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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1895)
CORVALLIS, OREGON, OCT. 3, 18S5. m ore Fur, 14 different styles, $8.50 to $20.00 each. Plush, beaver, astrachan, lots of them, $4.00 to $20.00 each. Examine my stock before buying . , S. E. YOUNG, Albany. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A piano for sale, trade w rent For terms apply to Mrs. M. Hoffman. We want to buy io,oe3 bushels of Ci ther apples. G.-H. HOtfiSEFAXI, &. C&. ComtMsnion services at the Oak fcidge 3resby'tS-ian church -t 3 p. m. nexSt Sun day. If tou want a sood fittinjr "pair of 'trousers, -suit or otscrcoat, go to Cecil the 'Tailor. - Geo. F. Robinson, Blak, McFall & Co.''s popular salesman, tftis in town "Tuesday. C H. Pearse left Saturday for San Francisco to be absent several weeks wn 'business. " Mrs. M. P. Burnett returned this wec-fc frotti an extawied visit w5ih relatives 3ti Bakr City. Miss Xoaree Louenrxsrger is to testh :a term of sdhool this fe in the WiSte-ai Newman district. - . ProC J.-3S.. Horner-ani wife wil&asfeeut a dozen tellege stcAonts paid a. visit to the state tiair hut Batarday. F. M. Joknson returned yesterday Sroui a brief business trip ts Host ins, SHeiaiit and other joints in ths county. Ninety aw pupils ire ve been wraIled at the public school -ainc the chesting - day, making the totai .attendance at this 'time 315. Prof. U. V. Haadrk. left Ma3sj- fr r Eastern Oregon to '4e absent irsexeral days on .business conoected with ' the de- - partment off horticultare. V. Frank Holmati, graduate ef ""g,?, - paid the college a visit Monday. 31r. Holtnan has acceDted position in see of '. leading drug stores of Albany. O. C. Marshall, a 'l ortland business 'man, spent several day last weA wssit ing his sU - friend F. A. Alexander of 'this city. He returned home MniLay. F. A. Golden, one of Coos -cobalt's prominent educators saent a day atttUe college this week. Mr. C olden wasc-i-companied by his son "Bobby," ' back to resume his the O. A. C J. B. Vogle practical watchmaker, bts just received aSarge invoice of watches, clocks and jewtlry of all lands, and the finest line of spectacle lenese and frames in the country. iPnces very reasonable .Try him. : The regular wsetinif of 5ie Central Willamette Fruit Union .w3U be held Saturday afterno&n at the cirt house. Matters of considerable importance are to be considered and a full attendance is desired. . John Steiver, a w&l to-do farsecr resid ing at Jefferson, Minion county, accom panied by his wife.vlsited frieads last week in tSsis city. Aseong their Corval lis friends are the fait-ilias of JejSh Job and W. H. Hall. F. J. Dafhanan is i,ack again at his post iu Klice's, having Seen absest at the home of liis parents where h fvvas -under a phy-lcian's care for several dtys. Although notntirely recovered he i it tending to business as usu!. Work on stef-mer HoagU&eingcrowfl-' ed as rapidly possible. A gang of jeeveral men, usder the supervision of H. B. Williamsota. has been engaged in ; repairing the bogt for several weeks and in a few days j&ee wLl be ready to go into service. Members of the O. A. C. senir class nd the college Y. M, C. A. are eiaking extensive preparations for a reception to the new studeBts tomorrow evening. The entertainment is t fee of a literary and musical order, and will take pace in the college assembly hall. . The college cadets have been formed f ito four companies with Owsley, Phil lips, Edwards aid Morrison as captains.. : The hour for drill is fixed at fifteen tn'autes before eight and the "tioys who board in town are compelled to hustle in order to reach the armory on time. Last week P. P. Shasgreen and Adolph Peterson purchased from receiv er Davis, at private sale, all the unsold lBtnber belonging to the Niagara Mill Co. There was in the lot 175,000 feet It is being shipped to Corvallis and piled in great stacks along the river front, near the plaining mill. Tilley Butschek was examined before Justice Holgate last Saturday for insan ity. Dr. Emil Schubert of Monroe and Dr. Chas. Lee were the examining phy sicians, and pronounced her undoubtedly insane. . The unfortunate girl is 18 years , and a domestic. She is from Monroe, talks incessantly and her mania is rather of the religious tendencies. She at times daims to be the Holy Ghost. Sheriff 03burn and Deputy Skipton drove down to Salem with ber Sunday. ' -..WUeretqspend .apportion of one's spare time, is a question that is often asked by strangers in the city. . Almost invariably ttiey'are referred to Spencer's tousor.'al parlors. Here, they can rest, have ac cess to all the latest publications and at the same time enjoy one 01 those sueib shaves that only a Spencer can give v" 1 Since Thursday last, Corvallis has teen iu darkness, due to a break in the ma- i chinery of the electric light plant The broken part is the pitman of the engine which can uot be operated until a dupli cate pitman is received from Pittsburgh, One was ordered last Fr.dav Penu. from the factory by telegraph, and is ex-1 ... pected to arrive today. Saturday evening the Ladies' Aid So-' cietv of the Presbyterian church wU ' 4i.i r t..,i.-i give a reception to ths O. A. C. btuuenU , , , .. .. . and members of the congregation. The , , , ..;.. ,,,,,;.,, ladics have a reputation as entertainers ... 1 . . . . M that is well kuo.vii,.au l those who ac- , , . , ., .... .. , .. , cept of their ho.spitanty Saturday eveu - r 1 . ing are assuied-a pleasant time. Airs. ? I. uoiuswori.iy ttil Safnt-day evening at the residence cf JOI1U AlOCriS wuu lives jh inc m - place. Her hssband gied about two months agi. Mrs. GoMsworthy at the time of her demise was in her 53rd year. The entermeftt occurred Vonday -ax. the Bellfouutaia cemetery iu the -southern partj- of tire county. An infKinal social will be at the Presbyterian church uext Saturday even ing beteen the hours of 7:30tnd 10, for the piitose of frieiHiiy intccourse and acqaanntance. Arrangemetsts will be made for all to enjoy themselves. Strang ers is the congregation and -students are especially invited fes be presewt. No ad mittance fee. Na'Collectiou. ; . , . Prof. French rdfcurned freoi Salem this eek having been absent several day superintending 4he O. A. C. exhibit at ithe state fair. Mr. FreuMh thinks the fair this year is in every respect aheai if those of former years,lie displays -cut 4 fruits, grain and. other tfarm prsxlticts being especiaEy fine. 'The college ex hibit is this week in -Cfcarge of A. S Kidder,,wk graduated-from the institu tion last Jvne. Herman Eieyer or Srrna Von mark haeded ten big shining dollars to Justice Ko5gl: last Friday! Biz attend ed the Sal vatian Army ie evening orso previous and had his ire aroused . a seeming inconsistency mi the operatiis of the captain. He staged in to rite and could hardly be persuaded to tep down aud o-Ht. Bizinaik it is said Aias, ambitioKS be become arsilver tois.sed. orator. The foatfeaSi boys haTt&een out o the field a few.tines alreadyacnd active wank of traiaing well soon begin. The lys have some splendid nialerial this year tor an excellent team but iins far . tdsere seems to beje. lack of entkusiasiii so. es sential in Hiaintaining interest in the work. . 2f;gtiations are ; now penciing for aa experienced coach and ;ua3es there issoiue.Uitcli in the jsroceedings he will be liereiis the coarse of a week or ten days. Assessor Alexander hasxcmpleted that portion -of tbs. census for JJenton coauvy relating to .tlw population iiom wbk& is obtained .tlieifollowing figurt1: , Nnnabea legal voters, J S09; males raider 21 and over 10, males under ap, 724. Te4al number malef, 3315. .Nnaifcer fem-iJes over 18, i65;ifcmales under nS and ower 10, 609; under 10, 703. .eiS. a amber females. 2Q7Z. Total popalatiou of county.292. The Lijac0i county census is not 3t completed .so that at J present a comparison of the Resent fig- fures with Uiesoiernment cBUss of 185,0 u imnnc.ihlfi Henry Carra las purchases, the in jkerest of Fred Clark in the CttySTrausfer Company, Mr. Clark retiring Srom the jSjsui on the 1st ins&nt The Ct- Trana fervCompany cameanto existeuce.during the month of J.nae, 1S83 something over twelve years ago--with O. W. Beck witjju A. H. CampbeK and Fred dwk as propsietors, and until the recent jr.etire mentjof Mr. Clark ne change Has tteen made in the firm's personnel. The.coai pany'wuslness has beea well conducted, and by (the splendid eejeice rendered sfcas give geacral satisfactloti, as many Ct?r yallis business men wi32j.ttest. The aes tirement pf Mr. Clark a due to por health. The extensive repairs fthat have Deenjj going on Farra & Allen's brick ar about completed. The corner building vhich has been vacant for several tnonths, ha fbeen divided ad the front part is now oceapiedy E. E. Homing's gnecery store, x ne rear nas Been repa pened and repaia,td and is occupied by J. L Harris. .It is connected with his main store by tasans of on rch cut through the walL This new room is light aad airy and wjell calculated for its present use, being stocked principally with ladies fancy goods, cloaks andshoes. New sills and a new floor are being put in the mats store and srhea completed Sir. Harris will have owt . of the feest business stands in town. A good appetite and refresh ing sleep at this eason indieate a condition of bodily health, Theie are Riven by Hood's Sarea parilla. It makes pure blood nd good health follows. Hood's pills are purely vegetable, harm lees, effective, do not pain or gripe. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shilob's Vitalizer 'saved my life. I consider it the oest remedy for a debilitated system lever used." tfor Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 ct. Sold by Graham & Wells. Wanted. - To employ an energetic lady or gen tleman to represent our business in every county. Salary I50.00 per month and a commission. Address with stamp: CHAS. A. ROBERTSON & CO., . . - Salena, Kansas. NIAGARA Jf IX X, PHOPEKIY SO&D. The Niagjimilljplant is now the prop erty .of. Hamilton,. Job & Co-creditors. The change in:. ownership occ-ured last week.- wheii the property was offered for s lie. by Receiver Da vis, and purchased by J. R. Bryson,- assignee of. H. J. & Co., for 13100. Before the purchase was ma-le Mr. Bryson confered with mem bers of the advisory committee of the insolv ;iit estate aud secured their sanc tion to bid on the property. The bank was the principal creditor of the mill company, ils claim aggregating in the Baarj" f M.o wnne me to ai amount of other claims against the null ,.... . , j Plant dld not ceed J5oo. By an order of the iTt the bank assignee was al- ' 1 ea to ap')! v its claim on the purchase , ... ! pnee on the mill, providing however, i f" f " ' tnat the other creditors of the m il c m- . . Ipauy was paid their pro rata proportion f " 1 r? x of the proceeds of tue sale which As- 1 . . . . , , l.-sicvnA T.rt-i.-.n miicf ruv in rn-S . Si., that :upm the payment of about .75 the lit-ra nf hant ;u ,:f- tQ h tire ,ill tirooertv. Besides the jj equipped mill the purchase includes 8 J acres of laud, of which .500 acrs is C vered with timber of an excellent qual ity, and valuable franchises for the tnain tenance and operation of skid roads across the lands of Wther property owners in the vicmity. Tributary to tliis mill 'dsffirence in tki price realwd witich ts are 7,500 acres of cho:ce timbeir which is ''ridoubtedly ae to th fference in probably worth not less titi $7,000 or Quality of thSruit. The Cst of getting 3,oxo. j a poor gradvf prunes ou the market is Witii the construction of Xhc O. :C. -Si a great ashat of mSeting the best, S. to an EastK-u counectiim this will le- ;illustratint'the importawce of care in the conte out of the most 'Waluable ;uill shipping f only the -choicest grades, proipertiesiin the state. Ik-sides the Ue jThis wasthe first car of grean fruit evr la isid for luaaber for ust 4a consmKug i shipped rotn CorvaiSs to an Eastern the road, itvrould open cp an unlimited jruarkand tha resott has proved so srtt market lin the East for the mill' pro-' isfaCWS-y that it is lively that hereafter Aatt, in"-wSiich eveiit-ttlfe property -could : uiaur growers wi;jw?epiid ajion slipping coubltcss be disposed -ef at a .poc;e suf- iScientt discharge infill the dawns due the baufc estate. Tte failure i other biddepstobe preseai at the -safe was a matter -of considevatle surpnsr to Re ceiver Davis wlio i&ad beea in cor- respondence with parties in Oregon and 'Sound oyer in aSm sum of $250 oh tbu clmo in:fae East relaitivs to ptirciising the ;cf larceny wHwrstis. It is a ratkar-itit-rt-propartyand upon whose faaraUe rep-jncas jiwcrl nicu K-gHl iwtials-are to be resaifcitions tbe sals liarl hec Tcst:oiit-i Weterminod b5re iu final settJeswunt. There r r . pandaug a decision Providing Bonner tlie. P. CJ - - Ha5iond --era sueoessful in acg3ring titte to the tosA lit.'sas thought ithnis. veral Adders oi , ... ... be.en hand .as lri been ronglr mated in thesrwpoide.ce, bucjre otiSie promisiiu ifircnascFs tnatermssta TWICS OUT. j SheCorvalEs Evaporating conK-iy'sj tofiablishmeut ;is agaiu ri ashes. Fire .broke out in the new 'ihciilding anid - niht Tuesday aid in le3 than aa ' hour gui!tyof lrc(;riy. and min - a chtttel oily the tall 'brick chimweys of thetpltnt i nmsAgngor a bnilee within the meaning ..f wire left of what hsd' lieea otierfT thelthetwrttiou, -was directly spplicble t. the G&Sef business ceacerasaET the city. The 'ciwe nnd-made'for just suebcasi-.. -Tlmd- loss will pro-lsabSy not be less tUa:5oo. Two weeks age Aochryithe coiupary be- igsa the ooeratioa of , its plant wid was oi(wdijigthe werk a-ttidly asipessible , . . .-,, - After being la eseratwaii until tUeSallow- ing Monday it vras banned togetSior -wEth ; a planing raiM that adjoined -it and' w&ich was the ipioperty of W. T.Hoff man. The loss, albiwagfhia hcmr&r one,. Aii not have atiscouraging eSiect upn Waa. Hartleys, ne of-the principaS ow;i- -.ets, as he took ammeiliate.. steps 0 re build and before the icmbers '4sa dome ameuldering work omlhe second dry sr was beuu. It as finished last Satur- dty and at one is" clock that nikt the 1 watk of drying again cesmi .-need. Three days later the second building west n;j in smoke and now corvallis is witBaut ant vap rating estabtihmet to care fer the. im iktiss qanliticsiof fxnit that-tare. now rad.yo be cured .-and whkh b21 no douhtibecome a total loss. . At ithe time the See br&ke oat itiere were ao bushels o4 prunes on th .tys in a partially dried ewnditioa and abiput 303 buehal of green fruLt -.were 1 in tGae building-waiting to 3te tciraed. Only . .a few boxts were saved. The -fire cajugkt fromoneosf the flues and ttbonsh thecp were fburijrien employed a'bwttt the dryer they werejgowerless to cieckitk flanies, which apread with ligfctning ;-rapidityi throughout ithe entire building. Both fires are atbtibutable to the saute cane which was st k constructioa -of ithe flus. Being of only one thicknss iof .brick they became ;Crerheated and tre to tha wood workFhich surrounded ttfiem. By building tin flues the thickness of ttwo or three bricks instead of one., the .ganger of fire would probably be v cited- The loss is a sevsra one and not uiy fects Mr. Hartless.butthe entire - mvtnity. The fruit .from several large orchards was to have ;been dried by Mff. Hattless this season. nd as there are sc other evaporator to carat for the fruit ia this icinity it is likely that three or four thousand bushels 4$ prunes will go to waste. The building was insured ia the State, of Salem, for f 30. The policy covering .same arrived by mail yesterday having been issued the day ,f the fire. A M. CUngman Deal A. B. Clingman, at the advajsced age of 98 years, 2 saonths and 17 days, died at Corvallis, Monday evening, at 6 o'clock at the residence of his grand daughter, Mrs. Oscar DeHaven. Mr. Clingman was born July 13, 1797, in the state of Pen&sylvania. Some time in early life he moved to Ohio where he lived until 1839, then coming to Illinois and remaining there until about three years ago, since which time his home has been made with his daughter in this city. During the past ten years he has been blind and in very feeble health. There were present at the funeral yester day morning two sons and a daughter, aged respectively 71, 66 and 68, besides grand children and great grand children, making, with the deceased, four genera tion of the family. The interrment oc curred yesterday afternoon at the Pine Grove cemetery near Peoria. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. PROFXTABIB EXFEiUMENT. The experience of local" prune grow?" in shipping their fruit green has provc highly- satisfactory.. Recently a cailom of Italian prunes were shipped from tli's point by the Earl Fruit company am sold in Chicago. Telegraphic advice;; re ceived last Friday show that the en tir lot sold at a profit to the growe: s an many of them are now feeling sore be cause they did not market their entire output green. The car left Ccrval'ii. S-pt. 15th anJ was sold in Chicago the 24th. The arirs realized per crat; of twenty pounds were: S. N. Lilly, w outs. Corvallis Prune Co.. 95 cents. Rev. A. Rogers, co cents. Will Buchanan, go cents. Fred Stahl, 80 cents. Frank Conovc 85 cents. The total expense of picking, packing shipping and commissions is Sixty cents per crate or one ne dollar and eighty C?nts per bushel. Thus th price r-lized ibv eah sh.nncr tier hitliel was t fo- :lows: Lilly, 60 cent; Pntue Co, Ji,05. Rogers, $0 cents; Statt, 6j; Conover 75. At tliwse prices growers figure that there is more profit in shipping green "an in dryitrg their fruit, s they egart. profit one tent per poalfil green eqs.l to five 'cast dried. Thre seems to fee quite a -thei prunes vrctu instead of dryiug thtA. i.AtT UA1.0KA. Vhu S. Parses pid his nstmcfe t Jus fe;c Holgate'ii wuri latt Fridaj 'sndWns i . . . ... ...... fXr ... tOOK " C"H " wa,cn v. owwan Uiui " - " 1 n...4 mm. 11tVi.. t.mfnj .it th. Jtvlff HQ ..1 inH . , .. ' 0. . " . . . . ! without nRce t Stewart, -wflo, not being Hb)e (0 M the tuHm nM p.on..ta 'j,,,, had him mted. Parsons aiimitt-iU) tliu dputy KbiMrtC- tliat ho whs wnrr!rfr-ving committed criminal act 'and Jia-oot kn.w wlmtcuuiai-havo iiftluc-d him twfio m. He savs tan "hor-es are still jltYufl!i county. The rturfnt.-d ; i, j a Wii... ,...i..u,UAal,t th.. -ti,.n i0rM!1.,l.dfiiiiiir ho baiemn he ! fa4' attorney A. L. 3&sFuMun and M. .-wwm, uw4 mat, in.nrses wer jaMnwwn ly ne eou... n. -.-. i;fW - "was no : evwuwee or-ionvnsiii, and . ... . ... , -, . tieeifcel l that them -ejiild henw crime in the murereaking of . oondititin in thiort- gS. He-oould nuttntlertae to pass ip'n tfeiit?fl merits of tlie yarMus sections of the ede but could m!y cowtrue thiuu ac eHfteg to 1 their apftarenl omeaning. The saetiim in point states clearly that ; if the f&atiel. mortgagor. nverts t. hisown us, sacalts.or fnils to kB according to. Uie nit tyof lii trust, te aaortgageS proierty he KitKiuity ot taroeajr. . r roin ie eviacm-e tMirtva a plain stsewiion, nn admitted unet keep accordiug to the terms of the tnup.tiainlii. practical conversii. iJo l'ar-aMteK-was aecordinjrlr iheld to anver. '.SKSsons,attonieywiiiodiatt-ly took tteps to ibaK! ; Parsons bvwuglit brforo County J-jdgoiHuftord on a waat of : habeas corpus. Thejtijre however left : town Saturdx y and the cats was to come up .yesterday atlrrnion. In Ibsiaseantime theidefftnse ran up against anotler . snng. The oaunty clerk dee ded that ietl Aer the "lanr act" he niuAtrequire $5 of $hs "habeas oorpasen" betie filing their pajters. Their client was biis&e and they wte unwilling togntd braia iwr thatcoctasii .his behalf. They deny the right of the clerk to make eueh a charge. They were thiakinr of mandamusing the ,t!erk hut that.owitsld clearly require $5 dejiosit and tout thorn w aio better shape. The clerk and ountyjudgft.are threatened wit.hadaniaige suit, if the defendant fails la get his writ. Oee of the defendant's attorneys Bays that he informed tbe. clerk that bet-was .violating every principleof the magna efcarta and the coattitutlon . ui sthe United States and the state of Oregon. Clerk Hunter, however, informed him ths4 the salary aetcwas passed ince. ;.KeiC. For. one week, front Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, We will not jceceive apple. Storage .apace is Aill. G. HL. HoBsi-ALt Co, JShilob' Cure is fold .n a guarantee. It us incipient consumption. It is the iest Cough Cure. Only onacwitadose. 251 50 fAi., .and Kb Sold by :tiraham & Wre&, Karl's Clover Boot will puitfy your bloor. clear your .complexion, regulate your bov els and make your head clear a a bell.. '25c 50c. and 51-00. Sold by G rah aw & Welle.. Karl's Clover Root, the great blood puri fier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1. Sold by Graham & Wefts Students' Uniforms. Orders taken by F. L. Miller for student' uniforms made to order front Oregon City ektth. ' The best nnlaundried white shirts in the city at 45 cents ehch or $2.50 per half drzen or $5 per kozen at F. L. Miller's, Corvallir, Oregon. Newburg never rip pants , the best in the world, frem $1 to $4 at F. L. Miller's cloth ing store, Corvallis, Oregon. County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan & Callahan's Dr. Price's Cream Baldng Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. Awarded . Highest Honors World's Fair, GoJd Medal, Midw.nter Fair. Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard, FOxl T33 ..KIO-T. One of the lHrgB-t gun .-.ver sent West renohed Clik;nfl curly nt b'ri biy morning 0:1 its way from AVasliinioii to San Fran ciaco. It came into tluit city over the Pan handle rout'. In transporting it ncrnd? the continent Riecially designed truck is ued, similar to that which brought the Krupp gun to tSio world's fair. There are only two of these trucks in the United Slatt, -did both avere nnidK to ordHr fur the Funi 1- until Railroad c-oiiipniy for tlws exj pione of moving these h.-nvy cannon. The gn i one of the four inon.-tcrs designed ) r atpartof th arinamunt oi' tbe diitud St-it Cruiser Oregon. Iu h: I lows will follow it cross the land h soon thonecesiiary t -st.s are complete nt the hda.a Ib-ud proving sgrountls. It is coidi-e4 Hk-ly that all tin guns for the new erirUer -will be -omrili-t.d an 1 placed in po-itiou on iu gaiideck before snow Hie.-..' The p'ue iiow on its way, as is each of the others also, i.s a 13-inoh rided gun. It is a brwuh-loader, i 40 feet in lungth, ui.fl WciRhs 157,500 pnuntls. It carries a jro- jectilu which weU;h llou pounds, and r -q lires a charge of 55U pounds of jowier, and which, it is asserted, will, do execution at a dUtance of 13 miles. This monster was mmlent the gun factory at Wa-thiugto i, where all the huavy ordinance for tin: United Sutes U turned out. Kaon gun is com pleted there and got ready for the t-ra. j which take place at the proving ' grounds, -south of Washington. For test, each gun . is rired at a target five times with lull charge 1 of powder and -the regulation projectile. ' After Uir test the gun is measured a.ttin to -s mj if there wre any flaws in its inutiiriiil or if . it has sust-xiiicd any dumiire. All the sun I for ". iie Oreg-m were liwjshi.l IS -nnotiis ago, ! but nearly a jr has been coiisuimtd in til t ng up -tlii neci'sstry ineclMiiisni lor the t-st-Hiid in -".lijcctiiij the gun. to the usual triiis. Asito in as the gan now on iU way to the Oivigon reaches San Francisco, the ' truck will be uutried oatk to W aldington fir auoUrer cargo oi' the same Kind. Xo tunc is t he iost if all the g.ins are to be placed ia posi(,ion belVire wiater arrives. A FATAL ACCIir-V'r. .John Sfeipton, a briikeman on the Cascade division of thn i). C. & E., met with a mo t .n.-trcsHjitg accident yesterd-.y afternoon nt K;ngs asmall ciil.;. uast of A tmny. While. umking a coupling he tum b l- aJ.ell, one pair of truck- pnssing over his legs- The train returned immediately to Albany bringing the injured man, where he w.uj -attended by the vompniiy's phy -cian, lr. .Vlasten. An nxaniiiialiou dis ciosedtuat lx)th of the victim's legs were bik and the right one was so badly mana-led that it amputation was necepsaiy alxuittur inches above the knpe. Al this time it is. thought the other leg will be sh vtd. The patient is now al the depot hotel in Al bany4 hul will be removed Xo the home of hi pnrcuta in this cily as soon as bis in - Juries willj,eriuit. ' Lat:k- A wire from Albany early this morning stales that the injured man died suddenly at. 1030 last night. The funeral will occur from the family residence tomoi- row (Friday) at 2 p. n under the aui-picrg j of the Womiuien, of wliieh order be was an honored member. John Skipton was a young man of exem plary habits, of pleasing manuere, faithful to his duties and popular .with all who knew him. Th sympathy of all is extended to the relative. To Whom it JUay Concern: This is to certify that we will manufacture O. A. C. uniforms for Nolan & Callahan .pnly, as they wereawarded the contract. Orders from other parties will be re vised. Signed, Oregon City Mfg.. Co. Lost. Last Saturday on the streets of Corval lis, a lady's black astrachan eape. Finder will please Jeave same at this office. For Sale. Purebred Berkshire pies. College Farm. For Sale. Shorthorn boll, 6 years old. A purebred College Farm. For Rent. A house and barn, both in good repair. forzeat cheap. Apply to M.Jacobs. RI'P'A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. New 1 QpDi Just Returned from New York Gity. Purchased-an Immense Stock. Selling Goods from 15 to 25 per cent Cheaper than any other house in the county. CANNOT be Ladies' Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, EVERYTHING- You will be ashamed to ask for lower prices than are quoted customers at the New York Ilacket Store. I am here to please, and came to stay. F. A. ALEXANDER. OOBJEW-F IS NOW COMPLETE. Consisting of Men's, Youths', Boy's and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Caps, Hats, Boots, Shoes and Fur m hin Gxdi. We call spec ial attention to our FINE NECKWE1R ' AND CHEAP Suits made to order. ' F. L MILLER;, i.ruTnjuTJTJTn.njTJTnj-ixi TiGkle Your Palate When You Fill tRPD GROCERIES ARE THE H0U& UXJteJ wife,s delight The Best Groceries in Corvallis, and the Largest Stock, are kept by AUGUST HODES. No "hard times" prices, but "good time prices." You will have a good time when you see how cheap you can buy the best of fancy and staple grocer ies. You can't miss the store. It is the place where injxrtnnjuirurruTJirinnnjiJifiruinru She Will notLiye Three Days. Theo. Mundell, Lot Angeleg, writes: 'My wife bad been nnder treatment for eight w!(.-ks. When she began tbe use of Viavi Capsules and Cerate, the doctor said she weuld not live three days. But, thanks to the Viavi remedies, she is almost well. I consider it worth its weight in gold, and re:ommeud it to all snfferiag women. Mrs. E. S. Murray, Agfc., Cerrallis, To My Many Patrons. Not being able to dispose ef my basinets last season, as I expected, have purchased a complete stock of fall and winter goods from Chicago, St. Paul and San Francisco, and will continue to sell cheaper than any one. I invite your inspection prior to purchasing. Thanking all for past favors I remain, Yours respectfully, Mrs. J. Masox. Sewing Machines. Buy your sewing machines direct from Will's Music Store, Albany Oregon. No agents employed. Write us and be surprised how cheap we will sell you a first class machine. All leading machines except the Singer. We have been selling machines ten years. Our personal guarantee with all first elass machines. York UNDERSOLD Dry Goods, . Trunks, Valises, Notions, Etc. THE LATEST. ALL STOCK nlCKIrlTOSHLS. Satisfaction guaranteed. dorValli?, Or. Ycur Stomach. ' : The Crowd Goes. Adminstrator's Notioe, Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed by the couaty court of Benton county, Oregon, the admin istrator of tbe estate of Mary Ana Kendall, All persons having claims against the as- mj 01 Jiinry vii n Aenaaii, deceased, are notified and required to present the same. nmv TAr nwi ariiit v. lit six months from thin rl.t. ts i ...... t" ' I'.. I lUlKHnii WKftHl iraior at me lawomces or ilryton. rates Yates, in Corvallis, Oregon. William Booub, Administrator. Aatoaaiuorvallit,Utvgoa, Sept. , Adminlatrstor's Notice. Notice is herebv s-iven th.t tt. nn.J signed has boon appointed administrator of the estate of Theresa F. Bamberrar. dJ ceased. All persons having claims gaina saia estate are hereby reauired to niwuint th same with proper vouchers thnrnfnr. t ti. said administrator at the law office of Bryson I ales late, in Corvallis, Benton. Court ty, Oregon, within six months from tlwtdaif of this notice.' Tinted this 5nd day of Octd bor, A. 18Uo. CHARLES W. HODK3, Administrator. Snhnnl and Mm.lvftM w..v&w UUK and School Supplies at I Allen & WoodwardY