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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1897)
Issued Every Friday Moraine; by Che Gazette PublisMng Co. CORVALLIS, OREGON. Sep. 24, 1S97. OREGON REPUBLICANISM. The republican party in Ore gon cannot afford to grow excit ed over one man's personal dis appointments, no matter how good a. republican he is, even were that disappointment well founded. The woods are full of solid republicans who have never been offered any office, and whose political reward is simply that enjoyed by every citizen, the blessings of a safe, progress ive and wise government. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, "you Benton county republicans, stop your making slates, if you want the support of the gold democrats," is amus ing the few people who hear it. It is a harmless snd rather, funny bit ot vaporizing. Of course it does not represent the gold dem ocrats. They are made of more sensible stuff. Those who now count themselves republicans will have as much voice in the party affairs as any other repub lican and expect no more. Those who do not, hardly expect to dictate the policy and ticket of a party to which they do not be long. It is not likely that any slates are being made this early, but despite the grostesqucly sol- emn warning, slates will be made, as has always been the case, and many of them. A party convention usually results in smashing slates and making a new one irom seiectea pieces. Each republican in the land has a right to make a slate if he de sires, and even Curknell Hofer would fisht for that right. The voice, in the wildness, perhaps has made no slate, but in its holy of holies is a slate that to it is the very cause of being. Simon, while other people sleep, is toiling upward in the night. " The big roar about the Geer affair is absolutely silly. It Geer did not want the registership he had a right to decline it If the delegation wished him to have it thev had a right to offer it to" him. There was nothing' to bawl about in the transaction. As to the collectorship, that mat ter is for future consideration. If Mr. Geer desires it he has a right to apply. This paper endorses him for the position. But if the delegation thinks, another man is better fitted by natural business tact and business training for this very important and responsible office, it is the right and dutv ot the delegation to appoint the best man when the time comes. No republican is so important and mighty that an office belongs to him by right The members of the delegation are responsible for the men they recommend," arid if they are clear headed and true to their trust, they will consider fit . ness above anything else. Mr. Geer may be the best man ob tainable or he may not If he is appointed, we with his .other friends will be pleased, and will expect the other candidates to acquiesce If he is not, Mr. Geer. in all decency, must accept j the verdict in good grace, and of course he will. It is not now a matter of recognition. He has been splendidly recognized. It is simply now a question of the best man for an office, whose proper management requires un usual business ability, tact and judgment The Oregonian said, Septem ber qth: "The Oregonian asks no recognition in the matter of appointments, nor does it expect any. It cares very little what men may oe appointed to tne minor offices." The casual reader who puts this and that to gether, may think that the Ore gonian's pretended anger over the Geer matter is not consistent with the above quotation. The charge of inconsistency, could hardly be sustained, however, tor tne uregonian reallv cares nothing for Mr. Geer. Time and time again he has been really turned down, and yet the Oregonian choose not to lament. This time Mr. Geer was offered a splendid position that almost anv farmer or anybody else in Oregon ' would be glad to have, and Mr. Corbett's" paper does the contortion act and tells Mr. Geer that he has been greatly insulted. The Oregonian wishes Black re tained and knows that he will be retained for some time. It cares nothing for Mr. Geer. It is simply trying to iniure the Ore gon republican delegation and tiie republican party in Oregon. C. B. Moores has been appoint ed register of the land office at Oregon City and will accept Mr. Moores is an active, consistent republican. He made an effect ive speech in this city during the campaign. The appointment is a wise one. Stop that Ceughl Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A. 35c. bottle f Shiloh's Cure may save' your fife. Sold by Graham & Wells. NEWS OF THE COUNTY. Deer Fights, a Man at Dusty. Monroe has the Mar riage Fever. PHILOMATH LETTER. Guy Frinli dence white. is painting his resi- Ellsworth brothers finished pick ing hops on the 15th. Ed. L. Bryan went to Toledo Thursday to attend court. Alton Morse has repainted the inside of our school house. Sheriff Rickard was in the city on business Saturday night, Rev. M. P. Dixon preaehed in the chapel Sabbath morning and evening. Cyrus Custer and family re turned from the Bucna Vista hop yards Monday. Rev. Iloover, of Waidport, and Mr. Durkee, of Chitwood, were in the city over bunday, Agent Thrall, ot Albany, is can vassing among the farmers in the interest of, a sulky plow. - Mr. and Mrs. Abram Underfill, after an absence of six weeks in Linn couuty, are at home again Sunday morning, Sept. 26th, Pres. D.ivis will occupy the pulpit at Keezel chapel. - All are invited. Ad. Ilogan has purchased of Dr. F. M. Carter the property in west Philomath now occupied by Wil liam Green. Joseph Gray, of south Mary's river, sold 100 bushels of onions last week at 75 cents per bushel. Mr. Gray has onions so large that it requires but twenty of them to fill a bushel measure. DUSTY. W. D. Kay attended church last Sunday. The Dusty blacksmith is dig ging a well. W. W. BristowV have moved back to Corvallis. W. S. Humphrey and family went to the coast this week. Geo. Buckingham and daughter have gone -to McMinnville on a visit. J. E. Williams brought out a load of swine from Alsea last week. Mr. Finley is having some of his fruit dried at the Green Peak drier. John Perin and Homer Humph rey were in our vicinity last week on business.. Manley is recovering from his gun wounds, but it 13 thought that Wayne will not recover. The Bellfountain 'school will commence the 4th of next month, with 1 rot. Thompson as teacher. The Green Peak fruit dryer is out of repair for the second time this week. Quite a little fruit will spoil on this account. H. T. Bristow was attacked by . . 1 ' . 1 n a lerocious aeer jast weeu. ne succeeded in getting the animal by the horns and then called for help. His nephew came to his rescue ana carved tne animal's throat. Mr. B. received several scratches, besides having , his clothes badly torn. PLEASANT VAUET. Weather line and farmers busy. The grain wagons irom Alsea are thronging the road. The hop pick ers are returning to their homes as picking is well-nigh over. Mrs. Maklem" Worthing spent a few days in the valley. She vis ited her Grandfather Jones, who is now a great sufferer, there being little hope for. his recovery. Born to the wife ot Leslie Fink, on the 8th inst., a daughter. The mother and child are doing well, and chances are about equal for Leslie's recovery. . He thinks there is a great difference between facts and fancies the name of "papa"does sound a little different Irom the echo in the rain barrel. Frank Spencer, wife arid daugh ter and Grandma Spencer, made Uncle I. Henkle a visit last Sun day. The old lady who is now 78 years of age, was partially para lyzed three years ago. She is en joying good health and seerhs hap py. Though helpless in. one side, being small, she is easily handled and carried about in her arm rock er. X. OAK GROVJS NOTES. Mrs. Jos. Woods and family are still picking hops at Independence. H. J. . Moore expects to com mence work on his new house soon. J. F. Mayberry and family made about $65 in P. R. Williamson's hop yard this year. August Kreiger and family will soon leave Oregon and lake up their abode in Minnesota. Some hop pickers boarded with T. B. Williamson while at work in P. B. Williamson's hop yard. Sabbath school was well attend on Sunday, considering the num ber that have gone hop picking. G. W. Goff and family drove to Independence Sunday, in hopes of securing work in the hop yards. The young people of Oak Grove enjoyed a social dance in Mr. Grant Williamson's new house last Saturday night., Threshing .and hop picking is all done in our community and a number of our neighbors have commenced plowing for fall grain. Daisy Woods went to Inde pendence Sunday, where she ex pects to stay a few days before going to Hillsboro to attend school this winter. Mr. P. A. Johnston and Miss P. A. Woods boarded the train at Wells Station latt Thursday. They claim to have been bound for the hop yards at Independence. The postoffice at Hoffman has been opened and is much appre ciated by 'all. Many have ex pressed their gratefulness to Mr. J. N. Hoffman for his success in securing the office. Scvdd. Football. The football players of the agri cultural college bein practicing today. The services of Will Bloss as coach have been secured, and this guarantees good faithful work on the part of the boys. He has a faculty of arousing and maintain ing enthusiasm and keeping the boys "everlastingly at it." Mr. Bloss, when seen yesterday, said he had not met many of the play era, but from wha he can learn, he is satisfied IhatT the O. A. C. will put up a strong team this year. ' Prof. Edwards is manager of "the team, and a manager that mana ges. Bodine, a powerful, steady and clear-headed player will cap tain the team. Many of last year's team are in school again, including McAllister Bodine. Walters, Bruce Burnett, Hokate, A. Stimpson, McBride, Olinne, Gault and Thurston. Gallaghei and Carl, who ought to be great plnyers, are on hand this year. There seems to be good football material among the new students. Pendleton, who has played on the Multnomah and Portland clubs' teams, and Hud d!eston,who has had football train ing at the state university, have registered, and will be noticed on the gridiron. The class teams are organizing and the schedule of class games is being prepared. The four classes will contest for a silk class cham pionship pennant and the games will bo exciting, for nothing can be more intense than the class loy alty of college students. It is prob able that the first game will be played one w ek from tomorrow. At the Court House. County Judge Barton, of Linn couuty, has sent Clerk Waiters a bill against Benton county' for $13.50 against Benton county for boarding, lodging 41m nursing W. Murphy, a pauper who claims res idence in Benton county. Linn county cared for him from July 20th to August 7th. Murphy, be fore that, was and now is on the Benton county poor farm. The bill is an unusual . oiws and will doubtless cause our county court some study. In the probate court J.H. Grain, executor of G. L. Cram estate, has been cited to appear .nd file com plete report and account of his ad ministration. Ann Smith has filed her final account of her son, Clar ence Smith. Quietude reigns at the court house. A sensation promised in the issuing of a writ of habeas cor pus upon petition of J. Henry Brown directing Rev. J. R. Parker and wife to surrender the custody of a child, sou of Brown, was blast ed by the quiet relinquishing of the child and settlement of the case. Particulars are not known. DIZZINESS is only one of the danger signals that nature uses to tell us that our kidneys are not acting right, and that we are in danger of Bright's Disease and other kidney troubles. When the kid neys are not doing their duty .the pois on which should be filtered out of the blood through the urine remains in the system, and disease results. This con dition can be CURED I called at J. H. Williamson & Co's drug store and got some samples of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Cidney Pills I took the samples as' directed, and afterwards bought a full box. ' I had been troubled for months with hot flashes, dizziness and a general baa feeling due to tie change of life. I never had anything do me so much good as they did. I am feeling better. My appetite is good, the hot flashes occur Tery ssMom t!bw, and my general health is decidedly better, all I think due to Dr. Hobbs Pills. You may use this as you wish. Mrs. Mary Kamm, 1013 N. Fayette St., Jacksonville, Illinois. HOBBS Sparaps Kidney Pills. HOBBS REMEDY CO.. Pbopsietobs, Chicago. Dr. Helibs Pills are aU sold in CORVALLIS, ORE., by GRAHAM WELLS, Puaruiaoiats. Karl's Clover Root Tea for Constipa tion, its the' best, and if after using it you don't say so, return the package and get your money. Said by Graham & Wells. CATARRH LOCAL DISEASE I Ml& ana is the result i colds and I I f 4a.CflwrC0lDl - sudden climatic change. It can be cored by a pleasant remedy which is applies seetly Into tke nostrils. Be ineqnckly absorbed it gives relief atexce. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thoronga care for Nasal Catarrh, Cold ia Bead and Hay Fever of aU remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the seres, pro tests the membrane from colds, restores the senses of taste and pmel!. Price Sflc. at DrB?Rists or by maH. BUT M&OtOXma. M Wanes StseeU Hew io. Catarrh Cured. . A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Ca tarrh. Remedy; . sold on a guarantee. Nasal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. - A. Bit of Shade. The following poem by Will H.: T. Shade -will interest many Corvallisites who met that gentleman several years ago, -when he visited his iriead Dr. Chas. H. Lee. 1 Mr. Shade is well known in the journalistic and dramatic worlds. DADDTISM. Though granpap rarely made remarks, and never wux no wag, He uied ter her a sayin' when he'd hear a feller brag 'Bout his fambly an' connections, an' a tellin' who they wuz. Like these codfish aristocrats aroun' hure alius does A sayin' that wuz gospel truth as shore's you're born: "You'll offen find a nubbin on the finest stalk o' corn." He wuzn't much on cussin': in fact he never swore " 'Less it wuz necessary; but a dozen times or more When some "young sprig without no sense de served a mild rebuke For tellin' how his great gran'pap's wife's cousin wuz a dook, - I've heerd him say: "Your ancestors wuz so and-so, it's true; - - But what folks now'days wants to know is, who the h 1 are you?" In all these years that's past and gone I've saw a heap o' life Its suushine and its shadders, its peacefulness and strife . ; '. And when I see folks put on airs and stickin' up their yeers As though their blood is indigo, I want to say: "who keers Who your gran'dad's relations wuz? For shore's you're born They've grow'd a runty nubbin on their fambly stalk o' corn." .. William H T. Shade in Chicago Inter-Ocean. Administratrix Sale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Couuty Court sf the State of Oregon for Benton County, made on the 6th day of March', 1897, the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of Andrew Purdy, deceased, will on Satur day, the 30th day of October, 1897, at the hour of x o'clock p. m. of same -'ay, at the front door of the court house in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction for cash in hand all the estate, right, title or in terest, that said deceased at the time ot his death had in and to, ... The north 45 feet of lot No. 11 in block No. 3 in the original town of Marysvillc. (now City of Corvallis) Benton County, Oregon; also all the right, title and interest that said estate now has in and to the following described real estate, 10 wit: The north 20 feet of lot No. 12 and the south 5 feet of lot No. 11 in block No. j in the original town of Marysville (now City of Corvallisjin Ben ton county, Oregon also Beginning at a point 167 feet west parallel with the streets in the City ot Corvallis from a point 3S0 feet south from the north line of the divis ion line of J. C. Avery and .Martha Avery donation land c'aim; thence running west parallel with the streets in the City of Corvallis lee feet to a point; thence south par allel with the streets in the City of Corvallis 50 feet to a point; thence east parallel with the streets in the City of Corvallis 100 feet to a point; thence north parallel with the streets in the City ot Corvallis 50 feet to the place of beginning, in tended to be a piece of laud the size ot one lot (50 x loo feet) in the City of Corvallis, Benton County. Oregon; also The south-east quarter of section eight (8) in township twelve (12) south of range six (6)' west of Willamette Meridian in Benton County, State of Oregon, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres. All thcabove described real estate except the first 45 feet in lot 11 block 3 original town of Marysville (now Corvallis) Benton County, Ore gon, is subject to the life estate (dower) of this administratrix. This sale is being made for the purpose of pay. ing funeral charges, expenses of administration and claims against said estate. - ' , Dated this 24th day of September. 1897. Fakxie G- Puidt, 1 Administratix of Estate of Andrew Purdy, de-. ceased.. ...' .. -; . '" Guardian's Sale. ,. In pursuance of an order of sale made by the County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon, (in probate) on the 9th day ot September, 1897, in the matter of the Guardianship and Estate of Mary E. Miller, I will offer for sale at public auc tion, tor cash in hand, and sell as the law directs, at the front door of the County Court House, of said County, in Corvallis, in said County, on Saturday, October 30th, 1897, at the hour of Ohe o'clock p. m., the real prop, erty described in said decree, vi: The north half of the donation land claim No. 52, of Isaac Miller and Mary E. Miller, his wife, situated in township 11, south range 6 west in Benton County, Oregon, and being that part of) said claim set apart by the United States govern ment to said Mary E Miller, and containing in the said north halt thereof, 160 acres, little more or less. - Corvallis, Oregon, Sept. 23rd, 1897. Asa Miller,, Guardian of the Person and Estate of Mary E. Miller. . Shiloh's Consumption Care cures wkere others fail.. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home shsuld be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. Assignee's Notice, of ment. Final Settle- In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore ffon (or Benton county. In the matter of the assignment' of e C, A. Fmntz.doing business as F rantz Bros NOTICE is hereby given that W. E. Yte?f aj assignee of C. A. FraBtz, doing business as Fraritz Bros., has filed his final account as such assignee, with the clerk of the nbovo named court, and the said court has Hindu an order therein directing that all objections, if any there be, to the said final account, he filed with the clerk of said court 011 or before the said 10th day of September, 1897; and all persons' are hereby notified that the said assignee will on Thursday, the 11th day of November, 1897T at one o'clock, p. m., of that day, at the regular term of said court nt the circuit court room, in court house at Corvallis, Benton county, OroRotti call up for hearing tho said objections., if any there be, and move the court to finally settle tho account of said assignee and all objections thereto.and that the said assignee be discharged and his bondsmen exhenor ated. Dated Aueuit 3, 1807. ' W. E. TATES, Assignee C. A. Frantz, doing business as rantz Bros. For constipation take Karl's . Clover Root Tea, the Great Blood Purifier Cures Headache; Nervousness,:. Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Graham &. Wells. A Call for Warrants. . Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed , and marked' "Not paid for want of funds" up to and including those of Jnly ioth, 1894. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis, Or., Sept. 15th, 1897. ; W. A. Buchanan, . Treasurer Benton County, Oregon. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. 'De Witt's Little I Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver and stomach troubles. They cure constipation . and headache and regulate the bowels. Allen & Wood ward. ...... Rattlesnakes, Butterflies, and ... ? Washington Irving said, he supposed a certain hill was called " Rattlesnake Hill " because it abounded-in butterflies. The " rule of contrary " governs other names. Some bottles are, sup posedly, labeled " Sarsaparilla " because they are full of . . . well, ' we don't know what they are full of, but we know it's not sarsapa rilla; except, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There's only one make of sarsaparilla that can be relied on to fee all it claims. It's Ayer's. It has no secret to keep. Its formula is open to all physicians. This formula was examined by the Medical Com mittee at the World's Fair with the result that While every other make of sarsaparilla was excluded from the Fair, Ayer's Sarsapa rilla was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be cause it was the best sarsaparilla. - It received the medal as the best No other sarsaparilla has been so tested or so honored. Good motto for the family as well as the Fair: ' Admit the best, exclude the rest. Any doubt about it? Send for the " Curebook." It kills doubts and cures doubters. Address: J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. - AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN. THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE . WORD "C ASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. It DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of ' Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now nj? on every hear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has hem , used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought sSti--" 071 lind has the signature of Cxffjuid, wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex .eept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. . March 8,1897. Do Rot Be Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Ton Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having -The Kind That Never Failed You. TMK CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET. HEW YORK CITY. Hop Growers Interested. v. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE . ...THE FRANKLI Prom -6 ,to 10 per cent over other Balers. v " That means, if you 105 bales of hops you will save the price of a new Baler. How? NO BY All Balers are shipping. Repairs for Baleas of. every kind. Send broken parts and name of Baler when ordering;. FRANKLIN MACHINE & FOUNDRY COMPANY Corvallis, SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Benton. The First National Bank, of Corvallis, Plaintiff, vs. H. B. Burgh, J. P. Robinson, Thos. M. Jenkins, j. M. Cheney, A. E. Lyford, I. D. Burgh and , Wm. Uhlman, doing business under the name and style of Coast Carriage & Wagon Co., Defendants. To H. B. Burgh and J. M. Cheney, the above named defendants: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of said plaintiff in the above entitled action now on file in the office of the clerk of said court, by the first day of the regular term of said court after the expiration of the publication of this sum mons, to be held at the court house in Corvallis, iu the said county of Benton, in the state of Ore gon, on the secoad Monday, the Sthdayof No- hveraber, A. D.. 189"; and if you do not appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid, the 3lamtifi will take, judgment against you as de manded in said complaint for the sum of one thousand dollars with interest thereon from and after the 9th day of March, I895, at ten percent per annum, less the sum of two hundred and four and S9-100 dollars paid thereon on the ioth day of February, 1897, besides the costs and dis bursements of this action to be taxed ;and you are hereby further notified that the following describ ed real estate belonging to you and the other of said defendants has been attached to secure any judgment that may be obtained in this, action, to-wit: Fractional blocks number twenty-six and twenty-seven and all of blocks number fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and seventeen, in Avery &,Wells' addition to the city of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, together with the Carriage Fac tory building, dry house and engine house, and all other buildings and erections situate on said real estate, together with all machinery, imple ments, tools, belting, fixtures, gearing and ap purtenances, belonging to and constituting the plant of said carriage factory, heretofore known as the Corvallis Carriage & Wagon Co., and which is attached to and forms part of the realty above described; and you are hereby further notified that certain personal property consist ing of a debt whereby certain money amounting to about six hundred and seventy-two and 32-100 dollars in the hands of one M. M. Davis, which is due and payable by said M. M. Davis to said defendant H. B. Burgh, and which said plain tiff has also caused to be levied upon in said county of Benton, under a writ of attachment and garnisheed in the hands of said M. M. Davis to secure any judgment which may be recovered herein. This summons is served by publication, as directed by an an order of the Bon. J. C Ful- lerton, judge ot said court, made by him at the term of said court held at Corvallis, Oregos, on the 23rd day of July, A. D 1897, which order di rected that said summons be published once a week for six weeks in the Corvallis Gazette, a newspaper published at Corvallis. m said coauty of Benton, where a id action is commenced. . W. S. McFabden id m. S. Woodcock, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ' JO. Deceived. n Baler Saves HOPS ARE BROKEN FRANKLIN BALERS. standand size and in shape for Oregon. F. G. Go.'s Corsets, MAKE American Beauties CORRECT SHAPES. ARTISTIC EFFECTS. All Lengths. On Each Box. NEWEST MODELS. FANCY aid PLAIN. FEATHERBONE SOLE MANUFACTURERS. SOU BY , S. L. KLINE, Corvallis, Oregon "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBraycr and Old Crow Whif kys, Pine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. CORSET CO.. 9 Shoes.., For Fall of of Fall and and ready pricesi Green Lace, C. top, C. T. ... . . $3.50 Black " Coin Toe, H. Sole . ... 3.50 Black " " " McKay Sewed . 3.00 Black " " " McKay Sewed . . 2.50 Black " " " Pat. Tip . . . . 2.00 Black " " " Pat. Tip. . . . 1.50 And all styles of Patent Leather Tip Shoes from B to EE. Also an elegant line of Childrens' Shoes. . S. L KLINE, Corvallis, Or. Union Laundry Go., POHTLAND, OR. All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves o& Xuesdavs and arrives Satordays. T. D. Campbell, Agent, Secod-Hand Store. RILEY BROS., House painting and paper hanging a specialty. Residence near Sawmill. W. E. YATES, J. FRED YATES. YATES & YATES CORYALLIS, OREGON DR. L. G. ALTMAN HOMOEOPATHIST Diseases of women and ealMren and feneral practice. office over Allen A Woo4wri' drag .tore, office boun to II A. M., and 2 to 8 and 7 tot r. M. At residence, roriK-r of Srd auil Rarriaon attar hoara'and on Bundari. a. R. FARRA. M. D. Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third) street in frnt -of courthouse. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m., and I to 2 and 7 to 8 p. tn. All calls attended promptly. JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office ovf.r First Xatioxai. Bank, Cokvalujs. 0sos. Will praetie in all the state aad federal courts Abstracting, collections Xotary public. Con- vevaHcins. E. MOI.OATK. IT. I HOLGATE HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT OREGON NORTHERN RAILTO, SHORT LINE VIA VIA SfOMS SALT LASE MINNEAPOLIS ' DENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA ANO . , CHICAGO mSASCITT LOW RATES IN ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO For fall information call O. K. & V. agent, Carvnllla. . W. H. HURLBURT, A. L. MOHLER, owi km aunt. Vice nuam a Hammcm. PORTLAND, OR. BOWEN LESTER DENTIST OSm mfttalra ant Ftart National Bank. Ifctetfr FlmfeCta. Work QuaiwnUto1 1897. Our immense line Winter Shoes is now stock for sale at the following Oregon) RehtbaO & EASTERN R. R. CO. Yaquina Bay Route Connecting at YAQUINA BAY wih the San Francisco & Yaquina Bay,; . STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steamship "Farallon." Sails from Yaquina ovrr 9 dnv for San Francisco, Coos Bay, Port Orfird, Trinidad and Humboldt Bav. laieMger Areuuimodwtlona I.'naurpussed Shortest route Vlwn the Willamette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and ltint West to Sau Frmirixvo: Cabin .'..$10 00 Steerage 0 00 Bound trip god for 60 diiy.. $17.00. To Coo Bay: Cabin $s 00 SUernge 6 Ot T Humboldt ttnyand Port Orfrrd: Cabin $10 00 Sjterage 7 00 KIVKR DIVISION. Steamer "Albany' between Porlhindand Corvallis, through without lny-ovir. Leaves CorvnUls 7:00 a. rn. Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays; leave Portland. Yamhill St. dock, 6:00 a. m. Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridavs. Edwin Stoke, J. C. Mayo, Manager. Hunt. River Di v. EAST and SQLTTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Comoany EXPRESS TRAINS RUN DAILY. 6:0 P. M. I Leave Portland Arrire I :30 A. M. :4 A. M. I Leave Albany Arrive'! 6:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. I Arrive S. Francises Leave I s:M P. M. Above trains step at all principal stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Ma rion, Jefl'ersen. Albany. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisbucg, Junction City, ugeD, Croiwell, Cottage Grove, Hruins, and all stations from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. Koseburg Mail Daiiy. A. M. j Leave Tertians U-.-li P. M. I Luve Albany S:i P. it. I Arrive Koneeurs: Arrive I 4:36 P.M. Arrive I 12:69 P. M. Leave I 7:3 A. II. TTesttiie Siusin. BETWEEN POKTLAXD AND (JllltVALLlS. Mill Trill. Daily Inept Snaky. 7:3 A. M. I Leave Portland Arrive I 5:56 P. M. 12:15 P. II. I Arrire Corvallis Leave j 15 P. M. At Albany and Corvallis conmtt withtraiasef tae Oregon facific Kailrvad. Xxprm Tula. Sally ZxMptSutay. P. M. I Leave Portland Arrive S-25 A. M. 730 P. II. I Arrive McMinnville Leave ! 5:59 A. K. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates an application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket Agent, Corvallis. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A. G. F. & P. A. Portland, Or. GrO EAST America's Scenic Line Great Meals in Dining Car a la Carte. Rock Ballast, No Dust. Northern Railway LIBBABX-CAK HOTJTE THE ALL-RA1I. ROUTK TO KOOTENAI MINING DISTRICT . VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE Shortest and v Quickest Line to St. Paul, Minneapolis Duluih, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST. The Limited leaves Portland, daily, 24s P. M. The Limited arrives Portland, daily, 11:55 A. M. THROUGH PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY OBSERVATION CARS. Daily Trains : Fast Time 8I&VICK ANSSCENB1V TTOTOT? AT WT Tot tickets and full information call on r address, R. C Stevens, A. B. C. Denniston, G. W. P. A., Seattle. C T. St T. A., Portland, Oregon.