The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 06, 1896, Image 2

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Issued Krery Friday 3Iorninv hy
ae Gazette Publishing Go.
4. W. J0HHS9N,- SS.n,
The . result in Oregon is - par
ticularly gratifying. It has been
a fight against odds.
were confronted with
a combined opposition 01 5,000
votes and a serious loss of repub
lican voters. Thejoutlook was
certainly disheartening. But the
apparently, impossible has been
accomplished and we are proud
of Oregon.";
To Mr. Hirsch and Mr. Denny,
too much credit 'cannot be given.
They have been vigilant and
tireless. The management of
the campaign could not have been
in better hands.., .
It must also be said that the
attitude, of -the -Oregonian, from
1 the very beginning of the finan
cial agitation,' has preserved a
nucleus of sound money senti-
Vment around which has gathered
the McKinley movement in Ore
gon. The country republican
press has done valiant service
for the cause. --
Binger Hermann, JW. R. Ellis,
and Thomas Tongue have work
ed faithfully atid effectively.
Senator McBride, as far as his
health would permit, has spoken
and worked for the man from
Ohio, and the eloquent and per
suasive gentlemen who have giv
. en up their time and talents for
the sake of the cause, are entitled
to a great share of the credit for
Oregon's position.
The turn of the tidin Oregon,
however, was due more to John
H. Mitchell than to any other in-
"fluence. When ,-MitQhell began
' io stulnp-'the state, the real work
on the part of the republicans!
began. His presence infused con
fidence, strength came from hope,
and the successfuliiassault upon
the opposition majority was in
augurated. ""' ' ' 7
The assistance of. thousands of
leal democrats throughout the
state, made success" possible.
Their patriotism is not tinged
with hope of personal partizan
reward, and on that account they
can justly claim a'gteater joy in
. the triumph. .
Every man who Worked and
voted against the Chicago ticket
can take a just pride in the re
sult. The 26th day of Novein-
- ber will be a day of thanksgiving,
-The election demonstrates that
the American people are capable
of self-'goverrimnt that the re
publican form of government is
a success. Wisdom rules. The
country is safe.
The victory is decisive, over
whelming. It is not confined to
secticn. It is not a triumph of
partizanstiip. North, east,. south
and west contribute majorities to
the representatives of good gov
ernment and sound money.
Democrats and republicans join
hands in mutual congratula
tions. :y: .- : .....
We can well be proud of
iorne. '' Corvatlis gives a sur
prising1 majority for McKinley.
Benton county astonished us and
Oregon joined in the protest
against anarchy and dishonesty.
The beneficent effect of the
triumph cannot be over estimat
ed. Not only in the noticeable
"material prosperity, revival of
business and industrial activity
- will the decision ot the Ameri
can people be felt, but the moral
tone of the country will gather
improvement irom the righteous
victory. -. -;- .
Repudiation has been stamp
ed to death. Altgeldism has
r been destroyed. ' Patriotism, na-
. tional honor and national pros
pentv have -tnumpned. it is
- well. - ' -.
Sewall heard the news. Said
hel "We will be under a govern
ment controlled by syndicates for
the next four years, as well as by
injunction." This is truly pa
thetic. Mr. Sewell oughf ceir
fainly. to be authority . on syndi
cates. - If he had -been elected
thp rArnofatio'ns would have'iirK
mediately woaftd 'up ,; their vMra Jy
ness and gone out ot existence.
Benton is bounded on the
north by Polk, populistic, on the
east by Linn, populistic, on the
south by Lane, poptiustic, and
on the west by Lincoln, republi
can. Lincoln, shake.
. Mexico still has free coinage
of silver at 16 ,to 1, and her doors
are open to all.
Prosperity is bound to come;
nrncnprltu from 1foiclatirm
prosperity from legislation,
but prosperity from labor. We
'' can exDect that orosoeritv prom-!
j t- 4. it j
: ised by statesmen to the industri-,
; OUS, not the prosperity promised ;
i by demagogues to the idle. j
In Benton county .good work
j was .done. - There were sa many
; workers thatc space would not
permit special mention.
Philomath ; Items.
; Ad Hogan has moved iuto the
; Wilcox property on Main street.
Prof. George Brown, of Hos
kins, was in the city over Sun
day. Joseph Ermickand family, after
a sojourn ot two. years in Jrprt
l;!nd, returned here Monday.
The celebrated DeMoss family
wiil give-a concert. at the college
chapel Monday, night, November
9th. -'..-'; .
The Laurean Literary' Society i
held its
first session.
evening. An interesting program
was presented. - ;
' George Emriek,' ot Cforvallisy
has : purchased. 15. . ,aqre.8Anf i;theJ
George Bunnell. ;.f arm, .- and Vwi'lM
build a residence -soon.
Elder Parker preached ' in- the
college chapel Suuday., morning
and evening. ,- Av S: -Packer, pas
tor elect,- or Puyalhip, will - arrive,
here this week; -": ;
.lsliopepiiarf.recjiar'ed Friday
evening, on ', Pompeii
and Rome." - Saturday
the bishon aiid wife- left 'ibr CaJ
VV ' " . '? '
hold a general conference. . .
At the meeting , o.f the- city
1 41.-i -T:L. ...
council on Monday- night, hi. A. .
Jackson,';N. P. Newton and E. ; Ls
Dixon were ' appointed judges -of
the city-election, to be held on the
first Monday iu'December.
... ' : - -
Rirfoice sh-dbeXglad.- t.T-he citizens of Benton
coivnty -will.-., rejoice, next . Saturday over the victory
tor" gb'jpt We will rejoice all day. We.
will eat and be'iirefry we'yill sing and dance,' we will
kill the fatted calf. There will be an, all day program.
A basket diitner at, noon, a big parade in; the afternoon
and a bigJ parade at 'night. Fireworks and' cannon.
Ring the bells and fire . the guns, Mark well the day :
Saturday, November 14th. ' .Come to Corvallis and
"Rally 'Round the Elag; ..." .'.'...'V '" . .
A Great Demonstratioiii
Last Saturday the- republicans
held their final rally and it was a
glorious success. The rain and
the mud, of which there was
plenty, failed utterly to dampen
the enthusiasm or interfere with
the parade. The streets were
crowded with people" and yellow
badges were very much in evi
dence. -
At 11 o'clock , there was pa
rade Of" horsemen. As they came
down the street on magnificent
mounts, lour, abreast, they pre
sented a fine appearance and re-:
ceived hearty applause.
Preceding the parade, the 2nd.
Regiment band, of Salem, gave a.
concert of splendid music.
The afternoon parade at 2 p. m.
was the grandest spectacle of tlje
kind ever witnessed m xsentoQ
county. F."M Johnson .was grand
marshal, and I. D.Burgh captain
of parade, with" the'followihg aids:
M. H. Kriebel, . Mjtrk Brownson,
Fred Mulkey, Will Skipton, . W..
G. Lahej Frank Buchanan, H. C.
Allen; C?: R. J Porter. ; - -
Heading the procession- -came
the King's Valley " drum corps,
followed by two companies of O.'
A. C: cadets-i-a fine looking body
of. young men,; . TJie president ot
the Ladles fcKWey rQ;lub, Miss
Welkerj came next in Lick lit
ger's prettily decorated buggy
Dick driving hi. handsonie; bay
tandein. and children l'oi
lowed iii gay cars, and then
came twof beautifulfloats repre
senting our money, and the'"'Shib
of State. In the former:5Miss
Lillian Hamilton represented gold
and Miss Shonkwiler silver. Miss
Gellatly was the Goddess of Lib
erty. One hundred and utility
members of the Union Veteran
League were next" in Hue, follow
ed.tby. the 2nd Regiment band,"
heading Iiundreds - pt lootmen
200 hbrsemeii cahiefaiter and then
trade's flo'aVs't Phillips and Otter-.
stedt had a blacksmith shop with
forges ivlit and anvils ringing.
Sranklhi's foundry. had an exhibit
awii Byfoi'nfitully '6 ' ' traotftfir
ieugtiw whioh' furnished steamTor
ij . -.-I -Vsl. . - nil. ' i .
cjie,- - ipjngiiiiieiy...- . 4.11- viaa-xis
showed a 'printing5, office running
in full blasQ S. L Kline had a
wagon load "of wool with appropriate-mottoes
i" Granger had two
floats that were unique and . all
right. Citizens in carriages came
after. ' .The Albany band, with a
number of Albany citizens, pre
ceded the horsemen.
Alter thp parade Geo. H. Wil
Iiamsmaae"a magnificent speech
Thu i Your opportunity.
"u receipt 01 ten cents, caen or stamps,
mmni. ;ii ;i.i
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(W Cream Balm) sufficient to demon-
strata the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren St!, New Yerk City.
Rev. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls,Monk,
recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh If used as directed."
Rev. Francis W; Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
" Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 60 cents.
His Bondsmen Exhonorated.
Recently J. H. Wilson who has
been expelling the county books
made a report which claimed
that there was due 1 10m ex-clerk
Hunter the sum of $188 75 on
I iincollci'tpil (ftps. This wppk Mr
I Hunter turned over $161 25 ol
j the amount, and the court made
. the following order,
1 At this time came I. M. Hunter,
hornier clerk Of Benton county
A tilt.l c 1 - iriH flik ssiiif- i Iv.if
a part
moui,t ,0,"ul- by ihe ex
I pert to be due Benton county Irom
him as clerk thereof was for un
collected fees on cases begun, pik.r
to July 5',' 1894, ;and 'ihat he lias
jiseu aiurseiJir enom 10 lorce tiie
cojl.ext.oit 9; llipfiam than" lie had
collected and faiLed to. turn over
to the treasurer the sum of $188.-
7G, and thaLhe is ito.w Avilling to
turn oyer, to Benton county the
sum of $161.25, and asks to be re
lieved'fiolii" further paymeut. .-, It
is' therefore ordered that the said
I. M. Hunter have, and receive
firpilit.- for lh sum of 37:Krt rwiiir unC()iected: and udou the
- .frer 1 he sum ot $161.25 that
.,,.,,,., ,- said i.M.flun,
..--i;iiy olerkv be and they are.
I -
payment by-" him. '.'to -the coanty
Iier,.bv xnowrjiuu.
Wahted-An Idea
Who can think
.of some simple
tiling to patent?
Protect roar ldu: therjnsr bring Von wealth.
Write- JOHN WEDDERBtmN catTPatent Attor-
neya, Washlncton, p. C, for their $1,800 prise offer
and lift ot two hundred Ihrentlons wan rod.
at the opera house- to "a large
crowd?- Space does not permit
even a synopsis. The audience
was enthusiasiic and given to
During the afternoon Eugene
Gilbert Alphin drove through the
streets, and as -Win. -J. Bryan,
made appeals to t he voters. This
was a very successful feature.
The evening parade was beauti
nil and large and made brilliant
with flambeaux, torches, fireworks
and red fire. ,
; At the. opera house, Henry St
fiayuer made an eloquent address
full of Ihoueht and : fire. The
Corvallis McKinley - Quintette and
the Sliake'em Up Quartette sang
lively .... campaign songs' and Ihe
audience at the close gave, three
rousing cheers for McKinley.
. Thus the big day closed.
Keep Warm!
Big Bargains in Blankets
Comforts, Underwearv Sweat-
:'e" ;' ''-'' ; "rr'A
ers, Overshirts,. GIoTies and
" - J. . '- '
Over Coats for Men and Boys,
- Corvallis, Oregoti. .
A. H. Kroschel, a young German, twa
lives in Benton county, across te jiv
from Albany, -was relieved- of $ 1,010
Tuesday morning by two upmaskad men.
According to the victim, lie had borrow
ed, some time before, $1,000 in gold
from a neighbor and went into the gro
cery business at Albany. He. found he
had no use for the money, and. Tuesday
mnrninir nhniit tn o'clock" he" started
irom Aiuaay iu tclutii . xl w uis uicuu.
He crossed, the bridge and . when within
half a mile of the Oak Grovei school
house, he was held up: " -" '- '-' ' -Two
men sitting on a fence asked for
1- 1 1 . 4 i4 4 r-ziiA
some money to "get something, to eat,"
and being refused, shoved a "revolver' in
his lace. The larger of the two kept
Kroschel under aim, while; the smaller
took the thousand dollars, another $10;
in irold and six dollars in' silver also a
cheap pin. ' Theu they left him and took J
to the-woods. . ' Kroschel went home and
he and his brother,' armed with shotguns,
searched the locality, but without suc
cess "Albany officers were notified and
a' telegram ii. formed Sheriff . Rickard,
whot with Will Skipton, joined in -the
search. Many farmers'" joined in Ihe
hunt, but without result.
Wednesday evening several- men were
wnlching the road and had built a bon
fire perhaps to attract the robbers
among them the two Hectors, ?Iien two
men on horseback, also 'bandit-hunters,
rode by, and each party thought the oth
er the highwaymen. . Aftef.some quesr
tions, guns were puiicu uu uuiu aiucs, ;
but it was a case of "one "afraitl aud the
other da'sent,'' so in the darkness the
men on horseback slipped, away sudden
ly iyid hurried to Corvallis,. and notified
Rickard and Skipton, who iurried after
them to capture, the bandits. . The two
farmers rode on ahead.
When Rickard aid. Skipton had got
about miles, Henry Hector came riding
rapidly up and, seeing -the sheritF, told
him that two Uiieyes had rode by the
campfire, and that he had, again jst
passed them. . Skipton took a tumble
and sent Hector riding- after the sup
posed robbers 'to inform them that both
parties were on the same mission . Rick
ard and Bill theu returned homej
Notice of
Sale of tieal
and in pursuance of. the orders of ..the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon, for Benipu County,
duly-made in the matter of the' Assignment ot
Zephin Job and B. R. Job, partners," doing busi
ness under the firm manie ,of Hamilton, Job &
Co., directing and authorizing me, J. R. Brysoii,
as Assignee, of said Hamilton, Job to sell
all of the real property belonging Jo Uje said in
solvent estate of Hamilton,, Job ' Ca tog Uje
highest bidder, for cash in;ha'nd tiubHc-auc-tion,
I as such assignee. will on ;if";J';-jJ ;
At the hour of. two o'clock, iu the tfternoou ol
saidday attheCJurt ho-e dojr, in'-'the City ol
Corvallis, in Bail tern County, Orejoi,' sail at pub
lic auction to the hisrhest Bidder for cash in hand.
fall of the following described real estate Jwohg-
ing io the; said insolvent estate and .vested in- me
as the Assignee aioresaid, of HjiniRbn, Job & - . .;. : .
The undivided one third interest in lots nuic-
bered one, two, three, tour( "fiver siC seven and
eight, in the -towa of Yaq-.U3 : Huivestead, in
Unicolu Couuty. Oresjji, the legal titto ot which.
however, stands iu the name ot T- IJ- Nicholas,
t-.-.,et". aio "thp lindived '17 aiid'Waxrres situate
n the N." W. jtU ttf- the "S-.'-W.W jot Sec. &,
im T. nj.. R. 11 W , in Lincoln County. Oregon.
au'dlaid'off-fes the town, of Ctaw.fords -Lddition
to the towa of Nashville, thelogatwue ot wnicn
stands in the name of Zsphin Jobrustee.'
ALso lots i, 2, yandSin blockl-, 10tS3,-4, s, ft, 7
and 8 in block 2; lots 3, 4, 5 and-6 in :olock 8; Jots
3, 4, 5 and 6 in block 11; lotaj,: 4, 5 afd 6 in. block
12; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 in block 23; lots , , 3, 4. 5. .
7 and 8 iu block 24; lots 1,2,3,4,5,6.7 and in Block
27: lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block 29;. and lots 1, '2, 5, 6,
7 and 8 in block 30; all ln the town of Alexandria,
in Lincoln County, Oregon. ' . '
Also lots 3, 4 and fractional lot .5 ialblock-20, ot
Avery & Well's addition to the City, Jf Corvallis,
in Benton County, Oregon. Also lots 3 and 4 in
block iS and lots 1 and 2 in block vj, in WUKins
addition to the City of Corvallis, in Kenton Coun
ty, Oregon. Also lot 7. and fracitmal. lot 6 in
block 13, of N. B.,. and P. Avery's Addition to
Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon.
Also the following described premises, tc-wit
Beginning at the S. W. corner of Sec. 2Sin T. 9
O., K. 4 J3i. 11. Xticr. BUU 1 uumji . in. 11 4. v. i-i
on line between section 28 and. 4 the track ol
the O. C. & E. R. R-, and thence folfowing ' along
the track of the said railroad in an Easterly di
rection to the lice between the;s; E", and S. W.
quarters of said Sec 28; thence Sdufh on Erie be
tween said quarter sections to the South, line oi
said section, thence West ts place.,of beginning',
containing 80 acres, more or less, 'situate in the
Counties of Linn and Marion, State of Oregon.
Upon theaid land, and included . with it, is the
saw milt.plant and privileges including, planer.
lath mills, shingle mill, building), machinery.
tools, implements and mills .fixtures connected
therewith, also water privileges and rights,large
stock barn, blacksmith shop, and dwelling house
and out buildings used in connection with the said
mill, it being known as the "Niagara Saw Mill.'
And, also there will be sold ,iu connection with
the said saw mill property, and as: -part, thereof.
the following described real property, to-wit
The.S. 54 of Sec. 34; the S. E. X of Sec. 33; the S.
E, Yk of Sec. aS; the-.E- Yt, and the S. W, M of the
of Sec. 33; all in Tp, 9 'sf: R. 4, E. "ot
Will.- Mer. in I,inn and Marion Counties, Oregon
and. containing 76O acres of timber lands: and
also the right to construct and operate schutes,
flumes and apparatus to be used for the carriage
of timber and saw logs, over across arid through
the N. W. yi of the N. E. H of :Sec 34. in Tp. 9
8., R. 4. E. Will. Mer., together with'the right to
enter upon and cross the' said last described laud
for the purpose of logging- and ".removing said
timbe and saw logs, and for the purpose -of con
structing, repairing and 'operating all "flumes,
schutes or.carriers of timber, ana t&idroads, per
petually. Also the following:4esribexJJ tract of
land, to-wlt: The S.JS. t 01 tne.r.. n. foi sec,
32'an4he S. W. J-of the" NJ 130-8'?' 33? in-
Tp. 9 6., R. 4, E. WU1. Mer., Couty,.Ore-
gon, containing 80 acres. . . - r..,.
Also the following described premises to-wit:
The East , and the East'H of fbeN. W. quarter,
and the East of the S, W. and the N. W. i of
of the S. W. lof Sec. 29 in Tp, 10 S. R.. 8 W.,
Will. Mer., in Lincoln County, Oregon, and con
taining 520" acres. : ' '
Also a Sheriff's Certificate of sale for thei fol
lowing described real property, to-wit: The W.
H of the N. W. J and.tne N: E. If of the N. W, i
and the N,' w.-Jbr IheNVE) of iec'2,.in Tp. 11
S., R. 9. W. rand, the E. i-at theS. W.'-J and the
S. W- i of the S. W. J of Sec. 35 in. Tp. 10 S., R 9
WJ all, in Lincoln County,- Ortgon,: sold, for
81400 00 and sale 'confirmed -.the StlTday of
July 1896. --- .! :- -.- : . - " - J
Also the.undivided iiiterest and estate' formerly
owned by safd Zephin job and B. R... Job in,, and
to the East H of tne N. E. nd E- Si of the
S. E. J of.Sec 31, and W. of the S.W. 1-4 of Sec.
29; and the S. of the S. . E.. .of Sec. 30, all in
Tp.'i6 S., R. i2 East of the Will Mer. in Crook
Connty, Oregon, and being an undivided 75 and
$ acres thereof. - - --- " -
AU of the aboye described, real property will
be ,-old wbj"ectTto coinrmatiqn by the Circuit
Court of the state of -oiegQn, for Benton County.
' 'J. . &RYSC&, As Assignee
' v . of Hamilton, Job & Co.
-Oct'ober-otfi, 189.'! I.A.30-' " ""'
For Sale -or -Trade.
' A ten-acre p'rubjb!r(iatq near Coryallis,
trees six and seven'yeSjir?, .mrt. be sold
soon as owner desires-'til lwe, or will trade
for residence-property-loeatad- in, any. pros
perous JWillarnette'.'VafJ'ey, town.' Address
"Orchard," care thi paper. '
Tk'Ins anil Outs of It.
Tt you get best wear out of a coat, best work must
hove gone into it. You can't get good bread out -of
poor flour.
Moral : You can't get the best out of anything, unless
the best is hi it ; and the best has. to be put iu before it
can be taken out. Now,- we hav xt rule to test those
sarsaparillas with a big "best" on the bottle. "Tell us
what's put in you and we'll decide for ourselves about
the best." That's fair. JJut these modest sarsaparillas
say: "Oh! we can't toll. It's a secret Have faith in
the labeL" . . . Stop ! There's one exception ; one sar
saparilla that has no secret to hide. It's Ayer's. If you
want to know what goes into Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ask
your, doctor to write for the formula. Then you can
. satisfy yourself that you get the best of the sarsaparilla
argument when you get Ayer's.
'.; ' ' . - ' . Any doubt left? "Get the "Cnrebook." . . ;' ' 'J: ":
., .-';r"-"- ';..- "V. It lal&doiibts but cores doubters.' ' -,.':.-'
- - J.-' V- ' ; ""- . 'Address: J, p. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. " -'. ' -.'.''
- - Corrected . Weekly by Corvailiif '-Coiii-missiou
Company. -' j. - " : i "
Jultry-f Hens a dozen, $1:7,10 $2. 25;
old: roosters per dozen, f 1.50; you!ig-rost-ersfull
grown, per dozen,-i.a5 to'$i.73;
tr6ners, :p'er dozen, Ji. fea.Jj2.poi; ducks;
-pethiz!n, .$2 to 2 :aS; turkeys, aliye, peri
ifi7.'-tp;5t ctsj- geese, per dozen, $4.6$.-
fikg -?er dozen, 2Q.cls.; r-Ji'Ahy-,
Buttir, 30 ' toi-cnts-per-'rf---'!'-v7 ''
Bran,'$l4 00..'. . '-V :
SUort'$i5'.'oas''.i;-rir--- ' -'" ". ' I"'-
Flour,' $3-45 per barrel."
"PotatdesPcr bushwl, 25 to 30 cts.
Oats Choice white, per bushel, 25 to
27 cts; gray, 23 to 25 cts.
Wheat Per -bushel,. 53 jcts.--
Cascara Bark i.25:to'i.sp. v
H6p&r-;Kew jcrog, oj to ioi.
Cheat seed, lc per lb. ?
Hogs, dressed. 3 to 3X, owing to size.
Sides 7 to 8e.
Lard, 7 to 80.
Cure-.Fr GiippleJ Children.
The National Surgical Institute, No.
319 Bush St., Sail Fi-aneisoo, successfully
treats all cases ot ortliopae.lic surgery
Ooe or more of this institute
.... - . . . j-, 1 . . . . ,,
will be at the Occidental Hotel, C-irvaili
Thursday, November 12th, one day, to
examine cases. The success of the In
stitute in treating all cass of curvature
of the spine, diseases of the hip ami ljnee
joints, club jfeet, crooked limbs and b )di
ly deformities as well &s piles, fistula,
nasal catarrh and all chronic diseases,
has made for the Institute a mtio.i.d
reputation. Write for circular.
Reference may be had to : Hon. Thos
L. Davidson, Salem; Jno. A. Shaw, Sec.
Santianj Milling Co., Albany; W. A. Jol-
.lyJPhjlftmath; Jesse Porter, Puiloinath,
and hundreds of others.
Gall and See I
Our Mens $5.00 arid
$7.50 all Wool Suits
and $6.50 all frecot
Mackintoshes. Our
Shoe Stock is full and
F. L. Miller,
Corvallis, Oregon.
egetablePreparatioafor As
similating theTood andRcg uta
ting the Stomachs andBcwels of
ness andHest-Contains neither
Opium.Morptdnc norMoeraL
-J. Imiphn Seel"
Jllf)tl lUUtt -
Aoerfccf Remedy for Cons tiDa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Ctonvulsions.reverisli-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
- .. , -
Tac Simile Signature of
f . .- - - - - 1
, .-Notion U'fii-'reliy giy'vn thai tlW u.ndiitsiKn-"
-1 ha. 1 -I'li n 1 p in W-d 4iu Itiii triirttr.-tif the
c.r-jaH'-o1' J Cl-trk l-c-;a.-i'd,h v the goun .
-.y Viiu it if,.H'-utn ivMiiityv-OriiKO'i. '; 7. .V;;v
All p.'.rm-''littyir!j' claims ngnitit .the:s-"
t -" i are hrffhy m;itii-l tn.prwfitt th"yitih-
I i'y vtrrrtivd, t'j;t'lier with.thi- pi-0ir vutwhii
i-;s therut'or. Ut tii'i'- ?ii ij'j'fe ;Vi(twic" ip'ftfor
v iUls,.)rejr". wilhiii.sw;lii'MHisv fntiu tjid'
'Intp.irt thi- nuliuc -4'-' ' ' ." .. "' . ' '
Puled IliU Bih day ol OeUl 'r,-A. D., 189(5:
v AdministttiUirol' fhiVtetrfte'of J. L. Clitrk,
Another Smart Woman.
4- im.iwid is ihMir ttit proud mid lie due not
.-- :mt ii e to w.irk. as I liavu nothing In do I gut re-A-
w. ami anvr ro-uling i.i y-ur miur Mrs. UiMseM'g
.peneiicu'rit-llpijyr -tulf.iea:iii flutirnus I .concluded-1
vould,try it: I wrote to J. F. Casey & Co., St Lui,
lo , and they treated me so bicul3- that 1 felt very
iuch encourar.d. A.-i soon as 1 got my sample iron
1 started out., and soM eight iron the first d ty clear
ng S It" 1 have not sold less th-tn eiht any day
4uce, and one l ay sol 1 sevei t :eu. I now have 9226
! learnio'iey. and my huiitiand does nut know 1 have
j ieen working at all, hut 1 am afrai 1 he will be mad
-A'lieii 1 teil biui. tlat'e 1 done riht or should 1 quit
j- work and leaf e hiiti to tiule. ufiire
. ti ., As-Assiois Wife.
j Yiu are doing just right; your husband ohculdbe
j .irou'l wf you, jfn ahead uud slmw the world what an
! - wj..djrful,sllr. w bmfoltomatf
. that arc tutxttbdittg e.ltti it
j A Churn that JhurnsinOne Minute.
1 have lie -u in the u iry buiuess all my life mud
have uiiny tituea eiiumel r an hour before butter 1 appear, so when 1 hear.l of a churn that would
. ehi'rn in a iniuuU. I con -link J to try it. Every day
: a seek I it. and m-t only cmld I ehuni in
minute, but 1 got, more and better liutterxhan with
I the uu.umon ehuru. ThUis v -rj- important informa
tion tif'butsr makers.' The churn works easily, and
will chuni iifle-ts thau 60 seeuu.l. I liuvj sold two
dozen of these ehurns in the (last mouth. Kvcry but
ter maker that has seen lucehurn in less than a min
ute bouirht one. You can obtain all desired in
formation regardiiig the churu by -ouldressing J. F.
Casey 4 Co., St. Louis, and they will jrive you prompt
aL.J courteous attention. A Daikt Man.
it i
i is I.
'Of i
Outorla is pat up fat nw-lxs Iwttba only. It
is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyooa to sail
yon anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "just as good" and "will answer emj pnr
pow." B( that yon get 0-A-S-T-O-aJ-A.
Latest T At the
in I Low
Every " ",' Prices
Style. OF
Ci " $2-50
Double '.-'
A $4.oo
Single - Td rf' ' " ""rr"
Capes -T " j $5.00
- ' Sf . - "
pt v V 35.00
it; w 11
1111 58.50
black and navy. blues
In serge and tricqtS
Look at these Prices.
A. First Class Buggy. Lontlmr Ti iniiiiinic
five styles of springs. Former irui'.-,
No. Jl Koad Wagon (P.irtlnml Uml.v) I .-a
4 Spring 2 Seat Mountain Wagon, Cuuipictn
4 w ' " "
CanypyTops, ?20aii(l g2")i!Xtra. '
Ka. 2. Combination Sni itiE Wiig.m 2 S.-at, foi -nmr mic e $100
These are no cheap trash b jtth 2 best goods ever '
made at the factory.
2.100 lbs
.3500 lbs .....,,
.Lu-Uobo lbs..;...;.......
600 lbs
,..7000 lbn
: Sinch tire $50p -extra. .
3x9 ...
People come from five counties
to Trade with ALEXANDER.
Everything good, and everything
at The very lowest prices for cash.
New York
He Keeps only
His Customers -
His Prices are
College S.tudents will Find it Profitable to Patronize
Dining tzz Lunch Parlors.
OF -
nn.l '4 li-.iili.-ir to
li!l) nml $l(i.", im
Your cluiice ot
9 05 00
Trim 40 00
80 00
100 00
C5 00
Kiuni Ili-d.,
60 00
.. 2 50
... 65 00
.. 70 00
.. 80 CO
Rack bed $7 U) extra
Assignee Coast C. & W. Co., Corvallis, Oregon.
Racket Store.
Good Groceries.
are Legion. : m
Low. m as '
njuixirirutn nn
4" O