THE COKV ALUS GAfEf ililBAY, MAECII U ISO! for Infants and Children. "OoBtoxI ft Is so wu adapted to children that I recommend i t aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchkb, M. D., . Hi So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. eVuce'of 'Castoria is bo universal and Us mnrits so well known that it Beams a work "of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do uot keep Castoria wiUuBMcrrebeh."' v " i , Cablo VUvmt, D.D., i-;. New York City. Lata Pastor Bloominedale Set onoed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Boor Stomach, Diorriirea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without injurious medication. For several years I have reeominaBdeel your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced baaafirlnl results," Edwut F. Pasdu, K. D., ' The Wtethrop," 125th Street and Ttfc Avet, Naw Yoris City. . Thk Ckktacb Cohpast, 77 Hobray Stbeet, Kkv Toss. .wiia Water Front Business Lots, Residence Lots the grand Pacific Ocean, overlooking I flW OT, OR OTS W OF THE .ftPDITIOMS To Yaquina City, or Tracts of from 1 to 5 acres jQii or near the Bay. Also several small improved farms where veget; ;es ovv fresh and green 12 months of the year if given half the care required in any other state in the Union, at p ices thiitUvill' ASTONISH' - -THE - MTSVES! , .. ; , . ' shin?: to dispose of their property can't put it in better hand than ours. Those wishing to invest will make monefby call- JAMES EOBEKTSON C-V NEWPORT, Benton County- ORECON. 5 GOVERNMENT LANDS f; Firk aa tits cbokeos iu California ar wsktqg to t taki Sb Use twgari&al oney H 1 1 V Lake valley r? KS CCMJTItVl RCWmf LA&F. VASXET OWfAWS A Inovs. ht? oa ot (W IHiMa riti aaal iiirnaj r Moa HK, kevl, Umm 1M! M C O. Kiiroad tuut immew bwia bxtt iuM A, liM Tay. mm mm uveal MUt LHt KM tntsug MMia win w , out k. iui loa M nii eukjvaM4 ud iruXm oatut luce craw J- wi, Uuiejr, bj, C.1TM. aifatfa, vwibiUoi. trait stic. Wcad . X and TTfli- at jutJtd and kmaljar oky. 11m Wvl can be taken up villi 2c w Kua m Joe thm Uoat Aat. ia Uketa tioU)u -". W a aua X. nurj i.d (v air, nir 2. W are t - k. Water giirttaafof itu fc-riaatinn of tlu Und. Sl Wc waat t c cmt'inw IV tb water w w to lcU, M help W ium lya MM cf St. LliW US CMC VGH &t M M aO tO U' GoV n. waawM. as gbU awi, umI jiia Uav yoars. 1a Wiw (a prpMiai if . n4il and (ou aapiWy), wU iMat fi af aa (M to taw Cuaiwar; 4o : aai It . u aWlivTr M aha la4 aa iauMto. AM Uuid lc Uxincis a. iaataudui (or outaaaara by awaouc aaans duly, aaJ Cos tmwgf m awav Da&sct Aa uraoeadr Micaiias ay Csnan, SM&t ahow a wilu atuay tney wcM be icefH. "S . MOMfcV LAX CI I Y. li koaw aw an aataUusina, cfiart ijotk? -tj- aaaca for W MnMahiwii at aaw liaan nnn, aaa is wau wuta w- j 11 i THESE LAMOe CAN BX , -tT S-TAKEN UP WITHOUT RESIDENCE! Undar the Vmeett Act, aiforiio a ctiatu ior tia syaoujatar t well as tbe homeseekaa. EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD WAGES For Meo and Taams oa tats conetruction woiJs., if ait aUoa to bmu a .a. . . ; . - home ther' -s. REMEMBER that tfaese Lanas are kvel, rich soil, oa railroad sow built, and on line : free, lumbar cheap, (usa watar plentifal. Good local as well as outside markets. The irrigation of these lands makes them immensely ana mime-1; !! I, all ready toe hb plow, with ne of another, building. Fuel is t a. "J " Send 4 cents in stamps Sor full iocraiatioa k YalleyLandScWatefCo iHoneylake ; FRED W. Li AE1E, Secretary Office, 6 Hood Building, - SAH FBANOIBCXX GAL. SPECIAL EXCOKSIONS ' nrtn mill mnM OIU rDiyPlCCfl ' , Ant DC mb nua rnuai s rivwr - - j- Washington letter. . Washington, March 13, 1893. One of the mosi difficult role ever attempted by a public man is that of settiug himself up as bt ing better than his party. Tin' the friends ot Mr, Cleveland havt persistently done fpr him ev i since his entrance into nation; politics, and the claims of his vu -shipers about his ml u.-e to make one single promise dui inglhe last campaign have beei louder than ever since his last, in auguratiou. Well, the idol 'in : been shatterd. and in view of th. whole world. One of the miw. prominent nominations to oliict he has made ex-Governor Gray, of Indiana, to be Minister to Mex ico was , the result of a bargain made at the Chicago convention, not, it is true, by Mr. Cleveland in person, but by his personal rep resentative at that convention, Hon. W. 0. Whitney, of New York. The terms of this bargain were that Gov. Gray was to with-i draw as a presidential candidate and throw the Indiana delegation to Mr. Cleveland, and in return was either to have a place in the cabinet or a first-class foreign mis sion, if Mr. Cleveland were nomin ated and : elected. That bargain has now been carried out, and it is about time there was a cessa tion of the talk of his being bet ter than his party. Mr. Cleveland's ingenius method of knocking the army of office seekers out by sections, as it were, shows that he is a wiser man than when he was president before, and has furnished no end of amuse ment for those not after office, as well as for the office seekers not in the prescribed sections. First, he disposed of that section that were after the office held under four years commissions, by telling them that no official would be removed until the expiration of his term, except lor cause. Next he- iumped on the section that held office under his first ad ministration, nearly ail of whom were here ready and willing, not to say anxious, to again affix their autographs to the official pay roll, by telling them that none ot them would receive an appointment, unless it were in some exceptional cases where special qualifications were demanded that were uot pos sessed by any new applicant. And his last knock-out was direct ed at the democratic editors who are hankering after the official flesh pots. His words on this sub ject are herewith quoted for the especial benefit of the editors tf your democratic contemporaries, who might make the mistake ct expecting an office. "I have been surprised", said Mr. Cleveland to a congressman who called on him in the interest or a uemocrauc journalist, "to notice the large number of newspaper men who have made application for office. I remember that during the recent campaign, ana in lact during al most the whole ot the last admin istration, the democratic news papers charged that in the ap pointments of whitelaw Iieid, and other journalists Mr. Harrison was attempting to subsidize the press. Now, don't you see I would be laying myself open to precisely the same charges if I were to honor the drafts made on me by news paper men? I do not like the idea either, which the editors ot little democratic papers all over the country seem to have, that they are entitled to the office of postmaster in their town." Those close to the administra tion say that the withdrawal of t he Hawaiian annexation treaty from the senate doe not indicate that Mr. Cleveland is opposed to annex ation. They say, that he thinks a more satisfactory treaty can be negotiated, and they predict that the new treaty will be negotiated and sent to the senate before the present extra session ' comes to a close. In other words, if these gentlemen be correct in their statements, the principal objection to the treaty was that it was ne gotiated by a republican, instead of a democratic administration. The nemocrats may not be in clined to favor the makers of "moonshine" whisky, but official figures show that Mr. Cleveland's first administration collected $51,- 095,682.04 less from internal rev enue than the administration of President Arthur's did, and $115, 385,524.73 less than was collected during President Harrisou's ad ministration. This was a little queer, wasn't it? Representative Henderson, of Iowa, predicts the- fifitv-second eongress will godownto posteriely as "the know-nothing and do-noth ing congress, and indications are plenty that the fiity third congress winch will be controlled by dem ocrats in both branches, wiil rival if not surpass it iu knowing noth ing. There has been . a, red hot, al though a public fight,"over the "re organization of the senate. It is not entirely over, with yet, but it has gone far enough to show that Mr. Cleveland has been defeated in his attempt to have the com mittee on finance made up iu the interest of his own financial ideas and against silver; Senator Vor hees, a pronounced silver man, will be its chairman, aud a major ity of its members will" be silvei nen. DonH b hood winked by dealers who pretend that they can sell Dr. Pierce's genuine medicines at less than these long established prices: Golden Medical Discovery (for Liver, Blood and Lung Diseases), $1.00 per bottle. Favorite Prescript tion (for woman's weaknesses and ailments) , 1.00 per bottle. Pleasant Pellets (for tha liver), 25 cents per viaL Compound Ext ot Smart -Weed, 50 cants par bottle. Dr. Baga's Catarrh Remedy, 50 aents per bottla. The genuine medicines can only if told by druggists, at the above prices. There are mora ways than one to make a profit, even at " cut prices." Unscrupulous dealers tamper with the bottles, or refill empty ones and such mixtures can be sold cheaply. But every bottia of Dr. Pierce's genuine medicines is guaranteed. If it fails to give satisfaction in any case, you have your money back. Can anything else, at any price, be really as cheap I You pay only for value received Miss Kaiaulan.i, ot Honolulu, went to Washington, the other day. Besides buying an apron and a chunk of gum and falling iu love with Mrs. Cleveland, she prob ably took some other steps while in the city of the rotunda, which the dapper newspaper reporter didn't catch, onto. G';r H4 ha t-1 mm m upTt my Beta., &0ct., and t L60 perl Cures Coughs, Hoarseness, 8mt lkr it. Croup promptly; relieves Wkoliij; Caasa and Astfumav For CananiwyMoa it has mo rival; boe eased Uboaaaada where aUaaiiaBS failed; win OOR41 too K taken ia tteaa. Sola by Druggists on airnarante. Forjjune Back or (jaeet, use dxxjijjjmb rLAiia, as eta. KILO sCSC&TAKHH 1 ii&!gSi ave vou Catarrh ? This remedv is imaran- teed to cure you. Price 60 eta, Injector trea. Benton County PLANING MILLS - AKD m km QQEHCTGRY. W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors and Sash kept in stock or made to order. Mouldings of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my work to be 6rst-class. West of 8. P. depot, Corrallia, Oregon. 6-8-tf. QiVElTt AWAY 0 THE CELEBRATED Rand, McNally X- 's UMEft ATALS. The Latest, 3VCost Reliable, !M!ost Complete ATLAS Published in the United States. For particulars address - TEVENSON, Gen. Agt. Pacific Coast, Local agents wanted. Cobvallii. BOWEN LESTER f : i-j, work .'OKmiUaA. .JAPANESE CURB A new and Cothpl&fe Trea : consisting1 of Sup' positeries, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills ; a positive cure for External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itchinfr, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles and many other diseases and female weaknesses ; it is always a great benefit to the general health. The tirst di-coreryof a medical cure rendering an operation with the kaife jineoe3Sry hereafter. This Remedy has aerar aeon known to fail. Si aer box, (f"Ior $5 : sent by mail. Way suffer from this terr ble dises when a written guarantee is given with 0 boxes tore fand the maney if aot cared. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by Woodakd, Cla&ks a Co., Wholesale and Retail Drug-lists, Sole Agents, Po tUnd, I ireful. For sale by Allen & Woodward wi by tiraham k Wortbani, CorvalUs, Oregon. , L V OjNLY- LIKE RUNNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaying Portland 8:45 A. M. 7:30 P.M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 7 Honrs Quicker to St. Pan!, 3 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hoars Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Dining Cars. For rates and general Information call on or address W. H. HURLBUKT, Asst. Gen!. Pass. Pass. Agt 25 Washington Street, ear. Third, PORTLAND, OR. So IATESTPATEMTS BEST IMPROVEMENTS. WITH ELECTRO MACNETIG SUSFEMSOfiY. Will nre Without Mtaielno " Weikmow ranUtac from OTertaxation of brala, neria forea.,ea.o.i or iadtnwloo, a. .exaal ha.tlan, dralaii, loaisa, uerrou. toblllly, lnp, laaguu-, rb.iimatliin, kidney, lir.r aad Bladaar oomplainU, laai. back, lumbago, solatia, faaaral lll-ksalth, etc. ThU eloetrio belt eontain. Wosdorfal IaipravmaaM. ovar all otb.r., aad give, a currant that la i&stantly fait ty taa wearer or wo forfeit ,U00, and will ro all of tb. abora or ao par. Thousand, bare bean eurad by tal. aiar Teloua InTCntion after all otfcar raniedies failed, aad we aira bnndreda of tactlmonial. is tbi. and ererj otaar .tate. Oaraawerfal lBPKOVlEO KLU1K1V SlSPtSiSOKY, tba greatest boon aver weak nen.FUES WITH ALL BILIS health and vigorous strength UL'ABAMTBEB in SO to 80 Days. Bond for illustrated fajapalets, nutiled, aealed, free. Address Wo. ITS First St., PORTLAND. ORE. HOME WSTRY! Fine Buggies and Carriages. will amply pay anyone for their lime to go to THE COaVALLIS CARRIAGE at WAGON CO.' FACTORY k ni mm thir laro-A and axtenfti VA fftCtOrV at Cor- Tallis, Oreron, where iou can buy BUGGIES, CAE KIAOES AND SPRING WAGONS which, with proper care, will last a life-time. They are niade 01 ine lineal cond-gTowth timber and the best of other material y that factory, where each piece of material is taken from the rowrh and shaped in ths factory by machin ery designed for the purpose. Each vehicle is finely painted iu tne most eieirant swie. Aw. Jobs rb Mads asd Put Together in Dry Snu aa when the timber is thoroughly dry, which is not done with Eastern jobs, as most Eastern riirs shipped to thi country are built in winter and evly gpnnif when the weather is damp. The beauty of all thesa Jobs is that they are all FULLY WAR- RAXTaU and sold at sucn fttAauHADLn nuvao at there is no excuea for anyone to a t homa-madoria-. RE3 EflDINQ) ROOUT) Main St., Op. Cameron's Store.. A croiet room. Good Books. Current Pa pers and Periodicals. The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. i"er Urder ol W. t V. U. ia"Furniahed rooms (up stairs) to rent. . MONKY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 8 per cant inter' tar nihil; land ia Beutoa county. Rr jii' 11. Markley Co. Olnue oyer Urn auice, Corvallis, Oregon. roR SALE. A rrood 5-room House. 94 acres of Land with an abundance of fruit, eood garden spot, good new barn, situated partly in th city limits ana a oargain. , jMirjuire 01 tn underienod. at the residence of J. H. Al bncht, opposite the old district ech"ol hnildirur, or at the office of thr- ('orval)i Oakkttk. Mks. L. GRAY Corvallis, Feb. 23 ml. - - . CENTRIC. . P.-ip;t. if yu want your little boy ' I'o have his litsart just full of joy. Give to him five onts or- tn, So he cau buy a CENTRIC PEN." Fur sale at the CrAZETrK stationery atore s UBSCKIBE FOR Tli! vallis Gazette, iheni" gsx in Benton co. Oujr u., Attorney and Counselor at Law, COKVALU8, ( f OEEQOH. Legal businass promptly attended to In any part tna owiw. Office in Postofflce Block. JOSEPH CAS KEY. Blacksfflittong & esnoeing knight's oij stand, CORVALLIS, - - VRKUVK All wirlc in tha line done Dromptly and satisfaction gnaranteed. THE PORTLAND SAYINGSBANK OW rOBTLAKB, OltBGOK. Paid ap capital . . . . Bnrplas and profits 12(39,000 later est ailowsd on tarings deposit as fellows: Ob ordinary aavlnfs books. ... per cent per annum Oa tenia savin fa books per eeat per aaaiua Ob eertincatee ( deposit: Tor threa months per cent ptr anaara aTar six months 6 per cent per annum Tar twelve mnth9 per cent per annum r'&AXK DBKCM, rYesident. . D. f. " HOaf HRON, Vice President H. a STaVATrOil, t?hier. R. L. Taylor, . rKOPRIaTTOa Of THX LUUC UailU UUA uaiuui oiiuui CorvaJlw, Oregon. . . C3-Sliavingr fcaif-Cutting, tlreasing, dying, tnd bampooiBg m O V3 k Scientific Amaricaa - CVBAT, TRADE MARKSa OESfQN PAYEttTS, t wawmsMi eas free Ban duo rtw tt . vo sri iKoaswar, lew ls, Cldost but-eaTi for seoutiag (totats in A 104c; as? J'varr patent fciisn ot't by as ia brought U-W tfae pubaio by a notice given tret ot oUJSaja ta ia Larpost drcnlation of any adantl' woriri. AnlMiitlitl7 illuut.rt.a! tuaa should be w'lbout it. Veeily. 'SA, J y'f.r , si.sut,ia. jiuuxeaa atUDiJI i U1M yuBiiisnmiw, 3.31 Broadway, A'ew Yeti CUt. , EAST 'AND SOUTJtS fix Southern pacific RoutiS fcerese stains i--ave FaaUaad Dah, o u'.toine SOUTH . SOKTII Lt Portland ... 7:00 p. m.fLv gan w Lv Albany 10:23 p. m, l,v Albany.. j...,. IM up Ar San Frisco 8:5a.m. Ar I'ortland..; ..!: aef A bore trains stop only at following- stations sort Of Roseburgr, Kart Portland, Oregon City, Weed' burn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Haisoy, Bar risburg-, Junction City, Irving, Euffena. Rosebnrg Mail Dailjr. Portland 8:80 a. m. T Albany 12:45 p. m. ArRoseburg' 5:50 p m j I.V Eoseburg. . .7;9 a. att Lv Albany.... 12:80 p. 4tf Ar Portland.-. ..J9ie. si Albany Local;Paily ExceptJSunlT i.katk:- Portland 5:00 p. ,rn. Albany.:. .... .6:30 a. n:. arrive: All ai. ........l:M p. s9 Portland a.....K:80 a.0 LcLanon feraiicfi. 8:10 a bi. ..i,v. . .Albany. . ..Ar. ,.S:25 p tw : 9:00 a m..Ar. . .Lcbancn. ..Lv. . .C:M f m 1:20 p m.-.Lv.. .Albany... .Ar..J0Xl as 2:09 a m. .Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv . ,.:S0 urn Pullman Buffet Sleepers: f SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, ' For the accommodation of passengers hsltf ing second-class tickets, attached te axpresif trains.- TTcct Side IiritlM, BETWEEN rOKTLAKD ANP UORVALLli. L'li! Trait.- Slily Eroapt Juiitey. LEA VS. Portlcnd., T:S0a. m. Corvallis. ,...12:55 p.m. ARRIVE Corvallis 12:10 p. tS Portland.... (:80 p. IB At Albany .arid Corvallis connect with traiasofth Oregon FaciCic Railroad. L-tai Train. Cally Eicopt Ettdiy. LKAVE. Portlsnd 4:40 p. m. HeMinnviile. . . .5:45a.m. - ABRIVS. McMinnville... T:26p. r Portland g:I0a. c3 Throngti Tickots !io 'all Points East and. South. For tickets ar. full infoiuiation reardifl rates, maps etc., call on company's agent at Corvulha. E. P ROGERS, Asst. O. F. &P Agent. E. KOEULER llatiaret. Portland, Orcgcn. VE WANT YQU to act as our agent. We furnish u j;pnisiTe outfit and all you need free. It costs nothing tf try the business. Wc will treat you well, aa help you to earn tt-n timi-s ordinary wages. BstlBt sexes of all ages can live at home and work 1st spare time, or all the time. Any one nay where-can- earn a great deal of monev. Al aDy hare mas Two Hundred Dollars a Month. Wo clats ? people in the world are making io much mousy without capital as theme at work for us. Iiusin pleasant, strictlv honorable, aud pays better tba anv other ottered to agents. Yi;u have a sl iieid, vrith no competition. We equip you wistt cvervthing,- and cupplv printed (lirectioHS tct beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will lining more money than will anv other buiuies. law prove your prospects ! Why not? You can 1 Sa easily and surely t work for na. Ueusoaabltl Industry only uectswiry for absolute sneaasfe Pamphlet circular giviug every particular is lonS liee to all. Delar not in seiidiiia for it. GiSOilGK STI.SON & CO., iio.t So. 4t.S, 1'ortlaad, Mm THK YaqmIm pUTE, Oregoft Pacific Bailroad T. E. Hogg, Receiver, 'and Oregon Development Co. 'a STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter 20 Honrs Lee trn than by any other route. First claefl through passenger and freight line frolrt fortlaiio all points in tiio rviiiamcru vaurjjr to and from San Francisco, CaL TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) Leaves Albany 1:90 p. i I Leaves Taquir.a6:45 a. VI Leave Civallisl:40 p . I Leave Corvailis 10:S5 " Arrive Yaauina 5:30 p. i I Arrive Albany 11:10 A. fe Oregon California trains connect at Albany at CorvUlis. The above trains connect at yaquina it the Oregon Development Co.'s line ol steamships tween Yaquina and San Francisco. From Yaquina. SteamshiD ''tVilkmette Valley,", IkP 11th, 22d, July 1st, Front San Francisco. Steamship "Willamette Valley," June && 17th, 27th. This Company reserves the right to change, Saltm9 dates without notice . . N, B. Passengers from if ortlancl and ail Willamette vallev points can make c1ms connection wfth the trains of the Yaqnln route at Albany or Oorvalhs, anfl if destined to San Francisco should erragna to arriva at Yaqnina the evening before date of sailingt fasaecger anrt ireigtit rates aiwaj o i Inoreaf: For information aPDlr to 1. VTi Cumrnius. freight and tickit agent, Corval lis, or to v. nD Jen. F. sort I', iigeni uregon a-srf-cilic Railroad Co., Corvllis, ftv W. B. WEBSTER Gen. and P. Agent, Oregon Devf t.l ant Co., 304 Montgomery St., S. F., Cf H Cayeats, and Trase-Marlcs oMalaed, and all lat- -ent bnslcens condncted for Wsserat Fa. birr OMm is Opposlts U. 8. Patent 0v : sua we can secure patent in less time thaa thdes , " remote from Washington. Amt. 6end model, drawing or photo with osacrrpj: tlon. We advise, if patentable or sot, free of charge. Onr fee not due till patent la MArei A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," wit names ofactnal clients inyourptate, county,T town, sent free Address, ,. 4 C.A v Ppposltt Patent OWee, Washington, D. t i Li : L