 54 CONTRA. June 16, City orders turned over to police judge $1,189 84 August 31, City orders 'turned 'over to police judge '.!-- '545 65 Balance cash on hand ---- . 13705 A young married man, a former resi dent of Corvallis, visited this city with his wife last week. Sunday he told his betterhalf that he was going fishing. Familiar with his weaknesses she kept a close eye upon his movements and saw him enter a residence, whose occupants have some, undesirable notoriety. She knocked at the door. Her husband op ened it and stared at her bewilderedly. She demanded the reason of his presence there. He lamely explained that a party was to be given by the hostesses and he had been engaged to play therefor. He was thereupon given to understand that a female bearing his name, demanded his first attention and that if he did not immediately depart with her : there would be speedy legal parting from her. Hubby tumbled and the couple 'left. Later in the evening the young man disappeared again. His wife repaired at once to the house where her husband had previously been found. She was told that he was not there, but that he would be at the "party." She replied that she would invite herself to the party, and proceeded to make herself at home. Conversation soon lagging the truant's wife began looking at the pictures. Then she explored other rooms for things of interest, and discovered her lord crouched down in a pantry. ' Then the ball opened. The Shakers have made a discovery which is destined to accomplish much good. Realizing that three-fourth of all our sufferings arise from stomach troubles, that the country is literally filled with peoplewho cannot eat and di gest food, without subsequently suffering pain and distress, and that many are starving, wasting to mere skeletons, be cause their food does them no good, they have devoted much study and thought to the subject, and the result is this discov ery of their Digestive Cordial. A little book can be obtained from your druggist thrt will point out the way of relief at once. An investigation will cost nothing and will result in much good. . y : " Children all hate to take Castor Oil, but not Laxol, which is palatable. Sawmill for Rent. I will lease my sawmill, located about 1 i mile southwest of Philomath, for one year, to good parties. Timber supply plentiful. For particulars and terms ad dress J. A.. Hawkins. Philomath, Oregon. $1,872 54 STREET FUND. ' June 7, Cash on hand .--$1,369 78 July 9, W A Buchanan, tax m'y 26 86 $1,396 64 CONTRA. Aug. 31, Canceled orders turn- into police judge .$1,118 02 Balance cash on hand -' 278 62 $1,396 64 Respectfully submitted, A. Cauthorn, City Treasurer. Resolutions Whereas Our fellow councilman, Thomas : Samuels, did depart from this life on the day of July, A. D. 1897. and we feeling that tbe hand of death must fall upon us all; and, Whereas In view of the long, earn est and efficient work of, and the many noble qualities possessed by our deceased associate, that his memory should be cherished, and his good qualities emu lated; therefore be it Resolved By the Common Council of the City Corvallis, that by the death of Thomas Samuels, this Council has lost a worthy and active member, his ' family a kind and devoted father and husband, and Corvallis and Benton county a useful and honored citizen; That we tender to his relatives our sin cere sympathy in this their sad bereave ment; That, as a token of our regard for the deceased, be it further - Resolved That these resolutions be spread upon the reeords of this Council, and that a copy thereof be furnished to the newspapers of Corvallis, and the rel atives of the deceased. J. M. Ca'meron, H. W. Ham Committee. A. C. regulation S. L. Kline. . Ash Timber Wanted. We are in the market for 500,000 feet f good ash timber suitable for sawing into lumber. For terms write to the Newberg Milling Co. 1 Notice. The accounts of N. P. Briggs have been placed in my hands for collection. All persona indebted to him are notified hereby to call and settle at once. J. M. Cameron. TBny the SHAWKNIT socks for men. Best made. Nolan &. Callahan, agents. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac complish much in this world while suffer ing from a torpid liver: De Wilt's Little Early Risers, the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. Allen & Woodward. Orders taken for uniforms at $14.50. The Golden Gate Compound for re moving grease, tar, pitch or paint from clothing or woolen goods of any kind is for sale by Nolan & Callahan. Money refunded if not satisfactory. v Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets move the bowels gently, relieves the feverish condition and headache, making ft the best and quickest remedy for Coughs, Colds and Lagrippe. Cures in one day. "No cure, no pay." Price 25 cents. Interview Nolan & Callahan about Happy' Home Clothing. . $7,800 GIVEN AWAY To porsons who make the greatest num ber of words out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney WetSderbnrn." For particulars address the National Recorder, Washing ton, D. C. 1 ' To heal the broken and diseased tis sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces,, to initantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mission of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. " Allen & Woodward. . S. li. Kline announces that he is pre pared to receive consignments of wheat or oats for the San Francisco or Portland market- Will furnish sacks. Liberal advances on consignment. . Corvallis Public Schools Open with a Very Large Attendance. Monday morning the public school building was thronged with boys and girls and the corps of teachers worked industriously assigning pupils to their proper grades, and otherwise bringing order out of chaos. Under the skillful guidance of Principal S. I. Pratt the complete organization was speedily ef fected, and the school is now running smoothly. x Beside the principal, the teachers this year are: Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Nelms, Mrs. Denlinger and Misses Linville, Dun can, Lyford, Wicks and Simmons. Over half of the instructors are new to educa tional work in" Corvallis. ' Saturday afternoon there was a teach ers meeting at the school building. Prof. Pratt addressed the teachers, explaining the nature of their work and giving them valuable advice for the .maintaining of discipline and successful tutoring. His was a sensible talk from the standpoint of a broad-minded educator and patriot ic citizen. These teachers' meetings will be held every month during the school year. County Superintendent Denman was present at the Saturday gathering. Corvallis hs reason to be proud of her public schools. From prt sent indication the efficiency and high standing of last year will be excelled iu the work of the coming vear. The Police Court. Absolutely Pure. The "raspberry joint" has changed hands again and the late owner, Roy Hazletou is a fugative from justice. Gambling on a small scale has been car ried on - there for some time, and of late the proprietor has combined with one or two would-be sports, to "tin horn" casual visitors. One" young fellow lost $1.50 Monday evening and proceeded to clean but the establishment, but lacking sobri ety, was not ' as successful as desired. However, the fracas resulted in Officer Skipton getting out a warrant for Hazle tou, who, getting a hint, transferred his stock to Mrs. Geo. Bingham and left town." The police court has had plenty of other victims this week. The record so far, is, Joe-Alberts, drunk, $5; Joe Berry, assault and battery, $10; Lyman Kelsay, fighting, $10; W. L. Fisher, disorderly conduct, to; Clem Wells, fast driving, $5. These fines, $40 in all, were paid. Ralph Daniels is serving out a $5 sen tence for drnnkeness, and - $10 sentence for carrying a concealed weapon. - Harry Parsons attempted to "clean out" the Leo saloon Wednesday night, and not only failed, but is serving out a f 10 sen tence in consequence. Officer Skipton run in three hobos Wednesday night and yesterday morning Chief Wells let them out and handed them his "tramp card," ordering vags to leave town, they gazed hungrily on the pictured skull and cross-bones, and one asked, "Say, mister, can't you put some meat 011 dem bones? " But they emigrated. OASTOXIZA. -4 Married. B. W. Johnson, of this paper, and Miss Lillian . Hamilton, were united in marriage in this cily Wednesday morning, Dr. E. J. Thompson, officiating. The weddiii' took place in the Presbyterian church, which wai prettily and appropriately decora ted with flowers, plants and rib bons by the ladies of the congre gation, who took this menus of showing their appreciation ol Mr. Johnson's services as a member of the choir. Promptly at 10:30 Mrs. J. Fred Yates, began Mendlesohn's wedding march, and the wedding party proceeded up the aisles and were met by Dr. Thompson at the altar. The bride's sister, Miss Olive Hamilton, was her maid ol honor, and Misses Helen Holgate and Mabel Johnson were the bridesmaids. H. L Holgate es corted the groom and Messrs. Dr. Bo wei. Lester and E. E. Wilson officiated as ushers. Standing un der an elegaiit floral 'umbrella the young couple vowel the vows that made them man and wife. The services were beautiful and wre witnessed by a large number of friends. Alter the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Johnson took the 11:20 train for Portland, where they will visit for a week. Upon their return they will beat, home to their friends in the Francico residence. The bride is the second dangh ter of T. M. Hamilton, and an ac complished, attractive and intelli gent young woman. Mr. Johnson has been associated with the Ga zettk for several years and is well known in 1 lie state. To t he writer his marriage proves the natural perversity and inconsistency of man. For several year lour young men maintained a bachelor quartet." n singin: organization, and swore .allegiance, to Mode bkssedms. Within a yt-ar three of them have desitrd Hie ship, leaving a haciw'lcr oiiL to iipe mournful lays. Delicious Cheese Made v In Linn County - The Finest Honey, Seasonable Fruits, Vegeta bles and Best Brands of Tin Goods! My Groceries are Pure and Fresh. , A. NODES, Headquarters HA More Shoe Bargains. BEumniL SKKT- Don't ask for Happy Home Clothing unless you want the besf. ' ' Certainly yon don't want to suffer with dvsnAnsia. rrtifinntinu. ftirlz headache- I j r i 1 : ' sallow skin and less of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt's Little Early Risers tor these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. Allen & Woodward. Sacks and storage 5 cents per bushel; storage alone 2)4 cents. Highest price paid for grain at Samuels warehouse. ; Moments are useless if trifled away, and they are dangerously wasted if con sumed by delay in cases where One Min ute Cough Cure would bring immediate relief. Allen & Woodward. - County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan St Callahan's. Running sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though of many year's standing, may be cured by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes, strengthens and heals. It is the great pile cure. Allen & Woodward. ; Wear the guaranteed brand of Happy Home Clothing. IirS CREAM BALM la s yostthroenM. Soft, White Hands with Shapely Mails, Lozn viant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by Ccticcra Soap, the roost effective akin purifying and beautifying soap In the world, as well as purest and sweetest, for toilet, hath, and nursery. The only preventive ot inflammation and clogging of the Pores. . thnrnghoBtthaworM. Tvmn Doi ., Bole Profit. Borfoo. V. S. A. r M Purify and BMtUy Ik Skia, Sol BoiFkioM Cnii. coar., W-How M Purify aad Hah," putted fm. BABY HUMORS lSitSSSSLSi. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all drnggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and, quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. If you have' ever seen a little child i a paroxysm of whooping congh, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling in the throat, yon can appreci ate the value of One Minute Cough Cnre, which gives quick relieves. Allen & Woodward. GASTORIA Tor Infaste aai Children. Tit he- sf . . Hall W - L. if siphon, The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a fa miliar name for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instant ly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. Allen & Wood ward. . Our new shoes for men, women and children are coming right along, and that the bargains we offer in the shoe line are appreciated, is shown by the number of people who have thronged our store during the past few weeks. If you have not been in to see our new stock, which includes all the latest and most approved styles and shapes, you had better come in soon. .; 1 ... THE CASH STORE ... IS ONE OF THE PRIME ESSENTIALS OF A GOOD, SUBSTANTIAL MEAL. WE HAVE THE BEST. Coffee CIGARS, TOBACCO, CONFECTIONERY, AT Hodes & Hall's. IsfW MrSr IsfWjwftt JsW hftsT isTar "ssfsr -rft stt Trf tr rrjfr SCHOOL SUITS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR BOY'S SCHOOL SUITS OF US. We are showing the strongest line ever opened - in this section ..... - At Prices That Can't Be Beat Our line of School Shoes are built for Service, Style and Durability. BOOK SATCHEL OR STRAP WITH EVERY SLIT, FREE. . 0 SECURITY The Best Value SCHOOL Ever Offered HOES. UpCeiValls. DURABLE and INEXPENSIVE. A fine line of furnishing goods. An inspection of our fall and winter stock will profit the buy ing public HATS & SHOES a SPECIALTY. - NEW YORK RACKET STORE OUR NEW Fall Stock Has commenced to arrive ? k1 we are prepared to show you the finest line of Men's, . Youth's and Boy's g Suits, Trousers, Hats, O Caps, Boots, Shoes and The finest line of Furnishing Gcmls ever opened up for the inspection of the public, for the price. We are headquarters for Buckingham & Hect Fanners' Boots. No other better. Suits Made to Order By Hlgk-Art Tailors. F. L. Miller. 80 I