The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, July 02, 1897, Image 1

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tpitorne of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Vn Interesting Collection of Items From
the New and the Old World In a
. Condensed and Comprehensive Form
Nine children have been killed anil
lany others injured by the collapse of
church wall at Sotino, in the province
If Cui.lo lteal."
Gerge D. Ladd, an attorney, and
liie ot;:tlie moat prominent weaitny
liisiness men of Pern, 111., committed
filicide by shooting.
Tlie estimate of Chicago's population
ly the publishers of the directory just
Irinted is 1,828,000, an increase of 76,-
100 over last year.
Minnie Robo,' aged 20, whose mind
L-as unbalanced . by the great tornado
If last year, committeed suicide at St.
Louis by taking a dose of Paris green.
Siimor Valtganero, cashier of the San
toovanni mine at Iglesias, Sardinia,
fchilev-on his way from the mine with
large sum, was robbed and murdered.
A fresh attempt on -the part of the
Iultan to secure Germany's eupport for
he retention of Thessaly was met with
ef usal and' advice to conform to Eu-
lope s wishes.
One of the most sensational tragedies
iver enacted in North Texas took place
Fi the Methecust cnurcn in neasam
alley, Dallas county, in the course of
the services. As a result Augustus
Harrison and Frank Jones are dead and
Dhomas Jones fatally wounded.
The- volcano Mayn has been in a
State of violent eruption, and the flow J
If lava has done great damage in tne
brovince of Alhay, particularly to the
f village of Libon, -where the tobacco
5xrop has been -completely destroyed.
There has been considerable loss of life.
During. -a 'thunder storm, lightning
truck a'coiivicV -camp near; Dakota,
ia. , and as a res uft four convicts are
lead, 10 are djan'garid 20 escaped dur
ng the-panicfwhieh-ensued. The camp
s at the lumber-miils of Grees Bros.,
?nd about 150 prisoners from the state
penitentiary were'.K9''there.
On TuneJ4... men. from the United
States cruisers Marion and Philadel
phia wRrpr'lrtmiT"Ht Tonoluln. While
n march to the drill grounds an order-
Sy brought an "orderpajfhi the battalion
reiurnea onjaoaro-.-.-iiiis . aatign was
taken, it is understood, on account of
k rumor to the -effect- that the Japanese
bruiser Naniwa " would .land a foriie of
nen to takeuhargVoftne-'Hawaiian
bustom-house'-'Thauapanese failed to
bet, and if. is-believed' Admiral ;
Beardslee's prprb"j)k" action caused the
apiata -ex lire iaii,iwi:(,u,.vijaugB iiio
A i jLiouisy iija Nashville express'
rain was' held up by a lone - robberr
who Becured about $4,000. '
Mrs. Henry Scott, if Chicago, and
Blrg. Maria Ifay, -formerly f .Ch'cago,
were' killed i", a runaways at" tou-
budue, la; -.-.-.A .?
Jbhn"H. Moss and Levan Berg 'have
keen arrested in. Seattle,; charged with
he murder of Michael J. Lyons, the
Port Blakely -salc5akeerr,. "Jiv-v
Charles Peterson, a Swedish iatwRl
about 25 years oIlr committed suicide
bn a farm near EllfcnSburg, by cutting
his throat with s pocket .knife. ;,. .
President -W. H. tiromWfen,. of the
Blackburn .univeritynd instructor in,
Latin, has resigned; "to take the Latin,
chair in Puget rtound raniversity, Taco'
paa.. ...y'
A terrible explqsOn bf a torpedo on
the Mexican , . International, near Eagle
Pass, Tex., completely wrecked a locov
l" i , mi i ii- i , - V 1 - 7
motive anu Kineti uie engineer anu ute-
knan...i. ; ., --..;.-
John Quincv-AdamsJ a Northern Pa
cific switcfimah, iwhiltji Running, over
the top? of cava at Missoula, Mont., slid
mkK fell ' between the cars, arid was
"killed. -"?'.-. -
Louis Sickmilter was-Instantly killed
tnd Albert gick'miller,: Charles Faille
nd George Steinhelder fatally injured
by the Erie fast express near Mans
Jfield, O. ..... . ,, .,'., .. .
The Biver -Eur has " overflowed its
(banks near the railroad depot of Naw-
fchig, Russia. Nineteen men belong-
ling to the Nijni .Novgorod dragoons
Iwere drowned. ,, .
Every boat brings to Port Townsend
froen to look over the proposed fotifica-
Itions sites with a view-to bid for the
contracts for construction. All the
Western, as well as several Eastern and
Southern states are represented.
A meeting of representatives of Q.
A. K., Loyal Legion and Woman's Be
lief Corps, has been held at Jndianap-
oia, Ind., to perfect plans for the erec
tion of a monument and care of the
grave of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, mother
of Abraham Lincoln, in Spencer coun
ty, this state.
Christian Boss died of heart disease,
at bis home in Philadelphia. He. was
the - father of Charley -Boss, and up to
his last illness Mr. Ross never gave up
the search for bis missing boy, whose
abduction startled Philadelphia on July
1,1874, and-became an unsolved mys
tery the world over.
A dispatch from Berne says the fed
eral council has refused to ratify the
commercial treaty with Japan, owing
to the prohibitive duty placed by Japan
upon clocks and matches.
Senor Canovas del Castillo says that
in ease Spanish ; forces in Cuba should
suffer severely from sickness during the
rainy season the government will send
20,000 additional troops to the island
in October, in order to maintain the
army at its full strength and to inflict
a final blow upon the insurgents.
The Spanish government has signed a
contract for a six per cent loan of 3,-
000,000 to meet the expenses of the
Philippine war. It will be guaranteed
by the Philippine customs.
Several mysterious roDDeries nave oc
curred on steamers touching at Hong
Kong. The steamer Tayuan on arriv
ing there recently from Australia, re
ported that boxes-containing $25,000
in gold sovereigns had been stolen from
her treasure room. , A lew days later
$5,000 in gold leaf was stolen from the
treasure chest oi the steamer ijoobook
while she was loading at Hong Song
or Bangkok. ,
The Much-Discussed Hide Paragraph
Disposed of.
Washington, June 30. The- senate
made good, progress on the tariff bilt
tday, disposing of the paragraphs relat
ing to. hides, which ; have been the
source of much controversy. As final
ly agreed on, the duty on hides is
placed at 20 per cent ad valorem in
place of cents per pound, as origin
ally reported by' the finance committee.
The discussion was protracted into a
gold debate on trusts and from that
back to the sugar tmst.
Among other paargrapha disposed of
during the day were all those relating
to gloves, a substitute for the paragraph
on live animals,' iron ore and stained
glass windows.
The paragraph relating to stained or
painted glass windows was changed
slightly in phraseology, and the duties
agreed to as reported.
In the iron ore paragraph the pend
ing proivsion gave a duty of 40 cents
per ton on iron ore, including mangan
iferous iron ore and the dross or resid
uum from burnt pyrites, with a proviso
relating to the aoconnt to be taken of
moisture in weighing the ore.
Allison offered new amendments,
which were agreed to, adding to the
first clause of the paragraph as reported
"manganese ore, $1 per ton," also at
the end of the proviso, "basic slag,
ground or unground, $1 per ton."
Paragraph 142, card clothing, was
agreed to as in the house bill.
In the paragraph on crosscut saws
the committee made a change, insert
ing steel- handsaws, finished or unfin
ished, 10 cents per pound, and 20 per
cent ad valorem.
In paragraph 137, iron and steel
bars, cold drawn, etc., change was
made from 1 cent to of a cent per
pound, in addition to the rates upon
plates, etc., and on steel circular saw
plates from to of a cent iu addi
tion to the rate for steel saw plates.".
Aluminum was changed, making the
rate, crude, 7 cents; in plates, etc., 12
On bronze powder, the duty on
bronze metal in leaf was increased from
5 to 8 cents per package.
A new paragraph was agreed to viz:
Hooks and eyes, 5 cents per pound
and 15"per cent ad valorem.
At Quay's request, ' the change in
paragraph 137 "was reconsidered, and
1 cent restored as the duty on - iron
bars, etc., in addition to. the rates on
plates, etc. '
Allison proposed a change in para
graph 426 J, relating to hides, making
the rate 20 per cent ad valorem instead
of 1)4 cents, and also striking out the
proviso relating to drawbacks. The
paragraph as amended reads: "Hides
of cattle, raWy or uncured, whether dry,
salted or pickled-, 20 per cent ad valor
em." ' - c
S.Taith stated in response to question
that the proposed 20 per cent ad valorem-
was much greater than. the
cents specific duty, being about 4 cents
per pound by the ad valorem rate- -
-f..J3at f Conrtwuttrpduced; sthi
suggestion that he had Jelegraghied t0'
thelNew York custom fiouse in refer
ence' to the importation . of hides, and
had received -an answer stating that the
importation in the last 11 months was
70,000,Q00 pounds, valued at $7,000,
000, and that the price of French
green hides averaged about 10 cents a
p6und,.and '".Sapth American hides
about 5' cents..'1 .
Allen said that, while not an advo
cate of a general- protective system, yet
heVconcurredfc' With ' the view that if
there was ta bi such bill, every sec
tion, .should Share in.; the benefits it
gave. 'He spoke of the benefits of a hide
dut$r to tlyf arm-era.
. .The-discussion .' branched off to the
prosecution of trusts, Allen and Hoar
discussing "the law.- 'Hoar said that
while the question of trusts could be
dealt, .wipk-tome'extent. by striking at
their imports, as in'the'lawof 1894, yet
he pared the most -serious phases of the
evil- Hauilbe deH itS-Tayvthe states.
The vote was then taken on the hide
paogrph aa-atnended. by, thfi.eommit-.
tee',- ai$ it was" agreed'-to 3$ .to 20.
. Ooe Democrat, Rawlins, and. Allen,
Butler,.4Heit"feld, : of Nevada,
Stewart, Mantle and Teller Vbied with
the ' Republi'CiinS in the affirmative.
The balance'oF'the vote was on party,
lines The committee presented a sub
stitute for paragraph. 425, band or belt
ing leather, etc. .. It wtts agreed to 30
to 19. . : ' ' "
h The bill was laid aside at 5 o'clock
and after an executive session, the sen
ate adjourned.--: -
; Shot by a Burglar. .
St. Louis, June 30. A special to the
Post-Dispatch from Red bud, 111., says:
Miss Lilian- Blais, aged 21, a highly
respected young lady of this city, had
a terrible experience "last night with a
burglar. She was awakened by a man
with a beard or mask who was search
ing her father's clothesJ :MIss Blais
screamed, and the robber thurst a pistol
to her breast and fired, the ball taking
effect just above the heart. Miss Blais
is not expected to recover. Blood
hounds were put on the trail of the
burglar. ' "
An Attempt That Failed. . .-
Omaha, Neb., June 80. A special
to the Bee from Deadwood says au at
tempt was made to hold up the Butte
County bank at Bellefourche at noon.
The 'robbers were driven off after a
The Boat-Kocker Was Aboard. - . -Rochester,
N. Y.,;June 29. Harry
W. Clancy, a- newspaper reporter,, was
drowned in Iron Dequert bay today.
Clancy and three companions were row
ing in the bay, when one of the party
rocked the boat, which capsized. The
entire party was thrown into the bay,
but three of them were rescued by per
sona from the -shore.
It is calculated that by the end of
the year 2000 there will be 1,700,000
English-speaking persons on the globe.
Steamer Kisbit Sunk. -Huntington,
W. Va., June 29. The
steamer W. F. Nisbit, owned by the
Cincinnati & Pomeroy Company, bound
for Pomeroy, sank a mile below Central
City this' afternoon. Th boat is on
the bar in five feet of water. ' None of
her cargo ie damaged. ' The passengers
are all safe.
A Massacre In New Guinea.
Brisbane, Queensland, JtinejJO. An
other. European company. -has been
maSHaored in New Guinea. . No details
bare been received. -
Particulars of the Accident
. ' Near ;Kansas City. r
The Conductor Is Still Alive Those
Who Were Injured Will Recover
' All the Mail Was Iogt.
Kansas City, June 29. Seven coffins
were forwarded to St.. Louis today from
Missouri City. They contained the re
mains of the victims of last night's
wreck on the Wabash road. ' A correct
ed list of the dead is as-follows: -
W. S. Mills, postal clerk, St. Louis;
O. M. Simth,' postal clerk, St. Louis;
Gnstave A. Smithy, postal clerk, St.
Louis; F. W. Brink, postal clerk, St.
Louis; Charles Winters, postal clerk,
St. Louis; Edward Grindrode, baggage
man, St. Louis; Charles P. Greasley,
brakeman, St. Louis.
The conductor of the train, C. C.
Copeland, of St. Louis, who was re
ported last night among the dead, is
still alive. He was removed this morn
ing to the hospital at Moberly with a'
faractured skull and several ribs brok
en. He lingers between life and death,
but the surgeons express a hope that he
will recover. Conductor Copeland was
suppqsed to be dead when taken from
the wreck, and his body, with a hand
kerchief drawn over the face, was
ranged in a row with the seven dead
corpses. A" few minutes later some one
observed a sign of life, and he was
quickly transferred to a stretcher and
given every possible attention. -
Of the 19 others injured, not one is
in a critical condition. Among them
all there is not one broken limb, though
many of them were thrown three-quarters
of the length of the coaches in
which they were riding. Mrs. Wilkins,
of Kansas'City, is the most seriously
hurt. Two small bones of her left
hand are broken, and she suffered a se
vere laceration of the thigh, as well as
bruises about the face and neck. The
wounds of most of the others are triv
ial. All indications are that death came
to at least four of the five unfortunate
mail clerks almost instantly. ; Their
car pitched end first through the tres
tle, and they must have been drowned
in the raging stream -while in an un
conscious condition. The remains of
the four were carried from the wreck,
and were recovered some distance down
the stream. There were signs of life
in the body of the fifth mail clerk when
the rescuers dragged him from the
wreck, but he died a few minutes later
on the bank of the creek." ' :';"K '
Last night it was feared there were
more bodies iu the stream, but a care
ful search .-.todaj proved;: that the fatal
ities 'were limited to those already
lug beneath the tresftwhere. the wreck
occurred. . In ordinary weather it is a
dry creek bed. The storm of last night,
which was almost a cloUdburst.- had
swollen the - little stream to torrential
proportions. The flood carried away a
jfragon bridge a short distance above
the Wabash' trestle. The wreck of this
bridge was hurled down upon the rail
road trestle and carried away a row of
wooden supports in the center.
The scene of . the wreck, which is
pnly 20 miles northeast ot Kansas
City, near Missouri City,twas visited
todays by many persons. A wrecking
train- worked here all day, repairing
.the trestle and raising - the shattered
coaches, and tonight trains are moving
pyer the road as usual-- . , "
The postal authorities report that
Xyobably nearly all of the mail carried
On' the train, was- lost or destroyed:
When the wreck occurrredthe five" pos
tal clerks 'are supposed to "have all ol
their pouches open, and to have been at
work ditsjbuting the mail. The cai
was so broken and splintered that most
of the mail floated off. -The Wabash
train each evening carries, all of Kan
,sas Cityp inail for. the East, and it is
always heavy and valuable. '
: Insurgents Tun Highwaymen.
Havana, June" 29. A stage coach
bound from Havana for San Jose de las
Lajasr a nearby settlement, was stopped
on the road bya large band of insur
gents, who killed with their machetes
tne 18 scouts who were escorting the
coach; six guerillas, one Spanish officer,
a doctor, a carpenter, and three other
passengers, who attempted to save their
'lives by flight. The only occupants of
the-coach" who were "not killed by the
insurgents were a woman and a child,
-The insurgents' captured a considerable
amount of private booty, $17,000 worth
of medicine, and $3,000 in carii. They
also secured a convey consisting of two
j'carts laden with provisions , and sup
plies. General Weyler has liberated 14
woinen and 15 children who were taken
prisoners $n-an iunsrgent camp.
La Lucha has a dispatch from Tunas
stating that in the last engagement be
tween the Spanish forces and the insur
gents under General Gomez, the horse
ridden by Gomez was shot under him.
Only a pound of maple sugar to a
tree was the report of the manufac
turers in "the Cambridge district of 'Ver
mont this year." ' .
- Heat Record In Georgia Broken.
Atlanta, Ga., June 29. All heat rec
ords in Georgia liave been broken to
day and a number of fatalities through
out the state have resutled from the
hundreds of prostrations reported. Two
deaths have occurred in . this city, and
more are expected. The thermometer
registered 104 this afternoon, and peo
ple were compelled to stay indoors'.
' Laplariders''are the shortest people in-
Europe, their average height being:
Males, 59 inches; females, 57.
A Mine Superintendent's Suicide. .--
'" Jamestown, " Cal.1; June 29. H. W.
Coffin, superintendent of the Juniper
mine,, and formerly a successful mine
manager in Nevada, shot himself early
this morning while in" the Juniper
office and '.died -in a few minutes. He
was believed fo-i haveTseeri temporarily
insane, having sustained severe injuries
on his Bead during a recent accident in
the mine. -"" "' " " "" ' ' - ,-.
.It ia said that the Japanes are invad
ing the Indian market with manufac
tured articlas fraudulently labelled
"U. & A."
The Famous -Competitor Case Comes
Up at Havana July 1. "'
New York, June 30. A Journal dis
patch from Havana says: Consul Gen
eral Lee has finally been notified that
On a Melton, the American .newspaper
correspondent. Captain. LaBored and
others belonging ' to " the captured
schooner Competitor, and one or two
Americans incarceratedwith them in
Cabanas fortress, will be called for trial
July 1; The hearing will be before
civil judges, and judgment, will be
based on the declarations previously
made within the walls of the prisons
on evidence . taken by a government
official or crown prosecutor,' acting on
behalf of the Spanish admiralty and
war department. - The court will listen
to no new testimony, save in support
of the written ' declarations already
filed. ' ' : ' - ' . -
" jSeorge Ferran, the ..only witness the
Competitor men were' permitted to call
on their behalf, was arrested immedi
ately after his examination, and is still
in prison. His sworn statement was
that the vessel was beyond the three
mile limit, and had the American flag
at her masthead wheu seized. This
statement displeased the Spaniards,
and Ferran was therefore detained here
and charged with perjury.
Consul-General Lee has as yet re
ceived no instructions to employ coun
sel to defend the prisoners." .: '
A Spanish magistrate said the men
would undoubtedly be found guilty
again and sentenced to death or long
terms of imprisonment, but added:
"Their friends should not fear their
being executed or- deported. Our peo
ple are too diplomatic to force Ameri
ca's hand."
The rebel generals. Rivera and Bal
lacoa will not be shot. General Wey
ler has received a cable from Minister
of War Ascarraga to . indefinitely sus
pend the court-martial sentence of
death, pending the close of hostilities,
when their pardon expected.
General Weyler himself has taken no
steps to stop the court-martial and
shooting of other and less important
prisoners of the war. ; . -' " - .
During the last three days at Ma
tanzas, at Sagua, Santa Clara, Sancti"
Spiritus, Cienfuegos, and Pinar del
Rio, dozens of executions occurred. -.
At Sagua two Cuban girls accused of
sending out clothes to their brothers
fighting , under the insurgent chief,
Roban, were convicted of aiding the re
bellion and sentencedby a military
court to respectively 12 years arid six
months' imprisonment in the African
penal colony. . , ;
. . Operations by the Cubans.
New York, June 30. tA "Herald dis
patch from Key West says: Private
advices just received from Santiago
province give further details of the
fighting during last week around
Gibara and Banes, between insurgents
and Spanish forces. The advices say
the insurgents under General Calixto
Garcia and Colonel Torres, numbering
nd-quippecl menyattacked rxmrof the
seaports simultaneously, but met with
a stubborn resistance from the Span
iards who had been ; advUed of their
coming and were prepared. -
The demonstrations against Banes,
which is less than 10 leagues distant
from Gibara, was merely a feint by the
rebels to divert attention and draw
the Spanish forces from Gibara, which
was the only point really to be attacked
and which they knew had been strongly
fortified and garrisoned.
" The ruse was partially successful,
snd Garcia, with his forces, entered
Gibara. v His success, however, was
only of short duration, as be was subse
quently driven out, after a hot fight,
during which many .were killed and
wounded on both sides . . -
Colonel Machado, a veteran ' of the
10-years"-waf, antl'm;ho is actively en
gaged in promoting the present strug
gle,' says: - - -
My advices from Cuba are that Gomez
has-planned his summer campaign and
put his plans in operation. Already
columns of thousands of .well-armed
men,- under efficient leaders have been
distributed " thr'oughotit' ihe' different
General Garcia's attack on Gibara
and other important operations by our
forces will - be directed by General
Gomez from Santa Clara, where he will
pitch his headquarters.
A Successor to l)e lome.
Havana, June 80. Senor Santos Guz
man, the leader of the uncompromising
Spanish party in Havana, is reporetd
to have .informed his adherents that
Senor Castelar is about to be appointed
Spanish minister to Washington, the
oosition now held by De Lome.
A Strike at Milwaukee.
' Milwaukee, June 29. At a meeting
today of the Amalagmated Association,
employes of the Illinois Steel Company,
a strike was ordered to begin Thursday.
The company submitted a scale pro
viding for a decrease in pay, which the
employes refused. The strikers-will
number 500 men and 400 others' will be
thrown out of work by the closing of
the plant.
. ' A Rebuff for the Sultan.
Constantinople, June 30. A fresh
attempt on the part of the sultan to se
cure Germany's support for retention
of Thessaly was met with refusal and
advice to conform to Europe's wishes.
Drowned Under a Coal Barge.
Cincinnati, June 29. This evening
George Lowenstein, Robert Keith and
Edward King rowed a skiff from Cin
cinnati to Newport, Ky., and struck
the up-stream end pf a eoal barge in
landing. The skiff was swamped and
Lowenstiri and Keith were drawn un
der the. barge and drowned. ; ;
Of the $81,000,000 appropriated by
the Chilian budget,-no less than $39,
000,000 are for army and navy expen'
'tures. "
To Raise Coffee In Mexico. .
Guadalajara, Mexico, June 80. Sev
eral months ago, Benuit, representing a
wealthy . French syndicate, arrived to
investigate the opportunities for colon
izing rich coffee land on the Pacific
slope of the state of Jalisco. He made
a report. A deal has just been closed
for the purchase of 2,000,000 acres,
and steps have- been - taken to locate
thereon 20,000 French .colonists. - The
land lies on the western slope of the.
Sierra Madre, The colonists will come
from Southern r.T,ranoe" and pay j
nominal price for the land.
Chunks of
Roofs Were Pierced and Dogs and Birds
Killed Runaways Occurred in Al)
Farts of the City.
Topeka, Kan., June": 28. The worst
hail storm known In this .section ol
Kansas struck this -. city shortly after fl
o'clock .tonight-;: The shower of hail
was terrific ' Hailstones, weighing 12 tc
16 ounces stripped the trees of their fo
liage, smashed windows on every hand,
including Jhe finest i-plate-glass store
fronts;; cui' "dowfltelegraph .and tele
phonejjy ire, ridd!t . -awningsin j ured
nrany""persons-aid ; inflicted unprece
dented damage throughout the city. So
great was the weightof the falling hail
that when it struck the asphalt pave
ment many of the hailstones rebounded
to the height of 20 and 30 feet. Dogs
were struck in the streets and instantly
killed. . Horses . were : knocked to theii
knees, to rise again, and dash away iu
mad fright. Many runaways occurred
throughout the city. - When the fury
of the storm - passed, those who ven
tured out found dead birds everywhere,
and on every hand was the scene of the
wreckage of the storm.
The storm came from the southwest.
Dense, greenish clouds gave warning
of disaster, and as the day bad been
extremely hot and close, many foresaw
a cyclone and - sought shelter in theii
cellars. The storm came on -with a
heavy wind and terrific lightning, and
then came rain, together a with a deaf
ening crash of hail that was paralyzing
to the senses," " So great was the dam
age to telegraph wires that the city was
cut off from the outside world for sev
eral hours. Topeka tonight looks like
a city that has withstood a siege of wai
guns. There are not a dozen buildings
in town that are not almost window
less, and : many roof s were caved in.
The roofs : of ?. many ; structures, also,
were pierced. "i The damage can be im
agined when it is known that the hail
stones ranged in - size from that of a
hen's egg to that of an ostrich egg, and
that, 80 minutes after the storm one
hailstone was picked ,ap which ' meas
ured 14 inches in circumference.
Surgeons are busy dressing the
wounds of persons injured in the storm,
and reports of 7 injuries continue to be
received. Many were hurt in the run
aways on the streets. - -. -
The damage cannot be estimated, bul
will , amount to thousands of dollarr.
Window glass is already at a premium
here, and tonight three carloads Were
ordered from Kansas City.. Street-cai
traffic is stopped, and eletr-ic lights are
out,, owing .to .demoralization of thf
electric light-systems. -. .
eyo5 atih ffsWs44l&ttfc on,'gj!kbricWiTSenator-
JSansaa City, June 28."A special tc
the Star from Salina, Kan., says: A
terrible cyclone passed 15 miles north
of this city last nigh J. So far as heard
three are dead and a number danger
ously injured. The dead are:
' Mrs. Anna Geesey, aged 84; Nola
Geesey, 13; Ida Geesey, 9.
Four members of this family were
also badly hurt. . Mr. Geesey was away
from home. The remainder of the
family had retired, and when the storm
struck they made for their cave. Be
fore they had gotten out of the house
the tornado had destroyed it.
The work of destruction was not
known till this morning, when neigh
bors found the dead and injured mem
bers of the family lying about in the
debris. The three dead were found 50
feet away, east of the house, and neai
them the body. of a girl, alive, but
buried to her waist in dirt.
There are rumors of other casualties,,
but particulars are meager.
Intense heat prevails in Central Kan
sas. At some points farmers are com
pelled to abandon their harvest work -
Leadvllle Crowd Wanted to Hang Them,
but Were Driven Back.
Leadville, Colo., June 24. Leo ' ami
Frank Bohannon, who escaped from the
cuetody of the officers and shot and
mortally wounded Deputy Fahey, were
captured this afternoon, two miles be
low Granite by Deputy Sheriff McDon
nell. The officer took the trail this
morning and about two "miles above the
town of Granite he caught sight of the
desperadoes. Returning to Granite, be
secured the services of John Gilbert, a
ranchman, E. Shaul, a deputy,, ai d
the trio soon caught up with the Bo
hannon boys, W ben they saw the offi
cers they made an attempt to draw
their guns, but he officers had the drop
and they were quickly disarmed and
shackled. . "
. There; was a very large crowd at the
depot when the train arrived, bringing
in the prisoners.- A large force of dep
uties and policemen was. on hand, as
there had been rumors of trouble. The
two men were quickly hustled into a
carriage and none too soon,, for . the
crowd made a rush and were, only
driven back after a sharp struggle. The
jail is closely guarded tonightv
Asparagus is the oldest known plant
used for food. '
St. Louis,..June 28. A terrific rain
storm- this morning did considerable
damage in the southwest section of the
city. The poor house was unroofed
and the building otherwise damaged.
The storm also struck the insane asy
lum, but not much damage was done.
A thoughful New York contemporary
announces that "boiled alligator flesh
tastes very much like veal." Those
who are in straightened circumstances
and are unable to obtain veal will do
well to. remember this substitute. ;
.. Earthquake in Kentucky. . ...
Hopkineville, Ky.. June . 28. Dur
ing a heavy storm here today two earth
quake shocks - were distinctly felt.
The walls of large buildings were shak
en, and - the shock was perceptible to
everybody; the shock occurred at 11:40.
The vibrations were from west to east.
London, June 28. The St. Peters
burg correspondent pf the Morning Poet
eaya the Novoe Vreyma protests vigor
ously against the action of the United
States as to Hawaii, which, it adds,
may soon be followed by an attempt
to annex Cuba.
An Engagement in Which Cubans Wen
Reported Defeated. '-".
Havana, June 28. Colonel Guerser
ras, with a column of troops and acting
in conjunction with the local guerilla.
force and garrison of Madruga, - has
been engaged with an insurgent force
under;'.,the leadership : of Arangueren,
which was intrenched in the Sierra de
Grille, near Mad ruga, i n this province.
The Spanish troops, the' official report
cays, successfully dislodged the insur
gents from all the positions occupied
by the latter,: until the enemy reached
Abro. del Cafe, where the insurgents
made a determined stand. Eventually
the insurgents were also dislodged from
that place, and the Spanish troops de
stroyed the enemy's camp. The fight
ing, the ' official report adds, lasted
from 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 7
o'clock at night. The insurgents, in
retreating, left 10 men killed on the
field, and the government lost one lieu
tenant and 15 soldiers .killed, and had
one major, one captain and 134 soldiers
wounded. -
Dinner to the Poor.
London, June 28. The Princess ol
Wales? jubilee dinner to the poor was
very successful. About 3000 denizens
of the slums were -sumptuously enter
tained at the various centers. The
princess, accompanied by the Prince of
Wales, - Princess Victoria of Wales,
and Prince Charles, of Denmark, vis
ited the principal halls. The places
visited by the royal party were the Peo
ple's Palace, in the East End, Center
hall, in Holburn, and the Western
schoolhouse. At , the People's Palace
the royal visitors were received by the
lord mayor and the lady mayoress.
The children at the People's Palace
were all cripples. They were wheeled
in bath chairs, limped on crutches, or
were carried into the banquet hall.. At
the Central hall, Holburn, 17,000 peo
ple, young and old, partook of the ban
quet served. The members of the roy
al party shook hands with and spoke
encouraging words to many . ragged
waifs. The same scenes were enacted
at Clerkenwell.
At the People's Palace the princess
herself made the first block of ice cream
with a patent freezer, to the delight of
the children.
The Tariff Bill.
Washington, June 28. The senate
today completed the wool, the silk and
the tobacco schedules of the tariff bill,
and, with this accomplished, the tariff
leaders had the satisfaction of knowing
that all the schedules of the bill and
the free list had been gone over once.
There now remains only to go through
the bill a second time, passing on the
items passed over. These are very nu
merous and important, including hides,
gloves, coal, tea and leer. After that,'
the internal revenue features will be
all that remains. Progress was rapid
today, although every paragraph relat
ing to carpets was stubbornly contested.
The consideration of the silk schedule
led to a strong contest against the pro-
l e'ier ana Mantle - joined. . WltD the
Democrats in opposition. The para
graph was passed by a majority of two.
The tobacco schedule went through
with little friction, after the committee
had advanced the duty slightly on
wrapper and leaf tobacco.
Fatal Shootinjr Affray.
Calistoga, Cal., June 28. -A fatal
shooting affray took place today on the
place of W. R. Coburn, was killed 14
miles from here, W. H. Coburn was
killed and Deputy Sheriff Storey was
fatally wounded. Sheriff Pardee and
a posse were in pursuit of G. W. Co
burn, son of the deceased, who escaped
from jail at Lockport a year ago.- It
was discovered that the escape was in
hiding at his father's place, and a posse
was formed to capture him, but the
father appeared on the scene, and was
about to shoot Parsons, when two ol
the posse fired at him. Young Coburn
then used his gun on Storey, who will
die. Young Coburn escaped in the con
fusion which followed, but bis capture
is only a matter of a few hours.
Englantt Hears the News.
London, June 28. In the house ol
commons today the parliamentary sec
retary for the foreign office replied to a
question of Beckett, conservative,' re
garding Hawaiian annexation. He said
the government was aware that a pro
posal to annex Hawaii ' to the United
States bad been submitted for the con
sideration of the senate, but no deci
sion had been reached. The secretary
added it would be the object of her
majesty's government to see that what
ever rights, according to international
law belong to Great Britain- and Brit
ish subjects are fully maintained.
. Congressman Cooke Dead. "
' Washington, June 28. Congressman
Edward Dean Cooke, of the Sixth Illi
nois district, was found dead in his
room at the Cochran hotel this morn
ing, presumably of heart disease.
Cook retired about 11 o'clock last
night, apparently in perfect health.
At 2 o'clock this morning Night Clerk
Cochran was called to bis room and
found him suffering from nausea, but he
soon recovered, and declined to have a
physician called. About 5 o'clock
Cochran went to Cooke's room and
found he was dead. Cooke was a na
tive of Iowa, and was 48 years old.
The Hawaiian Islands show a sur
plus revenue of $93,627.26 for last year.
Armed Bandits at X-eadvilie.
Leadville, June 28. A band of
armed men have just been reported in.
the. vicinity of the Johnny mine. They
are believed to be bandits. . Sheriff
O'Mahoney and a large posse have gone
to the scene. - -
-' Sang on the Scaffold. .
Fayetteville, W. Va., June 28.
Clark Lewis was hanged here today.
He sang on the scaffold. Lewis was
hanged foi the murder of Chailes Gib-
- Killed by His Brother J :
Telluridge, Colo., June 28. Richard
P.-Bennett was shot - and killed in bis
saloon by Emanuel Bennett, his broth
er. The shooting was the result of ill
feeling that had existed between the
brothers for three months, arising out
of differences whiofh caused Emanuel
to sell his interest in the business to
Richard, i -- . :'
In the British- museum library the
books that tire presented-are yellow in
color, those that are purchased are red,
and thoes bound in blue denote thai
they oame-by copyright.
The Tariff Bill Is Being Rapidly Pusheo.
The Cuban Question Protection I
Still Gaining Ground in the South.
E. F. Parsons, Special Correspondent. ;
Washington,' D. C. Reports from
the business centers, which reach .mem
bers of congress here, are extremely
gratifying..' Dun's reivew, which is
accepted as a reliable, business barom
eter, not controlled or influenced by
political or other causes which could
affect its accuracy; presents the most
satisfactory trade statement for the last
week that has been made since the
present business depression began.
That statement was remarkable in ; its
showing of the decided decrease in
embarrassments in all branches of trade
and in reports pf unusual activity in
all the industries in anticipation of the
passage of the tariff bill.' The failures
reported in most branches of trade are
less in number than at any time in the
last thirty-six months while the volume
of business transacted is, in quantity,
larger than in 1892, the year of our
greatest prosperity, the slight reduction
in values being due to the .smaller
prices paid for the articles of commerce
handled. When it is remembered that
this happens before the new tariff bill
gets upon the statute books and with
the industries of the country depressed
by the importation of foreign goods at
the rate of over a hundred millions a
month, the improvement thus noted
is very remarkable and is proving verV
gratifying' to those who are following
the situation closely.
The Cuban Situation.
The return of Special Commissioner
Calhoun from Cuba revives "interest'in
the situation in that unfortunate island
and in the prospective action of -the
administration. It is believed that
President McKinley and Secretary
Sherman are now likely to have suffi
cient information within a compara
tively short time to enable them to act
intelligently and in a way which will
bring relief and encouragement and
substantial aid, not only to American
citizens in Cuba, but to those who are
struggling in behalf of the cause of
Pushing the Tariff.
Events have moved rapidly in Wash
ington this week. The senate, realizing
the pressure which is being brought
upon it by the country for rapid action
on the tariff bill, has held sessions early
and late and pushed through the bill at
a rate of speed absolutely unparalleled
in the history of that ordinarily slow
going hody. That this should have
happended within a few months of the
close of one of the most bitterly, fought
campaigns that the country has ever
seen is the more remarkable. - ' And
that people should go on complaining
because still greater speed is not made
under these remarkable circumstanoes,
can' scaroeljf Abe" accounted forj except
upon the theory suggested by a'gentle
man recently quoted in this correspond
ence that the state of nervous prostra
tion to which the Cleveland adminis
tration brought the country has ren
dered the people to some degree irre
sponsible and unwilling to measure
things expected by those that have hap
pened in the past.
Protection Gainfng in the South.
Nothing has . more disturbed the
Democratic leaders in and out of con
gress than the fact that the large num
ber of Democratic members from the
South have, within the past few days
and weeks, cast their votes in favor of
a protective tariff and that no less than
one-third of the members of congress
from south of Mason and Dixon's line
have either voted directly for a high
rate of protection in the pending tariff
bill or refused to oast their votes against
it. Thirty-two Southern men in the
house voted for the Dingley bill and
five 'others from that section Populists
refused to votei against it, while in
the senate, as is weH known, numbers
of Southern Democrats and Populists
have voted for either higher rates of
protection than were originally placed
in the bill or than those reported from
the finance committee.
That this growth of protective senti
ment in the South is a genuine one and
largely the result of the development
of manufacturing industries in that sec
tion is apparent, but the necessity for
excusing and minimizing it has led Mr.
Bryan's organ,' the Omaha World-Herald,
and other papers to assert that the
protective vote from the South is cast
by men not natives of 'that section and
not representing its real sentiment. In
a recent issue, the Omaha World-Her
aid, commenting upon this subject,
"During the last decade a great deal
of Northern capital has been invested
in Southern manufacturing enterprises
and it is natural that the investing cap
italists after years of paternalism in
the shape of protection should still
oling to it. The voices from the South
crying for protection are voices that
have been imported into that section
from protection nurtured New England
and are not the voices of Southerners.
. .The protectionists in the
South are those who have left the sterile
bills of New England and wandered
down south to broaden their field of
This assertion that the Southern votes
which have been cast for the protective
tariff bill or for especially protective
features proposed or adopted, werejeast
by men not natives of that section
csirpet-baggers is absolutely untrue.
'." It is apparent from the examination
of the persona history of the Demo
crats from the South who have voted
for the protective features of the tariff
bill, that in every case they are natives
of that section and life-long Demoortas,
and ihe Populists -who voted for. the
bill are all natives of the South.
The same rule in most cases applied
to the 30 Republicans from the South.'
The Republican party has in congress
today a greater number of members
from south of Mason and Dixon's line
than ever before, with the possible ex
ception of a single congress shortly af
ter the closeofthewa
' Britain' Second Oldest Ship.
Great Britain's second oldest ship
in the commission, the Grampus, built
in 1784, has been sold to be broken up.
It has been used for many, years as a
powder, hulk at Portsmouth, Nelson's
Victory ia .the only older ship in the
Downing, Hopkins V Company's Review
of Trade.
.Considerable activity has been noted
in July wheat during . the ; past week,
owing to the fear of manipulation by
the elevator men. Stocks of wheat in
iuu,m . v- rr i - u v , w v,vwv,vvv
bushels, and this is firmly held by men
who believe in higher prices for spot
wheat during the next 30 days. There .
has been little doing in other options,
although September wheat 'has gained
two cents. The news has been some
what conflicting in many respects, re
ports of harvesting from the Southwest
tending to somewhat dishearten hold
ers, while the news in other respects -
was bullish in tone, and indicated .
good demand for cash wheat. . Receipts
have' fallen off sharply in the North
west, and everything indicates that .
from now on until the next crop moves,
but littile will be received. Foreign
crop news has been bullish in tone'.
European advices confirming the re
ported damage to the-Roumanian and
Bulgarian crop of 25 per cent. Condi. '
tio'ns of India have improved but little.'
Russian reports continue to" speak of1
damage to wheat in certain sections,
while in France there has been only a
slight improvement. Exports have
shown a moderate decrease under those,
of the previous week. Bradstreet's re
ports them at 3,156,000 bushels, while
ocean passage decreased 1,440,000 bush
els. Our visible supply decreased
1,879,000 bushels, and is now down:
to 18,794,000 bushels, the smallest)
in many years. Were there any
speculation we would see higher prices'
at once, but the market is in a nit andl
so narrow that it is at present con
trolled by a few professionals who are
scalping for small profits. While the
present dullness lasts, we hardly look
for a bull market, but our supplies are
getting so low that the short side is
very .dangerous to be on, and we advise
our friends to buy wheat on the little
breaks at present, and be satisfied with
small profits until speculation revives,
or there" is a material ' change in the
situation. -
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 67 68c; Val
ley, 69c per bushel.
; Flour Best grades, $3.603.75;
grahram, $3.40; superfine, $2.60 per
Oats Choice white, 38 40c; choice
gray, 87 39c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16 16. 50;
brewing, $1819 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $14.60 per ton;
middlings, $23.60; shorts, $16.50.
. Hay Timothy, $10 13.60; clover,
$11.5012.60; California wheat, $10
12; do oat, fii; ureogn wild hay,
10 per ton.
j Eggs 1 2 . 13c per dozen. . ;
Butter Fancy creamery. 3035o;
fair to good, 25c; dairy, 20 25c per
roll. -
Cheese Oregon, IlJo; Young
America,. 12c; California, 910c per
Poultryrr-Chiokens, mixed, $2.503
per dozen; broilers, $23; geese, $2.50
4. 50; ducks, $2. 50 3. 50 per dozen;
tl -1 : 1 ..;-fl.-v ...... ... '.
Potatoes. Oregon -Burbanks. 40
50c per sack; sweets, $2. 75 per cental
for Merced; new potatoes, $1.00 1.10'
Onions California, new, red, 90c
$1; yellow, $1.50 per cental.
Hops 77o per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4c.
Wool Valley, 10 12c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 6 8c; mohair, 19
20c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 2c; dressed mutton, 4
5c; spring lambs, 6 7 per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4; light
and feeders, $2.503; dressed, $3
4.75 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50; cows
$2. 50 3; dressed beef, 56c per
Veal Large, 3j4o; small, 4)
5c per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 17c; ranch, 10 12c.
Cheese Native Washington, 10
lie; California, 9)c.
Eggs -Fresh ranc, 14 15c.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, ll12o; spring chickens, $2.60
3.50; ducks, $45.
Wheat Feed wheat, $25 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $20; feed $21
Corn Whole, $20; craoked, per ton,
$20; feed meal, $20 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$19; whole, $18.50.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6o; cows, 6c; mutton sheep,
6Jc; pork, 6Jc; veal, small, 6 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 34c; salmon,
45c; salmon trout, 710c; flounders
and sole, 3 4; ling coad, 4 5; rock
cod, 5o; smelt, 3 4c
San Francisco Markets. i
Wool Choice foothill, 9llc; San
Joaquin, 6 months' 810o; do year's
staple, 7 9c; mountain, 10 12c; Ore
gon, 10 12c per pound. ,
f Hops 8 12o per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.60
20.50; California bran, $1314.50 per
Hay Wheat, $8 11; wheat and
oat, $7 10; oat, $6 8.50 river barley,
$56; best barley, $6.508; alfalfja,
$5 9 olover, $6 8. ,
Potatoes New, in boxes, 50 90c.
Onions New red, 6070o; do new
silverskin, 80 90 per cental.
Fresh fruit Apples, 26 36c per
small box; do large box, 50 85c Royal
apricots, zu(34uo common cnerries, .
25 30c; Royal Anne cherries, 4550o
per box; currants, $1.002.00 per
chest; peaches, 25 50c; pears, 20
30c; cherry plums, 20 40c per box.
Butter Fancy creamery, 16c; do
seconds, 1515.c; fancy dairy, 14o;
good to choice, 1314o per pound.
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 8o; fair
to good, 77K P61 pound.
Eggs Store, 1012o; ranch, 13
16o; Eastern, 12 18; duck, 13o per
Citrus fruit Navel oranges, $1.60
3; seedlings, $11.60; Mexican
limes, $7 7.60; common lemons, 75c
1.50. -
Bengal was in 1770 devastated by a
fearful famine, during the course oi
which nearly one half of the inhabi
tants died, the trade became disorgan
ized, and the revenues remaining un
collected. "" ' - . " ' '
' The first printing in America was es
tablished at Cambridge, Mass., in 1039,