THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1893. THUS GAZETTE Stationery Store ii News Depot, Conover & Kitson, Proprs. THE DAILY PAPERS. TheOregonian, S. F. Chronicle, Call, and Examiner and other daily papers delivered al your door by carrier. Prices: Okegonian, daily, per week, 25c; daily and Sunday, per week, 30c; Chronicle, ('all, and Examiner, each 15 cents per week, including Sunday. Orders taken for Weeklies or mail subscriptions. AT iT UBSCRlFriON ACCOUNTS since October 1st are due us, and on $J Saturday, October 21st, our representative will call on you for a ettlem3tit of current month's account. . . OTHER PUBLICATIONS. We have arrangements made whereby we can. furnish any Magazine, Fashion Journal, Scientific, Art, Literary or other periodical at the publishers' prices, thereby saving 'iyou the trouble of-correspondence and the expense of postage. IS OUR AIM to give the public of Corvallis a good news service, and with an appreciative assistance we will be enabled to accom plish our purpose. It will be a pleasure for ns to show you samples, quote prices, or give any desired information concerning this branch of our business, and you are cordially invited to call at our store. OUR STATIONERY STORE. In this department of our business we have succeeded in building up a nice trade the result of making careful selections to suit the taste of patrons. Call and see .the elegant line of Box Papers. We keep a good assortment of School Supplies on hand, such 'as Pens, Pencils, Inks, Crayons, Tablets, etc., etc. THE GAZETTE Is recognized as a good local newspaper and as such is meeting with increased patronage. We have in view the addition of improved machinery and necessary appliances that will warrant the continued admiration of its patrons. Our Job Department is fully equipped for doing- all kinds of com mercial job printing, book and pamphlet work in an acceptable man lier and at reasonable rates. CONOVER & KITSON. CHANGED TT. T J XI in.Vini7 Till T" 1 1 H !St-5( 1 LIIU Crockery arid Glassware of ? FTTTTNnrT.Tn & BELL I am. prepared, to meet and. deal with, the people of thia vicinity upon the following platform' I -will not be Undersold; . -' Everything in Stock First-class and Fresh; I shall deal on the square in all cases; Call and examine my Stock ana Prices. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED CUSTOMERS FOR 30 DAYS. IE. B. HORyrUSTGr. FISH & MURPHY, TINWARE, Plumbiipg and Tin CORVALLIS MISERY CO. Q-EOWEES Mit Shade i Ornamental ltmi4 . V Roses. Small Fruits. f&P. Roses. Small Grapevines. Hedge Plants, The Genuine Charlotte Peach and the Won- derfuL Ten n ant PRUNE. inPTflafflH flrrinifa1 f a toll o d-A fonft-hjilf inifft vtmt of : -. - Growing Stock. J. p. A FRESH LOT of SUMMER SAUSAGES at Headquarters for Foreign T"7FX C FROM 25c TO $1.50 i UtV 25c to 50c per pound. .vi at a ., mm mum a m wl j ii Slock. Canned Fruits, Fish, and Vegetables. -A complete line Smokers', Articles, Cigars, Tobacco, Brier and Meerschaum Pipes 1rea on hand. Stationery.' Plaviner Harris "NnfiYmo or, Tw.irf nt lery. .A1bo foil line of Willow', Wooden and Stoneware.''. Tea, Cor fas and Spices a Specialty. Sole Agency for Antifermentine lopre rv frnit without cooking. . . ' ' HANDS! d-t. 1- f . OLUlylV J. VJIIUUCIXOO! PLUMBING, - Work a Specialty. OF Fruits. acc-otfv Xjl V All Stock Healthy and Vigorous. sr . Intending Pnrchasers and others flnrvAllia and o-vomina w.imaamp UAJLUL VAUlulliv CLARK, Manager. - - , , y w ;.-r-? and Domestic Groceries. PER POUND. COFFEE FROM All kinds oi Farinaceous Goods in FKOM ALL THE WORLD. Items of Interest About People and Things Carefully Corralled. The telephone from Chicago to New York covers 950 miles. In Chicago the other day a two 1 story house was stolen bodily. The Indians are costing the govern ment about $7,000,000 a year. Many women are candidates for county offices in Kansas this year. . James A. Garfield is to have a mon ument in Fairmount Park, Philadel phia. According to the police census the total number of men out of work in Chicago is 75,486. A towel in. the Kentucky building at the fair is said to have been used by 3,000 Kentuckians. Comparatively few children have attended the world's fair, despite the half rate admission. Over one-nlth ot the whole num ber of people in the United States have visited the world a fair. More than 4,000.000 have been used io congressional debate since the silver repeal question has came up. The mink is one of the most cun ning of animals, and will steal fish and game from hunters for its own use. . Salt blown from the ocean during the recent hurricane has destroyed trees and plants about Niantic, Conn. The North German Lloyd steamship company of Bremen announces the addition of twelve new steamers to its fleet. : The sun throws verticle rays on the earth's surface only upon an area equal to about thirty-five square miles at any one time. A Kentucky congressman 'wants the government to pay rent for the school houses and churches used as hospittals by the armies during the war. j Chinch bugs are to be killed in Mis souri, as they have been this year in Kansas, by turning loose among them bugs inoculated with disease. Kansas farmers have been taken in by swindlers, who sell a compound alleged to double the amount ot butter from a given amount of cream. The canal between Georgia bay and Lake Ontario, which will shorten the Chicago route to the seaboard by over 1,000 miles, is Hearing completion. " A volcano in Ecqnador that has slept quietly (or a century and a-half woke up the other day and poured forth a great amount of hot lava, smoke and ashes. Artificial India rubber from cotton seed Oil is one of the latest industrial products, and claimed to possess com mercial adaptations of peculiar practi cal value. , . The Victoria railway bridge over the St. Lawrence at Montreal, Canada, contains three millions cubic feet of masonry and ten thousand, five hundred tons of iron. The first notice of the use of coal is in the records of the Abbey of Peter borough, England, in the year 850, which mention aii item of twelve cart loads of "fossil fuel." " - The indebtedness per head in Colo rado . is - $206. ' Even ' Kansas, which has always been an insatiate borrower, has only succeeded in running up a mortgage debt of 1170 per head. America is conqueror once more in the international yacht race. Lord Dunraven's English "yacht being der feated by the Vigilant near New York. There was an immense crowd in attendance. ' In Germany, when the vote of the jury stands six against six, the pris oner is acquitted. A -vote of seven against five leaves the decision to the court, and a vote of eight against four the prisoner is convicted. In digging a well in Carrol county, Mo., recently, a farmer claims to have found, at a depth of sixteen feet, a j stream of water in which were floating ' numbers of white walnuts, together with leaves from the tvees. -. "I A bill appropriating $3,447,955 for the. payment of damages sustained bv citizens of Pennsylvania from union and confederate troops during the late war - was reported . favorably , in the house last week" by the committee on war claims. The great steamships plying between Australia and : England are provided with - freezing machinery, by which mutton is preserved and delivered in London in fine condition. Australian flowers preserved in ice are also car ried to London.- Oklahoma had a population in I89O larger than Wyoming when admitted as a state, and with the increase since and the sudden addition of fully 60, 000 more on the opening of the Cher okee strip it must now have a popula tion of over 130,000. ; : i During the month of October the state of North Dakota will offer : for sale . nearly. . 100.000- acres of ' its choicest lands, all located Jn the fa mous Red river valley.The ; state owns 3,500,000 acres, being a part ,-of the grant of land donated by congress. Among the 'many "freaks" offered fr exhibition at the world's fair are a hen that always walks backwards, a a Shetland pony that is so small that her shoes - are- made from $20 gold pieces, a razor that had been used by Gorge Washington, an Indian prodigy aged four years who can recite "Than atopsis," and a -garment four hundred -: 1 A - ' ' NEWS FROM THE STATE. Brief Summary of the Happen ings in Our Sister Counties of Oreg;on. Lane county's indebtedness is $17 000. They have a bimetalist league at Dallas. The Coquille academy is to open November 6. Astoria is organizing peacefully ftgainst tl.'e Chinese. Fifty cents a bushel has been paid for wheat at The Dalles. There are three . thousand acres of grain yet uncut on the Umatilla reser vation. Two hundred men are at work in the Bohemia mines, sixty miles south east of Eugene. Allison Every, of -Grant's Pass, has shipped 1,000 boxes of peaches and has more coming. The shipment of plums from Cove so far this season has reached 11,470 boxes, and still continues. In two days at Athena recently six teen hundred bushels of wheat were sold at 36 and 37 cents cash. J. Malcolm, of Topeka, Kansas, has purchased for $15,000 the C. O. Fan nine place, below renateton tor a dairy ranch. R. R. Hays and D. L. Butler, of Eugene, have purchased the farm owned by John and Joseph stone near C res well. ' It consists of 180 acres and the price paid was $8,900. The pur chasers will plant at least fifty acres of the land to hops in the spring. The recent snow was quite heavy and unexpected in the Greenhorn mountains, consequently it caught many sheepherders and camp tenders unprepared. In some instances while moving the sheep the herders were for two days without food or sleep. It is understood that the Crown Paper Co., of Oregon City, will soon erect a wood pulp mill on the Willam ette at the mouth of the Mololla river. The company wishes to be able to manufacture the pulp needed in its own pulp mill. It now buys . all the wood pulp used. Some two months ago the secretary of the interior made an order that all patents to land in quadrant that were tied up when the suits affecting titles in that tract were commenced, may now be signed and delivered. Some oi these deeds are arriving at the Ore gon City land office. Pnneville News: Grant white killed t i .1 i TT a niuie aeer near me neaa oi vesey creek a few days ago that weighed when dressed, 280 pounds. Hun dreds of these noble animals have been slain in this county, but this is by far the largest one . that ever fell before the huntsman's rifle. - . - At the regular monthiy meeting of the Salem building and loan associa tion, two loans were made one al $700, one at $600, both paying 76 mouths interest in advance. Last month interest was bid 94 months in advance and two or three months be fore that 128 months in advauce. Albany Herald: . A committee rep resenting the"creditors"of the Oregon Pacific who recently held a meeting at Mill City met Judge Fullerton. in this city last week before the judge went to Corvallis and laid their case before him.' They met him again .Sunday, and were informed that the road was ordered sold without restriction on or before December 15. The men are now. hopeful of obtaining their much needed money soon. Ashland Tidings: Two men went into Grant's Pass the other day with 56 ounces or $950 of gold dust' which they pounded out in a hand mortar from quartz taken out of a new claim located by them in the Williams creek district. This came out of a twelve foot shaft on an extension of the Bone of Contention ledge, and besides this they have three or four tons from the shaft that will mill two or three hun dred dollars per ton. Hood's Cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion Urm. N.TUke - Saa Francisco. The combination of excellent stomach tonics in Hood's Sarsaparilla is such that, with proper attention to diet, Indigestion and even the worst cases of dyspepsia are cured by this medicine. , Bead this: f Having s for'- several years bean greatly troubled with Indigestion,., and baring seem Hood's Sarsaparilia advertised, I concluded ts C3D'S . Sarsaparilla give It a trial. To my happlnesi sad great satis faction I found it to b the Mir remedy for this complaint" Mas. N. Fisjlk, 425 Geary 8 tree t, SaaFraoclseo, CaL ' .. . .-, - - ORES jkm'ii p' art eMllytyet pronotlysn4 r THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous systein ? Are 70a despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? " CSPANO " riU positively core yon. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, akin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any csbb men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addrens, 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., V. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist ean at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. America's Great Danger AM ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Said an eminent English scientist recently : " The danger that confronts the great Ameri can people to-day is not the possible adop tion ot a wrong nnancial policy for the nation, or the spread of socialism, or the increase of corruption among public men. All these are bad enough, to he sure, but they are as nothing compared to the terrible national disease I had almost said national crime of overwork. The mad rush for wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands fall by the way every year. You are likely to be one of the victims Y. How do we know? Because it is the excep tion to find a man or woman of adult age in perfect health. Nervous Disorders are spreading with fearful rapidity. Among the symptoms, are Backache, Biliousness, Cold Hands and reel, JLuzziness, Hot flashes, Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, Headache, Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Rheu matism, fcnort Dreatn, (sleeplessness, ner vous Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, Fits, eta Rev. G. A. Cabboix. pastor First Baptist Church, Yellow Springs, O., writes as follows : " l have used Dr. Miles' JKestorative JServine for the past six months. I find it acts lke a charm on the whole nervous system. 1 have not found its equal in giving immediate relief. Dr. Miles' little Nerve and Liver Pills only need a trial and they will recom mend themselves to be the best pills in the market." "For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Prostration, I was unable to work or sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine gave me relief, and one thou sand dollars would not cover the good it has done me." JOHN M IN CHER, Youngs town, Ohio. . Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine is un equalled in cubing Nervous Diseases. ' It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists, or Dr. Miles Medical Co., Ifilkhart, Ind. CAS KEY & OTTERSTEDT, BlacksEjitWng, Horse-Shoeing, And Wagon-Making, knight's old stand, CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. All work in the line done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. B. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. , VDoei a retieml t ractica in all th courts. Alfa arect lur all the 6nt-cla iiwunuiva companies. t-2i BO WEN LESTEK, Office upstairs over First National Bank. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WOKKfJGUARANTEED. CorvalMs - Oregon. Benton ' County PLANING V MILLS AND- $&SH AHD j00B foOTORY, VV. P. MARTYNj Proprietor. Doors nnl ?nh bent in stock or made to trler. - M"itMtM-p of all kinds in pine of eedar. All nrdrr will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my. work to be drst-cluis. Wet of S. P. depot, Corvallis; Oregon. 8 8 M. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nndersiinied has been duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of Elinf beth McBee, deceased; by .the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the .same to roe at my residence, seven miles southwest of Corvallis, in Benton- county, Oregon, or to E. Hoifcate, at his office ; in uorvauis, ure gon, within six months from the ; date of this notice. " : . Dated at Corvallis. Oregon, Oct 6, 1893. 1 - Wm. H. McBEE. V Administrator' of estate - of Elisabeth T lr UNJ v This -wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : oompotftdid . from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. ; " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman " An infallible, remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating Iossea, Excesses or Over-Indulgences, In cipient Softening: of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, oee of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual ; Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Basin to its normal condition following the abuse of Aloohollo Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. GREAT SPEAR SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dsllarv $II73,25O.0 In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return for SPEA R HEAD TAGS. - 1 1 1 65 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES ...134,060 00 - 6,775 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO BODT, ' BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC KJHi . 23, 1 00 raPORTED GERMAN BUCKUORN HANDLE, FOUR LADED POCKET KNIVES 7. SS,W0 Of 116,600 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHAtJ.H ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH PICKa , 7,7S0 0 1 1 6,600 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 Inches, IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, - no advertising on them 18,175 1 261,030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO $173,260 Os The above articles will be dlRtrlbuted. by eonnlles, among parties who Chew BPEAR HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us tbe 'I I K TAH taken therefrom. - - We will distribute 22e of these prizes in thia eoanty as follows! To THE PARTY sending ns tbe grenlBt number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from tbla county we will givo... .....1 GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS.... 5 OPERA GLASSES. To the TWENTY' PARTIES sending ns the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE 20 POCKET KNtTSSt To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending ns tbe next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 ' ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. , To tbe ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PZCTCBES. Total Number or Prizes for tbla Coanty, M6. CAUTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1894, nor after February 1st," 1894. Each package containing tans must he marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must be ' prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of Intrinsic value than spy other plug tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, tbe richest. SPEAK UmAM Is ' absolutely, positively and distinctively different in flavor from any other plug tobaa . ; A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It Is the largest seller of any slmUatr shape and style on earth, which proves that it has canght the popular taste and pleases tao people. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TAO la on every 10 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Head in tbe tags, no matter how small the quantity. . very sincerely, THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, Mrnnuroww, Om A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this' county will be published in, ibis . paper immediately after February 1st, 1894. DON'T SENO MY TABS BEFORE JMUMY 1, 1894. , All Roads Lead to Chicago. THE CHICAGOjniLMUKEE & ST. PAUL LEADS THE VAN. Excursion Rates to j the World's Fair. PORTLAND'S r Opens September 27 jggg Closes October 28 LIBERATi'S CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND .... - .-WILL FURNISH THB MUSIC. A WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. ' 9 THE SPECIAL FEATURES WILL ECLIPSE THOSE . OF ANY PEEV10US YEAR,, gt MADAME CIRARD OYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN : Constructed t of 110,009 and throwing a thousand jets of water Into ths colors of tbs rainbow wl , V;'; beautify Music HalL ; ; V LARGrK AQUARIUMS ' Containing Fish of all Varieties found In Oregon Waters, bars been constructed at Great FTjisiMa. , 'THE ART QALLERY " Will contain a collectioa of paintinn selected from tba World's Fair. Amonar thm EQsbniv'a aalalwaiaa mn vtiim pni 1 NERVE REVIVER . HEAD CONTEST. AND mponuoii ana Tiew iu wmaers MJI vsty eapajVi ... .ii ; j 1893 rSPORTATIOW LIWF8. For fnrthor lnfr,rmt.rei aa.