feeatd Every Friday Horning by file Gazette Publishing Co. 5. W. JOHNSON,- f Editor and IB Ufiness Manager. CORVALLIS, OREGON, Feb. 26, 1897. ENDED. The display of anarchy at the state capital is over. The de cent element in the legislature should have gone home long ago. It has been evident for weeks that there was no intention on the part of the obstructionists to organize. Though no demand of their' s excused in any degree their assault upon popular gov ernment, yet every demand has been granted by those anxious to do their duty, and still they have refused to act as the constitution directs. The ambition of Bourne, the hatred of Simon and Scott, the greed of Kincaid and Lord, caused the disgrace. Populistic disregard of law and decency, tne itching palms ot some men elected as republicans, and the credulous fund providing of Cor- bett have" made the sacrifice of the people's interests complete. There are some compensations. I'opunsm lias killed itsell Dy a premature exhibition of its dan gerous disregard for established institutions. Simon, the Orego nian, Corbett and the whole crowd of anarchy breeders, who have looted the people of the state through their political ma nipulations, can never again fasten themselves upon the re publican party in Oregon. The house cleaning in the party will be complete. The state has been disgraced ; the people have been looted and outraged. Sleek officials will fatten for two years more at the public crib. The business af fairs of the state are in disorder. The taxpayers pay for this and pretty explanations will not sat isfy them. It is well that the traitors no longer flaunt their infamy openly in the face of the people. The thing is over. Now for punish ment and correction. A SHAMELESS PREVARICATOR. Sanity's widow, whose career as a public official ended in dis grace, and who now spins epi thets in the mortgaged tower of the Oregonian, coarsely says, re ferring to the Gazette: who has uttered it, and who goes about illustrating further his own depravity by .boasts of hav ing sought money recently un der promises to do certain things, and Jiaviug got the money, giv ing the man from whom he . sought and got it, the 'horse lauh.' " This is libel by "a liar who has not ingenuity enough to be plausible nor manliness enough to be direct. No one connected with this paper has "sought money recently under promises to do certain things, and having got the money, given the man from whom he sought and got it, the 'horse laugh.' " Nor -has any one connected with this pa per boasted of any such thing or or obtaining any money in any way. No one connected with this paper has cause to blush for any action of his in politics or business. Floating rumor, magnified by a sick imagination, and made a public accusation - by a public uar, wm noc De Deiievea Dy peo- TiiE republican party of Or egon cannot afford to recognize as republicans the men who are responsible for the anarchial conduct of those who refused to do their duty as legislators-elect, or those men who endorse such conduct. The support of or op position to Senator Mitchell is not a test of republicanism, but the support or non-support of the revolutionary methods used to accomplish his defeat will be made such a test Decent re publicans can only support a de cent republican party. Judge Porter's action in fin ing the complaining witness in a gambling case more heavily than the others, was unusual, but, perhaps, was real equity. The informer was. as guilty of gambling as the others, and a fellow who gets others into trouble because he was beaten in trying to beat them, should not be favored. He is not using the machinery of the law for the public good or for personal pro tection, but only for personal re venge. Vengeance is not the object of the law. The representatives elect who refused to help organize the house are responsible for the lack of organization. The repre sentatives who took the oath of office and tried every legal means to perfect an organization are not responsible for the failure to or ganize, lo say otherwise is to deny the first principles of rea- The Oregonian has had a pretty long career. Oregonian. It has been long enough and, in deed, entirely too long,' but pret ty well, anything but pretty. Observations. It hurts no one to sing the praises of peace and arbitration, but it is still very doubtful if all the arts of civilization will ever do away with the absolute neces sity of war. "Huntington, a lawer, a con scientious man," is part of a description given by the Ore gonian's Salem correspondent. That fellow is a humorist. If the editor of this paper has been able to dispose of a "horse laugh" for $2, 000, it shows ex ceptional financial ability on his part. The man who would pur chase an equine cachination from an editor of a country newspa per, however, shows more musi cal than financial sense. Were the story only true, Oregon edi tors would alljae taking lessons in elocution!""' : ' : pie whose opinions are worthy of consideration. The unusual number of fail ures at the recent quarterly ex amination augurs well for the public schools of the state. Ex aminations of late have been al- tntrptlifM- trf lav anrl oc o mciilt- a cheap lot of inexperienced teachers have been turned out on the public, and capable, experi enced educators have, in alto gether too many instances, been displaced to make room for them. Scholarship and experience should be the tests in the em ployment of teachers not mere cheapness. The large number of failures at the recent examination is a healthy indication that the standard in scholarship is to be raised and that eventually other incompetents will be weeded out. THE ACTUAL SITUATION. i Frank and Fair Statement From Senator Mitchell, During the year 189611,700 was disbursed among the farmers of Linn county for milk supplied to the Albany creamery. In ad dition, eight per cent, interest was paid the Albany business men 0:1 the money they furnished for building and equipping the plant. After paying interest charges and expenses, the entire income of the plant was distributed among the farmers who furnished the milk. They were well satisfied with the results. If a creamery can be successfully operated in Albany, ten miles away,, why cannot a creamery be successfully conducted at Corvallis? "Hon. Samuel Hughes, Chair raan Republican Conference: My Dear Sir: ' On and prior to Thurs day; January 14, 1S97, 47 of the republican members of the legis lature, being one more than a ma jority of all members entitled to seals in the two houses, signed a call for a republican senatorial caucus to meet in the hall of the house of representatives in Salem on Thursday, January 14, at 7 o'clock, p. m. The lollowingis an exact copy of such call: 'We, the undersigned republi cans and republican members of the legislature for the state of Or egon, believing, as we do, in main taining and perpetuating the or ganization of the republican par ty, and also its principles as enun ciated in its platform, as adopted at the late republican convention at St. Louis, and believing further more, that in the selection of a candidate for United States sena tor, such organization and its prin ciples will be best promoted by adhering to the will of the major ity, as openly and fairly expressed in party caucus, do hereby agree, a sufficient number to elect con senting there lo, that we will meet in party caucus on Thursday, Jan uary 14, 1897, in the hall of. the house of representatives, in : Sa lem, Or., at 7 o'clock p. m., and, after organization by the selec tion of a presiding officer and two secretaries, will, by viva voce vote, as our names are called, ex press our preference for candidate far United Stales senator, and we hereby agree to support foe United States senator, by our vote in the legislature, the person, who shall, at such caucus, receive a major ity of all the votes cast therein: " 'Benson, Bridges, Brownell, Brown, Cal breath, Carter, Chap man, Conn, Craig, Crawford,' Da vid, Dawson, Driver, Gesner, dowan, Ijruruane, Harmon, Hasel tine, Hobson, Hogue, Hope, Hud son, lluglies, Jeiiuiiiirs. Johnson. Lake, Laugell, Marsh, McClung, Merrill, Mitchell, Mulkev, Nosier, Palm, I. L Patterson, Price, Reed. Rugby, J. N Smith, Somers, Slaw ley, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Vauguau, Veness, Waaueiv ''Senator Carter, of .Benton county, did not sign the call for the cauevs, but gave his verbal as surance or . approval, stating if present in the city on the evening of the caucus, he would attend, and be governed by its decision. In pursuance of this call, I was at the time and place named therein, as I was officially advised the same evening, unanimously nominate'' by a viya vose vote. each member responding to the call of the roll, as your candidate and the candidate of the republi can party for United States sena tor for the full term commem March 4th. 1897. At such caucus, all of the 47 members signing the call, as above, were present, ex? cepting three, as follows: Sena tor Mulkey, of Polk county, Sen ator Gesner, of Marion county, and Kepresentative Riddle, ot Doug las county. Senator Carter, how ever, being unable to' be present, sent to the chairman of the can cue a letter, which was read in caucus before a ballot was taken, and of which the following is a copy: 'Gentlemen: I regret to state that I have been called home, and will be unable to be present at the caucus to be held thus evening. I wish to state, however, that if present, I should vote for Senator J. li. Mitcnell, but it the caucusJ shall nominate some other gentle man, 1 will support him, it being my intention, I assure you, to abide by the will ot the majority, and to support the nominee of your caucus. Very respectfully yours, ; Tolbert Carter.' Senator Gesner sent verbal word by Senator Patterson, of Marion, as 1 have been advised, that he was detained by the eeri: cus illness ol a member of , his family, but he would abide by the decision of the caucus. Senator Mulkey, being suddenly called away to his home at Dallas, by the serious illness of 'his little girl, sent me a telegram on his arrival in Dallas, on the evening of Hie caucus, of which the following is a copy: r - ' -Dallas, Or.; Jan. 14, 1897. Hon. John H. Mitchell, .Salem, Or: I have just arrived, in re spoi.st to a telegram announcing Hie fi.-kness of my little daughter. I find her very ill. Whatever the caucus decides on tonight, I will abide by. B. F. Mulkey.' "Representative Riddle, of Douglas county, who had signed the caucus call, did not attend, and, for reasons unknown to me, but it must be presumed entirely satisfactory to himself, sent me, about 6 o'clock on the evening of the caueus, a letter, of which the following is a copy: " 'Salem, Or., Jan. 14, 1897. Hon. John H. Mitchell, - Salem, Or. Dear Sin I am in receipt of notice that a caucus will be held in the hall of the house of repre sentatives on this (Thursday) ev ening, on Jan. 14, 1897, at 7 o'clock p. ra., for the purpose , of selecting a candidate for United States senator, said caucus to be held in pursuance o: a call here tofore signed by me. I take this opportunity of writing lo you to request you or those in charge of said 'call to erase my name therefrom, and to inform you that I Will not rwpig.t qf -jaiA-c-m J cus and will not ? be contrail d thereby - Respectfully, .v w-i- ' Geo: W.- Riddle.' control iii the selection of a' speak er of the house of .representatives and ni the choosing of a United States senator, deliberately refus ing to qualify and take their seats in the house, and thereby intend ing to prevent the presence of a quorum,- and absolutely blocking the election of both - speaker and senator, and legislation as well. Such a proceeding, whatever may be the motive of those promoting it, tends strongly and inevitably toward, anarchy. , It is a most dangerous menace, 'not only to the intecrtty of m,he organization of the' republic&n party, but - to t he very existence of our government, both stale and national, it is a proceeding that should receive the unqualified condemnation "ot ev ery law-abiding citizen of all p'o litical parties. Those who give il their countenance r support, either directly r liilereniiallyv ol whatever parly affiliation, deserve to be classed with the enemies of law and order. To permit il to be established as a precedent would be to set in motion an element of discord and disintegration that will eventually sap the very foun- dali u of our political insiilu- tions. , In view, however, ol the pres ents status of the United. Slate ssiiate.iuid as it hvill be itter the- 4(h ol March next, it is of the ut nlost importance that Oregon -1 11 . 1 . - j.: ; , . stimuli mis- uuie eieci. striK4'.Hif-r This fact must bs appreciated by every true republican. " "Hie republican party is infi nitely greater lhan any one "man, Its interests .are paramount to those of any one individual." It is your duty to elect a republican senator, if in your power; and while, as your nominee, 1 person sonally am ready and willing,, as 'This letter I immediately trans mitted to the caucus through Rep resentative Hudson, of Washing ton county. Thus it will be seen there were present at the caucus, in person or by representation, not only a majority of all of the re publican members, but a majority of I'll the members of the legis lature, and I not only received the unanimous nomination, but there was no other candidate named or suggested. "Of the fourteen republicans entitled to seats in the legislature, and all of whom declined to go into the caucus and who have re fused not only to support tlie caii" cus nominee, but all of whom have absolutely refused to go into the joint assembly for the pur pose of electing a senator, the following have qualified and taken their scats, namely, Senators Si mon, Bates, Mackay and Selling, of Multnomah county, Senator Patterson, of Washington county, Senator Michel, of Wasco county, Representative Huntington, of Wasco county; in all seven. The remaining . seven republicans, namely, Representatives Bayer, Davis, Hill, Maxwell, Povey, of Multnomah county, and Repre sentative Jones, 'of Wasco county, and Davis, of Umatilla county, have up to the present time failed and refused to qualify as mem tbers, and have failed and refused "up to this day to take their seats either iii the house of represent tives or in the joint assembly. The republican senators above named who did not sign the call for caucus, nor participate therein, have also so far declined to go in to joint assembly for the purpose of electing a United Stales sena tor. Alt the. representatives of the populist party and all of the representatives of the bimetallic party have, also, a3 I am advised, tailed and refused to quality and have failed and refused, to take their seats in the house or in the joint assembly. A combi nation, therefore, exists between this small minority t republicans Who refused to be governed by the will of the majority and seven of whom have tailed and refused to qualify, and the representatives of the populist party, and the bime tallic party, all of whom have refused to qualify, the avowed purpose, as I understand, being, first, the election of Johnathan Bourne, a populist-, as speaker of the house, and secondly, the ' de feat of your- nominee for sena tor. 'The history of politics since the beginning of the government fails to furnish a parallel in any state to the situation thus pre sented. The spectacle presented is that ot a minontv. realisms their lack of power to dictate and ybn all know, to stand by you and with you for the integrity of., parly organization and the. maintenance and perpetuity of the rule of the majority, still I desire to say to you now, 111 this public manner, that while I believe the minority should not bu permitted to dictale to the majority and that there is now a principle involved in i this contest which is infinitely greater tha-n the interests of any one in dividual, yet, as I have repeated ly stated to each of you individu ally" during the last thirty days, I do riot claim to control your judg ment or assume any right Jo dir ect your forces. Therefore,' when ever you can see your way clear to choose a republican senaior .other than myself, then you inust. not for one ".moment, permit the fact of my nomination, or of my can didacyj to, stand in the way. . , In other w.nrds, 1 am-in your hands; you have made me your nominee, do with me as.you please and I will be 'content.-: Do your whole duty lo the republican parly, the state ol. .Uregni. and the nation, You know- lull,. -wall the character .orrtlie combination against you and the influences through which il lound its origin and by which -it- has been maintained. 1 Exercise! your, best judgment, keeping steadily in view the best interests not only of the republican party, but of 1 he si ate and nal ion. Thanking you and each of you most cordially for the unfaltering support you have given me, I am, wilh great lespect, your obedient servanf, John 11. Mitchell. Scoff and Cougff. "I have used Ayer'a Cherry Pec toral in my family for twenty years, and recommend ! it to others for coaghs and colds, and whooping maa who scoffg &t cough. Jave never known a single Z - case of who.piirg congh that it I friendly advice to "take failed to relieve and cure, when I Something for that COUgh,," Wvyww-ra will keep' on coughing, until he changes his mind or changes his earthly residence. Singular, isn't it, how many stubborn people persist in gambling, with health as the stake, when they might be effectually cured of cough, cold, or lung trouble, by a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ? This testimonial will be found in full in Ayer's " Curebook 'I with a hundred others. Free. Address J. C. Aver Co., Lowell, Mass. Subscribe 1 tii For The 66 GAZETTE 99 PER YEAR $1.50 IN ADVANCE. CATARRH is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds and sudden ciimatis changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which is applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be ing qrfokly absorbed it gives relief at esce. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages, allays pain and inflammation, heals the seres, pro tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses of tast? an d smell. Price 60c. at Drnsgists or by maH. KLY BKOTEEE.". 6S Warren Street. New Vorlc. QUALIFICATIONS OP VOTERS. A' NEWSY PAPER and a SUPERIOR ADVERTISING MEDIUM ; Bright up-to-date editorials, readable anil spicily writ tea Local Happenings, together with a review of the news of the World, make the GAZETTE a model and, eagerly sought newspaper. . . : 1. :"' i nil Jl'.t -ADVERTISING RATES LOW IN COMPARisON WITH SERVICES RENDERED. . iWe operate one of the Largest and Best Equipped Job Plants in the State. Our reputation for turning out only firs jrd ass work is State wide. THE. : ( GAZETTE PUB. CO., CORVALLIS, OREGON. In order to answer the many letters that have been received at this office, en quiring as to wbo are entitled to vote at a school election, I desire to give the qualifications of such, which are as fol lows: ' c First. An elector at a school election must be 21 years old. .. Second. Must be a citizen .of the United States. Third. Must have resided in the state at least six mouths preceding the day of electipiv 1 - . - ... &. .- Fourth.' Must have resided in the dis trict tX least six mouths preceding. tKeJ" nay UI circuun. Fifth. Must have property in-the dis-- trict upon which he or she pays a tax. Sixth. In case of no property (in districts of less than 1,000 inhabitants) an elector must be the patent of a child or children of school age, and this in cludes both father and " mother of the said child or children. Very truly, G. -W. Denman, School Supt, Benton Co. WELLS ITEMS. visiting Everybody is busy plowing. Ernest Broder, of Albany, did business here last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter are friends at Crawley's. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hecker, of Scio, called on old friends here last week. John Alphin, of Jefferson, visited friends here last week. ; Come again, John ; we are always glad to see you. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Cauthorn have re turned home from their mountain place, where they have been for the health of the latter. We are pleased to note that she is greatly improved. Senator Carter spent Sunday at home. He thinks that the house will effect an organization and that Geer stands the best chance of the many candidates for the United States senate. : . 1 gcbblcPreparationfor As similating UieToodandRegula--ting theStoinachs andBowels of Ptomotes Digestion,CheeTfuI ness and Aest.Contai ns neither Opruin.Morptiine cor Mineral. KotNahcotic. Xarpe efOldiySAMVELEffCnEll fimtpim Seti" JiotAtlUSdtt jtoiue Secel -ifput Hunt . -' HimSccJ - t- y u raw. Anerfecf Remedy for Constioa- tion, Sour-Stomach.IrtarrhoieaJ Worms, Convulsions .Fevenshr ness and Less OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. 3? SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE 7 SIGNATURE - . OF ' . EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEB. IS ON THE WRAPPER . OF EVEBY BOTTLE OP Castor! a is pat no la one-aba bottles only. It U not sold in bulk, Don't allsv anyone to cell yon anything else oa the plea or promise that it U jut as good" and will answer every pur pose." jt Bee mat 70a get u-A-s-x-u-it-i-A. tChtbo- ' r9 Latest Shades . For Spring . NEW SHOES We ore now receiving Oar Spring and Summer line of Shoes direct from the East, in the following Styles Chocolate Oxblood Black - Black . Chocolate Black .... Blrck Shades .-Lace Pointed Toe.. K C ( .- " Coin " - " Pointed " Prices $3 5o 3 5o .3 00 2 5 2 50 2 00 ---I SO These shoes we are carrying in all widths from A to EE. We also have a complete line of the latest button shoes in both pointed and coin toe. When completed, our line of Half Shoes will be the finest ever, shown in the City. We will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock and be convinced for yourselves. S. L. KLINE'S. THE- WHITE HOUSE. )0oftfr4eeeeo946eoe 0 0 to 4 - 9 o 0 Fancy and Staple GROGS RIES VV I GpOOB J yy Sm AND 4 RiP AUGUST HODES. : $ - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The New York Racket Store Is cutting and slashing prices' to; almost nothing. Bargains We always give, but never such brilliant , bargain meteors as now. Ladies Kid Shoes Going at cost. Ladies' Blouses at cost. Biggest bargains in Shoes on the Coast. To pass these values by is throwing away . A Golden Chance. 35 A Place to Eat. Palatable launches, "Delicious Coffee and Excellent Meals served at all hours by HODES & HALL. it 1 Fresh Bread, Candies and Nats, 25 rt"LTLT TJTTLTlJTJTJTJTJlJTJXnJJTrU It 2 Pies and Cnkes, Tobacco and Cigars. NOTICE Remember our Great Annual Reduction Sale ... CLOSES ... Saturday Eva, Feb. 27th. No duplicates on present prices after above date. .Land for Sale, Land for sale or will trade for improved town property. For particulars, address A. Vance, Summit, Benton Co., Or. To Exchange. Highly-improved, up-to-date, unen cumbered farm of 160 acres, near Brownsville, for small place near Corval lis. Box 17, Corvallis. A Gall for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "Not paid for want of funds," up to, and including those of Nov. 8th 1892. Interest will be stopped on sanfe from this date. W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton County Oregon. Dated Corvallis, Feb. 20, 1896.