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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1893. NEWS FROM THE STATE. Brief Summary . of the Happen ings in Our Sister Counties of Oregon. There is talk of a b : ;t sugpr factory being established at Oit gon City. The Salem city council lias voted $45,000 more of bonds at 5 per cent. A moveiiYeut is on lot at Giant's Pass to tuild a rid to the mines along Jump-Off Joe civek. H. N. Northup, f Portland, has been appointed judge :i lvocate general of the Oregon state m Jitia. Albany ri". making gi at preparations forlie reception of th : convention of college Y. M. C. A. woich meets in that city January 5, 6 a ul 7, 1894. A heroic statute t. Gen. Jamen Shields, once appoint I governor of Oregon, was unveiled in the statuary hall of the United btat m last week. McMinnville c:olle.' four young men for th sionarv fild, T,ev a - is preparing foreign mis Messrs. Wil inil Hiii'iielet. liams, Withm, Cook It is claimeu that 9.000,000 people haw Oregon's world fair exhibit "nd that 250,000 books, pamphlets and circulars descriptive of t,he Ktate were distributed there. The Eugene board cf trade has ap pointed a committee t draft a mem orial to congress asking for the im provement of the Willamette to Eu gene. The first thing to do is to elect a republican congress. Hon. M. Wilkins, one of Oregon's United States world's fair commis sioners, was stricken vith paralysis at his home in Lane county a few days ago. He is 7G years of age. He shows no signs of improvement. Some parties shipp 1 about 3.000 head of sheep from Pen ileton to Oma $aHnd realized only $1 a head for them, .kven at that price they are worth more than the campaign roosters the Pendleton people wore in their hats last fall. At Canyon City a team drawing a wagon loaded, with butter and barb wire ran away and inixod up the load so badly that the owner could not sort it out The barb wire vas fatally in jured, but there is hope that the butter is strong enough to recover. It is reported from J sephine county Hint Mr. urew. owner oi me iumt Off Joe mine, was shot and seriously wounded by the sheriff of that county. The trouble grew out of Mr. Drew re fusing to let Mr. Chapman, the newly appointed receiver for the mine, ta':e possession. Six hundred fresh young voices made a concord of sweet sounds last Afonddv nvenimr in the arrnorv at PortianrV.'Xfc. was the first festival of sacred songs given bv the Portland Sunday School Choral Union, and about 1,200 auditors heartily enjoyed it. . - - ' The expenses connected with the convicting and hanging of John Iteiter, at Astoria, amounted " to $2284. No wonder tho economical people of the onth wink at lynchings, when a worthless nmii'T'iiiis up such a bill against the taxpayers in. getting off the earth legally. , ( J. L. Cowan, president of the de funct Linn Courrty National bank at Albany, was arrested Saturday night by Depftty'"Unitcd "States Marshal Humphrey in Portland, under the en dictment returned against him several davs ago! His bonds 'were fixed at .$1,000, which 'he furnished ' F. E. S. Nonis was arrested t Day ton, December 11, for raping a seven-year-old girl. Norris admitted the crime and had the matter. -all settled with the father of the child by deeding' over his property to the gfrL But . the sheriff got wind of the transaction and arrested Norris. Mrs. Geo. If. Williams, the leading religious fanatic in Portland, has just completed a fast of forty days and many of her followers are now in pro cess of doing the same thing. .. Several parents havs been arrested' for requir ing their small children to fast for many days in accordance with her teachings. At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning the cons piracy-to smuggle - Chinese case with 21 defendants, was called in the United States district court. , The work of impanelling a jury .occupied the morning session, and was not finished until 12:25, at which hour a recess was taken until 1:30 o'clock, when the hearing of evidence was commenced. About six weeks ago one Rev. Josiah Crouch appeared in Prineville, says tne Review, and a few weeks ago he was elected pastor of the First Baptist church. He being a minister and a smooth talker it was easy for him to gain the confidence of his con gregation and borrowed $52 to send to his mother. , But he used the money for another purpose-to pay his way out of the country without arranging to settle with his creditors. The way wheat can fee turned into ' grease and the greas into coin is thus told by the Medford Mail: ' "To fully substantiate the fact that Rogue river farmers are making a good thing this year by growing hogs, let us cite this: Last Monday Jack Anderson drove 66 hogs to Medford, which in weight av erages 301 pounds each. These were sold to the Southern Oregon Packing Company at 5 J cents per pound and Mr. Anderson went home with over .$1000 in his inside pocket as a result of the sale. How does this compare with 40-cent wheat? Let us cite an other snstance: S. A Carlton brought 56 hogs from his Antelope ranch last week, which - averaged 242 m pounds each, and which were sold at 5 J cents per pound. WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, Dec. 11, 1893. Cleveland doubtless feels that his tariff bill needs bolstering up, and that accounts for the space he devotes to it in his message to congress. It is not for the democratic members of congress that he intends his arguments in favor of the tarifi monstrosity which he has compelled the democrats of the house ways and means committee to' father, but for the business interests of the country which have kept the telegraph wires hot with protests against the proposed outrage ever since it was made public a week ago. He doesn't mind the opposition from democratic congressmen; he knows by experience that a few appointments judiciously placed will silence the most of that. It is the aroused public sen timent of the country that he fears. Democratic senators and represent atives who have been among their con stituonts since the close of the extra l . ... 1 1 session ijnng no consolation to me an minisiration; on the contrary, they bring news of the most doleful nature. At a private conference of the admin is'ia; i'n democrats held one night re cently it was generally admitted that the ni-xt house of representatives would almost ci-rtainly be republican. In stead of that know led-" making them more conservative, as it would wiser men, it has made them more determ ined than ever to force the whole ad ministration porgram through con gress, regardless of consequences'. Republican leaders take little or no stock in the idea that discontented democrats will aid them to modify the Cleveland tariff bill. They have heard democratic senators and represen tatives talk one way and vote another too often to place any reliance upon them. They intend, however, that the de bate on the bill shall make plain to the country the full extent of the dam age such a law will inflict upon every man in the United States. Owing to the house rules and thbt the house committee on rules is completely un der Mr. Cleveland's thumb, it is cer tain that the bill will be railroaded through the house with but a semb lance of general debate, but Mr. Cleveland does not control the senate which has rules, that will be changed to aid in hurrying this bill through; under which full debate may be had. If democratic senators choose they may with the aid of the solid repub lican vote, which they can easily get, if they ask for it it will not be tendered to them remove some of the ruinous sections of the bill; but few republicans are counting upon their doing anything so sensible. It is not yet certain when the Cleve land tariff bill will be reported to the house. A resolution adopted by the house just before the close of theex tra session provided that the republi can, members of the ways 'find means, committee should have ten days from the time they were furnished with a complete copy of the bill- to prepare their report against it. If that reso lution is to be binding the bill will not bi; reported to the house until well into next ww-k, as the republican have not yet been furnished a com plete bill the international revenue part of it lias not been finished by the democrats, and the figures of the treas ury department showing the estimated effect of the proposed bill on the. rev enues of the' country -vere only furn ished them today. The astounding statement js, however, nnoilicially made that the democrats will make a sepa rate bill of international revenue changes, inorder that the ten days may date from last Monday, when the tariff soliedule 'W is- , first' rhJde public To do such a thing would be manifestly unfair. The reason why the international revenue part of. the tariff bill has not been completed is that Mr. Cleveland and his heretofore willing tools, the democrats on the ways and means committee, tiave locked arms over the proposition to include therein an in come tax, to which Mr. Cleveland is opposed. Up to this time all efforts to reach a compromise have been un successful, and some shrewd men are predicting that the lucome tax will be the rock upon which the Cleveland and anti-Cleveland democrats iu con gress will split for good and all. We shall see. Th administration men are talking in a mysterious way about a new treaty with China, which the adminis tration is negotating. They claim so many things for this treaty that it will peahaps lie better to wait and ascertain how much truth t here is in then claims. Many statesmen have tried to get the best of the: wily Chinese diplomats, but up to date none have succeeded to any marked extent, and Mr Gresham is hardly the man to make a good job, even if he had a good foundation to build upon. BEWAKE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on precriptions from reputable phys icians, as the damage they will -do is tenfold to the good yon. can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by b L- Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. - Iu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is tanen internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by r . J. Cheney & Co. . Testimonials free. TSold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. The best in the world." This is what W. D. Woodring, of Bordley, Ky., says of Chanfberlain's Cough Remedy. He spoke from personal experience in the use of it, himself and family having just been cured of bad coughs and colds by it. For sale by uraham & Wells, druggists. "Nelson Brothers, of the Occidental shav ing parlors, are doin? first-class work and their trade is thereby increasing every day. Baths in connection with the shop. FROM ALL THE WORLD. Items of Interest About People and Things Carefully Corralled. Chehalis owes 50,000, perhaps more. The pope's health is very feeble, and it is not believed he can live until March. A "concise" report of the world's fair in twenty-five volumes is to be published. The Boston supreme court has de cided that an attachment bv telephone is not legal. Yellow fir, such as grows in profusion in Oregon, is being tried in Paris for street paving. Prospects are bright for early agree ment between Russia and Germany on a commercial treaty. The duke of Oporto, brother of the king of Portugal, is one of the finest flute players in the world. An effort is being made in Tacoma to raise money to clear the debt of $5, C50 from the Children's Home. The Prince of Wales has been nom inated grand master of the English Freemasons by the grand lodge. The great new bridge across the Thames, opposite the Tower of Lou don, is now very nearly finished. A great railway system in the course of construction will girdle the Holy Land from one end to the other. The Puyallup Indians have platted an addition to the city of Tacoma. It will be called the Columbia addition'. The strike .of the carpet weavers in the Kensington district, of Philadel phia, affects between 8,000 and 10,000 people. Directum, Flying Jib, Alix, Little Albert, and several less noted trotters and pacers are now en route from the east for California. The Minnesota supreme court has decided that the sale of butterine in that state is illegal unless the arti cle be colored pink. There is a gigantic scheme to con nect New York and Chicago with an electric railway. The time can be shortened ten hours. At Princeton, Ky. Miss Lulu White, a society bell who prided herself on her athletic powers, died from a strain received in carrying a barrel of bacon on a wager. The inquest on the remains of Pro fessor Tyndall resulted in n verdict of death from an overdose of chloral, ad ministered by his wife in mistake for sulphate of magnesia. " . Ex (.tovei nor Jacob Baeson' Jack son dropped dead at his home in Parksburg, W. Va., Monday afternoon. Ife was a cousin of Stonewall Jackson. He was aged 63 years. Rev. J. J. Moore, senior bishop of the Africaji Methodist. Episcopal Zion church, died Dec. 9th. He was the oldest bishop of any denomination in America, being 30 years of age.. It is announced that the Chicago h Eastern Illinois railroad has been sold to the Big Four, giving the latter an independent entrance into Chicago. The transfer is to be mad in February. A horse standing 17 hands, owned at Calusa, Cul., trotted a quarter re. cently over the Colusa track in 31i seconds, pulling 360 pounds, and his owner thinks , he owns the 2-mmute horse. Charles Robert Thorne, the veteran actor, is dying at his residence in San Francisco. He is 83 years of age, and the father of Charles Thorne, the cel ebrated actor, who died about 10 years ago. Owing to the sickness of one of the jurors in the Evans case on trial at Jackson,- Amador county,' Cal., the trial has been postponed until January 22. The jurors who were sworn in are now demanding their pay. Plans for the state capitol building have already begun to arrive in Olvm- pia. New York and other eastern arch itects will submit plans. Inspection will be made on December 14, and the awards will be announced very- soon thereafter. ..Acceding to a Tacoma paper, Lieu tenant Elliott and his three comrades, who rescued the Carlin party, have re ceived $50 each for their services. As they expended more than this from their own pockets, the profit of the transaction is not apparent. General Carlin offered $500 reward, but it is not forthcoming. The three cornered billiard tourna ment at fourteen ; inch . balke line, Schafer, Ives and Slossen, contestants, opened Dec. 11 thy in Concert hall, Madison Square garden. Ives and Slosson met in the opening game. Ives won by va score of 600 to 500 in twelve innings, averaging fifty. Slos sen's average was 41. - ' The noted poisoner, Dr. Henry F. Meyer, who is charged by life, insur ance companies with poisoning people in various parts of the country for the purpose of getting insurance on their lives, is on trial for his life in the New York court of oyer and terminer, to gether with his wife, who it is claimed was a party to the crimes. St Louis, Missouri, is facing a water famine unprecedented in its surround ing circumstances. The Mississippi, from which the supply is drawn, is the lowest ever known at this season of the year.! But one in-take is under water and several of the city engines are pumping wind into the conduits. .. The cause is the blocking of the Missouri at Hermann, Missouri, -antT the Missis sippi at Alton, 111., with ice. THE BROWN-PAINTED WOOD BOX. - (An original parody oa "The Old Cnken Bucket.") How linger in my mind the scenes of my childhood, As thinking them over will bring them to light; The orchard, tbe spriiig, the meadow, the wildwood And even the stars as they peeked down at night, The creek as it rippled through field and through hollow, The errands t? run and the dinner to call, Oh ! how oft against will the stock I must follow, And All the old wood-box that stood by the wall; The queerly made wood-box, The wire-bound wood-box, The brown -painted wood-box that stood by the wall. After working all day with brain or with muscle, Then when I'd come home as cross as a bear, The wood-box would always seem tickled to sec me And still have that same siimificant stare. Oh ! how I would lonaf for the gasoline heaters And pitch the stove headlong out in the rain; But this wish would flit like all other fleeter Ami leave n.e to. fill the old wood-box again. That horrid old wood-box, That dreaded old wood-box. That brown-painted wood-box with pine chips again. Oh! how oft would I try to evade that stern duty Of filling the wood-boxerel went to bed; And the methodjof playing that gajs in safety Was often a puzzle to my youthful hf-ad. And there was the baby, the little intruder, O.h. dear! how he sometimes would cut up and squall, But ten to one would I quiet the baby To filling the wood-box that stood by tiie wall. J That empty old wood-box. That never -filled wood-box. But still useful wood-box that stands by the wall. The old useful wood-box, what memories cling 'round it. 1 ne'er shall forget the place where it stood; Hight hack of the stove there, so snugly surrounded But always in want of good fire-wood. Although long removed Jrom that dread irksome duty, 1 shall never forget my stcrn'parent'ecall " To leave my play, come to the house quickly, And fill up the wood-box" that stood by the wall. The queerly made wood-box, The wire-bound wood-box, The box that still stands in its place by the wail. C F. DrrrMAR. Rich Red Blood Results from taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Mr. C'haa. Walker Of San Francisco. - "For several years I have been troubled with blotches end pimples on my face and Jody, which were very annoying. I tried several pre scriptions, and also other medicines, but they Hood' Sarsa parilla ures did not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friend advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was determined to give it A Thorough Trial. Alter using two bottles, my skin returned to Its natural state. I still use it. as It gives me strength and vigor. I never had better health In my life, and Iowe it to taking Hood's Sarsa parilla." Chas. Walker, with Carvill .Mfg. Co., 48 Eighth Street, San Francisco. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner Fills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton. Jane Harris Suit in Equity to vs.' v Foreclose Wort- M. W. Wilkins, et al, Defta gage. To Ed Teake, one of tho defendants herein: " " TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OE1X10N, J- you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled euit within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, if served in this county; or if it be served within any other county of ttils state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you; or if you be served by publication of summons, then on or before Monday, the 9th dy of April, 1894, it beinir the flist day of the regular April term of said court for 1894. And if you fail to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief prayed for in the complaint, namely: For a decree in favor of Jane Harris against M. W. Wilkins and E. E. Wilkins for the sum of 1!1. 50 in V. S. gold coin ou the note first set out in the com plaint with interest, in like gold coin, from the 25th day of October, 1893, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum and for the sum of $25.00 attorney's fees, and for a decree iu favor of said Jane Harris on the sec ond note, set out in the said complaint, of S1I2.10 in V. S. gold coin, with interest in like gold com; from the 25th day of October, 1893, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum and for the sum of 916. 00 attorney g ifeus, and for costs and disbursements of this suit against said defendants, M. W. Wilkins and. 'E. E. Wilkins: and a decree in favor of olaintiff an!mlnHt all of said defendants, foreclosing the mortgage set out in the complaint, and decreeing that the' mort gaged premises therein described, to-wit: all of Block eight in JVilkins' Addition to to the City of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, .excepting lots 5, 6, T, 8, 4, and 9, be sold by the sheriff of Benton County, Oregon, in the manner prescribed by law for the sale of real property, on execution: and that the proceeds arising from said sale be applied first to the payment of the costs and expenses of such sale, and of this suit, including the attorney's fees allowed and decreed therein, in favor of plaintiff. And nex to the payment of the amounts'decreed to be . due the said plaintiff herein, as above prayed for. ' And if said premises do not sell for enough to satisfy the same in full, then that the same be applied to the payment of the'amountdecTeed to be due plaintiff herein, and for the deficiency, l.that she may have execution against any other property of the defend. ants, M. W. Wilkins and E. E- Wilkins; that at such gale the plaintiff have the right to become the pur chaser. ."'' - " That the defendants and all persons claiming through or under them or either of them, be forever debarred and foreclosed of an right, title, interest, estate, lien, or equity of redemption, of, in, or to said premises, save Only the statutory right of redemption; and for such ether or further rale, order or relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. ' This Summons Is published in The Corvallis Ga zette for six weeks as to the defendant, Ed Teika, by virtue of an order of the Hen. J. C. Fullertcn, Judge of said Court, made at Corvallis, Or., in open Court Nov. 20, 1893. V F. M. JOHS.SONV : ' " .1 Attorney for Tlaintiff. J. FREO YATES, v A.ttorney at Law t Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. OFFICE In Zierolfs Building, Corvallis, Or, HI mm Iff , THE GREAT SPANISH mm A Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? ' ' ES PA NO" "will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscle3, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last "one month and ia worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.C0 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will bs given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put "up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, &AJSUL&I3i IV03IICX:VJ3 CO., i Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. 4 An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. to us, or come before placing your order, for we NOT BE UNDERSOLD. and see us l;.-;:.lJ.a .J? frm We have the Best List of Varieties and an Immense StOCk'tO Select-from. Write for Catalogue ond send list of jor us to price. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. TV'fO'FICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT Nfiahndrsigned has been duly ap SintedatniiiiiistratolTtfThe tstate of Eliza beth McBee, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county. All tinniins liavinf elaims ssminst said estate . " l D O are required to present tbe same to nie at toy residence, seven miles souuiwesi oi (Jorvallis, in Benton county, Oregon, or to E. Hoi gut e, at his office in Corvallis; Ore gon, within six 'mouths from the date of this notice. Dated at Corvallis. Oretfon, Oct. C. 1S93. VVm.'H. McBKE, Administrator of estate of Elizabeth McBee, deceased. ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY. Leave orders for work by this laundry with John Lenaer at Wells, Farco's express office. Clothes will he called for on Tues days and delivered Fridays. CAS KEY & OTTERSTEDT, Blacksntithiog, Horse-Shoeing, And Wagon-Making, knight's old stand, CORVALLIS, - - OKH.UUJN. ! All work in the line done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. Main St., On. Cameron's. S U i;. . A fjuiet room. Good l"i l:t. O' -rent Pa pers and Periodica:.- The pu'-Ivj iuv iU(l Strangers jnei:i;iUy weicoirnj. Per Or.Ur of W. C ". C. ' ff3"I!'ri-.b"d roo:n'i;ip pl.iir?) ti reit. THRO' TICKETS Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, Chioae-o. St. Louis AND AM. Easteiv .Cities. DAYS TO CHICAGO Hours The Quickest to Chi cago and the East. Quicker to Omaha & r Kansas. City, . Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Fcee reclin - . ing Chair Cars and Dining Cars. 8 H. H. CLARK, . V OLIVER W. MINK, 1 V RECEIVERS. EELLERYANDERSON.y . - For rates and general information call on or address W. U. bURLBURT, Asst. Genl. Pass. Pasa Agt. v 254 Washington Street, xnr Third, ' - PORTLAND, OR. 82 This -wor d-irful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Bpain. " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman. An infallible remedy for NervottS and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating: iosses, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In cipient Softening of tbe Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, Ioss of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or 8exual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. ND Ojijuit, ?iiaflE, ctii3 Ornamental Mijees. H&bdy Flowering $krkbs and Roses, M-Small mMf in mm m w. h . j w . will f " BROWNELL & MASON, 5?Lfe ft Until Further Notice I will Sell Lumber at the Niagara Mill Company's Yard, At CorvalliS, for CASH, at the Following Prices: Fn-st-Class 1-Tnch Rough Lumber., $6.50 " Short Lengths - 6.00 Fencin? 7.00 Rustic, Flooring, and general house lumber at propor tionate prices. All the lumber is first-daFs and well seasoned; IMC- X3.V"IS, Receiver for Niagara Mill Company. CORVALLIS NURSERY CO. GEOWEES OF Shark ar?d 0rnan?3ntal Trees'" WHUU0OI-XA"IESTAL SJIKirns, Rnenc:. Sm-i!i Grapevines. r-Sedge Plants, & The Genu Peach and derful Te PRUNE. one-half mile west Growing Stock. J. D. TANGENT Founded W. H. SETTLEMIER, ne Charlotte .tVO .r the V o n nnsnt-C 1? s.l -i All Stock TO all those wishing to plant fruit trees of any variety, I would call special attention to my large stock of Fruit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, Flowers, Shrubs and Vines, and well selected stock of Evergreens. Prune trees will be sold at the very lowest price. Special figures on large orders. Our trees are First Class in every respect, and are free of insect pests. Having been engaged in the Nursery business at this place for 35 years, I feel myself competent to select the best fruits adapted, tor this climate. .Send, for Catalogue and Price List to H. W. SETTLEMIRE, Tangent, Linn Co., Or. TN . All Roads Lead to Chicago. THE CHICAGO,! MILWAUKEE &ST. PAUL LEADS THE "VAN. Excursion Rates to NERVE REVIVER : Fruit Plants "wants' Albany, Oregon. F'ruits. Healthy and Vigorous. I - intending Purchasers and others of Corvallis and examine CLARK, Manager. NURSERY. In IS57.- Propkietob. 1893: the World's Fair,