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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
Am to Children anl Dogs. : ' - Washington Irving has often been ac cused of saying that little dogs and children were Influential members of French society. It la quite true that In the United States I never noticed that close and sentimental intimacy be tween human beings and quadrupeds so frequently seen In France. Ameri can life Is so active, so desperately crowded, either usefully or socially, that perhaps It does not,permlt the loss of time Inevitably brought about by friendly Intercourse "with a dog. As for children, I believe that their Impor tance is equally great In all countries; but It asserts itself In a more noisy man ner In America than anywhere else. Everything is sacrificed to them, for they represent the future, which is all that counts in a country whose past, is very short, and whose present is a pe riod of high-pressure development. Yet no one must suppose that, before pre senting an apology for French children, I Intend to malign American children, as certain travelers have taken the lib erty of doing very thoughtlessly, al though they had met them only on steamships, cars, or at hotels, enjoying a holiday with that buoyancy which is the characteristic mark of the whole race. I have known some who were very well brought" up, even from our point of view, and among those who were not I have admired precocious sense, vivacity of mind, quiet determi nation, and capacity for self-government, qualities which I should wish' for all ours. Century. Ice by a New Machine. There has of late been a large demand for ice machines of small capacity spe cially adapted for use In villages, or In large establishments at a distance from the town supply. A new form of such a machine is constructed to make 10 cwt of ice in 24 hours. . It Is worked on the ammonia absorption ayeteui, and operated by steam. It cons lata of two steel cylindrical ammonia heaters. In closed In steel casings, and containing coils of iron pipes. These cylinders are charged with a solution of ammonia, one charge being enough for twelve months working. The machine Is sup plied with steam by a two horse power boiler, at a pressure of 45 pounds, the average cost of fuel being al-out five cents an hour. The. machine can also be arranged to work -in combination with a gas-fired boiler, and with super heated steam. By the addition 'of an agitator the machine will produce what Is known as crystalline ice, wnlle tha generating portion of the plant can be adapted for cooling and refrigerating purposes of all kinds. At the machine has no moving parts there is a mini mum of wear and tear, and no founds Hons are required. The easiest men for the women to capture are those who have exagger ated ideas of honor.-- . Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef f or tsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual cl is ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which, promotes internal, cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when yon pur chase, that yon have the genuine arti , cle, which is manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of figs stands highest and is most largely feed and gives most general satisfaction. Blood Poison, Contagious B'ood Poison has been ap propriately called the curse of mankind. It is the one disease that physicians can not cure; their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up the poison in the system, to surely break forth in a more virulent form, resulting in a total wreck of the system. Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent jeweler at 926 Pensylvania Ave., Wash- lngton.IJ.C.says: I was for a long time under treat merit of two of the best physi cians of this city, for a severe case of blood 'poison, but my condition grew worse all the while, not withstanding the (fact that they charged me three Jr'hnnrirMl ni1 lare vV My mouth was filled witn eating sores; my tongue was almost eaten away, so that for three months I was unable to taste any rolid food. My hair was coming out rapidly, and I was in a horrible fix. I had tried various treatments, and was nearly dis couraged, when m. friend recommended S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I began to get better, and when I had finished eighteen 1xttles, I was cured sound and well, my skin was without a blemish, and I have had no return of the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life of misery." ' S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) will cure any case of blood POHOD. jsooki on me disease and its treat ment.' maiiea iree Dy swin Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga. FRAZER BEST IN THE WORLD. AXLE CREASE Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two hoxea of any other brand. Free bom Animal Oils. OKT THE GKNCIHJE. FOR BALK BY OREGON AND WASHINGTON MERCHANTS and Dealers generally. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARB SICK or "Just Dent Fool Wall," SLkoTTljVER PILLS mrm the Ob Tataar to use. Only On for a Doss. Bold by Prusslns a gSO. a baa Sample mailed free Addraaa C. esawko tied. Co. Foil. r. tmm m fin ura ' Recozntxed Him. "Friend, these are awjul roads you've got in this neighborhood. Why don't you repair them?" " 'Cause they're so muddy we cain't." "Well, why don't you do It when they're dry?". ... . ' " 'Cause they don't need it then." . "Say, when did you move away from Arkansaw?" What the Farmers VTtinU ,- . Chicago Times-Herald: Among the numerous subjects discussed by the national farmers' congress at Indian apolis, the question of good roads easily transcended all others in importance to the agricultural Interests of this country. The farmer is .the natural promoter . of good roads. The cities and towns build the highways with the corporation funds raised by taxa tion, but the country road falls upon the farmer. He Is also the chief ben-' eficiary, and if he will not lead In ag gressive agitation ' for modern scien tific road building It Is useless to ex pect the movement to advance. Good roads have paid for themselves- :-in Europe; they have also yielded big re turns In New Jersey, North Carolina, Alabama, "Massachusetts and- New York. It, ha 3 been estimated by the bureau of road Inquiry at Washington that it now costs the American farm er an average of $3 per ton to market his products. . It is calculated that with such country highways as are in use in England and France this cost would be reduced to. $1 per ton. This cost is not a matter of cash expendi ture, but represents the value of the time, labor and effort on the part of man and beast in hauling crops to the market. Upon this basis of calculation it is easy to estimate what the farm ers of Wisconsin might save In one year on their crop of oats, which, amounts to a million tons, if they had smooth and solid country highways. ' Good Roads in India. India is a land of good roads. Be tween all the larger' towns well-shaded macadamized roads are to be found. The average city pavements of Chica go, St. Paul or New York are not as good as these long stretches of well built roads, with thelr'culverts of solid stone masonry, and their ' whitewash ed milestones shining' like solitary monuments in the hot- sun. There Is an enormous outlay of money and la bor in blasting and buttressing, macad amizing these roads; but in. develop-' ing the agricultural and commercial interests of the mountain regions they are worth all and more than they cost The inner -ranges of the Hima layas furnish perfect climate and soil for the production of tea and all the fruits of the temperate zone. Hun dreds Qf thousands of acres of tea plants have been put out since these cart roads, as they are commonly call ed, were built. Thousands of English men are employes In managing these estates, and all their supplies of food, building material and machinery are brought to them, and all the products of the estates are carted out to the va rious terminals. Cart drivers haul by weight and can make from 50 cents to $1 a day, A day's journey going up hill,' loaded, is from eight to ten miles. Going down from fifteen to twenty. Epworth Herald. A Fight with Torpedo Boats. During the visit of the members of parliament to Portsmouth a naval offi cer told an amusing story of last year's naval maneuvers. While the warships were stationed In Lough Foyle there was an alarm of a torpedo attack at night. Instantly the guns opened fire and blazed away at the torpedo boat. The next morning the admiral request ed each captain to send In a report of the number of torpedo boats he had seen and the quantity of ammunition he had -expended. The reports were Inter esting. Some of the officers had seen six torpedo boats, some four, others three and others two. Only one cap tain declared that he had seen no tor pedo boat and had fired no shot. The others, however, had used an enor mous quantity of ammunition. It turn ed out that there had not been a tor pedo boat within thirty miles of the lough, and the torpedo boats seen from the ships were In truth- a single coal barge. Exactly. . - - A teacher relates the following Inci dent of a boy's quick thought He had asked the meaning of the word miss. "To miss," I told him, "is the same as to fail. You shoot at a bird or at a mark and do not hit it; you miss it. You go to a tailor's for a coat, and your coat fits badly; it is a misfit. You hope to enter the middle class next year, but you can not pass the examination, and so you miss the promotion." His face wore a puzzled air, and he shook his head. "Then," said I, "there is another mean ing of miss. We call a married woman madam, but an unmarried woman miss." . His face brightened. He smiled and nodded. "Ah, I see," said he; "she has missed her man." r A Very Strajute Night. A traveler at a Pennsylvania Inn, got out of his bed one night to see what sort of weather it was, but instead of looking out into the open air, thrust his head through the glass window of a cupboard. "Landlord," he shouted, "what sort of weather do you call this?; The night is as dark as Egypt, -and smells of cheese." A n Innocent Reply. ' He (well born but not well bred, ponipouslyh-It takes six generations, you know, to make a gentleman. She (innocently) Yes. What a pity that it only takes one to unmake him. New York Times. Cleared Ur. Crosby I understand that old Casn ley's daughter has eloped with bis coachman. - - Gregory What! Why, she was en gaged to marry me! Crosby Oh, then, that accounts foe It, Cleveland Leader. Cholly Do you think it very wicked in me to bet on the races? Ethel No not If you patronize some poor book maker who really needs the money. ruck ONE MAN THE ARMY. 2Iorsenet Boo a 'a of n BTilitary Force Both fmalland IfBc'eat. , The smallest Independent state In Europe is neither the rtiicipfilily of Monaco, with its population o'fi J2.000 souls, nor the republic of St. Martin, with its 8,000 inhabitants, nor that of Andorav'cotttalnihgrorily 6jOGO 'citizens but MoresneC with a population of scarcely 1,200 souls. . Moresnet. which Is thoroughly autonomous. Is situated on the Germano-Belgian frontier, about half way between Verviers and Alx-la-Chapelle. It lies in a picturesque valley, rwatered by Jhe, JJtfle river How Moresnet has maintained its independence has just been explained to a French journalist by: -u3elgian minister In farfs.? TbeV commune of Moresnet, as It existed Under jthe em pire, was, after the retreat' of the French in the early years of the cen tury, administered exclusively by the Parisian authorities till 1817. At that time it was divided intot three parts, in virtue of the treaty of' June 26, 1810. The principal portion was annexed to Holland, another portion was annexed to Prussia, and the third portion, sit uated between 'the. other'two,- formed the neutral territory, It' contained fhe calamine establishment of the Veille Montague, and the importance of that establishment, which now produces yearly some -25,000,000-.: kilograms of ore and furnishes Europe with about 60 per cent;, of the zinc It employs, ren dered It Impossible for the negotiators to come to . an understanding concern ing that fraction of the frontier. It, Indeed, seems unlikely that a decision concerning It will be taken for a long time, as tag governments of potn liet! inany andiiBelglum claim possession of the mines of the "old mountain." That :1a why that piece of contested terri tory has, for the last eighty years? pre served its neutral character and its po litical Independence. Prussia and Belgium have each, a commissary, whose duty it: is to Inter vene In case of difficulties arising, but that Is a purely formal suzerainty.. The Belgian representative is tt the pres ent moment M. Bleytnesy, subprefect of-Verviers, and-that of Prussia Coun selor Gulcher. The supreme chief of this minute republic is M. Schmetz, who contents himself with the title of burgomaster, and has occupied that post since, 1884. The Ideal taxation of about 6 francs per head, .nevertheless. suffices to provide a subvention for the school and for the repairing of the roads. Moresnet has one soldier, who wears a splendid uniform, to preserve order. As there are no tribunals in the territory -law cases have to be; tried alternately at verviers ana Aix-ia- Chapelle. London Standard. ;. - Opening the Olympic Games. The crown prince, taking his stand In the arena, facing the king, then made a short speech, in which he touched upon the origin of the enterprise, and the'obstacles surmounted in bringing it to fruition. Addressing the king, he asked him to proclaim the opening of the Olytnpic games, and the king, ris ing, declared them opened. . It was: a thrilling' moment. Fifteen hundred and two years before the Emperor Theodo sius had suppressed the Olympic games, thinking, no doubt, that In abol ishing this hated survival of paganism he was furthering the cause of progress; and here was a Christian monarch, amid the applause, of an assemblage composed almost exclusively of Chris tians, announcing the formal annul ment of the imperial decree; while a few feet away stood .the archbishop of Athens, and Pere Didon, the celebrated Dominican preacher, who, in bis Easter sermon In the Catholic cathedral the day before, had paid an eloquent trib ute to pagan Greece. When' the king had resumed his seat, the Olympic ode, written, for the occasion by the Greek composerSamara,' was sting by a cho rus of one hundred and fifty voices. Once before music had been associated with the revival of the Olympic games. Century. The Chinese Are Self-Helpful. ' The percentage of foreigners in out hospitals, asylums and penal institu tions Is overwhelming. - But the Chin ese make little call upon us for philan thropy, and that only for medical help. Little by little these people are coming to see the superiority of our medicalj treatment, and In cases of Severe sick J ness they will sometimes turn to our hospitals for help. But they ask no oth er aid from us. If a Chinaman needs any monetary assistance, his country men help him without - burdening our public philanthropies. It is not uncom mon for the men of one clan, or friends from different clans, to band together to establish a loan fund, every man giving so much toward It week by week This Is loaned to needy men. without security or interest; and when repaid It is loaned again, and thus many '9 man Is carried through a sickness 01 set up in business, and outsiders are none the wiser. Century. - The Resort Courteous. Lord Russell's visit to America re minds the London Chronicle of an an cient story. It says that during Lord Russell's previous tour in this country with Lord Coleridge, he came In con tact with many members of the bar. Including Mr. Evarts. It was while walking with Mr. Evarts one day along the banks of a stream that his atten tion was called to a point at which Washington, according to tradition, had thrown a dollar right across. The water was wide, and Lord Russell looked doubtfuL "You know a dollar went further In those days than It goes now," the American lawyer blandly Insinuated. "Ah," said Lord Russell, quite equal to the occasion, "and it may have been easy enough to Washington; It Is well known that he threw a sovereign across the Atlantic." Bat Hal Mr. Floorwalker Why Is a baby suf fering with colic like a conservatory? " Mrs. Floorwalker Because they are Just too sweet for anything, Mr. Floorwalker Naw; they are both full of windy panes. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. People who eat the most usually think the least. Roasting Schilling's Best tea in San Francisco costs more than roasting other tea in China or Japan, but it makes tea better. You don't have to pay the difference though. It comes out of our profits. We make money in giv ing up profits. : Queer! - A Schilling A Company (US THP MPW 111 M oil V T : t '. OW, Mary, I have spoken V Mr. Peel threw himself back in his chair as if that settled the matter once for all. --- .- h ' "I beard you, dear," sweetly respond ed Mrs. Peel; "and now, listen to me. I have accepted Herr Schmidt's offer, and he will enter. the adjoining bouse as tenant to-morrow." - "Not If I know It, madam!" shouted Phlneas, jumping from his chair and bringing his fist down on the table. "Do you think I am going to have Rhyd cottage turned" into a menagerie, -.aiid. my garden into a bowling wilderness? The house may remain tenantless for ever; but Herr Schmidt and his mon atrosttles gtrall not .-enter-there." .. "Herr Schmidt.' my dear, is inefelyi.a naturalist." . . "I know It!" stormed Phineas. "J've heard of these plaguey naturalists be-; fore. I've no desire to come downstairs some fine morning to find a ring-tailed monkey fitting on the window sill, act; ing is iofcrea wlrile the kangaroosand crocodiles, play leap-frog over the flower beds. No, madam!. No naturalists for Pbjneas Peel!".; , r ':' Pretty Mrs. 'Peel never allowed her temper to get the better of her. She laughed softly at her husband's fears, and did not alter ;her determination iu the least. ' : ''-;.-'",. "Has It slipped your memory, Phln eas." she asked., 'that Rhyd cottage is a portion of my. property?, jfl choose to let it to a naturalist even though he be a foreigner I am perfectly justified in doing' so." ; . V .. This was -true enough., and Phineas' calmed down'. ' - - '' "Herr Schmidt's collection of- 'mon strosities.' as you call It." went on Mrs. Peel, "probably contains nothing more dangerous than a. death's head moth in a bottle. ' Anyhow,'! Uave no Intention .to" disappoint him." "But 1 "You wilL treat him .with the respect due from one gentleman to another, Phinfeas,", :Broke in . Mrs. PeeL "And now, dear, we'll dismiss the subject." - :-;PJiineas; Peel; was -though at times be doubted it a lucky fellow. He had carried off a yoUng-and handsome wom an from a host of suitors. Why Mary Marsden bad chosen to be stow her hand and fortune on. such a plain, everyday sort of fellow as the di minutive Phineas Peel was -always a mystery to her acquaintances. The wedding was an accomplished fact be fore her relatives had-recovered from . the shock caused by the announcement of , her engagement!. , Mary appeared to be happy enough. too. Phineas, taken as a whole, was H6t a bad sort of fellow. He was jeal ous, that was true, but his wife came to regard that; as an extra proof of his, devotion. Had the.proposed tenant of Rhyd cot tage been anaged, decrepit, broken down -old" man, Phineas would have stretched out the right hand of fellow ship. But alas! Herr Schmidt " was young and handsome--far too., hand some, Phineas thought. Very well, Mary," said Phineas, fak ing bis hat from the peg and making for the door, "you have overruled me as usual, and must be prepared for the consequences. In less than a week we Bhall have the house and garden- over run with every conceivable variety of reptile from the beastly lizard' to the boa constrictor." ' And Phineas stalked - indignantly forth - with the merry laughter of his wife ringing In bis ears." A month or more had passed, and so far the fears of Phineas .proved to be groundless. Herr Schmidt's "monstros ities" had been kept well within bounds. and as. yet Mr. Peel had not. seen eo much, as a strange caterpillar In' his garden, which never looked better. . However, he was not happy. He had taken an aversion to the new tenant from the first, and would never be sat isfied until he had got rid of him. "Confound the fellow," muttered Phineas one evening, as he sat on an upturned bucket behind the peasticks. he's prowling about on the other side of the hedge again. Hope he won't catch sight of me, for I'm about tired of his oily tongue and eternal smile. Hullo! what the deuce Is the meaning of this?" Down the garden path tripped Mrs. PeeL The naturalist was evidently ex pecting her, and greeted her with a smile that almost brought tears into the eyes of the furious Phineas. Good efeving," he said. . "Yon vos joost a leetle later -r V. It was soon evident that this was not the first chat indulged in over the boun dary hedge. Though Phineas strained his ears, he could not catch the drift of the conversation. Like a flash be re membered that Mary had often of late taken a stroll In the garden at dusk. Was this the explanation? '-. S Phineas had been glaring at the cou ple from behind the peasticks for ten minutes or so, when he saw bis wife take a rosebud from his favorite tree and hand It over the hedge with a charming smile to the delighted Herr Schmidt. .Then, with a pleasant "good nightr Mrs. Peel tripped lightly into the nouse. "You villain!" hissed Phineas, sav agely, jumping from his seat and shak ing his fist after the retreating figure In the next garden, "I'll pay you for this." The rage of Mr. Peel was something to be remembered. Nothing but blood. he vowed, would obliterate his wrongs. But be would smile and smile and mur der while he smiled.' Seizing a peastick he tragically buried It In the. heart of an unoffending cabbage, and played havoc with a stately row of sunflowers. Half an hour later Mary saw him take down an old-fashioned" duck gun from the hook In the hall. There's a German vulture In the neighborhood." he volunteered. Impres sively, "and I'm going to bag him at the first opportunity." However, as nothing short of an earthquake would have Induced the old gun to go off In any circumstance and Phineas had made assurances doubly sure by dropping in the shot first and powder afterward the "vulture" In question was not likely to be seriously damaged, and Mary contented herself with expressing a. hope that ber hus band would not hurt himself. On the following evening Phineas took up bis old position In the garden. its "-N T'PNI A WT -: w A - AW A -, . ili with .murder in hls.heart Herr Schmidt, howeves, did. not put in an appearance After waiting some time, Phineas re entered 'the house and reared his duck gun up Jn the hall in a conspicuous po sition. - ' : :: iX-i; ;.';''-.;-.;;'; v He hJd a-lm'ost decided; to run up to town and consult .his. brother .John', the detectlvSe. with ; a. ; Tie w .to haying 'the movements -of Herr.' Schmidt "watched, when '-he was'startifed'by'the Click of: the leje'r box.;, ' :i :' ' "'-': -; A sciap "of paper1 lay on i the matl Picking, it 'u'p, "Phineas glanced -at it,, turned "deadly pale, then hurried into the garden. " Scribbled in lead pencil on. dirty paper was the following: . "Peel has discovered everything. We have" not a moment to lose and ' must clear out to-night. The front '-door , is pnsafe. Will meet you at. the back iOOJSharp." ' ; -'- :;r ; ! There signature,-. ". . . . "Good gracious!" ejaculated Phineas, After,; reading .the. note for the third time."; "I d no idea matters had gone' so far Oh, yes, Mr. Schmidt," he add ed grimly.' "I'll; meet you at i 10 0 sharpy "' - . It was about 10:45, and raining ,heav-i lly. '"-Phineas Peel; seated on .a well overlooking the back, of Rhyd cottage,' with bis duck gun laid across bis knees, wai beginning 'to feel uncomfortable; "The note said; 10:30,". he murteredv "It must be after that time now. What's thafr. ' '''' " Phineas ; had Caught the' sound'" of heavy feet moving cantlously over the gravel. He grasped his gun' and peered Into, the 'gloom,- but could distinguish nothing. Suddenly ; he beard voices, evidently at the front of.the house,. He.was about to quit his position, under .the impres sion that Herr Schmidt was leaving by the front door after alt when one of the back windows was cautiously rais-ed-'&nd the" lithe form of the naturalist dropped lightly to. the ground. . .. Creeping along the side of-the.-wall on w&ich Phineas lay, he presented an ex cellent mark."? Mr. PeeL however, could nebring. himself to shoot a mail down in.rcold blood.. He would give him a chance. . '' '. . V! ''Stop, ymi scoundrel!" he shouted. '-The effect of the challenge was scarcely what Phineas bad anticipated. Herr Schmidt darted forward and seiz ed the -barrel of the gun. . He was much the stronger of the two, and Phineas was pulled from the wall in a twinkling. Lying on the brond of his back on the gravel, in a half -dazed condition., he 6a w. the tall form of Schmidt standing over him with the gun raised. '':". "Keep your tongue still, you fooL" he hissed, "or? 111 brain you. Now, quick, help me over the wall." . Phineas hesitated, but the threaten ing attitude of the other induced him to rise. However, he had no intention Of giving in. ." Obeying his instructions, he caught bold of Schmidt's foot to give him "a leg up." Before the naturalist could grip the top of the wall, however. Phin eas saw his opportunity. Bracing himself for the effort, he ex erted all his 'strength and pulled Schmidt bodily from the wall. . He fell flat on his face, and before be could re cover himself Phineas jumped on his back and seized him around the thront. emitting a yell that would have done in finite credit to a Sioux Indian. The next moment Phineas was drag ged off from behind and found himself in the clntches of a burly member of the police force; ' Four or five others seized Schmidt, who struggled in vain to free himself. "What am' I arrested for?" gasped Phineas. -"There's your man." .. Phineas would no doubt have been led off with the other prisoner but for the timely arrival on the scene of the last person In 'the world he had expect ed to see his brother J.ohn! "Here," What on earth Is the meaning of all this?" be demanded when, as the result of John Peel's interference, he found himself free. - John stayed behind a minute or. two to explain that Herr Schmidt, the "nat uralist," :and Edward Harper the no torious forger, who had defied new Scotland yard for the past six weeks were one and the same. "It was a smart dodge 'of "Harper's." said John Peel, "and he might have got clear away but for that clever wife of yours, Phineas. Mary suspected the man from the first and supplied nie from time to time with valuable infor mation. . It Is to her entirely that the credit of the capture is due. Tell her I'll call around and thank her myself to morrow. By-the-bye, the gang of which be is the bead, got wind of our inten tions, and a man was dispatched with a warning. Harper doesn't appear to have received it." i .Then Phineas . began to understand things a little more clearly v. ' "1 suppose this will be it." "he re marked, producing the note and band ing it to his brother. "You ste. the mes senger left It at the wrong door, and I er I thought I might as well see -the fun." For some little time after Phineas was of the opinion that be had made a foot of himself. Lately, however, he has taken a different view of the mat ter, and is never tired of relating how he literally "dropped on" Harper, the forger, alias Schmidt, the naturalist, next door.-Cassell's Saturday J0urn.1L Joan of Arc's Devotion to trie Kin?. For her king, who. had so cowardly abandoned ber, she retained a passion ate worship. He was the personifica tion of France; he was her banner. One day during the trial Guillaume Ever ard accused the King of France of heresy, whereat, trembling with indig nation, Joan cried out "By my faith, sire, with all Teverence due to you. I dare say and swear, under peril of life, that he is the most Christian of ail Christians, he who best loVes the law and the church; he Is not what you say." In such a cry we feel that she uttered all her heroic souL Century. ' ' - The Teat. "I do not believe that I have a true friend In the world." "So you have been trying to borrow money, too, have you7" Truth. , - Don't go to a novel for tragedy; look at -the expense account of a poor man whom the Lord has blessed with a txtta family. MOONSHINING NO ROMANCE. Beset with Dancers from Without and ' " Treachery Within the Camp. f He ;ls neither a bandit nor a highwayr man, 'a disturber of the-peace nor, ;n; respect to formularies 'Other-: than the ,revenue statutes, a Jawbreaker. Ijeast of all, perhaps, Is he a desperado. With in , a . month of . the present writing a traveler on-one of the.'T.enriesSee rail ways entered ' the smoking Tear "of " the train." In the rear seat sat an offices la charge of a "covey"' of moonshiners, hushed by him on the mohntala.the. night before. : There were twelve . the taiy. . They.ibad yielded .without re feistance to one. jiian, and, most' sipguiar fircumstance' of , all Tin the 'South,' the deputy had' not' 'foufid .ijr-nefcessary to put them in" frous." '' ! f '"' '' : . At their trial " the niembers' of . this party will: doubtless-plead: .gujlty,-to-q man, ' though ai Hi tie ..hard, . swearing Would probably,, clear.-; jihem. They; will;;fer;;merfiy or. tor.' light sentences and .those .of, tbeni' who prom-' 48 amendment' ;m(Mt''kex''neiel' be .ftga.iuroug'ht' in on thesahife Charge; for .the mountaineer-is 'prone to keep 'his promise. ' v:'! .: "'. A veneraTde judge, :in: whom judicial Severity is tempered by;ft generous ad; "nuxturc;of .loving kindness; aud mercy, and if whose: humane decisions "'have made his name a word to conjure with among the dwellers in the waste places, tells a story which emphasizes ' the promise-keeping' trait in the' mountain character. - A hardened ' sinner; , of the stills", whose first and second offenses 'were already recorded against him, was on"ee again. brought to book by the vigi-' lance of the revenue, jmeh. As an old "offender, .who had 'neither" promised Hoi repented, . it was likely to" 'go hard With nira, arid he begged hot fdf liberty, but for a commutation of his sentence, whieii would send .him. to; Jail instead of the penitentiary, promising .that, so long as t'ae judge remained upon , the bench be would' neither: Jnake" nor med dle, with illicit whisky. -'Ji " ''""' ." He won his case arid war sent' to jail for a' term of eleven months.' 'This was in summer, and six months later, When the first snows-began : to; powder the bleak .summits of Chilhowee,- the judge receiv.ed-a letter from-the convict. It was a simple-hearted petition for '4 '"furiougb'-Vpf . ten days, pathetic and eloquent in . its prim i ti ve English' and quaint misspelling. ' , Would the goo-T fudge let him' off for just ten: days? Winter was coming on, and bis wife and. children were alone, in ..the. cabin on the mountain,- with no pne to make provision; for: their wants... .He- would not overstay, the time, and he would ."ceftKln shore". come back. ;.'"'" ' " '' His petition' was" gran ted, krid, true to his word, the'' mountaineer 'returned oh the tenth da.y; and -gave himself up io the sheriff.' He'servedSbe remainder of his sentence,- and, after hhrrelease, kept his. pledge to the judge, as long as he remained pn-the bench. Lippincott'i Magazine. . . . ITS 1.B9SOIT. Jrom Tie hard times people will reap, lessons of experience, learning how to ast with more care in business and how to ap ply remedies for the stringency of such times. With more care we will have less accidents, and much less suffering if-we know the true remedy. In the held and work-shop, indeed in all activities, sprains and bruises happen and bring the hard times of pain and suffering. Experience teaches that it is always hast to get the best remedy, which is the cheapest in the end. Experience, points to St. Jacobs Oil as without question the best remedy for such mishaps, being the surest and-prompt-est cure. Suffering brings hard times even in prosperity. The best remedy for it is the surest way out of them. Seventy-two raoes inhabit the earth and use 8,004 different'tongues. There are about' i, 000 religions. - - . State of Ohio, City or Toledo, I 0 Lucas County, - Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each andevery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 181. j seal J A. W. GLEASON. Notarv Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. 75c. :. Hall's Family Fills are the hest. A telephone exchange has been estab lished in Kioto, Japan, and is said to have proved a great success. - It is under government control. I believe my prompt use of Piso's Curs prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lu cy Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, '95. A new species of giraffe has been dis eovernd in Africa. , FORTUNE 8SHKING EMIGRANTS. Many : poor- family that seeks the western wilds in the hope of winning a fortune, is lire served from tftat in&idious ioe of the emigrant and frontiersman chills and fever by Ho.--tetter's Stomach Bitters. So effectually dos that incomparable medicinal de.enne for i y the system against the combined influence of a malarious atmosphere and miasma-tainted water, that protected by it the pioneer, the miner or the tourist provided with it,, may safely encounter the danger. .. Immense deposits of asbestos have been discovered in the Ferris range oi mountains in Carbon count v. Wyoming. There is no substitute lor thorough going, ardent and sincere earnest. Railroad Speed in Germany. Germany has made some bold experi ments at railroad speed od the line be tween Berlin and Gorlitz. The best performance was sixty-five and three fourths "miles, which was twelve miles better than the highest speed of the fastest German train, the Berlin-Hamburg lightning express, which does 177 miles In three and one-half hours. Ordinarily German express trains make tor ty -eight and one-half miles nn honr Get Your ristmas Gifts Free ; two ounce bag;" and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. - Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of val uable presents and how to get them. TRIED jiff AMY REMEDIES Pai he's Celery : Compound Was the Onlji - s r ., One That' Succeeded.. jJsrMmmmmmmmmm . .... . The essential difference between Paine' 8 oelery .pomponnd , and the be- wildering number of 'sarsnparillas arid nervines that its success has brought into existence is that Paine's celery compound furnishes jast the appropri ate nutriment'to the exhausted nerves, and securely builds up the system against disease, while the unscientific remedies confuse and add to the de rangement jof the organs. . Paine's elery compound not only relieves, but - effectively and perma nently cures. . . The most permanent and direct cure for debility, nervous, weakness, lan gour, aqd a "run-down" condition, is the strong, reliable Paine's celery com pound. The rasping, irritating effect of a badly nourished .nervous system upon all the organs1 of the body ceases when this medicine, is used. -.- Paine's oelerv comnound is the most advanced nerve and brain strengthened ' usual weight for me. I have had bet and restorer known to medical science. '; ter health ever since, and have feltbef- The .tired, worn-out sufferer, who is riot advancing'' toward- health,- is fall-1 ing back. - There is. 'no standstill- in . bad health. One can endure - a head ache or a backache once; one can en-.j dure it twice, but the repeated sick headache and the constant pain in the; , back and in the region of the heart must be got rid qf. : For the permanent and positive, cure of these unhealthy I J. . . .. M il T Ji ; A . states of the body, as evinced by re- peated attacks of rheumatism, neural- Cheapest Power. . . . . IH GUARANTEED ORDER.. 1-1 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Hercules. Gas or Gasoline. 1-2 H. P. Regan, Gas or Gasoline. 1-3 H. P. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Otto, Gas or Gasoline. 1-4 H. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. 1-6 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. 1-10 H. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. State Your Wants and Write for Prices. Hercules Gas 405-7 Sansome Street San Francisco, Cai... Gas, Gasoline and Oil "1 Handkerchiefs for Holiday Gifts Are always suitable and welcome." We have made a specialty this II QC- r.l. Season of Handkerchiefs AI ZOG taOil and will pay the postage on them to mail order customers The line for ladies' affords choice of Linen embroidered Linen initial hemstitched Linen plain hemstitched Cambric embroidered. For Gentlemen: Linen hemstitched . Linen hemmed Linen initial Silk hemstitched. . arly orders insure against mail delay. OLDS KII!C, 102 Washington. SL PORUANP, OR. SURE CURE for PILES Itching ud Blind, Blerttof or Protrodiu Pllei vtotdat wweta PR-BO-8AN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. ttch- Dg, absorb tumor. A poutr cure. Circulars arut fre, Prtoa 13 Many thousand dollars worth of valuable'articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To- ill bacco. You will - find one. . coupon inside each pa hi inn i s r .3 yTBfeckaell'sAi Genuine -1 . Tcbcsso there is nothing to be' compared for a moment with the . great discovery of ' Prof. Edward E. Phelps;1 M.; D..: LL. B., '-of Dartmouth -medical' school Paine's celery compound. . -. If you are out of health or despond- ' ent because of repeated trials of other remedies, take a fresh start. The brae 'ing weather is in your favor. Here is the experience like that of hundreds of others of Mrs. Lydia' M. Hay den, tff Marion, Ind.: "Before commencing the use of Paine's celery compound I was treated by many doctors, and tried many rem edies, but did hot get any better. .1 seemed to be all broken down. I was tired all the time, and my constitution seemed to be giving out ' ' -i . I weighed only -1 15 pounds last fall when I commenced using Paine's oel ery compound. In less than two months I weitrhed 124 sounds, an nn- ter this summer than I have for years." . "My little daughter was.. away-from home on a visit, and came home look ing as if she had bad a hard- sickness. 1 went right a way and got her a bet- " tl) of Paine's celery compound, and she baa bad better health since than she ever had in ber life, eats hearty and is growing fast." ' There is no woman, who, in justice to herself, can fail to take Paine's cel- ery compound under similar oirnum- Rebuilt Gas and Gasoline Engines. .FOR SALE CHEAP ....Engine Works Engines. 1 to 200 H.P. WHEAT. Make money bv suc cessful speculation in Chicago. We buy and sell wheat there on margins. Fortunes have been made on a small beginning by trading in futures. Write for full particulars. Best of reierence civen. Sev eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi ness. Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago Board of Trade brokers. unices in roruand. Oregon. and Spokane, Wash, FREE BY 111 Knitting Yarns 2c a -skein ; Ladii-s'Natural tircy fleece Vests 23c; Ladies fioodyear welt Shoes, extra value, $2.49; Ladies' Hteel Rod Gloria Umbrellas, worth tl, at $1.35 till Dec. lfl; Japanese, pure Bilk, Handkerchiefs, with ini tials, 25c; Ladies' black Wool hose, 15c. Mailed free anywhere in the United Stated on receipt of price. I. iiY'S I ItK Fa 111, 312 Wash-in-ton street. Portland. Or. HOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL I HE L RUPPERT'S FACE BLEACH. VME. A. RUPFERT says: "I appreclat th foct that there t re thousands and thousands of the ladies of the United State that would lik to try my World Renowned FACE BLEACH j. but have been kept from doing so on account or the price, which Is ti per bottle, or S bottles taken together $5. In order that all of these may have an opportunity, I will mall free sample bottle, safely packed, plain wrapper, on receipt of 25 cents. FRECKLES, pimples, moth, sallowness, black beads, acne, eczema, oilinesa or roughness, or any discoloration or disease of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial expression,) FACE BLEACH removes absolute ly. It does not cover up, as cosmetics do, but It is a cure. Send for my book "How to be Beautiful," fre on application. Address all communication r call on MMR. A. RUPPIRT, Boom 6, Golden Rule Building, Portland, Of 'Special Terms to Agents. MAILED FREE To any address, our . ... . ... &eiMl Frio Xlas of household cnons, etc. This circular is issued for the benefit of onr country customers whocanuot avail themselves of our Daily Special Sales. Send us your ad dress. You will find both goods and prices right. WILL A F1NCK CO., 818-820 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. TlTJPTFRK sad PILKS cured : no pay until Xj cured: send for book. Drs. Mansfield A PortkrfieLd, 838 Market St., San Francisco. CUIitS WHtitt All I Best Cough Byron. D t.'ma, cia trv arnrxnu. "L??r".T.?:'LJ" W. P. N. TJ. No. 679 -& F. N. TJ. Nol TEft- Philadelphia, mm eooiL Vm I I