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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1894)
THE GAZETTE JOB ROOMS are headquarters for nil kinds of COMMERCIAL PRINTING-Letter-Heads, Kote-Heodi, Bjl-Heiis, BUtementa, Eavelcpei ind Society Printing ef AH Eaie. BY J. J. FLETT, OUR AUTISTIC PRINTER. GAZETTE STORE STATIONERY is well stocked with.'a full line of Blank Books; legal Blanks, Xnka, Plain and Fancy Box Papers, -Pens, Pencils, Tablets, and All Kinds of Writing Materials. VOL. XXX. I CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1894. NO. 48. Our Semi-Annual LEARANC COMMENCES aturday Jan. 6 EVERYTHING Stock's Cash Stored "MustGo" Sale. V9VE HAVE INVOICED AND FIND OURSELVES OVER stocked with Winter Goods. We have to unload in order to make room for our New Spring Stock, and to accomplish this end we will offer our entire stock at and under cost until March 1, 1894.. gltF" All our Men's and Boys' W- All our Men's Overcoats ATI our h()rroixl.ehAh Cos! ?'i-:v " SF" All our Boots, Shoes and" Hats At Cost. , ' flP All our Men's Underwear at Cost. 3P All our Oveishirts at Cost. All our Rubber Goods at Cost. All our Mackintoshes and Gum Coats at Cost. Everything in Stock at This Great "Must Go" Sale will begin on Monday January 8th. All goods sold during this sale at cost prices are for spot cash only. Remember this is a Bona Fide Cost Sale. Call or send for our New Price 'List. Our "Gilt Edge" Customers who buy on time (during this sale) will be charged regular prices less 10 per cent. 1 Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Onr fee not one till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, CA.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C , COFFINS, CASKETS And Undertaking; Supplies at C Salary and expenses paid weekly from start.lC(ra 1 PermJLnent position. Exclusive territoryts I I experience unnecessary. PculircT 4 M advantagestobeginnerfcLiberal,S K commission so local VrtrHLw Im M tune agents. Uiat2p MDa If 1 glowers of clean. j&itmr plete ll naxdy.rellablel VSC assortment 1 I( MXTBTTJr 11 for the orchard, Jl m stock. fiV UT lawn and garden. ) H nfi JT IT I iiiiiiiiiit ti " IB B JCl W the fruit industry Is sola pUjl 1 Jmportant. Good chance 'orm I V V' 3LpadTan cement. Outfit and full par- II I tieulars free. BROWN BKOS. CO., nnr- it I JMTiMii, Portland, Ore. TM bouse tell J 0r roUbl. Same this paper. Ed-) , M LlYELKERt&GO I REDUCED Suits at Cost. at Cost. ' ; and Under Cost. Headquarters for Clothing. vallis, Oregon 1894 Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine for 1894 will maintain the character that has made it the favorite illustrated periodical for the home. Among the results of en terprises undertaken by the publishers, there will appear dursng the year superbly Illustrated papers on India by Edwin Lord Weeks, on the Japanese Seasons by Alfred Parsons, on Germany by Poult ney Bigelow, on Paris by Ricnayd Harding Davis, and on Mexico by Frederick Remington. Among the othar notable features of the year will be novels by Geor(re du Maurier and Charles Dudley Warner, the personal reminiscences of W. D. How ells, and eight short stories of Western frontier life by Owen Wister. Shut stories will also be contrib uted by Brandsr Matthews, Richard Harding Davis, Mary E. Wilkins, Ruth McEnery Stiuct. Miss Manrence Alma Tadema, George A. Hibbard, Quea nay de Beaurepaire, Thomas Nelson Page and oth ers. Articles on topics of current interest will be contributed by other distinguished speciihsts HARPER'S PERIODICALS Per Tear: HARPER'S M GAZINE $ 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage free to all subscribers in the United States Canada and Mexico. . The volumes for the Magazine begin with the numbers fer June and December of each year. When no time is mentioned subscriptions will begin with the current number at the time of the receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Magazine for three year's back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding, 50 ceuta each by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by postofflce money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without fhe express order of Harper & Brothers. , Apdress: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. Joseph Polly same over the mountain from Alsea Valley yes terday and reports the roads as be ing almost impassable. EARLY STEAMBOATING. A Review of the Many Features of the Old Willamette River. Since the steamers Elwood and Modoc have begun running on the upper Willamette, shippers are now making arrangements to store the coming grain crop on the river. The river above Corvallis has been neglected to a certain extent in the last ten or twelve years with the exception of a few boats this year which run nearly to Eugene. Booneville, situated about five miles above Corvallis on one of the tributaries, of the Willamette called Booneville slough, is still a shipping point which the boats have not overlooked. Most of the grain stored there is shipped to Corvallis to be ground by the two flouring mills in that city. Peoria comes next. It is sixteen miles above Corvallis and was once a thriving little burg, but since the steamboats have discontinued touching her shipping interests, the grain is hauled to the railroad, the" warehouses have been neglect ed and the ravages of time and the ever-shifting Willamette have re moved all but a single warehouse, in which the Corvallis mills have a large amount of grain stored. Pe oria is not far above what is called the turn-table. In early steam boating this was in reality a turn table. It is tit the head of Cen tennial chute. It deriued its name from the high water of 1875, the centennial year, changing the channel of the Willamette at this point and diverging its course several miles to the east, the old river being diverted from there to Boonville; hardly enough water in it to run a skiff successfully. At the point where the Centennial channel leaves the old river, through the action of the current, immense stumps and . trees have piled up- in the channel, causing lower river to ajafce yearly a 'corn plete turn" before going ahead again, hence the name. In the old deserted river miles from the present channel lies the wreck of the old steamer Echo, one of the fine old boats of 1860. A few miles higher up is another relic of olden times. An old de serted warehouse that the river has in its constant change left three-fourths of a mile inland. It can be seen through the thick foliage ot balm trees which have grown up since then. AH that can be seen is the roof and a large sign that still bears the name in large letters, Sam Daw, the origi nal owner. In the 70's this was a large shipping point, but since the advent of the iron horse and the neglect of the steamboat men, the grain which was shipped, from this point, now is hauled to Cor vallis by wagons. It is a point that will never be used for ship ping purposes again as the river keeps leaving it farther inland each year. Some ' nine or ten miles above Peoria is Finly's landing. At this point a large amount of grain is stored. Just above this is another warehouse called by old steamboat men the "Irish Bros.' Landing." Three miles further up is Cum- ming's warehouse. It is situated on a high bank of the river. The grain in this house has not been moved this year, -waiting for higher prices. Still further is the mouth of the world-famed Long Tom. An anecdote is told of this region in this wise: A traveler in the early 60's was riding by a farm house on this noted stream on horseback, and during one of the periodical overflows to which this stream is subject, he espied an old lady wading through the water with a . pole. Occasionally she would stick the pole down in the water. On being questioned as to what Bhe was doing, she replied that they '-were "out of water and she was hunting for the well." (This is given with the understand ing that the writer was not a wit ness to the fact.) The river is accessible some three or four miles up, where an other warehouse is situated, but like many more; on the Willam ette, is deserted. v A 6hort distance above is what is called Oley's slough, on which a large warehouse is built called Nickel's or Monroe landing. As the town of Monroe is the nearest village to the river at this point, it being only a short distance, it is a thriving little" place. The only drawback is the lack of transpor tation facilities which steamboat men will hereafter see to. Passing a few more desfcrted warehouses Harrisburg is reached. This city needs no mention here, as it is well known as a thrifty village on the Southern Pacific railroad j which in . the last few years has earned her exports by'its line. Some three or four ware houses are at this place on the river. c After leaving this place tjis feots pass under the big railroad rntjge and run to Junction City.jnc tion city has no warehouses on this river, as it sprang info Jirbmi nence after the railroad wft&tyiilt and steamboats became stfarc.e.1 After leaving Junction Citythe river becomes more traito&ns. in constantly changing channels. Steamboat men claim that this winter they made a landing ati an orchard at that place. Whethey returned down from Eugen" but one tree was standing, the others having washed away in-the "night. A little further on is the mouth of the McKinzie river, an old,saw mill and a deserted warehouse. Four miles farther is Eugene, at one time a great shipping point for steamboats, but since their the warehouses have fallen down .and the grain is carried by rail. " . The difference in rates ion the river compared to those on the railroad is quite an object to ship pers on this deserted river, so they have taken the matter in hand and have secured promise ofsteam boats to recl'aim the once profitable trade. Lack of enterprise instead of the impracticability of the route has caused the upper riverj to ', be come a waste of water.4-Salem Statesman. , - CUSSED CARELESSNESS By the fiendish work of. some one unknown James andJohn Wilbanks recently became the losers of two young . horses,' while a third one is seriously injured. In each of the bodies were' found charges ot bird 6hot,to which the above-mentioned .-results 14 ro at I Tributed. - It ia tiot ) v": i" y c fu f mg.on their farms when : th?y are so frequently the victims "of such cussedness or carelessness. The term applied matters little, the re sults are the same. But" for the deviltry perpetrated orr them by some few irresponsible, don't-give-a-damn fellows, a trespass notice would not be found tacked on ev ery tree and fence post in the county and everybody could hunt when and where they pleased, while under the present condition of affairs it is next to impossible for a Corvallis - hunter to get a day's shooting within a radius of ten miles. Something must be done. Every true sportsman should con sider,it his duty to aid as far as possible in bringing such "offenders to justice. This should.- be done not only in anticipation of the benefits that will accrue to him as a huuter, and will aid iu the sup pression of cruelty to animals, but because it is his duty to the far mers who each year sustain severe losses by reason of this cussed carelessness. QUEE IDEAS OF REFORM. At the council meeting last Monday night bills to the amount of $500 were allowed. Further than this no business of importance- was transacted. Some re cently acquired ideas on retrench ment and reform were given vent to by some of the middle ward al dermen, in attempting to adopt a motion compelling the newspaper to accept $1 for a $4 advertise ment. The reason for singling out the newspapers on which to begin their attempted reformation is not apparent. The item of newspa per advertising is such a small af fair compared with the large and many expenditures of the council for other purposes that one is led to believe that they have strianed at a gnat and swallowed a camel. FAVORABLE TO BENTON COUNTY. Gounty Clerk Wilson received yesterday the schedule of valua tions for Benton county as revised by the state board of equalization The average value of horses and mules as equalized by the county board was $37.66 per head. This item has been reduced to $28.25 or 25 per cent. Cattle were raised 20 per cent., or lroiri; $8.60 per head as equalized by the county board, to . $10.32 per - head. Swine were raised from $2.45 to $2.69 per head or at the rate of 10 per cent. Sheep and goats were lowered from $1.97 per head to $1.48 or 25 per cent. This re sults in a total net reduction of $22,372 from the valuations as equalized by the county. board. STATE HOKTICULTUfilSTS Met in Portland Tuesday and Wednesday. Corvallis Ably Represented. . The ninth annual meeting of the state horticultural society was called to order Tuesday morning of this week by President Card well at the A. O. U. W. temple in 1"k 1 a 1 m Jrortiana. lhe attendance was good and the books show a large increase in membership during the past yfcar. -The morning was taken up with reports of standing com mittees, that of- Prof, j Washburn on etomology, being of special in terest and deserving of mention. The first business of the afternoon Was the report of Secretary Sar gent Jwhich showed that the so ciety was in a prosperous condi tion and that prospects for the fu ture were quite flattering. His re marks on ,-the quarantine laws 8how;ed clearly that if they were not soon overpowered, the orchards of the state would be overrun with fruit pests. Max Fracht, of Ashland . whosepeaches'beat the world" at the world's fair, read an interesting and practical paper on the subject of 'Horticulture for Profit; or, Fancy Fruit, Fancy Packages, Fancy Prices," showing from his" experience the advantage it was to the fruit growers to es tablish a reputation by sorting his fruity being honest with the com mission merchants with whom he deals and then making elaborate use of printers' ink. By packing choice fruit in fancy boxes a fancy price, could be commanded. Such boxes were expensive but the ap pearance of fruit wrapped in white paper and packed in them, orna mented with "blue labels, were such a temptation to housekeepers that they could not resist purchas ing them. Hon. Tnomas N. Strong, of Portland, followed with an inter- Ash'nir address nn "TTnrtf milrnral AwiPriote cat i laws and cited California asa model for Other states to follow. Henry Dosch, of Hillsdale, was the last speaker of the afternoon, the subject of his remarks being "Evaporation," and showed there was much room for improvement in the various kinds of dryers now in use. He gaye the results of a series of experiments which he had tried on apples and prunes that were quite instructive. EVENING SESSION. The evening's session was a well attended . social affair. Mayor Mason had begn invited to deliver the address of welcome, but was unable to be present. He how ever sent a letter to the society, which was read, in which his so licitude for the welfare of the so ciety was expressed. President Cardwell delivered an address upon the work of the society. The ad dress of President J. M. Bloss on the subject of "Pollenization" was an able one, indicating much study and experience in the field of blossoms. "The state horticultural society from a business stand point," was the topic of a practi cal talk by Dr. Jay Guy Lewis, who added much to the enjoyment of the evening. Wednesday's session. . The unusual large attendance of the meetings during each day's session indicates an increased in terest in all parts of the state. The first order of business of the morning session was reports of standing committees. Chairman O. P. S. Plummer, of the commit tee on legislation and finance, in making his report, recommended that, the quarantine bills, which failed to pass at the last "f the IK" subm fruit- tancel these half E. U prize; hibits fruit meet E. ports atthd S. inter "Fru seascf an ii hortil mad the i v:A paper on "Drainage,'? .by F. S. Beatty, of Chemawa, was at tentively, listened to, as was also the one on "Transportation," by F. A. Cooke, of Portland. ; t "Need of stronger quarihtine laws" was the subject of an.inter esting address by. Judge, F. E. Babcock, of Little Rock,. Ark., in which he emphasized the necessity of immediate action ou the, part-of fruit'growers in bringing.about this mucK needed legislation: Milf:; . A": Valuable paper, shotwng ex tensive", knowledge of (the, various questions ' involved was read, by Charles B. Morris, otSalemypn the subject, "Where are. we at!' The, election of; officers was. the final! business of the afternoon. President Cardwell and Secretary Sargent, .were- unanimously- re etected, , O. E. Hoskins and U. M. Bloss were elected first and second vice-presidents respectively' i.ahd Dr. O. P. . Plummer conrmitte-man-at-large to confer with them on questions of finance. The most enjoyable event of the meeting was the entertainment j given ' by the floral department of the ioci etyon Wednesday; evening; V1 The papers read treated on the subject of floriculture. . The . music ren- nered fas especially good i and proved a rare treat, particularly to those residing outside of Portland. MIGHT BE CONTEMPT. ' The Albany Telescope says that unless salaries are paid, the crew of the tug Resolute will tie her up. The author of this statement is probably unaware that this boat is under the jurisdiction -of the circuit court of Benton : county, and a libel suit could not be le gally commenced while she is un der such jurisdiction. It is proba 1-1 J- - J T 1 1 1 1 -B a uiy irue mar, inose employed in operating - the boat have a lien against herr but they have no right under the existing condition of af fairs to foreclose such liens.. The court will take judicial notice of the claims for labor and nrotect them against third r parties, but an attempt to levy on property within the jurisdiction and under the con- .ent forcp &ach nart.ia in. :ourt. : -v. -. " "' y INTERESTED IN DRYERS. President Bloss and Hugh Fin- ley were in Portland this week at tending the ninth annual meeting of the state board of horticulture. Mr. Finley is the most successful fruit grower in Benton county and takes great interest in everything pertaining to the welfare of the horticulturist. At present the sub ject ot evaporation is uppermost in his mind with a view to secur ing the most approved dryer with which to cure the coming season's crop of prunes. By reason of the use of a dryer of insufficient ca pacity Mr. Finley is said to have lost several thousand bushels of prunes this last season. Mrs. Whiteford went to tie kitchen door of the 'Jeffreys man sion Wednesday night about 11 o'clock in answer to a summons supposed to have been made by Tom. The door was opened. Be fore her stood a tall, cadaverous looking individual with a slouch hat and dressed in a dirty, ragged suit of clothes. They stood facing, "but" not a soul would dare to speak." After,, a thorough in spection, both realized their mis take. Mrs. Whiteford knew it wasn't Tom Jeffreys and the fel low discovered that he was seek ing admittance into the wrong house. "He never came back," and his name is unknown. H. B. Williamson was standing at the bow of the steamer "Three Sisters" yesterday afternoon with a pike pole in his hands for the pur pose of preventing a log in the river from striking the steamer. In carrying his purpose into effect Si overboard, bat clung to the d floated with it down to the landing' where Fred Blum icked him up in an uncon- condition. On reaching he came to his senses and is btting along all right. F. Eglin and family will bext Monday for Ashland, uture residence. This step :en in hopes of benefiting alth of his wife. Mr. Eglin for years been numbered ; the hustling young bus men of Corvallis and his loss regretted. . ularly with the admittance ew year is chronicled a birth residence of Judge McFad- nd this year has proved no (ion. The quality is all right, qIaa fYiA car Knf tVia nvim berVj-mly one- is said to have been quite a disappointment to its paternal ancestor. CLAIMS AGAINST THE O. P. A Reply to a Letter, Re cently Published by John P. Fay. Mills City, Or., Jan. 6. To thk editor. On December 30 last theie appeared an article in the Oregonian entitled "A Statement by John P. Fay, of the Firm of Fay & Gest," from which . I quote the following: "A ref erence to the copies of the telegrams sent to the Judge confirms my state ment and shows that one of 'the ex press conditions upon which the $4,0 000 would be paid by the Blair and Wharton : bondholders was that it ' should be. paid direct to the laborers uponj - claims of labor due to them which were personally held and had not been disposed of, and not to those shylocks who, crawling between heaven and earth by ways that out Herod Herod, and blur the grace and blush of modesty, had, in the hour of dire suffering, sqeezeJ out of these laborers their labor claims at from 25 to 75 per cent, discount on the dollar We did not intend to pay those cold blooded knaves, and I am gratified to say they did not get a cent of the $40,' 000." Now the facts are, as Mr. Fay well knows, that for these claims, whoever holds the same, the O. P. railroad received 100 cents on every dollar, and they represent an honest debt of that road, even if it was a fact that those claims liad been bought for 10 cents on the dollar. Mr. Fay knows that said company could have no legal or equi table defense against them, and that they represent just as honest debts against that railroad JS is if still in the hands of the men who id the labor or furnished the material. And when Mr. Fay states those men) who pur chased those claims arti ."Shylocks, who, crawling between heaven and earth," took advantage rf theme men's necessitie and obtained iheir claim at 25 to 75 per cent discount., wo.-pref sume he di4, advisedly,- ind if so, we further presume he has the proof for this statement. If so, we demand it. And if he cannot bring ht, we submit he stands before the country as a vili fier that would blur the grace- and blush of modesty. The facts are the purchasers of these claims are all men of integrity and honor. Does Mr. Fay mean that all the merchants along the line of the road, and almost every business man in Albany and Corvallis, are shylocks and thieves, as he boldly asserts? Now the writer hereof has not one dollar in the Oregon Pacific railroad, and yet I will affirm, and stand ready to prove by the men who sold their claims, that they deceived in 95 per cent, of the cases dollar for dollar for their claims. Merchants took the claims and fur nished the men the necessaries of life, and had it not been for these men Mr. Fay so foully slanders, the road would have been shut down for want of ma terial and labor long ago. If those claims bad been bought for 25 cents on the dollar, who are the losers by the transaction? The fact is the purchaser was sold at whatever price he paid. Running over a period of about three years, we find the road owes for labor and material east of Albany about $40,000; in other words, all the wood, material and labor consumed by the road for 30 mouths amounts to about that sum. Fay & Gest have been the accredi ted attorneys for the road for about eight months last past, and for this ser vices they charged the modest sum of $48,705, or $10,000 more for attorney's fees for eight months than all other ex penses combined for 30 months. But the modesty of this attorney does not stop here. He boldly chal lenges comparison with the fees of at torneys under other managements, and states that the Hoggs paid their attor- ' neys $96,000 for 26 months,, which is equal to about $8,700 per month while this man charges $48,705 for eight months, equal to more than $6,000 per month. . In other words, the services of this firm of lawyers was worth more to the Oregon Pacific railroad by $2,300 per month than the attorneys under the Hogg management Of the truth of this the writer knows not. But it does seem that laborers, material men and merchants who have been carrying the Oregon Pacific for three years can by these facts see where their money has ' gone. But how for Mr. Fay to denounce all the men who ard so unfortunate as to have become the owners of those claims by such hard names, it would seem is carrying the joke a little too far, especially when we contemplate the fact that these slanders come from a firm who haye made such stupendous charges for services. T. J. McCuabv.