The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 19, 1895, Image 2

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    Issued Every TimrsJay Horning; by .
The Gazette Publishing Co.
(Editor aiid
1 Business Manager.
Per Tear
Oil Months,....
Three Month,...
Single Copies
Per Year, (when not paij in advance),...
.. $2 60
.. 1 00
8 50
It is doubtful if the democracy
will be able to even make a re
spectable effort in the next presi
dential contest Not only has
its recent legislation and its pres
ent administration found great
disfavor with the people, but the
party seems hopelessly split on
the financial question. Democ
racy seems to be in an advanced
state of disintegration.
Democracy has had its oppor
tunity as a dominant party and
has signally failed to show itself
in any particular entitled to that
position. It will be a longtime
before it will regain the confi
dence of the people to the degree
that they will trust democracy
with the reins of government.
But whatever the incapabil
ties of the democratic party, it
will be a national disaster should
it -become the third party in poli
tical power. The country will
have cause for mourning should
the populists elbow democracy
out of the race for supremacy.
The very foundations of the pop
ulist party are laid in pessimistic
discontent and anarchistic ideas
of political economy. The bulk
of the populist party is made up
probably of men who think they
are, and, generally speaking,
really are, good enough citizens.
Their intentions, in the main,
are good enough, but Mrs.
O Leary's cow probably had no
bad intentions wlren she kicked
the lamp over, nevertheless, she
burned Chicago in getting rid of
a fly.
As it now looks, republicans
will have but little opposition
next year. Of course all things
. are possible in politics, but noth
ing short of an apparent miracle
can raise up an opposition that
will .wean away the people from
their present" faith in the repub
lican party.
The present agitation concern
ing the non-enforcement of the
city's quarantine ordinances is
rather surprising. Our. citizens
seem to be spasmodic in their
municipal desires. They are
- very earnest in locking the barn
door after the disappearance of
the horse. A death at the Occi
dental hotel, recently, is thought
to be directly due to the non
enforcement of the quarantine
law, and there is a general ex
pression of indignation con
cerning the matter, as though for
sooth the laws of Corvallis were
made to be used. At one time
last spring there were twenty-one
known cases of contageous dis
eases, yet only two . or three
houses were quarantined. But
there was no uproar about it.
This paper called attention of the
police department to the matter
at the time, but there-was . noth
ing done and the people upheld
the department. Then, why the
present complaint against the
chief of police? His present
policy is perfectly consistent with
that of previous years. We have
the last council for authority that
our laws were not made to be
obeyed. Of course some of the
city ordinances are carried out,
but, then, the salary of the chief
of police is not high enough to
enable him to prevent these exceptions.
The Corvallis Gazette, - now
in its thirty-third year, has just
celebrated its; first anniversary
under the present very efficient
management. The Gazette is
one of Oregon's very best week
lies. Statesman.
R W. Tohnson has closed the
first year of his management of
the Corvallis Gazette. It is
tVte- no-o-rpssive eXDOUent of
e& .
republicanism for the people in
Benton county. Mr. jonnson i:
to be congratulated on his suc
cess in building up a strong and
influential paper. Capital Jour
The Corvallis Gazette, now
in its thirty-third year, has just
celebrated its first anniversary
under the very efficient manage
ment of B. W. Johnson. The
Gazette is one of the best week
lies in Oregon, and an aggressive
exponent of republicanism.
Heppner (jazette.
The editor of the Boston Her
ald in an interview with a New
York paper declares his belief
that the democrats will win in
1896. Mr. Holmes is an opti
mist of the highest type. He
bases his belief on the improve
ment of trade in the country and
the aversion of the people to a
change. He also favors Whitney
as the democratic candidate.
The people tried an experiment
in 1892 which was not successful.
That ruin did not follow is not
to be credited to the party which
the people placed in power, but
to causes which that organiza
tion does not and cannot control.
That the voters of America will
I Don't be a Bat.
Mrs. Mary IJtnfcley
Frederika, Iowa.
Goitre 31 Years
Tenac'ous Chronic Case C Ives Way
to Hood's Sarsaparilla.
next year repeat the mistake of " Thirty-ore years ago, after dangerous
, J r . - n j ! Ulne3s, my neck began to swell. It UO
vears aeo is a reflection,., no av trouble, except the deior.
their intellioerce. Lvnh ! mity, for many" years. About ten years
men iui.eiii0ei-(c. 1111 j com5neEced to pain me and if I toot
. j cold I would have
lernuie ivr v 1
The committee appointed ' to Even
. pun-naa. ui I , f rit.r hv
testimonial tO the battleship j Hood's Sarsanarilla r-nd immediately be-
mv DeoDie inouK-ut my wstuwui
raise funds fnr thf nnrrha nf a i come. I read of a lady in Kalamazoo,
In order that the government
in the future may not be caught
in such a predicament as tliat
which has given the administra
tion so much embarrassment
during the past six months and
that any deficiency ot revenue
may be met, it is reported that
Secretary Carlyle will ask the
next congress to give him author
ity to issue treasury notes or cer
tificates bearing a low rate of
interest, and redeemable at the
pleasure of the government.
Should the request be granted
it will enable the government to
pay its running expenses without
large long-time bond issues and
make it possible to tide over
short-revenue periods, and more
especially it would prevent a
drain of gold from the treasury
in times like the present. It is
interesting to note that this plan
was suggested by ex-Speaker
Reed in his amendment to the
bond and bank bill last winter,
which the democrats opposed
solidly, mainly because Secretary
Carlisle claimed that the revenue
would be ample for all purposes
! and such a provision was quite
unnecessary. -Post-Intelligencer.
THE attitude of the Astorian
on the improvement of the Col
umbia river is. surprising. That
paper is ably edited, and on al
most any subject is sound and
broadminded, but on the matter
of the Columbia improvement it
manifests a condemnable little
ness of spirit, selfishness and
absolute silliness.. Large cities
erow, not on the misfortunes and
the crippling of sister cities, but
on account of their own peculiar
advantages and merits. Astoria,
doubtless, has a bright, a bril
liant future, but it must grow to
prosperity by the unanimous
efforts of its citizens in its behalf;
by the advantages of a splendid
harbor; by being accessible by
water and rail to the balance of
the world, and by the aid of the
people of Oregon. It can never
reach the height of its ambition
by attempting to injure Portland.
Portland will not be injured, and
assaults upon ' the metropolis of
the state ought to, and will
arouse the ire of a great majority
of Oregoiiians, especially, when
it takes the form of an attempt
to stop improvements of the great
Columbia. That is a matter
that concerns, directly or indi
rectly, the prosperity of the
whole state. Astoria is blind to
her owu interests in opposing
such improvements. r
"Oregon" has commenced active
efforts. The general outline of
the campaign was made at the
recent committee meeting in
Portland and the dudes of the
several members of the commit
tee apportioned. The commit
tee, of course, anticipate the
hearty cooperation of the state
for this is a matter that appeals
directly to the patriotism and
loyalty of our citizens. The
school children will be given an
opportunity to contribute their
mites, and . it will be a grand
thiner if every child will be able
to claim a personal interest and
proprietorship in the splendid
warship of our country that bears
the name of Oregon.
Swept by a Cyclone
Of abbrobalion to the pinnacle of popu
larity, Hostetter's Stomach BitteJs h3s c
quired a commanding position," which has
occasionally made it a -bright and shining
mark for knaves, who seek to foist upon
the community spurious compounds in the
uise akin to that of the real article. These
arc mostly local bitters or tonics of great im
purity, and, of course, devoid of medicinal
efficacy. Beware of them and getthegenu
ine Bitters, a real remedy for malaria, rheu
matism, kidney trouble, dyspepsia, ner
vousness, constitution and billicusness.
Phvsicians of eminence everywhere com
mend the great iuvigorator, both for its re
medial properties and its purity. A wine
glass thrice a day will soon bring vigor and
regularity to a disordered and enfeebled sys
tem. s -
xwu " . - j- 1
Ban to taxe ini3 mcaicmo, uus
bottles. My neck measured 21 inches lost
g Sarsa- '.
www pariua
May against 16 inches f jj
now. It is a wonder "
and astonishment to
my friends and neighbors, for I wai grow
ing worse all the time and no one thought
I could live through the winter. AH
thought a cure impossible as I am 64 years
of age." Mas. Mary Hdiki-ey, Fred-
eruu., Iowa. xaKe oniy nooa-a.
W Al ratio cure aa liver ills, hntou.
uuwi aess. headache.
Sept. 25 M. 26
The best uubtumlried white shirts in the
c;ty nt 45 cents ehcb or 2.50 per half dozen
or $5 per kozeu at F. L. Miller's, Corvallis,
Captain Sweeney, S. A., San Diego
Cal.', says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedyis
the first medicine I have ever found that
would do me any good." Prico 50c. Sold
by Graham & "Wells.
Se9 our Dollar Hat window. Hats worth
from 1.50 to 4 00. We are over stocked.
Come quick. F. L. Miller.
Mrs. E. S. Murray sells Viavi, the won
derful remedy fur tbs afflictions of women.
Sewing Machines. '
Buy your sewing machines direct from
Will's Music Store, Albany Oregon. No
agents employed. Write us and be
Hurprised how cheap we will sell you a
first class machine. All leading machines
except the Singer. We have been selling
machines ten years. Our personal guarantee
with all first class machines.
Notice to Contractors.
The Baltimore American says
that the young men of Maryland
are with Mr. Lowndes, the
republican candidate for govern
or. His election will introduce j
a change long desired in the
state. Hitherto, as politics has
been managed the door to inde
pendent manhood has been clos
ed. "The election of the repub
lican ticket will mean a new
condition of affairs in Maryland.
Sttjdhnts are nocking to the
Agricultural College, the city is
rapidly filling up with winter
denizens, and it will soon be dif
ficult to find an empty house for
rent. The business men have
heard the harbingers of busy
winter and their countenances
beam out prosperity. Social and
intellectual societies are organiz-
Sealed bids will be received by H, Hec
tor, Clk. of Ditt. No. 6, Benton Co., Ore
gon, for the building of a new schoolhouse
in said district.
Plans can be seen at the office of County
School Superintendent, Corvallis, also at the
office of Albany Sugar Pine Door & Fix
tuie Co., on Monday, Sept. 15, '95. ,
All bids to be in by Sept. 21, '95. Con
tract .to be let to the lowest responsible bid
der.. The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
H. Hkctos, Clk.
Granger, Sept. 10, 1895.
ing or reorganizing,
and the
whole city begins to teem with
life in all directions.
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
The friends of Governor Lord
cannot but deplore his action in
appointing Henry McGinn as
circuit judge for Multnomah
county. The governor must
surely know that the appointee
can not add lustre to the judici
ary of Oregon, but will rather be
a stain upon it. He has no rep
utation as a lawyer, except such
as he gained as a pleader in
criminal cases, and his record as
a man is most unsavorv. This
is a matter that concerns the peo
ple of Multnomah county most
immediately, but it is also of
general public , interest to the
citizens of the state. When
blustering rowdyism aims at the
highest place in our judicial sys
tem, the people have a right to
and will protest.; The Orego
nian, editorially,, damns the ap
pointment with faint praise. . It
cannot dutifully condemn it.
That paper hints at McGinn's
past un worthiness -in its half
hearted guarantee of his future
good conduct To put a man
like McGinn in the place lately
occupied by Judge Hurley, a
gentleman and an able jurist,
would be humorous in its con
trast, were it not so serious a
matter. Governor Lord has
j maue a grave mistake.
To My Many Patrons.
, Not being able to dispose of my business
last season, as I expected, have purchased a
complete stock of fall aud winter goods from
Chicago, St. Paul and Sau Francifco, and
will continue to sell-cheaper than any one.
I iuvite your inspection prior to purchasing.
Tbaukmg all for past fuvors I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Mhs. J. Mason.
"Hazel Kirke"
"Monte Cristo."
The Old Reliable Undertak
ing House of - J. A. Knight
has been open to the public,
where they were always as
sured of courteous and ....
Prompt attention
When in need of anything in
the line. And now, as his
Successor, we carry the most
complete stock of everything
We carry a lull line of Fur
niture, Wall Papr, Window
Shades, Matting and Picture
Moulding. . Remember. ...
Our Prices are the Lowest
Oregon. Residence, Seventh
and Jackson Streets. .....
Until further notice oar cMer mill will
run Tnesd.-iy, Wednesday aud Thursday of
each v eek.
Work Done and Ap
ples Bought.
Apples reooived nt anytime.
8onth Ead of Main St., Corvallis.
I Show Me a Man
IVJio does not patronize
. and I will
Two Nights Only
Show You a Man
" :
Who does not know this: Jl
Our Billiard Hall and Whist Par- l
iu the city. We run a strictly tem
perance business. Our houve is
always orderly, and is just the
place to spend an hour or two in
harmless amusement. No gamb
ling; no tippling; no disorderly
Children 25 cents; General Admission 60
cents; no extra charge for Reserved Seats
eats now ou sal at Conover's.
Millinery Busslness For Sale.
A well-estalilisheil aud ilorishing millinery
business of 19 years standing. ' Will sell
very cheap for cash only, and give posses
sion at once. Bent low. Reason for sell
ing, wish to retire from business.
Mrs. J. Mason, r
Corvallis, Oregon.
First Mortgages on Improved Farm
' Property Negotiated.
We are prepared to negotiate first mort
gages upon improved farms in Oregon, with
essteru parties at a rat of interest not to
exceed 9 per cent, per annum.
Mortgages renewed that have been taken
by other companies.
Address, with stamp,
Baker City, Oregon.
" For Sale.
A 10-acre prune orchard, 2 miles from
Corvallis trees in bearing; fine soil for fruit
A great bargain for a cash purchaser. : Will
trade for town property. Enquire at Ga
zette office.
. Mustang
Caked & IrJ larnod Uddi,
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
AH Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailmfciats,-
Penetrates Muse!ev
Membrane and Tissus
Quickly to the Ver
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
" Mustsng liniment conquers
. Pain, -Makes
flae e. Beast eil
: ----- ezh-. - - .-.
School and College Text-Books
and School Supplies at
Allen & Woodward's.
"We have appointed the
dentpal piaqing ipg
And Box Factory
Our Agents for Corvallis and vicinity for
the sole of our superior
Santiam Fir Lumber.
A Full and Complete Stock will be kept
Constantly on Hand, and all orders, be they
large or ? mall, will bo filled with prompt
ness, SMITH & SMITH,
Is the . best appointed place in
the city and is stocked with the
Wines, Liquors and -Cigars.
Agent for Days of '49, Jesse
Mooae and Phoenix Burbou
, Corner 1st & Jefferson streets,
Corvallis, Oregon. ,
-Referee's Notice.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Beutou county.
The Farmers Loan and Trust Com-
pany, Plaintiff,
vs. )
The Oregon Pacific Railroad Com- i
pany and (
The Willamette Valley and Coast f Defendants.
Railroad Cam pany. )
undersigned, A. C, Woodcock, has been ap
pointed Referee by the above Court, in the above
named suit with power and authority to pass up
on, determine and settle all and singular of the
accounts oi the several Receivers heretofore ap
pointed by the Court in this cause, and to pass
upon and'determine all the questions of law and
fact iu the premises as to persons and parties
having claims or demands against the funds
realized by the Court from the sale of th pro
perty and frachises of the defendant companies
made December 22, 1S94, and to determine the
order of priority of sucn claims and demands,
and all matters in relation to the distribution of
the said sums of money, and the application of
the same to the payment of the several demands
and claims against the same.
Notice is turther given that on Monday the
14th day of October, 1H95, at two o'clock in the
afternoon of said day at the Court House in Cor
vallis, in the County of Benton and State of Ore
gon, the undersigned Referee will proceed with
the trial of the legality, amounts and priority of
the payments of the claims p nd demands of all
persons who have claims and demands against
said funds, in accordance with the power vested
in me by said Court, as hereinbefore stated.
Said trial will proceed from day to day until
the same shall be finally adjourned.
All persons holding aud owing claims against
said funds are hereby notified to appear at said
time and place and'to file their claims and de
mands with me and prove the same, as to legal
ity, amount and priority of said claims.
All claimants will have the privilege of intro
ducing competent testimony for the purpose of
proving their claims and for the purpose of es
tablishing the order in which said claims shall
be paid. Any claimant shall have the privilege
of obiectinar to any other claims and to theorior-
ity of the payment of any other claims and to
oppose the same with competent testimony.
Chas. Clark.- E. W. HadU v and T. E. Hoecr.
heretoxore appointed Receivers in the above suit.
Don't be Blind. . .
We are in the race and are prepared to make
Prices that Defy Competition. . .... . . .
Our Prices - - -
And goods will speak for themselves. If you
. are going to buy a bill of . . .........
Groceries - -
Just call at every store in town, then call on
us and be convinced. . .
We Want . . .
Every householder in Benton County to know
that he can save .money by dealing with us.
Wewill also pay the highest market price for
Produce. Consult your own interests. Come
and see 11s.- If you do not care to save money
you better not come.
Store next door south Allen & Woodzvard"1 s.
Leading Grocers Corvallis, Or.
- -- A -A l - ZZ l----
Can give better bargains in Shelf and
Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oil and
Varnishes, Stoves and Tinware, Fv.rm
Machinery of all kinds, Wagons,
Buggies and Carts, Guns and Ammu
nition, than
5inF5N, HU5TON 6r C2
Their stock is complete in each of the above lines.
4 . -
I GftflHflM & WEIiliS,
j Druggists s Booksellers.
A Supply of College and Puplic School Books constant
ly on hand; together with a full supply of Pens, Ink,
Paper, Tablets, etc. Have the new Public School
books adopted by the State for introduction on exchange.
Assignee's Sale
Now is the time to buy a Wagon or Buggy.
The (Joast All Steel Sear Wagon
The best in the world. The Entire Stock of the
Coast Carriage & Wagon Co's Buggies, Carriages, Carts,
Hackstand Wagons will be sold at greatly reduced
prices. A straight cut on all styles of vehicles.
Strictly first-class work in all jobs. Don't buy any
'but "COAST." See that the name is on every rig.
If your dealer does not keep them, write direct to
the factory at Corvallis, Oregon, and get prices.
Assignee Coast Carriage & Wagon Company.
Returning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhi-re can they make so much within,
a short time as by successful Speculation in Grain, FroviMon and btock.
FOR EACH DOLLAR Invesu-d can be n.aile by our
originated bv us. All successful speculators operate on a regular sytiem. .
K 1" a welf known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the United States
ltisaweiiKnown jnL. il ctM, hrnbor. ma ; larsre nmounts every year.
who invests a hundred or two hundred
dolfars Tup to 50,000 to fWO.OOO or more by those who invest a few thouf
aoiiars up wj , i, tho nroSts from comparati
J.uuu or more uy iims-c " -t' -" ". , -
V Z . 'xi... .u ,l, m(.it the arimsl nrotlts Horn comparatively small lnyeew-
menUonthUpla " aro pers.who lie awavom Chicago and invest through broker,
who thoroughly understand systematic trading. .
j thhe orfelWbriw
Write for Convincing PrOOfS, also our Manual on successful Bpecu
t;."j.tTi Market Renoit. full of monev-makinff pointers. ALL FKKJC
Ooi Manual explains margin trading fullv. Highest references in regard to our standing
j r..vrhor information address
aim success. : j.- v
THflMfiS fc GO.. Bankers and Brokers.
241-242 Rialto Building, EHI6A60, ILL
are hereby required and ordered to appear
said time and place and present to me their -
spective accounts as such Receivers.
This notice is given by order of the above
Court, in the above named suit, made aud enter
ed on the 5th day of September. n95-
Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 7th day of Sep
tember, 1895.
A. C -WOODCOCK, Referee. -
Conservatory of Music.
Albany CoUege, Albany, Oregon.
rj-f T. XI Pnrrin Mn Doc-, will have
' charge of this department of the college.
Full courses iu the important branches of
ninsic. Fine music rooms. Latest meth
I ods. Diplomas conferred on complation of
course. Prices low for grade of . work.
LTsrm begins September 11th. Send for
- circular aud catalogue. Address,
I W. H. Lee, A. M,
Albany, Or.
Adtninstrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
siened has been appointed by the county
court of Benton county, Oregon, theadmin
istrator of the estate of Mary Ann Kendall,
deceased. - . .
All persons having claims against the es
tate of Mary Ann Kendall, deceased, are
notified and required to present the same,,
duly verified with proper vouchers, withir
six months from this date, to said ftdminis- ,
trator at the lawoflSceg of Bryson, Yates &:
Yates, in Corvallis, Oregon. . .
"William Bogue, Administrator.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, Sept. 5, ri95