The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 25, 1896, Image 3

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    CORVALLIS, OREGON, Dec. 25, 1896.
Good Dress Goods
Are a necessity and a-luxury ; a splen
did combination for a Christmas
A Good Variety of holiday handker
chiefs at prices that will sell them.
The Glove Department is well stecked
with hook and button gloves, all late
styles. A special lot for holiday sale.
Five hook, Foster patent, embroid
ered backs at .75 cents per pair.
The Shoe Department is as complete
as though we carried nothing but
"The dance goes on" loniglil ut
the opera house.
Miss Elto is responsible lor
much kissing to d;iy.
Tulian N. McFadden is at
home for the holidays.
Miss Helen Holgate
from Portland Saturday.
the Mikado company is now
practicing at the opera house.
Judire Flinn. of Albany, did
business in Corvallis Tuesday.
A. L. Clark, of John Henry
fame, was in Corvallis this week.
New Year cards at Con Ger
hard's. Remember your distant
Misses Ora Spangler and Er
ma Lawrence are expected home
today to spend the holidays.
Norman Rowan returned to
Corallis this week, after a sev
eral months' absence in Texas.
A little scrap Saturday-' night
between two young Americans
enriched the city treasury $20
Rock .Bryson .and Julian Mc
Fadden,: who are attending the
State University, are home for the
Lee Beach, hearty aud smiling,
arrived Irom Portland Tuesday
and will visit his family during
the holidays.
Prof. A. C. Bauer, the crayon
artist, is back in Corvallis, af
ter a few weeks' absence in Eu
gene and Junction.
Hon. John M. Sommers, representative-elect
for Linn county,
was ituCorvallis Tuesday, shaking
hands with old friends.
Dick Graham left; this week
for Palo Alto, California, to join
his mother, who intends spend
ing the winter in that state.
Jake Hurlburt says R L. Taylor
gave him the "fair shake," when he
shook 47 at the raffle the other day
and won ths gold watch for Jake.
Adam Assell says, in his sleep,
that the Spanish will have to he
wilier than they now are or they
may see overthrown their hold on
The college and the public
schools have adjourned for the
holidays. Many of the college
students have gone home for the
Brady Burnett returned from
Portland Wednesday and will re
main here until a week from
Saturday, when he leaves" for
Palo Alto.
A. W. Bowersox, together with
a number of Three Linkers from
Corvallis and Albany, instituted
an encampment at Yaquina City
Monday night.
Next Saturday and Sabbath will
be our second quarterly meeting
for Corvallis. All are invited to
attend at the old . college chapel.
P. A. Moses, P. C.
H. F. Fischer left Tuesday on
an extended business trip to Chi
cago and other eastern cities.
Before his return, he may visit his J
birth place in Germauy.
The subject at the Christian
church next Sunday morning will
be "The Short Time," being a
KTm Vn Jn 1 klnnl All 4h VI' A 1
come. C. G. LeMasters.
G. M. Simpson returned Mon
day evening from a several days'
trip to Brownsville, where he dis
bursed several hundred dollars
among the farmers for fat Christ
mas turkeys.
Dr, C O. Beam, an optical
and aural specialist, has located
in Corvallis and has offices with
Dr. Farra. Dr. Beam comes to
Corvallis well recommended and
we trust he will meet with suc
cess .
J. R. Bryson and wife returned
Monday from Portland. Mr. Bry
son is still confined to his home,
pending his recovery from the
effects of a dangerous operation
performed during his recent ab
sence in the metropolis.
Many complimentary remarks
have been made concerning the
invitations to the H. & L. ball.
They are artistically printed in
two colors, and the recipients
judged them to be eastern work.
They were printed at the Gazette
in rsrw 1 ado
The H..& L band boys promise
delightful music tonight. The
overtures for the concert are really
high grade selections. Baud
music lor dancing is a novelty in
Corvallis aud those who have
heard the boys practice, say that
the innovation will make a hit.
A polygamist in Salt Lake City
has two wives, one old and the
other young. The latter pulled
out his gray hairs so that he
wouldn't appear old, and the first
wile pulled out his dark hairs so
that he wouldn't look young.
Now he is as bald as -a pump
kin. Seth Hurlburt has made an
uncommon discovery of pre-his-toric
remains, while excavating
on his ranch a few miles south of
Corvallis. The specimens seen,
so far, are evidently bones or
shells of giant crustaceans, but
are so far decayed as to destroy
their positive classification.
O Dicers of the Salvation army
called to explain dial. I hey took
no steps to have young men
arrested, as stated in last week'.
Gazkttk. They told the boys
they would make a complaint in
he police court, but took no fur
ther steps. It seems to have been
a case of bluff.
The State Teachers' Associa
tion, which meets in Salem next
Monday, promises to be well at
tended by the teachers of Ben
ton county. To accomodate
all those who desire to attend,
the O. C. & E. will make a
special round trip rate of $1-20;
tickets good going on the 28th
and returning the 31st.
Out of respect for the mem
ory of their deceased member,
Mrs. E. Holgate, the ladies of the
Coffee Club postponed their par
ty until next Thursday evening,
Dec. 31. The ladies appointed
on a special committee to fur
nish refreshments have not been
discharged and are requested to
govern themselves accordinglj'.
Chief -Wells with a, force of
men greatly improved the appear-;
ance of Main street this week by
removing the mud which Had ac
cumulated on the thoroughfare
during the recent heavy rains.
Mr. Wells says the work will cost
the city only $22.00; a sum very
much less than might be supposed
by those unfamiliar with such
r l.itfla .Iflolr HnrnAr cnr. -n . o
. .
corner, brushing his red Christina-.
whiskers. He had found enough
gall, to ask to the ball, Miss Mary
Ann Dohllle Brisker. Miss Bris
kers, he kuewj disliked , whiskers
that huevjirui.h&CQuldn't ailord to
incense her. So this sensible knave
bought a clean, pleasant shave,
from that prince of. all barbers,
.Jesse optMicer. -- .--- -r-
. Preaching at, the ,. Evangelical
church every evening next week,
beginning Sunday, Dec, 27.
Rev. G. A. Manshardt, of Al
bany, will .preach- Sunday even
ing at 7:30. The preaching will
be followed by a communion
service. On Monday, Tuesday
ond Wednesday evenings, Rev.
N. Shupp will preach. Others
will follow. Come and find out
who they will be. Everybody
is cordially invited to the ser
vices. Rev. A. A. Engelbart,
A Farmers' Institute, under
the auspices of. the O. A. C , is
to be held at Tangent next Wed
nesday and Thursday. Among
the subjects to be discussed by
local speakers are: "Benefits of
Institute Work," by H. T.
French, "Drainage of White
Land," by Neil Christiansen,
"Fruit Pests." by Prof. Cordley,
"Relation of the State to Indus
trial Education," by H. B. Mil
ler, "Chemistry of Soils," G. W.
Shaw, "Babcock Milk Test," F.
L. Kent, and "Forage Plants,"
H. T. French.
Hon. E. R. Lake returned
Saturday from a week's absence
in Portland. In recognition of
his untiring efforts looking to
ward securing some favorable
legislation in the interests of
better highways, Mr. Lake was
chosen chairman of the Good
Roads convention, which held a
three days' session in Portland
last week. Several hundred del
egates from various portions of
the state were in . attendance and
the meeting will doubtless give
an impetus to the good roads
movement all over Oregon.
W. - E. Yates returned home
Sunday from Roseburg, where he
had been for a couple of weeks
in attendance upon the circuit
ceurt for Douglas county. Dur
ing the term, he conducted the
prosecution in two very impor
tant murder cases, securing; a
conviction in one,- but in the
other the jury returned a verdict
of not guilty. As a prosecu
tor, Mr. Yates is gaining an en
viable reputation. Thus far
dnring his career as district at
torney he has prosecuted seven
cases and has secured a convic
tion in six of them.
Received this week by express
from New York, some fine black
dress overcoats, at Nolan & Calla
Cheap for cash, a typewriter in
Al condition.' Apply at this of
unlit yrgf f- v, -
The Nigrhtwatchman of the
Steamer Gypsy Disappears,
Wm. Rockett, the nightwatch
man of the little steamboat Gyp
sy, plying between upper- Wil
lamette points, was on duty Satur
day night, when the boat was ly
ins at her wharf in this city. He
was seen early Sunday morning,
but siuce then no trace can be
found of him. It is thought that
he found death in the Willamette,
Rockett had been up town dur
ing the greater part Of Saturday
night, visiting the saloons, but not
drinking a great deal.- lie was 111
company with a deck hand of the
Gvusy at one a loon and the two
vere quarreling over some money
matters. About two o'clock bun
dav iiiorniiiir. Officer Skipton met
him a ml Rockett said he was go
ing to 1 he boat and cook a chick
en. This was the last time he was
seen. -i
It is uenerallv thought thai he
walked oil' the O. li. & N. dock
which is tot n up and being repair
ed. Some suspect foul play, but
the members of the boat's crew
scout the the idea, and think he
accident ly stepped into the river.
-Between 2 and 3 o'clock in the
morning a party on the other
side of the river heard someone
shouting, but nothing was thought
of the incident at the time. It
was doubtless the crys of Rock
ett that were heard 'us he fell in
to the water. Everything possi
ble has been done to recover the
bodyi but so far those having the
task in hand have been uusuc
Death ef Mrs. E. Holgate.
Mrs, E- Holgate, wife 6f Judge
Holgate, died Wednesday morn
ing at her home in this city after
a brief illness. She had been
in"- poor health for several
months, but had uot been dan
gerously ilUuntil within the past
week, when lier daughter Helen,
who had bcen.attending college
in Portland, wassent for. ? Some
time ago Mrs. -Holgate sustained
a serious - fall the - shock from
which doubtless hastened her de
mise. Though not of a robust
constitution, she was possessed
of an indomitable will, which
she strongly exercised to the last,
insisting that she was not seri
ously afflicted and would soon be
around as usual. She, however,
overestimated her strength and
early Wednesday morning, sur
rounded by members of her fam-
ilyj she passed peacefully away.
Anna Violet Holgate was born
in Sullivan county, Missouri,
May iQth. I84.0. She was the
1 2 til child of John and Mary
Watt, a prominent pioneer fam
ily, who crossed the plains in
I847 and located in Yamhill
county. Alno Watt, one of her
brothers, is an official of the O.
R. & N. Co., and Joseph Watt,
another brother, -who died a few
years ago, was" also well, known
throughout the state, v She was
a sister of Mrs. B. H. Bowman;
Mrs. J. A. Morton and Mrs. Rox-
anna White, J of Portland, and
Mrs. Werner Breyman, of Sa
lem, all of whom are now in
the city and will remain until
after the , funeral.
Miss Watt spent her childhood
in Yamhill county, but previous
to her marriage, was employed as
a teacher in the public schools of
this city. It was while thus en
gaged thai she became acquaint
ed with Mr. E. Holgate, whom
she married August 30th, 1860,
since which time they have re-j
sided continuously in this city.
Mrs. Holgate was the mother of
six children, all of whom sur
vive her. The eldest, Willard
W. Holgate, now resides in Ba
ker City, Arthur E. and Edward
T. live in Portland, and the oth
er three children, H. L, Helen
and Don, reside at home.
Today, within that gnef-stnek-
en home, the inky draperies of
sorrow displace the bright color
ings of Christmas tide, aud sobs
and lamentations rise instead of
jflad carols and joyous greeting.-..
How fitting that the closing scene
111 a Christian lite snouia conic
upon the day which . marks the
birth of Him, who died that ever
lasting life might come to those
who had faith in Him. She was
a loving, devoted wife, a tender,
affectionate mother, a genfrous,
changeless friend, a true, gentle
woman. And when the voice that
called her hence shall summon
those from whom it gave her grief
to part, may they join her in the
world of rest and peace "Where
no vtornis beat on the glittering
strands, and the years of eternity
Tired people are tired because tbey li..
exhausted their strength. ' The only wa; for
them to get strong is to eat proper food. 11 t
eating is not all. Strength comes from fo i
after digestion. Digestion is made oy wi.j
Shaker Digestiyo Cordial. Peopln wh g
too tirod, die. L!f! U strength. Poo J i tin
maker of strangth. Food is not food until i
is digested. TireL. pale, thin, extmstcj.
statt fufiorers from indigestion, can be cuivi
by the use of Shaker Digestive Cordiat. 1
will revive their pent energy, refresh and
invigorate them, create nevy courage, ondur-
anco and strength, all by helping their stom
achs to digest their food. 'It aids nature and
this Is the best of it. It glvesjmmediate re
lief and, With persevefenoo, permanently
cures. -' , ' "
Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents.
Albums and glove cases for afmost
nothing at The Cash Store. ; " .
Benton County warrants taken
atnarfaf mArcharidise at Nolah
v "Christmas Day.
Christmas greetings displaced
the usual friendly salutations this
morning. "Good morning," "Nice
day," "How are you?" and "Hello"
gave way to the cheery "Merry
Christmas." " -
The day is being quietly spent,
but plesantry abounds, and the
town has a holiday appearance.
Tonight the Hook and Ladder
boys entertain at the Opera House,
They annnouuee an enticing pro
gram, and the music loving aud
dance enjoying matrons, maids
and men of Corvallis are anticipa
ting a feast of enjoyment.
From 8 till 9 o'clock there will
be a modest but delightful concert
by the H. & L Band and local yo
calists. At 9, tho grand march of
the maskers occurs, and the ladies
and gentleman 111 fancy dress, will
dance till 10 .o'clock when they
will unmask, after that the dauc
ing will be general.1' 1
. Tickets lor gentleman maskers
have been placed at $1.00: lady
maskers free: general admission
tickets, 50 cents: dancing tick-
af 0 fVtaat iVAtif Inm n it aistfl mnclrin
eta tui diii;iiictii nut iiiaojviii)
$1.00. .
The lire laddies really deserve
patronage of I he citizen of Corval
lis, but in their public -.'entertain
nients lliey hope to make the en
tertaiumeut ' if sell sulHuiVntlv at
tractive to ensure the attendance
of the people.
It is evident that tonight both
the bovs and their guests will be
highly pleased.
Earl's Pet
Earl, the litlle son of J. H. Har
ris, has a pet of which he is just
ly proud. Its name is Romeo and
came all the way from Texas, ar
riving Wednesday. ,
It is a dog. Dogs are common
enough, but this kind of a dog
las never been seen in Corval
is before. It looks more like a
bluish gray squirrel, and, in fact,
is more of a -squirrel than a dog.
It is a prairie dog and a cuter,
prettier, gentler pet no bov could
The jlittle animal is loving and
affectionate and Earl ha onlv to
call once,. 'Romeo, where art
h"ou?'Mo have Romeo appear.
. Valuable Invention.
Jas. Flett has invented a paper
perforating machine that seems to
be a great success. The first ma-
cliine.lias been completed and Mr.
iieC is now busy remedvins
slight defects.
A satisfactory -perforater is one
of the demands of the iirintinsr
business thai inventors hare not
ye; met, and there will be a big
field lor the sale of Mr. Flett's
machine should the invention
p.ove as successful as appearances
ndicate it will be.
The principle of this perforater
is entirely new.. , It will-perforate
between .30. and 40 thicknesses.
where a present machine can onlv
do 3 and 4 sheets at a time.
i Married. .
At the residence of Geo. W.
Brown, in Corvallis, Or., on the
21st day of Dec, 1896, by D. Car,
lie,' J. I ., Mr.: William Williams
nd Miss Mary 1. Kendall were
married. Both ar -of Benton
county. -
If you haTe a troublesome cough, don't
keep nibbling sweeU, ruin jour appe
tite. Jk. dose or two o.' Ayer' Cherry Pec
toral will do y-'ii more good than pound of
candy, aud assist rather than impair your
igestion. Always keep this medicine- in
your house.
Lnxnled Br:mo Quinine TnbluU do not
fleet the head or produce nervousness like
the Sulphate f Quinine. Messrs. Grnhnni
& Wortham are authorized to refund Hie
money in every case whero it fails to cure
Coughs, Colds or La Grippo. Price 25 cents.
One of the finest Christmas presents
that can be is a pair of those fine shoes
to be had only at The Cash Store.
Warm Things! Do you know what
that stands for? Why, of course, those
fine shoes at The Cash Store.
Examine our line of dolls.
The Cask
Why suffer with Cough-:, Cold and La
rippc when Laxative liromo Quinine will
euro you in ono day Does rot produce the
tinging in the lutul like Sulphate of Quinine,
Put up in tahli'l convenient for taking guar-.
ant -ed to cur.-, ir inoix-y refunded. Price
g5 cent ' ,
The lest bargains in town for dolls
and Christinas goods.
The Cash Store,
fltfrchaot at
94 Styles.
trial If not
peatherbone Corset Co.
'Sole Mknuiacturaxe .
ron auk .
'antoH fn Irion
Whs can think
IIUIIIUU nil IUUU thin to nil
or aona aunpis
' iWiaMntaB, ! C..far their ti,9X ptiu offr
an4 IWt C two auaurea uveaiKHia waitira. ..
f 1
I 2 . w r
w i iiw
M L -irv
it.'; . w nr i J
Uflftha, jr
But Ma s-T?;,v
-.':;-;": ' - Gaining Much Fame. v
A picture of Brady Burnett ap
pears in the San Francisco Chron
ical of the 15th, and among other
complimentary things, that paper
says: - . - ': 7 :
j Not-content with securing tjie
best amateur athletic talent in the
Pacific Northwest for its new track
team, Stanford University is reach
ing out after the man who devel
oped it. Trainer "Jack'" King is
bis name, aud lor years he has
ruled the training quarters ot the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic.CIub
at Portland, Or., with a rod of iron.
' King's latest star is B. F. Bur
nett, a distance man of great prom
ise, who is also' about to enter Stan
ford University. Burnett's addi
tion to the Palo Alto track teani
vs ill be a surprise to most of the
wise men in athletic matters. 5 But
he has passed his examinations.
and will enter the university with
Morgan, the hurdler, who promises
to be the fastest in the countrv
next season, at the begin niii" of
the January term as a bona fide
Burnett was a novice at the
opening of the last season, but he I
blossomed out as a champion be-
lore 1 he season closed. At the Pa
cific Northwest Association cli'am
pinnship meet at... Seattle on Sep
t ember 20tli, he ran in all three
distance event?, winning the mile
ut 4:40, the half mile 111 2:05, and
the quarter in 0:53 2-5. Avery
bright Inane 011 the track is pre
dicted for the young man, who has
just attained his majority. He
lands 5 feet S inches in his run
ning shoes and weighs 150 pounds.
.Brady returned Irom ..-Portland
yesterday, and will remain until
New Years. , .
More Pheasants.
Judge Denny, whose offices se
cured the Mongolian or Dennv
pheasants for Ihelields of Oregon,
states that there are seven varie-!
lies of pheasants in China, and i
Japan, many of them handsomer,
even, in appearance, than, the
ind that was - imported, i The
silver, ; the gold and the Elliot
pheasants are all Uiansdome birds
aud can be easily secured.
Mr. td Stone, manager of the
O. C. & E. R R. Co. is an ardent
sportsniiin. and greatly interestd in
iddmg to our game birds. He
favors i he organization of clubs
for the importation and propa
gation of the several varieties of
Oriental birds, lie believes these
clubs should be organized all over
the stale and Unit through them
he mining of necessary funds
could bv; easily ;u-c. mini ished..
The. Denny pheasants have be
come I lie princ ;il game birds of
the 'Willamette valley and the
stocking of liel.l and woods with
other varietie-i would certainly
please .ill shotgun yieldurs.
Thin or gray hair and bald heads, so dis
pleasing fo mahr people ' as marks of age,
may be averted for a long time-by using
Hall's Hair Rencwer. .
Ten cases men's and boy's boots just
received at Nolan & Callahan's.
Notice is hereby given that the County
Court will receive scale 1 bids up to io
o'clock a. ni., Wednesday, Jan. 6th, 1897,
t furnish forty cords of old-growth body
Red Fir wood, four feet long, and sixty
cords of Grub Oak wood, four feet long,
to be delivered at the court house in Cor
vallis, Oregon, between June 1st and Au
gust 1st, 1897. . The Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated this 21st day of Dec. 1897.
. ViRGn, E. Watters,
County Clerk.
Our Book Department offers the
greatest of opportunities for purchas
ing the works Famous Authors at of the
lowest prices ever heard of. Huridreds
of the volumes, beautifully bound in
cloth, are rapidly going at only 35
cents. They are worth a dollar. We
have other books more expensively
i bound for 50 cents, and others stHl, for
: Si. 00 and jr.25. The latter make the
best of presents. ,
Do You Read?
Periodicals are now the rage in the
partial list of those kept on hand, . or
:; for which we take subscriptions at pub
lishers prices: " McClures's, Century,
' Scribner's, Lippmcott's, Arena, Metro-
politan, Munsey's, Frank Leslie's,
f Argosy, Outing, Ladies' Home Journal,
t Godey's, Review of Reviews, Cosmo
politan, Black Cat, Penny Magazine,
I Young Ladies' Journal and all of the
I Leading Fashion Jlagazines. '
: Does a generil practice in all the courts, A'sa-
afeeat for all the fifst-class irswrauct campatfksl
" '.This Is Vnr Opportunity. 'V.
On receipt of ten centa, cash or stamps,
ft generous sample mil ba mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
i 66 Warren St., New Terk City.
; Ker. John Beid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a post
tire cure for catarrh if used as directed."
liev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont. '
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure lor eatarrn and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug, .trice, 60 cents.
No Better Gifts . for Eoys.
r Corvallis, Oregon.
JS.CO buys a gmt Maudolin with book.
$5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book.
$1.00 buys 16 choice "cat-gut" Banjo 1st
. strings.
$1.00 huys 12 choice "cat-gut" Violin
. strings. . ' '-'
$1.00 bnya a fine Violiu with bow.
25 ets boys one dozen steel Violin 1st or
2nd strings. v '
$25.00 bvys a 5 drawer sewing machine;
high arm, light running; guaranteed
five years.
OTrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos,
aeut ou application.
Gorvallis Sold Gure Institute,
That want to be cured of the Liquor
Disease. .
Our reference, the people, the
pulpit and the press,
the Nash House.
Institute in 1
Corvallis. Oregon.
We surpass all previous offerings of
desirable articles for holiday presents. All
the available space of our store is crowd
ed with loads of "Just What is Wanted'"
for Everybody, and you have no idea how
moderate the prices are.
We offer what is generally admitted
to be the most complete line of Sta
tionery ever brought to Corvallis. It
embraces choice lines of Papeteries in
Cream, White and all the Fashionable
Delicate Tints, in all the Correct sizes
and shapes from 10 cents up to $1.00 a
box. Our correspondence Tablets are
the talk of the town. From 5 cents up.
Great .values in Pencil Tablet and
Composition Books for school children.
C. A.
Diseases ol women and children and general
practice. .
Office over Allen & Woodward's drag store. -Office
hoars S to 12 A. M., and 2 to 5 and 7 to 8
At residence, corner of 3rd and Harrison after
hoars and on Sundays.
G. R. FARRA, M. D.
Office In Farra A Allen's brick, on the corner
of Second and Adams.
Residence on Third street In front of court
house. Office hours 8 to 9 A. M ., and 1 to 2 and 7 to
r. K. All calls attended promptly.
Office upstairs ever First National Bank.
Strictly First-Class Work Guaranteed
Corvallis. Oregon
, (j : OF THE
Southern Pacific Comrjany
ft P. M. I Lear: Portland Arrive I t:10 a. M.
12:10 A. M. I Leave Albany Arrive I 4:45 A. M.
11-.1S A. M I Arrive 8. Francisco Leave I 7:00 P. M.
Above trains ston at East Portland. Oro-
g;on City, "Woodburn, Salccn, Turner, Ma
rion, Jefferson. Albany. Tanpent, Sliodds,
HaUey, Harrisburjr, Junction City, Eugene.
Creswell, Cottage Grave, Train. and 11
stations from Koseburgto Asliland," inclu.-ive.
Roseburg Mail Daily.
8:39 A. M. I Leave
Arrive 1:40 P. M
Arrive 1 12:55 P. M
' Leave I 8:00 A. M
U -.1S, P. M. I Leave
: P. M. I Arrive
Pullman Buffet Sleepers:
Attached to all through trains.
Salem Passengur Daily. '
4:00 P. M.
6:15 P. M.
Arrive 1 10:15 A. M.
Le?,ve I 8:00 4. M.
Wert Slit Division.
HaUTriU. Blily Iietpt Snnljj.
7:". A. M. I Leave
0:20 P. M.
1:55 P. M.
12:15 P. 11. I Arrive
At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the
Oregon 1'acinc Railroad.
Ixpreu Train. Biily Except Suolaj.
4:45 P. M. I Lare Portland Arrive 8:45 A. M.
7:25 P. M. I Arrive McMinnville Leave 5:50 A. 11.
To all points iu the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe oau be obtained at lowest rates
from A. K. Milner, agent, Corvallis.
E. P ROGERS. Amt. O. F. &P Agent
R KOKULERManat-er, Portland, Oregon.
W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis
kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
For Infants and Children.
is Coming.
Christmas Cards
A happy hit is the portrayal ol Ore
gon Scenery which makes an especially
appropiate gift to distant friends, We
have an extensive assortment of them,
and prices range from 5 cents to 75
cents, uur stocK 01 aiienaars, oook
let and Cards has been especially select
ed to meet the wants of School Teach
ers and Sunday School Teachers, both
both in price and design.
Stationer and Newsdealer,
- Office evBK First Kaiionai. Bank,
CoavAtttra, Oregon. . j
Will practie in all the state and federal cov.rta J
Abatractia:, ' coHectiona Kotary puhl'.c Con - .
VtyaBctuj. . -. I
IbiJoBuo . Ulo
TT A sC5 rTH
Jill A JL
For full detail?, call on "or addrr.a .
Cea'l Pass. Ageut, Portland, Oregon.
Yaquina Bay Route
Cnnncr'4ni at Yaquina Bar with the
San Francisco & Yaqaina Bay -
Steamship "Farallon "
- M from Taqta every 8 days for Ban Frap
r'-f, C.-na B5, Prt Orlord, Trinidad and
11 imbolilt Bat. Paaseiifrer aocommodaMons
uiioirpaaard. tlboUeat route between the W1V
Utnii tallej- andi'altfornia.
From Alb.vnr -r rolnte Wert tm
9an PrivtiolsciA!
Cabin, 19 Steerafre ..
Ki nnn trip, good fr tit) da -s. 115.
Tif o Hat a-rt I'ort 0 io.-d Cabin.
To II umbo,' H Bay- Cab n.. ..
Stemer "Albany" between Portland and
CoiTallis, through without lny-ovor. Leaves
JCorvallia 6:00 a. m. Tupsday. Thursdays
and Sundays', lenviw Portland, Yamhill St.
clock, 6:00 a. m. Monday, Wednesday aad
Edwin Stokk, J. C. Mayo, "
Manager. Supt. Biver Div
Abstract .. Company
Complete Set of Abstracts ot
Benton County.
Conveyancing and Perfecting
Titles a Specialty.
Money to Loan n Improved City and
Country Property.
V. E. WATTEKS, Prop.
Office at Courthouse, Corvallis, Or.
For the Children
We have several hundred highly
colored Books especially gotten up for
the little ones that are selling rapidly.
The low prices we ask for them is what
makes them go. We also have a sup
ply of Games. Some of them are new
and unique and are sure to become
popular with the boys and girls. You
will not hesitate to buy on account of
prices. The goods never before sold so
cheaply in Corvallis.
Celluloid Goods
Jewelry Cases, Handkerchief Cases,
Tie Cases, Glove Cases, made of Cel
luloid and hand painted make tasty
present and we have a good assortment
to select from.
An immense stock of Purses, Pocket
Books and Diaries for 1897, have been
received and are selling at price that
are sure to suit. '
Occidental Building,