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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1893)
Ttttf uouvauis gazette, EBiBAY, August 4, iS33. for Infante an . W5Mrlla so well adapted to chlliren that I recommend itas superior to any prescription koewa to me." H. A. Abchkk, II. D-, 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tha w of 'Castoria' is go universal and Ita omits so well known that it seems a work M vueersroeation to endorse it. Few are the fntolltgent families who do not keep Castoria witfeia easy reach." Cablos KUrttk, D. D ., , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomiogdale Beformed Church. Tra Ckntacb YA QWmA BAY Waiter front Business Lois, Residence Lots overlooking (he grand Pacific Oceaii, h WmT, or jjfs m hy gf the oemoNS To Yaquina City, or,.f: nf from .1 i.n Fa .nrAs on or near the Bay Also several small improved farms where vegetables grow fresh and green 152 months of the year if given half the care required in any other state Jn the Union, at prices that will "ASTON ISHi I rTH E NATIVES ! AU.tliose wishing to dispose of lliir properly can't, put it in better hands than ours. Those wishing (o invest wiil make money by call ing on or addressing JAMES EGBERTS ON & CO, NEWPORT, Benton County. CRECON. REE GOVERNMENT Fine as the choicest in California in the 1 Honey If tt -a I - aKe 1 Lassen County, Cal. Under the Extensive Honey Lako Valley EXPLANATION j ?HS BEAUTIFUL HONEY LAKE VALLEY CONTAINS A Q large area of fine, level, loam lands, all ready for the plow. is sur- jt. 5 rounded and sheltered hv m.-mnnin- nnri hac a fin. mlM ri;n..r. w jr- 7 """J' AAuiicry is a uoay 01 iresn waier covering one -Ac hundred square miles. The N. C. O. Railroad has recently been built into Jf w the Valley, and the Great Salt Lake road through Bcckwith Pass will alo h. cross it. The land is easily cultivated and produces extra large crops -fr wheat, oats, barley, hops, com, alfalfa, reK'tables. Iruit and stock. Wcod if and water are plentiful and lumber cheap. The land can be taken up with- jk -jft out residence under the Desert Act, in tracu of 40 to 320 acres, by a man w t or woman, married or single. . We are building a large Water System for the irrigation of this land, w 'If. We want to get customers for the water we will have to sell, so will help jj. - if you to get a piece of it. The land will cost you $i-S an acre to the Gov- ) ' eynment, 15 cents down, and J1.00 in four years. 1 he Water (a perpetual if. s right and gooo supply), will cost fS.a an acre to the Company: $1.25 down " 3- and $s 00 on delivery to the land fur its irrigation. All land office business jc attended to for customers by us without extra charge, and the filings 4c If. under the Desert Act as recently amended by Congress, must show a water i . 4c supply before they will be accepted. -ft-4c HONEY LAKE CI I Y, tie town we are establishing, offers good 4t 4- chances for the establishment of new businesses, and ix well wcrth in- If. j Teatigating.. THCSC LANDS ww 1 i 1 ivi 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 t- a lmi 1 in IIIITI I 4MC I niUM I V V I I I LV Under the Desert Act, affording a chance for the speculator as well as the homeseekef. I w w Bawawawa aa' . w W a a aw ; 'W ' For Men and Teams oa the construction work, if you desire to make a J nome f. REMEMBER that these Lands are letel, all ready for. the plow, with J i rich soil, on railroad now built, and on line of another, building. Fnel is 4 free, lumber cheap, and water plentiful. Good local as well as outside jjnarkets. The irrigation of these lands makes them immensely and imme- 77 diately prodactiTeT .. r .Send 4 cents in stamps Honey Lake Yalley Land & Water Co FRED W. LAKE. Secretary Offibe, 6 Flood Building, ; SPECIAI. EXCURSIONS AT REDUCED HATES a ARE BEING RUN FROM SAN FRANCISCO. : Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Eour Stomach, IiarrhBa. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medicatiou. For several years I hare recommended your ' Castoria, ' and sLall always continue do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwim F. Pabdvb. Bt D., " Tie 'Winthrop," 125tii Street and 7th A.7&, KjwYorkCft Compajtt, 77 Mobbat Stkext, Kbw Yens. LHNDSH WW are wailing to be taken up beautiful llev lr'tlon Sytem of the Land and Water Ct. n . w -, 7r CAN BE H I 1 -r- rl -ir.t nlr 1111 a-e u 111 La ii f 1 J I 11 L-J ILVUIVUL-a; mere " w4 for full information to WW WW.' n w SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. w .-M' . Y va WASHINGTON LETTER. Wa shington , July 24, '93. It takes very lively hustling these days to keep up" with the changes iiithe plans of the admin istration. The announcement was made months ago that the admin ,istration, in conjunction with sev eral eminent free trider'4 intended to prepare a tariff hill and thai Sec. Carlisle's supposed knowledge of the subject was the principal reason for his having been made secretary of the f reasiiry his best friends never having claimed that he was selected for his financial knowledge. They couldn't, be cause he has none. This was published in all the administra tion papers and was never denied until now, when Secretary Carlisle says that no tariff bill is being prepared, and that neither he nor President Cleveland ever "thought of doing anything which might be interpreted as an attempt to dic tate to the hbiise what it should do in regard to the tariff." lie forgets, however, to tell why this statement was not maJe long ago, which makes the inference clear that the free trade idea has been, for the lime anyway, abandoned. Democratic Congressmen have already begiin to do some very plain talking to Commissioner Lochren about the wholesale sus pension of pensions he has been making, and unless they are qui eted in some way a number of them representing districts having a large number of old solder voters will join the republicans in bringing this matter before congress. . - There seems to be a hitch some where in regard to the house com mittee chairmanships. Inasmuch as Mr. Crisp's - re-election to be speaker has been a certainty for months past it is difficult to under stand why there should be any delay in announcing the commit tees and it was not supposed there would be. Mr. Crisp's friends have been saying ever since he was here several weeks ago that he would arrange the committees b-'fore he returned and expected to announce them just as soon as he took his seat as speaker; but, as I said, there' seems to be a hitch somewhere, for these same men now say that he hopes to com plete the committees within a week r-r ten days after congress meets. This sort of thing is mere cliiid-'s play, and this ' announce ment is now made, not because j Mr. Crisp does not expect to have tiie committee assignments all made whe.11 he comes to Washing ton next week, but because he fears that the rows which will fol low his having obeyed Mr. Cleve land's orders in making those assignments will necessitate mak ing some changes after he gets here before they are made public. Secretary Carlisle denies yery emphatically - the rumor which came from New York, that he had been tendered the vacancy in the supreme court caused by the deaih of Justice lilatchford. But when asked Whether he -would accept it if it were tendered to him he was discreetly silent, as be comes a man who would, be very glad 10 let some other tellow hold up the financial end of the admin istration, if he could only read hi title clear to a membership in the suprme court. His anxiety on the subject has not been lessened by the statement made a few days ago by a friend of Secretary Gresham, and not up to this time contradicted, that Mr. Cleveland had promised that the influence of the- administration should be exerted to make Gresham 'the democratic presidential nominee in '96. Mr. Carlisle had been en- . JUST FTTLL fair,roYemeiits- Dr. f ierce's" Pie?9- ; , . aiit Pellets. To - .. irj begin with, they're f$ c tho smallest, and - s . tee easiest to tafio. j s They're' tiny, , cusar-coated anti- bilious . granules. slI scarcely larger tnan -mustard Seeds. Every child is reacry lor tnem. Then, after they're taken, instead of dis turbing and- shocking tho system, they act in a mild, easy, and natural way. There's no chance for any reaction afterward.- Their' help lasts. Constirjatkm,- Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or Uioc3 Headaches, and ail derangements of tho liver, stomach, and bowels are promptly relieved and perman ently cured.-; -, ' - . They're pu$ up in" glass vialsi which keeps them- always fresh and rjlieble, .unlike the ordinary pills iix. wooden or pasteboard boxes. . - - '" And they're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're 'guartmteea to give satisfaction, or your money is returned.- You-pay only zor una gooa you gev couragiiig the bee to do a little buzzing around his head, but he knows there cannot be two admin istration candidates. There is one set of democrats in Washington who are not slow in expressing their dislike ' of the cheese-paring in the last congress, b l at leiist one oF.r-lhe appropria tion bills. .It is made up of offi cials (f t lie post office tik part men t whs find themselves unable to meet the expectations of postmas ters throughout tlie country in the matter of additional help, owing to insufficiency of the appropria tion. These officials are already getting some plain talk and it will probably become plainer when they shall have allotted the money at their disposal for increased help at the ' presidential postoffices. Some of tlie very congressmen who were loudest in their demands for reduction when the appropria tion was before congress are now loudest in complaining becaus offices in their districts cannot gel what has been asked for. Rich Red Biood Results from taking Hocd'o CarsapariMa Zlr. Chcus. WallzeT Cst San Francisco. "For several years I havo been troubled with blotches and pimples on my face and body; which were very annoying. I tried several pre scripUons, and also outer medicines, but they Hood's Carsa parilla did not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friend advised me to try Hood's SarsaparUla. I was determined to give it A Thorough Trial. Alter using two bottles, my skin returned to Its natural stata. I still uso it, as It gives ma strength and visor. I never had better health in my life, and 1 owe it to taking Hood's Sarsa- Earilla." Ciias. Walkeu, with Carvill Mfg. o., 48 Eighth Street, San Francisco. Hood's Pitls are the best after-dinner Pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c A SPECIAL OFFER! fiOMAN S NSW BUILDING, located at the corner of Sixth and Al 'or streets, tor many rear THE OBEGONIAN has f pit tho need of a new and commodious building embracing All the modern improvements, with the latest improved maohinerv for turning out a me tropolitan paper. It now has it, and one that the whole Pacific Coast may justly feel proud of as it is certainly the fin- st on the coast. Now that THE OKKGrONiAN is settled in this new home it feels like elving its many friends a benefit. It makes this special offer to those whorenew their subsorlptioo, or to those who subscribe prior to September 1st, to Mod the UeeHIy Oregoriag 18 Months for $2.00 This being- the dull season of the year, THE OKBGOMAN believes a benefit of this kind will be arreatly appreciated. Please send in yonr subscription assoon as possible. When visiting Portland you are cordially invited to call and take 4 trip throrusrh o rrr new torn Address . . . OREK. PUBLISHING CO., . POETXAND. 0& rben fiaby was sick, we gave her Castoria; When she wa Child, she criM for Castoria; When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Costorik tej and Counselor; at Law, ; COBVALUar. t : OffEQOX. Usal business promptly attended to in any part ol -v ... the State. - . OQlce in Postdnlce Block. - Cbildretf Cr for Pitcher's Castork f mm- 4 Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? " E SPA NO " will positively cure you. It contains no mineral poieons and ia remarkable for awakening organic action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair; nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who. has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry in the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last ono month and is worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or G boxes for $5.(30 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addrfc.'jS, 3. Stockton Street SAN FRANCISCO, Al, U. S. A, An able Brain and Nerve Specialist can at any time bo confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, psrsonally r fcy mail, at the above address. j It is stated that Christopher Buckley, the blind politician and ex democratic boss who held such tremendous power in San Fran cisco up to a tew years ago, is coili ng back to California from Lon lon. Tlie treasury department is stir ring up the . Hew York custom house officials with charges of smuggling Chinese into the United States. From reports it "looks doudy for the officials. Army officers are about to test it the Frankfort arsenal, samples f smokeless powder made by the California Powder Company.,. America's Great Danger AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Said an eminent English scientist recently : " The danger that confronts the great Ameri can people to-day is not the possible adop tion of a wrong financial policy for tlie nation, or the spread of socialism, or the increase of corruption among public men. AlUtuese are baa enough, to be sure, but they are as nothing compared to the teiribJe national disease 1 had almost said national Crime of overwork. The mad rush ftr wealth is set at a killing pace, and thousands fall by tne way every year. You are likely to be one of the victims ! How do we know ? Because it is the excep tion to find a man or woman of adult age in perfect health. Nervous Disorders are spreading with fearful rapidity Among the symptoms, are .Backache, Jtsiliotisnct, Cold Hands and Feet, Dizziness Hot Flashes. Fluttering Sensation, Fainting, Head.iclie, Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan choly, Failing Memory, Palpitation, Uhen niatism, Short Breath, Sleeplessness, .Ner- vons Uyspepsia, isexual Debility, JmIs, etc. Uev. C. A. Caeeoix, pastor Firf-t Baptist Church, Yellow SpringafO., writes as follows : " I have used Dr. Miles' Eestoralive Nervine for the past six months. I find it acts J'ke a churm on the whole nervous system. 1 have not found its equal in giving immediate relief. Dr.. Miles' little herve and Liver Pills only need a trial and they will recom mend themselves to be the best pills in the marKet. "For five years I have suffered from Ner vous Prostration, I was nnahle to work or sleep. The first dose of Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine save me relief, and one thou sand dollars would not cover the good it lias done me." JUH1T MUSUHEK, Yonngs iown, Ohio. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is , un equalled in cubing Nervous Diseases. It contains no opiates or dangerous drugs. Sold on a positive guarantee by all druggists, or Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. HOME INDUSTRY! Fine Buggies and Carriages, t ; will amply pay anyihe for tbctif time to go to THE CORVALLfS CARfiUGE & WAGON CO.'S FACTOIIY rAnd see their large and extern)' ve factory at Cor valll. Oregon, where you can buy BCGOIES, CAR RIAGES AND SPRING WAGONS which, with proper care, will last a life-time. 1'hcy are made of the finest second-growtb timber and the best of ether material by that factorr, where each piece of marial ia taken from the rough and shaped in th factory .-by machin :ry designed for the purposed Each vehicle is finely painted In the most elegant style. , A Li Job ar Made ami Ptt TooBrmsa n Dry Siju y r.a. Wkatiifk, when the timber ia thoroughly , dry, which is not done with Eastern jobs, as most Eastern rigs shipped to thi. country arc built ia winter and etriy spring when the weather-is damp. . The beauty of all these jobs is that they are all FULLY WAR RANTED and sold at such REASONABLK PRICES ... at there is no excuse for anyone to not a nome-mad eng. This wonderful preparation is Iciy -Vegetable : compounded -from the prescription of the Official Physician to the Court bf Spain; ' "Espanti" recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Mail and "Wouian; An infallible remedy for Nerv-0U3 ttiid General ' Debility Nervon3 Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, Weakness catisecL by Debilitating Irosses, Excesses Or Ovef-Indnlgence3, In- ; cipient Softeninsr of the Brain or Paresis, biiness, IrOSS of lileinbry, Confused Tboaghts and all Brain, Nerve or Sexual :. "Weaknesses. It has no equal in restoring the Stomach and Brain ' to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic leverages; -or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit;. SPANISH BRAIN AND NERVE R QREAT SPI SAVE THE f kOSi 'vj. and Ssvsnfy-fhres Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars Ons llur In valuable Presents to SPEAR T,1 65 STEM WINDING ELGIN GOLD WATCIIE3 .............. ....:..$34,eaj (l6 5,775 FINE IMPORTED FREXCH OPEKA 1 LASSES, MOROCCO BODY, ' . BLACK ENAMEL TIUMMIXOH, GUARANTEED ACHROMATIC 2875 od 23,100 IMPORTED GERMAN BUCK1IORN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED POCKET KNIVES..... .,....., ,10 0 115,600 ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH - , picKa.... srjsaoi 1 1 5,600 LARGE PICTURES (11x28 Inches) IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, . no advertising on them ..: 28,875 ' 261,030 Prizes, amounting to.;..... $173,250 00 The above articles will be distribute-!, ty ciiiif es, among parties who Chew SPEAK HEAD Plug Tobaceoi and return to us th-j i S X Ail! taken therefrom. - We will distribute 228 of these prizes lu To THE PARTY sending us the greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS from this county we will give............................. To the FIVE PARTIES sending n? tho r.e.rt greatest number of " SPEAK HEAD TAGS, we will give to eaeii, 1 OPERA GLASS.. To tho TWENTY PARTIES sending us the next greatest number oi prMs n&A.u lAua.we win giva to eacn i puuitJiT KNIFE ....20 POCKET KNIVES.' To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending us the next greatest ' " number of SPEAR HEAD TAOS, wa will give to each I , . ROLLED GOLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH PICK .........100 TOOTH PICKS. To the ONE HUNDRED PARTIES sending ns the next greatest number of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, wo will give to each 1 LARGE PICTURE IN ELEVEN COLORS ........100 PICTUEEa.' Total Nnraljer or Prizes for this County, 226. CAUTION. No Tags will bs received beforo January 1st, 1894, nor after February let; Each packoxe containing tacs must be marked olainlv with Name of Sender. Towiu 1804. County. State, and Number of Tags in each prepala. . . , READ. SPEAR IIEAD possesKCS more qualities of intrinsic valne than any Other plug totiatfeo produced. It ts the swoetest, the toughest, the richest. SPEAK IIEAD 1 absolutely, positively and distinctively diiTerent in flavor from any otber plug tobacco. A trial will convint-e the ino-t skeptical of this fact.. It is tho largest seller of any similar srrape and style on earth, which proves that !t has caught the popular-taste and, pleases Xhet people. Try it, aud participate In the contest for prizes. See that a TIN TA Is on every 10 cent piece of SPEAU HEAD you buy. Send In the tags, no matter how small tho quantity. , Very slnf?eroy, ... THE P. J. SORG COMPANY, MlDDLETOWN,1 OhioJ A list of the people obtaining theno prizes In this county will bo published la thid paper Uoniedfcrtefy after February 1st, 184. COH'T SEfiO ANY fSfiS BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1894. ertyc American CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etaJ For Information ana free Handbook writa to iiUNN COm 361 Bboadwat, New Tomr. Oldest bureau for securing pateats in America. Every patent taksa ont rtr tu U broupht before (be pabiio by onotioe givea free of charge ia tna Largest circulation of any scientlCe paper in the world. BplooUidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 3. a year; (LSOalx months. Address JUUNX i GO. JfOBLlSBBB, S6X Broadway, KewXoik City. - I. ii. JOHrsofN, ATT0R1TBY AT LAW, CORVALL1S, OR. yiWi a peiicral rractice in all th conrt Al. eut lor all the lin.t-ciai!S insurance conjjtanica B. S. MARTIN, Attorney at La1v, Will practice in all the courts of the state. All business promptly attended to. OFFICE IN ZIEKOLF'S fiLoOK,- j Corvallis, i : Oregon.- FR EE TR I A L- TIT 1. :Ttjr.i. Bufferirg n lim youthful er W 62.K Jll611rors, lis of. mwily vigor Varicpcle, etc. Dr. Dullont s Nerve Pills will effect a speedy cure by its use, thousands.' of cases of the very worst kind and of long standing- have been re stored to perfect health. 15,000 testimonials from all over the world. Price per paefcaire 81.00, six for S6.00, trial package sent securely sealed for ,10 cent postage. . . Address Jr. It. DuMont, "if 1 J-1 " ii - (Ul W m m 4 l EVIVER HEAD CONTEST AMD bo Given Away in Return for Ai TAGS. tbls connty as follows: GOLD WATCH: .5 OPERA GLASSES; package. All charges on packagaa must bo - THE ebfoot Route; Oregon Pacific Railroad J2. W. Hadley, fteceirer, and Oregon Pacific R. R. Co.'s STEAMSHIP LINE 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours, Les tin:t? than by aiiy other route. , First classT through paastngpr and freight line fnirf Portland, Eugene and all points in the Wil lamette valley to and fiom San Francisco -CL TIME SCHEDULE except Sundays.)' Leave Albany 1?:30 p. m. I Leave Yaqnlna : 7 a. n. Leae Coivallls 1:05 p a: I lare Conallis 1036 " -' Arrive Yaanina 4:35 p. m Arrive AlLany 11:13 a. an I Southern Pacific trains connect at Albany "g Cirvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina aitir the Oretron. PaciHc R. R. to.'l! o' steamships tween Yaquina and San Francisco. From Taquina. Steamship "Willamette Valley," May 20th, 27tb and June Cth. - ' Frdin Sai Fran V " ' ' StearnsiTip "ti'illarnette ''Valley,'"" Ma IGth, 21 and June 1st. ; , v - ' . This Company reserves tlie right to change' ' sailing' . dati without notice. " r . N. ' B. Papengers iiova fort)aml, "En. gene and all Willamette Valley1 . points eaa tnake'closn connections with trains of - thf W ebfoot route at Albany or Corvallis, and? if destined to San Francisco, should arrangef to arrive at Yaquina the evening before datv.. bf sailing. ; - ' Passenger and freight rates', always ib -lowest.' For information spp,ly to - B. E. MULCAHY, Gen'L Snptv , V . . .. - CorvaJlia, Oregotl -h P Vilir.HK CUnl Aint e-wr.i-.e... S... ,.;. eiii. w