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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1893. mi, BICYCLE WAR HERE According - to instructions received from headquarters, Messrs. ConoYer & Ready are enabled to make Great Reduc tion in the price of Wheels. They wiJl now and for a short time only, sell TSES famous IMPERIAL" WHEEL f. G51 AA tH! i or $1 25 on the Installment Plan. Former Price, $150. GONOVER & KEADY, Gazette Building, Corvallis, Oregon. FISH & MURPHY, KhWM STOVES, TINWARE, PLUMBING, Plumbing and Tin-Work a Specialty. 5? GOVERNMENT - LKNDS 11 Fins as the choicest in California arc waiting to be taken up in the beautiful 7Trm OT? ,4 5 8 Lake Lassen County, Cal. Valley 4 Under tha Extensive Irrigation 8yitem of the I I T 1 TT t- -i -I ttt C Money Liane valley liana ana water uo. 4 j EXPLANATION I J S11. BKAUT1FUL HONEY LAKE VALLEY CONTAINS A J JJc2 Urge area of fine, level, loam lam!, all ready for the plow, is wir- jf. 3 rounded and sheltered by mountain", and has a fine, mild climate ) fh year around. Honey Lake is a body of fresh water covering one .v )f. hundred square miles. The N.CO, Railroad has recently been built into m w the Valley, and tha Great Salt Lake road through Beckwith Pass will also 4 cross it. The land b easily cultivated and produces extra large crops jj. wheat, oats, barley, haps, corn, alfalfa, vegetables, fruit and stock. Wood . and water are plentiful and lumber cheap. The land can be taken up with- f jjc out reaidenca under the Desert Act, in tracts of 40 to 310 acies, by a roan 4C o woman, married or single. . We are building a large Water System for the irrigation of this Und. 3f We want to get customers (or the water we will have to sell, w will help If. 'M you to get a piece of it. The land will cost von Si-a; an acre to the Gov- - croment, 5 cents down, and 1.00 in f our years. The Water (a perpetual If, "t" a""" upp7 "i cost ?o.z an acre 10 we company,. ai5 aown jf. and $$.00 on delivery to the land for its irrigation. All land effi .e business If. is attended to for customers by us without extra charge, and the filings -ft under the Desert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a water 4c supply before they will be accepted. HONEY LAKE OITY, the town we are establishing, offers good -at chances lor the establishment of new businesses, and is well wctth in- If f nstigatuigi it A? X AX A' : X: f f If A . - 4. .' tt f : v - it n ?t li rV- . irt THESE LANDS CAN BC II TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENCEf Vnder the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator as well at the homeseeker. ..- ... . , EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD VAGS K For Men and Teams on the construction work, if you desire, to uialie a J nome mere : " - ; - if. REMEMBER that these Lands are level, aU ready for the plow, with v rich soil, on railroad now built, and on line of another, building. Fuel is free, lumber cheap, and water plentiful. ' Good local as well as cutt-ii? . markets.- The irrigation of these lands makes them immensely and trams- 'x' , diateiy productive. " - : -t ; . X a- Send 4 cents in stamps for full information to n? Honey Lake Yalley Land & Water Co: FRED W, LAKE, Secretary Office, 6 Flood Building, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL, $t v- it i . 1- H SPECIAL EXG OH SIGNS AT REDUCED JIATSSf ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO NEWS FROM IliK STATE. Brief Summary of the Happen ings in Our Sister Counties ot Oregon. - " Seventy thousand pine boxes are be ing made at Grant's Pass for California orders. - . i There are 1 1 6 cases . on tlie docket of the circuit .court to conv?ne in Mc-Minnville-this week. Ceniralia has had another incen diary fire. Insurance 'companies are Raid, by the Chronicle, to be with drawing from the town. War has b en declared in B;iker City Hgauisl the male coninnions of dissnlu'e wonipn, mid numerous ar rests are being made. . . ; Fotir milt'.s of telegraph poles will have to be moved : keteen , Grant's Pass and Merlin to admit of the pas saH of the old Giant's P ss depot. ' Sheriff Shattuck, of Josephn county, ships. melons to Portland by the carload. A car holds about 1,000 mejions autl the freight from Gram's Pass is $50. The Treasurer of Jacknon county advertises that he will pay .warrants' protested up to August 1st, 1887. nx-aiiN th-it county is six years in the hole, and n fleets uo credit upon its officers. Mrs. Sales j the Foley post mistress, riding lior8e.hflck with a strap for a stir rup, fell off niid was dragged in ' this way twice through a creek, fortunately escaping being killef outright or Irowiied. Slie was kicked and other wise bruised. . The Washington fe Columbia River Railroad Co. have decided to increase its warehouse capacity at Dayton to provide for the enormous quantity of grain that is going into storage at that point. The spacious warehouses at thiit place are already nearly fi'led. A prisoner named Moore, confined for stealing money from a house at Long Creek, escaped recently from the Grant county jail, but was' recaptured after a chase into the mountains. A key to hi-i cell, which he had manu factured, was found in bis possession. The unknown parties who wrecked the unoccupied residence? of J. - V. Brown at Niagara, Linn county, one night last week with dynamite, .'have completed the job by blowing it to atoms. The trouble grew out. of Brown's jumping some of the settlers' land claims. Afiy person desiring to purchase a tract of land suitable for ..'farming pur. poses, fruit growing, or for the purpose of making a beautiful home . near city limits, should call on Conover & Kit son, of The Gazette, and learn par ticulars. A rare bargaiu that must be sold soon . In the future Portland policemen must not talk while on' duty. Not so vtry long ago Chief Hunt decided that the poliee department could serve the public better by not entering into long conversations on - the street on unofficial business while on duty, so he issued orders inhibiting this custom, which has prevailed from time immemorial. Green Richardson, of: Lane county, contributed tea dollars to the city exchequer Tuesday evening . for the privilege of stabbing a Corvallis young follow by the name of D. C. Rodgers. The wound received by Rodgers was a slight one, and he retaliated by whack: ing Richardson over the head with a baseball bat he happened to have in his hand. On examination Rodgers was discharged. Harrisburg Courier. About twenty years ago three young men were publishing the Herald in Portland. These young men were Eugene Semple, A. Y. Ames and Syl vester Pennoyer. There seems to have been , a gubernatorial bee buzzing around the Herald sanctum, for all of them have since been nominated for governor, and two of.' them elected: Semple in Washington, Pennoyer in Oregon and Ames almost in Min nesota. Astoria Budget.). An old Indian woman was found Thursday in a sad condition from age and sickness, at Chief Peo's place, on the Umatilla reservation. She ' was lying in h woodshed, almost unable to move, and had had little or nothing to eat, no provisions having been left for her in Peo's house. Dumplings manu factured from flour arid water seem to have been her only diet. Peo left the place a week or so ago for. the ? Yakima country. As the old woman ' is his mother, his conduct is cnticif e i as un becoming his rank aud dignity. , . v Eugene Register: Several very sus picious looking characters have been seen about town of late, and. attempts have been made at various times - to enter houses. Thursday night some person attempted to enter the house of Mrs. N. K. Frazier, on the hill, and was no doubt intent upon plunder, But he undertbdk-'-to enter the win dow of the room where E. H. Ingham was sleeping, and woke that gentleman up. He . then took to his heels. Everybody should be on - the lookout for burglars, and lay " them out when they come.' . SWINGING AROUND T$IK CIRCLE Of the diseases to which it is adapted with the best results, Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, a family medicine, . comprehensive in its scope, bas never been throat upon pub lic attention in the guise of a universal pan acea, for bodily ills. ; This claim, daily arro gated in the columns of the daily, press by the proprietors of medicines far inferior to it as specifics, has in a thousand instances disgusted the public . in " advance by its absurdity, and the prospects of other reme dies of superior qualities 'have been haudi capped by the pretentions of their, worth less predecessors.. But the American people Know, oecause tney nave vended the fact by the most trying tests, that "the Bitters possess theuvirtoes of a real specilic in cases of malaria and liver disorder, constipation, nervous,, rheumatic,, stomach and kidney trouble. What it'does it doestbofonchlv, and mainly for this reason it is indorsed and recommended by beets of respectable medi cal meor "-..v ' V . v - j '.-r & . (."' '' T-r$ FROM ALL THE WORLD. Items of Interest About People and Things "Carefully ' ! Corralled. Persia has six newspapers, all in the native language except one in' Syriac . It is estimated that there are less than 10,000 paupers in the. Japanese empire, with : its population of 237, 000,000. : ; ' " - Spirit Lke, Iowa, is situated upon the pinnacle of one of the most ele vated regions in the state 1,650 feet above sea level. , : ' A Texas widow sued an editor " for $10,000. She gained ,the suit and then tiie editor married her in order to keep the cash in the fttuiily. In the reign of Elizabeth a iem bei- of .'I he house of -commons made a speech whidi was? entirely composed of the most homely proverbs. The' largest desert is the Sahara. It covers mi area of 3,000 miles from east to west, 1,000 front north to south, altogether 3,000,000 square miles. More than 40,000 young trees, it is officially reported, have been planted in S-.vitzerland in the last seven years in the effort to "reforest" that country. Mr. A. Coffin has buried the hopes of the Iowa prohibitiouists by declining the nomination for governor on the ground that the issues are too grave for him to confront. . " , : Mayor Stewart, of Philadelphia, has formally withdrawn trom tne race lor governor of Pennsylvania, and has declared his preference for Gen. D. H. Hastings, of Bellefonte. Mark Twain has written for The Century a novel with the title, "Pud d'n'head Wilson," which is a story of a Mississippi steamboat town, and for St. Nicholas a enal entitled "loin baw yer Abroad." At a depth of 2,200 feet. in a Nevada mine a lake of boiling water has been found w hich is stocked with living fish. They are of a blood red color while swimming about, but when taken out resemble gold fish. ' Lord Houghton, the Lord Lieuten ant of Ireland, has Celtic blood m hit veins, (one of his ancestors was the fourth Viscount Galway,) while his children are descended, through their mother, from Richard Briusley Shen idan. G. C. Kennedy, o Lancaster, Perm., has a curiosity in the 'sh,ape of a sign board tainted- by . Benjamin West, America's first great painter, in 1771; It is still in a good state of preservation, after swinging in front of a tavern all , these yea ip. :v-. . Vincent and John'- Haile- separated in 1844, one going west, one south. They fought in the war on opposite sides and each supposed the -"other dead. 'The --other fc-day they met-by accident in Kentucky. They have Tjeen living for years within a few miles' of each other. Miss Kittie Wilkins is claimed, by the state of Idaho as a veritable "hoi se queen." She has" a ranch with about 3,000 horses and 2,000 head of cattle thereon, and, while she buys and sells all the stock, her brothers are only entrusted with the care of the animals. Every American" president has had three to thiriy-two towns named for him. There are thirty cities and towns named after Alexander Hamilton thirty Clin tons, twenty-four Websters, -. twenty Bentons, thirteen Cal hou us, seven Clays, - nineteen Qnircys, - twenty -one Douglases, twenty Blaines. - " Mrs. Stanford is giving close atten tion to the interests of the university at Palo Alto, founded by her distin guished husband. It is estimated that within a year the three ranches belong ing to the endowment can be made to yield an income of $500,000. The University is', now costing less than $175,000 a year.' The horrifying discovery has been made at Topeka that Gov. Lewelling, who was elected on a platform of anti railroads, -.anti-capitalists, anti-every-thing, has not only been traveling on a pass himself, "but that he lias secured free transportation for his wife and the whole Lewelling family. . Hoodsures Sharp Pains Short Breath, Heart Trouble, Rheu i " mat'sm. :'' . 1 Mr. It, 1L Paine : : Eagle Creels; Oregon. -' if I have lived here In Oregon for-the past twenty years, and most of the tune have been a very great sufferer from inflammatory rbemnatixm. I have also had what the doctor, called heart disease, with shortness of breath and sharp pains In tha left side.-1 decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had .finished" three bottles I was in better health, than I had been for years. I do not have any pain now, sleep weQ, and to-day no woman of my age ? . i Enjoys Better Health' Kf : 4 -than X. At home on the ranch I hot only attend to my family housework, but Jast summer I reared for and milked four cows, s I ' Uo not feel. that I can say half enough in praise of 'M , Hood's Sarsaparilla Mbs. L M. Paete, Eagle Creek.'Oregonv '4' - Hood's PWs r prompt and efficient, yet easy is action. Sold by aU druggists,". 85e .3 '', . IT- akTt I '''.'..' - ' :'''' ' '.".'''-' .' :'.." i This wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of gpain. . " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Woman, . An infaUible remedy for Nervons and General Deblli Nervons Prostration, Creeping: Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating" Losses, Excesses or Over-Indtdgences, InV ciplent Softening: of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, 1083 of Memory, Confused Thonghts and all Brain, Nerve or 8exoal Weaknesses. ' It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholio Beverages, -or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thonghts ? " ESPANO" will positively cure yen. It contains no mineral poisons and" is remarkable for awakening organic addon throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, 'bonee, nerves, hair, nails, Bkin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put np in plain - wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send fox circulars and testimonials. Addrera, . iA2?d:BC iorionvi5 co., 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, V. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist ean at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mail, at the above address. r I. Mrs. Bland, the wife of Silver Dollar j Bland, is said to be as keen a free sil ver advocate as her widely-known hus band. She never misses a debate when this subject is on, and probably no listener more thoroughly appreci ates and understands the arguments pro and con than does she, so well posted is idie in the matter. The German emperor is resolved that his numerous family of boys shall know the art of war. He is said to have procured from the Krupps at a cost-of $125,000 a toy fort, which shows all the modern devices from attack and defense. It will probably not . afford more amusement than a sandhill thrown up on the beach, but it' 'is genuine kindergarten' teaching for a soldier. . "The education of a Prince," by Zamacois, is .closer to fact than to satire, but there the marshals and statesmen were the children. GREAT SPEA! EAD COIuTEC G33Z3E2 W COI O. W. DEAN. . SUNSTRUCK IN BATTLE I DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., EtHABT, Ihd. I most say the Restoratlva Nervine and Nerve and Liver Fills have done me great rood. ' - FOB YEARS I HAVE NOT FELT AS WELL AS NOW. - The startlnr point of my disease was a sunntruke received in battle before Fort Hudson,-Louisiana, June 14th, 1863. TJp to the time of beginning to take Dr. Miles' 1 IK Bemediee I had had a con ; n r tlnual distracting pain in my , head; also, weak spells, ana the past four years I have had to give np everytaing of an active character, and stay la tha , house for al I B p n monttls m.t . at ' time; it EL LJ could not ' walk aeross the street. I KNOW TOOK REMEDIES HAVE CURED KB, and that the core will be permanent. Several friends THOUS ! here are using; your remedies, and al wen oi mem. xonrstrniy. COL. C. W. DEAN, National Military Home, Dayton, O. DR. HnJSS'NKRVINB is the most cer tain cure for Headache, Neuralgia, Nerv ous Prostration, Dizziness, Spasms, Sleep lessness, Dullness, Bloes, and Opiuni Habit. Contains no opiates or dangerous drags. Sold on a Positive Guarantee. . Oft. MILES' PI LLS, 60 Doeta 25 Ctsj. KEDUCTIOil OF 50 PER. CENT! '. Bealizing that times are not so good- as when they were better, W." Taylor-has made a - cut of 50 per. cent, in rates for blacking boots. Five " cents is now the price. : Stand - near : Moore and Taylor's barber shop. - ' t 525,000 In Premiums. : Offered by Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.", ot St. Lonis,. Mo. - The one guessing near est the number of people who will attend tbe World's fair gets $5,000.00, the- second $1,000.00, etc. -Ten Starr tobacco tags en title you to guess. ' ' Ask your , dealer' for particulars or send for circular. W. L.. DOUGLAS 03 SHOE noTMp. Do yoa wear them? When next In need try a pair. f sen in xno woria. an FOR LADIES" $2.00 11.79- F0R BOY. 4;rn 34.00, 3.50 2.50 2.25 M I HI" j . ..r. H f -rfAh 41 ton ,tr.tflj tK AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dq $.73,250.00 In valuable Presents to be Given Away In Return f SPEAR H E AD TAOl 1 ,1 65 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES 6,776 fine Imported french opera glahses, morocco body, black enamel trimmings, guaranteed achromatic i . . 23. 1 0O IMPORTED GERMAN BUCKUOKN HANDLE. FOUR B LADED . POCKET KNIVES 2 '116,600 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHA11H ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH ' PICKS. 1 115,600 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing', no advertising on them 1 261,030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO v..-$173,2t The above articles will be dlstribute'l, ty rnnnflcs, among parties who Chew n i'.AU nog xooacco, ana return 10 ua ine ii.i laaen tnereirom. We will distribute 226 of these prizes in tbla connty as follows: To THE PARTY sendinsr us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from tbla county wo will give. 1 GOLD W To the FIVE PARTIES sendine us the next ereatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS.... 5 OPERA GlJ To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us tbe next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE ..20 POCKET KM To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will eiv to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK ..................100 TOOTH To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sendine ns the next neatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 . I LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS .....100 PI03I Total Somber of Prizes for this Connty, 228. - CAUTION. No Tairs will be received before Jannarv 1st. 1894. nor after Fehrn 1894. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of SenderJ uounty. staie, ana jsumuer oi xags in eacn pacKage. All cnargea on pacKages nreDAld. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than an plug tobacco produced, ii is ine nweeiesi. ine lougnesi, ine nenest. srssa t absulntelv. Dositivelv and distinctively different in flavor from ssvothw Dins i A trial will convince the most skenticaf of this fact. It is the lanrest seller of anv shape and style on earth, which proves that It has caught the popular taste and plea people. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIM TAG is ol 1U cent piece or. oirtuAX xlcjau you ouy. nena ia ui tags, mo matter now am quanuty. very smnereiy, - H. . THE P. J. SORG- COMPANY, Mntouncowif ' A list of the people obtaining these prizes in thin county will be published paper immediately aiier r euruary jst, irtn. . DON'T SEND ANT TAGS BEFORE JANUARY I, 1894. .' 14 Sclantiiio Anerleu . 5lCAVEAT, ill J3. JT TRADE MARKS. lWsi2 DCSICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. otoJ For toformstlon and free Handbook write to - mdmn OO- sa Bboaowat, New York. Oldest traresa for secorbig patents m Ameriea. Every patent taken out by ns is brought bepro ' tbe pooiio by notloe given tree of eharge u the Largest elreuTstlon of sny seientUe paper in the' .world, splendid! v illustrated. No intelligent 'man should be without it. Weekly. S3.00 a year I L0 six months. Address MCNM A GO . PDsLiaaxBS, 361 Broadwar. Hew York City. P. M. JOHNSON ATT0ENEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS,; OR. 43Tfoei a general r notice in all the courts. Also 1? eat OI all the nret-claas insurance c6rapsnies. 2:2 . ... . -" . : Main St., Op. Cameron Store.. : , . A quiet room. Good Books. - Current Pa ners and Periodicals. . Tbe public invited. Strangers especially welcome. - , -, a Per Order of W. C T. TJ. aVFarnished rooms (up stairs) to rent..! r If yoiilwnt e DRESS SHOE, made In tte West I ttvles. don't dzv So to IB. trf mv St d.9U V.uu or $5 Shoe.' - Thy flt equal to custom made and look and Wear as, well, If yoa,wfK to econombe In your footwear, do why purchasing WV' U Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when yos buy. e. t,DOr;GXAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by :'f u Z. H." Davis,- Agent: jfree trial; vtt lr.sflerin8"n'omy,,nth,u,. eT JGIlrors, loss ot manly vigor Varldocle; etc: ' Dr. DuMont'g Nerve Pills will effec a speedy cure by its use, thousands of cases of the . i : i i ... I t.w. h.M hjum PA. very vom kiuu iha w wug imuiu - - -stored to srtect health. 15,000 testimonials from . . i .1 - ti: ..l. an lift a. Inr all over u woriu- r v w, S5.00. Mai package sent securely sealed for 10 cents nostaW Address Dr. R. DuMont, . Vrre - W 8. EaUted Bt.', Chicago, 1H.sU f . A.- VifEBFOOT; US ' Oregon Pacific Bailjfoad - E. W. Hadlev, Receiver, ai ; ; , : Oregon Pacific R. H STEAMSHIP IJ t 235 Miles Shorter: 20 Hours than by any other route. F thronerh. passeneer and freisht Portland, Engene and all points it lamette -valley to and from Ban CaL.-1 . . , --' ?- .-.'-' ;; . TIME SCHEDULE (except Stl rm Albanv 11M n. m. I Leave Yaaull Leave Corvallis 1:06 p m. I Leave Corval Arriye Yaquina 4:35 p. m J Arriys Albsn Southern Paciflctrains connect at Corvallis. The abore trains conaect at the Oregon Pacific K. E. Co.'s line of st tween aquina ana Ban rrancisco. i&Trom Ttquhis. Steamship 'Vilkmette' iVall 20th, 27th and Jane oth. - t From San Francisco. " Steamship "Willamette VH 16th, 23d and Jane 1st. . This Company reserves the right to cl daw witoout notice. .. 4. . N. "B.r Passengers from Po eoHe and all Willamette valley make close connection with tri Webfoot route at Albany or Cd H destined to San Francisco, ahd to arrive at Yaqnina the evening' bt sailing.' : r r:f - -:. Passenger aud freight rates lowest. For information apply , 6. Ei MULUAHY. Gl 1 ; j - Oregon Pacific . t ,- i - " .. y Corva D. R. VAUGHN. Genl. Agent; . No. 4Bea Wali, Ban F ran