1 OA . One Grocer has been found who says he will not handle Royal Baking Powder ! And the reason he gives is of interest to every housekeeper. It is that he can make more money selling the other baking pow ders I He says he can buy all other powders at from 20 to 50 per cent. lower price than Royal, while he sells them at the same price. That means when the housekeeper buys some powder other than the Royal she pays the same price, but gets a powder costing to make and worth only half as much. It is a fact that the Royal Baking Powder is made from more highly refined, purer, and more wholesome ingredients than any other baking powder. Most of the others are made from alum. All of them contain adulterants or impurities. Absolutely pure cream of tartar and soda, as used in the Royal, cost more than im pure cream of tartar and alum; hence the greater cost, as well as greater value, of the Royal. - The grocer who says he will not handle Royal Baking Powder because he can make more profit upon other powders proves to the consumer, most conclusively, the superior value of the Royal over all other brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST NEW-YORK. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. PROMINENT PERSONAGES. to She Left Her Comfortable Home . None Soldiers In Crimes. On the fifteenth day of May Florence Nightingale celebrates her seventy-fifth birthday as a great woman and as a great public benefactor, and as much of a heroine as she was forty years ago, when she went' forth from her comfort- aoie nome m jungiana. not as a mere nurse to attend' to the wants of the wounded and dying British soldiers in the Crimea, but as a fearless organizer 01 a great new-Hospital system, which the British war office authorities, staff officers and generals had looked upon as a mere matter of afterthought in the preliminary arrangements of one of the most difficult campaigns in the history of the civilized world, writes Fitz Boy Gardner in an interesting illustrated sketch ol ".Florence Nightingale at Seventy-Five" in the . May Ladies' Home JournaL No one had thought of the physical sufferings which would have to be undergone by the brave sol diers who were sent out with the pros pect of a long winter campaign before tnem, witnout any adequate hospital arrangements having been made. When the great mistake was realized it was a woman who came forward to rectify the terrible blunder; and it may easily be imagined that obstacles were thrown m ner way. mt tne public opinion was soon aroused, and when Miss Flor ence Nightingale arrived at the Crimea with her band of nurses she had the whole Birtish people at her back. THE UNTRAINED DAUGHTER. Arrival of Columbua, Mr. C. Columbus, who visited this con tinent over 400 years ago, came over in a vessel which broke all previous records. A reporter met him down the bay and asked: "How do you like America, Mr. Colum bus?" "First rate, first rate!" replied Christo pher affably. "That is, I like what I have seen of it very well. How is Susan B. An thony?" "She's as chipper as ever. How did you leave Herd and Isabella?" "Isabella has been suffering a meat deal from the grip, but there isn't much the matter with the old man. By the way, what is Maggie Mitchell playing now?" "She basanew piece called ' Fanchon.' " "New I Why, she toured Europe with that when I was a boy. But tell me how the Grant monument is getting along.' "First rate. More than 17.50 has been subscribed in the last three years, some of it in cash." - "That's good! And what place does New York bold In the League record?' "Placet Why, the very tiptop of course!" "Good enough! We are the people! Any thing new about tbe Heely motor?" But it is useless to quote the entire in terview, for it happened a long time ago, and Columbus is dead now and can't deny any inaccuracies it may contain. Beho- ooth Herald. , A SOCIETY GIRL POSES. "Constance Arthur's" Face Is a. Favorite With Mew York Artists. There is an idea in the minds of the ma jority of the world that an artist's model must belong exclusively to Bohemia, but like the majority of conventional belief It is not true, in jNew xorK city there are several well known young ladies occupy ing high social position by reason of birth and breeding who earn handsome incomes as artists' models. The most beautiful and famous of these Is "Constance Arthur." Ton know her. You have seen her face many times in the magazines and high class periodicals, and a bewitching face it is. one Is said to be the only woman in Now York who knows how to look pretty with her mouth open, and her laughing race, ner Deautuully sculptured lips open over pearly teeth, smiles fascinatingly at you from pictures galore. So unique are A Bat Story. A queer story comes with first class rec ommendation all tbe way from England. In 1860 a member of the Chaplin family died at Blankney, Lincolnshire, and was laid in the family tomb. This particular Chaplin was a naturalist, and among his outer pets Had a large gray bat. That bat was permitted to enter the tomb and was sealed up alive along with the corpse of his dead master. In 186S the vault was opened, and to the surprise of all tbe bat was alive and fat. On four different occa sions since the Chaplins have looked after the welfare of their dead relative's pet, and each time it has been reported that toe oat was still in tne land of the living, although occupying quarters with the dead. He was last seen in 1892. Chicago jaews. Why Should Not Girls Be Taught Some of the Common Business Forms? Why should not a girl be taught DooK-Keeping and some of the more common business forms? writes Eliza beth .Robinson : Scovil in the May Ladies' Home JournaL Men pity, or laugh at, the business incapacity of the vast majority of women. It is often only due to want of proper instruction, and way should not this be supplied? some girls have a passion for flowers. and plants grow and thrive under their coaxing fingers without much apparent effort on their Dart. Such may find tneir vocation in the management of greennouse. liaising nower seeds is a remunerative occupation.- Choice pansy seea is sold at $7 an ounce at retail, rare ones at double that price, and some varieties at S3 an ounce. Cut flow era always command a good price in winter, spring flowers at Easter and choice flowers all the year round. The care of precious house plants for absent owners, supplying potted plants and ferns for tbe decoration of dinner tables and drawing rooms, help to swell the balance, some florists not only supply the flowers but arrange them in their receptacles, charging : an extra sum for the service. : A girl choosing this occupation must be content to learn her business thor oughly under an experienced florist, and should also have a little capital to begin with. : , : - There are so many good technical schools now that there need be little difficulty in obtaining excellent in' sanction in wnatever avocation it is wished to take up. A TJSUliJBLB VISITANT. . Pain Is alwars a territte visitant, and o'ten uuraiciiea 'teir witn one lor lite. I his Innic- . uon in prevention, m ca-es 01 rn umntl m. b- tiely reort to Ho-tetter's Stomach Bit'eis, which checks tbe em roachutent of this obri liHteand dangerous malady at the oat-et. The tcr n Munterous ' Is n-ed advisedly, for rheu matism is always Iiab e to attack the vital o -guns and terminate life. No testimony is more ciiciiil. e ana c uicurreni man that of physician- wno testify to the excellent effect of the Hitter- in this disease. Persona innnr a aretiin. in-rainy or snowy weather, and whoare txpoaed to draught', should use tbe Bitter a a pre ventive of ill t fleets. M.utria, dyspepsia, liver auu Miunev irouDie, nerroasne-s ami ebility are al o amon r the ailmeuts to whim this pop idar medicine is adapted. For the innnnuie, rv.ru-a nuu BMUUCM V UUO BKCU lb IS lilguly ' "Heavens Maria! Was that phonograph out uueiiik a nKuw-- --ri; 1 turnea it nu las. lilht when yu were sleeping, fern pas you m I 1 uiUIM ..nr 1. . . -. inilBI. UWOT JUU UIUI0. LOOK OUT FOR BREAKERS AHEAD 771 1 when pimples, eruptions, boils, and like manifes tations of impure blood appear. They wouldn't appear if your blood were pure and your sys tem in the right condition. They snow you wnat you need a good blood purifer; that's what you get when von S j-t. .rierce's I Golden Medical ItMss Discovery. Jlbr It carries health Wit -- tii in j whu it. Alt D1UUU, Skill and Scalp Dis eases, from n mm. mon Blotch, or Eruption,-to the worst Scrofula, are cured by it It invigorates the liver and rouses every organ into neauntui action, in tbe most stubborn forms of Skin Diseases, such as Salt- rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Boils ana sunarea ailments, and Scrofula, it is an nnequaiea remeay. 'CONSTANCE ARTHUR." her charms as a model it is said that those for whom Miss Arthur poses cannot find ner equal. Who is this beautiful model f Not many even of her closest friends know. She is Miss Blanche Bavllss. sava The Commercial Advertiser. There are fonr sisters in the family, of whom one married a berman noblen an and lives in London. her home being a fashionable and artistic center. The trio remaining are girls of in dependence and ideas, and they determined to support themselves, to keep together ana to Keep their social position, and they nave succeeded. One of the girls is an artist in another way. brio has evolved the art of making a gown, a nat, a Dit oi drapery which will come out" amazingly well in a nictnrn. She visited the artists whom she knew and took orders for buttdI yinjr studio wardrobes. A picture gown like a stage gown must be accented, and to Know just where this in definable touch must be is a talent which tne eldest Miss Bavllss possesses. iter sister, the model, came to her nres ent coveted position by obligingly posing ior artist menus until ner lame spread so last and so far sue was Induced to make a profession of her pastime. It is a craze with society women to pose ior artists, DUt very, very lew nave the de licious beauty of face and grace of fhnrra and the indescribable chio atmosphere of iionstance Arthur." RAMBLER BICYCLES... Ladies' and Gents All Sizes... All Weights S46. S55, 866. 885, 8IOO Second-hand Wheels for sale and exchange Bend for catalogue, FREE. live agt's wanted F8E0 T. MERRILL CYfiLE CO. 17 Washington St , ' FOBTUXD, OR. : A Nobleman's Strange Career. Joseph Ledochoweki was arrested In n Vienna hotel recently for stealinsr eosJ. clothes and jewelry. The story of his ca reer, as told to tne Vienna police and con firmed from other sources, is as remarka ble as anything in recent nolice records. He is a Polish nobleman whose father was exiled for taking part in the Polish revo lution. He was reared in Siberia. Ha escaped from the convict settlement by way ot mongoiia, came DacJc to lurope by a devious route, disguised himself and re turned to Russia to obtain if Dosslble nart of the family property. He was rocoar- nizea, arrested and sent oacK to riiboria. After a few years he escaped again. He made his home among the nihilists in Switzerland. He was injured in the great railway accident near Basel and obtained large sum of money as compensation. rromwmcn ne lived until he went to VI enna. He lived in the Austrian capital by theft. He was in extreme poverty most oi ine time, orcen oeing reduced- to beg ging in the streets. The Russian govern ment wishes to extradite him. The Vien na police, however, may be allowed to deal with him first, as they have a long list of cnarges against film. -' Early Rising. The old idea of attributing special mo rality to early rising is a bygone, out of aace maxim. Early to bed and early to rise Makes a man healthy and wealthy and wise is a rhyme which has had its day. A cer tain medical man once discovered with mucn statistical search that be never found a case of extreme longevity unac companied by tbe habit of early risinsr. from which one might infer that thev who rise late die early. But this would fail to take into account one well kuown fact the fact that most elderly people are early risers because they cannot sleep o' morn ings. It is putting the cart before the horse. a reversal of cause and effect, to infer that people live to be old because they do not sleep late. Arranged in logical sequence, the conclusion is that they do not sleep late because they are old, and It is folly for human beings to regulate their move ments on ornithological principlaav- " A Penurious Maestro. Some years ago a well-known and celebrated composer resided, in Paris. Hearing that a great prince intended visiting the eity, he gathered around him a number of musical lights in or der to give a grand concert in honor of the prince. Knowing of the prince's liberality, he banished his beautiful concert piano to another apartment, substituting in its .. place an antique one with strings that would just about respond to the touch of the keys. ihe evening of the concert arrived, and with it the prince, who expressed himself charmed and delighted with the lovely , music, but curious about the piano. - my dear maestro," he said, "you will doubtless venerate this ancient piano." -v. .-':'-: Your highness," replied the Maes tro, "it is more a matter of necessity than veneration." And here he looked sad. - - The prince's heart was touched, and asked the Maestro in an ill-disguised. off -hand manner what style of piano he thought the best. The Maestro liked to play on the X , its tone was so beau tiful and it responded so quick to the touch. ' . - - ' :. The next day the prince visited the manufacturers of the X piano and purchased one of the finest of their make, ordering it sent to the Maestro. Shortly after the Maestro called on the manufacturers of the X piano, and asked: "Did Prince order one of your pianos sent to my apart ments?" The answer being in the affirmative, he politely requested his commission, stating that it had been his pleasure to commend their pianos. Harper's Young People. I! ints on Beading, ' Your teachers no doubt often ask yon to -read books, as side helps, supple mentary reading, in your serious stud ies. Sever feel that tame is wasted when spent in this occupation. One gets the atmosphere of a period from the books which were written about it. as, for instance, if yon are studying the history of the French revolution, your instructor may ask you to read A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. The novel will throw a flash-light on the time and the men and women, which will make the swiftly; moving "events ever vivid in their impression on your mind. 'Xne several books of Mrs. Charles, especially The Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, are valuable. not only as stories, but as helping yon to understand the period of the Ref ormation, The Draytons and the Da- veauua aumg ior tne xteiormation in England what the Schonberg-Cotta oooks do ior tnat in uermany. , If yon delight in exciting tales read the White Company, by A. Conan Doyle; or A Gentleman of France, bv Stanley J. Weyman. Mioah Clarke, by Dr. Doyle is full of battle and siege and moving incident, and it is an er ror to fancy that only boys find pleasure in this thrilling sort of story. Girls like it quite as welL Can I not per suade you to go back a little and read Ivanhoe, by Sir Walter Soott, and Quentin Durward, and Tales of a Grandfather, by the same great novel ist? Doings of Those Who Have Reached " Distinction in Their Sphere. Swinburne is 58 years old, is five feet high, and has a ghastly face and ahead of unkempt hair.--; Lord Queensberry Is an enthusiastic advocate of cycling. As a physical exercise he says it has no equal. Prince Lohnahoff , the new Russian chancellor, is a student, a writer and a scientist, and has a high standing in European literature. : - - Mrs. Mary E. Hopkins, of Augusta, Mich., has just .celebrated' her 98th birthday anniversary and has to her credit a hand-made quilt of 2,000 pieces. The Messrs. Sarrasin, the two Swiss explorers who have been in Borneo for some years, have found a number of islands that have never before been visited by Europeans. Mrs. Mary E. Richmond, of Batavia, N. Y. , widow of Dean Richmond, the famous railroad and steamboat man, leaves an estate of $ 15,000,000 to be divided among her children. Ex-Queen Isabella of Spain is the godmother of more children than any other woman in the world. She never refuses a request to act as sponsor from any one who has any kind of claim. M. Martin, the engineer of LaGas- oogne, who repaired the steamer's ma chinery in its last voyage last winter, has been rewarded by the French gov- erment with the cross of the Legion of Honor.' Major-General Meritt, McCook's sue cesssor in rank, began his cavalry ca reer in tne -. second dragoons, now merged in the second cavalry. It was Harney's regiment and an ideal troop for a cavalryman. Miss Willard announces that -Dr. Lunn "is chartering a ship to bring over the White Ribbon Women" of America, and that "it is expected that as many as 250 pulpits in and around London will be occupied, by temperance women." ' - Miss Rose Cleveland, sister of the president, has recently returned from a European tour. She is gray-haired and has a pleasant face. She is rather stout, but her taste in dress is excellent, and she is invariably attired according to tne latest fashion. . Mme. Rowstowska, of Lille, France, is 1 12 years old. She served as the Cantiniere of a Polish regiment during the Russian .campaign, was 12 tunes under fire, received three wounds and was decorated with the silver She has survived her 15 children, - Marie Cameron, . a Chicago artist, who went to tie Art institute in that city in 1891 and 1892, and has been studying at the Julien academy in Paris for the past two years, she had her last picture accepted in the Salon, The sub ject is "A Fisher Maiden," which she painted at Etaples. Babu Pratap Chandler Roy, who translated the Mahabharata into Eng lish, died recently in Calcutta. Ninety two parts of his translation have already appeared, and only eight re main to oe publisned. The work is eight times as long as the Iliad - and Odyssey combined. A rumor comes from New York that Bourke Cockran, whose eloquence elec trified the last national Democratic con vention, aspires to a seat in the British parliament. The seat which he held for four years in congress is to be filled during the next two years by George B. McClellan, son of the Union general of that name.. It is rumored that the Princess Le- titia who, it must be remembered, is barely 29, and is considered a beauty does not much like the prospect of becoming the "Duchess Dowager" of Aosta on the marriage of the duke, tgr stepson, to the Princess Helene of Or leans, and is going to ask the king to give her another title, j From the register of visitors at Strat- ford-on-Avbn; it would appear that 19, 485 persons visited the birthplace of Shakespeare during the 12 months end ing April 1, 1895. The nationality of the visitors as recorded is remarkable, the United States heading the list with 4,335, while China sends 4, Persia Africa 27, and Greece only 1.- Dr. Rudolf Doehn, editor of The Dresdener Presse and author of several works on American history and transla tions from. American poets, died re cently in Dresden at the age of 70. He was one of the many Germans driven to America after 1848 for political reasons, but returned to his country after Prussians victories in 1866. A society that, admits men and women to membership on an equality is the American Authors' Guild, which held a dinner last week at Delmonico's, New York. General James Grant Wilson is president, and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe is vice-president. The speakers were Professor Boyesen, Louise Chandler Moulton, Kate T. Wood and Walter Palmer. Alexander Dumas' latest play, "La i Route de Thebes," is finished and has been accepted by the Theatre Francais, but it cannot be produced until an act ress is found for the leading part Da- mas is now at work on another ttlav which he calls "jLa Troublante," the, name given to a star wnose course causes irregular movements in another star. It is believed to be an attack upon journalists. Mayor Strong has not yet fulfilled his promises to give women a repre sentation in the board of education, but a short time ago he made Mrs. W. S. Rainsford, wife of a popular clergy man, a school trustee, and now he has appointed Miss Ellen Collins as a school inspector. She is the first woman to fill the position. There seems to be no doubt that she is quali fied for the place. During the war she was witn .. the Woman's Association for the relief of the army and navy, and ef recent years she has taken a practical interest in the tenement house reform, and has even gone so far as to purchase a tenement house and improve it, and encourage the- tenants in self- improvement, in which she has been signally successful. -' - r : J ; ; BUMMER ACTIVITIES. II one were to attempt to enumerate and classify the sports oi summer, he would have a large job on band, but at a glance we know that thousands are engaged at these pastimfB of land and water. The use or physical and muscular exertion is immense, and as a r suit tne rough usage brings about sprains, hurts, bruises wounds and cuts, for which the greatest and sorest core is St. Jacobs-Oil. All sportsmen know and acknowledge this, as also raisers and trainers of line horses, and breeders of fine cattle. It is tbe sports men's oesi reliance ana is ept on nana accordingly. ; . . - 1MEN OflLV mm you At the Botanical Gardens. Professor Here, young ladies, observe a tobacco plant. One of the Young Ladies Ah, how very interesting! Professor, pray, how long will it be before the cigars are ripe? Giornale delle Donne. BEWARE OF OINTMKNTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, How much they Buffer when nervous, weak and tired. Nervous prostration is a lingering, tacking, living death to those afflicted, though wholly incomprehensible to others. The cause of this condition is impure and insufficient Blood. Make the blood pure, give it vitality and it will properly feed the nerves and make them strong. Hood's Sarsaparllla Cures nervoneness because -it acts di rectly upon the blood, making it rich and pure and endowing it with vitality and strength-giving power. No other medicine has such it record of cares. Thousands write that they suffered intensely ' with nervousness end were cored by this great medicine. The building-up powers of Hood's Sarsa parilia are wonderful. " Even a few doses are sufficient to create an appe tite, and from that time on its healing, purifying, strengthening effects are 'plainly felt. - The - nerves become stronger, the- sleep becomes natural and refreshing, the hands and limbs become steady, and soon "life seems to go on without effort," and perfect health is restored. Such is the wo:k which Hood's Sarsaparilla is doing for hundreds of women today. . : as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole lystem when entering it through the mu cous surfaces, csucn articles snould never be used except on prescriptions from repu table ubvsicians. as the daraaee thev will do is ten lold to the good yon can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sura you get the genuine. It is taken internally, aud made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cneney & (Jo. Testimonials free. - - st-8old by all Druggists, price 75c per uvtue. : - - - - NEW WAT EAST NO DUST. Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Pure Blood. SEEDS have bought from the RECEIVER of F. L. POSSON & SON, the stock, fixtures and good will of the teed business lately carried on by them and will continue the same at 205 Third Street. BUELL LAMBERSON, Poetlakd, Oa. SHEEP DIP LITILE'S-NQN-POISBKOOS. SAFEST KD BEST Mixes with cold water. Imptoves the wool. JAMES UIBUW ICO, Poitanif. Or, SiSSSSSSS: Go East from Portland, Pendleton, Walla wana via u. it. s jn. to HDOKane and Ureat xtonnern uatiway to Montana, uaKotas, at. Paul, Minneapolis. Chicago. Omaha. Bt Louis. Bast and South. Rock ballast track: fine scenery; new equipment; Great North-1 era ratace bieepers and Uiners : Family Tourist Cars; Buffet-Library Cars. . Write a. U. Donovan, General Agent, Portland, Oregon, or F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Sc. Paul, Minn., for printed matter and in formation aoout rates, routes, etc. We think Piso's Cure tit Consnmntion I is the only medicine for Coughs. Jknmiz riHCKABD, BpnugHeld, ill., Oct. 1, lt9i. MUSIC STORK Wiley B. Allen Co., the oldest, the Urgent, 211 First St., Portland. Chickt-rinff, Har.lman, Fischer Pianos, Estey irrgtiii. lvw pnuea, ey lerms. - 10-CEMT MCSIC-Send for catalogues. WEINHARD'S S LL-KNOWN BER (IN KEGS OR BOITLF none TY IT,. where from. I'OETt iMJ, OE. MALARIA I Three rioaeg only. Try it. DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does every step seem a burden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. Gtlard Vtrart)f for anri-Tnlr malaria tfrori reeling, Dy using now uregou Blood f urilier. Tby Gbrxba for breakfast. DON'T BORROW TROUBLE." BUY SA POLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. llnsiston BMWARM Of Imitation trade marks and labels. MTitGS m ABP p SODAS in pa ckages Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni. f versatty acknowledged purest in tbe world, 11 Hade only tj CHURCH tc CO., Hew York. f - ; Sold by tTtcen everywhere. wraai war ann mm nammsr noom or vaiaapis aasipas FMtg. ON ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts genuy yet promptly on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, disnels col 3s. hearl. acnes ana levers and cures habitual constipation. SrruD of Fies is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- uuceu, pieasing to tne lasto ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its fleets. rrerared onlv from t.h mnst healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to an and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c ana $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will nro- - .. r. cure u promptly ior any one who wisnes to try ic . uo not accept any euu&utuia,-;. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SAN FBANCI90O, CAL, IDWSVILLE, AX . IV YORK, td G.W. 8TAYER1 GO. successors cm i urn a, nririrnn w SUCCESSORS etpi VPD io . . . : uinijun WALKER PORTLAND, OREGON Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Oreat Fall, Mont., recom mended Ely't Cream Balm to me. J can emvhamze h't statement "It a piritive cure for catarrh if uted an dire'ted." iit. Francis', W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Ch , Selena, Mont. : mm General Agents for Aultman & Isylob Ihrbmhebs, Traction Engines and : DlNGEB WOODBUKY FOWEB. ' 'S Have for Sale HAND-CASE SEPARATORS AND ENGINES Aud other Machinery of 8tver& Walker -:. biock io iose oat cneap. - Write for Cataloane and Prloea. Room 550 Worcester Block, Portland, Or WALTER BAKER & CO. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE. HICH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On thli Continent, hzr. retired HIGHEST AWARDS float tbs (ml ial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and Ana. TTnirkf th. Tin teh ?nv. nn ATW I lie or other rhMilMh nr Ikn am Their delldon. RREiKflAT nnrrh. (. Jtwi,,.iw r-.n.m,W4Hm,MiWnnm.aV, SOLO BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. fur nish steel tanks with covers, all tzal- vanized after comDletlon.i in nests of ten. 8 to 12 feet" high and SO to 3a inches inl diameter, at 2te. ner eallon.1 Tbe do not rust, shrink, leak, crliml taste to water, nor allow foreign sub-1 stances to set In. The can be put In garret or barn end thus are protected J rrrom ireezinsv They take no settlng-1 .uk, am cneaper man wood. Tank, substructures ef all sizes made to- oraer. send for price list and a saigne Tor substructure and . ornamental water supply. AEKMOTOR CO.. ifi ill CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM Opens and cleanses ins naaai i-aaages. Allays rain ana innamma tioo. Heals the Sores, Protects the Membrane from colds. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly absorbed and give reijt-A unco. A particle is spplied into each nostril, and if agreesuie. nice, au cents at urngeistx' or by man. - -. s,i,r jjuuxtiiEBS, 86 Warren Street, New York. WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR BSS3S5L i W. C. Sterling & Son, large cedar pole dealers of Monroe, Mien., have re ceived an order for telegraph poles to be shipped to - Buenos Ayres, South America. This is a trial order, and if the poles go through safely, and are satisfactory, this company is promised some large orders, TAKE Y Obecon Blood Purifiefl KIDNEY OLIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA V PIMPLES. BLOTCHES anT) SKIM nKraOTC I LIEU A OB. UEBIC & CO.. Special Doctan for. talc, Private and Wasflnir Diseases. Dr. Lleblg'a IBTigorator the greateat remedy far eeminat weakness. Xioss or Manhood and Private Diseases, Overcomes Prematorenesa and prepares mi tur marriage lue-a auiiea, pleasures ana respon sibilities; f 1 trial bottle given or sent tree to any ooe describing avmotoma: calloraddrepaJflnnMrr St., private entrance i Mason St., San Francisco. , IT 15 The best Nursing MothersJnfants CHILDREN JOHN CARLS it SONS, New York. DR. GUNN'S XMFSOTKD 'V'.-;. LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. Did TOO srVWT tOB to think hms Msnnlatal ska. Oft. made the modem windmill business r Bow it has boapp oliied this antira Una of mannfaetnra dmmm nf it. Iinraitiona, designs, qualities and prices, or forced ethers ta be literal and serrUe imitators f Witness the steel wneei. Uie naek reared pnmper. the high seared power Bull, the steel towers, fixed stul liltinar tKa Hta-mivivw. oC work after completion, the grinder 'cnrrifufai feed, 7 "K uri(ujuj sum vuirr pumps, me an steel Bole eaw one of the mast nonulsr thinM wem nnt , the steel etoran and stack tsutks. Knthi . touched we have bettered and cheapened, it & the thin we naTe delighted in and it has paid. We hare established a score of branch booses, so as to hare all these foods near thoe who i want them. The ler motor Co. has but one mor sunlniinn i wants to boitd and fill one more new building. It has 2 acres of land at its present location unoccupied by buildings. Itex peete to commence in June to eovor that S acres with tingle boildinr, 7 stories hiirh. This will rive it 14 more aereeal1 flw ipaoa. Then when tbe noblfo demand requires more goods nan can be produced with this added space, it will refuse to extend farther, or make any effort. It vrili have done its share I to npplythst demand. It will then turn awar all rjHTIL TH T TUB IT KXPECT8 TO COSTIlfCI TO BlTPtT THE WOBLD WITH THE GREATRR part n its an. WHEELS, TOWERS, SRIIfDERS, EKED C TITERS, PrXPS. STEEL FiUHKBCZZ StWS, STEEL ST0RA6S AND STOCK THIS, STEEL 8PR.STRFCTCRE8, ETC. ETC- Kit, TASIZKO AFTKR COSPLETIOS. IT Wll.l7)NTIRT-V fn DEAL a08T UBBSAI.LT WITH TBE PTRUC, El RSt- H BE- tairs it a low rsirs, Aitn bs tub great model ICARE-DEILUS WIRD POWER a WD WATER BrprLt ' kCSE OP THE WORLD. AJtBEOTOR CO, CBKA80. nrtniTT.r.mnr a tmmi. a movement ox tne Dowois eaen aar n GROCERIES -JLND-PROVISfOHS Wilte for Special Cash PriCr-Itst. ' EVRDINC A FAR R ELL, P0RTLAM0.0R. health, '1'beae pais aoDolr what the . r el EOSAKKO fln&ka it rmralw. lVML Snrl InSIP fA flnsMrilawtAM Kaas-aVaaa i her nHther cripe nor sicken. To convince ooeafry for They care Bssdncbel brighten tbe) ' iTTirWt IMP sriMlrsm Pe Mmalaaa vnsst l will mejmpie free, or f rUl box f nr fftc. Bnldorai GillCKEfl MI3IHQ PAYS ir.. ... .... r. -i . ! In Cuba tars A Brooders. ' Make money while I others are wasting time bvoldDrocesses. Catalog-tells all about it.and describes ererr article neeaca ior ui poultry business. The "ERIE" mechanicallv the test -wheel. Prettiest model. We are Pacific Coast 'A cents. Bicvcle cata- log-ne,mailed free.gives I mil description, prices, etc., aoskts WAimtD. PETALHMA CTCUBATOK C0.,FetalBma,CaL I Branch Housb, 3i 8 Main St., Los Angeles. iaQar aaa USD. CUM Philadelphia. Pa. FRAZER IHIlifiQrlPtQ 1IUU1UU11ULU We have rtenght out a milliner; establishment largest In town; i is oi oia-iasn ioned bats and to manv latp. styles foroor trade Tbe following prices per d sen will bay them: 25, SO, 75, II, $1.25. The cheape t sre old stTle. ihe tiest moatiT late Atvi. Send for them, or a nd 2c stamp for full pattk nlais tn Smith's Cash Store, 418 Front Street, San Fraoci-co, Cal. - - , ; AXLE CREASE ja fl AT The money yoo hi HUM Forever! J WW I prove, buliu or pi BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearing Qualities am nnanrnaaaod. antnallT outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Fret iniUAjusni una. liEl THE UEM UINJE. i rVB. BAIiB BY OBEOON AND - -WASHINOTOIi MKKCHANTS- ana veaviers seneraUy. W . P. K. U. No. 698-8. F. N. U. No. 675 The money you hue paid for rent Is inst to you. uy our plan, we loan, im prove, buliu or pure-Date tne Bouse, lot or both, any where you mry reside or se lect it. It is deeded to yon. You occupy it and pay monthly rent to us until the amount due Is paid. In cae you die the debt Is paid. Man of push can r pmsent ns everywhere. Association Bldg., tOS Mason St, room 7, San Francisco. CaL gtamn for prospectus, etc. inducements tor moutruy invest ments are eoually profltab e. : A SURE CURE FOR PILES Itohin Pilea known br moiatm-e like nwrsoirasion. oaoaa intense itohins; when warm. Taia form and Blind, Blaod ios or Protruding Pilos yield u.t once to DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. lars itehmc sfroostsjr a permanent enra. Pnos 1 1 HI I ana cw aasu. Ar. jiaaitsi YOUNG woLUN YOU CAN MAKE MONEYBAG I itig nay win a good Hay Press. tite us ior lDtormation. BICTCI.KS W sell all the lst flistciass Bicycles. Write - ior catalogue. I. J. TRUMAN ft CO.. ass Bash Street, - . Sam rraaeisew, 6al. Please mention this Paper wksa writtaf. X POK CHILDREN TISTHINS o g Bwoale ran SiasMBii SS Oastss tt Scsacb g UHuju eyrnp. ismau m time. Bnid try O" 3ood Use I I -