The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 04, 1896, Image 1

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From All Parts of.lW Kc
World and the bid. " ' "
KO. 38.
Mfnhenilrt BeTle'jr of the fmpoat
at Happenings the; Put Week
Culled From the Telegraph Column.
Four persons were killed at Nanterre,
France, bv a boiler explosion, tn a oar
bon factory.
Uprising In Uruguay .
A Baenoa Ayres dispatch states that
the revolution - under way in the Uru
guayan republic is gradually gathering
strength. Its exact proportions are as
yet unknown. s the teiegrapn com
panies have been seised by the govern
ment and nothing is allowed to come
out. It is reported,- however, that
there have been several hot skirmishes
on the frontier between the rebels and
government forces. . Several houses
have been burned, it issaid-, nd sey
ral were killed on eaoh side.
A Nervy Jeweler. ,
Four men entered Jacob Niedlikow's
jewelry store in Milwaukee, Wis., and
attempted to rob the place. Two oov-
The damage il 00. 0004 ered the proprietor with revolvers and
- him r vnATi thft RATA.. HQ JrTaD-
William iSteinway; the well-knows - -
rmno manufacturer, idled in New Yorl P M 7" l. ", Vh.
of typhoid fever. He had been sioi
Jtawaii- Cannot Long Main
. tain Its Government. -
Hopkins Co.
- . Trade.
Bevlew of
ii of i
People In Constant Fear That Some
Unpleasant Change Mar Occur
Condition of Bn.litH Is Good.
for a year. .
Tbirt?en prisme,, escaped! fBom I
jail in.Wyan-iotte. rn. Three hav
been captor, d and the officers are ir
pursuit of the ot 'ers-v.. , '
Rev. P. M. Hill, fprmprly a misslofe
ary t.i Chiua. was stricken with paraly
sis while delivering '. sermon at hit
church in BentonvUlerk. He oannot
recover. ' - -v?
George W. Hjjls well-knows
printer and stationer.rCf Portland, Or.
shot and killed himself.. He was of -'
despondent natare, and about fivryean
ago attempted s'uioidejby taking mor
' pbine. .''::.: : "
Farmers in the vicinity of Tacoms
have lost many thousands of "busbeli
of potatotes because of the oold On
farmer had 6.000 bushels stored in -hit
barn, and nearly the wohle lot was de
stioyed. The prisoners in Bedford, Ind., made
a despeiate effoitto eoape by setting
fire to the jail. But for the timely
discovery of the fire "by the sheriff, some
of them would have, escaped, and others
would have been cremated.
Fifteen-year-old Emma Taylor, an
orphan, has been held as an important
witness against four me "who 'on
Thanksgiving night attempted, to rob
a car full of passengers in Kansas City;
The young girl says that she made
the masks for therobbers and knew
their clans. It is Relieved by the po
lice that the girl was seized by the gang
and made to do their bidding.
Advices received at Tampa, - Fbj.,
from Havana are that Weyler will soon
issue another tobacco order prohibiting
the exportation of "remedios tobacco
from the islands of Uuba. J. nis was
not included in his other order, and
errant deal has been exported. ---Havana
manufacturers have 'petitioned1 Weyler
to close the Cuban porta to this to
baooo, a J Northern and Eastern manu
faoturers were bnying-ll of it for ex
portation to this country.
A dynamite explosion occurred at
Kouskie by which several persona were
The latest reports from. Russia are to
the effect that the winter crop tnrougn
out the south, excepting in the Cau
casus, is in a fairly favorablecondiiton.
A Singapore dispatch to the London
Times says the Spaniards nave Deen ae
footed bv the insurgents in the Philip
nine islands, with "the loss of 800 of
their men. ,
The strike in the gas Vorks, In Bor
deaux. whicn necessitated the calling
In of the soldiers to assist in the works
ura the from being left in dar
ness, has ended in a compromise, .j
At Webster's sawmill, on BeeP
Creek, in Washington, Engineer B. F.
Elmore was oaughtby a shaft and in
stantly killed. The body was fright
fully mangled, j -
The first serious frontier incident in
a long time occurred -nea Munster,
when a German forest guard shot an
alleged French poacher,. ;inflicting a
flesh wound. The Frtnch government
will inquire into the case.
While the employes of the Ihiels
enamel factory, of Hamburg, Germany,
were going to work a body of strikers
' attacked them and a free fight followed.
Shots were fired, several persons seri
ously wounded and many arrests made.
A Paris dispatoh says the trial of
Basin's patent roller boat, which it is
alleged would shorten tne Atlantic pas
sage to ninety-six hours, .is
occur in the middle of December across
the English channel from Havre, in the
presence of distinguished naval author-
ities and possibly oi rresraeni ru
whe is interested in the experiment
A disastrous pt8irierJw1?irte-
the Seminole country, Oklahoma, six
an neraons. it is reported., were
hnrned to death By the raging .flames.
A Catholic mission was saved "by the
hernia work of Sisters Freda and Kirk;
The two sisters fought the flames for
two hours with blankets, and saved the
lives of twenty Indian pttpilr. ;The
fire was started by outlaw vjho;?were
fleeing from a posse of deputy marshals.
Most of the people burned were half
breed Indians. - . '
The susar planters of the Island of
TanritnH have decided . (to'-join Tffith
those of the British East Indies in rep'
reaentations to the government of Great,
Britain regarding the sugar bounties
noii h fnreiffn countries, with the
view of brineingg about some Counter
acting influence to enable.plahters there
to compete more lairiywitn-tneir iot
eign rivals. Delegates have been ap
pointed to present the grievances in
the proper quarter.
nna nf the boldest robberies ever
nmBtrated occurred in Alaineda, Cal
Two unknown men called.-Charlie
Tierrv from his house and relieved him
of 45 in gH. Berry went home late
and was followed by the robbers, but
ma nnt fcnow it at the time. He was
called to the door by repeated " knock-
inM. and upon opening it he Was
tabbed by the men. His mouth was
closed by one and the entire pocket cut
by the other form his- pants,, in waicn
he carried the money. -.The men then
made their escape in the darkness. K
Vinerov Li Hunts fcStaBg: ii-:.a"gaioin
di'serace. He entered , the imperial
ort and hunting eround without
unctinn. The punishment for the ia to be deprived' 6f , all his
ranks and decorations, but the emperor
merelv deprived him of year's salary
amnnntinir to 26.000 tsels: The count,
tt is believed, will ask to he allowed to
mtira n hi a native province on the
plea of ill-health, as he has been dis
- appointed in obtaining a position of l
fluence in tne reumg jjUYcmiu.
flhrmld the efforts of the empress dow
Mf - In his behalf succeed, he will
tav -
peoome yictroy of Chihli.
him, shooting him in tne nana, xne
jewler's wife entered and saveral sh tt
were fired at ber and her xihild. Tue
robbers were then frightened off, and
being pursued .were captured.
- -Woman JFiree- Upon Burglars.
; 3 LOiana oreeg, : virgiuia. mio.
i' 'Elizabeth Bulober, who is reputed to
! have mgney at her home, heard bur
i trlarn .working at a back door." She
stole out with a Winchester, saw three
'' men at the . door and fired three shota
I at' them.. The burglars fled. They
i. were tracked more than three miles by
blood stains.
. . Eleven Thousand Ken On..
The American Company's lighters
and ship cleaners In Hamburg, uer-
many have joined the big strike tnere,
and eleven thousand men are now out.
Rebellion In Madagascar.
Dispatches from . Antananarivo say
rebellion in Madagascar, ia rampant,
and in the vicinity of the capital traae
is paralyzed.
Disastrous Fire in Portland.
The extensive plant of the Inman,
Poulsen Lumber Company, oi fort
land, Or., was almost completely de
straved bv fire Thanksgiving evening.
The fire,was rdwooverea py tne nign
watchman, and-ln an iiioredible spaoe
of time the entire plant was a seething
cauldron-of flames. The loss sustained
is about' $85,000, covered by insurance
in numerous companies to the extent
of about $40,000. The most distressing
wwnlt of the fire is that 160 men are
thrown out of employment, temporarily
at a season of the year when they can
ill afford to be idle. The firemen on
duty did good service, but oonld not do
muob exoept to prevent .the spreaa oi
the flame&' i-' Just how- the fire originat
ed is diffioult to determine, but it is
supposed, to.- have been, caused by spon-
ininiii nnmbnation. . Jar. KODers u.
Inman. of the copmany, says that al
though sustaining a heavy loss he is not
at all disheartened and will rebuild as
soon as possible. It was fortunathat
a strong east wind was mowing as
rflTrTi?d iila flames ont over the .iver
and the lumber piled up in the yard
Konth of the mill escaped almost aito-
irnt.her. Had the flames reached the
lumber, ths loss. wQhfd have fallen
heavily upon the mill more
than 176.000 worth of lumber was
stored there. ' '. .
"Washington, Deo. 2. John W. Fos
ter, former seoretary of state, has re
turned to Washington from a four
weeks' visit to' Hawaii, whither he
went as the representative of the Pacific
Cable Company. In speaking ol nis
visit, Mr. Foster said:
The oon iitii n of business m Ha
waii li nourishing, ine lsiauaa aro
prosperous, and tneir zutpre is Diignt.
I'he Paciao Mail has receutly aouniea
its service. seuRing a steaoaer mere
twice a month instead of once, as for
uierly, and a new line ia soon expeoted
to be established by tne Japanese,
whioh will touch at the islands on the
wav to San Franaisoo. "
The people of Hawaii wisn to oe
annexed to the United State?, ine
present government has the approval ol
a majority of native Hawaiians, and
there is no likelihood that there ever
will be a restoration of the monarchy 4
The English and . German element,
however, are opposed to annexation to
the United States, because tneyoeiieve
it will interfere with their contract la
bor and so affect them commercially.-
The present government in its ad-
minis tra' ion is giving satisfaction; yet
this government ia only temporary, ana
the people want to be annexed to the
United States. The members of the
government are pledged to it, and the
present constitution of the repphlio exi
presses tnis expectation, do h ls.tao
general belief that the matter should
be deoided at an early date, it possioie.
He said it was not apparent that
Hawaii oonld maintain herself as an
independent government in case the
United , States should refuse to annex
the islands. Although her people are
law-abiding and the present govern
ment gets along smoothly and success
fully, there is a continual rear, says
Mr. Foster, that some change may oc
cur. BO tar as tne nawatiana ar wu.
oerned, independently of outside influ
ences, they are capabble of self-government
In Mr. Foster's opinion, how
ever, annexation is the only -way out-of
the situation in wbiob Hawaii is praoea,
Portland, Or., . Deo. 8. Wheat
prioes last week reaohed the highest
point thus far on the orop, and the
close was near the top.. Compared
with its value at the close of the third
week in November, it was at the olose
nf the fourth week's business 4 6-8o
higher for December and 4o higher
tor the May delivery. lower
prioes during the third week were not
the result of any change in the indica
tions whioh previously existed of pros
pective scarcity in the future, Dut were
entirely due to the necessities of certain
features of the speculative traae wnicn
make the approach of an important de
livery of the s'-ocka in store on specula
tive purchases a terror to impecunious
buyers. No matter how unchanged
may be the opinion of a buyer of wheat
for December delivery in the substan
tial wisdom of his purohase, if he has
not the needful cash to pay for the
goods when the grain is on the point
of being tendered to him he has to sell
at whatever saorifloe. Nothing has oc
curred since a week ago to make it less
probable now than then that the
world's wheat supply is smaller than
its needs. The demand from .Austra
lia for American wheat is as urgent as
before: India continues to be a buyer
instead of a seller of wheat, as in or
dinary seasons, and the ooming orop oi
Argentina gives no better promise of
more than a very middling yield, than
it did before. We remarked in our
letter last week that "It well may be
thV sham declines are in order. N out
we added that "they will only furnish
onnortunities for buying to greater ad-
vantage.. We still hold to this view
nf the oasa and advise nurohases on
every little decline. . ,
Fearful Suffering in the
Northwestern States.
in Snow
Delajredaud Wires Prostrated on
the Prairies -Worst Storm for Tears;
Stl Paul. Deo. 1. Human beings
have been frozen to death, oattle have
been stampeded, bruised and smothered
snow drifts; trains are deiayea,
wires aie down, and the storm record
ia bfbkenby the blizzard that holds-jhg:
jornwes3eJea in-iEB ouu'j si"
How maay lives have been saorifaced
cannot be told until the snow artits
clear away; months h6noe. Men are
missing everywhere in the heart oi tne
storm. Some are known to' be dead,
and many are missing.with the chances
very much against thenvbeing alive. .
From the cattle country in tne west
ern part of North Dakota come reports
of intense suffering of tne iivestocK on
the ranges, but no definite information
can be had, as the wires are down.
Watsnn Ball, a cattleman, says the
losses will be extremely heavy.
South Dakota is suffering, "too. At
Pierre over eight inches oi "snow xeii
during Thursday and Friday? and the
wind maintained a velocity of- twenty
eight miles an hour. -Whes were down
most of the time, and trains and street
oars were tied up. ; The first train to
move west went oat about noon today
with a snowplow. : -! A
Snow oa'the prairie drifted oaaiy.
"and oattle losses are being reported. It
was the worst storm for years, ii '
I Dallas Official's Tonga Experience Wltn.
Thieves. . -
Dallas, Tex., Deo. 2. At midnight,
five pistol shots in rapid succession in
nisorlm'tnates "Against ' Onr
- Glucose. 3
Washington. Deo. 2. Retaliation
ncninst the .-European-r countries that
seek to destroy Amerioan trade ir sag
gested by United States Cohsul-Qep
oral M. Jndd. at Vienna. He says
that the Austrian gluoose producers,
finding their trust powerless to meet
the rates asked by Americans, appealed
to their government, and the fatter has
increased the duty on-imported glucose
from 7J to 8 florins, per 1-00 Alios, to
take effect December 1. This is aimed
dircetlv at America, as the United
States is the only oountry oompeting
for this trade, and it wilt shut us out
from further sale of svrup. Mr. Jndd
savst " i r : cs i , ?
.'It has been this way with other ar
tielea for which Americans ; found
foreisn'market ' If it was not a tariff
measure, some ojbher . dbstaoles have
nrinnlnd their efforts to' maintain the
trade. - Would tiot a threatened retail
atory measure, say against poroeiam
the vioinit? of the courthouse attraoted and glassware, have tteiwa--eHcS
- .... . -ii . .ih ,v ma iTicnnnHn
.1. 1 1,ni Minn W M: . or nugsiuiy UTivulll ww
. : Americans In tondon
The second- Thanksgiving "dinner of
the Amerioan. Society, of London, took
place in the grand hall of the Hotel
Cecil in that city, nenry o. weiouuio,
chairman of the sooiety, presided, in
the asbenoe of the United States am-
hasaadefr'.' who.- with Mra Bava-d. was
commanded to due witn tne queen,
at Windsor castle. -The dinner was on
move elaborate scale than any oi tne
previous gatherings of the sooiety, and
about 800 ladies and entlemen were
present. The hall was splendidly dec
orated. A special feature of the orna
mentation, in addition to the stars and
Btripes.riW.hicbi were everywhere dis
nlaved. was a duantity of Amerioan
corn spedially broogbt oyer for the pur
pose.' Many Amerioan -awnes were on
the menu, and some immense pump
kins had a share in providing the good-
things iot the table. Behind the ohair
ocouoied by Mr. Welloome wasarepre
entation of the statue oi liioerty ana a
lam Amprican eagle, and near the
chairman, on a pedestal, was an enor
mous pumpkin, sent as a present to Mr,
Bavard.- whose absenoe was muon re
gretted. In the middle of th .dinner
there was a surprise for the guests
when each one received a leather-bound
souvenir book containing the portraits
of Mr. Bayard and the Amerioan pre$i
dents, including President-elect Mo
Kinlev. Mr. Bayard' letter of apology
for not attending, and wishing "God-
aneed to the land we all love," was fol
lowed bv a telegram irom mo umwu
States ambassador-at Windsor, castle,
in whioh . he. saids "Your charming
onvenir of the day we celebrate has
init .been reoeived. and the. copy, for
her majesty will the .presented. before
vour dinner is over; - Au wno.-4ove
- . . . . . . - v", a
the. unitea -otaies ana ureas u""""
will ioin in the; mutual oongratulai
Mons over the peaceful -relations of the
Coe, oounty treasurer, was found m nis
offloe with blood" oozing from a wound.
in the back ot tne neaa. tie was in- a
dazed condition and in a very excited
frame of mind. He said he had been
working very late in order to get the
affairs of the office in snape to retire in
favor of his successor. At midnight
two men appeared, and one placed a
gun to bis temple and ordered him to
open the. vault. He did so and all the
valuable papers and contents ' of the
inner .vault were examined by one of
the robbers. After placing a consider
able sum of money in a canvas sack,
the robbers withdrew from the vault
Coe seized his pistol and shot at the
robbers. The latter returned the fire.
hitting the treasurer in the back of the
head, inflioting a bad scalp wound.
The treasurer says the robbers secured
$6,000, and be is confident that he shot
and badly .wounded one oi nis assail
ants. The police force and a large
number of deputies with bloodhounds
are on the trail of the robbers.
ton Flowing In France and
-' Central JCnrope.
T-nndnn. Deo. 3. The Mark Lane
Express today, discussing the orop pros
pects, says:
"Severe frosts in France and Cen
tral Europe have stopped plowing and
sowing, and we anticipate a, somewhat
short wheat acreage in the- entire re
gion between the Vistula and the bay
of Biscay. Winter has set in through-
eat Russia." the sea of Azof was olosetl
to navigation November 34, ana navi
gation of the Baltio is. dangerous, on
the northern and eastern coasts, on
rhich there is already much ice.
Owing to the rainfall in lnida tne
defioiepoy in the wheat aoreage xa re
duced.:'' But- while . famine no longer
threatens, a scarcity seems bound to be
felt until the spring of 1897,
English l wheat maintains a good
price in London, but the country mar
kets are firm.. The cause of this is
clear!; In the counties last week, 166,
R84 nnarfcers Mot JB.ngllsn wneat were
Fnglish-Bpeaking p&&Up itft' VPrl&4feffeador' sale,' agaUat 69,630 for the
Mr. Bayard's sentiments were greens miame weeg ci jeo,
with loud cheers, and Mr. Welloome.
nf, Ttaard'a. regretted absence. T ""Fisher, Minn;
of possibly preventing the
change from going into-effeot?'
Kesoj ror Berviee.
Philadelphia, Deo. 3. The new ar
mored cruiser Brooklyn, which earned
for its builders a premium of $200,000,
will go into commission tomorrow
morning at League island navy yard.
This is in pursuance of a request of the
government received over a weeK ago,
and as a consequence of which Cramps'
men have been working night and day
to have the big vessel finished in time..
All work beyond a yew finishing
touches was practically "-completed to
night, and at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing, four tugs will tow ner to the navy
vard. where the ouBtomary formalities
will be gone through with.
.. , Due to Bnssian Influence.
T,nndon.Deo 1. The Constantinople
correspondent of the Standard disousse t
the refusal of admission to the Dardan-1
elleey of Greek, Dutch and Amerioan
stationeries, -which Is attributed t-.i
Russian influence.' The Amerioan and
Greek subjects, adds the correspondent,
are annoyed at their governments for
not showing more energy with a view
t5 obtaining the privileges granted to
the great powers.
Many Killed In a Panle.
Bombay, Deo. 1. A fete organized
at Baroda in honor of the visit of th i
Earl of Elgin, viceroy of India, has had
a terrible outcome in the killing of
twenty persons and .tne injuring oi
many others by a great crush of num
bers in a panio wbioh occurred in the
course of the fete. Nothing is known
as to how the panio developed. "
JotarThleVli ts"aId,':',irWd tne'Shbt
ia tne Aenseiger-Boto Wdlna ';
' Kitzville,?Wa;sh. , -Deer T-Thttrsdajr
evenjng, atthe; "weadingoVtUeorge
Acbzeiger 4hid Matildft -'BoJoJL fho
was fired through the side of the house.
from a shotgun ; loaded with . buoKsnoi,
lodging in , the head of Mary Bauer,.
Inquiry develops the fact tnat consiaer
able Vjivaky . existed among the young
men of Adams county for the aaeotions
of the bride. John Thiel Was -a per
sistent suitor for her hand,-and-lo'n&
laid seige to the heart of the' comely
German maiden, but to no avail. ; She
rejected him,' and accepted her present
husband, who is a prosperous- rancher.
The race for the hand of the girl was
made more exoiting by the faot that she
comes into possession of 'considerable
money when , 21 years .void; ; Oh
the night Of ther wedding, a marred
man named Klannakamick, .a laborer,
who' resides in the town, carried, a
double-barreled shotgun to- the "house
whoie Hie wedding k$laceWhe
the guests departed, this rhan, wi,th
others, went into the yard He after
wardflTreturned for wraps whioh he had
fm-ffotten. and says that before doing
so he was asked by jonn xniei, me, re
jected .ani tor, for the shotgun, ae
handed the weapon to Thiel, and a few
minutes later the shot was fired through
the side of the house, passing througn
the shawl of the bride and hitting Miss
Bauer. Miss Bauer may recover, as
the boards in the house broke the force
of the shot. .
Fatal Deed Committed in a Fit of In-
- . : . '' nnitT.
, Seattle, Nov. SO. Mrs. Louis Zim
merman, of Eiver Park, a suburb of
tfcis city,, shot herself in the m6uth at
2 o'olock today during'? temporary fit
of insanity, infloting a wound from
whioh she died two.. hours later. She
haofbeen oomplaining for several days,
and a few minutes before she fired the
fatal shot had sent her husband for a
physician, -claiming she was unwell.
Zimmerman14 had not gone but a few
feet from the the house when he heard
a shot. He stopped, and in an-instant
heard another report' Rushing hack
to the house, he was horrified to-flnd
his wife lying on the floor with a
smoking revolver in -her hand and a
stream of blood rushing" from her
mouth. He tried to rouse her, but she
never regained consciousness, dying at
4 o'olock. Deoeased - was 28 years of
age, ana motner u n -uiuu-uiu
baby. Zimmerman is a carpenter, in
the employ of the Seattle Brewing &
Malting Company. .. . 1;r
Loss of rive tives Reported Dynamite
- Used in learins; Streets. -
St. Paul, : Deo.' 2. News from the
great blizzard has been meager today.
So far as learned, only five lives have
been lost. Of oourse, nothing has yet
been heard from the remote districts
beyond the reach of the telegraph, and
it may he another week before it can be
posiitvely stated that there has ndt
been more serious loss of life. "
The streets of the snowbound Dakota
towns are bieng cleared as rapidly as
possible. The extremely oold weather
has frozen the snow until tne immense
drifts have reached the proportions of
gigantic icebergs. Dynamite is being
used to blast these out of the way, or
dinary picks and shovels being unable
to make any impression on them.
-Rfco.ik on the ranees has undoubtedly
suffered heavily, and a fuel famine is
threatened in many of the smaller
tnwna in the Dakotas. This is by no
means a trivial matter where the mer-
oury is ranging from 15 to 80 degrees
helow zero.
The raliorads are beginning to get
their trains running again. The Great
Northern got its first train into St.
Paul from the snowbound district this
morning, and the Northern Pacvfiq re
pprts that its line is now open from
Portland to St Paul. Delayed west
bound transcontinental trains on"this
road, whioh were teing hed at Tower
City and Fargo, left those points at 5
o'clock this evening, and the eastbound
trains, held at Mandan, are moving,
and will be due here tomorrow. The
Northern Pacific officials do not antici
pate any further trouble, and expect to
have trains running on schedule time.
Tonight, farms and farm buildings
along six miles of the Chippewa river
are under water. The flood is being
added to hourlv at the rate of six
inhhen. and before morning, unless the
to (Thinnewa Falls will be
. 1 1 A
partly under water. At a o. oiock -o-
niebt. basements of all buildings., on
Spring street are flooded, and, in some
(instarces the lower noors are eovercu.
In 1894 a similar flood occurred, cans
na a loss of many thousands of dollars,
. A roat rlnal ntrailwav property is
thvoofonaA and manv highway and
railroad bridges will probably be swept
away. - . . .
Secretary Lamont Reports
Progress of the Work.
A Kansas
Township Holds
at Peculiar
' Succeeds Tiseonnt Gong-n. -
Washington, Deo. 1. Ambassador
Paunoefote has,, been officially notified
of the appointment of Maurice de Bun
sen as seoretary of the British embassy
at this oapital. The new seoretary has
been distinguished in diplomatic serv
ice in a number of the capitals of Eu
rope, and the Orient, and he succeeds
Viscount Gough, the present secretary,
who Will go to Germany. ' "
Feared Insanity.. . ...
Deo. 2.-r-M. Sanaker,
that'itvvas a good omenthe
United States ambassador was ine.t sen. .- - r-
guest of the queen-at a-'J-'nanKSgivingiinBauw; -- -
dinner. : The tne queen was wp: '--w rr -r T-r v
honored with unusual; energy.
1 oellent shape.;
.'Oree-oa's Trial a Success.
,f T."bafttekbipv;,Oregon ha iust te
turned from a short' cruise, undertaken
tn oivt n board 6tvinspeotion an op
nnrtnhitv of lookintt ber well oter. It
was eiven out unofficially that the trial
had been a very great success, and that
the board was highjy. pleased with the.
shin in all details, though the real nna-
ings will.npt be" made publio until they
are sent to headquarters in waaniug
ton in the "form of '. ah offioial report,
jind from there given out .
' The Soldiers' Home Investlaatton,.
In the Soldiers'Home investigation
in Leavenworth. Kan., the defense
plaoed nine leading business men on.
the stand who all testified as to;the apr
parent good management of $he home,
the marked decrease 'of druhieB.neps
among the soldiers sinoe the establish
ment at the home I: tne neeiey cure,
and to the Bobriety of Governor Smith.
'. Flood In Wisconsin.
'A dffistrons flood is reported frbM
Wisconsin. Many buildings have been
damaged, and the property loss wilJ
be heavy. . . -
' - Shot Through the Hand.
Independence, Deo. 2. J. O. Bus
sell, son of J. J. Russell, of Mon
mouth, was out banting last Saturday,
While standing with one band .over
the muzzle of his rifle, the gun -was
discharged in some way, and the bullet
went through his hand, and so close
to his body as to burn his clothing.
Cyclone In Oklahoma. . , -
Perry, O. Deo. lr-Information
reaches here that a very destructive
cyclone srtuck the town of Balston, on
the Aikansas .river, fifty miles north
east ot. here, oil Thursday night at 13
"O'clook and nearly wiped out the town
of. about 200'ihouses.' ' Nearly every
house in town was blown down And
several people were' injured, but no
names, can be obtained. ' italston is in
the Osage Indian nation, and fifty-five
miles from a telegraph station.
. Fight Among; Workmen.
Hamburg, Nov. 26. A dispatoh
from Lubeck says that while the em.-,
ployes of the Thiels enamel faotory
were, going to work this morning a
Tiody of : strikers belonging to the same
Bonoern attacked tne workmen ana a
free fight followed. 'Shots were flred
several persons seriously.wqunded and
many arrests made.
Omaha, Dec 8. The time for hay
ing the first assessment of trans-Missis-tippi
exposition stock closed Saturday
night With slight exceptions, every
lubsoriber paid his five per cent oalL
Washington, Deo. 3.TrBobert .; E.
Marshall, 84 years old superintendent
of the Altoona division of the fenn
vlvania railroad, shot himself at his
brother's honse.-in Washington, today.
Marshall was one of the most valued
young men in the Pennsylvania service.
He bad been suffering irom acute ner
vous trouble, resulting from overwork.
He was a son of J. W. Marshall, con
sul to Leeds daring the. war, and as
aistant postmaster-general under Presi
dent Grant. ' : -
The Ool'umbia Closed.'
The Dalles? Or.. Dec , J, The river
i dosed wrth loe at this point "and
navigation is - BUBpended- - This -is, -the
earliest the Columbia, has 'been frozen
here within the -memory of this genera
tion. The ice . makes it impossible to
make any progress in Taising the sank,
n steamer Dalles City. . ,
Ashland, Pa., Deo; 8. Parker col
liery No. 5, at Park Place," Pa., owned
by the"" Lehigh Coal . Company, closed
down today for an indefinite period,
presumably for repairs. Bight hundred
laborers are thrown out of employment
. Certainly Insane. .
New .York. Deo.: 1. Dr. Charles
Lafflih was today committed to Bellevue
hospital for examination as : to his
sanity. He is, according to the story
told by his wife, a pitiful wreck of a
brilliant scholar, a man suffering from
the peculiar and powerful disease, Ai
rman fever, contracted while accom
panying Bishop Taylor.' on an expedi
tion to the west coast oi o.nivu.
married Clara Freeman, of Milton, JS.
S., June 25i this year. On the follow
ing night, Dr. Lafflin acted strangely.
One of his freaks Of insanity was to dis
locate the joints of his wife's body and
then snap them back into position.
Once, she . says, he took five grains oi
opium inl one dose. Poison, however,
seemed to have little effect on him:
Finally her sufferings beoame so in
tense she' says' that she was obliged to
appeal to the authorities for protection.
- Texas Courthouse Burned. ' ' 1 '
: Eastland, Deo 1. The courthouse
and all the furniture were burned this
morning. ' The records and contents of
the vaults are thought to be safe. The
jaw library, and other property of many
attorneys who have offices in the court
house were destroyed.- ;-The oost of the
building was $65,000; insuranoe, $40,-
ooo. . ' -i
J n Never .make two bites of a cherry.
Xpff might out a-worm in nan.
:'n. Jr Pait to rjle.---"
Blind Woman Burned to Death
'. Anacortes.
Seattle, Deo. 2. A speoial' to the
Post-Intelligencer from Anacortes says
that ahnnt l o'clock this morning nre
destroyed the residence of H. MoDon
aid; a farmer, 7 living six miles from
here, and also burned to death the only
person in the house at the time, Mrs.
McDonald. The origin of the fire is
not known. Mr.'-MoDohald ha$ goje
to the home pf his son-ih-lkw,1 : Henry
Layton, leaving his wife;?whb was 70
years old, and blind, v at -home. . The
buf nlhg'buiiatog"wasflr8t: seen by ?"J.
L. Satterlee,,a neighbor, but before any
one oonld reach the spot the roof had
fallen in. - An examination of" the de
bris revealed the ; remains, "terribly
chirred and almost uhreooghizable, of
the-unfortunate woman.- "i'
TV'ant to Make We w Coast Bates.
'- "-enveri Dec 2. A petition has been
filed with the' tntei state oommerce
commission in. Washington by repre
sentatives - of the Santa Fe, -.. (Rio
Grande, Rio Grande Western, South
ern Pacifio, Colorado Midland iand
Union Pacifio, asking that these roads
be permitted to charge a less aggregate
for longer distanoes between Colorado
points and California than for shorter
distanoes over the sameJ: linesw The
purpose is that the allowed
to itfake a schedule of lower rates from
Denver and other points in the state to
the Paoifio ooatt ' than to Salt Lake.
The ' interstate oomnieTce" commission
has set the hearing on the petition for
December 18, "at Washington.'
Working of the Baines Law.
New York, Deo. . 8. A legislative
innnirv ; into the workings of the
Raines excise law was begun here to
day." 'The committee on investigation
consists of five .members of the state
senate, with Mr. Raines, the "father"
of the law,-as chairman. It is expeoted
the . hearing will continue throughout
the week, and one of the star witnesses
will be Police Commissioner Roosevelt,
who last week gave on a newspaper
interview which in effect pronounoed
'the Judgment upon .the law that it
could not nave been more inefficacious
had those who framed ft had the pur
pose of making 'it a statute, that oonld
not be enJorqedy. ;
. Three Boys Shote "
.- Oakland, Cal, , Dec. 3. Three boys
met with a, serious accident" yesterday
afternoon.. John Donovan,- Harry
Canty and John Strisoh, all 12' years
of age, went out on the Alameda marsh
to shoot quail with a shotgun. While
crossing a creek they passed the gun,
which was cocked, from one to an
other, handling it carelessly from stock
to muzzle. The gun went off, when
all three lads were in the line of fire.
Canty received shear ly the whole charge
in his breast and, faoe, and some of the
shot entered, his lungs, tie is iaiiy
injured. Donovan's little and third
fineers .were shot off, and' Strisoh re
ceived a few shot in the faoe, but. the
ininries of the two last named are not
serious. , , . ,
Greece a' Market for American Wheat
n Washington, Dec. 2. United States
Consul Horton, at Athens, in a report
to the state department, says that in
nnnRennence of the bad wheat harvest
in Russia, wnicn supplies nearly two-
thirds of the Wheat used in Greece,
prices of wheat lare very high there
and are still rising. He is confident
that there is a fine opening for the in
troduotion of American wheats into
Greece, and offers to assist would-be
exporters. . .-'-:,":' -
Chicago, Dec. 1. giving the
name of . E. L. Bryan .who is thought,
to have pome from Pittsburg, commit
ted suicide at the Kimball hotel this
morning by taking laudanum. On the
table in the room was found a notebook
in which he described for, twenty min
utes the- feeling- he experienced as he
was dying. The statement was dedi
cated to medical science. He bad taken
great care to conceal his identity, tear
ing all marks from his clothing and un
derolothing. On the cover of the
memorandum book was found the name
ef a firm in Pittsburg.
prah- Ha One California Elector.
Sacramento. Dep. 2. Fipal. returns
from ' Santa Clara county, completing
the state returns -show that Martin, a
Bryan eleotor, has defeated Flint, a
MoKinley eleotor; by 492. This gives
MoKinley eight eleotors from Califor
nia, Bryan onel " -
Guilty of Treasury Looting-.
"Montezuma. Ia.. Deo. 3. Richard
Rowe, who was extradited from Mex
ioo, oharged with complicity in looting
the Powesheik oounty treasury, in
J 895, was found guilty in the distriot
court today. -
The S eretsnry Benews His Previous
' Recommendation for the Reorgani
sation and Increase of the Infantry
Washington, Nov. 80. In his an
nual report, which was made publio
today, Seoretary Lamont renews his
previous recommendation that the in
fantry be- reorganized on the general
idea of three light and- mobile battal
ions of four companies each to the reg
iment, instead of the cumbersome ten
company formation, adopted a century
ago. and abandoned by other nations
sinoe the development of modern mag
azine rifles, and he quotes Generals
Sherman and Sheridan and Lieutenant-
General Sohofleld in support of the ne
cessity of this reorganization of the in
fantry. -. ; ,
The completion already ol some
ooast defenses and the approaohing
completion of other modern batteries
renders necessary a larger iproe oi artil
leries, but on inorease of the army is
asked for. The plan of seacoast de
fenses involves 100 distinct batteries in
over twenty harbors.
Investigation this year has shown
serious deficiencies in tne arms ana
equipment of the state militia. When
the states furnish the armories and de
fray all expenses incidental to keeping
their foroes in training, Secretary La
mont 'suggests that the United States
should provide them with the imple
ments which they will need in active
service arms and field equipment as
the supply on hand is totally inade
quate for serious and prolonged field
operations. . The seoretary reoommends
that the Springfield rifles, caliber 45,
he issued to state troops; that the
states be allowed to return to the war
department obsolete arms and equip
ment, to be sold, and the proceeds
credited to the states, and that the
states be allowed to purohase from the
department supplies at regular prices.
The report shows that, whereas on
July 1, 1893, in our modern defense,
but one high-power gun was mounted,
by July- next we will have in position
seventy high-power breeoh-loading guns
and ninety-five breech-loading mortars
.-of modern design, and by the following
July, on completion of work already
under way, as provided for, 128 guns
and 163 mortars. A battery of two or
three of these guns takes the place of
the former pretentious fort, and is vast
ly more- effeotive.--
The -defenses- now under considera
tion are distributed among the ports
of Portland, Me.; Portsmouth,' N. H.1;
Boston, Narragansett bay, eastern en
trance to Long . Island sound; eastern
and southern entrances to New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
Hampton Roads, Wilmington, Charles
ton, Savannah, Key West, Pensacola,
Mobile, New Orleans, Galveston, San
Diego,. San Franoisco, and the month
of the Columbia river and Puget sound.
All of the emplacements have been lo
cated with a view to oarrying out the
project of the Endicott board of fortifi
cations, organized under act-of congress
March 3, 1885, as revised by the per
manent board of engineers. The secre
tary says that the department, in mak
ing these allotments, was guided by a
desire to protect as many of the seaports
as practicable against marauding at
tacks of isolated cruisers, as well as to
provide a more efficient defense for the
important plaoes, and also to utilize to
the best advantage the guns for whioh
carriages oould be speedily furnished.
The total number of emplacements
provided for to date is 128 for guns and
166 for mortars, of which ninety-two
for guns and 76 for mortars were ap
ropriated for by the last congress.
The number of gun carriages com
pleted- and building all ol wnicn win
be finished within the next fiscal year,
ia twenty 12-inch, sixty-nine 10-inch,
eighteen 8 inch for guns, and 168 for
mortars. By July. 1897, there should
ha rendv seventy gun oairiages and
123 mortar carriages.
: The total number of guns completed
tn date, since the first appropriation, is
sixty-one 8-inoh, fifty-six 10-inoh
twentv-one 12-inch and eighty mortars.
With the money already provided,
there will be completed by June 80,
1R97: seventy-two 8 inch guns, eignty
seven 10-inoh guns, forty-seven 12-ineh
guns and eighty-eight mortars.
The estimates of the department for
the next fisoal year aggregate 10,482,-. j
268. With this apporpriation, provi
sion will have been made for 163
high-power gun emplacements, ' 128
rapid-fire gun emplacements, 800 12
inch mortar emplacements, 858 high
power steel guns, ninety-seven rapid
fire guns, 290 12-inoh mortars, 180 8
inch and 12-inoh gun carriages, and
290 12-inch mortar carriages.
The armament of troops, with' the
'new magazine guns was completed in
May, and the armory is taming out 13
rifles or carbines per day.under the ap
propriation made last year. All the
ammunition for small arms now made
is supplied with smokeless powder of
Amerioan manufacture and of satisfac
tory quality.
The 810 Apache prisoners of Geroui-mo's-band
have, the seoretary says,
led a quiet, pastoral life, . and have
reached a self-supporting condition.
He recommends that in time, tbe title
to the 86,000 aores they occupy be ao
n aired bv the government, and they
then be placed under control of the In
dian bureau. .
The report shows total expenditures
for tbe year for the war department
aggregated $1,803,298. Among them
is an item of $1,436,795 faQklaries and
contingencies in the war fficee.
This, the secretary says, shows a sav
ing of $582,750 from the expenditure
under the same head for the year 1892
The aggregate of appropriation for
the department unexpended and turned
back into the general fund of the treas
ury, at the end of the fisoal year, was
$1,975,083. For the year 1895 it was
$1,764,467, and for ( 1894 it was $1;
887,922, an aggregate for three years
of more than $5,000,000. -
Seventy l'ersous Drowned.
Athena, Nov. 80. Seventy persons
have been, drowned by the floods here,
and an enormous tract of land is sub
merged. , ,
Toseka, Kan., Deo. 1. -Acoording to ;
offioial returns received at tne secretary
of state's office, there was one township
in Kansas, where only two votes were ?
oast at the repent election. . It was
Garfield township, in Seward oounty.
One of thevotew casta straight Repub lican
ticket, while the other voted the
Populist tioket straight, with: the ex
ception of county attorney, y inere
was a tie on all otner omoers, ana mo
candidates for township offloes cast lots
to see who should serve. Garfield
township has about twenty inhabit
ants, eight of whom are voters. There
are four Populists and four Republi
cans. On eleetion " day three of the
Populists paired off with three Repub,
lioans, and six did not vote. The other
Republican wanted to pair off with
the remaining Populist, but the latter
would 'not do it, because he had a ;
grudge against the nominee of his own
party for oounty attorney, and said he
wanted to vote for the Republican
nominee. This necessitated the cast
ing of two ballots, with the result as
stated. A regular voting precinot was
maintained the entire day, and five
voters received $2 eaoh for serving as
judges and clerks of election.
Hen Extort Money
. Missouri Bancher. .
St. Joseph, Mo., Deo. 1. F. M.
Arnhold, living near this oity, reports
a terrible experience with masked rob- -hers,
who entered his house at an early
hour in the morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Arnhold were awakened and found
three masked men in their bedroom.
The robbers covered them with pistols
and demanded to know where their
money was oonoealed. Arnhold denied
that he had any money, and his wife
was too terrified to speak. The man
and woman were then dragged into the
cellar and were held there while one of
the robbers went to the rooms above
and heated an iron poker to a white
heat and returned with it to the cellar.
When they threatened to apply this to
Arnhold's naked feet, he weakened and'
told them where they oould find what
money he had. There was but $18 in
the rancher's oaohe, and so angry were
the robbers that they demolished much
of the furniture . in tbe house before
leaving. - . ,
Made Desperate Attempts to Kill the
Family of an Oklahoma Bancher.
Perry, O. T., Deo. 1. Great exoite-. -c
ment continues near Tonkawa, twenty
miles north of here, over an attempt-to
murder the family of R. Brooke and
his wife. Reports from that commu
nity are that a second attempt was
made last night to murder Brooke. 'A
month ago, Charley Graham, Bill
Jones and Kenneth MoDonald attempt
ed to assassinate Brooke and his wife
one night, and Brooke killed Graham,
who . proved to be a notea cutiaw. .
Graham, before ' hia death, confessed, .
implicating several men in the com-..
m unity. He said these men employed
him to kilL Brooke and his wife and
burn their house. Yesterday, several
of those in jail escaped, and last night
masked men went to Brooke's borne,
but were repulsed by Brooke and his .
wife, who stood them off with Win
chesters. .
jiaiains nu a
Kalama, Wash., Deo. 1. Fire broke
out in the Methodist church Sunday
night about 8 o'olook. Services were
being held at the time, but the congre
gation passed out of the building with-. '
out difficulty. Before the fire company
reaohed the scene, the building was a
mass of flames, and it was soon com
pletely destroyed. The loss was about
$2,000. As the fire company was 6n
its way to the engine-house, the Ka
lama hotel was found to be burning,
having caught . from , flying sparks.
The blaze was extinguished in short
order. Sparks from the burning church
ignited the roof of W. H.-. Girard's
general merchandise store, and, pass- ,
ing over the Cowlitz oounty bank and
the City drugstore, also set fire to the
opera-house. . Watchers were on these
buildings, however, and put out the fire
wherever it appeared.
Conditions In India Improve.
London, Deo. 1. The Earl of Elkin,
viceroy of India, telegraphs to the gov-'
eminent that rain there is too late to
be of much benefit to the autumn crop,
hut it ia in time ior tne iais bowmjkb.
Prioes, be says, show a tendency J to
in. iuyn - - -
apparent in the Deocan. The condi
tion of the people is good and the pres
sure upon them ia due to prices rather
than to the failure of the crops. - Since -the
rain, prices have fallen 20 to 50 per
cent in the northern districts. Lord
Elkin's dispatoh also gives details of
bow a quarter of a million of people,
in the distressed districts oi inaia are
engaged in relief work.
Bleetlon Blots In Bulgaria.
Sofia, Dec 1. The eleotions to the
sobranje, which occurred today, were
accompanied by serious disturbances,
and the troops and police had to be
called out to disperse the mobs here and
in the provinces, as the result of which
many persons were wounded.- The po
lioe fired on the crowd at Zarobrod,
killing several persons.
Anti-Masonic Blots.
Paris, Nov. 80. An anti-Masonic
congress bi ujvub, iuiwo iwumsua
were a covert attack on politioal free
Masonry and on Jewish intervention.
ended in serious rioting, lasting until
midnight The military had to clear
the streets, and many persons were
seriously injured, including M. Thei
erry, of the France Libre. vvr.v.
Labor is drudgery only when we do
not put heart in our work. ' '
Toledo, O., Deo. 1. Large sales" of
No. 8 red wheat for May delivery were
made at the produce exohange here this
a . 1 vaw tinalt'.l Amlli lriTirl
cheering. At tbe same time the New
York price was 91 cents, Chicago 85
cents. The demand here is not for ex-
port milling. - " " " .
Montgomery, Ala., Dec 1. Repre
sentaive Timberlake's bill proposing
to make it unlawful for women to wear
in publio, tights, bloomers, shirt fronts
or any article of clothing commonly
worn by men, was killed by an almost
unanimous rote of the house. ,