TTT';:'-" '' . . REMOVED The GAZETTE is noW located in its new office" two doors south of Ham ilfon, Job&r Co.'s Eank REMOVED. We invite our friends to call and see our new office, formerly occupied by F. M. Johnson. VOL. XXIX, I COJiVAIiLIS, BEHTON COUNTY, OBEG ON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1893. m si. V I for Infants &nd Children. "Castoria is so well adapted to children that j I recommead it as superior to any prescription kcOTrc to ma." H. A. ARcnrjt, M. D., Ill So. Osford St., ErookJjn, li. Y. "The ue of 'Castoria' is to universal and of HupercroK&tion to-nlors-i it. i'ew are toe intelligent families who uo uot keep Cacioria w iiXJii Ci3y nau Caries Kactyii, d. D., Hew Vor": City, late Pastor Bloomingdiilo Soiori&ea Church. Taae Cuntaub 2 FOR SALE BY E. P. GKEFFOZ, THE LEADING JEWELER, CORVALLIS, : : OREGON. FORTUNE IS CYRUS V. FIELD, at one timo worth twenty millions, died a pauper, leaving his family nothing but his life in surance. The time to insure is NOW ! Massachusetts has the best insurance law. Every policy has a guarantee of CASH or paid-up insurance each year after the iirst The surest policy is written by TflE MASSACHUSETTS MUrUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Address H. C. COLTON, Con. Agt., 233 Stark St., Or m. s. w odcock, Portland, Or. First National Bank, Corvallis. HERE'S THE That sroes with a Of Olo R goods marked in plain flgrures, and bargain in itself. To the winner of the presented a Gall at the busy big store and get particulars of the drawing-. Caatorla cares Colic, OonsHpaHoft, Bour Bt'Kuach, Diarrhoea. Eructation. Kilia Wonna, given sleep, and promotes Co- eestion. Without injurious medication. your Castoria, ' and aliall always continue o do so as it luia invariably produced beneficial Edwuj 7. Pardee, M. D. " The WInthrop," 135th Street and 7th Ave, Cohpakt, W Hurray Stbebt, Xkv yons. FICKLE-DEATH SURE! thing" n I each article a horse will be The Regulator of Low Prices AN ENEMY BAFFLED; There is an enemy with whom thousands are familiar all their lives, because they are born with a tendency to biliousness. With thisenemy they are constantly battling with Ineffectual weapons. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will baeffl it. Mere purgatives will not reform a disordered . condition of the liver indicated, not by constipation alone, but by sick headaches, yellowness of the skin and eye balls, nausea, furred tongue and uneasiness, more particularly upon pres sure on tho right, upon the short ribs. Avoid drastic purgatives which gripe and weaken the ir.tcstiues, and take this world famous, anti-bilious cordial, which likewise removes malarial, stomachic and kidney complaints, rheumatism and nervousness As a laxative of the bowels, painless but effectual, it improves appetite, sleep and the ability to digest, and possesses the ad ditional advantage ( a standardtonic. vnen Eaby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she bcoame Miss, sho clung to Castoria. Whan she had Children, she gave them Castoria. WOOD FOR SALE. First-class oak and maple wood, dry, for sale at reasonable prices. Enquire of the City Dray Company. Leave order at A. Hides' grocery store. - EQUALIZATION NOTICE. Everybody, the3e days, strives for just and equal taxation. That is just and pro per. Among all other schemes D. B. Irvin has just started iu on one at the old stand next to Graham3 & Wortham's drug store, where he will equalize the tax iu boot and shoe bills, by manufacturing the most dur able articles at the lowest living prices. He has had 30 years experience at the busi ness, guarantees his work, and if an article he makes you, don't suit, you neadn't take it. Call and see him when iu need of anything in his line. PNEUMONIA. At no time in the history of the country has pneumonia been so prevalent as during the winter months of the last two years. In times past a common cold was uot consider ed nt til serious, but of late years the great tendency of colds to result in pnemncuia has made people apprehensive. The trouVe is that oolds are not always properly treat ed. No preparation containing opium, wild cherry or chloroform should be used, as they have a tendency to dry up a cold, whereas it Bhoutd be loosened and the longs relieved. It has been observed that when Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is used the cold never results in pneumonia. . Tho . reason is that this remedy stimulates the mucas htem- irane which lines tho throat and lungs, to a healthy action, cauuss free expectoration, throwing off the poisonous matter, and counteract any teadency toward pneumo nia. For sale by T. Graham, druggist. CORVALLIS ABROAD. The Portland Review of Jan. 28th give an account of a flue couoert by the Portland college of music on Wednesday evening, and among others alludes to a Corvallis girl in the following terms: ''Miss Cauthorn in her solo showed a good mastery of the piano, her teuniquo and touch being very good in dued; alio is a most promising student. IWr fhrmuih with Catarrh, finally and com- Eletolv, or you ave i00 in cash. That's what is promised yon, no mutter how bad your case or of how lonsr stand ing, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ltemedy f!!i run hta mreA Not with the toi- onous, irritating snuffs and strong, caustic solutions, that simply palliate for a timOjor perhaps, drive the disease to the lungs but with Dr. Sago's Remedy. The worst cases yield to Its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties. " Cold in ttie Head," needs but a few applications. Catarrhal Headache, and all the effects of Catarrh in the Head such as offensive breath, loss or impairment or. ine senses m taste, smell and hearing, watering or weak eyes aro at once relieved and cured. In thousands of cases, where everything else has failed, Dr. Sage's Remedy has pro rlufWI Twn-faefc and Dermanent curea. That fives its proprietors faith to moke the offer, t's $500, or a euro. They moan to pay you, if they can't cure you. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. THE AMERICAN WOMAN. Marion Crawford is evidently utilizing bis social opportunities during his present American visit for a study of American women, and in the next issue of The1 dies' Home Journal he will give the results of his observation and describe "The Amer ican Woman" as she appears to him after an absence of tea years; iu what respects she has changed." aud whether sba has improved in her dress, manners and tendencies. -i IK li r : Highest of all in Leavening PoWer.-ldtest S. CcVt Report. THE FOLLY OF FOOLISHNESS. The Yaquina fence Post would dis play some common sense and do the Bay county division scheme a merci ful fnvor by lapsing, into absolute si lence instead of bellowing forth such rhapsodical vaporings as last weeks issue contained. The citizens of east ern Benton are not a mass of sla re- traders not the county officials a gang ot rapacious freebooters as the fence Post has a tendency to picture them. The probabilities are that had tho western county scheme stood alone upon its merits, there would not have been any considerable opposition to it in eastern Benton. Circumstances well understood here would support this view of th case. It whs the com plication Oh the south, with which tho Bay county scheme shared sympathy on the "you tickle me and I'll tickle you basis, and which threatened to rob Benton county of her valued ter ritory, which really seemed to rouse this people to take spirited action. It was then a matter of self-preservation. Public consideration of the Bay county division had been in a," more perfunc tory vein than hostile, until the Blainu county scheme legan to flare up to formidable proportions, and then east ern Benton put in her protest. She could not afford to be hewed down on every side, and if it became necessary to antagonize the whole business iu order to check the one injustice, wly, thus be the fiat. That's just about the size of it, and there is uo use of going wild about a reasonable propo sition. IT LOOKS THAT WAY. Under the heading "A Nottcer.ble Fact" the Albany Democrat shoots pretty straight at the mark as follows: It is a fact that has been noticed sev eral times, that whenever thero is a good prospect of the Oregon Pacific do ing something, the Oregonian particu larly throws cold water on thft Yaquina harbor. Just now the outlook is good and - such au occurence is noticed. The Oregonian says a civil engineer has investigated the matter and-reports tbat it would cost $3O,O0O,0OO, to make a 25-foot channel at Hquina. There is almost such a channel now, and tho report is probably not true in any respect. In ad probamuty it is manufactured for the occasion, in view of the present investigation taking place. The" statement is a ridiculous oue. It is undoubtedly truo that Portland fights this improvement se cretly in every mahur possible. The Oregonian has something to say about Capfc Van Alstine; but we haven't any mora space for the tire some subject. He is iu jail, and claims his G. A. R. badga is insulted because he is kept there. Jdc was put in a dark cell for mean conduct An effort is being made to get hiin out, but it will be under the condi tion that he loave town, when lie would probably come to Aliany or go to Eu gone. Portland is as able to stand such a misfortune as we. Democrat. Dr. Robert Wilson and his wife reached his old home of the past and their" new home for the future, Wednesday, and enjoyed a hearty greeting. By reference to card in another column it will be seen that the doctor enters the practice of his profession with Dr. Farra. Wanted 'Everyone to know that Peterson keeps the fiest moulding and makes the finest picture frames in town as well as turning out the be3t job work. Shop two blocks south-west of publis school. For Sale. A second-hand, uncov ered buggy for Bale cheap. Enquire at this ollice. The Florence West came this week clad in tints of sack-cloth and the "yal ler klvered novel" hue, caused by its paper supply having shied around too long on the trackless waste aboard the steamer Harrison. Accidents wil. happen when it snows in this country, BRIEF LOCALS; Cash paid for eggs. Wells & SoK Tablets, copy-books, etc., at Mra Murry's. 1 Wells and Sdn pay the highest man ket price for good apples. New goods arriving and trade uv creasing at Wells ik Son; Ladies' and children's hair cutting a specialty at Taylor's. Furniture at cost prices for 30 days at J. A. Knight's furniture store. Little Elk people are expecting a colony of Germans to settle in that country soon. We handle none but the best cas kets and cofhns. Hearse furnished when desired. L. Welker & Co. Do you know who Carl Dunder is? If you wish to find out call on Wheeler & Langlcy. Eugene Register: Miss Libbie Yor- an has returned from an extended visit at Corvallis and Salem. Senator Butler's bill lor an appropri ation for the normal school building at Monmouth failed to pass. For picture frames and fine mould ings go to J. A. Knight's furniture store, the cheapest and best place in town. Operntives on the Yaquina bar im provement have recently been transfer ed from the north to the south jetty. Albany has nine arc lights and still conplains of darkness in part of the city. Come over here, where we have good moonlight. Messrs. Beal Gaither, Toledo, J. W. Ball, Newport, and Allen Parker, Ya- ... ri 11- -I. . quina, were visitors in uorvaiua uie first of the week. Sunday dinner at the hotel Corvallis; everything new and neat ; tables spread with the best the markets afford. All for 25 cents. As predicted at the out set the steamer Messenger failed to fill the bill u Fisher's carrying trade and has been lauled off the route. There will be preaching in the Evangelical church at Wells Station Sunday morning, February 5th, at 11 a. m. by Rev. L. S. Fisher, of Albany. Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle clear the way, 'lis the merry, merry, merry, merry, merry sleigh. And he that isn't in "w waxeth jealously. Swan Johnson, chief engineer of the Corvallis prune orchard, pruned his own foot, just below the ankle, with an axe, and has been laid up ust a week to-day. Judga Fullerton will hold an ad journed term of the circuit court ill this city March 4th, to confirm the sale of the O. P. railroad advertised to be sold on 'tha 1st prox. The governor's first veto reached the senate Wednesday. It related to private corporation, involving the water rights at Riddle. The bill failed to pass over the veto. The last "tumult of the terrigenous terpsichorean ten," was great in every particular. To-night they will branch out in a blaze of glory, at the opera" house. Git thar everybody. A. T. Porter, traveling agent for the Keeley institnte at Forest Grove, was a visitor among acquaintances in Cor vallis a day or two this week. He ex tended his trip to Yaquina bay. An eastern paper handed to us by a Corvallis resident speaks of the "ther mometer down to 40 deg, below rero;" On this coast the coldest reported was at Spokane when mercury lowered to 19 deg. below Capt. Fred Olseri the solid old pi oneer of Newport, passed through this city yesterday on bis return from a week's sojourn at the capital. He was in a high state of spiritual enthusi asm over the successful prospect of the Bay county off-set plan. Services at the Congregational church at ll a. in. ana s:dU p. ro, Preaching in the morning by the pas tor, in the eveuing by Rev. H. A Shorey ot Portland. . Union endeavor meeting at 6 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. You are cordially invited to these services, The special legislative cdmnrittee has recommended the establishment of a bag factory at the state prison and also recommends the approbation of $240,000 for that purpose. If such a bill will be passed the governor ought to veto it. It is a job and an outrage of which the masses of the state cannot bear the huge ex Let it be throttled at once, pense The ladies of the Congregational church will give a "Sunflower Tea" at the resideiice of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogue this evening. Refreshments will also be served. A cordial in vita tion is extended to all. Come and spend a pleasant evening. The many friends of Mrs. Arnold, at this her childhood home, are pleased to hear of her agreeable situation at Baltimore, Md., where she is persuing artistic vocal culture. Her sons Jack and Harry, too, are bending to their studies m different institutions of earning. Portland Dispatch Thursday: Judge Fullerton has completed his business in department No 2 of the circuit court, and left for his home in South ten Oregon. He takes with lum the commendation of the bar for his im partial administration of the law while on the bech here. Miss Ida M. Stuart; of Albany, was wedded last Saturday evening to Mr. T; A. Edgar. The bride is the sisttr of fJ; 5. Stuart the genial young rail road agent, well known in this city, arid Mr. Edgar is employed as one of the managers of the encyclopedia Brittannica enterprise of the Oregoni an company. The noble steed Whose duty it is to haul the mail back and forth between the post-office and the depots, yester day took a little speero of his own doing some lively bucking, kicking and attempting to run, until the youth who drives him brought him up in his wild career by steering him into a fence. No damage. The Bay country has been pretty well represented in Corvallis, Salein, and "way ports' during the week; Functionaries ofithat realm have come out to take a glance at various inter ests, including county division, federal appointment "solidification," Oregon Pacific railroad prospects, etc., and so forth. By the way, the Bay is blessed with as solid, intelligent and good look- ins a set of men as auy section can trot out. The Agaasiz Scientific Society meets Wednesday, February 8th at 8 p. ni;, in the Botanical laboratory of the Ag ricultoral college. You are cordially invited to be present and take part iu the proceedings. Members will bring specimeus and present notes on litera ture and work of interest in their several departments of study. The principal paper of the eveiiing will be by Mr. Cbas. Pernot on "Smokeless Fuel." Robert Zimmerman is iu limbo in Polk county again. He worked for a farmer near Independence and borrow ed his employer's shotgun, as he said "to take a few hours hunt." He didn't come back and it soon transpired that a watch and a ra2or were missing be sides the shotgun. Search was insti tuted and the fugitive was traced to Albany, where he was caught and taken back to the scene of his misde meanor. Th8 fire bell turned out au alarm again Monday, and AA usual the de partment was oVit9 .way td the- scene of trouble in praise-worthy order. It proved to be only a burning flue in the residence of Mr. Stock, which was readily subdued without the aid of the fire companies. While it is well td be duly prompt and vigilant fo keep th upper hand of the fiery demon; and to be called out by a dozen fruitless alarms to avert orie Calamitous fire, the expediency of ringing that fire bell over every trivial spark that appears in the city, is decidedly questionable, It dampens the ardor of the willing fire lads, and naturally trains their senses to indifference that may prove of nnschievioria corisquerice at some cnt-4 ical period. If those eiceedingly erudite and highly logical "editors" who make it a point to malign and falsify the Kee ley institute; had the least information on the subject td which they address their poll-parrot babbling they would find no room in their intelligence for the assertions they are making. The fair-minded always investigate a sub ject they know nothing about before attacking it. Irrespdnsible calumnia tors are generally that way by instinct aild the less cdrdrnon sense they have the better equipped they are hi their natural Calling.- With this class it is as useless to enter polemic discussion as it would be to attempt td beat intel ligence into a greeri pumpkin by ham- menng ii wuu b- " It would be & pure waste of raw material. PLEASURES OF " THIS BEAUTIFUL." The silow with all its iincd:iifortahld features falls far short of chilling dowil the fervor of the average young blood or stifling his alacrity in the sport of snow-balling, and many a battle ha j been pitched the past few days upoil streets and highway.", about the school grounds, the campus and from nearly every corner. With -Him regard, too, the o'd ad:tg, "men are but children of a larger growth" i3 frequently veri fied; for it has been a no uncommon sight to observe the ' profound of thti professions, tiie sedate of riper years; the thoughtful business man, the un bending aesthetic, the muscular me cbauic or what not, for the nonce step ping down from the pedastul of digni ty to take a little dash in the fleecy. turmoil in the most approved athletic style. Even the maidens laws bless 'em have not shranjk from the oppor' tuuity afforded to get in and give their "Chawleses' "moau old things," a little of what their niotheis used to give them a good deal of, to wit: good clean faces, through the medium of "the beautiful snow." Among tlin many struggles to amuse a bystander, was a little set-too between Zephist Job, the banker, and F. M. Johnson, the lawyer, in front of tho Gazette of fice j'estetday uiorniDg, when they wal lowed each other in a bank of flying; snow like two grizzlies in a bear fig'ic aud citnle Out of the tussel resembling two walking avalanches in distress if there ever was any such a glacial spec imen; It is needless to ndd that a .-: Usual cupital came out on top. bBATlt OF MUS. McBEE. Announceriient of the death "Grandma McBee" fell as a pall O!. sorrow upon many hearts iu Corvallu and vicinity oh Friday last, the 27t' uit. Elizabeth Milligan McBee was oi the ranks of those staunch and trust worthy pioneers to whom the citizen of to day turns his eyes with prido and esteeni fur their faithful labors, the';, trials and deprivations endured whiln they laid the foundation for itll tl:; country tiow enjoys of expand hg enter prise; of prosperity, of thrift and wealth and of-general intelligent advancement. Borri in Maryland, March 8th, 180s, her death January 27tlr, 1893, plactx' her age at 84 years, 10 months and ! days. She had lived in Ohio mid Mis souri, having been married in the for mer state to Wm. McBee, who died ir this county in 1862. With her husban ' she crossed the plaius to Oregon ir 1852, stopping about a year first Marion county and Inter settling aboul eight miles south of this city in Bent;iv county. Seven sona and three dung!, ters were the heritage of her family a; tar, of whom three sons and twodaug) ters aro Still living, ot the cstiuiab.-: citizenship in this and adjoiuing cone -tics. The deceased was a duvoto..?. christian for years and died with u saintly trust as sho had lived in t.'.f faith that had been to her a precious support in the trials of this world, li :'. memory i3 revered by all the large c:: cle of relatives and acquaintances, Sue so well enjoyed while living. So far tho legislature has done not's -ing on the assessment question or mortgage tax law. It bcgiiw to looV as though the stereotyped program..:--' of staving off those matters, that h;-. been the curse of this state for yars, will again be made the role of the pres ent body of law makers. There is i.o excuse for legislative jugglery, evasion or temporizing in this instance. Pun lie opinion lias spoken its sentimeul: boldly through petition and the masv s look for square up remedial lcgislal i in these interests that are pararuoi;;;: above all others. Just wby th?ic should be delay in the matter is a i.; zle to the public; but in all the di ot clamor for this county division quet:oi or that "relief project," or some right' job or other, the tax question hu not the power to raise a respectable cheep. Why sol At Alsea the ofter day; William ln ' nor and hi young son Willie were osr shooting at a deer, when the boy's m. . pon accidentlly went off and sent its contents iritd the elder Benner's r:i.r thigh; A powder flask in the rtiri A pocket turned the course of the bail s,-.-that what might have proved a c.ul. shot, inflicted only a flesh wound. Ladies wanting a sewing mad i will do well to call at J. A. Knisl"' ' furniture store and examine his i , . e vT..i.;.' Biy,e V