fliscellany. A TALE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. There was a man in our town who thought himself wondrous wise. Said he, "What costly trumperies the av erage husband buys! Now I'll cut out all the 'Household Hints' and give them to my wife, And shell furnish the house on nothing at all, you better bet your life!" So he bought some ancient newpaper files, and his wife got on her knees 'And began to manufacture things with elegance and ease. She gathered a lot of barrel staves and made a window seat; She thought of a new canary cage and a hoopskirt was her meat; She painted old shoes with liquid gilt and hung them over the wall; She covered a keg with turkey red for a hatrack in the hall; She made some beautiful picture frames of her husband's cast-off socks, And built a table and sideboard out of an empty dry goods box. She hung the coal scuttle over the door ('twas lovely, so she said); She turned a hideous hen house into a handy folding bed; She cut new mantel draperies out of old plaid underskirts; She made some parlor lambrequins of her husband's flannel shirts; She planted a palm in his old silk hat and tied up his cane with bows, And what she didn't finally do, the Lord He only knows! i The husband puned and pined away and sickly grew his soul, As he saw her making a standing lamp of a pitcher and curtain pole. And his step grew slow and his cheek grew wan as she hammered away 1 with force, A-making a fancy Japanese screen of a rickety old clothes horse. One day she began on a chandelier, and then he went outside And swallowed poison, cut his throat and shot himself and died. New York Press. I -; THE QUEEN'S PARDON. I On the heights of Portland the De cember mists, still undispensed by sun rise, hung thick, obliterating all traces of the prison buildings from the roads, ,where several ships of the Channel Squadron lay at anchor, and also from the straggling row of houses at the base of the northwest slope. In the orison Itself there was no light as yet save in the corridors, up and down .which the ever-alert warders paced monotonously to and fro. In most of the cells the prisoners slept, tired out .with the previous day's hewing of stone and uncongenial tasks; but in one the occupant, a man of 35, good-looking in epite of prison garb, close-cropped hair, and the ravages of toil and despair, lay on bis bed awake. A little more than ten years ago he had stood in the dock of a West of Eng land city listening to a judge with a bard voice, though with kindly eyes, pronouncing sentence of. fifteen years' penal servitude. All that an eloquent counsel could do had been done for idm, but to no avail. The evidence seemed conclusively damnatory, and the foreman of the jury, after an ab sence of half an hour, answered "Guilty" to the usual question, with a ring of conviction In his voice. The Judge's words to Thomas Harborde fell on deaf ears. He stood stupidly gazing at a young girl sitting at the back of the court in .the company of a sweet-faced old lady, as though he saw nothing. At last a warder touched him on the shoul der, and the same instant a piteous cry of "O, Tom! Tom! They're going to take you away from me!" rang out In the court, over which the dusk of late afternoon was creeping, gradually blotting out the features of those who eat at all In shadow. The prisoner turned round as though about to say something to the Judge on the bench, land then, led by the warder, he van jtohed down the dock stairs to the cells, o be known no longer as Thomas Har borde, but by various numbers; at Port land Convict Prison as "No. 27." ' The sense of Innocence brought him contrary to all preconceived notions of fwriters of fiction no meed of satisfac tion; it merely filled him with desper ate wrath and blackest despair. In the early period of his solitary confinement lie found himself confronted day in and 'day out with the crushing sense of the legions of hours, minutes, and seconds before he could hope to be a free man if ever he were to be one again. By good conduct against the very thought of which he at first rebelled, refusing to "accept any boon at the hands of fate might reduce these years to two- (thirds, maybe. What then? Millions of seconds, each one to him, a prisoner, in appreciable part of life; hundreds of thousands of leaden-footed minutes, each one filled with poignant despair, must pass ere the time of release drew near. At work, under the scorching un or In the keen air of winter, in the ouarries It was all the same. These (hours and minutes became embodied in ithe person of the wardens and fellow iprlsoners, in the presence of his chains, (From a possibly dangerous man he be icame almost an Inanimate machine, a mere cogwheel In the round of daily toil and poison discipline. At first he attacked the stone as though he were . 'revenging his wrongs upon human flesh and blood, at last he tooled it with the unthinking regularity of an automaton. It takes a year or two to trample. the human element out of a man of Har- ' borde's type; but the effect of stone walls, silence, and brutalized compan ions, if slow, is none the less sure. Only In his case he became an automaton in stead of an animal. Through the long December night, while the mist enshrouded Portland and restricted the range of the lights at the Bill to half a mile or less, and whilst the sirens sounded from the light-house gallery almost continuously, answered faintly by others from vessels far out to sea, or booming harshly from others near at hand, Harborde lay awake reck oning the weeks, days, hours, and min utes which comprise the remaining two years of his term. He had but just dropped off Into a half-sleeping condi tion when his cell door opened, and in stead of the hard face of the warder come to tell him to tidy up he saw the Governor and chaplain, with the ward er in the background. . What could it mean? He sprang up, rubbing his eyes, and almost before he knew what was happening the Gover nor had told him in a few words that he had received the Queen's pardon, and then proceeded to read the same. What did it all mean? No other thought germinated In his dull brain. Free! Free to go where he willed! Free to walk out of the gaol gates. " Never to return within the stone walls which had shut him in from the outside world, as surely as though no world other ithan that contained within them exist ed. The prison bell clanged, startling him Into a state of wakefulness. The Governor bad finished 'reading the of- flcial-looking paper, anfl with the coc- elusion of the formal part of his duty he added a few words of congratulation. Harborde seemed to have no compre hension of their meaning. ' He remain ed 6tand'ig in the center of the narrow cell speechless. At last the chaplain made him understand the import of the document which had just been read over to him. ' "Free! Free! It is Impossible," he ex claimed, and then he threw himself on the bed in an agony of joy. The clang ing of the bell afresh, the slamming of doors, the echoing of footsteps down the resounding corridors recalled him to a sense of his position. A warder entered with a suit of clothes. With trembling fingers .he removed his prison garb; worn, soiled with weather and labor, and intolerable. The trousers felt chilly after the thick prison tight fittingknickerbockers, and rough, thick, worsted stockings. The coat seemed to fit him nowhere. With one look around his cell, on the walls of which he had done innumerable calculations to keep himself from insanity bred by the ter rible silence and sense of loneliness, "No. 27," now no longer a mere figure, a ma chine, but a human being, stepped into the corridor. There was a breakfast for him such as he had not tasted for nine long years, but he had no appetite. The one Idea now possessing his mind was home, escape whilst the Governor was willing for him to depart. He swallowed a few mouthfuls, drank a few gulps of cocoa, and then with the allowance money in his pocket hurried to the gate way. He was free. Free to go wherever he liked. Free to start for home as fast as steam would carry him. Free to stretch out his arms to the placid gray blue waters of Western Bay, now de nuded of their mantle of fog and spark ling in the sunshine. Free to breathe the pure air uncontaminated by com panions criminal and vicious. But the waters, the hillside, the lovely 6tretch of verdant country" extended before his eyes had no charm for him save that they spelt freedom. Behind him lay the prison house, the flagstaff, from which no ensign of dread fluttered to tell of his escape. Before him lay free dom. He rushed down the road, waving his arms with the reawakened Instincts of a boy escaping from school, oblivious alike of the sympathetic gaze of wo men he passed and the half contemptu ous remarks of the men. He. dashed into the bleak, shabby little railway station, only to learn .that there was no train for an hour. Already his limbs, unused to such riotous movement, and still feeling the lag of the chain, had begun to fail him, making the half jocular suggestion of the solitary por ter that he should "take a little exer cise and walk to Weymouth" out of the question. "I'll have to wait," was all he could think of to say. "Doin' time ain't altogether exhilar atin' nor strengthenin' work," the por ter remarked- Harborde nodded his head, yet longed to tell him that he was an Innocent man. The porter, however, had van ished, to return in a few moments with a paper. "Here; mate," he exclaimed with rough kindness. "You won't know all yesterday's news, I'll go bait" Harborde seized .the paper. , No, "he knew nothing of yesterday's news, nor that of thousands of days which had once been yesterday. He could see nothing at first. The print swam in a confused jumble before his eyes. When his sight cleared he commenced to read. How strange It all was! He used to be a great reader before he became "No. 27." And now he seemed to know noth ing of the world. New names confront ed him everywhere. Names of those in authority, names of towns, names even of countries. Where was Mashona land and Matabeland? He was con fused. He read on. This delicious new found turmoil of the world, how good it was after alL At last his eye caught a small para graph stowed away at the bottom of the third column on page six of the paper. He read It and reread It over and fver again: "Her Majesty the Queen has been' graciously pleased to pardon Thomas Harborde, who was convicted of forgery at the Westches ter assizes some ten years ago and is now completing his sentence of fifteen years' penal servitude at Portland. Harborde will be released this morn ing. The step has' been taken In conse quence of the dying confession of a man at Bristol." . Nothing more! Now he knew why he had been released. And so death had taken Edward Tilwell out of the hands of Justice. It was hardly fair of death. - The porter came up whistling to tell him the train would start In ten min utes. He got up, thrust the paper Into the man's hands, pointing to the para graph. ... "That's me." "You Thomas Harborde?" exclaimed the man. "Then all I've got to say It's a hanged shame the Queen didn't send a coach-and-six for you. Let's have your hand, man, to wish you good luck. Got a missis? No? So much the bet ter; poor soul, If you had It would have cut her up terrible." "No," said Harborde, as though speak ing to himself, "I was to have been married; but that's years ago now, and I'm an old man." "Old!" Interjected the porter, "you're no more than five-and-thirty, I'll go bail. You do look older, to be sure. But wait till you've been out a bit,. you'll soon rub off them lines and look a bit more uppish." The engine at the end of a short train of carriages relegated to the Portland line after becoming too thoroughly out of date for even the Somerset and Dor set local service between Weymouth and Dorchester, gave a thin, wintry squeak, and Harborde, in a fever of ap prehension lest It should start without him, tumbled into the first carriage that came handy, ticketless. The porter came to tne door. "You've got no ticket. Here, give me a shilling, and I'll get It for you. Book to Wey mouth?" "Yes," said Harborde, fumbling in his pocket for the money. ""Vato -nn '1-0 nil rltrlir " rlia n.rt ot i v claimed, returning a couple of minutes later; "there's the ticket and the change. No, thanks; you'll want all you've got. Good-by," mate, and good-luck to you." With a bump and a groan the train moved out of the station and ambled along the line running at the back of Shesil Beach at the rate of eight or ten miles an hour. Harborde was one of half a dozen passengers, but there was no one else in his compartment. He sat thinking of all that had happened. He had heard nothing of those at home j for many months; they might all be dead. How would he have the courage to go to the door with this possibility? j What would he do If Jane told him his J mother was dead? He covered his face in his hands at the thought, and sobbed as only a strong man can sob In the ' corner of a carriage. -With a great Jerk the train pulled up at the station, and Harborde got out His fellow travelers regarded him with curiosity because t his friend the porter bad told every one of them who he waa when he examined j their tickets, inveighing bitterly - the while against the caustic humor of par doning an innocent man. - Harborde noticed nothing of this. He Inquired of a porter the next train on to the junction for Applebury, and then discovered that he was both hungry and faint for want of food. He went out into the slippery, muddy street at the back of the houses on the Farad and at length found a quiet little eating, house, where he was served with a meal by a girl, who had a pitying eye, after consulting with her superior iu command. At 3 o'clock he was again on his way in his train, in the company this time of other fellow-creatures who one and all regarded him with a feel ing akin to that with which they would have submitted to the company of a dangerous animaL Harborde noticed it after a time, and putting his hand to his head suddenly made the discovery that his hair was noticeably short. After this he realized that he was a marked man, and no longer wondered why the lady .opposite drew her warm plaid dress away from his feet, and the other. lady with two children sidled as far from him as possible and asked the guard to find her seats in another car riage at the next station. He was in nocent, but how could he explain it to them? If they could but know what he had suffered surely they would weep. He hadn't the paper with him; even if he had" perhaps they would not believe that he and Thomas Harborde men tioned in the paragraph were one and the same. Two men got In where the lady with the children got out They each of them threw a glance, shrugged their shoulders, and then became im mersed in their papers. It was quite dark when Applebury was reached, and Harborde, luggage less, speedily passed out of the station without being recognized. There seem ed little alteration in the place. Sev eral of the shops now gay with Christ mas good and finery In the main street now had large plate glass windows In place of more countryfled fronts, but were otherwise much as fifteen years ago. For a moment he stood confused, staring up and down the street, re garded by the passers-by with curiosity. Then he remembered that he would have to go along the street past the grocer's whose window projected a yard into the footpath, turn down the byjtreet, and then again turning take th road leading to his home. In ten minutes he reached the garden gate. He had run part of the way, and now he could not make up his mind to go up the drive to the door. What If they were all dead? He grew sick at the very idea. There was a light in his mother's room, which was at the front of the house. What If she were ill perhaps dying? At last his legs carried him up the drive, which swept round the little front lawn In a semi-circle. He heard the bell tinkle shrilly at the back of the house. The sound seemed like home. All at once he remembered how, years ago, he had banged It with a long-handled broom till it jangled against Us fellows on either side. The door opened. A flood of light streamed out on to the gravel.. It was a strange face and the fact sent an icy shock to his heart. Far outside bimself he heard a voice he did not recognize as his own asking if Dr. Harborde were in. A year seemed to pass before the servant said "No," adding, "Did you wish to see him particular?" "Yes." "He'll be in in half an hour." - "Is is Mrs. Harborde In? Is she alive?" said the man at the door, throw ing the words at her when once his tongue had consented to frame them. "Why, lor bless me, yes! Come, none o' that!" - But It was no use. The man she nad just noticed had suspiciously short hair and a strange, wild-looking face bad pushed past her, thrown open the sit-tiiig-rooni door, stumbled Into it, and thrown his arms around a sweet-faced old lady, who rose in alarm at his sud den entrance. "My son! my son!" rang out through the house. "Mother! mother!" The girl stood rooted to the spot, then she ran to Jane, and the two of them came out Into the passage. In the sitting-room with its pink-shaded lamp a woman was seated kissing every line in her son's face every line that the long years had written. And he stroked the hair that still lay thick, though white, in a coil at the back of her bead. Suddenly the man started up. "Jess?" he asked, huskily. Some one who had lain, half-stunned with joy. In a wicker chair well out of the range of the lamplight came into his vision. . ' "Jess!" he cried, folding her In his arms whilst the room swam round. "My Jess!" "Tom!" came the answer. "But I am old," said he; "so old." "And I, also, with the sadness and loneliness of waiting. But now now I am young again." "The voice of the elder woman broke the silence after a moment. "For this, my son, was dead and is alive again." And they began to be merry. London Black and White. Wizard with tne Whip. An Austro-Hungarian, named Pisks lug, has created a sensation in Vienna by his wonderful performances with a whip some of which are described by the London Tit-Bits: "The first thing he does Is to take a long-lashed, stout-handled whip in each hand, and, with orchestral accompani ment, proceed to crack or snap them at a terrific rate. The sound made by his whips in this manner is graduated from anoise like a rifle report to the soft click of a billiard balL It makes a curi ous sort of music, and serves to show how he can regulate the force of each stroke. "More interest is evinced when he seizes a vicious-looking whip with an abnormally long lash. It is provided with a very heavy handle of medium length. This is his favorite toy, and what he can do with it is really wonder f uL He first gives an Idea of what fear ful force may ye In a whip-lash In the hands of an expert. "A large frame, over which Is stretch ed a calf or sheep skin, is brought on the stage. This Is marked with -dots of red paint. The 'man with the whip steps up, and swinging the lash round his head lets fly at the calfskin. With every blow-he actually pulls a piece out of the leather, leaving a clean-cut hole. These pieces are distributed among the audience to show that there is no trickery about the performance. After this he takes a frame with three shelves. On these there are a dozen or moreof medium-sized apples lying very close together and provided with large numbers. Any one in the audience may designate which apple he wishes struck, and the unerring lash snatches it out like a flash. - .. "A still more difficult feat Is the snap ping of coins from a narrow-necked bot tle. A piece of silver about the size of a half-crown is put over the cork of the bottle, which stands on the edge of a table. The whip artist, without appear ing to take any sort of aim, sends the long lash whizzing through the air and picks off tbe coin without jarring the bottle, much less breaking It" TRUMPET CALLS. Bam'.a Horn Sounds a Warning Note to the Unredeemed. K scll oar birthright to be saved when we choose sin. Seeing great things will teir a great soul that it is great. . God sometimes sends us good gifts in evil looking char iots. A blind man's world can be meas ured with a walking stick. The Christian is well armed, whose faith says, "God is my strength." When the cup of sin is put to the lips, i serpent that stings is alwaj-s ia it. There is wealth In contentment; pow er in patience and joy In being'gratef ul. There can be -no failure in anything that Is undertaken in the name of the Lord. Where God gives much in the way of favor and opportunity, he expects much. Turn a buzzard loose anywhere and it will Immediately go to looking for a carcass. If we talk without weighing our words, they will soon have no weight for good. The man who gives the world gold will be forgotten, but he who gives it good will not John the Baptist had no enemies un til after he began' to say, "Behold the Lamb of God." How many saw Peter denying his Lord, who didn't see him when he was weeping bitterly. Science is continually having to re j consider her declarations, but Christ I made no mistakes. j We can always depend on this: God will either give us what we pray for or 'something better. The man who cannot first pray for his brother's salvation cannot make a true prayer for himself. The 'closet door of secret prayer must alwayp swing on the golden hinges of love to God and man. If things go wrong with you, it is be cause God can see a good reason why they should go that way. No man who heard Jesus speak could declare that his preaching was better than his carpenter work. Whenever Jesus spoke, it was not that the people might be pleased, but that they might be saved. - , Men write volumes In theology with out being able to say any more than "God so loved the world." - The man who truly says, "Our Father In heaven" wants to say, "My brother," to every man in the world. The glory of Solomon's reign shows how willing God Is to bless everybody who will give him a chance. T" -. I It is likely that we would see less to ! condemn in our neighbors, if God could ! see more to commend in us. The world and everything In it be- longs to the Christian, to-help-'uiin make a true man of himself. It is better to be a nobody .' who amounts to something, than a some body and accomplish nothing. j One of the conditions upon which Jesus will make wine Is that we shall fill the water-posts to the brim, i The unspeakable things Paul heard in ' paradise have never done anybody any i rood, but what he heard while the thorn j was piercing his fiesb has been a bless ing to many. Kept Ali ve in the Philadelphia almshouse there was a gaunt, blind Scotchman, the most wretched of all that wretched com pany. The other paupers had friend who came on visitors' day and gave them clothes, or tobacco, or pennies to Jingle in their pockets. Nobody ever came to Joe. His clothes were thread bare, his pipe was empty; he sat aloof, friendless. Yet his comrades treated him with respect They called him Mas ter Joe, and regarded him with a cer tain awe. The superintendent noticed this with amusement, and said one day: "Why do they treat you as a superior, Joe?" "I am not like them," the old pauper said, drawing himself up. "1 hae the bluid o' the Bruces In my veins. I dinna let them forget it" "Nothing ennobles a man's actions," says tbe Spanish proverb, "like a drop of noble blood." The highest and purest nobility is only attained by the man who has the secret mysterious faith that he is of kin to the Maker of the world. Just as he keeps that faith alive he will be truer in heart and life than his fellows. A young man has been taught Who is his Almighty Father. He finds it diffl cult to remember it There Is so much to occupy hU thoughts! Books, com panions, and presently money to earn, marriage, a place to win. Some day he will be called to another world and to other conditions of existence. Will he go as the prodigal or the loving son to meet his Father? Ralph Percy, struck down on the bat tlefield, was found dying under the trampling horses' feet. "Tell my mother," he said, "that It Is all over, but that 1 always kept alive" the bird in my bosom !" Sir Walter Scott, who. had drunk deep of the world's best pleasures, beckoned to Lockhart when dying. "I have but a mirfute to. tell you," he said. " "There is but one thing that counts. Be-good be a good 'man. Be virtuous, be religious. Be a good man, my dear. It is all that will give, you happiness when you come to lie here." Do we, in our struggling lives, remem ber simply to "be good?" Do we keep alive the bird in our bosom, witl Its strange song of another life, and of our kinship with the King of kings? A Safer Place. V An old man was breaking stones one day on a country road In Wales, when a gentleman came riding along. : "Bother these stones! Take them out of my way," he said. . - "Where can I take them tor your honor?" ' - "I don't care where; take them to hades, if you like:" "Don't you think, your honor," said the old man, "that I'd better take them to heaven? They'll be less in your honor's way there." - Superior officer- You are accused of sleeping on-your watcn. aentlnel-Mm-possible, sir. "Impossible? What do you mean?- "My watch has been at the pawnbroker's for six months." Washington Times. ; ' "Otto, you have a bad report. What does that mean?" "Yes, papa; teacher must have something against you!" Fliegeude Blaetter. : ( Why is whisky so much easier to get than work? Tamed His Hair Gray. rV SAN FRANCISCO DRUMMER'S CLOSE CALL. George R. Hendrickson, a Well-known Traveling; Man, Describes Nevej-to-be -forgotten Experience Thought He Was Going to be Launched Info -Eternity.-' . From the Chronicle, Ban Francisco, Cal. . George "K. Hendrickson, of 506 Mar ket street, San Francisco, Cal., is one of the,best known commercial travelers on the Pacific coast. Mr. Hendrickson has grown gray in the service but his frosted -hair and patriarchial beard are due more to an experience he had about three years ago, than, to age. "There was not much to hope for," said the old-time traveler when relat ing his experience yesterday, "and I never expected to take an ' order again. It is not a pleasant thing to contem plate, when walking along the street, to be seized with a sinking spell and think you are about to be launched into eternity. ; That was the condition of my existence for about six months. The doctors told me that I was suffer ing from nervous prostration. Well I guess I was. I had had an attack of the girppe, and my complaint waa the re sult of ' that disease. I consulted the best physicians in the town and took their medicine, bnt I grew no better. My stomach went back on me and I suffered all the ills that accompany nervous disorders. " "While under the care of the doctora I never knew what peace of mind was. The least sound coming unexpectedly threw me into a cold sweat, and caused chills to run up and down my back. I waa subject to vertigo and every time I had an attack I feared that would drop to the sidewalk a corpse. I began to think I would be better off if dead, when I came across Dr. Williams' Pink Pills down in Los Gatos. I have studied medicine and recognized the value of the pills very readily. I threw my last bottle of medicine ovef the bridge at Los Qatos and began to take the pills. At once my condition began to improve.- I got relief from the start and I determined to give the pills all the chance in the world. I went home and stayed there for three months, at the end of which time I was a new man, my health being completely re stored." -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such- as suppressions,' irregularities, and. all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a raidical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 60 centa a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or di rect by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. - A Washington man, who suspected a colored man in his employ of tamper ing with his private stock of whisky, allowed the demijohn to become emp ty, and, Instead of filling it again, put the liquor in bottles In a cupboard and labeled them "poison." One night, as he came home from the theater, he caught the colored servant In the act Seizing the bottle Iu mock terror, the employer exclaimed: "Great heavens! Do you know- what you are doing? Don't you see that what that bottle contains Is marked poison?" The col ored man held it off and looked at. it. Then he smelled it, and, with a look of melancholy, replied: '"Tain't poison, sun. I'se done been fooled ag'in." "How dared you tamper with it, whether you knew it was poison or not?" "Boss, It was dis-a-way. F'uni de way yoh acted 'bout dat demijohn in de cellar I done thought youh had yoh s'picions ob me, an' it made me melancholy, f oh sho I's been -tryin' fob. mos' ' two weeks now ter commit suicide out'n dat bottle!" Her f cruplea. . Mrs. Hatfield I can't stand dishon esty and I think this speculating is just as dishonest as gambling. By the way, I see that Mrs. Hendrix has another beautiful ring. I wonder how her hus band can afford to buy her so many diamonds? Mr. Hatfield He runs a bucket shop. Mrs. Hatfield (after a long silence) John, I wonder if you couldn't get Into that business? Cleveland Leader. THE SEED IS THE VITAL THING. " Planting must be begun right, else no amount of cultivation or fertilizer can pre vent the crop being a failure. The nrst step is the selection of the seed. Do not take any risks here. Get seeds that you can depend upon seetls that are fresh, that have a reputation behind them. The most reliable seeds grown in this country are Ferry's seeds. Wherever seeds are sown the name of D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit, Mich., is a guarantee of quality and freshness. The greatest care and strict est caution are exercised in the growing, selection, packing and distribution of their seeds. Not only must they be fresh, but they must be true to name. On a par with the quality of the seeds is Ferry's Seed Annual for 1897, the most comprehensive and valuable book of the kindever printed. Every planter, large and small, should get, read and digest this book before planting a single seed. It is free to all who address the firm as above. Archbishop Magee was once' present at a full-dress debate on the eastward position, when doubts were expressed as to the exact meaning of the words "before the table." After a speech or two, Dr. Magee seized a piece of paper and wrote: "As to the phrase, The piper played before Moses,' doubts hare arisen. . Some believe its meaning to be that the piper played before Mo ses that Is, at a period anterior to his birth. .Others hold that the piper play ed before Moses in the sense of preced ing the great law-giver when he danc ed; while others teach that the piper played (coram Mose) before, or in the presence of Moses, when the son of, Amran dined. All these are wrong. The phrase is to be understood as im plying that the piper played at the north end of - Moses, looking south." The document was handed to Arch bishop Tait, who looked grave. : If: your tea is not good, why don't you drink water? It is cheaper and better for you than poor tea. If it w good, your stom ach is glad . to get it; does its work better. Schilling's Best is good tea at grocers' in packages. A. Schillinr 4t Company HI Fraacisce . 403 FEARLESSNESS OF IGNORANCE. Illustrated by a Tour i at Who Insisted Upon Going Into a Crater. Capt. Basil Hall tells one of those stories which are always coming up to prove that the man who knows noth ing about a danger is the one to fear it least and to neglect a salutary obe dience toward those who have trodden a path before. The Incident was nar rated by an old guide at Vesuvius. "A few years ago," said Salvatore, "r- came up the mountain with a party of gentlemen, one of whom Insisted on going not only around the cone, as we are doing 'now, but actually Into the crater, though I told him that such an ' adventure was attended with - more danger than the thing was worth. " " "Pooh! Pooh! Danger? said the-plg-headed gentleman. 'What do I care for danger? Am I not a soldier? ; Why, man, I have faced the foe before now! Lead the way, I'll follow.' "I merely said that to face a human enemy and to tace an active volcano were two very different things.' " 'Are you afraid to go?' he asked. " 'I don't much admire it,' I answer ed; 'but as I think I know how to evade the danger 'when it comeshaving been at the work for nearly half a cen tury I'll go into the crater if you arc determined upon the adventure. Only I warn you again; the danger to an in experienced person Is very great' " 'Well! Well!' he called Impatiently, come along!' And away we went, he flourishing his stick like a sword, while I only shrugged my shoulders. " 'Now, sir, I said to him, the only plan by which we can hope to accom plish the expedition In safety Is to be perfectly steady, and if a shower of stones comes about our ears to stand as cool and collected as If nothing were happening. I hope we may not hare any while we are in this awkward place, but If we should be so unfortu nate, 'mind, your only chance Is to stand fast and look forward. It re quires good nerves, ao brace them up!" " 'Oh, nerves,' said he, skeptically. Ts that all? You shall see. "So away we went, , climbed the Up of the cup, descended Into the fearful abyss, and though half choked with the fumes, saw all we wished to see. We were on our return when the mountain roared like thunder, the ground shook, a furious' eruption took place, and myriads of stones were shot a thousand feet into the air. " 'Now, signor, mio, I called, 'stand your ground and make good use of your nerves! Look! Be steady, and you may yet escape.' "But the man who had faced mortal foes quailed before the powers of na ture. He looked up as he was bidden; but when he saw a cataract of fire fall ing on his head, the courage of which he had boasted forsook him, and In continently he fled. "For my part I was too much afraid to fly. I never saw such a shower of stones, and I wonder we were not both demolished. As it was, my companion had not run far before he was struck down by these missiles. -. "One of them broke his leg and an other stunned him, and I had enough to do to get him out of the cone on my shoulders. Much work we had to take him to Naples, where the hotel keepers and the Italian doctors between them had the plucking of this precious pigeon for the next six months." Youth's Companion. . Don't Worry." There Is but one way out of the diffi culty. It is impossible to avoid all the causes for worry, for there is no day that does not bring its share, but the trouble lies in the fact that so many yield weakly to the depressions to which nearly everyone is liable, and do not make any effort to rise superior to their trials. Worry is not always the accompaniment of great troubles; it more frequently arises from petty cares, the constant Jar and fret of which in time wears out the "life. These can surely be put aside if one has the will to do so, and this is most easily done by substituting in their places thoughts of other and better things, which will take the mind out of self and selfish affair and turn It In other channels. BADLY HIPPED. fa is hardly a compliment to say that any one is "hipped," but anyone is pretty badly hipped who suffers with sciatica. It is in the hip that the excruciating pain takes hold and tortures. It is just there where St. Jacobs Oil, with its soothing penetration, has done some of its most remarkable Work of cure. Those who suffer thus, therefore, need not despair of cure when this great remedy for pain can be had so readily, and as it is known as a sure cure, be sure to get it and insure speedy and perfect riddance of the intense misery. There are cases of confirmed crippling from this malady which this great remedy has effectually cured and restored the sufferer to a sound condition. - A new hypnotic has' probably been found in Jamaica dogwood. The fluid extract has been found efficacious in dentistry. Wind power is derived from the un equal heating of various portions of the earth by the sun's rays. TBE LIVERY OF BILIOUSNESS Is a pronounced yellow. It is visible in the countenance and eyeballs. It is accompanied with uneasiness beneath the right ribs and shoulder blade, sick headache, nausea and irregularity of the bowels. To the removal of each and all of these discomforts, as well as their cause, Hoslctter's Stomach Bitters ig admirably adapted. This pre-eminent family medicine also remedies malarial, rheumatic and kidney complaints, nervousness and debil ity. It promotes appetite and sleep. Deafness is more common in cold countries than in warm climates, the ear being very sensitive to atmospheric changes. . MILLIONS OF COOK BOOKS GIVEN . AWAY.' " - There is one large house in this countrv that has taken business on its turn and means to ride on the rising tide. Alive to the signs of better times and to the best interests of the people, they are now circu lating among families a valuable publica tion known as Thk Charles A. Vogeler Company's Cookery Book and Book of Comfort and Health, which contains very choice information on the subject of cook ing. Receipts for the preparation of good, substantial and dainty dishes, prepared es pecially for it by a leading authority, will be found in its pages. Much care has been taken in its preparation and distribution, With the hope that it will be just the thing needed for housekeepers, and just the thing needed also for the care of the health and household. As a Cookery Book it will be invaluable to keep on band for reference. It also contains full information in re gard to the great remedies of this house, which provide against bodily ailments, especially the Master Cure for Pains and Aches, St. Jacobs Oil. To give some idea of the labor and ex pense of this output, more than 200 tons of paper have been used in its publication, ana at the rate of 10(1,000 a day, it has taken several months for the issue. . The book can be had of druggists every where, or by enclosing a 2c. stamp to The Charles A. Vogeler Company, Baltimore, Md. ; . - - ' i." y : Swiss papers complain that the watch trade is in a precarious condition, ow ing to foreign competition and high duties. ? - ' Piso'a Cure for Consumption ha saved ma large doctor bills. C . L. Baker, 4228 Regent Sq.., Philadelphia, Pa., Dc. 8 '95. BEWARE OF FAKE CURES Take Paine's Celery Compound if You Need a True Remedy. Do Not Allow a Salesman to Palm Off Any Substitute. HEALTH IS TOO PRECIOUS TO LISTEN TO THE PREACHING OF QUACKS. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND The Wonderful Prescription. That Results From the Life Work of America's Greatest Physician, Investigator and Practitioner. ' There is one direction, as IJr. George P. Shrady, America's first surgeon, dis tinctly says, in which people seem to need enlightenment at present more than they have for many years past. "This is the rational appreciation of the danger of quackery and fake cures." Dr. Shrady's article in the New York World of Dec. 27 should be read by every man and woman who is ever in clined to listen to the nonsensical, but too often plausible, ramblings of trad ers in patent medicines. When Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D. , LL. D. , of Dartmouth college, after a long life of study in the most recent scientific investigation of disease, evolves the marvelous formula of Paine's celery compound when after the closest possible observance by the best practitioners it is found that this greatest remedy of bur generation not only does all, but even accomplishes more than the modest doctor the giant among men that he has proved to be more than he was willing at first to claim when thousands of sufferers in every walk of life, sufferers from ailments that come from overwork, de ranged digestive organs, impaired ner vous systems, too poor or too rich liv ing, inattention to hygienic laws, liave been absolutely restored to health by Paine's celery compound, after vainly trying every other possible remedy, and being dosed by well meaning but in competent so-called physicians. When this is taken into considera REASONS Walter Baker & Go.'s Breakfast Cocoa. Because it is absolutely pure. Because it is not a cup. Be cure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780. X Cheapest Power..... IN GUARANTEED ORDER.. i-i H. P. Hercules. Gas or Gasoline. ; 1-2 H. P. HercuKs, Gas or Gasoline. , , ' 1-3 H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. 3 i- H. P. Oriental. Gas or Gasoline.1 1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or1 Gasoline. 1 1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline'' ,? i-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline; i-io H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline; State Your Wants and Write for Gas, Gasoline and Oil 405-7 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cal... A short man with tbe remains of a "Jag" wandered Into the Midland, says the Kansas City Journal, and asked! for a typewriter's studio. He lives la Kansas, and had been winning bets' oa the foot-ball games. He wanted to stay another week, but his wife expected him home, so he was in search of a typewriter to send home a letter to serve as an apology for his nonappear ance. "Kansas City, this date, ninety six," he muttered to the typewrltist. "I havethat." "My dear wife." "Yes." "Very important business will require my presence in Osawatomle for a few days " "Iet's see," Interrupted the artist; "how do you spell that Osawato mle?", "Spell It yourself. It's your typewriter." "f can't." vcan't spell Osawatomle?" he asked, in' disgust. "No." "Then I'll go to Fort Scott." INDISPENSABLE TO ANY PIPS SMOKER. "A WAT WITH MAKESHIFTS." Dealers' Best Seller. SAMPLE, 10C. QH1 DOZEN. 80C ECLIPSE MFC. CO. By Mail. A rents Wanted. Fori land. Or., U. 8. A. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Juat Don't Feel Well," felllVER PILLS a ' the One ThlnaJo nae Only One tor Dosa. Sold br Vmawiata at SBo. a box Sample mallad free. Address , ur. Bounao Had. ue. naia. ra. DAnn Tot tracing and locating Gold or Sliver Kl 1 1 IS ore, lost or hidden treasures. M. D. FOW llVlw t,b. Box in SonthlDgton. Conn. - in UP TURK and PILEB-cured ; no pay until JX cured; send for book. Drs. Mansfield & Pobtbsfi mld, 638 Market St, San Francisco. l'Sl'' I AM ft) bs.riiCI.vO 4 lwasJOaredlal.teS.Dara. MeFeTU Cere. DR. T"MalS,lAAaau, PI MAKES THE SICK WELL AGAIN tion, and at the same time we find hosts of people still willing to be led astray by the hundred and one nostrums which irresponsible traders try to foist upon them on the pretext that these preparations are "as good as . Paine's celery compound" (but really because they make a big profit on such prepara tions), it is time for every one who detests fraud to warn his neighbors, and take the warning himself, that when he goes to get a bottle of Paine's celery compound he must not be whee dled into taking some other remedy. , Paine's celery compound makes pea. pie well. These other things work harm. Paine's celery compound is not a patent medicine. Its formula is given freely to every physician. These trashy stuffs that you are asked to buy are made up of ingredi ents that should never be taken into a s'ick stomach. These ordinary nervines, tonics and sarsaparillas are no more to be com pared with Paine's Celery compound than a glimmering candle is to be com- -pared with the wonderful modern search light. If a person needs nerve tonic, a real blood purifier, a reliable diuretic, that will restore strength, renew vitality, regulate the kidneys, liver and bowels, and make one well, let that person try his or her first bottle of Paine's celery compound and mark the . wonderful re sult. . . ej ej ees eseaeae ea FOR USING made by the so-called Dutch Process in j which chemicals are used. Because beans of the finest quality are used. Because it is made by a method which' preserves unimpaired J the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans. x Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent t aaaaaaaaajiaa aa Rebuilt: Gas and ....Gasoline Engines. Li, : ..FOR SALE' C1TEAP '1 Prices., a........ Engines, 1 to 200 H. P. Hercules Gas ....Engine Works ThaM has nfttnr b;en & time when BTOW '.rsnhnnlH -iiArri aiirainKt filuT0 With mot care. Tbere has never been a time when Ferry Seed were mora essential. The? are . oIwbvm f h hi'Ht. For sale bT lead in- . dealers everywhere. Insist on having' them. FERRY'S SEED ANKUAL I is full of information for gardeners and 1 planters. There will never be a Better time k than now to send for tne 1897 edition, rree. D. Ma Ferry & go.( Detroit, mien. SURE CURE for PILES Itofeinf and mind, BlediMr rrotrnaiDic rue. IfttMalMttt R. B Q-SAN-KO'S PILK ; REMEDY, swp.uc.r . Circnltri sent (m. Price taautrfaai tumar . brd.u or ulL lilt- HUKAAklX fklla. Pa. rrM luoiors. a ptmiiva cui WHEAT. Make money by suc ceKful speculation in Chicago. We buy and sell wheat there on margins. Fortunes have been made on a small beginning by trading in futures. Write for full Darticulars . Uest of reference given. Sev eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough Knowledge ot tne ousi- ness. Downing, Hopkins fe Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Oftices iu Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle, Wash. EVERY HEN Hatched in Pet Inula IneulMLtors -as start ed right, and Is boiter prepared to ate profit1 able retains oecsuse these macbtnes exemstveiy em body the features which pro dace the gresteit number of vigorous Chickens. Incubators from $10 no. Frsn. ptmln-Mt lpctrttoT Co., PetsLiumava cau- I f tatc! Conch Brrnp. Taatat Good. TJa a mm N.P.N.TJ. No. 686. &F.N.TJ. No. 763 1 - - - -