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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1893)
ltuov THE BICYCLE VAR HERE. According ta instructions received from headquarters, Messrs. Conover & Ready are enabled to make Great deduc tion in the price of Wheels. They will now and for a short time onlv. sell THE ErJ5L3MCOXJS "IMPERIAL" WHEEL 100 CASH! or $125 on the Installment rian. Former Price, $150. CONOVER & ADY, Gazette Building, Corvallis, Oregon. FISH & MURPHY, STOVES, TINWARE, PLUMBING. Plumbing and Tin-Work a Specialty. mHMMUMMSMMIUUMMM)tMi w TZZ; REE He a $5 5$ GOVERNMENT Fine a the choicest in California are waiting to be taken up ia the beautiful Honey a V n s SI ft TT "M It Lassen County, Cal. Under Mm Extensive Irrigation System of the Honey Lako Valley Land and Water Co. j EXPLANATION j $ BEAUTIFUL HONEY LAKE VALLEY CONTAINS A f 01 Bnc vel. "a lands, all ready for the plow, it tor- M. rounded and sheltered by mountain, and haa a fine, mild climate jf. jL she year around. Honey Lake is a body of fresh water corering on jt hundred squat miles. The N . C O. Railroad has recently been bnilt into X " Valley, and ta Gnat Salt Lake road through Beckwnh Pass will ah 4( Th laad is easily cttkivated and produces extra lr crops X 41 wheat, eata, barley, haps, com, alfalfa, vegetables, fruit and stock.. Wood jf. aad water arc plentiful and lumber cheap. The land can be taken up with 2 Jf out residaace asxier tb Desert Act, in tract of 40 to 3 so acre, by a ana ir 4 r woman, married or single. w We arc bail ding a la(e Water System for tb irrigation of this laad. aJ.:W want to get customers forth water w will kav to sell, to will help M. M. yon to cat a pice of it. Th land will cost you (f.s; aa acre t ta Gov i- ' element, j cents down, and $1.00 in four years. Th Water (a perpetual M. aV ligat aad good supply), will cost $6.s an acre to tb Company; $s,s down li ar aad tfxa on aehvery to th land far Us irrigation. All land eftn aasiaess M. ' -tc n atteaded to for cottamers by us without extra charge, and tb filings 4t Jf. under t He Desert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show water Si A supoly before they will be accepted. $ HONEY LAKE OITY. the towa w ar establishing, offers good S Jf chance for the establisbuwBt of new businesses, and is well worth in- M. S rtstigatuig. f n t it a n tt Vet fr TMCSC LANDS CAN BC g TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENGESf 5$ Under the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator T" 11 t,. V.- ar 1 t i ,. kmpliiyment at nnrin warps . VJaml W aj amwmy a WW m a mj mj W UJ . majamj mfjamr mmfW pmy ,- mj Bf "aHV Hml . gj. For Mea aad Teams em the construction work, if you desire to 'make a t -ft . home there - ms-mmmmmwmmaimwammuammmmmwa.--. 4 REMEMBER that these Lands are level, all ready for the plew, with rich soil, en railroad new bailt, and on line of. another, traildutg. Fad is X free, lamber cheap, and water plentiful. Good local as weU-aa oataide j markets. The irrigation of these lands makes them immensely and imme- j J dialeljr pradacttve. : J$ Send 4 cent ia stamps for full information to Hooey Lake valley Land & Water Co w-w FRED W. IiAKE, Secretary g ; Office. 6 Rood Building, SAN FRAN0IS00, CAL k AT BEDVCED BATES it ARE BEING RUM FROPJ SAN FRANCISCO. FEOM ALI THF WOELD. Items of Interest About People and Things Carefully Corralled. Ex Governor Proctor Knott, of Ken tucky, has beeu offered tiie Hawaiian mis' sion aud declined it. A choir composed of 250 mormons, have arrived at Chicago to contest for vocal hon ors of the world's fair. The Ohio democrats have decided to open the campaign iu Licking county, and it will end in a good old licking. Gladstone, tlie "Grand Old Man," scored a victory in the house of commons by the passage of the home rale bill. John Wmdate. aged 55, a resident of Fair Haven, Ohio, fell from a wagon and was in amntly killed, his ueck beiii broken by the fall. The estimated total daninge to the oyster be Is mi ine Mew Haven harbor aud Long Island sound canseil by the recent storm amounts to $2,0j0,000. iNoah Beyer, of Walla Walla, Wasfi., recently harvested from twelve acres 506 bigs of red chaff wheat, averaging 138 P'jundg each, ove 93 bushels per acre. Earl & Donohue are having a sawmill built, of the most modern pattern, at ("lal lam bay. Wash. It will have a capacity of 50,000 to 75,000 feet of lumber per day. The Peru, Ind., Athletic Club has com pleted arrangements for a- bicycle tourna ment , to be held iu that city ou September 20 and 21. in which $1,200 iu prizes will be given away. The special graud jury at Chicago, which had beeu in session only three hours, com pleted its work and returned eighty-three indictments against ' notorious gambling house keepers. At Grassy, ' Ky., John George shot his brother isam with a double-barrelled shot gun, both loads entering the boy's breast. John is 19 and the dead boy 1C. They fell eut over a lavorite horse. The cholera outbreak iu Jersey City has caused a scare among the congressmen. It may do much toward shortening the session. Officials of the marine hospital service do not fear a general outbreak. South Chicago had a disastrous fire Thursday of last week which swept away $1,000,000 worth of property and left 130 families homeless. . The area of the burned district coverrd twenty-five acres. Strikers tired several freight cars on the L. 4. N. railroad near Memphis, Tenn., last Saturday. Prompt action by the tire de partment prevented the destruction of large quantities of cotton and oth r freight. Spokane's water works dam will be so constructed as to develop 25,000 horse pow er gross, and will be what is known as a timber crib dam, the abutments to be com posed of heavy cut granite or concrete. The editor of the Kooky Mountain News, Denver, formerly a republican paper, an nounces his allegiance to the people's party in future, as a means to the end that .the silver interests of the west may be pre served. The international bicycle races occurred at Indianapolis. The feature was the win ning of the international mile by Zimmer man in 1:12 4 5, breaking the world's record for mile iR competition, reducing it 2 2-5 seconds, .Democratic papers are telling their read ers that there is no more healthful meat than mutton, to prepare them fur the time when free wool makes it so that sheep men can get nothing out of their flocks unless they eat them. R. T, Day, who was, hanged, at JKMama in the summer bf 1892, wa .drawn ' on ' the reomt federal erand jury. Dead men have been drawn on juries before, but this is sup posed to be the first time a hanged murderer has been drawn. The patent office has celebrated the issu ance of a round halt . million of patents. Patent No. 500,000 has beeu issued and the office has started with a good steady gait toward the 1,000.000 milestone marking the progress of invention. Hon. Harry C. Ide, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., has been tendered the position of chief justice of Samoa. It came by lecom- mendation of Germany during Harrison s and was recently .taken up again by the present administration. - The third trial of M. B. Curtis, tho actor charged with the murder of Police Officer Grant, ended at San Francisco in the acquit al of the defendant. The judge instructed that the jury might find the defendant guilty of murder in either degree or of man slaughter. . Mrs. Grose, of Ealway, N. J., sister of John S. Hough, says there is no doubt about his having inherited a fortune from East man, the Californian. whom he nursed through an attack of typhoid fever in 1876. Mrs. Grose says the Sum wi'l probably reach $6,000,000. Hough is 43 years old and un named. He has a marked resemblance to Whitelaw Reid. The Krnpp 121-ton steel gnn now at and belonging to Chicago is about 47 feet long, with t thickest diameter of 6 feet, and a caliber of 16J inches. Its steel armored projectile weighs 2,205 pounds, and, pro pelled by 903 pounds of powder, can per forate a wrongbt-iron plate 3$ feet thick two-thirds of a mile away. The gun wa- made in 1886, and has been fired 16 rounds with full charge. An Indiana farmer has discovered that his straw is worth more than his wheat. He produced 630 bushels of wheat on thirty three acres, or about nineteen bushels to the acre, which, at the price ruling when the calculation was made, indicated for the crop a value of $12 per acre. His straw weighed two tons per acre and was worth $8 per ton, or $16 per acre. The aggregate value of the grain was $403; ot the straw $528. HOW'S THIS T We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenet & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tion and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale druggists, Tole do, O.; Walding, Rinnan & Marvin, whole sale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Care is, taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c per bot tle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free.. : .The Dalles Chronicle: A citizen while excavating this morning for a basement, dug up a bottle of old rye whisky, which had been cached no one knows how long. It is thought to have been concealed by an Indian before the city was laid off into a town site, as the lot before the fire is one of the oldest iu the city in use. As each year adds about 20 per cent to the value of liquor, this quart of whisky is probably worth about $25. We may get this . wrong about the price, but "we don't care if we do," HOW TO CURE CHOLERA INFANTUM. PolNTSVnX!!, RrRLINGTON Co., N. J., July 17th. 1892. Our baby, now fourteen months old, was taken with . every symtom of cholera infantum. I commenced using Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and after the first few doses he was relieved, and at this writing is as we'll as ever. I feel that I can not speak too highly in itsT praise. CM BEt .Wi. R&BP, - For sale by T. Graham 'Druggist. : :,; mm FROM ' THE STATE. Brief Summary of the Happen ings in Our Sister Counties of Oregon. eel- Monmouth Odd bellows will celebrate September 9. Telephone connections may now be had with Kugene. Three prisoners broke jail at Roseburg Friday of last week. Labor day, Monday, was extensively ebrated in Portlaud. Crows are reported as doing considerable damage in the Willamette valley. Secretary of State McBride is not enjoy, jug very good health at St. Helens. Crickets in larv;e nnmbers infest the Big Valley, says the Lake View Examiner. Rumor has it that a bank is to be estab lished in Klamath Fall in the near future, The Portland suspended national- banks are reported solvent, and will soon reopen for business. A Mr. Parton fell from his horse while riding last Sunday, from the effects of which he died the next morning. John Goodman, of Jordan valley, 12 years old, killed two' full-grown bears and two coons on a morning hunt. , Managers of several county fairs have de cided not to give exhibitions this year on account of the har.l times. Eugene is said to have sent more people to the world s fair than any other place in Oregon, outside of Portland. Judge Fullerton has granted an order postponing the sale of the Oregon Pacific railroad until further notice. J. C. Jnnec lost a fiuger while runniug an edger in J. C. Jones' saw mill at Cottage Grove Monday of last week. A fifteen-year-old girl ot Albany was caught "beating" tho blind baggage of an S. P. train, aud "bred at Eugene. The shortage of the ex treasurer of Jack. son county. Bloomer, amounts to $9,bUU, which will be paid by his four bondsmen. Rival brewers of Medford have become engaged in a serious quarrel within the past week. Many a sore joint and black eye is the resnlt. The famous slander suit of Robert Craw ford against E. G. Wist, for $14,000 dam age?, was decided in favor of the defend aut, at Tillamook. Three hungry tramps "held up" a meat wagon near Havana the other day. Their demand w:is: "Beef or brains," which they secured at the point of a pistol. At Albany M. Colleran and John Daley were arrested Saturday by United States Marshal Humphrey for cutting timber on government land up the Santiam. A reunion of reformed drunkards was held at the Keeley institute, Forest Grove, last week. Those who have taken a "course" at that institution are termed "graduates." Hon. Harvey Shelton, a leading democrat. prominent Mason,, popular citizen aud for several years a member of the state tgisla ture, died at his home near Scio recently. A short time since L. Belfils' house on his Olalla rauch near Roseburg was consumed by tire. The house was not occupied at the tune, and how it caught tire is a mystery. Charles A. Tanner, convicted for appro priating county funds, was, upon recom mendation of the judge and district attor ney of Lane county, pardoned by the gov erner last Saturday. State Treasurer Metsuham states that an other apportionment of money for school purposes will be made about the first of December, and that it will be an additional 70 cents per scholar. - Eugene Guard: John Hill is in town and informs 11s that much brush is on fire up the Middle Fork. . He is fearful that some of the finest forest timber in that region will be consumed Iry tire. s Sneak thieves entered the store room of Cottage Grove hotel. Tuesday night and carried away a lot of provisions. On the same night some clothes were taken from a line near the sanii place. Considerable damage was done by fire in the vicinity of Minto. Besides the destruc tion of a lot of valuable timber, the tramway of John Lndy's saw mill was burned, doing damage to the extent of more than $10,000. The work in the new tunnel at the Ash land mine is progressing a little faster now than at first, as the rock is not quite so tough and stubborn. The length of the tun nel is at this time something more than 200 feet. A report of the financial condition of the city of R' seburg shows a decrease in receipts. October 1, 1869, that city was free from debt with money in their treasury. September 1, 1893, her indebtedness amounts to more than $12,000. Probably the only orange that ever grew and ripened in Grande Ronde valley is on exhibition at a Dalles drug store. The tree on which the orange grew is about eight inches in height, aud the fruit is a little under the average size. The suspension bridge at Oregon City was discovered burning Friday near the center. It is supposed that some one threw a lighted cigar stump on the floor The tire had extended about fix inches be tween the planks when discovered by some workmen coming home at 6 o'clock. Hood?sCures Dyspepsia and Indigestion 2Ir. N. Flake San Francisco. 0 :: l ( I -W W mm iPC'VJ-v? I I I ... This tronderful preparation is Purely vegetable :' compounded from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court of . Spain. Espaao " racrealet MamUl and Srrw Power In Man aacl "Woman. An inndUhlj nmedy for XterrotU and General Debility, Nervotts Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness caused by Debilitating lx-eg, Bce8ti or Over-indulgences, In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, Dizziness, X,oss of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexnal Weaknesses. ' It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages, or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. THE GREAT SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE Have you abased the laws of nature aad injuzwd your uerveus system T Are you despondent and melancholy with confused Idesi and gloomy thoughts T " ESPANO " positively cure you. K eoatalas no mineral poisons and is remarkable for awakening organic actio throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, serves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life te the unfortunate who has exhausted his powera. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 00 doses or enough to last one month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1X0 per box or $ hexes for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any hank ia this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. - Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Bend for 'drculars and testimonial. Address, SPANISH MBDICIN OO. 1 Stockton Street SAX FMVCI8C0, GAL, V. 8. A . An able Brain and Nerve Specialist ean at any tlmo be confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. ' ' ": - ' : REVIVEB Mill City Gazette: Captain Van Alstine. who dropped down in this city all of a sud den some months ago, and after rentiug a house, chased his wife out ot it witu a butcher knife, is in trouble in Eastern Ore gon agaiu aud is likely to come to grief. In Eugene Rev. E. F. Henderson picked from a Columbia pear tree, Saturday morn- ins twelve plums that weighed 12 pounds and 11 ounces. The fruit was not yet ripe and would have weighed a little more if left on the tree until fully matured. They were sent to the world's fair. While Mrs. O. A. McAllister was stand ing on the porch of her home on Rogue river below Grants Pass, her father-in law took down the family's doull-barreIIed shotgun te shoot a squirrel. Accidentally dropping the gun, the jar discharged the contents of one barrel into the calf of oue of Mrs. Mc Allister's legs. Salem Journal: Earl Mundell and Fred Dimler captured a porcupine Sunday night about 9:30 in front of W. Wade's residence in North Salem. The animal was wet, had evidently come out of the - creek, and was not difficult to capture. Ihese animals are quite rare in this part of the valley, and this specimen is, nearly -as large as a coon. The Albany Democrat says that on kock Creek the other d.iv a man shot at a compan ion wfjile he was di inking at a spring, think, ing he was a bear. He missed him, am.' tins is about the first case on record when man mistaken for a bear was missed They are nearly always killed, even by mei who couldn t hit a flock ot bears in an opei prairie. Albany Herald: Messrs. ii. Hyde, Dorr James, J. Irvine, D. T. Wyman and Mr. Buck retnrned yesterday from a trip to the Kitson Spriugs in Lane county. Mr. Hyde speaks in highest praise of the medicinal virtues of the springs. W. A. leinple, oi Brownsville, a Linn county pioneer, who has been suffering from a stroke of paraly sis has returned almost well. GREAT SPEAR TB AND SAVE THE One Hundrsd and Seventy-Three Thousand Two Hundred and F.'Iy 0:':irs;, ;:$s3f250 In valuable Presents to be Clven Away in Return for ' SPEAR HEAD TAG SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! A Great Mistake. The combination of excellent stomach tonics in Hood's Sarsaparilla is such that, with proper attention to diet, indigestion 1 and even the worst cases of dyspepsia are cured by this medicine. Head this: "Having for several years been great!' troubled with Indigestion, and bavins seen Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised, I concluded te A recent discovery Is that headache, llzziness, dullness, confusion of the mind, v., are due to derangement of the nerve enters which supply the brain with nerve ' i-'-c; that indigestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia. ' id in stomach, etc., arise from the derange nt of the nerve centers supplying these or- nswith nerve fluid or force. This is likewise io of many diseases of the heart and lungs, ue nerve system is like a telegraph system, will be seen by the accompanying jr, ino lims 'tiite lines are is nerves which onvey the nerve .roe from the erve centers to ery part of the 'idy, just as tho ectric current ia jnveyed along . h e telegraph "ires to e v e r y ,-ation, large or nail. Ordinary ivslcians fall to , i rtrd this fact; ;toad of treat '. t he nervecen '4 for the cause ' the disorders . . Uing therefrom iey treat tho art affected. Franklin Miles. M. D.. LI B., the lighiy celebrated specialist and c idont , of nervous diseases. f many noted treatises on the latter sublect. .i i? since realized the truth of the first -.te-nent. and his Restorative Nervine i prepared on that principle. Its success l curing all diseases arising from derange lont of the nervous system Is wonder ul. as the thousands of unsolicited testimo ti tls in possession of the company manufac .irinz the remedy amply prove. Or. Miles' RcaUrn.tlvn Nnrvlna la a reliable emedy for all nervous diseases, such as. faaacne, nervous debility, prostration, leenleasuoFS. dlzzlnnso hvxtAria. sexual de bility. Ht. Vitna rinrw'A nnilcmir. fit-.. It la old by all druggists on a nositive guarantee. r went direct hv th nr. Milan Mndlcal Co.. llchart. Ind., on receipt of price, $1 per bot- eW !.... E ... . . I A Restorative Nervinn nnaitivelv contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sc.atlcaY . Kidney Complaints Lame Back ac. and author TOAD'S Sarsaparilla y OR. SANDER'S ELECTRIC BELT With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY. Imteat PateaUI Hest Improvement I WTO cure without medicine all Wnlraim resulting from crer-tAxAtlon of brain nerva forces; excesses or India. cret Kn, aa nervoua debility, sleeplessness, languor, ifa rheumatism, kidney, Iitct and bladder complaint, ljw? brk. ItuntiaifO, aeiasiea, all female complaint. general til beaisb, eta. Thai electric Belt contains faction I found it to be ibe enry remedy for this complaint" Mas. NFiskx, 3S Geary street, f rani Ban J ncisco, CaL A Hood's PIUS act easily, yet promptly and isiiwi mtm tommi mil AthAM. rarrent fa tm-wt.ntly felt bT Wmnt(M-M forfeit -UaOOtXttO. and give It s trial. To my happiness andsreatsattx - ie 'TfJ BJtaraa other remedial tailed, and aw fir hundreds as stmi iiMMimis in mis ana every otaer state. Our 'hnrhl fmatvn aXXCTUC STJarimOBY. tJl aalsal' boon etver offered weak men. nuts with all . Hesltksae VlgrM8UeSh(HJBlMnsilaeta Seaarv Send for Ulua'd Pamphlet, mailed. sealed, tree, : SAMOEN ELEOTRIO CO., - mo. ITS) Fires Barcct. JPOTaAfT0 1 ,1 66 STEM "WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCHES 3!,!K0 0G 6,776 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH OPERA GLASSES, MOROCCO RODY, BLACK ENAMEL TRIMMINGS, GUARANTEED ACHROM ATI C... 28,875 OC' 23. 1 00 IMPORTED GERMAN BUCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR IiLADED ' POCKET KNIVES..... 22,100 Ct 116.600 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH PICKfl,.., ,v 57,73) ' 1 1 6,600 LARGE PICTURES (H28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, .... no advertising on them gS,S75Tp 261,030 PRIZES. AMOUNTING TO $1TS,2SO O0 The above articles will be distributed, by conn lien, among parties who chew SPEAR. HEAD Flog Tobacco, and return to us the TIN TAOS taken therefrom. We will distribute MS of the prises In tbis county as follows : To THE PARTY sending us the frestest n amber of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from Usto maty we will give..... 1 GOLD WATC1L- To the FIVE PARTIES sending as the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we Will give to each, 10PRA GLASS.... 5 OrER A GLASSES. To the TWENTTPARTTES sending ns the. next greatest number ot SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we Will give to each 1 POCKET KNIFE ... ...7.........;.........., 20 POCKET KNIVES. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending ns the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK 100 TOOTEC PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, we will give to each 1 LARGE WCTURK IN ELEVEN COLORS 100 PICTCSES. Total Inakw mt Trt mtm tor Ikii Connty, 226. CAUTION. No Tags will be received before January 1st, 1891, nor after February 1st, I8M. Each package containing tags must be marked plainly with Name of Render, lown, County, State, and Number of Tags In each package. All charges on packages must be' prepaid. : ' . ' - ' READ. SPEAR HEAD possesses more qnalities of intrinsic vnluo than ony otlir ping tobacco produced. It Is the sweetest, the toughest, the richest, KS'EAki iJ5A3 i- ' absolutely, positively and dlstlneHvely different In flavor from any oiSi-rr i-.lii ,' tbne"o. -A trial will convince the most skeptical of tbis fact. It is the largest sH'u r of any Mr.iiiai ahapa and style on earth, whlcb. proves that It has caught the popular t-i'ite nnr pl"n;;s ti c ' people. Try It, and participate In the contest for prizes. See that a TIN i'AO is on avcry 10 cent piece of HPEAR HEAD you bay. Send in the tags, no matter how small the 1 auantlty. . '.: Very sincerely, H. ' THE P. J. SORQ COMPANY, Midbletow, Ohio.. A list of the people obtaining, these prises In this county will be published la th& ; paper Immediately after February 1st, MM. ' DOI'T SEID III TMS BEFORE JANUARY I, IS34. 4 SdMtiflo Amrifl-a V . - Afleacy JjjsA fr TRAM MASK. fflSX T MIKIS aTlSTa, ataJ COPYRIOWTIm. OT HSsCmmaaml Saj Sfasj BmmdnOaft WaatSSO . miikm m COu Sal Saainvif:inr TaCat. Oldest baraaai foesemitiai pataata in Asaarlaa. THK yjfEBFGOT ls:b IS tv Krery patent takes oat by us is brought before I ptsss aaaaanaa-asrms sraa-tu euataairnvwa f aiiiiai mrnatatlns sf snrsrlrtitlflrT snonra pa wiiiiuas Fmti SlJOaUt aapni Address , 1 aroaAvar, Mew r. u. johnson, ; ATtbmxfrite:. law, CORVALLIS, OR..- fgTPotB a general jrractlce In all th conrta Alas arant lor all the Srst-etaes inaurauoe eonipaniea. ti Main St; Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet room. Good Books. Current Ta pers and Periodicals. The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. . Per Order of W. C t. U. SarTurnished rooms (us stairs) to rent. .. i FREE TRIALi TWT'-..L.L 'TIT Sunrlngih'omyatithfal er W sgtVK jUgrirors. loss of manly vigor Vsricoele, etc. Dr. OttMont's Nervt i fills 'in effee a speedy cure sy.its nee, thousands of case of the very worst kind and of fang standing kaye been re stored to perfect health. 15,000 testimonials from all over the world. Price per package 1:00, six for $5 00, trial package' sent securely sevi led for 10 cents postage. Address Dr. B IhiMont, a&Ilaltedat.rClgCTgotni., Leave Albany 1?:30 p. ni. Leave Coivallis 1:05 p a'. Arrive Yaouina 4:35 p. in Oregon Pacific EaiJroad E. W. Hadley, Rccclirer, and ; Oregon Pacific R. Ii. Co.'s- STEAMSEfP LINE!.. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Honrs Less tiim than hy any other route. J-'ir;;t. thh through passenger mid 'freiI:t line fr:ir Portland, Eugene aud all ponds in the Wil lamette valley to and from Siiii Fraiicibeo CaL TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) Leave YaquSna 7. n. - Leave Ct.rvaiHs 10::-6 Arriie Alhany 11:1S a. n .- Southern Pacific trains enin.Fct at Alwiry am.' Corvallis. Tbeabove trains coiiiie.t fct Vi.juir.a wtt.- the Oregon PaciHc R. R. Co.'s line of stojinil.ijis tween Yaquina and Han Frr.ucico. t ' From Yr.cjulria. Steamship "Willamette Valley,"' Uzy7 20th, 27th and June Gib. , From Sau I'ran ' Steamship "Willamette Volley," Majv 16th, 23d ai.d June 1st. This Company rescn es the right to c-hr.nge sailing:? dats without notice. ' N. B. Pflsenaers from Portland, En gene and all Willarru-ttf; valley points csat make close connections with trains of tl,e ' Webfoot route at All-aisy or Corvallis, i rU if destined to San, Francisco, should arrat to arrive at Yaqnina the'evening before of sailing. . . Passenger aud freight rates always t'uos lowest. For information apply to E. E. MULCAHY, O'cn'L Snp't, 5 , Oregon Pscific R. R. Co., , Corvallis, Oregon. D. K. VAUGHN. Genl. Agent, ,