The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 10, 1897, Image 4

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"I believe I did hear he was home."
"An all de time he was home he dan
based Mars Kenton np hill an down.
What fur? What he got to say 'bout
"It's jest like I tole yo', leetle Sunshine."
his betters? What his wife 'base Mars
Kenton fur? Why she mad at him ? Yo'
know whar she libs?"
"In dat house jest beyan de cooper
shop. Yo know who I dun saw go in
dar yesterday?"
"Dat Captain Wyle! What he want
dar, hey? I know! He want her to cum
yere an tell yo' whoppin big lies 'bout
de Yankee lawyer an praise hisself np
at de same timet I jest tell yo' to look
oat fur dat woman!"
Uncle Ben had taken a dislike to Mrs.
Baiter at first sight and didn't want
her to go along. He had not devoted a
minute to wondering if she had a plan
or seeking to discover what it was. He
had fathomed it by that sense of intui
tion which is often strongest in the
most ignorant minds. More to qaiet
him than for any other reason Marian
promised to be on her gnard. bat dur
ing the day she decided in her own mind
that there might be more in it than ap
peared on the surface. On two or three
occasions when Kenton's name was men
tioned ehe noticed the hard look which
came into Mrs. Baxter's face and the
tinge of bitterness in her tones, and
these things had much to do with her
We follow Jackson up and down the
valley because his movements are
threads of our story, and he mast be
driven away to introduce new charac
ters. Shields had scarcely ceased par
suit when a Federal army under Banks
was sent into the valley. No one sup
posed Jackson had recovered from his
defeat when he suddenly moved an army
of 12,000 men down to New Market,
crossed the Shenandoah river and the
mountain range to the east and was in
the Luray valley before an alarm was
raised. There was a Federal force sta
tioned at Front Royal, and he was mov
ing to attack it.
An army in the march is a monster
serpent on the move. Far in advance
are cavalry scouts. Then follows a body
of troopers. After that comes the ad
vance guard of infantry. Then artil
lery, more infantry, more artillery, and
finally the wagon train. The highway
is packed with a living, moving mass
for miles and miles. Infantry and cav
alry overflow into the adjacent fields on
the right and left. Where there is a
bend in the road they cat across it.
.. Horses fall lame or sick and are aban
doned. Wagons break down and are
nnloaded and set on fire. Guns and
- caissons get mixed or upset in the
ditches, and a hundred men lend their
aid. Sore footed men stagger and limp
and finally throw themselves down and
declare they can go no farther. Here
and there a musket is accidentally dis
charged, followed by a shriek and a
fall, and half an hour later the victim
filla a grave by the roadside. The mass
advances a quarter of a mile and halts.
Another quarter of a mile and another
halt. Only in the case of a single regi-
' ment is there freedom to step oat and
march at the rate of three or four miles
an hour.
The trail of a marching army, even
in a country of friends, is a trail of rain
and desolation. Every soldier is an en
gine of destruction. He has a feeling
that he must desolate and destroy.
Trees are felled and fences pulled down
to repair the roads, gardens are de
spoiled, crops are trampled under foot,
fruit trees denuded of their branches,
stacks and barns fired by accident or
design. It is as if a fierce cyclone bad
passed over the country, followed by a
So Jackson's army swept forward to
Front Royal. His command outnum
bered the Federal force four to one, and
his presence was not suspected until his
artillery began to thunder. The Fed
eral commander soon discovered the sit
uation, but he did not retreat without
a fight. He gathered his handful of
men, posted them to cover the town,
and for an hoar they held Jackson at
bay. - It was only when they were al
most surrounded that they gave way
and sought shelter in the passes of the
mountain. Jackson paused only long
enough to burn snch Federal stores as
he could not handily carry away and
then swept down the Lnray, bent to the
left, and next day was before Winches
ter. He attacked and recaptured the
town and drove every Federal to the
Potomac and across it before he halted
Then the Federal government grasped
the situation, and three different armies
were dispatched to close in on Jackson
and destroy him. The battles of Cro
Keys and Port Republic followed, and
Jackson fell back to join Lee and take
part in the battle which was to sweep
McClellan from the peninsula. The
Shenandoan ana tne ljuray were now in
possession of the Federals, to be held
till the close of the war, but only with
desperate fighting at intervals.
And now the gallant Custer, with his
command, reached the Shenandoah with
the army of occupation a young man,
fresh from West Point, on whom the
volunteer officers looked with distrust,
but only waiting to prove his worth.
Custer belonged to Michigan. His first
command was the First, Fifth, Sixth
and Seventh cavalry regiments of that
state, known as the Michigan cavalry
brigade. While his fame was national,
While his sad death years after the war
in that terrible massacre touched the
heart of every American, it is in Michi
gan more than anywhere else that his
memory is reverenced. It will live
there until every soldier and soldier's
son and grandson sleeps beneath the
sod. The plains of northern Virginia
were given np to fierce battles between
' infantry, the valleys to desperate charges
and bloody conflicts between the oppos
ing cavalry forces.
Jackson had looked his last npon the
Shenandoah. He was to become Lee's
. right arm and fight elsewhere, until his
fall in the darkness on the bush lined
highway at ChancellorsviUe. Another
took his place, and the dead Ashby was
replaced by Stuart' to lead the cavalry.
Let us go back to Royal Kenton. We
left him just as Reube Parker had been
made prisoner by a Federal scouting
party. Keube basely Bought to betray
him, but he failed of his purpose. The
Federal captain beat np the neighbor
hood as thoronghly as possible, but Ken
ton slipped through his fingers and re
turned to Jackson to make his report.
It was his information, seconded so
doubt by that of others, which decided
Jackson '8 move to Front Royal. While
the general seemed pleased at Kenton's
success, the latter could not fail to per
ceive that something was yet amiss. In
his own mind he felt sure that he was
mistrusted, and it was easy to conclude
why. Not that he had failed in any one
particular to do his duty, but that the
officers and men of his own company,
for reasons already given, were seeking
bis downfall. When he had finished
his report, he was ordered to his com
pany, and again he found only one man
to give him greeting. Steve Brayton
chuckled with satisfaction as he extend
ed his hand and asked for particulars.
The others only gave him looks of dis
trust. When Kenton was asked regard
ing Reube Parker and had made his ex
planation?, Steve grew thoughtful and
serious and finally replied:
"It's a good joke on the captain, but
I'm troubled as to how it will end up.
I jest reckon they ar' mean 'nuff to
charge yo' with killin Reube. They
can't prove it, but it will get the gin
eral down on yo' and make things wuss.
Dod blast the fules anyway! Why can't
they give yo' a fa'r show even if yo' be
a Yank?"
The crisis came next day. Reube
Parker had heen carried into the Fed
eral camps as a prisoner, but owing to
the confusion and excitement was not
strictly guarded and managed to make
his escape and arrive at Confederate
headquarters less than 24 hours after
Kenton. After a brief interview witn
Captain Wyle the pair proceeded to
General Jackson's headquarters, and
when they left it Royal Kenton was
Bent for. General Jackson was a plain,
blunt spoken man. Even while plan
ning the great campaign on which he
was to enter within three or four days
he had determined to give this matter
attention. Reube Parker had charged
Kenton with bringing about his capture
for revenge. Captain Wyle had stated
that he and all his company distrusted
his loyalty. The general asked the scout
for a statement of facts, and Kenton
gave it to him, concealing no occurrence
from the date of his enlistment, ine
general listened attentively and without
interruption. Tnen Reube Parker, who
had been sent fcr and was in waiting,
was ushered in to confront Kenton. He
was a bad man, but not a nervy one. In
five minutes it was apparent that he had
lied, and he was dismissed. Then Ken
ton was asked to step oat, and Steve
Brayton, whom he had several times re
ferred to, was ushered in. He told a
stiaight story, and it was greatly to the
discredit of Captain Wyle. When Ken
ton again returned to the general's pres
ence, the latter kindly said:
"It is a matter I very much regret,
and I do not see how I can mend it just
yet. I will, however, do what I think
is best for all."
That "best" resulted in both Kenton
and Brayton being detailed temporarily
to the quartermaster's department.
When Jackson moved away for the Ln
ray valley, all the guards were mount-
"Dod rot 'em!" growled Steve.
ed, having been transferred to the cav
alry, but the pair were left behind in
disgrace. So they considered it, and
they were further humiliated by the
jeers and flings from comrades as they
filed past.
"Dod rot 'em, but this 'ere laughin
match hain't over yit!" growled Steve
as he shook his fist at the backs of bis
comrades. "Yo' ar' doin the grinnin
jest now, but it'll be our turn biineby!
Befo' this fuss is over with the southern
confederacy will be powerful glad of
every man it kin rake and scrape into
the ranks!"
Kenton had nothing to say. He was
even secretly glad tiat the r"'-hination3
or ms enemies haC resulted :n noting
worse. In his pocket at that very hour
he had a letter from Marian detailing
the family Sight from Winchester, in
forming him of their destination and
counsel ins him to do his duty as a sol
dier and not be disturbed over the plots
pf bis - i: lies. She knew that he was
beinr Signed and vilified for her
faki'. he wrote, but she hoped to be
wort... ' i all the sacrifices he might be
coujp. d to make.
"Say, Kenton. " exclaimed Steve as
he suddenly turned on him, "why don't
yo' rip and cuss and tear an show yo'r
"We have both been wronged," slow
ly replied Kenton, "but time will make
all things right if we do our duty loy
ally and faithfully."
"I reckon so," said Steve as he turn
ed away, "but yo' Yanks is a durned
cur'us lot o' critters jest the same!"
While Jackson was pressing on to
join Lee most of his cavalry was de
tached and left in the valley. The Shen
andoah guards, which had dropped the
title when transferred to the cavalry,
were a portion of Imboden's command.
The Federals poured into the Shenan
doah and Luray from the north and re
captured everything and pressed the
Confederates slowly back to Staunton.
Neither side was strong enough to pos
sess and hold the valley i The Confed
erate occupation defended one of the
roads to Richmond. The Federal occu
pation defended one of the roads to
Washington. There were scouting and
raiding and clashing of sabers, but noth
ing like a general battle resulted. Both
commanders had been instructed to
avoid this and watch the mighty move
ments developing elsewhere.
What is a battle like a battle in
which 10,000 men fall in their tracks
to die with the rosr of the guns still
sounding in their ears and as ' many
more lie there for hours cursing and
groaning and praying with the pain of
their wounds? McClellan was on both
sides of the Chickahominy, with the
spires of Richmond in view. His front
was miles long and defended by rifle
pits, earthworks, felled trees and nat
ural obstructions. More than 100,000
Federals faced Lee along this line; Be
hind them were camps and wagon trains .
and field hospitals and supplies cumber
ing the ground for miles and miles. '
. McClellan was ".boat to-attack. " Be
was-even writing his order when Lee
fell npon his wing at Mechanicsville.
That was a feint. The fight at Meadow
Bridge, directly in front of bis center,
was a piece of strategy. The assault
upon bis wing at Cold Harbor was
meant to annihilate him. The battle
ground was made np of swamps, cleared
fields, patches of forest, timber covered
hills and old fields grown up to bushes
and briers. - McClellan had two and
three lines of earthworks here, and here
his guns were planted as thickly as men
could work them. Longstreet and Hill
attacked here. They knew the strength
of the position; they had counted the
odds. - There was no skirmishing, no
waiting. . On a front three miles long
the Confederates suddenly appeared and
rushed forward to the attack. Had
they numbered five times as many they
would have been beaten back. They
were repulsed again and again by the
fire which seemed to burn them off the
face of the earth, but those who lived
came back again more desperate than
before. Only their leaders knew why
this terrible sacrifice was being offered
np to the god of war. Lee had planned
with Jackson. Jackson had left the val
ley by way of Brown's gap to fall upon
McClellan 's flank at Cold Harbor. The
sacrifice in front was to give Jackson
time and to mask his movement.
And eo Longstreet and Hill advanced
again and again to the sacrifice until
their dead and wounded outnumbered
the living. The afternoon sun was sink
ing lower and lower. By and by it was
only an hour high. Then the roar of
battle along the front suddenly ceased.
Had the remnants of regiments and
brigades become panic stricken at the
awful waste of life and fled from the
field? Had they sullenly refused to obey
orders to advance again? Had Lee
given upall hope of success and with
drawn from that front? For five min
utes scarcely a mnsket was discharged.
Then from the heavy forest directly on
the flank of the position Jackson ap
peared. The flank of an army is its
weak spot. Even if attacked in the rear
it can face about and fight with hope
of success, but if the flank gives way
disaster-follows. Jackson's coming wae
a surprise. His attack was as sadder
as the stroke of a bell. It dnmfounded
and dismayed the Federal flank, but
only for a few minutes. McClellan was
not far away. He had fathomed Lee e
plans and discovered his true object.
The flank gave back until it had a front
of a mile long, and then it halted and
battled to save that great array. What
was to be done must be done right there.
Re-enforcements were ordered np, guns
advanced, and for an hour there was
such fighting as war had never witnessed
On the Federal flank were swamp and
forest and tangled thicket. Engineers
had said that the nature of the ground
protected this flank. Wading through
swamps deep with ooze, bursting
through thickets which caught off their
caps and left their jackets in rags, ad
vancing their lines amid the thick
forests, Jackson's men rushed to the at
tack. Time and time again the lines
were repulsed, but fresh troops poured
out of the woods to take the places of
the dead and wounded, and the battle
grew more vindictive and murderous.
There is a key to every battlefield.
There is always a key within a key.
Cold Harbor was the key of this great
field of slaughter. The exposed flank
was the key within the key. Jackson
could count his dead by the thousand.
His entire force was up, and he had
charged and stormed and battered in
The coming of night does not always
end a battle, bat as darkness shots down
thg combatants lose their desperation
and become more wary of each other.
Hanger, thirst and fatigue begin to tell.
As the fire cf artillery and musketry
slackens the cries of the wounded are
heard, and those who have escaped un
hurt begin to estimate the losses. If
Jackson could not break that flank be
fore night shut down, then his sacrifices
had been in vain. Then the thousands
of dead and wounded belonging to
Longstreet and Hill had simply been
led to slaughter. An order was sent to
General Hood, whose brigade of Texans
had been held in reserve for an emer
gency. Hood placed himself at the head
of his 4,000 men and dashed forward.
They had to traverse a swamp and then
cross an open space on which the dead
already lay touching each other. The
Texans had only begun their forward
movement when every piece of artillery
and every musket on that flank was
turned upon them. With yells of defi
ance they rushed forward. The skele
tons of men struck down in that swamp
were dug out years afterward as burial
parties sought for the dead of the war.
Wounded men fell into the pools of
black water or floundered about in the
ooze, but those unhurt used them for
stepping stones.
Nothing could check that rush. Grape
and canister and bullet killed and
wounded 2,000 men, but the other 2,000
swept forward, dashed over the earth
works and were driven like a wedge
into the Federal flank. It was the cli
max. Beaten but not panic stricken,
the men in blue fell back step by step,
fighting over every foot of the ground,
and at length they rested on a new
line. McClellan alone , knew that he
was beaten. He alone realized what
would result. That great army, only a
portion of which had been driven, mast
retreat to a new line and a new base
of supplies. Jackson's coming from the
valley and placing himself on the flank
had imperi led the fate of the nation.
Like the strategist he was, McClellan
assumed much, concealed much. While
he brought np fresh troops to bold the
victorious enemy at bay he issued orders
for retreat., . j. . , . .
(To be Continued.) , '
A. Warning 1'or Yellow Journalists.
Contributors to Sunday journals of
yellow horrors should take warning
from the fate of M. Henri Martin, of
Paris. This amiable gentleman was en
gaged in the preparation of an article
for the "Courier de Lyons," of which
he was editor, an article entitled "Cho
ses Vecues," in which he purposed to
recount at length the sensations of
hanging. It Is evident that he meant
to make himself an authority on the
subject, for he was found, with a dog
collar about his neck, suspended by a
cord from a hook over his bed. Mr.
Martin was In an excellent position to
tell all the sensations of hanging, but
he could not, because be was dead. An
other illustrative case is that of M.
Edouard Dubus, a decadent of the ad
vanced type, who' was engaged with
M. Huysmans In writing the remarka
ble book entitled "La Bas," giving a
considerable -account of the practices
of Satanism. M. Dubus. in the pursuit
of occult knowledge, attended a black
mass. After that he went mad. Those
who read should run. New York
Homage to an American. -
Persons who have just arrived from
London tell us that in that city the win
dows of the millinery and drapery
shops are crowded with dainty confec
tions of lace, ribbon ;': and feathers
named for the popular young Duchess
of Marlborough. Fichus, collarettes,
boas, hats, jackets and slippers even
f have received the Christian .name of
the fair young American who has cap
tured the hearts of all (Englishmen and
English women.
bone Neighborly Comment on the
Bride, Her Family, and Her-Kate.
Two men drove up to the house, took
the framework and canvas of a canopy
out of the wagon, and began erecting,
it across the sidewalk and up the stoop.
It was a quiet, respectable, well-ordered
neighborhood, where things worth
talking about rarely happened. So the
canopy set the neighbors talking."
"What can It be?" asked one across
the street.
"It can't be that they are going- to
give a reception," replied her compan
ion. ,.
"Well, I should say not," rejoined the
first. "They are entirely too Tnean to
do anything of the kind."
A caterer's wagon drove up and men
began carrying boxes into the house.
"Oh, come and look!" cried a neigh
bor across the street, "Those people
are actually going to have something to
eat at last." .. ,
"You don't mean it!" exclaimed her
"I've watched and watched and
watched,"' continued the neighbor,"and
I've never seen more than ten cents'
worth of food carried into that house
at one time before."
"How could they manage to live?"
asked the companion.
"I never could find out," replied the
neighbor. "They must have been sav
ing all these years. But what can it be
that they are going to have?"
A florist's wagon drove up and deliv
ered masses of flowers.
"Do you suppose it's somebody that's
dead?" asked a third neighbor.
"Well," replied her companion, "if
any of that family was dead, I should
think their friends would be glad
enough to send them flowers."
A delivery wagon drove up and left a
green and gold chair.
"Do you know what?" cried one of a
party of neighbors. "It's a wedding!"
"No!" cried the neighbors in chorus.
"Yes," continued the first, "and that's
one of the wedding presents."
"What a horrid, cheap-looking thing
to send!" commented a neighbor.
"It shows what their friends think,
of them if they get presents like that."
"But there's nobody in that house to
get married."
"Xobody under 40, anyway."
"Oh, I remember seeing a wizened,
drled-up, red-haired little thing going
into the house."
"But she can't be the bride!"
"I thought she was an old maid sis
ter." "And maybe it's that little boy who
has been calling there that is going to
marry her!"
"What a shame!"
More wagons from the caterer's drove
up, and smooth-shaven, dignified wait
ers in shirt sleeves began bustling
about the sidewalk and the house.
"Do you suppose they can get any
one to go to the wedding?" asked a
"You can see that nobody around here
would go," replied her companion.
"Everybody here is either peeking out
of the windows or walking up and
down the block to get a look at the
house and they wouldn't do that if they
had been invited."
"They know better than to invite us,"
said the first.
"I should say so," replied her com
panion. "I suppose they will try to
make those waiters pass as guests
among strangers."
"They are a great deal sweller looking
than any one they know," rejoined the
first '
Darkness came, and a band, and a
flood of carriages that blocked the
street, and a flock of carriage callers
whose voices filled the air.
"Two forty-nine! two forty-nine!"
cried a leather-lunged youth, running
down the street.
"The idea!" exclaimed a neighbor.
"There are not fifteen carriages here,
and they are pretending that there are
hundreds." t
"They have only tickets with high
numbers," said her companion. "What
a fraud! They ought to be ashamed.
The bride was. driven away In a snow
er of . rice, the carriages and wi Iters
gradually disappeared, and the neigh
bors turned reluctantly from their win
flows, tired but happy.
"How glad her parents must be to
have really got rid of her," they said.
"Yes," replied their companions, "and
how surprised she must be to have ac
tually caught a man. I wonder how
she did it" New York Sun.
A Bottomless Bog. ,
There was once a mile of road on a
Texas railway that was built over a
bottomless bog. The conductors of the
trains say that while the company was
filling It in, or trying to do so, the con
tractor tried to find solid ground by
splicing log to log, until he had driven
down four hundred feet Then he gave
It up, and made a filling with brush and
crooked timbers until he formed a sur
face, upon which the track was laid.
But it would not stay laid. Sections
were continually disappearing, and the
track would sink and wobble in such a
frightful way that the trainmen finally
refused to cross the bog. Then the com
pany built ten miles of track around
tne bog, and the danger was a thing of
the past"
"I declare," said an old conductor, "if
I had been obliged to cross -that bog
six months longer I should have been
white-headed. I would rather risk
train robbers or a collision, for inv
part." -
Blanket Men. .:. "z
A lady, lately of Topeka, has writ
ten from her new home in El Red, Cal.,
to a friend:
There is a class of men here called
Blanket Men, who go around the coun
try in herds, each carrying his load of
blankets, sleeping anywhere. They beg
from house to house something to eat.
They work a few days, then sit in front
of a saloon until their money is gone.
On Sunday they go to a stream and
wash their old clothes. I never thought
there was any good In the Coxey move
ment till a number of these fellows left
the State with him. They say that Cali
fornia is the only State where they can
live in that way. ' We ask them some
times how they can forget their homes
in the East and live like animals. "Oh,
it's the climate!" they say.
Hundreds of these men wander from
one part of the State to another. They
beg for bread and work for whisky.
The Moat Interesting.
"A man," said the lecturer, "can live
without water for a week, without
sleep for ten days and without air for
five minutes."
"There ain't no particular limit to
the time he can live without work, is
there?" anxiously, asked Dr. Dismal
Dawson. Indianapolis Journal. ,
A Gentle Soporific,
"What's the matter with Blum? 1
hear that alarm clock of his go off half
a dozen times getween 10 at night and
10 in the morning." ,,. ., ; Li -. v f
"He's troubled with insomnia and
every time , the alarm sounds he can
roll right over and go to sleep." De
troit Free Press. -
TPIeld. Glass Range Finder.
An' improved range finder for field
glasses has a flat dial plate, Subdivided
to correspond with the "focus of . the
glasses, rigidly attached near the rear
end of the adjusting screw to the frame
of -the glasses indicating the adjustment
upon a dial. A small wheel upon the
adjusting screw turns it so that it will
readily focus the glasses for various dis
tances, and enabling the user to also
estimate correctly the speed of advanc
ing or withdrawing objects.
Biggest Gun Casting. '
A 16-inch gun casting was made at
the Bethlehem Iron Works on August
12. , It is intended for the tube of a 16
inch gun now being built for the gov
ernment, and is 19 feet 6 inches long,
octagonal in shape and 74 inches in
diameter. More than 100 tons of metal
were used in the casting, the first and
the largest of its kind ever made in this
By n o means. Persons of herculean build fre
quently possess a minimum of genuine vigor,
exhibit less endurance than verv Bmall people.
Keal vigor means the ability to digest and sleep
well, and to perform a reasonable amount of
daily physical and mental labor without un
natural fatigue. It is because a course of Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters enables the enfeebled
dyspeptic to resume the alloted activity of
every "day life, as well as to participate without
discomfort in its enjoyments, that it is such a
pre-eminently useful medicine.
Vaccination has just been introduced
into Afghanistan by the advice of Miss
Hamilton an English physician, who is
in attendance upon the Ameer.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and .by constantly failing to cure by
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, O., is
the only constitutional cure on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure;
Send for circulars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 7oc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The ancients knew'how to cheat.
Loaded dice have been found in the
ruins of Herculaneum.
I believe my prompt, use of Piso's Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, '95.
Lincoln county, Kentucky, has a
new-found cave rivaling Mammoth cave
in size and novelty.
their Conduct and Health Often Mystifies
Their Mothers.
Young girls often feel, and conse
quently act, very strangely.
They shed tears without apparent
cause, are restless, nervous, and at
times almost
seem self-absorbed, - and heedless of
things going on around them. Some
times they complain of pain in lower
parts of body, flushes of heat in bead,
cold feet, etc. -
Young girls are not free from incipi
ent womb troubles.
Mothers should see to it that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
promptly taken; all druggists have it
The girl will speedily be "herself
again," and a probable danger be
averted. Any information on this sub
ject, or regarding all female ailments,
will be cheerfully given free by Mra,, Lynn, Mass. Write her.
. Albany College, Albany, Or.
Gives the most systematic and complete course
in music of any music school on the Pacific
coast. Piano, singing in the Italian method,
harmony, counterpoint, and all other import
ant branches of music taught. Diplomas given
on completion of course. Tuition is low for the
high grade of work. Send for circulars and
WALLACE H. LEE, A. M., President.
ZIMRI M. PARV1N, Musical Director.
Portland, Oregon
A. P. Armstrong, ll.b., Prin. J. A. Wesco, Sec'y
fire profitable employment to hundreds of oar graduates, an4
will to thousands more. Send for our catalogue.
Learn what and how we teach. Verily,
normal, busi
ness, musical.
Art t.hmlnffiORl finil Tirpyiiirfttnptf RrtiirqM Rrnrn
diplomas tor normal course. Twenty-eight in
structors, 3'J7 students. Location beautiful,
sightly, in the suburbs, with all the advantages
of a great city and none of its disadvantages.
Free from saloons and immoral places. Board
ing balls connected with school. Government
mild but firm. Exvrne$ for vear from $100 to
$200. School opens September 21, 1897. Cata
logue sent free. Address,
Thos. Van Scov, D. D., University Park, Or.
High grade, classical and academic training.
The coining year will record some new features :
1 A regular business college, under the leader
ship of a regular business college man. 2 Ele
mentary and advanced German taught by an
American-born and American-educated Ger
man. 8 Military tactics, involving the regu
lations of a first-class military school in dress,
habits and drill. Opens Sept. 15. Send for cat
alogue. Wallace Howe Lee, president.
Send for Catalogue
Get them at headquarter. I carry by far the
largest assortment on the coast. Remember
the beat is always the cheapest. Send for cat
alogue. E. J. BOWEN,
201 and 203 Front St., Portland, Or.
We carry the most complete line of Gymnasium
and Athletic Goods on the Coast.
I Send for Our Athletic Catalogue.
818-820 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.
T . Vh7 ld re'n Vee t hnc y "
f Km. Wd,slow's SooTHnra Sybup should always be j
used (or children teething. It soothes the child, soft-
ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic.and is a
i the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty are cenB a j
KLONDIKE Book on Alaska and Gold Fields,
routes, equipment, etc. Complete with illustra
tions and maps, aoc. H. L. wells. Portland, Or.
ri vznzr
C PiKial
u d mien
5 fZhigZB ?
1 tag-", Bold r dragnets. J
' ' : Seta a Worthy Exampl
Marshall County, Iowa, b the dis
tinction of possessing the fra t organi
zation in the State that has ..or its ul
timate object the betterment, of coun
ty roads.
The call issued for a meeting of the
road supervisors of the country some
time ago has met with a tearty re
sponse, and at the meeting at least
two-thirds of the 124 road iapervisors
in the county were present. The coun
ty association is now a fact and should
be an instrument of good. The attend
ance was very flattering to those who
were Instrumental in brirring about
the organization.
- For Good Koads.
Good roads, good country roads, are
becoming more and more a necessity
of the day and age. The advent of the
bicycle has created a demand for good
roads among a class which before its
advent had little care for country
roads. The probable early advent of
horseless carriages will tend to em
phasize that demand and will add to
the fast growing good-roads army. To
the farmer good roads ever have been
a necessity, which, alas, he has had
in too many instances to get along
without. In 1893 the agricultural de
partment of the Federal government
made an investigation Jnto the road
question. The object of that investi
gation was to secure some reliable in
formation concerning the cost of mo
tive power to farmers and how affect
ed by country roads. The first thing
learned was that there were on United
States farms 53,393,888 draught ani
mals, of which 14,213,837 were horses,
2,331,627 mules and 30,849,021 oxen,
having a total value of $1,721,535,798.
In other words, to do their hauling the
farmers of the United States had in
vested in round numbers 1,750 mil
lions of dollars. That is a pretty large
sum; if invested at 5 per cent, interest
it would produce nearly $1,750,000
each week. Oi these draught animals
more than 16,500,000 are horses and
mules, worth at a modest estimate
more than $100,000,000. Now, it costs
to feed them on an average, one year
with another, about $4,000,000 a day,"
but what is of greater interest, is the
estimate that bad roads cost the farm
ers $15 a year for each horse and mule
In his service. Taking this estimate
as a basis it will be seen that the farm
ers pay each year for bad roads $248,
182,400. That is, if Prof. Latt's, of
Perdue University, estimated cost of
reconstructing bad roads over into good
roads be taken as a basis, the bad roads
of the country cost the farmers enough
each year to build 210,564 miles of
good roads. If built in a straight line
that number of miles of road would
encircle the world nearly nine times,
and would cross and recross the Uni
ted States about fifty times. Bicyclists
must have good roads if they would
have the full emjoyment of their
wheels, the horseless carriages must
have good roads, and over and above
all the farmer more than either must
have good roads, therefore if these ele
ments would unite as one insistent and
intelligent whole for good roads, no
State Legislature would dare to ignore
so universal a request. Herald (Grand
Rapids, Mich.).
fimp'e Directions That May Prevent
Serious Results.
Intelligent and immediate action In
cases of sunstroke or heat prostration
will save many lives during the pres
ent heated term. The Chicago health
department has issued simple direc
tions for the guidance of the layman
offering relief.
There are two distinct forms of sun
stroke and their treatment is distinctly
different. In one form, "heat exhaus
tion," which is the milder of the two,
the skin Is pale, cold and clammy and
the pulse is feeble. In this form the
patients usually recover, though death
sometimes ensues. The treatment is to
remove the patient to a cool place or
at least out of the direct rays of the
sun. Loosen all clothing, especially
about the neck. Dash cold water on
head and chest, apply spirits of am
monia and hartshorn to the nostrils.
In some cases it may be necessary to
give small- quantities of alcoholic stim
ulants. In the other form, heat stroke or
insolation, the symptoms are much
more serious. The face Is purplish, the
eyes bloodshot, the veins swollen and
corded and the skin dry, hot and burn
ing to the touch. The effects of the sun
seem to be most marked on the brain
and spinal marrow. The brain be
comes so heated that the chest center
controlling the production of heat is
affected and the temperature rises from
the healthy one of 98.5 degrees to as
high as 100 or over.
This condition la so serious that a
physician must . be called as soon as
possible. While awaiting the doctor's
arrival much good can be done and
lives oftentimes saved by the applica
tion of ice to the head and spinal
column. It will do more good if
broken up into small pieces and placed
Vn cloths or rubber bags, but in the
absence of these, pieces of ice can be
placed about the head and. neck.. .
Workingmen and others exposed to
the direct rays, of the sun should have
their heads well protected, and should
wear woolen next the skin. A very
useful precaution is' a pad of cotton
batting or flannel sewed along the
back of the under garment over the
spine so as to protect it. :
Things to Remember About Sleeping.
Sunlight is good for everything but
feathers. The best number of persons
to each bed is-one. Away with heavy
hangings, either above or below the
bed. Beware of a dusty, musty carpet
better sweetness and a bare floor. Do
not fail to provide some means for
ventilation during the night. Keep the
head cool while sleeping, but not by a
drft of cold air falling upon it If a
folding bed must be used, contrive
some way to keep it aired and whole
some. Let the pillow be high enough
to bring the bead In a natural position
no more or less. When lying on the
side the pillow should be large enough
to bring the head up in line with the
spinal column. Thoroughly , air the
sleeping-room every day; air the beds
and bedding as often as possible. A
dark, out-of-the-way, unwholesome
corner is no more fitted for a sleeping
room than for a parlor, A feather bed
which has done service for -a genera
tion or two is hardly a desirable thing
npon which to sleep. Good Housekeep-
- We have an idea that , when the time
comes for us to Gather at the River,
our pleasure will be spoiled by finding
a lot of boya sitjWnins in It.
Mr. Grocer; there are
thousands of people who
want good tea (many don't
drink tea now, because it has
been either costly or bad)
and here is Schilling's Best
good tea at a fair price.
Don't you want to sell
lots of such tea, and money
back it if your customers
don't like it?
A Schilling & Company
San Francisco
I. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was t7ie originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now rj? ytf . 7 on every
bear the foe-simile signature of &ty74UcJUK wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought nf? 7 on the
and has the signature o f 'ax J-eUc&U wrap
per. JVo one has authority from me to use! my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. E. Fletcher is
President. 7
March 8, 1897. Q?&jC
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
w v sicnu ui wuicu even, tie aoes not know.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
DCADO -1 i r . .......
uE-ino ine r-Atj-siMILt SIGNATURE OF
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
"A perfect type of the highest order of excellence In manufacture." fC"
jf! 1 ilia
Jk Established
Be sure that you set the
genuine article, made at
aa.- . -. .
Hercules Special
(2 actnal horsepower)
Price, only $185.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored
Weakness, Nervousness, Debility,
and all the train of evils
from early errors or 1 ater
excesses ; the results of
overwork, sickness, wor
ry, etc Full strength,
development and tone
given to every organ
and portion of the body.
Simple, natural methods.
Immediate imtrovment
seen. Failure impossible.
2,000 references. Book,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
HEAD complete, in from 17 minutes to two
hours bv ' SLOCUM 8 TAPE WORM
SPECIFIC," requiring no previous or af
ter treatment, such as fasting, starving,
dieting, and the taking of, nauseous and
poisonous drugs, causing no pain, sickness,
discomfort or bad after effects. No loss of
time,, meals or detention from business.
This remedy has NEVER failed. CURE
GUARANTEED. Over 6,000 cases suc
cessfully treated since 1883. Write tor free
information and question blank. Address,
Auditorium bid. Spokane, Wash.
Make money bv gnc
cess.ul speculation in
Chicago. We buy and
sell wheat there on mar
ring. Fortunes liave been made on a small
beginning y trading in futures. Write lor
luU particulars. Best ot reference given. Sev
eral rears' experience on the Chicago Board o(
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board
ot Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon,
Spokane and Seattle. Wash.
1M can be saved with
out their knowledge by
ANTI JAB, the marvelous
cure for the drink habit.
All druggists, or write
BrMdway. law Ion dir.
RUPTTntK and PTXVS cured; no pay trn
, tU euredi sead for book. Dm. l(mnKU
wnruu, idt Market SI, 8u FranaiMQ. -
Will J l
. Gave His Father the Promotion.
A case of a son's thoughtfulness and
affection for a father baa come to light
' in the navy department, at Washing
, ton. John Casson and his son, Schley
Cast on, are clerks in the office ol Secre
tary Long at salaries until recently at
tl,200 each. The work of the young
man attracted attention, and he waa
i notified of a promotion, with $1,400
salary. - Young Casson refused to ao
' cept, saying that his father had been
longer in the service and was more de
serving. At the young man's request
the promotion was transferred to the
A Georgia jury brought in this ver
dict the other day: "We find the de
fendant almost guilty."
Baker & Co.'s g
Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious.
Costs Less than One Cent a Cup.
BAKER & CO. Ltd. fci.
and not a bug
or pesi on mem.
Send for our de
scriptive price list FREE.
BUELLLAMBEHSOH. Portland, Oregon
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
We lead and originate
fashions in....
Second and Stark Sts.
u tsacK
Lame Back,
Railroad Back,
Stitch in the
Back, Lumbago
and ail back
troubles are in
stantly relieved
Its soothing, warming, invig- W
orating current penetrates the 2
weakened tissuis, sends the
life-blood bounding through your
veins, relieves the pain, takes
out the soreness, warms, tones
and strengthens,
re-enrorces - na
ture and .
Cures .
Verm nentlv.
It is worn while
you sleep, and
can be reeulated.
Read about it in fiS
the little book
"Three Classes
of Men," free by
mail or at this
office. A physician's advice
free. Call or address ,
853 West Washington St., Portland, Or
7: ' '?'.. PUwmentimAU Pa'Z
N. P. N. V.
V: it, 'T
TTTHBN writing t advertisers, pi.