CORVALLIS, OREGON, Jan. i, 1S97. UMBRELLAS A new lot just received to sell at the popular prices The winter is only halt over. - . ft ft ft There are still a few pair of those Albany Woolen Mill blank et. - ; . t -r- . :- ft ft ft ; A line of those celebrated kid gloves. Foster hook are selling at .75 cents. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Si Perkins is oininjr. "v ' EugeneSimpson -paid Salem flying business visit t his week. Rst mf:i-i in lown tVr -L Awnia at tlie Little Gem aumnfi g The boarl of "re7rpnt 'J' ttie'O: A. C. niseis next .VYedne-dav. , Misx Otlie Thompson is home from I'orilaivl on a brief visit. .. ". V . .' .V,V J. M. iiiniero':i' returned y ester diy lroiuliortlanil, haying, been abs-nt on business. Mr. Sol" SlwJr,-one ,of Salem's jeiiuuii; uiismess men. is 111 vor valiis. The G.azkttk office had neigh bors this week. Several men oc cupied tlie city jail. Pror. J.B. Horner was elected secretary' of the State Teachers' Institute held in Salem this week. Judge. Hufford, w ho has been attending circuit court in Dallas tin's weefe, returned yesterday.' Mrs. ft.. While, of Portland, is visiting the family of Judge Hol gate. Art hur Holgate returned to Portland Tuesday. His wife will remain for several weeks. J. A.hncli, editor ot (he Al bany Imprint, was in town Wed nesday afternoon. F. P. Slieasgreen is confined to his home this week wil h a severe cold and. is threatened ith pneu monia. " " - "George" seems to be the popu lar hstroe in Corvallis. Monday night, out of 17 men gathered at Zeis' 7 were named. George. - Rev. N. Sbuppi presiding? elder 01 tne -ij.vangeiicai aassociatioM, preached an-'elotjttenfr ermonin this cityTacuday night. The 0. R. & N. steamer Ruth arrivrd Jast night and ' will make regular trips to Portland, leaving Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 ft. m.-. W S. "Gillespie is now employ ed in the big stare of S. L. Kline, taking the place of J. F.. Buchan- farm. - ; v Hon. vi P. Keady and son Will came upj: from Portland Tuesday. The forrjier returned next day,"but the young man remained for a few days visit among friends. . . . A. W. Giesy, special agent of the Norwich Union Insurance Co., was 111 Ourvalus Monday. Mr. Giesy is a former O. A. C. student and is one of the mosf popular insurance men in the northwest.. The Weber Comedy came over from Albany yesterday, in : its special car. Miss Mattie Kisor is one of the leading ladies. If the opera house can be engaged ' the company will play tonight The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Horning died Tuesday night after an illness of several weeks. The funeral occurred 4 TIT All tt.l tal of. the little one was laid to rest in Crystal Lake cemetery. - Judge Bry8on left for Portland Wednesday, where he.will' under go a difficult surgical operation. His many friends m thi city will hope for. his speedy i recovery. Mrs. Brvson and Iiock accorriDl- nied him. Jesse Sp3iK5e starts Jt$6 ' the New Year vrUh a firrn grasp on Time's forelock. .- From today on, he will shave for 10 cents, cut hair for 15 cents aud charge only 15 cents for baths. A regular New Year's present, to the public. Dick Kiger .tendered vBrady Burnett a supper last night at Hodes & Hall's parlqrs. . Fifteen guests discussed the elaborate menu and toasted the genial host and the guest of- honor, "who shortly leaves for Stanford Uni versity. . - . $ ' - . 1 lie city nail was not built as a play - ground for boys. Several acts of vandalism have been com mitted about the premises and the officers are going to enforce the rules regarding trespassers. The boys will save trouble by finding other loafing places. Prof. Pratt, Supt. Denman, Miss Denman and several other teach ers of the public schools, took Tuesday's boat for Salem, where the state teachers' institute is held this week. Prof. Berchtold - read a valuable paper on "Music in the Schools." ; v 13 DOLLARS AND UPWARDS FOR; SUITS TO- OnOKR AT OEOtL THS TAILOH'S.. '-'Happy New Year" saysOon Gerhard. - - Tli-eople-' h'e ;pur-. chases from, however, won't - take their pay in greetings." Mr. Ger hard must, therefore,, insist ;that those' indebted to him pay up im mediately. Oregonian and Exam' iner Mibscribers, especially, are "urged to liquidate: J . c :'. Oh, Spencer, Barber Spencer, to whom thy patrons pray: My foot ball hair, my . tvo-days beard, lake thou in charge this day. And when thy razor is flashed on high, by skillful hand, 'neath 'watchful eye, let me remark, between .each flash, I want to spare that pink mustache.. , K- , Eugene Simpson has sold oat his interest in the Corvallis Com mission Company to Mr. Wnu Parker, who will hereafter have full charge of the business. It is understood I l;it Mr. Simpson cou templates ensraging in another line of business, which is the reason for i llir Hi.fttU'. ' . Ihe 1i'ln's' Uollee UI110 parly la t nisrhl. was a great success, as :iiiy:ht have beeii - expected. The handsome hall was beautifully de-oi;ited aiid liriliiantly lighted. A delightful ami delighted com pany enjoyed themselves as guests "f:U'Sj-rr.!.,arm,nS. entertainers. Lutich fs:: served. fZJk ' i Stenson; of Salem; Graiid K. of R. ai;d S. of the K. of P. grand lodge, 'paid Corvallis a fra ternal visit Monday night. After theadjournmetrt of Uie..iopgethe members and a few invited guests repaired to the Little Gem Restau rant, where Mr. Stenson ; was ten dered a banquet. The regular meeting of tho Cor vallis Sunday School Union will be held in the Episcopal church, Sunday,' January 3rd, 1897, :tt 3 o'clock p. m. General subject for discussion, "How to Conduct Teachers' Meetings," paper by C. D. Thompson.. , AH who are inter esled in advancing the Sunday School work of the . city ar,e cordi ally invited to be present. . ' v ". : - ' A young man with one leg calf-- ed .at this office the other day and presented a card stating that he was deaf and dumb and in need of a little cash. : He was shown the door and when he reached it, he turned arbiind to damn the of fice in vigorous English. The fighting editor thought it useless to pursue him, for it is probable' his absent leg could come into evi dence as readily as his speech. vTbL CoryaUis cream.ery jypJe.ct is no longer ;a -visionary scneme, but has now "taketFdelinite shape and work on -the plant promises to begin at an early, date. : Some- thing over $3,500, of stock has been subscribed and this sum is considered, sufficient to, buildv and eqn -fit?cl.iiss-ireaTnery plant aiid4eave . a small -surplus wjth which to operate upon. -' The fi nal success of the project is large ly due to the eflorts of .'Wnu Hart- less,, who had much to do with so- ICllUlg Uie bl.BCN. V. JJr; a. a. Ireruot and flliss Ocie Avery were married yeserday liooh V'ht the 'l-eSdeifce k of the bride's mother and left immedi ately on the. Oregon. Central & Eastern for Yaquina, where they take, the steamer , Homer for San Francisco.: The wedding was a very quiet affair, only the immediate- friends -of the contract ing parties being presents ..Mr., and Mrs. Pernot are popular young people ana a host of friends and well-wishers will join the Gazkttk in extending 'congrat ulations. " Ji ..The state board of equalization the equalization adjunct is per haps a misnomer has ' met, con sidered and finished their rough cobbling, and now that the . work is done, the taxpayer feels himself to find when he is struck. The spinal cord has been literally twisted out of Multnomah county and her people equalized approxi mately $6,000,000. Marion has been hit hard to the extent of a 30 per cent, raise on her personal assets. Baker gets a. .10 per cent, dose of board medicine on the up grade, while Umatilla gets - a 10 per cent. ' scar on her proud i es- cutchson from the same source. Clatsop, Union and Yamhill are each touched mildly on . a ,5 per cent- upward cut. it is an anoma lous condition ofithins,;when: the. board's" equity can only r5omp;re hend addition; equity once grasped subtraction. A yeiy valuable dog, the prop erty of Dick Kiger, met death in an unusual manner on last Mon day morning. The death of this dog is conclusive of the fact that a county official is not a safe per son to handle a gun. Recorder Gellatly . went hunting laat Mon day. morning and reached the Ki ger place four miles north of Cor vallis and was. accorded the privi lege of shooting ducks on that place, which, however, did not include the right to kill a blooded dog with a record 1000 miles long. The recorder strnck a slough and waited patiently for a duck, winch in due time came and alighted in the water within shooting distance. Both barrels were cocked lor the work of death on the lone duck. when the dog put in an appear ance at his side and started for the duck. Expecting to stop the I dog, the recorder reached his gun out, placing the muzzle on the dog's head and death followed Thus died a splendid dog at the hands of a very indifferent hunter. Dick is greatly broken up oyer it, but realizes that it was an, awk ward accident that called his dog to the happy- hv,tjl!S-groAiBd. " " A Costly Crowbait "Horses are fast getting to be like debts you can't give them away nor lose them. : Mr. Gains, who Jives two. miles west pf. Cor valiis, . has freshly realized the hoodoo that has been placed upon the equine family. ; .'' v" - ; A horse of his that has seen better": days ; wandered into town and was impounded by Chief ot rolice Wells. Mr. Gaines was notified, but tailed to redeem- the animal. He considejed it extrava gant to pay 25 cents for a horse not worth a nickel.: He. wa will ing that the city should assume- all the responsibility of ownership. But the city had aiour ace hand stowed away, ' ' : Ve ueday the Chief aud-Mr Gaines met, ami. after; -..a lively discussion, iiitroiliicing .denjaiids and refusals and emphatic words found in the Bible," the chief iiiKMtrttcil Mr. Gains with arrest. Later - he swpre out a warrant charging Mr. G. with violation of mi ordinance against li : imals to run at large in the city Mr. Gaines appeared before Judge Porter, and pleading guil.ty, paid a fine of $5. He refused, however, to pay tlie pound charges, so the chiefr paid the charges and Mr. Games took tlie horse home. A nice little question - arises as to whether the 'law really could operate against an outsider whose Minimal strayed into the city, but it isixloubtless cheaper to pay tne nne uian to iignt ine iaw. a Extinguishing Electrics; Much . annoyance Has been caused lately, both; 1o citizens and the electric light' company, by the deliberate breaking of lightfglobes 011 the streets. Friday evening Johnson Porter caught two col lege students shoot mg out the lights. They wei?? under the influence of liquor. , - ' The boys paid $10' apiece into the city treasery as a consequence. ami, the matter coming to. the ears of the faculty, they were . given the choice of being sent home in disgrace or promising 19 hereafter behave themselves ana to prose cute the men who sold' them !Jiv quor. " A. - Ihey chose the latter alterna tive. Ihey made a complaint against Ben Woldt, who donated $25 - toward reducing the citv. debt. Si Perkins" Wednesday Night Manager Wilson will present to his patrons . Wednesday; evening the Si Pexkiiwnomedv-cmbHa- tion, which, with its 'ha'seed" street band and -parade, has been seen 111 Corvallis before. . . The manairemetrt represents that the -Si IVrkins" oonibinahon will af ford an amusins evening's, enter tainment, during ivhich a .number of specialties will be introduced. The company is headed bv Sam Burton and - Tillies Coleman, wl(o are said to be excellent come dians in their respective lines.': The band.: and orchestra of the Company is also featured -as an attraction, and is under the leader ship of Prof. Thomas Marshall, who, with. 12 musicians -under him, claims to have the strongest musical combinations ever present ed by a traveling company. Aside from the regular , play,; ;Si Per kins" is made up of a series of songs, dances, sketches and catchy music. - - ' ' , V : T - r " ' ' -"'-The Christmas Ball. Corvallis lias completely dis credited public balls. The Christ-. mas 'masquerade emphasized this truth. While, through the kind ness of the baud boys, E. E. Wil son and the two papers; the com mittee is able to announce the"re- ceipts equal to the expenditures, the ball was a distinct failure. An unforseen and unpreventa- ble misfortune interfered with the concert program and there was not much to animaie those who took part. The band numbers, however, were very good. Mr. Mason s solo received merited ap plause and Mr." Wheeler's catchy piano solo was good. -- - - : .-. . ... . . J By using Hall's Hair Renewer, gray, faded, or discolored hair assumes the nat ural color of youth, aud-grows luxuriant and strong,-pleasing everybody. : Why. suffer- with Cooslre. olds and La Grippe when Lxntivo Bromo Quinine will cure you in one 'day.' Does not'ptoducethe ringing in the head like Sulphate'Qr .Quiiune, rut up in tablets convenient for taking guar anteed to euro, or money refunded. Price Z5 emits. - ' ' '; Letter List. " Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed Jan. 1, 1896: Mrs Minnie DeMoss Cochran, Fred Hickok, Robt Howard, Miss Sylvia M Honey, RW Linville, W W Little, Al Lunnisn, A B B Lewis, Stella Tibbets, W C Walkins. - " .-.- Robt. Johkson, P. M. An Opportunity. - A good stock ranch containing ''320 acres, situated six miles west .of Philo math, Benton county, . 0regon, can be purchased cheap. For- - particulars' ad dress '- ;;.' r - R. L. .Castkkc, ' . '. Philomath, Or.' Cheap for cash, a typewriter in Al condition. - Apply at this of lie. '- - - --: - " , . College students who desire copies of Martin's "Human Body" can find the book at Con Ger hard's.. - ; ' : ! " " .' '.-. tlall -1'- trfry WW EES0LUTI0NS IN HHYME. AT Young Lady's Experiments in Thought Photography, . - - - New Year's Avowals. i ' Many a truth has beii utteTed in jest. Frof. ' Jordan's paper qn "Thonght Pho tography," while written as a;. "fake," has developed many experimenters in that field, a Corvallis young lady has been very successful in the new srt or science, and has gathered from the think ers of several acquaintances, the follow ing "resolutions made . by them. . Her name S withheld for the present, but she handed in. her manuscript signed "CJare Ettc'V ; ..' ' ,' V , Beach, Eph. I am willing to eke' eut an existence oh board of a catamaran, but I'll never again fix up arafile in ca hoots with a Chinaman. . - Burnett, Brady. I've a career that's checkered, I'm resolved gainst further faking, I'm going to break "the record -to keep my heart from breaking. Buchanan. Artiiur.5-1 promise ; to. be 1 ihii mm gnu w - -- learn my lessons quickly from my admir ed ''professor." Buruett, Bruce. I am a Sunday school scholar and lay some claihi to pietV6ut I am eoinir to surprise the widow, who savs "Is that you Siety?" : Clark. Oreni-'-MV days aeeit- sliglU re forming; myjfaiHngscry not jbacL jThis mw til v brain is warming: 1 11 loin tne straight-haired crowd. Crawford, Ed. I will not be fearful. tho,', perhaps", -Jtnighti pattf'some to see alady tearful S peepiug o'er the transom. frbenfliarijGeOi--I ' don't want to pose as a fast voune man. that's understood of course, and so the horizon I'll scan fof a purchaser for my horse. Edgar, Will. I know what's what and I'll eet hot at the man who 'bout me rhvtnes. He'd better not say that rve c - eot a lien upon the Times. Fulton. Tohn. A woman's heart fcan't quite , size it, however, highly Uiougli prize, it, I want one; who'll advertize it I And in the Lab I'll analyze it, Foster, J. W. This my resolution Whatever fate befall, while some nay strive for Eteat Unngs, I'Jl be satisnea wun amati ... ... - . Fischer, Ernest I have no vow I wish to make, for promises are but to break; mankind doth seem so fiekle. -Still ; this. lone one I make and mean: I will not olaV a slot machine, -unless I have' a nickel Gerhard, Con. Some may .'desire to move about, the universe to scan, but I'm going to pose lor anotner year as tne stationery man. Holgate, H. L. I have a little scheme on foot well, yes, 'tis on the sly, sir. I have resol ved to get ajob as" biiijiness advisor. JHodes, Cart I'll encouwge uie society Fenian, I'll giveeyerir jneinber a dirk, 11 settle the question ArineiiistB.-aad gobble every Turk. I'll admire every suit,. Combination, that in glowing stripes doth' appear. I'll hot be caught iil oae more celebration, and I promise to learn to drink beer. ; J : Harrison, "Peggy." I'ptonnse, ;'pon my soul I do, to keep myself away from Terrell and his old hoodoo, upon his next birthday. ,; V ': - ., -. ' " "v'kalL GiflyJ t'll qvA all sport. Yts, truly quit. No shot gun Til be wanting. The Chins birds may fearless flit, and past is my coon hunting. . : Hodes, Clem. Kind providence I'll not provoke; fate shall go undefied. You'll see me in a drathis year, when I take a buggy ride. Irvine, Geo. I've set my mind upon it and I've sworn it forcibly; Durham may run the, office, but he can't run. me. Johnson, Bob. I promise to stay as long as I may, in the office where I be. I would ever fain hear the questioning refrain of, "Is there some mail for me." Johnson, B. W. Rocked in -the cradle of the deep, I've sang my solo fame to sleep Tho' oft the footlights flash to cheer, there nevermore will I appear. Kiger, Dick. The old man boxes his peaches. They can be opened with a hatchet. Now when I get a box this year, I promise not to scratch it. Kelsay, Lyman. I got riley at Raley. bucked hard at Bnrkhardt. I've re. solved, though, now daily to buck in and work hard. Kriebel, M. H. I have a plan which every man will think the proper caper. I'll fix the scheme, you rig the beam, we'll hang the poet of this paper. Kerr, Ged.-1'11 not again grow angry nor swear about the slur, to hear the doc tor telling, "We'll, r boys, I've cured a cur." . '. 'V ... .... JCerr, Bill. Oh, my pleasure to advance I'll take in each' country dance, all the year. - When the girls .toward me flit with a smile,' then I'll run hit. " "Let's have sheer.... , ;. ,' ... Lester1, "Bowen. Misttetoeand Christ inas holly tell single men of single folly. This year I'll hunt me up a wife, or do without thro' all my life. . ' McLagan, O. C I'm bouna and re-T solved, 'tis a worthy design, to give up my search for that evasive mine; ' .- . t. Mason, Wayman. Pretty little Albany four eyes, with goodness rather bent, will not "my . economy despise, for this year I'll pay the rent Oberer, F. J. Wills may claim the at tention of Vanderbilt and -other men of millions, but - Freddie is resolved this year to devote his. time to Williams. . ' Owens,Xarry. I promise that in .'97, (and my Honor is at stake) from the be ginning to the -end .thereof, I will no promise break, and to insure my faithful aess, I will no promise make. Osburn. Tames. A way'' with all fore swearing and with all weak " resolves away, I'll pursue, without much fusttng, the even tenor Sf my way. .- ' !'" : Paul,-Geo. L. I'm not a man to cher ish strife, yet I love a warrior, still. I am resolved to please her ma, and re duce the coal oil bill. Reed, Geo. In the bright light of ex perience, which of many faults corrects us, I promise never again to speak of Waxihatchie, Texas. ' : Skipton, jamesvi It Is not profitable to hate, nor sensible to love, I'll be satisfied with my estate, but I war 'em not to shove. .Smith, Dick. -She asked me to.J've promised her, and it must go at that, toT day I begin A steady course of Hanas anti-fat , i i ? v.-'- - . Smith, Joe. Spain must set brave Cuba free, I've found a way to check her." I'll sink her fleet beneath the sea, with t Monroe double-decker. " Smith, Luther. I've made this resolu tion, to spare neither time nor pelf until I. find a lady who'll just love me like everything. . . " isSunpson Eugene. I'll be a man of peace this year, nor injure any one. I'll more, I'll drink no beer, I'll throw away my gun. : . ? .: ..;., ; Spangler, Mart I firmly swear I'll not despair. 'Tis Life or d-eath to me. And i have sworn to blow my horn, until I'm pound or free. . i&itipton,: ..will. with a star. on my breast and a gleam in my eye I'll watch the night hours as they go crawliug by. All the jaggers.may lag, all the scrap pers may scrap, but they'll throw .'their' good coin into Ju lge Porter's lap. . Schmidt, Paul. I'll fill me up on sour kraut, and fill me up with beer, and will stare at every fair that may come wandering here. ,' Schmidt, Billy. I'll -be a studious lad. I will study every fad, that arises in this world-resoected natioiK- I'll be a Sundav hoy, i 'II endeavor tot enjoy the peace of the army o salvation. '' Terrell. Raloh. I have ' a ' resolution made, anil it makes in y heart grow light er, no more I'll itiakie all men afraid by being her .papa's fighter. . .. Turney, Frank. Their banners ..they may flaunt in vain; their- base drum can't entice me; ''They maV-sing their son; in loudest strain; I have sufficient to suf fice m:. " ' ' Tunniclilfe, Ast.7Tt-Peek-a-boO, I- don't love you, let every body smile. It's un derstood that' I'll, be good and throw away my file. Trehwith, Harry. I will gratify my love of case, until my rest is all complet ed. I need much rest, I'll rest my knees and have iny chairs reseated. -. ; Turney Ruthyn.T-I'jr rnstle hard for items and chase Madam Rumor. The festive local I'll ensnare and keep tab on the bummer. ; . Wilson. IB. Ej I - intend to be . quite circumspect, vo matter what befall. And I will endeavor to collect this year ' Law- rents and. all. . i ,?. , ; .;-,.' ": Warner, ' John. The green baize table may Tempt tne, tne game a charm imparts, but tell you the chap is a daisy who can,eiitice me to play hearts. . Weber, Geo. Well wander by the Willamette and watch the waters hug the shore. -'. We'll learn a lesson there, you bet, that we will practice eut-of-door. Zeis, Emil. It may "be 'an ..anomaly, hut let my promise ring, although a true American, I'll pay homage to a King. Zeis, Theodore.' I Will not marry and In v name wil still be Zeis. Iam to blame, but all the same I cut some ice. tTengjhvvHjch comes to us from- eating nourishing. tooo-'Wjpetteir man stiinulatioh,becaise!, it is new jstrcngth. Ther health which '.belongs to .a strong body;, well nourished by; proper, food (properly digeste;!)-, is-.the only ;health that'is lastin'g. -The difiFerence between Shaker Digestive Cordial and other medi. ctnes is simply that' it helps nature to make strength' It does .not ; profess to cure sickness, except as that sickness is a result of weakness- caused hy food, not properly digested . Shaker Digestive Cordial will relieve the pangs of indiges tion, and make thin sick, weak people as well as if their stomachs had never been out of order. It is a gentle' aid to digestion of nature's strength-maker, food. Ai druggists. Trial bottle. 'io cents.. "'' r- Wood. ':. -. . ' " Notice is hereby given that the County Court will receive sealed bids up to 10 o'clock a. m., Wa.liiesday, Jan. 6th, 1897, to furnish forty c-mls of old-growth body Red Fir wood, four feet long, and sixty cords of Grub Oik wood, four feet long, to bs delivered at the court bouse in Cor vallis, Oregon, bstween June 1st and Au gust 1st, 1897. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Doted this aist day of Dec. 1897. Virgil K. Waiters, County Clerk, For hoarseness, loss ol'TOlce, and all affections of the vocal organs, the favor ite remedjr with many clergymen, sing ers, actors, auctioneers, and public speak ers is AVer's cuerry reciorai. as a anodyne-expectorant, its beneficial effects are promptly realized. Lnxati-d. JJrQinn Quinine Tablet! do not Hir.-ct the bend or r-xlucu nervousness like thit SulpliHti- of QuiniHe.' Mefsrs. Graham & ' Wortbam are authorized to refund the money "in every case where dt fails to cure Coughf, Colds or La Grippe. Price 35 cents. "Benton count warrants taken aVparfor merchandise at Nolan oVCallahan'8. fJYchsnt re authorized Refund Fcatherbone Corset C Bole Kanulaeturers. Wet 1 vminfiTiLHtiiiDh, . m r ti i in it miinnt. r- 4 Styles.' ) f money V- Short '""V weeks h 11 BOt BUtllU-i --Sstlsfse-tertsls.vJ Vtory. . KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN. " ren-sskK at .". S. L KLINE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. e4 K0m 1 Opera E. E. WILSON, Manager. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6. THE FUNNY YANKEE COMEDY, Si Perkins ! .Quaintest of Quaint t Comedians, SAM 3. And rjrex,y UIXIB. COLEMAN 5? , Comedletraes AND PROF. S. V. DOWNS :,. ' UNRIVALED ORCHESTRA. ;. :- -.-; s...fl i - A .J 1 Don't Jail to see the "Hude" Band parade at. 2 o'clock p. m.' Wilis 75c and $1.00 show for jjcandjoc. FUTJJOJTJTJTJnJXrLTUJlJ A Place to TIC 1 . Palitable Lunches, Decicious Coffee and ". Excellent Meals served at all hours by HODES .?t.wi'& wL'9rv- ' r.'. . .la la Tonr Opportanlty. , , On receipt oir teneents, cash or stamp, M generous .sample,. will , tie: mailed of h most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's' Cream Baljn) sufficient to demon strata the great merits of the remedy. . . ELY BKOTHEBS, , . 56 Warren St, Hew Terk City. Rev. Johnlteld, Jr.. of Grent Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, 'It is a post tire cure for catarrh if used au directed." Kev. Francis W. Poole. Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious daug. - Price, 50 cents. BENTON COUNTY Abstract (Joropany Complete Set of Abstracts of Beaton County. . . Conveyancing and Perfecting Titles a Specialty.. ,;. Honey to Voaa oa Improves Citr and ; . Country . Pi cherry. V. E. WATTERS, Prop. Office at Cotirthe, Corvallis, Or. -AT TIlE- Gorvalli3 Sold bure Institute, That want to be cured of the Liquor Disease. 2STO OXXiB XflTO JTT- - Our ..rereviK.itlio people, the pulpit and iln press, Instilute in the Nash Mouse. ;r;- Corvallis, Oregon. At K. U, WlLt'S, VLB ANY, OR. $6.C0 bntt h"i d Ma'iilu'.in with book. $5.00 baya a good nw jLuitr with book. $1.00 hnya 10 choice " .t j;nt" Banjo 1st strings. $1.00 hoys 12 choh. Veat-gutM Violin E String - fi"- ; ,y , .. ; $1.00 hsyt a Hue Violiu with bow., . -25 Cts boyaf dzouleel Violin. 1st or 2nd trini. ' - " $25.00 bvys it 5 drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running; yaaranteed '. lire year. - ;. rPrice on ' riai-.o, Oronn, -.'Banjos, at nt mi nupficttioo., v Sdutlfit Americas Agtnoyfar eavKSTa. TRAM aaaptfa. DESIGN PATENTS, COPVRIOHT. to4 For InformathnAnd rreo Handbook write to MUNK A CO., 361 EtoaDWAT, NW YobJC -(Mtlnt bureau for seeming patent In America. Ever patent taken out by us Is brought befere -to public bj a notice gtrea tree ot charge la the f fitutific tuefiCivU Ir cfrmlatlon of any aclenttfleaaaerfntho world. Bplendldlr illustrated. No lawMMnat man should tie without It. Weeklr. JK3.ia yenrj SI Jo six raontbs. Addtess. M Vilfir C CO' FkuusaKKS, SSI llsoadwajr, Mow York CUT, - 1 Firesh Bread, ijj5':- Candies and Nuts, MM .BW I House 0 BURTON ft to to ,to to to JJJJLIJ to to Eat. & HALL. Pies and Cakes, Tobacco and Cigars. vvvv -f MnWM K. HOIXJATS. . II. I, HOLGATE. HOLGATE & SON, n ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVAL-L1S, Ofi.EeON ... P JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over First Vatiosai. Baxk, Corvalllis, Oregon. - Will practie in all the state and federal courts Abstracting, collections Notary public. Cou veyaneia. W. E. YATES. J. FRED TATE8. YATE & YATES CORVAIUS, - ORESON . F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORVALLIS, OREGON. . Does a general practice In all the courts. Also ajent ,'or all the first-ctass insurance comriauies 6THE RESORT" THCS. WHITEHORNr Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow nis kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cgars. NERVE- LIFE XfreaJ RESTORER Restores ffct neaitn, vigor ana manhood and're- mMtaa all nhfttM. cle to -marriage. Kestoees too system and stops all vital Inaood Ra. moves'effects of the sins of yoath' and ex cesses or later years. Removes all effects of dissipation and re pairs all waste places. C u res Insomnia and restores, refreshing sleep. - Cures Im potence and restore? fulr vital power. Cures ail wasting ritenwwa and restores development to allparts of the body. . I.NLHVt-UrB .! '" . scientifie treatment and affords relief from ' the first day's use. It removes the cause and assists nature to effect a cure. Cures guaranteed. Special discpnnttopbysician.s. " Our new treatise on .Nervous Diseases, i Manhood, its loss and Recovery, mailed .' free in plain sealed wrapper for two 2 cent stamps. Mention this paper. Seas SOc for Trial Treatawat sad be Cosyioced. - , NERVE-LIFE MEDICAL CO., ... - KALAMAZOO. MICH. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. is es vrr Vupftt, Trt'frtsH-' ' TO THE IE AST .GIVES THK CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL HO tj rn s s VIA VIA GREAT UNION ' NORTHERN RY.V 'PACIFIC RY SPOKANE DEMVEB HINNEAPOLIS OUAHA ? ' AMD AK ' - BT. PAUL KANSAS CUT JOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES 0CEAM STEAMERS .. blAVC PORTLAND EVERY 5 OAVt' ' ..FOIU.. SAN FRANCISCO oc full details, call oa or addresi ; w; h. hurlburt, Sen'l Pass. Agent, Fortlaod, OMfOn. OREGON CENTRAL AND EASTERN R.R. CO. Yaquina Bay Route CanneoNng at Taquin Bay with tb Sah Francisco & Yaquina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. . . bteamship harallon v(l rroKi Tnqnlua ercry lyi (or 8aa Fran-olii-o, C-o h.irt Oi?ord, TrtnMtA and IIumboMt B;. Pauciigvr co anmodattona ugiiinaoe'i. Shor.tkt ro-.-ie between tae WU Umiltallr ruA allfornla. m a it m mm mm fto' Vrwn AllM-r "r . , . lau v rtii-lf Polttta Wart to Cabin SWr ...... Koilll.1 tl if, gn. d f ;r CO X 15. To'. n. lii a f.-t O- ! fVb!n.... To Humo.'.1t But fnli ti ..... f ISIVKi: IIITKKIX. .: Steamer "Albnny" Vm-I wpi-m Portland and Corvallis, thnnigh without ln.v-oviM-. Leaves Cervnllis 6:00 a. ro. Tiidayii. Tluirfdays and' Sundny.; lntvwi fortliinfl, Yamhill St. viwn, i.'V n. 111. fiutiitii w if mnimnj n. Fridavs.. .V V- Edwis Stokk, ,J. CW-vvo, ; ' Mannger.' SurltBiVvjiiv. t,-'. m .... , : : . - EAST and tO U TH: .:... : - . VIA ' " ' . THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THK Southern - Pacific OomDany , EXPRESS 1 It.UNS. RUN DAILT. in p v. I lv p.rtliiul Arrive I t:10 A. V. 12:10 A. M Iwe lln.v Arrive j 4:45 A. M. 11:1a A. M arrive s. r rauvM-o i.eave i i:ur. b. Above trains slop nt East Portland, Ore-., gon City. AViHMlhtirn, Saloni, Turner, Ma rion, JenVrsriL Albnny. Tanprcnt, Shedds, Hnltv. H.irriiliurL'. Junction Citv. Eusrene. Creswull, Collni- Grove, Ttrains, and 11 -stations from Koscburjf to Ashland, inclusive. . Kinirl ur- Mail Daily, f S:S A. M. I U-ave l'ortlund AUmiiv Koeburjr Arrive ! 4:40 P. M. Arrive 1 12:55 P. I". Leave 1 t:00A. T 1-2 :2S 1. M. I l.-ave S:) P. M. ! Arrive Pullman Buffet Sleepers: - " AND SECOND CLASS SLEEPING- CARS,.' Attaelii-il tn all through trains. ' -Suli in I'anseiiger Daily. 4:00 P. M. ! Lfav 0:15 Hi St. i Tive Portland Saleiu Arrive 1 10:15 A. St. L: ve 8KW A. M. . Wort 3id Dirltlea. UKTWEEN roKTI.ANII AND UOKVAI.I.IK. Vail trail. Ezcapt Swtij. 7:30 A. M. 1 Uatve li:14 P. M. , Anlve Portland Arrive t:2n V. SI. Corvallis Leave 15 I'. M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ot the Oregon Pacific Hailruad. Exprnt Train. Daily Iicept Sunday. 4:45 P. M. Leave Pertland Arrive 8:25 A. SI, 7:25 P. V I Anlve McMinnville . Leave ! 5:50 A. H. THROUGH TICKETS , To all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained, at lowest rates from A. K. Milner, agent, Corvallis. - - K.f ROGERS, Asst. G. F. & P Agent ; B KOEHLERUanas-er. Portland, Oregon. f DR. L. G ALTMAN H0M0E0PATHI8T Disease ot women and children and (eaI0 tactlee. - '- " Office over Allen A Wood ward's drag store. - - rffloe noars- to 12 A. M., and 2 tot andT tS At residence, corner of Srd and Harrison after ' hoars and on Sundays. . - . : G.R.FARRA, M. D. Office In Farra A Allen's brick, on the cornet el Second and Adam. - . . Besiaenoe on Third street In front ot cearf house. -v . - . ; Office boars S to 9 a. it., and 1 to 2and 1 to t. if. All calls attended promptly. BOWEN LESTER.; DENTIST Office npstatrs over First National Bank. - -Strictly First-Class Work Guaranteed1 - Corvallis. Oregon