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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1893. ! i , BRIEF LOCALS. Vogle has a nice assortment of solid ld rings. Geo. F. Eglin is now a full fledged stice of the peace. vr;iiAi-tli merchant, makes a new ATX&wy 7 inouncement this week. Call at The Gezette office and in ject their slock of stationery. The Gazette contains all the home ... . i j - I ews. wdv noi suoscnue iui " Secure a new subscriber for The GrAZETTE. It contains ail Wic ucna. Keep a cool head by wearing straw ats purchased from Miller at hard line prices. Go to Vogle, have yaur eyes testea md get a pair of spex tor compu atively nothing. T? T nhoror is rnnRtrnctmsr a com- . I v - modious business office in his Front planing mills. CROP REPORT. Harvesting and threshing is practi cally at an end. All grain nu y crops have been secured. An occas ion d report is receiveu nw-"" damage caused by the rain which oc curred during the week ending Sept. l oth We learn that the damage con- sUted in blowing down late spring wheat or oats, aDd causing grain to mould or heat which had been leu in OREGON PACIFIC CERTIFICATE?. The following telegraphic dispatch has bad general circulation in tbe press through out the state: Corvallis, Or., Sept. 18. A formal re quest was recently made by Samnel Dickson and F. K. Pendleton, for tbe bondholders' committee, on Receiver E. VV. Hadley, of the Oregon Pacific, csking him to fake tbe necessary steps to examine into and have determined by the court, the status of the the shock. Such damage occurrea m i various receivers certificates, issued by T, o irlplv Kenjirated localities ana were Egenton Hogg, the former receiver, and the not general. It is the universal opin- ieRal rights of the holders thereof. The re inn that the rain OI vdc picviuuo quest mrtner autes tua; larire number ot n.nrul a benefit, on the whole. Farm-1 these certificates were issued for illecal Dur i ... , nltiAn r( ... ... .. . .. ers hail witn pleasure mc wimu.. . i pages, ana ine noiaers tnereoi Claim to oe the eround to receive - me piougu. entitled to share ahead of the bondholders in PreDarations are being made to tot I tne prooeeds of the sale of the road. A be lief is expressed that a large number of these certificates will be declared by the court to be illegal on the presentation of the facts, and the request is made, that as receiver, Mr. Hadley may take the proper steps to umn. jseaa nil -aa Stock's cash store m TTT. J.i svn I riQV0 gtoci7WOT .u r nleasant to look upon. w ,n furt. some have aireaa oegun "" " . j l a: t anthem counties ana coa, uia- .A- IS . tncts where fruit has ripened niucn, Rlver plums cracked slightly and some were u frnm the trees. The damage , I fx imtirA thpir 1 .... T f Mnlan calls vour attention to i was not so ere v protect tne property in nia charge from sucb his fine stock of shoes in another col- market value, bmce tue rain, wiui m , claim8 Receiver Hadley presented nw uuv aiw I .i i avIak jfmaT nl P2 1 ...... .... apples nave ueguu iu "wfe,v - this communication to tne court, at the same and Blumberg S are growing mum v.6. , r- time asKiug to De instructed in tne premises, After reviewing the matter at considerable length, the court made an order in substance as follows That the Hon. Joseph Simon be appointed referee'in the matter to determine first, the validity of the issue of all outstanding certificates issued by ex-Receiver Hogg, the validity of the purpose of the issue and the uee to which the certificates were put, if j J '- il c j. i . . i it e : e ti fitted by rain ana u i iuuu&.. y... mill nveraj?e well. Hop picking " " O m - . - M . mother f the Dast week was favor oKU onH nrop-ress has been maae. The croo will be large and the quality inL mere is a nuuv-wuw sence of damaging insects. The weather was too cool to assist nee in multiplying, consequently the product .;n imuanallv clean. Wheat is nrietors make it a point to keep every- . m...f,A lowlv. , -i I . . a WJU I necessary papers rninir rinuii i am n triA iniiiiiii.i xiita ti aim 1 rUIUItLD 1U " 7 - ., . tl.o TTn;t-1 St.. .hall K rn.:-e .r T1: T !,.. a rnnhnn- itt.ii . 1.,, V.ra tint pntirelv nnlRliea f lniei ui iuiiw iaj.u. .o tYaiiavicjo...v..v.. , - . M.ii. t 4.i, n : iu A f hni'lrlino' snh- l,.,of hnr. ther 18 COnsideraDie i " w ctanl.iai cross-walks in neeoiui piacea wheat to tnresu in buiuc wwu. on main street. I The heavy rains damaged standing hn "DIirAr TTv-nnf. n1ci i nintr mill I orrain . also crram in the shock; out tue in r ni... fnr oil VtiHi of mm. rains were niucn neeaeu wt oa Ul X. UUHWl Hi I - . ti ? u . i ..,.;rf. i : ..f.,riT.rr uni Hfarr new sruwui ine. jrnces reasouauic aim wmawi.- i in wuiuiog a . I . it .Uii on1 Tinat.nreii tion guaranteed. root crop?, v cB , T " i : . mf hQvn iiecmn rr.i : i , , ;n ..rm-eca are lmuroviuji. w'"'' '"" a " 1 lie revival ociyiiito " m fivyn. i - - , , ..,, .i.. -uo:.,n k,,w.h o,e coin tn i.n to now anew, ana '".r's Ob H " full of interest Evangelist Powell is become green and account oi!ajcwiSu..ullu,. duct has increased in It is estimated that the hop crop ot '.. Jaif. nnai:tv. Tn some sec- Polk county will bring to the people of alfalfa wiU be ot tnat communuy nuuui. - , t.ecome too Cool lor VMM -" - . -11 A. I Ions and late tomatoes, wincn win not who like a clean, easy shave. .Barber ripen without the assistance 01 mc nrl hath rooms in Occidental build-1 snn and warm weather. The potato I . r . A.T..rnaA tvi hf rtene- ing. crop is too iw nu""" Parasols, sewing machines, carriages, mino nnn anv small matiuuciv ic - .TT'tll paired at J. Wm. wins. anteed. Report has it that the steamer "Three Sisters" will be on the move nevk weelr tn shin the freight on the upper river. If you want a delightful bath, go to the Occidental bath rooms. The pro- Work guar- same were sold : second, the effect of the orders in connection therewith, made by Judge M. L. Pipes, and tbe sufficiency of the examinations of the former referee (J. W. Whialley), and of his report thereon; third, to ascertain the relative rank and right to share in any fund created by sales of the property or otherwise as between all creditors. The referee was empowered to subpoena witnesses and compel the production of all and to hold sessions in the matters referred. CHOLERA IS HERE! New Cases Developed In New York. STEAMERS IN QUARANTINE. Health-Officer Jenkins Keeping- a Close "Watch on Every Ship Coming' In. Our New Stock of Clothini is also here. and onr August sale did not bring us the w' $5,000.00 We wanted, so we will continue for 30 days, offering the entire stock for any reasonable price. A good portion 01 onr stock is rignt irom tne Bonny lsieoi. scotiana. inose sturdy Scotches are very fashionable-in fact they are the swell snit for this year. We A lot of blank books, letter files, etc., IhnvA tliPTn in llnTihlfi-'Rrpjistpil Knr'lr. in Rinalp-rVrpflstffl Snplr nnrl Cntfvwav. TIipta isi which have been slightly damaged by water ' c will be retailed at the gazette stationery no nee(j for Us to dwell npon the durability of this well-known fabric, as most every store at the purchaser sown price. L , . xi a . i. ..... A - x man, woman, anu cnua Knows 01 me sireiigxu ana uurauiniy 01 a ocoicu iweeu. W We have them from $8.00 up. Call and examine them before buying elsewhere. Miller's Clothing Store, Corvallis, - - Oregon. School Tablets for sale at this office. Sure, efficieut, easy Hood's Tills. Everything in the jewelry line at Vogle's. Tablets, inks, pens and pencils at The Gazette stationery store. Screeu doors 90c each at F. J. Oberer's River Frout plaining mill. ;V Vogle has a tine line of spectacles. As sorted frames fitted to suit. The Daily News was issued at 5 o'clock yesterday. What s the matter, neury i Doors and Windows sold at cost by F. J. Oberer at the River Front plaining mill. Hood's Pills m.iv be had by mail for 25 cents of C. I. Hoodis Co., Lowell, Mass. Fiesh candies and nnts and all kinds of delicacies at E. B. Horning s grocery store. J. R. Bryson of this city and Frederick D. Carson were appointed notaries public Wednesday by the governor. U. B. Vogle, the jeweler, has just placed a tine new sale in . nis store. Articles vi yalne entrusted to lns;care will be perfectly safe. Mrs Burnett had her pockets picked while on an electric car in Salem last week. The light-fingered party secured about ten dollars. . Ladies should not forget that the cloaks have arrived at Kline's and all who wish a nice article should give the cloak depart ment an early call. (4t) Pears, plums, prunes, peaches and grapes have been received at mis nmce during the jwst week, for which onr friends will please accept sincere inanKs. ALBANY RACES. doing a good work. Boys, do not forget to go and look at Kline's clothing. You can buy suits at your own price. They are sell ing them cheap this season. Straw is cheap since threahing be gan and Miller, the merchant, is offer ing what he has in the form of hats at first-co t onces. To price them is to L buy. "Taps" was sounded at the college at 9:45 Wednesday evening for the first time this season. Our lights did no eo out for two or three hours later, however. Mr Carmichael, a well-to-do stock man, was here in the interest of the Prineville Irrigation company, trying to place on the market . about $5,000 in bonds. - The Oregon agricultural college ex hibit at the state fair was turned over the benefits of the above conditions and improving thereby. Farmers are fre narpd to enter winter season. Hay is abundant Some farmers are follow- Aiirf nienarins to sow tho Ian mg wheat crop. THE CHURCHES. Next Sabbath morning the Prcsby terian shurch of this city will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Dr. 1 hoiupson will preach a sermon suggested Dy tne aaaea, occasion. It is hoped that every mem ber of the church in town will be prcs ent and a most cordial invitation ex tended to all others. Sabbath school at 10 a. in. It is also a rallying dav for the Sabbath schools of the . . ... . Presbyterian church tnrougnour The Linn County Agricultural Associa tion will hold its second annual meeting at Albany next wepk, beginning on Tuesday and ending on Friday. The grounds and track have been placed in the best condition and every effort is being made to make the meeting a success in every particular, Nearly every stall on the grounds has at ready been engaged by horsemen, and the fastest horses on the coast are entered in the races. As this will be the end of the circuit all races will be on their merits. Grand free band concerts will be given daily. Harvest will be over and every one who can, should attend and make the meet- a erand success, as next year a fair will be Students of the college and public scnools should remember they can get anything in the stationery line at THIS liAZETTE ota- tionery Store., Pens, inks, tablets, etc Max Friendlv has a boom of about 2,000,000 feet of logs in the river at Cor- valls. Last night the boom tiroke, ana some six hundred or more log floated off down the river. tidies, attention! W. Taylor, house clean er, gardener and general jobber, carpet lay ing ana cleaning, wuimswhouiuj; uu niuuun cleaning a specialty. Leave orders at Moore & Taylor's barber shop. The college opened yesterday morning with a fair attendance. At noon there were seventy-five matriculants. It is said that tbe new students are tanner aavanceu as a rule than those of previous years. The Messrs Waesouer. P. Avery, and Robert Johnson appeared from their moun tain seclusion late Tuesday eveuiug, and report a damp but pleasant outing. They captured deer and bear to their satisfaction, so they say. OUR LOSS PORTLAND'S GAIN. Just as we go to press we learn that Mr?. Allen Wilson died in this city at ail early hour this morning. Mrs. Wilson has been at the point of death for many months. I have never been able to procure any medicine that would relieve me of rheuma tic pains like Charaberlaiu's Pain Balm. I have also nsed it for lame back, with great success,' It is the best liniment I have ever nsed, and I take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. MRS. H.MILY - l horne, Toledo, Washington. For sale by T. Gra ham, druggist. 31 . INCORPORATED X851. Massachusetts has the Bes nsurance Law in the United States. Eveiy Policy Guaran tees Ua-h aud Paid-up Insurance a. -er two are. THE" MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. flp-Issues 1 he most Liberal Policy of any company. Mr. and Mrs, John Henkle, of Phil- u 1 ,.n.w.V. n.n.T!illia Wednes- UUiai.ll, UMDOU buiuuicu ' I . , . . , y - , J... . t Prfl,.,l rohor-A thnvcrotol iwnow. ri.uu u.,.a.v.. , I W T.1.. W,,, make arrangements for moving their family """J " permanently. Mrs. Henkle has been given 13 now completed and will soon be charge of the Women's Chinese Mission of given over to the offic.als. Theie are the U. B. Church and as soon as arrange- '"''X '' - ments are completed Portland will be their Uyerage of 450 pnges each exact da- I IHICULCO UI KUX3 Ullgllletl auu mo uiaii- ner in which the work hits been done 2--. M Stir fnni'a fs itriila r-rf r ttirvcA :i. - u 1. bptfnr Ju:- 1" """" niwa. YTUU VJ IIV iwiu fc' iw vux. a m the . A country. J nnior endeavor at p. m Senior endeavor at 6:30 p. m. S of song at 7:30, followed by a sermon rvice short Special round trip rates will be given over all railroad lines. Following is the urogram for the four days' races: ' Fiasr Day Tuesday, Sept. 27. 2 Running, j mile, purse $150; 2 3:C0 trot, purse 150; 3 Free for all trot, puise 250. Second Day Wednesday, Sept. 27. 4 Running mile and repeat, purse, f 150; 52:30 trot, purse $250; 63 year-old trot home. nr. i il... .1 ,. frnm nil r ve reiireh men uciiuio - i. . f ; , , better I" a J """ f - " things in store in the ntar future had Mr. H. remained; but as matters stand Benton county loses k family of good citizens and Portland is the gainer. Success to you all. of the new county. ALBANY STEAM LAUNDRY. "See that your Policy has CASH AND PAID-UP VALUES SyGuaranfeed Each Year. AND TAKE NO OTHER I Write me for particulars. H. C. COLTONCsn. Agt., 242 Stark St., or m. s. woodcock, Portland, Or. First National Bank, Corvallis. Cash dividends paid ach year. Take no ther till you see his. u Crnoo at the (JoilffregatlOnHM lor special couuwea, xjuv, muu, ueuwu. to the world's fair commission of the cilurcu on Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 Marion, Yamhill and Polk, purse $200, n. m. Stibiect at the morning "A rue Worship." Sunday school at 10 a m. Y. P. S. C. E. meets at b:MJ p. m. A cordial invitation to all. During the absence of Rev. Geo. F. Plummet- in Albany next Sunday Prof. Letcher will conduct the exor cises of the Episcopal church. Every- state and is now displayed at Chicago's great show. For the best value for your money in pocket-knives, razors, 'scissors, children's carriages, sewing machines, nianos. organs, or anything in these kind of coods. call on T. Wm. Will J. Harrv Gav the famous ophthal mic optician and optical specialist will body invited, be at the Occidental Hotel next Mon- M George Doughty has found day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. ftnnthe(. orchard Dest to annoy him, Third Day Thuesday, Sept. 28. 7 Running mile, purse $100; 82:40 trot, purse $200: 9 2-vear old trot, for Lane, Linn, Benton, Marion, Folk and Yam- hill counties, purse $150. Forth Day Friday, Sept, 29. 10 Running 1 mile, purse $150; 11 Trot, free for all, purse $250; 12 Trot, 2-y ear-old for Linn county, purse $100. $100 REWARD, $100, The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages; and that is catarrh. Hall's (Jatarrh Cure is the ouly positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiug a constitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereb'v destrovine the foundation of the Leave orders for work by this laundry with John Lenger at Wells, Fargo's express othoe. (Jlotbes wnl he called tor on days and delivered Fridays. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tues- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned bas been duly ap Dointed executor of the the last Will and Testament of Eliza A. Starr, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are re iuirea to present tne same wnn me QJS'T BOTHER WITH BAKING! During Hot Weather, Get Your 9 9 same r.nnci vniinhAin within sit tnnntha from the disease, and giving the patient strength by Late cf this notice, to the said executor at building up tne cousmiiHou anu auiig hig re8,dence in Corvallis, lieu ton County, nature in doing its work. Hie proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. S"Sold by Druggists, 75c. State of Orefeon. Dated this bth aay ot September, mifif. S. L. SHEDD, Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Eliza A. Starr, Deceased. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. THE CALIFORNIA FAIR. people that ever of Oreaon has received the highest award for -TOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN TU .comprehensive collective and commercial 7 K' fflTO exhibit of native woods at the world s fair ; eqtion will attend at the office of the also an award for spruce wood pulp of me- county clerk of Bentou county, Oregon, at and collection of com-1 the courthouse in uorvains, Oregon, auu publiclv examine tne assessment roun, auu cianical manufacture, ; Gay has done excellent worK in our F month he noticed that the ten- The largest crowd cifcy- - dernewgrowthonhisyoungpruneand assembled on any occasion within the bor. .alw It is not necessary for Nelson Bros. Dlum trees are losing the leaves and ders of California was the one which met . . . . awftrd for the best collective exhibit at urA. lots, or other property. to keeD a DOet employed to write up shrivelins UD. This he layd to dry I to ratifv the arrangements then completed I - . . . fgh frozen salmon and thir-1 Said board will continue in session for one thftir nraises as thev still continue to n,fhir hnh a critical inSDectlon re-1 for thn California midwinter mternanonai i . Jn u.r aheries exhibit. In weex, ana h no errors ore iohum, .n- do a good and thriving business at the vealed a caterpillar lying on the limb J exposition, Golden Gate Fark, August 24, j the mining department she h is been given Occidental shaving parlors and . bath ftom two and one-half to three inches 1 1 093. Director-General M. H. De Young's I the highest 1 award for silicate of nickel rooms. Advices from the U. S. department of sericulture weather bureau inform us that the weekly crop report, which bas been regularly issued, owing to the advanced condition of the crops, will be discontinued until spring. . It is an eastern editor, who when a subscriber fails to respond to the sec ond bill, publishes an obituary of the delinquent on the theory that he muss be dead or he would pay up. That is a very reasonable conclusion lono-. of color identical with the branch so that one might easily mis take the worm for the limb itself. The worm is doing much harm in Mr. Douehtv's voung orchard. Hulsboro Independent. It has been the custom of a couple of Soap creek "yahoos to come to Poi-vallis. cat drunk and raise Ned generally without being molested by officers of the law. xnis is not as 11 Hhould be. If our police force is not sufficient to protect the peace and Wednesday evening 1UJIU1J. 1 . , . at the home of quiet of our people it should be m- Prof. and Mrs. H. T. French, the Con gregational ladies held a coffee and cake social, which was a pleasant, and we are informed, profitable affair. Ten cents was the bill of expense. A gentleman who is- thoroughly posted upon most all subjects, informs us that the rains of the past few days will result in a loss of from eight to ten per cent of the unthreshed grain in this locality, of which there is yet a considerable outstanding. The Gazette acknowledge the compliments ot the Linn County Ag ricultural association in the form of a ticket of admission. The association have arranged a splendid race program which promises to be participated in by some of the fastest horses in the northwest. Any person desiring to purchase a tract of land suitable for farming pur poses, fruit growing, or for the purpose of making a beautiful home near city limits, should call on Conover & Kit son, of The Gazette, and learn par ticulars. A rare bargain that must be sold soon " - A private letter from Prineville tells how Tom Baldwin and Col. Nye in vested $2,000 in a . gold mine and others about $2,000, and how it 'was learned afterwards they had - been JntQ-tbeJ account of creased. The product of Frieudly'a saw mills of this city is attracting a great deal of outside atteotion and letters of in quiry 'are comming from different sec tiona of the country asking for rates on lumber. Mr. Friendly reports that lumber from his mills has already sold in the San Francisco markets as east ern hard wood. A select company' of the elite of Salem were the guests of Supt. Mul cahy of the O. P. on an excursion to Newport yesterday, where they will be entertained on the steamer "Willam ette Valley" and return on the regular tram Saturday morning. The collesre authorities have con tracted for the erection of a brick storage room 20x30 feet and one story hidi near the bov's dormitory, award ing the contract to Chase fc Wilson. This is a convenience very much needed. Hodes & Hall, at the Pioneer bak ery and coffee saloon, have on hand at all times a large supply of delicious ice cream and other choice edibles, with the best soda water in town to wash it down. i Mr. W. T. Branch, the expert who is examining the bank books of Ham ilton, Job Sc Co., is at work, and it will probably require about two months to complete his task. " ' 1 ' -V,. ' rn remarks en that occasion are fully descrip tive of the energy and enterprise displayed in this undertaking and we reprint a portion thereof : "Seven weeks ago today the exec utive committee appointed by you met for organization. Three days after that time the finance committee was organized. Now, gentlemen, in seven weeks what has been accomplished I Look back at the great enterprises of the world, or at the histories of expositions, and in two years they never accomplished as much as we nave in seven weeks. What have we done T Seven weeks aeo, without a dollar, without a possible assurance, without organization what has been done up to today t We have organized the exposition. We have made its rules. We have made its classification. We have surveyed every inch of these grounds. We have made our maps. We have laid out onr plana We have let the contracts for tbe excavation and grading. We have started our office in Chicago and are assigning exhibitors today." At the boot and shoe store of Weber & Son can be found a com plete assortment of boots, shoes and rubber goods, which they will sell cheaper than ' anybody. Messrs. Weber & Son are practical workmen and consequently intelligent buyen, hence theypurchase nothing but good stock, all of which they warrant. Any article purchased at their store that rips will be repaired free of charge. Call and examine their stock. magnesia. PUBLIC SALE. Mr. William Crees will hold a public sale of household and farming effects at his residence one and oue -half miles north west of Corvallis, Septemlier dU, uj the articles to be sold is a thorough brea Foiled Angus bull, 2 years old, a yeaning colt, fine blood, and cattle, horses, bees and along list of necessary family nteusils too numerous to mention. ATTACHED FOR $196. Yesterday afternoon the fruit and candy store of G. W. ,Bigham on a claim of f 196 in favor of Lie bes Bros., San Fran cisco, by their attorney, was attached. Owing to the fact (hat Mr. Bingham shipped all his cash on hand a day or two since, the attachment serves as a temporary em barrassment that will be righted soon. "It is a pleasure to sell Chamberlain's Cough Remedy;" says Stickney & Dentler, druggists. Republic, Ohio. "Because a custo mer after once using it, is almost certain to call for it when again in need of sucb a me dicine. We sell more of it than any other cough medicine we handle, and it always gives satisfaction." For coughs, colds and crongh, it is without an equal. For sale by T. Graham, druggist. . The railroad commission has set the hear ing of the O. P. company's complaint of discrimination against them as - shippers by the S. P. company in their new tariff of July 15, 1893, for October 2d. The result is of considerable importance to the business men and farmers of the valley, which will be awaited with interest. - ' ; - - ments will remain as entered upon the roll and no corrections or alterations will be made by the county court thereafter. A. B. ALEXANDER, Assessor for Benton Co., Oregon. Dated September 4th, 1893. Benton County AKTOCXC-0. Complete Set of Abstracts of Benton County. Coavejancing & Perfecting Titles a Spesialij. Money to Loan on Improved City and Country Property. . I UkWSl I CO., - Proprietors. MAINST..CORVALLIS. Men's FINE Men's SHOES. Our Men's Fine Shoes for FALL and WINTER Hve Arrived. Kangaroo, Cordovan German Ensset Calf, Camel Skin and Oil Grain in Blnchers, Lace and Congress, Single Sole, DonWe Sole, - ' , , And Cork Sole. UTEST STYLES. POPULAR IRICJ5S. PIONEER THE BAKERY! Cheaper than you can possibly mahe them at home. Call and see their splendid Variety of Goodies! Loyely Ice Bream! Delicious Coffee! on draught at all hours, day or night. yOU PEOPLE WITH MOUTHS FOR PIE I HODES cfi? HAT mT i. Portland. Oregon. A. P. Armstroho, FbimcipaI" Open all the year. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. X A BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS. CHANGED HANDS! Having purchased the Stock of Groceries, (prockery and Glassware of IEQIj3Sr3EOL33 & BELL I am prepared to meet and deal with the people of this vicinity upon the following platform' I will not be Undersold; Everything in Stock First-class and Fresh; I shall deal on the square In all cases; Call, and examine my Stock ana Prices. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS OFFERED CUSTOMERS FOR 30 DAYS. E. 33. HORNING. PORTLAND'S Opens September 27 Closes October 28 vLlBERATrS CELEBRATED MILITARY BAND miVrM . W1W. FURNISH TH MUSIC a WORLD OF MECHANICS IN MINIATURE. S3T THE 8WS"VStUrIs iI BCUPSIC THOSE OF ANY PREVIOUS VEAE. MADAME CIRARD CYER'S PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN MAOAME T" ,u , .... n, 1,, th. mlnr o tb. rainbow vil TARGE AQUARIUMS Varieties found in Oregon Waters, hsrs been constructed st Great Exp. THE ART GALLERY - .elected from tbe World's Fair. Among- won cjuouir. w Constructed Containing Fish pf ?U painting, ,CT8TER ri tMtoTtiStto the'worid's Jalr t Oilcago ' oArt "lili IX TRANSPORTATION LINES. For further toforinsti! ion, address inTltll9JIOAl1',,l- PMUvmeo, m L A T .Bn-Kr-faBint