X S OORVALLIS GAZETTE, F1UDAY, J UE D, 1.63-",.. for Infants and Children. . Castori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkb, M. D., 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. Y. Tha line of Castoria Is bo universal and Its ranrits so well known that it seems n work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the tatelllgent families who do not keep Coatoria wttfciceejyre&ch." . - Ca&lo Kawttk, D.D., r; 1 . New York City. Late Factor Bloomlug-dalo Batormed Church. Tn Ckxtau Staqotw BAT - ' Water Front Busines Lm. l"s?u n'v Lots overlooking the grand Pacific Ocean, II NeWML OR OTS H3 jljY OF THE fiODHTBOHS To Yaquina City, or Tracts of from 1 to 5 acres on or near Also several small improved farms where ve bgleasrttgo we fresh and green 12 months of the year if given half the care required in any other state in the Union, at prices that will ASTONISH - THE NATIVES !' All those wishuig to dispose of fheir property can't put it in better hands than ours. Those wishing to invest will make money by call ng oi or addressing JAMES ROBEUTSO-N & CO, NEWPORT, Benton County. ORECQW. "P-V T" C O V J R --1 i-iae as cue chuust in California ar wuiliu t3 be Uieil up ) the bc&clii'ul ' U.idr tlio Extensive p?6'5d.iie Ya'Jcy A r s -i SIIB liEAUTjrt'L HONEY UKE VAf.l.KY CONTAINS A l.rj:-:(reu tif fine, level. lim l.u.- uli rcwoy o the ! v, is siir rounHctl ttrd sh:crtd Ly n titai:i , ai;d has .1 in-. niiid climate the icar urutii. iloncv a hundred viaaie mtles. Tiie N. C. . ih- Vs-ky. :d the Grrac hall Lake lOiid ihr.-ngh Becky, i:h l'ss !: iso i( cros-. it. T:;c Uiul is ea.sily cutttv-atwd a.d i r-.dutei. rxlta tars :rnp wt uc.oaiK, l a:ity, hos, turn, alt; K.i. vc- lcliics, fruil nd fta.k V' od and water arc plentiful aud Itimher cheap. Th-lai.j enn be t..lc:i r; with oa r- !dence unc'er the lirsert Act. is tnicu of 40 10 ; 2u anes, by a man wr w man, mr.i-d or single. . ' "V We ari.- luiidixs a l gc Water Syftr, fer the irri;V:-n nf t!,is !,nd -ft We wiiut lu cri uivtuntcik tor tl:e t:r ve m'll haw to sell, sn will telp & Jul you tti itut a piece nf it. 'i ht lund wiil Sf.- eiiiu:iit.-z9 cetit tlov n, :nd 1 00 in icnr ytr. 'i he.VVat?r I -rv.peuiifl JL ii- rihi aid g-jti. s.ippl I, ill cot ?5 ss i acre tha O.mpany: 15 iion lj- 3. -and Sv 00 01 delivery lathe Uni fr it inigati' n. " All land -flh e I ti:ness is attc-id'.-d t for cti-tuners Ity i-h.;nt extra charge, ar.d the filings -c Jf. -under the L'e'ert Act .h recctiy ..ni:Qilcd by Co::rej.: , must a a(t 4( 'i-.up(ly beft-e tlev will be aix-ptr d "fa j HUNeZY LAK6 CI 1 Y. the tov.n we are ectab'M.jng. rflers gooJ )f chance for the establishment uf new ituu.csne, and i ucii w. tth in- if. resiigiiug.- ' . .... THCSE LANDS TAKENjUP WITHOUT RESIDENCES Under the Desert Act, aCbrdiug a chance for Ihs speculator as well as the homesceker. EMPLOYMENT AT For Men and Teams on the construction work, if you desire to malce a . ; s : ; ' . home tliere . 55 , ' 1 - - ? REMEMBER that these Lands are level, aU ready for the p!ow, with j rich soil, on railroad now built, and on line of another, building. Fuel is free, lumber, cheap, and water plentiful. Good local ai well as outside 5 markets. ' i The 4rrigtion of these lands makes them immensely and imme- Tr"r .. . . j . ... ( diately productive- Send 4 cents in stamps Honey Lake FRED . LAKE Secretary OfficjS Hood BuUdiiig,, SPECIAL EXCORSIONS J -.1 ARE BEING RUNFROM SAN FRANCISCO. . . -al, w ALMM. MXW Oactorla cares Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrbcea. Kructotion, Kills Wormii, gives sleep, and promotes m- mention. Wltiiout injurious medication. For several years I hare reootnmended your ' Caatoria, ' and Kiiail always continue do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Xdwix F. Pardee. M. D-, - The WIntarop," ima Btmt and Tth Ave., Hjw Tork St?, ComvAiir, 77 Mukrat Stbskt, Kbw Tone t o C4 -T "Pi ? S X IVT E M T - K .i-- K-! ; ii- a f r-f M- . -V-K -- St v "3 1 lr'2;?.tion Eyitem of U Las tl '.ami Water Cc't.'- X t V 4 i n t V-A- It : W K . U-f!y-.t)I Irciri wnt-r covc.-ii'g Ka.'rad has rtcrntiv fjc.,n butu ii.to 4 If co-jl vm $1.23 "n acre to the f iov- I? i CAN BE GOOD WAGES A jv for full information to . r SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.& 1 Yalley Land & Water Co AT REDUCED HATES DR. BRIGGS SUSPENDED. Another chapter of the :Briggs heresj' trial was concluded m .the Presbyterian 'general assembly at Washington on the 1st:- Having decided they ;had a ; heretic on their hands iu the "person of Dr. Briggs, the first thing for the dele gates to the assembly lo ' do on that date was to - consider what should be done with him. The committee appointed to decide the matter brought in the recomnien dation, "Suspension from the min istry," and the assembly adopted the, report. Dr."' Briggs was ac cordingly; suspended indefinitely, and he can only be reinstated on a recantation of the matter in his speeches and writings to which objection has been made. It i not likely that he will ever do this. An idea of Dr. Briggs' teach ings to which .a majority of the church objects, may be gained from an extract from Jhe doctor's remarks in Ins own defense, lie said: : "Let me refer lo the words spoken by Dr. Lampe yesterday, lie said, if 1 understand rightly, 'We know nothing of Christ, 6ave what we getiu the Bible story.' (Dr. Lampe- nodded in confirm ation of the accuracy of the quo tation.) He admits it. Are you ready to believe that, commis sioners? Do we learn and know nothing of him through personal relations that we enjoy in tiie Lord's supper? ' I -cannot sub scribe to that doctrine. It is rank heresy, if ever heresy were pro mulgated in the history of a church. Now, let me call at tention lo another error made by Dr. Lampe. He said the Bible was the final authority given to us by Jesus Christ and the apos tles. Just think of that, breth ren. Did they give us nothing but what they found in the books of the Old Testiinenl? Dr. Lampe's statement is dreadlully wrong. Another statement by Dri Lampe in his argument yes terday was that the faith of the Christian -church was based solely upon the scriptures. Are. you ready to accept that? 1 am not. My faith is based upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and him alone. 1 now wish to bring forth my po sition. I shall adhere to the pol icy which I have thus far followed with regard to errors in the Holy Scriptures. I refused lo accept the dogma that the original auto- tained 'there were errors in the texts which we have, and that it is improbable that the original texts, it we could discover them, would be much different ' from those we have in that regard. I refused lo affirm there were errors ia ., the original autographs, be cause it is unscientific and it is un scholarly and it is against the truth-loving spirit of Christianity to make affirmations of dogma where we have no certain evi dence. "1 always refrained, so far as possible, from pointing to "the errors in 4 the present text of the Scriptures, but every biblical scholar admits them." Dr. Briggs occupies a chair of Biblical theology in the Union theological seminary, New York, but it is understood that the re cent decision of. his case will not affect his relations with that in stitution as it is supported almost entirely by New York merchants and others, and that he will be sustained by the board of directors and members of the faculty of the institute. It is thought, however, that the action taken at Washing ton will not end the matter. .The coast defense vessel Mont ery returned to Mare Island navy yard last week after a final four days trial trip at sea, conducted by thfr board of naval inspectors Captain Howison president of the board expressed himself as delight ed with the action of the vessel. The boiler, about which so much has been said, proved equal to every test. ."' - It might be a good thing for sue ceeding generation if the Amer icail people would at this time in augurate the free trade policy. It Would be cosily, but it wouldn't take long for this country to get all the free-trade it would likely want for a long time. Governor I'ennoyer has niany invitations to- deliver "Fourth of July orations but has declined all so far.' The committees want a crowd and they desire to avail themselves of the advertising the governor has received ot late. The, power of firi titer's ink is truly wonderful. The" tnniiitgers? of thef Eugei.'e cannery have" planted about 75 acres of corn on (he Bushnell farm north of that cilv. The president has intimated that he wili probaly call congress together about the 1st of October instead of the middle of September. A needy woman the ono who's overworked, nerv ous, aT"i ' debili tated. Tv'hat she needs 13 Dr. Fiercc's Favorite Prescription, li'i fit hpr msA an invigorating, res torative tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine, giv ing tone and vigor to the whole system. But it isn't a mere stimulant. It's, a legitimate medicine, that an experienced physician has carefully prepared, for woman's ailments. All the functional derangements, chronic weaknesses, end painful disorders peculiar to the sex, are corrected and cured Dy it. And because it's a certain, remedy, it can bo mada a guaranteed one. If it fails to give satisfaction, in cny caso, you have your money back. You pay only for tho good you get. The best pill costs less than any other. Costs less, but does more. They're smaller, too, and easier to take. Dr. Fierce's Pleas ant Pellets aro tho best pills. They regulate perfectly the liver, stomach, and bowels. The Fuente coal mines, situated near Eagle Pass, Tex., took fire on the 3rd, and out. of 60 men work ing in the mine 20 were burned to death or suffocated. The un fortunate victims were all Mexi cans. SScts., BOcta., and $L00 per Bottle, CtlrS Confrlift.'Hoa.r.onr-Bs, tiore Throat, Croup promptly: relieves WUoopiag; Congh and Aatinna. For Cocsamitioa it has bo rival; has cored thoosaads vberenUothars failed; will curb you if taken ia time. Sold by Druggists on a truarentee. For Jisoie Back or Chest, use smtoira rx, amtek- s&qu. 'HJLOH S, CATARRH remedy: ave vou Carjirrh ? Thin rpmprl v la nuna. teed to euro you. Price 50 eta. Injector free. For sale by T. Graham. fJAPANBSD CURE A new and Complete Trea ' consisting of Sup positories, ftiiitiuent in Capbulea, also in Oox and Pills ; a positive cure for External, Internal, Blind or Bleedinar, Itching, Chronic, Mecent or Hereditary Piles and many other dUeasea and female weaknesses; it is always a great henefit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unneeessi-ry hereafter. This flemedy has never been known to fail. SI per box, 6 for 35; sent by mail. Why suffer from this terrible diseuse when a written guarantee is given with 6 boxes to re fund the money if not cured. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by Woodard, Clares & Co., Wholesale and rtetail Druggists, Sole Agents, Portland, Oregon. For salo by Allen & Woodward and by Graham k Wortham, Corvallis. Oregon. TT-J3.. VOG-LE, Practic A a C GIVEN flWAYT) E"THS .: I " URATE!) Eand, McNally & Co.'s UNIVERSAL ATALS. The Latest, Ulost RelialDle, Most Complete ATLAS: Published in the United States. For particulars address ' Geo, Agt. Pacific Coast, Local agents wanted. - CorvaixiS. CAS KEY. & OTTERSTEDT, Blacksriti thing, Horse-Shoeii?g, And Wagon-Making,; ksicht's .old stand, . corvallis;; ''- - ? oregon. ' AH work in the line done promptly and satisfaction guaranteed; - r1".!' ! CENTRIC. t i "Papa, if yott want yonr little boy , . ' -: To have his heart just full of joy, ' . Give to him five cents or ten, : : '. So he eau buy a CENTRIC PENT For sale at the Gazette stationery store, ftf K A 9 Have you abused the laws of nature and injured your nervous system ? Are you despondent and melancholy with confused ideas and gloomy thoughts ? " ESPANO " positively cure you. It contains no mineral prisons and is remarkable for awakening organic Action throughout the system and an improvement in every tissue. It produces better muscles, bones, nerves, hair, nails, skin, blood and gives vigorous life to the unfortunate who has exhausted his powers. Prepared in tablet form and packed in boxes convenient to carry iu the pocket. Each box contains 90 doses or enough to last ono month and i3 worth many times its weight in gold. The price $1.00 per box or 6 borea for $5.00 if ordered at one time and a guarantee will be given that any case men tioned above that it does not cure, the money will be refunded. As to our financial standing we refer to any bank in this city. Sent charges prepaid to any address in United States or Canada. Put up in plain wrapper with no mark to distinguish what it is. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addre:8, SPANISH MEDICKVE) GO., 1 Stockton Street , SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S. A. An able Brain and Nerve Specialist ean at any timo bo confidentially consulted entirely free of charge, personally or by mall, at the above address. Dr. J. M. Campbell, ZDZEZNTIST.. Corvallis, - Oregon. -Office over First National Bank. I'. M. JOHNSON, ATT0KITEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OP.. 3Troes a general rractice in all the conrts. Also rout lor ail the tirst-clas iusurauce companies. Emm) ptooT Maiu St., Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet room. Good Books. Current Ta pers and Periodicals. The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W. C "v. U. t3I'urnisbed rooms (up stairt) to rent. Dir. DU MONT'3 FEMALE , REGULATING PILLS aitf aias tiufe ana reliable. J,uui testi monials from all over the world. Beware o danger ous substitut s and imitations Price s2. 00 per t-ack aire, bent by mail securely sealed from observation. Addre&s Dr. Li. UuMont, 03 S. Ilalsted St , Chicago, 111., U. g. A. BO WEN LESTER DENTIST. Office upstairs in Farm's Brick. Strictly First-class work guaranteed. Corvallis. - - Oregon. It is worth the price to every pwon who even reads a newispaper." Darlington Jour nal. . THE JOURNAL REFERS TO jLUXPHGlLULSX by G-. 3STE!"VIXTS. A Pocket Primer for the use of Reporters, Correspondents and Copy Choppers. Short, simple find practical rales for " making and editine newspaper copy, and of equal value to all who wish to write correct English. Sent on receipt f lnice- Price. 10 c-nts per copy. ALLAN FORM AN, Publisher, 117 Nassau Street, New York. h. a. rxA.vis. Attornay and Counselor at Law, CORVALLI3. S t OREGON. Legal baslnesa promptly attended to In may part oi the State. Office in Postoffice Block. B. S. MARTIN, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Especial attention given to collections of every description. OFFICE IN ZIEROLF'S BLOCK, Corvallis, : : Oregon. ME PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OV PORTLAND, OUBOOS. Paid up capital. . .. Surplus aud profits 52f?0,OCO . 60.C0C "Interest allowed on savings deposit as follows: . - ... On ordinary aving3 hooks.... per cent per annum On term savings books. . . .; ... .6 pr cent per annum ' On certificates of depoiit: . For three months 4 per cent per annum For sis months.....;...- 6 per cent per atinuas fortweT mouths.. ....6 percent per annum fKANK DKEUM, President. D. K. " HOMI'SON, Vic President H. C. tmtATTW, Caybler. U. Lu Taylor, . PltOPRIETOlt 07 THS Lie- Band Box Barber Shop CorvalIis Oregon. "Shaving, hair cutting, dressing dying, and shampooing. This wonderful preparation in Purely .Vegetable : compctinded from the prescription of the Official Physician to he Court of Spain. " Espano " recreates Mental and Nerve Power in Han and "Woman. An infallible remedy for Nervous and General Debility, Nervous Prostration, Creeping Paralysis, "Weaksisss catised by Debilitatiu Iosscs, Bscesscs or Gver-I:idnlesices, In cipient Softening of the Brain or Paresis, DLiress, S,cs3 of Memory, Confused Thoughts and all Brain, Nerve cr Sexual "Weaknesses. It has no equal ia restoring tho Stomach, and Brain to its normal condition following the abuse of Alcoholic Beverages or indulgence in the Opium, Morphine or Chloral habit. T- SPANISH- BRAIN AND NERVE REVIVER XIX1. EJATTZJEIff'S i pi raTiin mil LATEST PATENTS LWITS ELECTRO iiunurut.uiiii. Wilt euro Withont Mtdiciiid a.I Vfeukn rescuing from overtaxation or Drain, cerre lorccs.ezcesBesnrinniRerfiien. as sexual exhaustion, firtiin, Iogccs, Tiervoai dsbllfty, s!ovp lessness, laniruor, rhoumntiira, kidney, liver ar-d bindder om plaints, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, general ill-he.ilia, ele.Thit electric belt cobtains W&sdertu. Iitiprevn-ieRis over all othsrs, aod gives a current that Is instantly felt by the wearer or we forfeit 6,000, and will cure all of the abo7 diseases or no pay. 1 housands bare bee cured by this mar velous invention after all other remedies failed, and we give hundred of testimonials tn this and every other state. Oarpwwerfal 1MPKOVKD LLU1KR S-SIKSiBOKY, tlift greatest boon ever offered weak naen.FHEE WITH ALL FKl.Tri Health and vioronestresthi.t ABAKTZ&IinS0to90 Dare. Send for illustrated Pamphlets, toJUied, sealed, free. Address SATVPEIff 23XjKCTIIIO CO., HO. 172 First St., PORTLAND, ORt- Fine Buggies and Carnages. will amply pay anyone for tticir lima to go to THE CORVALLIS CARRIAGE & WAGON CO.'S FACTORY And gee their large and extens've factory at Cor valliq, Oregon, where vou can buy BUGGIK8, CAR RIAGES AND SPRING WAGONS which, with proncr care, will last a life time. They are made of the finest second-growth timber and the best of ether material by that factory, where each piece of material is taken from the rough a-id nbaped in th-s factory by machin ery dca:rnc(l for tho purpose. Kach vehicle is finely painted in the most elegant ttyle. AL'i Jobs ami Vabb and Vvr Tooetiieu I" Dry St'M Uk i Weatiikr when the timber is thoroughly dry, w lich is not done with Kasterr. jobs, as must Eastern rigs shipped to thit country arc buiit in winter and early spring when the weather is damp. The brautv of all these jobs is that they are all FULLY WAR RANTED and sold at snch REASON liLK. PRICES at there is no excuse for anyone to but i h mo-iria lurig. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADS MARKS, OSSICM PATENTS, COPYRJCHTS. etcJ For taformstkm and free Handbook lrrite to MUMX II COm 61 Broadway, fCEiV Vocsr. Oldest bnrean for securing patents in Amoiirs. mery patent taken out by us 13 brcngbt beliaro the puoUo by a notice given free of otarco ia tue lartrest circulation of any scientific paper in tho world. Splendidly illustrated. No intsliigent man sbould bo without it. Weekly. S3.09 a yeart ?LS0(x months. Address MUKN & COv ruBiilHHrT"S 3til iiroedway , Mew Yorls City. FAEB A & WILSON. Physicians, Surgeons and Ac coucheurs. tST Offiice np-stairs in F.irra and Allen's Brick. Olfiice hours from 8 to 9 A. m., and from I to 2 and 7 to 8 p. i. Calls promptly attended to at all lion re; either day or uight. FREE TRIAL. Va VcLXL XiLCULrors, loss of manly vigor Vancocle, etc Dr. DuMont's Nerve Pills will effect a speedy cure by its use, tlioui-anOs of cases of the very worst kind and of longstanding have been re-sto-cd to perfect health 15,000 testimonials from all over the world. Price per package SI. 00, six fir 85 00, trial package sent securely sealed for 10 cents postage. Address Dr. R. DuMont, 9S 8. Halsted St., Chicago, (11., U. S. A. WORLD'S FAIR TRAVELERS HAVE It. WILL The public demand tli rough service when traveling. It is old fashioned to change cars. On the through solid vestboled trains of the Chicago, Ui-ion Pacific and North- western Jiue, rrotn or to unicao'i. :m-,ri.t HOiEUSIRY! ami intermediate points, tliciti is no cuau"e. This the finest and fastest road; !'.... . , ' . . OLY 3 i JLZJL RTJKNIN( THROUGH DAILY TKAIN: Leaving rorti&Bd 8:45 A.M. " 7:30 P.M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 flours' Quicker to St, Vauh 23 Honrs Quicker to Cluc'a'?o4 40 Hoars Quicker to Omaba and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Dining Cars. Ffsr rates and general information call on or address! Vi. H. HURlBUKT, Asst. ueul. Pans. Po?s. Agt 254 W ashington Ktreet, cor. Tirird, puinux'D, on. THE Oregon Pacific Railroad E. VV. Hadley, Receiver, and Oregon Pacific R. n. Co. '3 STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours I.eps time" tliati ly any otlit-r rtmte. First class tlnongli passenger and freight line frr:m Portland, Eugene and nil points in Hie Wil lamette valley to and from San Francisco Cal. TIME SCHEDULE (except F.i-.u.l'ayR.) Lea-'e Albany 1:30 p. n. I Leave Ya'jniiia 7n.m. Leave Oi vailis 1:05 p m. 1-eavo Cor. alii.) 10:35 " Arrive Yaauina 4:35 p. m Arrive Albany 11:13 a. m Sontlicrn I'acifie traius connect at Ailiany ai d C.irvallis. Thea'uove trains connect at Yj;tiina nitii the Oregon l aci ic R. R. Co.'s line of steamships bc tweon Yaquina and Kan Pranciyno. From Xaqtiiua. ?tii.inifi!iio "Willamette 20th, 27th and June 6ih. Valley," M.iy Froui Saa Fran Steamship "Willamette Valley, May iGth, 23d and June 1st. This Company reserves the right to chaisgo sailing d-iU's without notice. - ' N. B. Passengers from Portland, Eu gene and all Willamette valley points cart make closn connectiotis with trains t.f Webfoot route at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined t San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yunuina the evening before date" of Railing. ... Passenger and freight rates always the lowest. For information nply to R. E. MULOAItV, O'cn'i. Pny't., Oregon PnciMc 11. li. Co.,--Corcll:s, Oregon t. R. VAUGHN. Gen'!. Aunt,. Cal. Ko. 4 Sea Wall, Sau Franciscc, Caveats, and Trade-Marks ohtained, and all Paf , ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our OSes Is Opposite U. S. Patent Office. Snd we can sernre patent in less time than thoerf remote from Washington. Send model, dratring or photo., vrith descripj tlori. We advise, if patentable or not, free or . charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," wlt . names of actual clients in your State, county, or" town, sent free. Address, Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. - r'r , ,(, J "S U ii"-Jn-. i..li FOil i ,- y jj rs; (.A"KT" E. Mmm O2 Webfoot kmh j 1 . , , , ' fW f& & ?e" -'. U'iS X.i:h '-. -