- lained Every Friday Mornim; by tke Gazette Publishing Go. CORVALLIS, OREGON, June n, i897- orpegpondenee. X EVENTS OF THE WEEK. A General Prayer for Rain. Connty Item-gatherers in the Field. PHILOMATH NEWS I.ETTBR. Elder C. O. Bell, of' Portland, m the chapel Sunday evening. - Newton Allen killed a large bear near town last Wednesday. Mrs. S. L. Keezel has been ap pointed postmistress of this office. Ed Sharp received the contract to furnish wood lor the public school. Guy Frink, Major Davis, Doug las Davis and James McLain visit ed the peak last week.. Prof. Guthrie, wife and daugh ter, left Mondav to visit his boy hood home near Cleveland, Ohio. Elder Bell administered the or dinance of baptism by immersion to two persons, Sunday afternoon. Miss Laura Hoover, of Green wood countv. Kansas, is here visit- in her uncle. J. A. Hawkins, and family. Miss Julia M. Taylor, who is tfinchinsr in the public schools of Albany, visited her parents over Sunday. -.: .. . While Dlavins: ball Monday af ternoon, Fred Ingle had his right thumb dislocated. Dr. Loggen re duced the dislocation. ' The Executive Committee of Veterans met at the M. E. church Thursday morning, and made ar rangements to hold a reunion here on the 6th day of July, ibVi. The annual institute of the teachers of Benton county met - here last Thursday. Great inter . ' est "was taken in th work. At the evening sessions standing room was at a premium. Commencement day exercises of the College of Philomath will be held in the grove near the college on Wednesday, June 16. Dr. Thompson, of Corvallis, will de liver the baccalaureate-sermon at 5:30 p. m. next Sunday, , .Rev. E. Fix of Portland, late a missionarv to China, preached the baccalaureate' sermon ot Philo math college on Sunday. His text ' was "Now Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped for, the Evidence of things not seen:" Heb 11; 1. Charles Wh'te, of Eastern Ore- eon, and Mrs. BoncLoi Polk coun ty, eousin and! -sMer-fef the White hrnthers: W. W. Devo. of Elk fSitv. and Clarence Miller, of Cor valhs. are her attending the clos ing exercises ot Philomath college. "Wednesday was a day long to . be remembered in Philomath. The occasion was the Woodmen's pic nic. It was estimated that 1,000 persons were on the grounds. The. .Monroe cornet, baud lurnisneu ex client music. Mrs. H. C. Allen recited a choice selection. Con sul Falkenburg made an interest ing address on the benefits of the order. After dinner "came the nail driving contest, in which eleven maids and matrons entered, each being furnished with a ham : - mer and ten 20 penny wire spikes to be driven into seasoned fir tim ber. Mrs. Walter Newton finished first time I minute, 31 seconds with Mrs. James Henderson a close second. . Consul Falkenburg, in a speech, presented the prize, a glass water set, to Mrs. Newton. Rufus Bohanon, with a bucksaw, sawed two cuts off a ieasoned fir timber 6x6: time 1:29. James Green and Le Masters entered the chopping contest to cut off a fir log 18 .. inches in diameter in two. Mr. - Oreen finished in, 3:42. Elvin Newton and James Green sawed . through a-irr log two feet in diam ' eter in 56 seconds. Then came the ball game between Irish Bend mid Philomath. Result: Philo math, 19; Irish Bend. 13. roe and Simpson's chapel were in attendance at the dedication oi the new M. E. church in (JorvalliB last Sunday. The band boys of Dusty have, changed the date of their picnic at "Roll Inn ntfiin from June l&th to June 26th. Let all interested par ties take notice. The pastures are drying up rap idly and cattle will soon have to rustle a little m order to Keep iau In fact, the season is just as near a drought as one ever sees in uio- gon. Rov. and Mrs. Ed. H. Belknap, of Turner, visited the formsr's old home Monday, and Aunt Manaia returned with them to spend a few weeks in Marion county. M. E. Judkins called at our office last week and left a bucket of luscious tame strawberries, the first of the season, ine Denies were "out of sight" in a short time and were greatly appreciated. The concert and social Liven by r.lassea of the M. E. Sunday school, last Friday even .,. was a decided success in every way. The dialogue by the little o-irls. concluding with the lullaby sonsr. was especially wunuj mention, and the clever manner in which the entire program was rendered gave proof that much care had beeu taken in its prepar ation. The only regret shown was by those who could get no supper, o.ri this far.t is evidence enough to show that the financial part of tha program was very profiable indeed. Miss Jennie Gellatly closed a very successful term' of school on the 2d mst. ; Jones is in ve?y feeble health. Except her, the neaun oi the valley is good. "Rdv ' a. W. Tavlor. of Philo math, made, his ministerial visits up this valley on the nun S. L. Larcom made a trip to Corvallis and the Fischer mill and hauled out a load of mill stutt. Mr. Chas. Fink and family made a visit to the Wyatt settlement, the guests of their daughtor, JVir. Mahen Washington. , Ti.or.. were nnite a turnout oi w!,11av folks on the 2d, at the grove picnic of the wooamen, uau me nUnra nt listening lO a veiy m- icasutv - " o . - teresting discourse by Mr. falken burg. :ci?hes-; to toih TICKET The good pill has a good i J JUV f w Ulm iVW! - coat. , Te pill coat serves J J.. V.,- .' -.- & two purposes; it protects ? . .. V ' J the pill, ana disguises w w i , 1 I VJ I rl C i I coats are too Heavy ; tney w - i I ENDEAVOR I 5 "I don't believe there ever as ao. a,,, a oill made as Ayer's Cathartic pills. They wilt do all you recom-- . mend them for and even mre. When I have a cold and ache from head to heels, a dose or two of these . pills Is all the medicine needed, to. set me right again, ror ocokoc, .4. c.r.ri t.h rrills thev cover pass througH 37 harmless as abroad pellet 9" are too light, and permit the speedy deterioration of ;n a trenra exT6aure.Ayers Sugar ooatea Pills have been found as effective as if just fresh from, i uhnrninrv. It's a aodd pill, with a good coat. i Ask your druggist for - "... ' 5 Vnlseonawln be found in full in Ayer's 'iebk." "v" f Aaaress:. i. aj ... OAK GROVE NOTES. rirr.iw nnrl wardens are needing rain very much. Mr Anornst. Kreisrer is on the 6ick list at present. Mrs. H. J. Moore has been quite 5ii oinr-A hr return home irom Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. May berry mnrlfl a husiness trip to Corvallis last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heed, re fiirrtArl home from Monroe Satur day, where they had been visitin their daughter, Mrs. Bonndy. Prot. D. N. Williamson and Cam Iv were visiting at Mr. i- t. win iamson's last Sunday. The 1 rot. himself was a visitor at bunciay school. The Sunday school picnic held last Saturday in Mr. Abraham s grove, was a decided success. The stands did a flourishing business. the net proceeds of which will be divided between the two Sunday schools. - Mr. T. B. Williamson and family nnrl Miss Pearl Woods returned home from Portland Thursday evening, after a ten days' sojourn ! with relatives and friends, lhey report having a very pleasant time. ... Though Mr. Scott and wife ex pect to go Jk Pennsylvania, their former home, and where they are to-live the rest of their days, he leaves with the honor of having done more work on our roads than any resident. He gae eight days work and did not owe one mo mmits time. Let us ever remem ber this good old gentleman when we are appreciating the better con ditions of our roads. -.. t- HOSKINS JOTTINGS. WELLS ITEMS. Geo. Mercer was surveying here last week. - The Artisan lodge Here enter tained visitors Irom Corvallis Sat urday evening. KavAi-al nf our voutis folks at- tended ..the picnia at Lewisville last Saturday. . - . Mr. G. Williamson, of . Crowley, . -i j" u:n MfAi. Mrs spent ounuay wnu mo-oiaw, A. Carter. . - ' The Artisans "are 'cleaning aip the picnic grounds and "making ar- anaemenls lor a granu, ume u the 12th. - FAIBMQOMT NEWS. The promised rain has failed to make its appearance, though it is much needed. Rnmp of our vouns: folks have ial the measles, after having had them vears ago. uau mem wr m:n measles. Aro there any SUCH 5 A Place tt Eat. NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CHRISTIAN At San Francisco in July. To the successful candidate, either lady or gentleman, we offer a round-trip ticket To and From San Francisco Absolutely free of cost and expenses paid while there. THE WAY TO OBTAIN Palatable Xanche, Delicious Coffee and Excellent Meal?;serve(d,at all -hours by - Fresh Bread,;' Candies ad Nuts, Is ex.,nnnnnnnnnnnnniUUUl.' Pies and Cakes, Tobacco and Cigars. Expense-paid, free transportation, is to get every one of your friends to buy themClothing,' I .Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries antf Furnishing Goods of tis, and every time they; buy ONEXOLv IvAR O WUK llt tney win uave an oppuuuuny ui vuimg w lu uuiu,.. ..... ...... j... as this will be one of the most notable events on the coast this year. Of course you will want to. attend or have your friend be there. This contest will extend from this date "until June- 26th; at which time the person having received the hignest numDer 01 voes, ;.wi.i 1 nc prentcu ..wiiuuc ticket. We guarantee our usual low prices to prevail on all lines of goo lvand our special prices on carpets and other closing out lines will continue. This all at v " HATS A "ood deal of work has been imift on our roads, but do the men who boss the job think over he situation carefully and see whether they put their work where it wu dn'HiM most srood. A dusy place was W. B. Shan- j non's strawberry patch to-lay, peo ple were there from near and lar, some who; live 25 and 30 miles away. They picked berries, trans ferring to their pails and jir?, and the silver from their pc-ckeis to i l..mnv man was W. Ii. U.a IT i Alma HATS r.ArvniHs. " O T rl r? a The Oregon. White House. Patrons are requested not to vote for anyone connected with the house.; RILEY BROS., ES l . . : aa. mmrm mm. MtN fSIB fill Mil Our store is full of all the latest styles in Hats. We want Jo sell them. We have -reduced the prices so everyone can buy a good hat foe a litiU money. We have them from 25 cents up; to $5.00. Every Saf guaranteed tc giv satisfaction or jnoney refunded. -; LJ Special Reduction in All Lines j ATT0R N EY AT LAW This Week. : 1 House paintinK am paper hanging a p:. ....... ,.!!. Ktsmcutt ivw w JOSEPH H. WILSON EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Comoany EXrraESS 1KAINS BUK' DAILY. whita, TTanda with Shapely Nails, L' liant Hair with Clean, Wholesome Scalp, pro duced by CcncuRA Soap, the most eflectiva ,. and beautifying soap in tha world, as well as purest and sweetest, tot j toilet, bath, and nursery. The only preventiva or inflammation and clogging ot the Porbs. ; I SUITS MADE TO ORDER BY HIGH ART TAILORS. Bask, Acrin OVi FIRST j...W.ML , CORVALLLItt. OHE-.OX. -. ill practie in all the l..te aud federal courts Abstracting, collections Xotary public. Con vei'fiuol'ig. ' ' i.nn t i 1 Tava. P..rtlinil Arrive I i':30 A. M. o'-in a' M I Leave Altvnr Arrive I 8:00 A. M. 7:4S A. M j Arrive S. FrancNce Leurj I 8:00 t. M. & EdSTERN" E. R. CO. Yaquina Bay Route train, dnn nt nil nrint-iunl station between Portland and SaUm, Tumor, Ma rion, Jcffcr:en. Albany. Tanjji;iit, SbedcU, Halsev, Harrisburj?, Junction City, Juiu't-n, CresweU, Cottage Gror-N Trains, and all station from Koseburg to Ashland, iiicIum v?. Connecting at YAQUINA BAY w"h the I Sap Francisco & Yaquina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANT. LcadiMg Clothiejr and Haberdasher Corvallis, Oregon. a-"How to Purlfr Bemubtr 0 Bkin" BCJP and Hmt," mailed Ire. BABY HUMORS ESS?- Now is the time to buy your 4th of July suit at Nolan & Cal lahan's. Nobby goods at re moval sale-' Death of B.--M. Jally. COLLEGE OP PHILOMATH. Baccalaureate sermon by Rev " JS. J. Thompson, D. D., on Sunday, "June 13, at 2:30 p. m. "Commencement day, June 16: Graduating exercises at 10:3Q a m.: basket dinner in the grove ad joining Keezel chapel at noon; ad dress bv E. E. Wilson, of Oorval lis. at 2:30 d. m.:' entertainment civeti bv the class of '98 at 8 p. m. Good music has been provided for the occasion, and a good time is expected. All are invited to at .tend. - MONROE ITEMS. A. C. Miller has completed his new sawmill. A. D. Hale went to Albany, Saturday, to help the democrats spin the web to catch the populist flies. Geo. Smith, of Corvallis, was in the valley this week, and pur chased a number of sheep tor mar ket. Hop pickers are talking of 40 cents a box this year. Mops are looking fine and are maturing early. - ,. Strawberries are, in demand. People are crazy for them. How ard Bush left for Albany, Wednes day, to bring in a load of the delicious fruit, The grangers are talking of hold- - - -Tl ill. I ing a Dig picnic on juiy ui, to which all granges are invited to participate. Proceeds will be used for a new grange hall.' Two funerals have occurred . 1 since memorial aay. amines Shies, well known in Benton and Polk counties, aged 59 years, died on Saturday, May 30th, and was buried Sunday following. Granger. BI.ODGETT NEWS and A. Miss Headrick returned to her liorae in Alsea, Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Williams and family ret m ned from a visit to relatives in Albany last Wednesday. - Rev. C. E. Yraff will hold ser vices at 11 a. m., in the M. E. -church, in Monroe next Sunday. If the rain holds off much longer -ihn snrina sown crops will be a -failure in this end of the county. . Many of the Methodists of Mon A. C. Huffman and A. Cadwal- ader were in Corvallis last Saturday. EfEe King represented the Blodgett school at the spelling contest. - . Supt. Denman visited the school in this vicinity during .the fore part of the week. Mrs. Isaac Norton ns, sick. Dr. R. t). Loggan. of Philomath, is the attending physician There will be preaching service at Blodgett schoolhouse ou Satur day evening, June 12th, by Rev. T. T. Vincent, of Monmouth. There is quite a stir at- the sta tin n. New supplies are being re ceived, painting and blacksmithing in progress and wood being placed near the traclc. KVBASAHTVAUSY. "Very warm and dry weather. Ora G. May has gone to Soda ville with Geo. Boone and wife to rusticate. ' . . - Benj. 1. Jolly, born iu New Marion, Ripley county, Indiana, March 3, 1854, died at his home, 18 miles south of Cor vallis, Wednesday morniug, after a br.ef illness. Both the parents of the deceased died when he was quite young, and he lived with relatives iu Ohio until he was nearly of age. He also lived two years with a married sister in Missouri before starting for Oregon iu 1875. Arriving in this state he came immediately to Benton conuty and obtained employment of War. Porter, and remained in the latter s em ploy several years. About 12 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Laura Porter, daughter of Isaac Porter. Mr. Jolly was a man of affairs and was highly esteemed by all who knew hin.. -7,, odd vears he has continuously re sided in the Belknap neighborhood and j all his neighbors win Dear Kaumuiij his many noble and manly traits of char acter. Although, not wealthy he had Dy industry aud frugality, risen from the position of an obscure, penniless farm employee, to that of a substantial and in fluential citizens of-the county. He leaves to nioum his loss a widow, one brother, Hon. Wm,-Jolly, of Philomath, a sister, Mrs. M.aggit Smite, of Newbergj besides a host-of. friends. The fuueral services occur this morning at the family. residence, Dr. Thompson officiating. Powerful saline and other drastic pur gatives should be strictly avoided, except in extreme cases. When n aperient is c1led for. take Ayer's pills. They re store natural action by imparting strength and tone to the bowels, and their use is always attended with good results. fiVptfefahlePreoarationfor As similating theToodandRegula ting thS tamachs andBowels 01 . -i ProinotesXicstion,CheeT&iI ness andRestContainsfleittar Opium.MorphintJ no Mineral. Not NAec otic. ; ' " ' ' - FumfJax Set' bduIkSJtt- . fHmtJcra - ... l . i a-. Cbtrtltui . Aperfect Remedy forConstipa. non, auui'aiuuuuiavuu aiw . Worms fonvulsioRS .revensn ness aid Loss of Sujep. tac Siimie Slgriatute of TJEW YORK. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF IS ON" THE WRAPPER OP EVEEY BOTX!3 OF BENTON COUNTY Abstract x Company Complete Set of Abstracts of Benton County. Host-burg M.-iil Daily Steamship Farallon." Sails from Yaqiiinit cvpr.r Bdnvs for San Finncitco, Gkm IJayv Port Orfurd, Trinidnd ind Humboldt Buy. 8:80 A. M. I Leave 1235 P. M. I Lae 5:20 P. M. I Arrive PertUtid AlbaiiT : Rosebunr Arrive Arrive Lcaie T7eriaii9 Sirlsin. 4:3V r. i. Convevancina and rerrecung Titles a Specialty. Money to isan Improv4 City and Country Troperty. - BETWEGN PORTLAND AND UOKVALL1S.;; Kail Trail. Sail? Except Stmlaj. 7.-3 A. M. 14:15 P. M. Leave Arrive Portland-Corvallis Arrive Leave 5:50 P. M. 1:0a P. M. At Albany and Corvallis conue-.t with traihs of tV e WCyOll I laulHV; naaaiiwaau. V, E. WATTERS, Prop. Office at Cfurtl-.tf3e, Corvallis, Or. Zxpreu Train. Hilly Except Sua!?. 4A0 P. M. I Leave . Pertland Arrive . . 730 P. M. I Arrive MuMinnville Leave S:5 A. M. 99 "THE RESORT THOS. WIJiTEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis- kys, Fine Wines, Liquors an 4 Cigars. PatjijeiieyArcoiiimixl'it.one ITnaurpaased Shortest rntite Wlwmn tho Willamotto Vsllley and California. 4" . ' i 1 ' ii 1 . '. Fiire from Albany" am! Pwlnta Wrt to San Fraitclscii: Cabin J10 00 Steerage 8 00 Bound trip good for 00 day. $17.00. To Coos Bay: , " '--:-'v Cabin ..:......?8 00 Steorneo - 8 00 To Humboldt Bay and Port Orford: Cabin 10 00 Sto:raf;....... 7" 7 00 fhw Model authorized n,vnt cnnnpiHion at San Francisco with Occidental, and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines lc-r JArA au CHINA. Sailing dates en applicatioh. Rates and tickets to nastern points and Europe. Also JArAN, t-mA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can dc obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket Agent, Corvallis. R. KOKrilvUK., - r-y.' Manager. . A. Ii. I oi Jr. a. Portland, Or. 1 I ii I . .Va-a.i?Aiiv ne tim&PtPR ' eastorla li put up la one-sin bottles only. It U tct sold la bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it is "Just as good" and "will answer eve!? pur pose," See that yon get O-A-S-T-0-K-I-A. Thabo-' ,. ntv- net X.fmrn'dYlmmmrYt, Refun4 ,. j 1 1 i m m . 4 Styles. J ( money "r ". "'.-"! " " ' ' .a.. kl ' trial' If not Unguis. vrg Best M...--t---". 'SAW- . 'teriats.ti" ' toty I ItlVElt DIVISION. Steamer "Albany" between Portland and CorvalH."-. through without lay--.vr. Leaves Corvallri 7:00'n-. tn.- Tiiday.-., Thursdays and Saturdays; leasi' Portland, Yamhill St. dock, 6:00 a. m. Sundays", Wednesdays and Fridavs. Edwin Stokk, J.C. Mayo, Manager. Supt. Rivur Div. GO EAST America s tScenic Line TO THE EAST . OIVBS THS CHOICE OI" TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUT'S S Notice. CATARRH I hereby given that all bicycle riders will be required to use a light or lanterp who ride after night. And as there is very few lanterns to be had at present this law will not be enforced at present, but will be as soon as the lanterns arrive, which will be in about ten days, during which time would .advise all to be very careful who ride after night.. Respectfully, C- B-WBLLS Chief- ot Police Hall's hair renewer renders the hair lustrous and silken, gives it an even color, and enables women to put it up in a great variety of styles. A Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is monev on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "Not paid for want of funds" up to and including those of Oct 4th, 1893 Interest will be stopped on same from this date. " . " ' Corvallis, Or., June 9th, 1S97.' W. A; Buchanan, - is a LOCAL DISEASE antf it the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. It can be en red by a pleasant namaviv which ia snolied di- I. tectly into the nostrils. Be- r 1 - 1-1 -1 V..i aataraaai reliet at trace. Elv's Cream Balm le acknowledged to be the moet tlwrooeure for Nasal eatarrB, Cold ta Head and Hay Feyer ofall I. nnaanai Unit rlcnie8 the Datttl pttBatttgeB, allays pain and inflammation, heals the ret,pra teota the membrane from colds, restores the eenses Oftasto and smell. MeeSOc atiepsoio1 "" rEy BitGTlEK.'. 63 Warren StoaeUJfew York. '-.Notice to Creditors. Featherbone Corset C" Bole jcenuiacnipeTaj. , KALAMAZOO; MICHIGAN. -Vern salc it S. L KLINE, CORVttttS, OREGON. Doa't- -negtebt'a congh because the weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develope into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minute Cough Cure is easy t6 tak and will do what its name implies." .lAUen & Woodward. -" " : In th matter of the estate of Henry Bust, deceased : . Notice is hereby j?ivcn to all persons con cerned that tlio undersigned, John E. Thompson, has Ixtm appointed by the coun ty court of lli'ntn county, Orejron, as ad ministrator of the estate of Henry Bust, deceased. " All persons having claims against said estato aro hereby notified to pre sent tho same to me, duly verified, together with proper vouchers, at my residence, .it ;r..t' miles southwest of Corvallis Ronton muntvl Oreeou, or at the office of J.H.Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. JOHN E. THOMPSON, j Administrator of the estate of Henry ! Bust, deceased. . . Dated thU May 18th, VIA. GREAT mmm ry.; SPCKANE i&NHEOLIS - - -. xii . . ST. PAUL VIA UNlflN . 'PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND kansas crn Meals in Dining Car a la Carte. Great Northern Railway Rock Ballast, No Dust. Union Laundry Go., POBTLAUDj OK- ' 4 ' All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. Campbbia, Aeat, , Secosd-Haftd Stare. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel destroys $1.50 worth of graih annually. Wake lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator is the most effective and economical poi son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For sale by Graham & Wells, agents. . TERRiBUJ ACCIDENT. It is a terrible accident to be burned or scalded; but the nain and aeony and the frightful disfigur- ments can be quickly overcome without leaving a scar by using DeWitt's witcn Hazel Salve. Allen & Woodwara. Asssignee's Notice. In the matter of the assignment of the Coast Carriage and Wagon Compauy for the benefit of creditors; - Notice is hereby given that M. M. Davis, as assignee of the Coast Carriage nd.Wairon Co.. has filed his final ac count as such assignee with the clerk of the circuit court of state of Oregon, for Benton county, and the said court has fixed the 23ud day of July, at 2 .o'clock ia the afternoon of said day, as the time for hearintr any and all objections to the same and for final settlement of the matter. All objections to said final ac count must be filed with the .clerkf the above-named court on or before Saturday, the 26th day of June, at one o'clock in afternoon of said day. Dated May 24th, 1897. M.M. Davis, Assignee of Coast Carriage and Wagon Company. - w "R Tohnson. Newark, O., says, "One n:,. rontrh Cure saved my enly child fw, ai-Mntr bv crouo." has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and lung trouDies. aiicu . ward. ., X)W BATES TO J3JL EASTBBN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS JEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS TOR- ' SAN FRANCISCO For fall details, call on or address W. H. HURLBVRT, Gen'l Paaa. Agnut, ForUaiid, Qregoa. LIBBABY-CAH EOTJTE THE ALL-RAIt ROCTK TO KOOTENAI MINING DIbTRICT VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE Shortest and Quickest Line to St. Paul, Minneapolis Dulmh, Chicago AND ALL POINTS EAST. The Limited leares Ptjrtland,j flaily, M The Limited arrives Portland, daily, 11:59 M- THROUGH PALACE andTDURlST SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY OBSERVATIUJN V.AR.O. Daily Traihs : Fast Timo SERVICE AND SCENERY UNEQUALED. For tickets and fall information call on or address,; ; R. C. STEVENS, 'A. C-DENNISTON, G. W. P. A., Seattle. CP.& T. A., Portland, Oregon. J. FRED YATES. YATES W. E. YATES, YATES & CORVALLIS. OREGON F. M. JQHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORVALLIS, ORKGOW. Does a general practica in all the courts. Also agent for all the first-class insurance companies DR. L. G ALTMAN H0M0E0PATHIST Dtaeaaea of women and children and f antral practice. dtfioe OTer Allen Woodward'a drug stora. Offlce honra-8 to 12 A; M.-, and t to B and t to P.M. At realdence, corner ot Srd and Harriaon attar houra'aad on Bsndaya. E. HOLGATS. H. L. HOLGATE. HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORyaVLLlS, OREGON. G. R. FfiRRA, M. D. Offlc in Tarra Allen's brick, on the cornet fiH&tS8:n. la front oi court- h omca boon to t A- 1 to 1 aid 7 to tZi. All caila 'attended promptly. BOWEN LESTER DENTIST Offlca npitaln orer rtnt KaUonal Bank. Strictly Flr.t-ClaM Work Quarantaa Corvallis, Oregon