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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1893)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1893. THE BICYCLE WAR HERE According to instructions received from headquarters, Messrs. Conoyer & Keady are enabled to make Great Reduc tion in the price of Wheels. They will now and for a short time only, sell THE "IMPERIAL" WHEEL lOO CASH! or $125 on the Installment Plan. Former Price, $150. CONOYER & KEADY, Gazette Building, Corvallis, Oregon. FISH & MURPHY, stoves;! t TINWARE, PLUMBING. Plumbing and Tin-Work a Specialty. 55SWtiMt?M$f S m 1 H 8 7 GOVERNMENT LKNDS Fine aa the choicest in California are waiting to be taken up in the beautiful oney Lake w Lassen County, Cal. IS Valleyl Under the Extensive Irrigation Bystem of tha gC. Honey v Lake Yalley Land and Water Co. X. EXPLANATION J ",,. . - ? 3rIE BEAUTIFUL"- BONW TJMCTt TAtl.RV COVTAINS A , jJ large area of fine, level, loam lead, all ready far the plow,' is ai- m rounded and sheltered by mountains, and hat a fine, mild climate M. 12 k. i - l T i i i i . i - 7 I iwict msmmw m m my wi ircaa crater ontnn itiic fawidred ttraara miles. The N. (H O. Raih-d has recantra Wn bnitf into ibe Valley, and tha Great Salt Lake read through Beckwuh Pass will also- -'- craas fa. The land is easily cnltiratad and produces extra large crops 1f wheat, oata, barley, haps, corn, alfalfa, vegetables, fruit and stock. Wood je, and water are plentiful and lumber cheap. The land can be taken up with . ' . out residence under the Desert Act, in tracts of 40 to 330 acres, by a man or .woman, married or single. if - We are building a large Water System for the irrigation of this land. We want to get customers for the water we will have to sell, so will help you to get a piece of it. The land will cost you'an acre to the Gov erhment, as cents down, and $1.00 in four years. The Water (a perpetual rt- right and good supply), will cost $6.9; an acre to the Company; $1.15 down and ts-00 an delivery to the land for its irrigation. Alt land office business ft is atieoucu 10 tor luiiwaini Dy us WKneut extra cnarge, ana toe tilings under the Desert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a water i supply before tbey will be accepted. - - HONEY LAKE OITY, the towa we are establishiog, offers good chances for the cstabutbnMM of new bnthtessrs, and is well worth in- restigatiagtf w - . - ' - , tt tt ! tt $ tt tt tt ti- THKSK LAND CAN BC 8 TAKEN". UP WITHOUT RESIDENCE "-- " 1 4 Vnder the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator JJ" ,, m well as the homeseeker. ; J aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I . Send 4 cents in stamps for fall information to EMPLOYMENT AT- GOOD WAGES For Men and Teams on the construction work, if you desire to make a ' ... , home there - - " . S ....... . , REMEMBER that these Lands' are fere!, ready for the plow, with rich soil, oa tailroad now built, and' on line of another, building. Fuel is X $ free, lumber cheap, and water plentiful. Good local as well as outside . j markets. 'The irrigation of these land makes them immensely and imme- jj diitely productiYe. ' " ' MMMMaaMaiHaiuHiHumBmaUiHUBBManaaHHmBaBBBMHaiHHB A it tt it n a- H SPECIAL EXCUBSIONS f T? a m nnrTriiiii m. mtio II 9 KPiiiiiuMi rLnxxia w7 5 ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO. .f FROM ALL THE WORLD. Honey Lake Valley Land JSc Water Co. FRED W. LAKE, Secretary tt : Office, 6 Hood Building, SAK FEANOISCO, OAL. Items of Interest About People and Things Carefully Corralled. Mrs. Cleveland's baby weighed 9 pounds. The yellow fever situation at Brunswick, Ga., is alarming. - The centennial celebration of the laying of the corner-stone of tbe capitol occurred on the 18th. Extensive changes among tha pension agencies will soon be made by Secretary bloke Smith. The Everett bill, extending Chinese reg istration for one . year, will probably pass the house with very little opposition. Citv Treasurer Krue. of Seattle, is a de- faiilter to the extent of over S200.000. . He is believed to be. iu British Columbia. The treasury department lias informed the Tacoma local authorities that the pro cess .f sticking little posters 011 coins is illegal. The first report that the new baby iu tlie V hite House was tr4e named Naomi was talse. It U now announced that the young lady will be called Esther. The sovereign grand lodge of ' Odr1 Fel lows met in Milwaukee last Eriday, and an exceptionally interesting programme was arranged for its entertainment. At Spriugheld, Mass., Sept. 11, A. A. Zimmerman broke ahe world's bicycle rec ord for one mile in au unofficial trial at HanuleD Park, his time being 2:01 3 5. The bouse committee on the election of pretideut and vice-president and members of congress has ordered a favoiable repo:t on the bill repealing the federal election law. The people of Walla Walla valley are talking of the profits there would be in raising tobacco. Already tobacco is suc cessfully cultivate! on several tracts in the valley. - At Walla Walla, Sept. 12 the heaviest rain fall for years fell here during the eighteen hours ending at noon today, when 1.37 inches fell. Heavy damages to grain sacked in fields. President Grover Cleveland and family, the new baby included, of course, if possi ble will visit Chicago October 9, to take part in the celebration of Chicago day at the world's fair. The statement of the receivers of ex Secretary Foster's afairs put the liabilities at $1,086,671, and assets $969,342. A proposition is under consideration to allow him to take charge again. The Cherokee strip is now inhabited by a population exceeding 100.000 people. Many hardships are in store for the boomers in portions of the strip on account of the scarcity of water, hay and other necessaries. The treasury department has notified Im migration. Inspector Smythe at Tacoma that British Columbia Indians have a right to enter the United States for the purpose of picking hops, provided they do not come in under contract. The directors of the Southern Pacific railroad company have decided to issue bonds slightly in the excess of $89,000,000. They are to be exchanged for old bonds and and the excess is to be used in the con struction of new lines. A fire in the town of Pullman, near Chi cago damaged the lumber yards of the Pull man Palace Car company to the extent of $230,000. Between 9,000,000 and 10.000, 000 feet of lumber were ' burned. The burned area covers nearly twenty acres. Michael J, Fitzmaurice commeueed an action in the superior court at Seattle against the Great Northern railway yester day to recover $23,865 damages for the loi-s of a leg by an accident which occurred two miles west of Sultan station March 4th. Notwithstanding the alarmist reports in regard to Prince Bismarck's condition that have been circulated, it cau be said that the ex-chancellor is recovering from his recent attack of sickness. His condition is im proving daily, slowly of course, but still improving. The national congress of business men met iu Washington last week to discuss the financial interests of the country and to ask the national congress to repeal the purchas ing clause of the Sherman act. The ap pointment of a non partisan national com mission by the president was asked for. Secretary Carlisle reports that there yet remains about $25,500 in the treasury avail able tor . Chinese deportation, or total of 963,530, of which $38,000 will be necessary to pay salaries and expenses of officials in enforcing same. About 85,000 Chinese are estimated as liable to deportation, the cost of which would be about $6,000,000. Chicago Inter-Ocean: The democratic New York World wants western farmers to contribure each "a bag of wheat to the starving multitude of the unemployed in great cities." .Would the World mind tell ing its readers whether these are "the good democratic times" which it foretold a year or more ago? The World very flatteringly says: "Our western farmers are a generou3 class. The idea that men, women and chil dren anywhere are suffering for bread stirs their pity." ' , The bill introduced in .the house by Rep resentative Everett, of Massachusetts, to give the Chinese a year from tbe present time to register is undoubtedly to le the administration' measure. Senator Oolpli says that if tbe Chinese government would ask for an extension of time for Chinese . laborers to register and give some assurance that if an opportunity were given tht-y would register, congress might take such a request in consideration. But as no such request has been made, or assurance given by China on behalf of the Chinese, the pro psition to give further time is merely a back down by tbe government in accordance with the views and desires of the administration. Henry B. Foulke, president of the Mahat mas of Theosophists and Spiritualists in Onset Bay, Mass., announced last Snnday that he is the Messiah. He s.iys he has been reincarnated no less than seven times; that Mme. Blavatsky came to prepare the way for bis entry as the christ and to straighten out the sefiou's condition of things now ex isting in the. religious and' business, world. He says he is in constant communication with "Shades," and that his announcement and actions are placed far beyond his per sonal control by the Shades of the Thibetan brotherhood. He prophesies that war and bloodshed are soon to follow and t hat social ism is soon to come ont on top. &lr. Fonlke has made many converts. Ilia strongest adherents are women. He mikes no public or set speeches, nor does he attempt to mount tbe rostrum. He keeps away from spiritualist leaders and mediums. He is unpopular with the old-time mediums, who seem to fear this new order of occult science. NEWS FROM THE STATE. Of the diseases to which it is adapted with the best results, Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters, a family medicine, comprehensive in its scope,' has never been thrust upon pub lic attention in the gnise of a universal pan acea for bodily ills. , This claim, daily arro gated in, the columns of the daily press by the proprietors of medicines far inferior to it as specifics, has in a thousand instances disgusted : the, public in advance by its absurdity, and the prospects of other reme dies of superior' qualities have been handi capped by the pretentions -of . their worth; less predecessors. But the American people know, because they have verified the fact by the most- trying tests," that the Bitters possess the virtues of a real specific in cases of malarial and liver disorder, constipation, nervous, rheumatic, . stomach and kidney trouble. What it does it does thoroughly, and mainly for this reason it is indorsed ana recommended by hosts of respectable medi- nnl mnn : Brief Summary of the Happen ings in Our Sister Counties of Oregon. The Eoseburg fair has a deficit of $600. Ashland's school children number 339. The Albany races begiu September 26th. Salem's militia company has received its new uniforms. Salem's indebtedness, $59,500, it is pro posed to bond, Mrs. M. J. Kinney, of Astoria, is serious ly ill in California, A chapter of the Eastern Star has been organized at Condon. There are twenty-three prisoners in the county jail at Salem. Portland now claims a population of 90, 000 under a recent census. Central Point will have three day 's races beginning September 28th. Baker City has decided to give five days' raciug, beginning October 16th. John E. Holumn hauls 10,000 pounds of grain at load into McMiuuville. Several water-spouts occurred last week between Priueviile and upper Crooked river. G. A. Butler bought a 900 acre stock rauch of George Ha readme, near Ashland, for $3150. Yamhill comity has just ordered 5,000 warrants on which to float its coming in debtedness. Astoria's mayor and other prominent citi zens are houorary members of the town's football club. Nat Blum, the Portland smuggler, is still iu jail, having thus far failed to give the re quired bonds. Fort Klamath folks will have 2,500 tons of hay put up, with nncut grass enough to make as much more. Winnie Brown is coining from Boise to Weston, where he will join his brother in publishing tne reader. Two potatoes are being shown at Pendle ton which together weigh six and a half pounds. One is 14 inches long. Frank Gross, of Medford, thoughtlessly stepped off a moving train at Salem and was seriously injured, but will recover. The delinquent tax list of Multnomah county foots up, in round numbers, $40U, 000. The sheriff has been paid about $800, 000. The citizens of Oregon City held a pnblic meeting to protest against the contractors on the streets employing non-resident la. borers. Twenty dollars a head is the average price of the 600 head of Wood river cattle sold and to be sold between October 15 and November 1. Senator Dolph has introduced a bill ap propriating $5,000 for the erection of a first class fog siguat at (Jape Arago, near the light station. The grand jury of Tillamook county failed to rind an iudictmeut against Dave Howard for setting tire to the town, and he was set at liberty. An interesting fight is on between Eose burg and Riddle,over the terminus of the Coos Bay K. II., and the latter is making a good showing just at present. The Sears & Hirehberg warehouse, at Talmaue. now has 80,000 buahels ot gram stored, and its owners are compelled to build an addition to accommodate supplies still to come. W. F. D. Jones, formerally proprietor of the Tillamook Headlight, has purchased an interest in the Astorian. This acquisition to the Astorian's staff will undoubtedly make that, good paper better than ever. Salem Journal: W. W. Martin, the jeweler, sold a couple of the old pale yel low pure gold beaver five dallar pieces for $25, They were coined at Oregon City in 1849 and are now only rarely met with. We know of no better place for the oper ation of a pork-packing establishment than right here iu Havrisburg, and the wonder is that such an enterprise has not been started here long ago, says the Harrisburg Courrier. The Ager-Klamath Falls stage has been neld up twice within the last two weeks by the same man and at the same place. He was an honest robber, however, and returned some registered mail matter on his second exploit. J. M. Hicks, of Ashland, has already shipped more than 1,000 boxes of tomatoes from his two-acre patch, and will probably send on as many mure before the season closes. He grows them on granite land, not on the creek bottom. ' Balph Hewitt, an apprentice in Long shore & Co.'s printing office, fell off an ex press wagon at Second and Stark streets, Portland, Saturday morning and was con siderably bruised about the head. He was sent to his home in Albina. Lee Get, a Chinese contractor, has about finished clearing a 100-aere field for George Alexander, of Forest Grove. He has em ployed about fifteen men, has been at work two months, and has the tract, which was a burned fir slashing, ready for the plow. - The government post office inspector was in Eugene last week looking after the mat ter of securing quarters for the post office. Owners of property are slow to accede to the government's terms concerning a lease, consequently no quarters have asj.yet been found. 5P Rich Red Blood Results from taking Hood'i Sarsaparilla Mr. Cham. Walker : v. -' Of Ban Franclsoo. ?: "For several rears I have been troubled with blotches and" pimples oh my face and body which were very annoying. "I tried several pre. scrlptions, and also other medicines, but they Hood's Sarsaparilla did not seem to benefit me. Xast fall a friend advised me to try Hood's SaorsapariUa. -1 was determined to gi' 1 c - ? T A Thorough Trial. After using two bottles, my skin returned to Its natural state. I still use It, as tt gives me strength and vigor. I never had better health in my life, and I owe It to taking Hood's Sarsa parilla." Chas. Walkeb, with Carrill MIg. Co., 4a Eighth Street, Ban Francisco. '' Hood's) Pills are the best tter-dlnnst fills, aagiat digestion, core headache, 860. ' v This Wonderful preparation is Purely Vegetable : compotftlled from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of Spain. " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Man and Womftn. An infallible remedy for NervoHS and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating: losses, Excesses or Over-indulgences, In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, Dteiness, &088 of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or 8exual Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVED Have you abused the laws of nature and Injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? " ES PA NO" wiU positively cure you. It contains no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to thd unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. ' Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doaea or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. If he price $1.00 per box or 6 boxes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, SPAKISH MBDICEVU Oo4 1 Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mail, at the above address. :: 1 , 1 1 1 ; The attendance at the state fair this week has been lighter than was ever known be fore. The exhibits are reported as having been very good, and the fair generally a success, except that the exhibits were not so numerous as formerly, and the attendance very light. A herd of 100 dairy cattle, followed by wagons containing dairying implements, passed through Forest Grove oue day last week. They were for the Harrison cream ery, recently bought by Hon. Joseph Gas ton, on the move to its new location at Wapato lake. Ten teams are now at work drawing bricks from the yard of the state peniten tiary to the reform school. About 1,200,000 bricks will be required for the new addi tions to the reformatory, and it is desired to have as many as possible of these on the grounds this fall. A thorough search has keen made by the neighbors of J. O. Lewis, the missing owner of the ranch at Lost Creek bridge iu Lane county without avail. He lived alone and left the house open just as he customarily used it, his gun only being missing. Sui cide is thought to have been committed. . Jno. R. Cartwrigh, a farmer of Linn county, recently sold twenty-seven bales of hops for seventeen cents per pound, which netted him $374 an acre. It seems that raising hops pays big profits and farmers would do better if they would devote more time to their cultivation and pay less at tention to some other crops. The Union Republican has on exhibition a fragment of a skull brought in from Tel ocaset which is quite a curiostty. It was unearthed at the bottom of a deep canyon, and is thought to be the remnant of some race of animals now extinct.- While the skull is but inches between the eyes, it is nine inches from tbe eyes to the base of the skull, and has the appearance of having had no teeth on the upper jaw. GREAT SPEAR HEAD CONTEST. GROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. A recent discovery Is that headache, Uzziness, dullness, confusion of the mind, ito, are due to derangement of the nerve enters which supply the brain with nerve orce; that Indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, ind in stomach, etc., arise from the derango nent of the nerve centers supplying these or rans with nerve fluid or force. This is likewise rue of many diseases of the heart and lungs. Che nerve system is like a telegraph system, is will be seen by tbe accompanying at. ine ntue rhlte lines are he nerves which onvey the nerve ' rce from the erve centers to )very part of the lody, fust as the lectnc current la onveyed along . h e telegraph lres to e v e r y ration, large or mall. Ordinary hysicians fail to '.igard this fact; istoad of treat r the nerve cen irs for the cause t the disorders rising therefrom :ioy treat the ,art affected. Franklin Miles. I. D., LL. B., the :.2hfy celebrated ecialist and -udent of nervous diseases, and author t many noted treatises on the latter subject, . i' since realized the truth of the first ite nent, and his Restorative Nervine prepared on that principle. Its success i curing all diseases arising from derange tinfc of the nervous system Is wonder il. as the thousands of unsolicited testimo I tls in possession of the company manufac irtng the remedy amply prove. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is a reliable ;roedy for all nervous diseases, such as jadache, nervous debility, prostration, ecplessness, dizziness hysteria, sexual de iUty, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, etc. It Is id ly all druggists on a positive guarantee, sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., ::khart, Ind., on receipt of price, $1 per bot- t. six Dottles for $5, express prepaid. iestoratlve Nervine positively contains no plates or dangerous drugs. VI. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE hWVip. Do yoa wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. 1 ' Beat In the world. -"(u i,w: ii'M;ii:.ii; a 1 .... i 1 .50 42.00 FOR IAD ICS" 2.00 tl.79- fOR BOYS JI5M 14.00 43.50 42.50 2.25 2.00 iron If wnn a nRTSS SHflF. mxfa fa tha lataaf ttytet, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.56, $4.00 or 3 nos, iney hi equal to custom maaeana looKana wear at well. If yoo wish to economize In your footwear, do in bv nuretuilno' W. L Doufftaa Shoaa. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you bay.' " Z. H. Davis. Agent. AND SAVE THE TAGS. One Hundred and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, $073,250.00 an wcaiuiiv7 ricocilia IU MX3 VilVOII vv a J III noiui IVI ' SPEAR HEAD TAGS. 1 , 1 55 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES ..131,660 60 6.775 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO BODY, BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC... 2875 00 23,100 IMPORTED GERMAN BTJCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED ' POCKET KNIVES . 23,1X) 0 115,500 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHAR?f ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH ' PICKS. 87,750 06 1 1 5,600 LARGE PICTURES (14x28 inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing", no advertising on them 28,875 . 261,030 PRIZES, AMOUNTING TO $173,250 00 The above articles will be distributed, by roantie, among parties who Chew SPEAK HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the Ti?i TAGS taken therefrom. m We will distribute 226 of these prizes iu this connty as follows : To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from tbla county we will give 1 GOLD WATCH. To the FIVE PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1. OPERA GLASS.'... 5 OPERA GLASSES. To the TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE .20 POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTTJBES. Total Number of Prizes for tbla Connty, 220. CAUTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1894, nor after February 1st, 1894. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Sender, Town, County, State, and Number of Tags in each package. All charges on packages must be prepaid. READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qualities of intrinsic value than any other plug tobacco produced. It is the sweeteHt, the toughest, the richest- SPEAR HEAD is absolutely, positively and diatlnctlvely different in flavor from any other plug tobacco. A trial will convince the most skeptical of this fact. It is the largest seller of any similar shape and style on earth, which proves that It has caught the popular taste and pleases the eople. Try it, and participate in the contest for prizes. See that a TIM TAG is on every 0 cent piece of SPEAR HEAD you buy. Send in the tags, no matter how small tha quantity. Very sincerely, THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, MlDDMROWK, OHIO. A list of the people obtaining these prizes in this county will be published la thla paper unmeuiausiy alter xturuary ist, DON'T SEND ANY TAGS BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1894. bo American I Wft ar r a At ii ii m . m CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. etoJ For Information and free Handbook write to HUKN A CO- SSI BBOADWAT, NZW Yofe. Oldest bureau for aecurlna- patent, in America. Every patent taken ont by us Is brought before tbe public bfa notice siren free of charge in cbe efmiitif It mxitm Largest circulation of any adentille paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No tateUTgent man should be without It. Weekly. 83.00 a years f 1-60 six months. Address HUNS COv POBUSBXBs, 361 Broadway, Mew fork City. THF P. M. JOHNSON, ATT0ENEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. nWPoeaa yenerai practice in all tbeeonrta Also rent tor all the first-class insurance companies. 2:2a i RSdwq) Rooa) Main St., Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet room. Good Books. Current Pa pers and Periodicals. Tbe public invited. Strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W. C t TJ. aSrFurnished rooms (up stairs) to rent. FREE TRIAL. VVT .1 TF Suffering from youthful er W6oJv ill6Ilrora, loss of manly vigor Varicocie, etc. Dr. DuMont's Nerve Pills will effee a speedy cure by its use, thousands of cases of tbe very worst kind and of longstanding have been re stored to nerfect healtb. 15.000 testimonials from all over the world. Price per package $1.00, six for $5.00, trial package sent securely sealed for 10 cents postage. ! - Aoaress m. n. imnom, VJebfoot Route, Oregon Pacific Railroad E. W. Hadley, Receiver, and -Oregon Pacific R. R. Co STEAMSHIP LINE. than hv nnv other route. first Class through passenger and freight line from Pnrt.lanrl F.noflnfi and all Dointa in the Wil- Inmclfa vollow fa snrl fmtn Rn.n Francisco. Cal. TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) t... iih.n 194a n m. I Imv. Vuiuinft T a. m Leave Corvallis 1:05 p m. I Leave Corvallis 10:85 ' Arrive Yaquina 4:35 p. m Arrive Albany 11:13 a. m Corvallis. The above trains connect at Ytqulna wit the Oregon Pacific R. R. Co.'s line of steamships tween Yaquina and San Francisco. From Yaquina. 20th, 27th and June bth. From San Francisco. Steamship "Willamette Valley," May 16th, 23d and Jane 1st. J. 11 IB ' COCI IB. Ill, IlKUt W bll.HHD BKIUM dafs wltnout notice. - A . N. B. Passengers from Portland. En gene and all Willamette valley points caul make close connections with trains of tha Webfoot route at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined to San Francisco, should arranpv to arrive at x aquina tne evening before date of sailing. : . . . , . - . Passenger and freight rates always, thJ lowest. For information apply to " R. E. MULCAH Y, Gen'L Sup'i,, ; Oregon Pacific B. E. Co.. j Corvallis, Ore;oi v. n. vaiunn, weni. Agent,, a,Tl . o - -.'i r .. R 1