The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 01, 1897, Image 2

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r : . -
lasued Every Friday Horning by
fhe Gazette Publishing Co.
Editor HnV
Itiirtiuess Manager.
The frank discussion of public
affairs is not a new policy with
this paper. It has always claim
ed and exercised the right to dis
passionately fcriticise policies and
actions that concern the public
welfare. It deems this its duty
as a public journal.
It is not always an easy task to
treat of these matters boldly and
independently for the claims of
friendship have often to be resist
ed, and material interests disre
garded. The Gazette's frank
ness is sometimes attributed to
maliciousness, but those who have
carefully watched its course, must
.know, that its only object is the
discovery pf, truth, and the wel
fare of the public. The ' man
agement avoid : sensa
tionalism and the "flashy" style
of journalism." It wishes only to
have the paper do its duty and to
merit and receive respect and sup
port as a clean, fearless, able and
reliable public journal.
The rumor that Mr. Osburti
has offered to settle with the coun
ty and pay back a small portion
of his alleged shortage, may or
not be tnie. There is, or at least
ought not to be, any complication
in this matter whereby a compro
mise should be deemed expedient.
It is simply a question of book
keeping. If there is a shortage
the books should show it The
only thing required in ascertain
ing the correct amount is accura
cy inr the compilation . of the
accounts; and any one who can
add, can discover whether or not
there is a shortage and if any,
-the exact amount thereof.
Officers are required to furnish
bonds when they go into office.
These" bonds are demanded for
the purpose of indemnifying the
county against loss through such
officer's negligence, incompeten
cy or dishonesty. If Mr. Osburn
as short in his accounts, it matters
not what excuses may be ottered,
the county
loser and should
have recou
t the officer
and his bo
or trie system
is a iarce. 11
Mr. OsburtT
willing to settle
every dollar
iis actual short
age the court shtMjld, at its meet
ing next week, take the necessary
steps to recovery the amount due
by process of law.
There can be no honorable
compromise in matters of this
kind and it is unreasonable to
suppose that the court contem
plates such procedure". Every
taxpayer is affected by the failure
of any officer to properly account
for county funds coming into-his
hands, and members of the county
court can not afford to be parties
to any transaction that will have
the effect of defrauding the coun
ty. -
- The gods help those who help
themselves and capital has some
- 3S
1 w
attributes of divinity. Capital
must be coaxed and not forced.
If Corvallis wishes to grow and
to attract men of means, her cit
izens must make more effort" to
wards keeping up the general
appearance of the place.
Corvallis is delightfully lo
cated and used to be a neat and
pretty town, but it is growing ex
ceedingly shabby. Old and un
painted sheds, rickety fences and
general evidences of decay are
observable from every corner. A
citizen : taking a . quiet stroll
through the town cannot but feel
that the first thought of a
stranger would be, y "What a.
shabby old place." ' r
Hammer-arid7 nails, a little
paint, a little whitewash, a little
energy, can accomplish wonders.
Corvallis wants her share of the
emigration that promises to flow
Oregonward during the coming
year. Desirable people will not
care to locate in a place that ap
pears listless and delapidated.
Many eastern towns have, heen
improved both as to external ap
pearances and socially, through
the instrumentality of develop
ment . clubs, organized for the
purpose. There is srgood field
- for such an organizatnin Cor
vallis. JT is- now said that Joe Simon
will again be president of the sen
ate. : If so, it might be well to
balance matters and make Jona
. than Bourne speaker of the house.
Bourne, it is said, voted for Bry
an, but look at Simon. Simon,
when chairman of the state cen
tral committee, defeated the
republican nominee for supreme
fudge. - Simon foisted Pennoyer
upon the state. Simon bolted the
republican congressional nominee
last June and Populist Quinn was
was nearly elected. Those who
approve of Simon, can hardly
criticise any republican who
might vote for Bourne.
It must be remembered that
I there are other republican papers
in Oregon beside the Oregoman,
and many republicans in the
state beside Mr. Iydell Baker.
The Oregonian's help in carry
ing- trie state tor McKiniey. is
! recognized and appreciated, but
ithe country papers battled as
earnestly and as effectively as
did the able daily of the metrop
olis. , They are as deeply inter
ested in seeing that the recent
victory for sound money and
sound government is- not 'dissi
pated in any way.
While the Oregonian is doubt
nig Senator Mitchell's republi
canism and calling upon nun for
a token of his faithfulness to the
party platform, all other repub
lican papers outside of Portland
that possess any ability, influence
or standing, express the utmost
confidence in Mr. Mitchell's re-
publicanism and urge his re elec
tion. '"One is justified in doubting
the sincerity and honesty of the
Oregonian in . questioning Mr.
Mitchell as to his vote infutyr
financial legislation. Is the Or
egonian any -dujller? of i compre
hension or more -devoted .to the
party and its principles than all
the other papers in the state?
Is it not singular that the Oregon
ian should be alone in its ex
pressed doubts. ' :
One is constrained to conclude
that the Oregonian is animated
by its old-time personal animos
ity towards Mr..; Mitchell, rather
than by any fear of his aiding
free silver's cause.
The county court should take
immediate steps to have cancelled
the warrants which are alleged
to have been paid, but not called
in. If the matter is sifted to the
bottom now it might result in a
saving to the county ot several
thousand dollars.
Senator Mitchell will be
re-elected. The first , ballot will
decide the senatorial question
satisfactorily to a large majority
of the people of Oregon. The
feeble protest of ' his antagonists
is buj: a recognition of the Inevi
table; Secretary Olney is a maker
of history and an establishes of
precedents. It. will probably be.
found that logic and authorities
are on his side in tne conflict
that has arisen between . himself
and a number of ssnators.
"We are sorry to hear that Ed
Noah lost his whole crop of spuds
by frost ardrain.-T Coast Mail.,
His ancestor, if his spirit hovers'
aroundl Hbttbtless. laments' the
lack of foresight in . the present
- m ', ' ' " ' -
Hon. T; T. Geer is approving
ly mentioned by several papers in
connection with the office of col
lector of customs for the port of
Portland. . ' His appointment
would be a -wise one in every re
- ,The editor of the . Gazette
acknowledges complimentary re
marks of the Roseburg Plain-
dealer and Heppner Gazette.
The good will of Bro. Benjamin
and Bro. Patterson is appreci
ated. - -v.
As Officer Skipton quietly
does his duty.'and the resultant
cash drops heavily into the city
treasury, the objections to the
displacement of his predecessor
shrink into nothingness. ,:
Corvallis is too easily made
neat and pretty, to be allowed to
present a slovenly, bedraggled
appearance to the gaze of possi
ble locaters. . .
The Baker City Republican
continues to be newsy, indepen
dent and entertaining. Col.
Alley does not hide, his light un
der a bushel.
Sealed Bids Wanted.
u) Engineer Office.TPortran;a,
Oreg., Dec. 22, 1896: Sealed pro
posals for removing obstructions
from Alsea river; Oregon, will - be
received here until 2 p. m., Jan. 22,
i 897, and then publicly opened.
Information furnished on applica
tion. "
. v W. L. Fisk,
- Capt. Engrs. .
; Special Offers.
I am making special offers
in Stationery and Novelties
i.' ;for the next few weeks. '
For Sale or Trade.
A ton-acre prune orchard near Coryallis,
tree six and seven years old, must be sold
soon as owner desires to leave, or will trade
for residence property located in any pros
perous "Willamette valley town. Address
"Orchard," care this paper.
Who can think
of some simple
thins to patent?
Write JOHN WSBDEBBCKN CO.. Fbtent Attpr
Beys. WasfainKtoq, D. e,.(or ttaelr 1.8U0 riM eHer
ad list o( two Biuulnd tnTesttiiu waatW.
Pmtivt vnnr Mean: tbr mar brlnz Voa wealth.
Light on County 'Matters In
' teresting Items ' for the
,, Taxpayers.
A few weeks ago the Gazette
informed the citizens ot Benton
county .that the county .debt was
over $75,000. Later . investiga
tion proved this paper's figures
to be correct No one seemed
to have realized that the county
was In .such, a shape and the
people have since been discuss
ing the,affair seriously. "
In an interview printed in the
Gazette of Dec. I8th, Judge
f-Hufford explained some of the
causes for. -the., growth ;of the
county debt x There are several
other things that are of interest
in, this connection, and among
thein is the reported deficiency
of ex-Sheriff Osburn.-.
Mr. Watters. and Mr. Ripley,
who, in Mr. Osburri's behalf, ex
amined his books since Jos. Wil
son's report, have not made pub
lic their findings,, but it is under
stood that their figures practically
agree with those of Mr. Wilson.
It isestimated that S Jr.' Osburn
owes the county betwe- $8,000
and $ 10,000.
As the deficiency occurred dur
ing the years 1 892 and 1893, the
statute of .limitation bars any
criminal proceedings. The
county court can commence civil
action against the ex-sheriftand
his bondsmen to recover the
amount due. '--'-:- '
It is said that Mr. Osburn . in
sists mat a thorough examina
tion v. ill show his accounts
cov; c. .iiid all moneys properly
accounted for, and that the coun
ty will -not only, fail to recover,
should it commence suit, ; but
that it will have costs to pay.
It is said also that he claims the
apparent .discrepancy -16 be only
about $2,000 and that he offers' to
compromise by " paying this
amount into the treasury. -
The county court .meets Wed
nesday when the matter, will be
rconsidered. ' Mr. Osburn will
doubtless at that time declare
his intentions and make x. propo
sition for the court to' accept .or
Mr. Osburn's sureties on his
bond as sheriff for the years in
volved are John M. ? Osburn, ... T.
W. B. Smith and Arthur John
son. The bond is for $io,'ooo: "
There is another ugly rumor
i-abroad that concerns the. tax
payers. It is static by - people
who ought to know,, that war
rants are out that really have
been paid. Couoiy .Warrants to:
a.: considerable s amount,- paid
for taxes, do not appear oft the
Veeords as cancelled. ' ?The srlefv
iff kept their numbers-however,:J
and the connty can avoid loss ori
account of second' payment,
but there may be innocent pur
chasers, who wilt not fare . so
Well. "-i:'v ..
Notice of Referee's Sale of
; Property. ' . .
. Notice is hereby given that undcV and in
pursuance of a decree and order of pale,
madb by the Circuit Court of the State f
Oregon for Benton County, in a partition
suit, wherein N orris P. Newton, G. G. NcW
ton, HaKala K. Bohannon and Cynthia E.
Johnson were plaintiff)!, and Jasper Newton
and C. Stock woro defendants, on the 12th
day of November, 1890. and -oh... the same
day duly entered in the Journal of the said
Court; and wherein tho Court doeroed that
the said plaintiffs and the Defendent Jasper
Newton were the Owners as' tenants in com
mon in fee simple and were in the possession
of the premise hereinafter described, as such
tenants in common the said 6. G. Newton,
Mahala K'.Bohnnnon, Cynthja E. Johnson
and Jasper Newton each owning an unde-
vided one-seventh part or. portion, thereof
and Norris P. Newton owning the other un
divided three-sevenths thereof and that a
partition of the said lands could not be made
without great prejudice to the owners thereof,
and that it is necessacy that tho game be ;old
and a division of the proceeds arising from
such salo be made anions the said owners
according to their respective interests, and
appointing me, Peter Rieknrd, n-. solo re
feree to make sale of the .said landiinnd the
said parties having caused an order of sale
to issue out of the said Court under tne seal
thereof to mo directed and commanding "ran
as such referee to sell the following described
real property, in the manner prescribed by
law for th sale of real proporty under exe
cution, to-wit: Beginning at a point. 37.30
chains north, and 5.07. chains wctt nf the
south east corner of Abintliar- and Rachel
New tons donation claim, it boine claim No.
L42in Tp.'12 s., r. 5 w. Wiflamettn meridian :
in lien ton count-, uregon. and itinmng
tnenco west m.oo cnains; tnence south 14.7
chains; thence west 24.88 chains; tnence
narth' 19.32 chains: then 00 east 59.68 elinins:
and thence south 4.57 chains to the place of
beginning, containmg04.7 acres; andin ac
cordance with the said decree and the said
order of sale to me directed and delivered,
I, as such referee, will on . -Tuesday
the 51 Day of January A;D., 1897
at tlio hour of two o'clock in tlio after
noon of the vaid day, at the Court . house-
door, in tho City of Corvallis . in lien ton
county, Oregon, offer for sale and- sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, tho above described rati nroncrtr.
and all -the right, titlo, interest and estate of
the said plaintiffs and fhe 'said defendants of
11; ana tMwgim;; the proeceds arising irin
tasfd sale to be first applied to tho pay
ment of the costs and expenses of such sale
and of said suit, and tho remainder to bedi
vided among the said plaintiffs and defend
ants aecorjinj to the provisions of the said
"rStod Icccmber 3rd. 1890.
'. -..'t-. PktkrRickArd,
- As Sole Keferee.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common erery-day
ills of humanity.
Alsea Jottings.
Christmas is" over and so is out
pretty weather. ,
Ezra Hammersly, of ... Five
Kivers, made a trip to Corvallis
last week.' Ezra said that -the
road was just well, too bad to
tell about.
Jesse Tl.arp, George Sebrell and
Frank Howell arrived in our
midst last Wednesday night, tired,
hungry and muddy, but . happy
and glad to see-old fri9nds. Wel
come home, boys, and : may your
shadows never grow less! -.
We had a nice tree at fhe
Church Christmas and we are told
that , the tiny was made very
pleasant by the parlies in charge,
andmany little hearts., beat joy
fully, occasioned by S.-nita Claus
and his bountiful gills. ' v-. "
Ask Jesse Moses how . the road
is 011 111-- mountain, but be sure
you are out of reach. -?
Go to Jesse Moses if yon want
a ood slmve and hnir cut. . - . :
There . has fot'.en ( a " number of
pleasant gatherings 'in the' viliey
thU winter and all aie trying lo.
enjoy themselves', aiid' they," Seeiit
to sirceeedy especia ly the Jydtlh
people. And why noilf". People''
areojd a hng time Snil-'caVi bo
young bill once""' : ; V- - ;
M. and.-JVIrs. Urndly .and. Aliss.
Madge went to C.orvall.iVlnst tyuek
and spent a lew days.; .
. Tliere'"is not mn6h" news, this
week an!, wishing you all a happy
New Year and many jeturns of
the same, we are , vr
Yours very truly,- -Old
Isnockxe. . .
and is the result of colds and
sudden cNmatie changes.
It can be en red by a pleasant
remedy which is applied di
rectly into the nostril. Bo
inr qnikly absorbed it gives
Ely's Cream Balm
la adcnowledsed to ba the most thorough car for
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay i' of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays pain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro-; .
tecta the membrane from colds, restores the sense
of taste and smell. Mce50o.atDruesietsorbjmaH..
JUrT BKOTBEES, M Warren btteet. New Vorfc.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon'
for Benton county, Seth W. Taylor, plaintiff,
vs. Slnih A.' Tpiordofendiint.Vuil; for di
vorce. : " ; ' c '''.-.-"'- ;.:: -
To- Snrnh: A.i Taylory defendant in ...the
aboiM! entitled suit t ,, .. - .
ln' the name of the State of Oregon yoti
arC;;lion.'by required to appear and answer
the Complaint filed., against you in" the above
entitled suit on or bf)re the first clai'bf'4hri
Jiext .regular term of srtid court wliich will
be hld oh the twelfth dny of Aprir A. D.V
lSOT.and lf youTnil to ri answer foi wnt
thereof the plaintiff Wtilt'npply'to! said court
fog U10 relief dcmanded.'.inaid cornplaint
which is Torn deenss dissolving' tlio marriafto
contract WirtinjJ bi-tween'tTio pl'aintiff;atid '
thu dcfcndnnVand for: oU.-Mddi!(i(?fr
mrn'ts i,( thiuitu- This-fOimnvEjns is sersedL
by publication hv the. Corvallis- GazETTB,
By order fV-.C.ullerton judge ot'said.
'court, bearing date .bs IQth day of Sloycm-
: . ! '' ' "John K els ay,
; i -v. ' -- - '' Attorney lot Plaintiff.
Assignee's Notice of
. .ment.
Final' Settle
In the Circuit Court oMhc State of Ore'
ren, for Benton County. In the Matter of
the -Assignment of Zephin-Job and B. B.
Job,' partners doing business under the firm
name of Hamilton; Job &-Oo., for tborben-,
lit of Creditors: - .:. : - .-.
Kotice is hereby given to all perions con
cerned that the undersigned, J. R. Bryson,
as Assignee of Hamilton, Job 5: Co., above.
,najned, has filed, with tho Clerk of the above
entitled Court his final account as such As
signee in the above entitled matter, and the'
said tJourt has fixed Friday,' the. 22nd day of
January, 1897, at the hour of two o'clock
in the afternoon of said day as the time "for
hearing any and all objections to the said
final account, and for final settlement there
of; and has ordered that all objections there
to, if any there be, must be filed with tho
Clerk of tho said Court by the tenth day of
January: 1807, nd that notice, therepf .be
published in the Cory allis Gazette for
four weeks prior to tho said tenth day of
January, 1897. And all. persons are hereby
notified that tho. Assignee will on ..the said
22nd day of January 1897, move the Court
to approve his said final account and
to finally settle the same and that he may be
and his bondsmen' oxhoncrated'
and for such other order as to the Court may'
seem proper. '. '
.- J. k, brysoS, ; ; ';
As Assignee of Hamilton, Job & G9.,
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to Day all orders endorsed' -anJ
marked "Not paid for want of funds,
up to, and ineladtnsr- those of Oct 8th,
1892. interest will be stopfied on sam
from this date. ' "', ..''-' ' i ' ;l i- .
' Treasurer of Benton County Oregon
Dated Corvallis, Dec. 15. 1896. , . ;,
rnnwt-iiiceUlv bv Corvaliis Com'
mission Company. " ..: '. :; :
-. Poultry: Hens per "dozen, t1 75t0fr'?5i.
young roosters, .luugrown, pei qpzen,
$1.25 to $2.TOroifers, per dozen,"A50
tdf .2.00; duck ppr dpzenV.$2;oo to 2. Jo;
ltiVrA';-;ft halite' q ffirt ti cri '-. fr I
condition; geese, per dozen $4.00. i-V
Eggs Per dozen, 22 cts. ". - " ' "
, iButter, 40 to socents per roll.
Bran, $13.50."" - '
Shorts, $16.00. .. - . -.
Flour, f4-co per barrel. ';.
Potatoes Per bushel, "25 to 30 cU;
( Oats Choice whrtej" per bushel 25 to
30 cts; gray, 23 to 25 cts. '. i:
Wheat Per bushel, 70 cts. .
Cascara Batki.25 to $i.Sf. . , .
Hops New crop, rac .
Cheat seed, icper lb.
- Hogs;:dre1sscd,3 to I3.50, owing to size.
. Sides 7 cents. . .
Lard, 7Xto8c
Cheese, 10 cents.
" :.
The Blue and the Gray
Both men and women are apt to feel cil'llle'
blue; 'when the gray hairs egin to sV.uT.
a very natural feeling.
of things gray hairs belong to advanced, nee.
They have no business -whitening the head cf "
man ., or woman, who has not begun - to go
down the slope of life. A3 a matterj'of factj
th? hair turns gray regsrKJless of age, -or :f 'r!C
life's seasons ; sometimes it is",!whitehedl by - "
sickness, but more oftea from lack of Vc'dre."
When the' hair fades or turns gray? there's no
need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color
pf the hair is restored
er's Hairiigor;
a.yer'8 Cnrebook, "a story
'100 pages, free. ' J.'C
J.,irji-.-i(,J -...-;.'.,.' : .
UWTlie Public:
:iit ;
If yoij. wish, to keep
iiilpbxtaiico cbnoerniii
liss interests of"tlie
'yOTi wisfx. to get;" tlie
ana connty; if yon are
' ' -1 ' - - . It - .- .' '. " . ;'pppoi;jtvj'iiity ;to:getItniVtytw
columns feiach week for
tlionsand.,, sj.3p liindred ' ap.d .js tyHTpir lonl
V "VVhen paid in advanced '
Vy A.d.vertisers also desire..;retiirnS;-from. an.
investment. 1 The Gazette carries' no 'dead
heads.''-therefore it reaches'
ifnsiness people. The advertise gets his re
turns from this class.
i i. .
-Now is the time to
VjThe Gazette Job Department has a', merited reputation for
turning out only first-class work. We solicit your patronage for
tne coming year.
Corvallis,- Oregoti.
Philomath Items.
.. j. H. Ingle is sick with typhoid
pneumonia t AValla Walla, v
;';fDr. F. M. garter, of Elk Ci(y,
Vis ted Jus family ;.Jiere last week.
B-m if 11:11 1 n.4 ;...- 1,1a
irje?y residence- -
Miss Julia $L Taylor, teacher in
flW- public schools at Albany, is
visiting her patents '
''The executive board of Philo
math College held a session Mon
.day evening.
Major Davis lias been promoted
to chief clerk at the Henkle log
ginjc camp. . -- .......
- Carl Di(mer,f Redding, Cali
fornia, is here , visiting relative's. '
'' Miss Belle Gray, teaching in the
graded school at- McMinnvillei is
visiting ' her parents on South
Mary's river; - '. --
I- ... .: .... - -- ' :
Our schools have all closed un
til Jan, 1st. A great many of
the students have gone home to
spend the holidays.
There will be a ball at ;Wilcox
hall New Year's eve. ; ' , .
. H. H. Cronise, of - Corvallis,
was in the city Sunday,
4Mrs. S. K:7Haines, ot Portland,
is. visiting ith her daughter, Mrs.
Prof. Gragg. '.' . . '.
Aeent BuOV has charge tempo
rarily of the railroad 'Office at Ya
ouina City. In his absence Her
bert Boles runs this office.
In' the normal condition
and use of r j
of cures told-Ajf-the- cmred.",
Ayer Co., Lowtll, Mass. ...
...I. , - i. a .r.l'ii. ':?i
fs what you whnt7 110 mat
tei wJidt yow :u in vestment.
posted on niters of
tl le Welfrrrxi nn btii-
'Connty?a.rid; tixe stfite; if
.h.! ppeniixrs ot tlie city
interested.'in tlie . news
fifty -two; weeks-on
, . .
- if.-
, .' A. Hawltins will soon have
the 'Philomath sawmill in running
order. ' A force has been working
day and night.' ':i'r: " "'
.. .There was a Christmas tree in"
the college chapel Thursday even
ing, aild one in ;: Keezel chapel
Friday evening." The trees ..were
Avell laden with?ptesents. r
..: At the masquerade at Whit
ney's hall Christmas eve, whis
key reigned supreme. Two ath
letes retired to the field north of
town and , settled their difficulty
a la Ooibett. Both were severely
punished. ' "
. . Wells Items. ,
, Cl-tristmas : passed off quietly
and everybody had a good time.
" The entertainment giveii by the
school here was a ' success and
Vpeaks well for the teacher, Miss
Ida Pagenkopt. ,.v . ' '
. Several from here who have
been away'- attending school, are
home for the holidays. We hope
they will all have a nice time. '
. Dr. C. B; Cauthorn, of Corval
Ji is visiting friends here this
week. Come again, Blake. :
The few nice days last week
started most of the farmers in
this section to plowing. :"
If the roads in other parts of
Oregon' are as bad as they are in
this section. I think every one t
in the state would be interested in
a good roads convention.
' "." i ' .. : Wells.
Until Jannary
IToIiday Goods
To' jret a- Valnalifijrresi nt for
Yonr Friend 'at
S. Xj.
5 A
i - Select some ; few -articles and tell how low
V we sell tlieiii, doit think that our goods
are high priced.
' Known, that qiianitjcousidered, btir prices are
, ,; ; the lowest in . town. ; Thai's what bothers
.them; but its oir advantage.
': Trade at Alexander's
N e w Yo r k
erb c
(ISf! - !i1!'?: i .r.
JEanc?y and
' : "
" T '".
........... i
. a:! rocker; or.;a nice rug
Would make an appropriate Christ mas present, either would be use-'
ful. We have a large slock. Call. -
ArcgetablcPrcparationfor As
similating the rood and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
ness and nest. con tains neitncr
Opnjrn.Morphine norMmfiraL
Not Narc otic.
jpiinnf - .
dti Carton: Sols,
Aoerfect Remedy for Cons ti na
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhpea,
Worms .Convulsions ,r cvensh-
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
lsMS97. the few
wc liayc on hand.
,.m ..,1.:.;;
, ;':;'4;""':' ?: - v- " '
Sr.'.. v-;-;.;' -. A''- -t;-..-
' mm ator ol ; Li. w' Trices.
A iftt A A l "A Jt A A ,
R a c ket S to re.
e-e o 9
Oaitorla it wit up in m-dn bottlei onlr. ' It
is not Bold la baSb .Drat allow sirone to mII
yom anything olio on tho plea or proaiie that it
la j art as good" ana ""will amwer ovary jrar-
pow." WBee ttat 70a get
of V. 'wwi vnppr?