The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, March 05, 1897, Image 2

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    ksuad Every Friday Morning by
he Gazette Publishing Co.
f Editor and
usiuess Manser.
CORVALLIS,-OREGON, Mar. 5, 1897.
With but little ostentation, yes
terday the administration of a
mighty government was changed.
William McKinley assumed the
presidency of the United States,
having been chosen by the peo
ple after one of the greatest poli
tical battles the world has ever
It is not expected that Mr. Mc
Kinley, as president, will be able
to enrich the people. The gov
ernment does not support the citi
zen! But it is expected, with
reason, that McKinley's adminis
tration will be wise and good;
that it wilV inspire confidence in
our future, and that the doubts
and fears which have driven cap
ital into hiding will de dispelled.
It is believed that with the in
fusing of hoarded wealth into the
arteries of trade, there will be a
general revival of business and
prosperity will attend us.
The Valley Record (pop) of
Ashland, has this editorial men
tion on a familiar topic: "Will
Messrs. Simon-Bourne-Corbett-Scott
kindly inform us when they
will get through with the Jackson
county populist aggregation tag
ting along at the tail of the re
publican elephant? As soon as
they get through jerking chest
nuts out of the fire to the satis
faction of the different republican
factions, the people that sent
them there have several matters
of importance to the citizens and
taxaayers of Jackson county that
need looking after. We don't
wish to intrude upon your time,
Mr. Elephant, but whenever you
get plumb through useing our
monkeys, just drop us a postal
The Oregonian takes occasion
to "burn up" the Corvalhs Ga
zETTE, but it is apprehended that
the great heat will be reflected
about June, 1898, and Johnson,
of the Gazette, will be permit
ted to see the browning and siz
zling of the Oregonian and
the Simon-Bourne-populist outfit
The Gazette has -the people
with it, which the Oregonian
will realize more clearly a little
later on. Hillsboro Independ
ent. Editor Gault is a consistent
level-headed republican. The
citizens of Washington county
are done with Simonism and re
pudiate the Oregonian. Every
real republican paper in Oregon
refuses to recognize the Oregoni
an as, a republican journal.
ganization was really possible, no I
matter who had control, but that
the pretended efforts on the part
of populists this week to organize
was a thin bluff. They had forty
five days in which to help organ
ize the house, but they obsolutely
refused. Nothing has occurred
since to give them any more
reason for doing their duty They
are posing now for effect merely.
Mr. Lake thought that the gover
nor would call an extra session
within a month or so.
Mr. Lake refused to enter the
joint assembly chiefly because he
knew that 46 members could not
be induced to come in and he did
not propose to 'go rainbow hunt
ing." While he was elected with
the understanding that he would
ote for Senator Mitchell, that was
not his chief duty and he was
more interested in possible legisla
tion. He would vote for Mr.
Mitchell whenever opportunity
arose, although the senator was
hardly his personal choice.
Mr. Lake was perfectly inde
pendent, while at Salem, and for a
while was lampooned from all
sides. But he maintained his own
policy and tho?e that had abused
him finally acknowledged his good
sense and honesty.
He stated that more than the
defeat of Mitchell was behind the
holdup and that the revolutionary
tactics of Mitchell's opponents
could not be justified.
benalor Carter is at home, dis
gusted with politics and legisla
Something: Concerning the Side
Outlet of the Wiilatette Valley.
School Directors' Report.
W. G. Steel, brother of Geo.
A. Steel, national republican
committeeman for Oregon, fur
nishes the Chicago Inter Ocean
some curious misrepresentations
concerning the management of
the McKinley campaign in this
state. There is so siuch of un
truth in his article that even the
Oregonian failed to comment up
on it approvingly. His criticism
of the splendid work of the cen
tral committee is sometimes
astonishing. For instance he
elaborated a theory as to why
speakers were not sent into Coos
county, where the fact is that the
committee did send . speakers
there among whom were S. M.
Yoran, Til man Ford and Con
Congressman Tongue.
Everybody knows that the
pretended desperate attempt to
organize the ' 'Davis house' ' after
the tired and disgusted members
who really tried to organize, had
gone home, was a farce. There
could be no legal organization af
ter adjournment, unless the gov
ernor called a special session..
.Besides, Davis was not speaker of
the "Davis house." Hehadbeea
deposed and Dr. Smith, of Ma
irion county, elected in his stead.
Every populist paper in the
.state, from the Albany Imprint
to the Portland Oregonian, is
now explaining that "it is a good
thing after
all, that the
ture did not organize." Then
why not perpetuate the present
condition and elect a Czar? The
Gazette nominates Bourne. .
The Legislature.
The ante-Mitchell combine is at
outs. The straight populist ele
ment say that Simon didn't play
fair in allowing the senate to ad:
joum. So the Davis house con
tinues alone. The Oregonian
states that it may adjourn today
but that paper is rather poor
, authority. Davis eannot allow
his house to adjourn without pro
claiming his former rulings to be
wrong and unfair.
John Whiteaker went to Salem
Tuesday in response to a telegram.
" He did not have time to answer
many questions but stated that if
organization was finally accom
plished,' there would be but little
done except passiirg the approyria
lion bill.
Mr. Lake said Monday that he
wold go to Salem wheuever or-
To the Taxpayers and Citizens
of School District No. 9, ot Ben
ton County, Oregon:
Your board of directors would
respectfully submit to you the fol
lowing general report for the year
ending March 1st, 1897:
That the board entered into
written contracts with eight teaeh
ers one principal and seven sub
ordinates for a period of nine
school months, beginning Septem
ber 14th, 1896, the principal to re
ceive for his services the sum of
$75 per month, and each of the
subordinate teachers to receive the
sum of $40 per month: and that
all of those teachers entered upon
their duties and are still perform
ing the same;
That the interest on the $IG,000
bonds of the district, held by the
German Loan and Saving Society,
for the year has been paid; that in
the last installment of the interest
there was a deficiency of $160. ami
to meet this the clerk was author
ized to borrow that amount from
F. Berchtold, executing the note
of the district therefore, with in
terest at the rate of ten per cent
per aunum;
That the note of the district lor
$1,200, held by F. Berchtold, was
paid in full in June, 1896.
During the past year a few nec
essary repairs were made to the
school building, and the same was
repainted on the outside, includ
ing the roof, with two coats of lead
and oil, at a cost of about $350.
The yard 011 the east front ot
the building was greatly improved
by the spreading of 2S loads of
sand on the same.
Hie principal- having recom
mended, establishing the. .ninth
grade in the school, which after
due consideration by the board
was adopted, Miss Mildred Lin
ville was elected to the sixth grade
and entered upon her duties on
the 26th of October, 1896, and is
still performing the same. Miss
Augusta Turney and Prof. S. I.
Pratt were then transferred from
the sixth and eighth grades to the
eighth and ninth grades respect
ively. "In crder to make room for
the ninth grade, a partition seven
feet high was i nn through the room
of the eighth grade, making two
rooms in which the two grades are
That there are no outstanding
warrants or notes against the dis
trict, except those herein mention
ed, and there is now sufficient
funds in the hands of the- clerk to
pav the Berchtold note when it
becomes due;
' That the board has contracted
for 20 cords of oak grub wood and
60 cords of old-growth fir wood, to
be delivered at the school house
on or before Ausiust 1st of the
current year;
That, in the matter of school
apparatus, the board has purchased
auriti" the year, one Physical Ideo
graphical tnup or c -art, three In
ternational Dictionaries, and two
large mapot Oregon;
That harmony has prevailed in
the school district during the year,
the teachers having the hearty co
operation of the board of direct
ors in their efforts to do laithtul
That other features of the work
of the year are set forth in ih li
uancial reuort. ol the clerk 01 i lie
district, which is submitted a. I In
time., .
Vrfy reaped lull y subiit".!,--j,
D. Johnson,
Chairman Board of Directors,
The people of Oregon, and es
pecially residents of the Willam
ette valley, have a material in
terest in the future of Yaquina
bay. The development of the
harbor into a general seaport
means independence of the South-;
era Pacific railroad company and
independence of Portland; con
sumations that will put cash in
the pockets of our producers and
The work already accomplish
ed by the government has result
ed in a permanent channel of
sufficient depth to allow the en
trance of vessels drawing from 15
to 20 feet of water and this, with
the building and operation of the
road now known as the O. C "&
E. R. has lessened freight
rates. The benefit to the farm
ers is perceptable in the higher
prices paid for grain in the mar
kets along the line of the road as
compared; with the prices paid in
remoter towns.
Over $600,000 have been spent
by the general government in the
improvement of the" harbor, the
first appropriation being made in
1880. The government received
back nearly a third of this
amount in the way of duty on
duty on steel rails used in the
building of the railroad; an en
terprise that would not have been
commenced but for the work done
in deepening the channel. It
has " been estimated by trust
worthy staticians that the direct
saving to producers and consum
ers in freight rates, on the actnal
tonnage over the bar, is not far
short ot $1,000,000.
The railroad, at present ex
tending from Yaquina City to the
Rev. Bennett, of Philomath,
occupied the pulpit at Simpson's
chapel on Sabbath.
Prank Watkins closed a very
successful term of school in the
Belknap district Friday.
Messrs. R. Kile, M. Judkins
and J. Starr visited thes, Alpine
literary society last Friday evening-
A meeting was held at Monroe
Saturday jn the interest of the
creamery and a committee of five
was appointed. .7.- -. V, .
There is to be a joint debate
between the Alpine and McKin
ley literary societies, Friday
evening, at the Belknap school
house. -- ' .-
Miss Maggie Woodcock who
has been in the ntiilliuery busi
ness at Cottage Grove, has re
turned, and at present is visiting
her brother at dusty.
The entertainment given -at
Bunker Hill last Friday evening
under the management of Mr.
Ward, the teacher, was a decided
success. The Bellfountain band
furnished the music. . J
A. W. Hawley.who -beats of.
his skillful driving, on returning
home from the entertainment
Monday evening, tipped the' hack
over, spilling all of its occupants.
As a result the blacksmith had
employment repairing tbejjackw
- - Uarj?a.
Philomath Items;4
W. H. Buoy has secured the
agency for the Waverly bicycle.
Ad Hogan has moved intdi Miss
Copeland's property in North
Philomath. ;
Dr. Loggan had a valuable' cow
choked to death Sunday while act
ing carrots. . J'
Miss Lottie Hurlburt has been
Cascade mountains, represents an quita sick with la grippe,, bat , is
exoediture of millions oiled on now convalescent.
A. A.
millions. The future extension
of the road to Boise City, giving
an outlet to Oregon's great Inland
Empire, and the proposed
branches to Eugene and Salem,
doubtless depend upon a continu
ation of government work on the
Yaquina bay, naturally, has its
enemies, and powerful ones, too.
Commercial Portland is bitterly
opposed to any such undermining
of her supremacy, as the devel
opment of an independent first-
class harbor at Yaquina would
bring about. She has exacted
tribute from the rest of Oregon
for years, and is not disposed to
forgo her advantage without a
struggle. - Yaquina, like Astoria,
has had to fight the wealthy me
tropol is of the northwest.
Fortunately for both ports,
egon's representatives in con
gress nave represented Oreeon.
While not neglecting Portland';
legitimate interests, they have
not catered to her selfishness and
have worked faithfully.and effect
ively for government aid for all
worthy rivers and harbors. The
defeat of Hermann for nomina
tion was due to Portland machi
nations. Portland tried to defeat
Ellis. Portland . prevented the
re-election of Mitchell and the
Portland Oregonian constantly
attacks Senator McBride. Of
course there is more than mere
political sentiment in all this,
and the only wonder is that many
"cow county" citizens allow
themselves .to be deceived by the
portlanders' pretences, and for
the sake of political issues that
are definitely settled, and for
doubts that have no just cause
for existing, -urge the defeat of
the very men whe have, in con
gress, accomplished the most for
the whole state.
A continuation of this subject
in the next issue of this paper,
will discuss" the material benefit
to the state of the important im
provments to Yaquina bay, con
templated in the act of congress
authorizing the letting of a mil
lion dollar contract
Wells Items.
Everybody is busy and news is
very scarce. - - - ' ..
irrain and grass are growing
very nicely since the warm
weather has come.
There was religious service at
the Palistine Baptist church last
Sunday, condncted by Rev,
Thompson of Albany.
The young folks here will play
the drama, entitled "The Grang
er" at the grange hall on Satur
day evening, March 6th. They
have taken considerable pains to
prepare for it, and we have no
doubt that those who attend wil
be well entertained.
is a
and it the result of colds and
sudden climatis changes.
It can be cared by a pleaeaat
remedy which Is applied di
rectly into the nostrils. Be
ingqriekly abserbed'it gives
relief at e'sce,
Ely's Cream Balm
is acknowledged to be the most thorongn. erne for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold ia Bead and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, beats the seres, pro
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smell. Price Wc. at Drnsgista or by mail.
KIiY EttO'fBEBS. et Warrca Street, New York.
W m. Zimmerman is in a preca
rious condition, surrenng nop a
complication of diseases.
Frank Ellsworth has rented and
Tuesday with a force began work
on the Lon Henkle hop yard.
Mr. Anna Kriens, widow, of
Wm. Kriens, who was rrowned at
Salem last week, is at her parents
near this city.
Prof. G. W. Brown, after
week's vacation here, returned to
Hoskins Monday, to enter on ins
second term of school.
Elder Bell, ot rortland,-. came-
here last , week to hold quarterly
conference, but had to return; home
Saturday prostrated with la grippe
Friday evening a crowd ofouitg
peoole gave Laht Mulkey a stir
orise partv at the residence, of
Mrs. L. E. Rolf. ; A pleasant time
was had untjl a late hour of the
evening. Ketresnments i were
served and and enjoyable games
The event of the season -was
witnessed at the college chapel on
the evening of Feb. 22nd. Stand
ing room was at a premium. The
Philomath public schools rendered
an interesting program in honor of
Washington's birthday. The teach
ers, irjoi. wutnne ana miss mmnie
Bryan, deserve credit for the care
ful training the pupils had received.
The annual school election on
Monday was well attendedT Dr.
R. R. Loggan was re-elected direc
tor, and W. H. Boles, clerk. Prof.
Sheak offered the following, reso
lution which was unanimously
adopted: "Resolved That we as
citizens of Philomath, express our
appreciation of the servicesf the
directors of the public school: the
clerk, and also to the teachers of
said school, by extending to them
a vote' of thanks.". This district
closed the school year with a sur
plus of $360.43 on hand.
" ' ,-, . ' ?
Settled in Court.!
Sweetness and Light.
Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical
preaching for the physical man ; then put the
pill in the pillory if it does not practise what it
preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer's
Sugar Coated Pills ; a " gospel of sweetness
and light." People used to value their physio,
as they did their religion, by its bitterness.
The more bitter tho doso the better the doctor.
We've got over that. We take "sugar in ours"
gospel or physic now-a-days. It's possible to
please and to purgo at tho same time. There
may bo power ia a ploasant pill. That is the
gospel of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills.
More 1-ill particulars in Ayer's Curcbook, 100 pages.
Scut free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Latest Shades
. ForJ Spring .
We are now receiving Our Spring and Summer Hue of Shoes
direct from the East, in the following
The New York
Racket Store,
Is cutting and slashing prices to almost
We always give, but never such brilliant
bargain meteors as now.
Ladies Kid Shoes
Going at cost. Ladies' Blouses at cost.
Biggest bargains in Shoes on the Coast.
To pass these values by is throwing away
A Golden Chance.
J , 2 $
Fancy and Staple
Alpine Notes.
G. R. Hall was in Monroe on
Gus Buckingham, of Bandon,
is visiting neighborhood.
Mr. Walters is making improv
ments on his place near the school
A new daughter has arrived at
the home of Mr. . and Mrs. M.
Judkins. -
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Thompson
spent the first of the week at
Junction. - - - .
For two years the people of Lin
coln county and the citizens, of
Toledo, in particular, hav& been
interested in a law case known on
the docket as Lincoln bounty vs.
Grady.- According to the plaintiff
a butcher shop and dwelling pwnS
ea Dy. uraay were locatea on ine
terminal point of the county. The
county desired Grady to get off the
grass. As Grady considered' the
grass his grass he told thecounty
court to go to grass, all of which
made hay for the lawyers. The
supreme court has decided that n
legal road was ever located at the
point in question and that in any
event. Grady's 10 years adverse
possession gave him superior title.
Lincoln county is enjoined from
interfering with Grady's property
and is thus shut off from water
privilege by way of the alleged
road. -The county has a pretty
cost bill to pay. . t
In the Sime road case," appealed
from Benton county, the decree of
the lower court has been reserved,
the supreme court holding that no
legal public road had been located.
Judge Fullerton has rendered a
decision in the suit of the Corval-
lis Water Company vs. the city of
Corvallis, overruling defendants
demurrer. ; -
"Excuse me," - observed the man in
spectacles, "bat I am a surgeon, and that
is not where the liver is." "Never you
mind where his liver is," retorted the
other, "if it was in his big toe or his left
ear De Witt's Little Early Risers would
reach it and shake it for him'. . ; On that
yon can bet your gig-lamps." - Allen &
jt arm ruuiriJuajTJinuinjTjuiJTjTJinjx
Place to Eat.
Palatable Lunches, Delicious Coffee and
Excellent Meals served at all hours by
i a
I -
Fresh Bread,
j Candles aad Nuts,
Pies and Cakes,
Tobacco and Cigars, f
AYegetabfePreparationfor As
similating toeroodand Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bow els of
ness and 7test.Con-taIns neither
Opium". Morphine nor Mineral.
Not IS abc otic.
. t Mm;
Anetfect Remedy for Cons tkva-
Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms. onvuterons .feverish
ncss and Lo ss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
exact eopr&F WRAPPEB,
BOTl'l iV OF
Otitorla U pnt up la one-itn bottles only. It
la sot told ia bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything alia on the plea or promise that it
is "Just at good" ana triu answer vnrj pur
pose." ar Bee vu, yon get u-a-o-x-u-ji-x-A.
- glafio
el wpper.
yzr sfVTTZa.
Black -
Iace Pointed Toe.
to 50
-. 3 50
3 00
; 2 50
2 50
1 50
These shoes we are carrying in all widths from A to
EE. We also have a complete line of the latest
button shoes in both pointed and coin toe.
When -completed, our line of Half Shoes will be the finest ever
shown in the City. We will be pleased to have you call and examine
our stock and be convinced for yourselves.
THE . ;
For The
Bright up-to-date editorials, readable and Spicily writ
ten Local Happenings, together with a review of the news
of the World, make the GAZETTE a model and eagerly
songht newspaper.
We operate one of the largest and Best Equipped Job
Plants in the State. Our reputation for turning out only
first-class work is State wide.
A Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked "Not paid for want of funds,"
up to, and including those of Nov. 8th
1892. Interest will be stopped on same
from this date.
Treasurer of Benton County Oregon
Dated Corvallis, Fab. 20, 1896.
I'antorl An Irion
iiuiiiuu mi 1 ww vi thing to
notectronr Mjms: ntrjw maarrsa
Whe eaa think
of MM Btmpls
t Attar.
no. WMMJuwdn. Ik c, tor their t,a pia otter
MM 111 M tw UWUN BTaUOl
Land for Sale.
Land for sale or will trade for improved
town property. For particulars, address
A. Vance, Summit, Benton Co., Or.
To Exchange.
Highly-improved, up-to-date, unen
cumbered farm of 160 acres, near
Brownsville, for small place near Corval
lis. Box 17, Corvallis.
School Clerks, Attention.
I have some supplies in the oSSce for
the different school districts of our conn
ty, and I wish t-11 clerks who can, would
call immediately and obtain the same
Very truly,
1 G. W. Denman.