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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1896)
I I u 2. CORVALLIS, OREGON, Dec 11,1896. Corsets. R. & G. Featherbone, Kid Fitting and other standard makes. A hummer for $100, other good values too. Underwear- it.: ..sic rtenita stvle. in wool and UUIUU SJ...W, " J 1 mixed. Linens. For needle work, for centerpieces and doilies, embridery ' with. Sofa Pillows, Covered and uncovered and stuff to cov rthem too. silk to work them LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Practice on Mikado continues. J Fred Yates is ntienlingt cir cuit court tins week iu Uosebiir-r. 0. C. HogiM?'- was U-cel conn' cilman at Albany last Monday. J. R. Bryson atwl wile left Vel nesclay for a few days visit in I'orl land. t.,.1 ii.tirnnl left for Salem Wednesday, to argue a case before Uie supreme court. ' Only 10 cents to see a fine loot ball game tomorrow, and a chance to be.idiilantliropio. The editor of the Times has a new encyclopaedic dictionary. We await the onslaught. Miss Lillian Hamilton return ed Wednesday from an extend ed visit in Portlaud. The A. O. U. W. bashad over 40 applications for membership to consider in the last two weeks. rali Store is next to the .fniH- so don't forget the Eiace. when looking for Xmas ffoods and bargains. Dick Graham young Dick is in - Corvallis. He leaves shortly for Palo Alto, where he will fit himself to enter Stanford. -Suoerintendent Denman lias Vrt,w visitins the various ools of - the county, the past month. A B. Brookwalter has return ed from a two weeks' stay in ai bany, where his services as ; machinist were in demand. George Kerr is able to be around arain after several days confine ment to the house wnn a bevc.D attack of rhjeumatism. for vour bov. Get jjuj a v - You, of .. course, need some holiday printing, me uazetiis office does artistic work, as you know if you have ever patro Tiiwil it. Send vour order in as early as possible, for there will be a heavy demand tor uie work tins month. Maud Hoffman is playing with Ada Rehau at Daly's ineaire, New York. The play this wees 'Loudon Assurance." Uie Christmas number of Peterson s Magazine, has a complimentary sketch of her stage career ana also a picture of the suceessnu young actress. Fjotbal! is a -violent exercise. The players einerit troin tuc game somewhat disfigured bill numiij. and such hunger! It is hiiilt-.l that ti -proceeds of tomorrow s game will le devoted loth" oiis Tvimr f the ' ol a vers' vigorous "ap petites. The game promises. I o be exciting and worth seeing. Corvallis will be well supplied with band music this winter. We have now the H. & L. band, the Ladies' baud and tne U. a. C. baud. A Boys' band has re cently organized' arid; under; the instruction of Loreu C. Mason, r irtii-imr rcfiilarlv. , It bids rlr tn hepome a first-class band. The ares of the boys range iroiu 12 to 16. An Avenins with Burns, Baptist nnrwallis. Dec. 21st, at lU IU VM W , j . . ' - I . M. J. .1 7-an A lecture, liiusinucu ASOTHER SUICIDE. m.ia la Tu Opportunity. ' - 1 t,ti muih or stamps, Arthur Wallace unas ms m,Vcream Balm) suffiewnt oep. by Blowing Out His Brains .trate the great jn With a bllOtgun. 66 Warren St, He York City. n ti, !l Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont, " 'tended lay's Cream Balm to me. I .ITemT his statement, "Uis jo T "L t. if tad as directed. rVinmh. Helena, none.-.. - Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowlecgea - vT?t. a .f.Uii no mercury cure lor eaiarru """"V - nor any injurious curug. Price, 60 cents. - For the third time within the past year, Oorvailis has been shocked by the tragic death of one of her c tizens. In each instance a firearm did the awful .work, and ;.. oonh instance death rssulted al- .t instantaneollslv. The latest n..rence ol I'.is kind took place c.u tii.riit nliout 12 o'clock and .1... .rHi t. sutler the penalty 1 1.:.. H..liiiacc was Arthur Wal- lor mis - . 0 lace, a bachelor, wno - ,w sl 8COre of 18 to 0, . - t ..!.. in aim aruiiuu t ... ,.UU li.r several years past Wallace canieMo Oregon from one ...1 1 i.ii-i v.i liifw vbhis SOlllll stints j " .ud resid-d in Benton county Althousli Sl veil ai 1 1... .-..I imes to excessive unnKiiiS, ira - and lMre a goou re.pi 1 :mriK. which he etl " ' i...t ihrotivh foreclosure proceed injis. Siin-e losing the farm he ....... il.r..!iinel to Kill "e UllCII 1 1 f il, l..rei: OStire and men enu "" ; ... 1 his own Hie, but oilier wise 1 e ... , and Ills linens r were generally reganieu .1 i.l I il ------- ar w J . due largely to ih m ... - Jimther player and - . taken ot ins cir rui'i.closiii!' the the t-vef II i by A Class Came. Saturday afternoon the sopho- vmva p asa Hiuiuaii v. tuvsit, . . , j. 1 a n iiplealea me reui" A. a frame WAS IOO evmcui . ,;lo,i t. ha hnr nv jnieresuiiK. . - 1 here were some entertaining . . ...nil frOGll louiures. rsruce uuk"i " ide a long run lll.lll ..j'.-. T ... , . :,1 ..,;il, the ha and Had a Clear ne. ... : i il- hoil nr.r mute 1.. ihui . Hill eTiucmi.i ..w- -1-- e ' . .. .... ...vprvil IroHl ms i nu..-. .liutier. for his Dream gave uuv. ....... 7 ... , - lost the only chance his team L.r. ti touchdown. Ill l..n...c. -- . , masterly inactivity 01 j-rarf ... Ireshman lu-IDacK, was es,.u..v Po man couio wiuu.i and call loot lie 5 11 11 II GENTS AND BOYS 1 ;-J . -1 1 - 11 fTO .v L c r C t t m Who Inspect My Line ol CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS had The adinii.'-b!e. his solitary nosings bail a brutal or-n nasiy gam.. larcr- i-olored crayon drawings, will Ua. Slivered on the life ot Bums, of O. A. C. Re- "Tarn O'Shanter," Judge John Burnett, together with nllior re-.ilatlOllS. SOllKS ailQ milsH .;n nilnrd a nieasant and prolita ble enlertainmeut. Admission 10 cents." "A A fair-sized crowd wuncu the production of A ummer Drummer" by Bert Van Cleve ana an Albany amaiuer company at the opera house last Friday night. Air. van wcv, considering his blindness, man aged his stage work with ease. nuc .! of the olavers were fair. Wavman Mason sane a spirited solo during an intermission mat was well received A movement is again on foot for tua oetnhlishineul ot a creamery a. 11 v vuiiiw- a. 1 .1 nn,rl i and those inieresieu :.. the matter assert that the pres iit nroiect will not be a failure. The promoters or -the- enterprise intend beginning operations with .v cii nil I ol 300. Of this. .Wn, iJeo.laylor, who for years has been engaged in . dairy- ing about Uorvains, agicea.t.r . , 't$2 OOO; and il s understood ma' between 2,w" anu ?s,ow ' already been subscribed. Mask balls have of late years fallen into disrepute. The aim of i, tt .tr t; hovs is to make tlteir the. old time affairs -that UaiL a - liquor. advantage was Mimfet:lllCeS ill ... 1 mortgage on his 1 arm anu since losing it, was more or leas uespoii dent, and olten railecl against late as being to blame for all his mis fortunes. ' n.,rii.!r the oust lew months he had been out of employment por tions ol the time and during these periods, became very despondent ..,i irn..entlv suoke of ending nuu -mt . 4. lis life. In fact he hatl so repe..- edly threatened his lile, that little notice was lasen 01 . ; Friday evening . hat lil will lurnish . ;iiv.r the coroner in uie ;, j . I he own SAY 11 " THE BOTTOM HAS DROPPED OUT OF OUR PRICES sit. lit lit iy iy i CIVK3 TUli CHOICK OT TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL VIA This Titne Sure CALL AND SEE J. H y & w y it GREAT NORTHERH Bt SP0S&NS MDiNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL . VIA CHICK - DSXVEIl 02A3A ASD 2ANSA3C1TT HARRIS ing " He soenl the evening -at ,'vi.- iJosnrt." in a friendly game of cards, arid if any thing seemed Kotior sinr ts than usuai. IS- A h keDt his suit clean From th- very beginning ihiiiss their way. Tl ey. re ...ore experienced players and went through ihe e -l .. Ilia Pink Ireshman ime or about as they pleased ; lhe .only w that thev didn't make Mil V . . - il.airil til more touchdowns .' Don Holgate was captain ot the sophomores. , .-' . . , After the- game me nwuiq vanquished dined together t Hodes & HallV Another Game v.tiii t:ilk did not end with A- Ul va . - T a I last Saturday's game. It rather stirred up discussion and odious mmnarisOHS. Hie , COinp-ra. . c wwx in going home, he returned to the sa- loon, between 11 anu a and gave his watch to Jesse Wiley, requesting Jnm to mm . his (Wallace s; uruiui --" Mr Anderson, who lives in. Umi Wallace's strange ac Imiiied uo the merits of the newer and the older olavers have been vigorously- de- bated, and ttie resun tfw.i ma ",.iiiv. .. TOE -.. ,v.. A team made up ol seniors pm niors will contend against aftTV . .. 1 a good gift lor your giri. , - o . sn R11Mesfui ad so enjoy- lar, pent at Con tier arav-. able They will conduct their buy presents lor the whole family. 3 , lhat its Mng a t-ti rf Tnsner Wll ..ui: ; f.. ill not make it Roseburg Wednes- .hejegaa social gathering.; xoung i n noor th county, are ueuuic, an - a 1 - BKtcrnav . uilci- 1 i.ininimnr m niienu nin ana . buuw j- -v ---- .., t,,A , i. L. Af fauiW Hrpss. can be ex The handsome -neir'churcn oi hh C u. , fali.idiat- concrecatiou is as- UAVHiw. - w . - , I , IS noon. the county, alarmed at Mr Wilev ...i.VvvMti-.hman. Geo. Emerick, ....1 o.kl him to occasionally call til II i-a ------ - . . ... Woiiaoo1,! room during the nigiu mid see that he was all right. This ; .1 ..Knur. 1-2 o'clock, and as d., .tilkfd down the street to Hotel, where Witru lire - vu.-iij,.. roomed, they heard 11 - - 1-1... ,u,ise that sounded very niucii hk i. .u..ort of a -run and suspected M" " . ..1 il,ar that their tears were hoi, ai""" groundless. Hastening w uie -fel, they awoke the Williams boy who was asleep in the -office, and dispatched him upstair to ascertain whether or not vv anauc wi ... . room. A moment later uie ooy hack, nearly scared UillUC iuiiiii'b ... t . out of his wits and told them what thev already realized-'-iuai. it i.."o. dend. lie had gone icii " - . . a his room, seated himseii " o.wl with a s hot tuiMiao ueiiuvi- ately blown out his brains Saturday mori ing imtinrA . r .ImmAmi eleven compose' uiv-wh'""'" nd freshmen, tomorrow aiiernoon Season of Gifts Is Approaching. : SENSIBLE PEOPLE BUY - SENSIBLE PRESENTS. ' What would better please the man or boy, or be than a Present like one 01 iuc. EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Oomoany EXPRESS TRAINS BUS DAILY. ,OW RATEli TO ALL ' E ASTERS CITIES - CCAtl STEAMERS a.EAVE rVEItY 5 DAYS . - .for .. : - SAH FRANCISCO For lull detailr, rail cn or llitS . , W. H, HURLCUT Otn'I Paw. AKeul. Pnf .Inlrf. On COO. OREGON CENTRAL AND EASTERN O. CO. 4:5P. M.-f Leave 1S:10 A. M. I Le 11:4S A. M I Arrive Portland Arrive f:1 JJ Albany Arrive 4: A. M. 8. Frn Leve i :00 l'. M. Above trains utop t East Portland, Ore. rbn City. Woodburn, Salem, Tur. Ma rion, Jifferscn. Albany. Tangent Slddis, HaUcy, Harrisburjr, Junction City, l!-"""' Creswell, Cottage Grovo, Tra,n., and all ttations from Boseburjr to Ashland, inctutlye. Roseburg Mail Daily. Yaquina Bay Route A. M. Leave MM P. M. I Uaya &r. M. 1 Amve Portland Albanr Boaebanc Arrive 4:40 P. M Arrive 1 12-J6 P. M Lave I SX A. M Among the former players wilt be M-Allister. Bodine, Terrell, the two Stimpsons, Crawford, Harrison, Small and Nichols. ?cimiu h. i. Minwr- tfiiin are -aner.- n..rMt Holffftte. Gault, McBHde, Obunu Thurston, Scroggins Cum- Vniliprs. Karl aim loung. rt.a rnrmpr freshman full back has not been reti med. It prom of alertness ver sus strength. Game will be called at. 2 o'clock. An aumissf ill lie charged. Vf."J ..... . . .1 .v. Tlie line no will looK someinms like this ;- of more real - utility " X Set of Hattdkerclufil?, ,A Tasty Muffler. 'Comfortable Slippers, A Stylish Overcoat, Ait Outfit of Collars, Handsome CraVats, Serviceable Umbrellas. S: ,Qr; countless other sensible things. Pullman Buffet Sleepers: AND SEC0SD CLA8S SLEEPING CABS, - Attached to all through trains, i Salem Paenger Daily. I l:l& V. K. Leave Arrive Portland Salem Arrive Leave 10:15 A. M i 80 A. M, BCIWKEK TtSW WvW(a. ' PORTLAND AND COBVALUS. KiUSnis. a&7Zxeft80Bbr. tSi A. M. Leave Ii:15 p. M. Arrive Portland CervalKs Arrive - Leave 6:20 P. M lOi P. M. ConneoUng at Yaquina Bay ltn tha San Francisco & Yaquina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. II Steamship "FaralloR mW from .HulVarf 'JA rt.cot C o. Pay. r. n 3;,, Hurobo t na. ravB' 'rrc .nrp..aed. bl.orte.ti rout, betwaaa U. Wl UrnMla Talley and alifornw. rai From Cabin... Aiuwr rita tTae to ..$ 4tueice a. ii Tovo. Bay acl rrt 0.i-d-Jtlm... T Bomholdt Bar-Cab-n - Good Goods at Acting Cor- :..n.'vAfiiiit.ARhane. The siding nr w T Rnv is visiting her OUllilalg a. . I AJA1 O. '-"" - . io wi t.h roof is 8binsled, ana tne Mrs. Thos. Bell, in thisciiy r.,0 of the tower is up. mp(J Rav did not 20 to California Klll w - 1 a,J.a u. w . .. " r moot onn. hpr son. Don. but remained S, fi"Sre S"ne place flxed Ibe l Salinas, Cal., after the holidays, Se&V attotV l.ould 0i,d jom Mr BfJ ad Don, who ,,. Ml $75,000. - 'eJtekLre"bo ex- The Coffee Club's party on ts to return to Corvallis during the evening of the 23d will be commencernent week and next an enjoyable affair. All are in- wm enter Stanford, where he vited. There will be both mu- wU1 fit hiraself for the profession TIip Rav bovs have hosts , t, otndin of friends in Corvallis who will be tlJ TpokandXw School, but pleased tc .learn that they are pros- Sill nrobably eo to California in penng and happy. win yivu j b ..Tce ; nUn. ovnrpasinn "sins and dance' januarynu! ainMthe time of An interesting firniPK' institute Turner, Wednesday and yester day. Prof. French and Pres. Miller had papers. Tidies wishing to buy appro priate . presents UMtUiunj w - . oner Carlile held an inquest, and -fil,Q oTammallOU Ol seveicii witnesses, the jury returned the folio winj; verdict: , v ihfl iurv in the about named coroners inque'st, hereby render our verdict herein. We una ins dui was Arthur Wallace, tie nas oee.. a resident of Corvallis for some Ma to his death years yaai. - - . in Corvallis, Oregon, on December McAllister v Bodine, capt. Tharp Ed Stimpson Geo; Nichols Weaver c: Small : Crawford A. Stimpson Harrison Terrell Low Prices, that are ..found at the Leading Clothier. . L. MlLLiER: At Albany and Corvalli. connect vritb tralm ef the XijtMitrila.:Sii8as4s. ' 46. Jt llaye Arnve Pertland Arrive MeMinnville Leave 835 A. II. 60 A. M. KIVBK UlVttlON. Steamor "Albany" botwwn PrMand and CoSsthnmgh ith.t lar-ovor. Leave. Corvalli 6:00 a. re. Tuwrtay.. Thujrtay. Dock, 0:00 a. m. Mondajv, Wednesaay ana Fridav.. Edwin 6tojhc - j. c. juao, 31anaiter. Suj.t. Biver Dm y. llrta uceu , t ui Adam to sianify'the exhibition ot and - profitable A feelTife. Knowing this, the was iicm j tr' i ...j rAAar lads, liave ar- 1IHI IV (I1IVA 1 g rg 1 1 r t 1 . r e ' q 1 h rh fb- s,,1k Seniors. Golden, Jinoi-t, M..Knitfht. Veach, Uuflord, Spaii- jrler. Smith and Plummer; mn. binders. Cummins, Scroggins, Buxton and Elgin;. vn VET ANOTBBK. .ifnre Christmas, there will be played ... .t,.rv a C field a blood-curdling 7 Cart KuKl Feather -Walters .Thurston Osborne McBricKr ? Burnett Holgate, capt Hague Owen? ,1 ate ljgigrJS'"'!'g & CO. ; W earrr tfcc finejt lineof Cloth Covered and Fine Lined Caskets on the market. AUo Coffin and Burial Kobe. Our prices re too low to speak of. would just say we can p THROUGH TICKETS To alt poinU to the Eastern Stal. Canada and Krope can oe ' '".V" " front A. It. ftlliner, ageui, w E P BOOEBS, Asrt. 6. K. P Agent K KOKULER Maoaifer, Portland, preyon. fresh- Youir! S3 cihi ptau. yw tn Stylo, Qualily ,.d I Otir Furniture Department g. V-UA.-.:-: .. iais. etc. na.nets. wall paper, boute-nn..., v. - "THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, PrOO- r TT ATXa-a VPF and Old Crow Whis- m. x. m Vysy Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BENTOK COUNTY, Abstract any Complete Set of Abatxacta of Benton Cottnty. V, Perfecting rinnvevancina and Titles a Specialty. Money to toan Improved City and Country Property. V. E. WAITERS. Prop. Office at CottrttiettJW, Corvallis, Or. - I i IS IUII cunuiw - - - " " i- 1897. ill Corvallis, wreon, u,, - foot-ball. Desperate ana sens 5th, 1896, at about twelve o ciock y expected for tbe con IT ..mnriAT UJnilllll. I hv reason oi a guuow " -y. . - . t with ins flictea dv ms own ..., ---own shotgun, Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, December 5Stn, ioo. 1896. J. Masok, S. W. Veseyabd, for husbands, brothers or sweethearts will find some excellent suggestions reading the ad of Nolan & Cal lahan. The new church of the Evangel ical association, being erected in the northern part of town about half completed. It will-be com modiousand promises to present a neat appearance. Hnhlers of county warrants are in .iiAaWl to have them "split, that Nov. 27f l8g6 Ts reissued in warrants for .mjllef amounts. One warrant for $190 a ... ri last, month in was uius reissuw. the form of fourteen warrants. , A reception was tendered J. T-rfd Yates and wife last Friday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. About couDles were pres inirtj .. wa8 t smd a aeiisiuiu. ..rraA fnr an evening Ot Singing a in..,'.,fr illiristmas night UIIU uouuuji w- Ra1wpii 8 and 9 o'clock, there wil iw, iuen n neat and enjoyable en tertainment of music and comedy At 9, Ihe grand march ol merry maskers takes place, and at 10 will come the unmasking, after wnlch those not appearing in cos tume can join in the dancing., .the m.isir.. wh it: h will De lurnisiieu uj the sulendid H. & L- band, prom ises to be ol unusual merit S. N. Lilly, J. H. Albbight, J. C. Wbll, John Abmstbosg For some unaccountable reason the burial took place alter dark Saturday night. During the day a brother of the deceased arrived from Albany and took charge ol the remains, but made no arr -oi.Tompnts for lunerai services, iu..B. . ... I ll.n,.rU hilt elffllieeil IHJUIO clllU l H"0" " Y - . . had elapsed after the lata snuv was fired, the body was lant.. . .i. caa VaWnwa ftemeterv aim nit; vuu . r . - ' testants will doubtless improre their op- i i o,r Wnini ud" on one au- nuriuuui iv. - o . . , ntt.r Members Ot ine vt; a.. .. -7 :n 4:..o. .olnct eleven "erave anu Win amvi s - A ..-t seniors." Among tne lacpwy ;n he found Lieut Dentler and Professors Hedrick, Fulton, Kent, Trine, T?tnett and Edwards and Foremen o:i, oiarlce. Particulars will fqj- QUilVU auu v low later. Ghristmas ' : - I HOLIDAY OFFERINGS is Ooming:. Letter List. Following is tnelist of letters reniain- the Corvallis postomce, unciai. VI T in e BUOV. K.OOI . Miss Josie Belmour, Miss Angie Combs, w Adelia Conlee. Mrs Francis Elmer, Edwin Fuller, Edwin Jones, Mrs S Ken- h.t;co -pmnia Mever. v.. C S Simm.ns; W R Thomas, Miss Addie Whitney. Robt. Johnson - - t 2 ' 1 . Kr!0rl The corose wasjioi wasu ed nor redressed. It was simply nailed up in a plain box and shoved into the ground. Had the latiwa not taken charge ot lue I - a the cit zens ot uorvains ' - -11 !. ..lrl have seen mat. au - " . -.. - , j .ik... .o mr.rla nt lMJOr Ola l.rii WOO. " i . . . i,ovo roneived a burial be nuuiu mm . ... 1 fittins a member ol a- civinzeu and Christian community.. , P. M. " of the Nationa." The ereat "Fair of the Nations' at the opera house Tuesday evening, uec. 15. loKleaus. SDlenUlU ' a 1 . . . . - r ...... a ureit vanety ot exceiiem m t-- r, oriiclea and Japanese goods appro priate for Christmas presenU will be for Li t reasonable wees. Refreshments will be served. Admission to the "Fair" only 10 cents. . u w.ini Wir; ttenower is-pronounced the best preparation made lwrhicltBK tho growth of theliair ana reswring u - is gray to its original color. n T Bales and son, of Sherman coun ty, but formerly of this city, are visiting old friends in this vicinuy. ; Books Our Book Depirtment offers the greatest of opportunities for Phas iU the works Famous Authors at of the lowestprfceseverheardof Hdreds of the volumes, beautifully bound m cloth, are rapidly goitg at only 35 cents. : They are worth a dollar. We have other books more expensively bound for 50 cents, and others still, for and $1.25. The latter make the best ol presents. We surpass all previous offerings of desirable articles for holiday presents. : All the available space of our store is crowd ed with loads of -Jtitf What it W anted for Everybody, and you have no ideahow moderate the prices are. For the Children Do You Read? a-fc i . Stationery M. Bnent until a late hour. - cnrx Vnmmittee of the nC "r.rt" McKinlev Club .- t(nnv. and paid on h is a small surplus ..a. : Ae treasury. The ex . ' 1" the club were between and $500 and its funds were raised Dy iocai vr;.tnriiiV receDtion of ..,1 wates at the Opera House Tuesday evening, December 15th. TI Wattntlilll found that Ayer's Fill., taken whqn the first . . .... - - . . nMironl Till" . . nw . imnrw .nucur. 1 1 1 ". .X . nf eho disease and he hns yet iner - ... ... to find the first case wnere ,,...-.- - cure the malady. Every dose was effective. . r Aicea. srient a few I. V. I'UllIlPI'i'l . days in Corvallis this week. .un UPWARDS of Marengo, III., wu'.. &. with Couehs. Cold and La Txative Bromo Quinine, will u..FFw J. .,!. mire vou in one day. ies r.01. I"" " : ... . 1 r. ringing in the bead likeisuipnaieoi vu. Put up in tablets convenient ior h;....b r anteed to cum, or money , refunded.. Price go cciits. .. .1 ; Jesse George, the restaurant tnn. left yesterday for Salem, to remaia"perma- - . ' :tt V. rn- nently. His business nerc - ducted hereafter by a Mr. voiwei, i egon City. t ' '' '-"-." ' f, t-..it1 Kr-wno Ouinino Tablets do not affect the head or produce" nervousness like Messrs. urunnui vA ,inilirnkt..d. u Doison. Digested life and strength. Millioni of us suffer from indigestion, but we often don't know it. m.. ikinir itu anmothine else. Even doc tor often mistake the symptoms. Pale, thin people, who are overworkeo, woo want of proper food, should take Shaker Jjigcsuvo - U astonishing what food win o,w. f-k- erlv digested. wm - . Oumine ... 1 ram V nliim I feUV . aa .a fresh you, susum you, inK rthnm Rro authorized to reiuna ine money in every, case where wiis w mi. rniiAt-tncr in reading world, me """ partial list of those kept on hand, or for which we take subscriptions at pub Hshers prices: McClures's, Century, ribne?s, Wppincott Are- Metro politan, Munsey's, Frank Leslies, Trgosv Outing, Ladies' Home Journal, SSS's, Review of Reviews, Cosmo 2n,Black' Cat. Penny Mag-me Young Ladies' Journal and all of the leading Fashion Magazines. We offer what is generally admitted to be the most comPle? line of Sta tionery ever breught t' j Corvallis. It embraces choice lines f V,! Cream, White and alt ,he Fashionable Delicate Tints, in all the Correct sizes gom UoTBooks forschool children RTTVTNG IS Christmas Cards A bappy hit is the portrayal ot Ore gon Scenery which makes an especially appropiate gift to distant friends, We have an extensive assortment of them, and prices range from 5 cents to 75 cents. Our stock of Calendars, Book let and Cards has been especially select ed to meet the wants of School Teach ers and Sunday School Teachers, both both in price and design. We have several hundred highly, colored Books especially gotten up for the little ones that are selling rapidly. The low prices we ask for them is what -makes them go. We also have a sup ply of Games. Some of them are new and unique and .are sure .to become popular with the boys and girls. Yoit will not hesitate to buy on account of prices. The goods never before sold so cheaply in Corvallis. Celluloid Goods 1 ; Jewelry Cases, Handkerchief Caseay Tie Cases, Glove Cases, made of Cel, luloid and hand painted make tasty TH-esent and we have a good assortment r to select from. Purses An immense stock of Purses, Pocket Books and Diaries for 1897, have been received and are selling at price that are surelo suit. BUYING. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. nn'e of the finest Christmas presents that can be is a pair of thoe finb shoes to be had oni.y at The Cash atore. Don't forget the "Fair of the Nations" at the opera house Tuesday eyemu8, Dec. 15- - OABTOBIA. . ....! V.rain fibre, power yourCOlor.niaKc '"T Z" V.ilthv to throw on disease anu "H j-- - and happy. Indigestion does jus. gith, but indigestion can be cured and. pre vented with Shaker Digestive CatiM. Lvdruists. Trial bottle 10 cents. i Get your Christmas presents at the "Fair of the Nations" Tuesday evcu.-s, Dec. 15. . (..rxaina iii town for dolls lac ura. vt1 1 -a i-ictmaQ .roods. The Cash Store. Examine onr"line of dolls. The. Cash Store. : '. '' : n.,i fTnld. or La Grippe. Pnoe 2a cents. VVUfi'K, . - t Albums and glove7 cases fol almos nothing at The Cash Store. CASTORIA Por Infants and.Cluiaren. ' SHREWD G. A. GERHARD, Stationer and Occidental Building. 1 -1 rT-wgC"TM,,'iiTr Thifce-atgnattn man. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW .." , CORVALUS, OREGON. - ... - .iii r.ctice in a the courts. Also nt for all the atst-class insurance companiesS W. E- YATES, J. FRED YATES. YATES & YATES. CORAtirS, "OREGON, JOSEPH H. WILSON ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICB OVER FIRST KATlONAt CORVALt-US, OREGON. Bank, cile in all'thesUte and federal coxrts .. r w.i.nt nnbllC. Abstracting, coiieciiuu. HOLOAT? HOLGATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVALUS, -OREGON, 13 DOLLARS iirTAT CSO.U THt TA1I.OI SUIT3 v o