VOL. XXIX. I COBY ALLIS BEKTON" COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 189?. NO. 43. 9 for Infants "GMtottatstoveOAaptodtodilldreatlMt Irwrwnmwtid It wqwrtrirtotiiypmcription bmtonei" H. A. Aacnxa, X. X)., - Ill So. Oxford Sfc, Brooklyn,!?. Y. "Th naa of' Castoria'ts aoonlrersal and ; Its mnrits so well known that It seems a work of supererogatioB to endorse it. Few are tbe Intelligent families who do net keep Osstoria rttfaltaaajr reach.1 CAaxoa Jtiwrrw. D.D., New York City. " Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Tn Cejctao DON'T MISS IT. A: MISSTEP would be disastrous to this fair creature. Let us hope that she may not miss a secure foot i ng and that she may es cape the perils which surround her. Don't miss the ' j Grrwirid Display of : , There will be a grand rush to see THE LATEST NOVELTIES And no obstacle should prevent you , from examining the display before you make your holiday purchases. , In the assortment will be ipund , a grand variety ot Albums, Tbilet Sets; Work Boxes, i Writmff - Desks, Mirrors Perfumery, G-love and Handkerchief Boxes, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Silk Handkerchiefs Silverware and not least, Dress Pat tern and suits of Clothes suitable for Christmas presents, all KLINE'S! FORTUNE IS FIJCKLE DEATH SURE! CYRUS W. FIELD, at one time worth twenty millions died a pauper, leaying his family nothing hnt his life in surance. The time to insure is NOW Massachusetts has the best has ffjruarantee of CASH or paid-up insurance each year after the first v - v The surest Dolicv is written by THE MA SS A CHTTSETTS MUTUAL iliE INSURANCE CO, Address - i H. C COLTON, Cen. Agt., 233 Stark St., , Or M. S. WOODCOCK. ' Portland Or First National Bank, Corvallis. HOrtianO. Uf. CAsrrr Wxayiko. Mr. A. W. Her bert, of this city, Sas recently pachased one of tha . celebrated Newcomb - fly-shnttle looms and aonoancea that she is prepared to do all kinds of carpet and rag weaving, and . jrnarantees first-class work at low prices. ' Ani nvitatioii is extended to all interested toe and examine specimens of work, at corner jf Third sad Washington streets; and Children. Oator!a cores Colic, OoaslrpatlCn, Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, juua worm, gives steep, am WiJwutinjurkras ' For several yean"! hare reeomnaoded ' your ' Caetoria, and ahall always continue to . do so as It has invariably produced bararVrial results. Edwiy F. Pajunn, K. IX. Tt WbrtJttop, WWi 8traat and Tth Are, " Km York OH Oowaar. tT Mnuut Sraawr, Kw Toss. at ; - - - ! insurance law. Etctv nolicv FOR SALE CHEAP. A tract of land sitnated on the Little Elk road, known as the rarrtsh ranch, for sale at S 10.OO. per acre cash, on or before the 1st ot Xlovember, 1892. ' Jas. Kobsjbtsok h Co.. ' " Newport Oregon. VILE AK DUN WOBTHY. . Of consideratioo are nostrums of Which it is asserted and there are many snch that they cafe immediately bodily aliments of long standing. There are none such that Can. Chronic disorders cannot, be instan taneously removed. , Continuity of a genu ine medicine, such as Ho tetter's Stomach Bitters, will eradicate Chronic physical evils. Not the least of these last in the force of its opposition to medicine is constipation, to the remoral of which, if persisted in, the Bitters is particularly adapted. Constric tion of -the towels is a complaint which should be dealt with early and systematically. .So are its usual attendants,, liver complaint and dyspepsia. For these, for malaria, rbeumatixm, kidney trouble, and more re cently "la grippe, this highly and profes sionally commended medicine is an un doubted specific Nothing can exceed it. moreover, as a meana of im partiiig$Ttreng th to the feeble and nervous. Fatal Accident. Frank H. Bigelow, a brake man and well known employe of the Southern Pacific railroad company, and who for some time has been running on the train between Portland and Cor vail is, fell between two freight cars at Cornelius Mon day morning, and was instantly tilled. He lived in Portland with his mother. TOO MUCH OF A RISK. It is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. lu such C:ues catarrh or chroni bronchitis are al most sure to result. A hfty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Coujth Remedy will cure any cold. Can yon afford to rick ao n.uch for so small an amount? This remedy is intended especially for bad colds tud croup and can always ba depended upon. For sale at T. Graham. CHIEF OF POLICE TAX SALE. Warrant for the Collection of Delinquent . Taxes of the City of Corvallis. State of Oregon, ) County of lii-nton, City of Corvalli. j To J. K. Scrafiord, Chief of rolic7of the City of Corvallis, Oregon. In the name of the City of. Corvallis you are hereby commanded to proceed forthwith to collect the dulinauunt' taxes on accompanied roll hereto attached as pro vided by law, and yon are especially com manded to add to and collect two per cen tum in addition to the cost of collection upon all delinquent taxes, and pay the same to the city treasurer, and return tho warrant with your doings thereon and the receipt of said treasurer for all - monevs thereby collected and paid to tho treas urer. Witness my- hand and seal of the City of Corvallu. this 16th day of March. A. D., 1892. J. M. PORTER, Police Judge of the City of Corvallis. xr...: :. 1 u : v :.. theaboTcdejcTtbed warrant, I hare this day levied upon all of the real proper and mort gagas described in the delinquent tax an mcmcHo said wvnstto4 delivered tomtit; Burge Rich, " Tax. 1 IS supplementary plat VYilkin'c addi tion, lots 2, 3, 4, 6 and 0 block Cooper EE, s l-Zoriots 1,2, 3 and 4, block 10 County addition to Corvallw......... 6 S8 Crawford W C and V, - Heginmng at a point 374 feet west from N Vv corner block Hi, Avery's 3 rd addition to Corvallis; tlienco west 100 feet; tnenco south 200 feet; thenco east 100 t'cetjthencc north '200 feet to place of beginning 8 16 DeXeviu F J. . lots 11 and 12 block 23, County ad dition to Corvallis ......... ................. 6 12 Howard David, parcel of land 2 lots 8 of S W cor ner of block 29, County addition to Corvallis 2 04 Kclsay John, lots 7 and 8,. block, 23, torvftiii8j .mm 7 McCollough C H, personal property 89 Mason O P, . lot 4 block 15, Job's addition to Cor- VftliU ...... ..... M.M.M.HMN.S 26 Oregon Development Company, ' Steamers VV Si Uoag-, JS a Uentley and Three Sisters 102 00 !. MM. Sylvester John, est of, lot t block 23 OT, lots 1, 2 and 3, biocicif, Jounty aauition 10 ZU Willamette Valley Coast B K Co. lots 1 and 2 block 2, O T Corvallis; iWOO feet road bed with turn tablo and depwt...... 46 92 MORTGAGES. Carter Margaret C. men, victor ueroer, lots 1, Z, 7 and 8, block , Dixon's addition to Cor- VftUl . .IIIMI WMIIIW M......I 1 53 Chase Georgia P, ' mort, came & wells and husband, lota 3, 4, 0 and 10, block 6, County addition to Corvallis, book K page 53 8 16 Clark Martha, mort, K Belknap, E M Belknap and G W Kennedy, loU 7, 8 and , block 1, Corvallu, book ttpage 855, 3 06 Emmons Elmer, wort, & Li Henderson, S-4 or lots 11 and 12, block IS; loto 7, 8, V, 10 and 12, block 17, and lot 4. block 11, (Jorvalius, book iV page OA.., .. 6 12 Henkle Davis, . mort. (4 W H.ennedv and wife, un divided 1-4 of lota 7, 8 9, block 1, Corvallis, book H page 380. .- 1 02 Hanna P G, mort, T J Creighton and wife, lot 10, block 2, Corvallis. book K page 218.... MM MS.fSM.M MM.MMS Banna F G, mort, G W Quivey, lots 5, 6, 11 and 12, block 8, Dixon's addition to . Corvallis, book K page 217........ Lewis A E, ' mort, M A Canan and husband, lot 1 38 2 91 7 and n i or lot ts, oiock 4, Ctorval lis, book Jn. page MV 20 40 McLoed WE, mort, W li Perry, Iota 1 and 2, block 1, Huffman's addition, Cor vallis, book &. pago441 1 02 Moore John H and Rachel, mort, 8 JS Wilkin, Iota 10, 11 and 12. block 18. Count? addition to CorvallU. book K paire 200 . 8 06 Now therefore on Saturday, tho 14th dar of January. 1893. between tbe hours of 1 and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day in front of tne court nouse-aoor, city oi corvauie, county of Benton, state of Oregon, I will sell the .-above described real estate. and mortiraees at . public auction to the highest bidder for "cash, subject to re demption to -satisfy - said warrants, . costs and accrueing costs. - J. R. SCBAFFOBD, Chief of Police, of Corvallis, Oregon. Dated Friday, December 9, 1862. ' - BRIEF LOCALS. Christmas goods at L. Welker & Co. ComhiiiHtion suits in all colors at J. C Molu's. Willis ViJito, of Alea, was in Cor rallia tins week. Ladies' and children' hair cutting a specialty at Taylor's.;' ; . Remember Tohiu.h Wliitcomb at ths oiera. house tonight. : Fnuik Hughes, of Lobster, was in the city this week owi busiuess.' Good goods, low prices, catches 'em Wev'e got 'eui. --W-ells and Son. V You will find Useful and ornamental Christmas presents a Ll Welker fe Co. Th Merchant's Protective associa tion will iiold u regular meeting to night. . , George- Mhddox has returned frorn a butiiuess trip to Ellensburg, Wash ington. -' '' ' The ele'Kant stock of silvei ware at E. P. Greffoz's is of thtijlatest styles and patterns. - I Ladies hose.- You see those 75a kid gloves at J.-' Mollis, I hey are tine. .f - . Col. F. T. Parker' has leased his farm on Big Elk to a party from Walla Walla. 1 Dr. F. M. Carier has bought prop erty iu Toledo, and contemplates lo cating there. ? Orders for the Sa)em laundry left Frank's Ruckct store, will receive it prompt attention. T. Ll Hunter lias built a new side walk in front of his.: buildiBg in tlw south part of the city,; Mrs. J. C. Strong, who has been a resident of Salem for 30 years, died Sunday, aged 76 years. - Rev. M.-E. Lieou returned Satur day I mm holding a series of successful meetings in the county, j W; S. Gardner, photographer, cor ner Third and Monroe istreets. buc cessor to Chase and Gardner. ' Make your fiiend happy By, giving them a Xmaa present selected from our stock. LvWelkVr & Co. County orders for holiday goods solicited and given pfompt attention by hj. tr. Ureuoz, the leaamg jeweier. We handle none it tho best cas- kets and coffins. Heafse furnished when desired. . H Welker Co. J Eider George P. Kichof Damas- cus, Clackamas has been hold fga protULCtedj alCbitwoodv, Hauk Allen left this week ior where he Goldendale, Washington, has accepted position in a drug store. County arid commissioner's couits were in session this week, and but very ittle imjortant business was transacted. R, D.' Wilson, h hardware merchant of Oregon City, is iu Corvallis. He handles the product of our carriage. fac tory at that place. . The Hotel Corvallis wUl give the supper lor the J) iremen s .ban. on tne evening of December 23rd, and it will be a grand anair, We have sn elegant assortment of pictures, both pastel and etchings, also hassocks, ottomans and foot-stools. Call and see them, L. Welker i Co. Newton Williams, formerly in the employ of the Toledo coal company, is tunneling for coal on land he has purchased! one mile north of the , coal company's possesions. Toledo lodge No. 8, I. O. O. F., have elected the following new offi cers: H. Lutz, N. G.; R. F. Coll more, V. G.; J. S. Gaither, secretary; Wm. Brazeltin, treasurer. In submitting estimates for light houses etc., the secretary of the treas ury has recommended $6000 for Rights at the mouth of the Willamette river' and $300 for Yaquina bay. Miss Maud Hoffman, of this city, 'who has taken a course in the Boston school of oratory, has made her debut,' and is receiviug favorable press com ments wherever she has appeared. Rev. W. Kellaway, pastor of the Christian church in this city has pur chased 160 acres of land on Elk mountain, near Elk city, from M. W. Simpson, and will set out a large orchard on the place. . The smallpox at Marsh field is at an end, The town authorities aided by the medical board, are entitled to the thanks and appreciation of the com munity for their efficient work in sav ing tbe town from tbe disease. : Says the Dallas Transcript; H. B. Plummer was up to Corvallis last week, looking-after his car-load of buggies. -They are all finished ex cept the painting; but this is the big gest part ot the jon, and Mr. fium, mer does not expect to get tne Dug gies before February. ...... Highest ol ill In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Albany had a lively v city election last Monday with the following result: J. A. FcFerron, marshal; J." M.- Hoff man, C. G. Burkhart, P. B. Bryant, cowncilmen. E. A. Parker was re elected treasurer. The Albany city election was con sidered very close last Monday for awhile, notwithstanding , it was non partisan, and a special message was i sent to Salem for Attorney General Chamberlain to bring him to vote, as his ballot was badly needed. Argued Yesterday. The cele brated case of the state of Oregon vs. the Southern Pacific, to compel tho lat ter to adopt the freight rates-umde by the state board of railway commission ers, was argued before the supreme court yesterday. - President's Message. President Harrison's annual message was sent to both houses of congress Tuesday. It is a frank and dignified acceptance of defeat, without a thought of surrender of the principle upon which defeat was encountered. ' Wanted A gentleman, who has had fifteen years experience in office work desires a position. Has served five years in a newspaper olSie, five years in a railway office, five years in insurance business, and is a practical book-keeeper. Best of references. Address t his office. College - Lecture. Rev. C. C S ntton, D. D., chancellor of the Poit btnd university, delivered a very able address before the students Of the ag ricultural college last Sunday. Excel lent music was furnished by the Con gregtional choir and college baud. Closing out Sale. For the next sixty days I will sell; my entire stock ot trimmed and untriinmed felt .and velvet hats regardless of cost.' - Ladies, npw is your time to secure a hat or bonnet. Remember to Urin aloug the cash; no credit. Mrs.J. Mason. 4 Philomath's City . Election The new city officers of Philomath elected last Monday are: Dr. R. O. Laggan, mayor; W. P. Boles, recorder; Samuel Davis, treasurer; M. Allen, marshal; E. A. Chapman, u F. Watkms, .William. Park, John Spanlding, E. L Dixon and H. McCnllough, council mem TH CiKOCEKY BUSINESS, i?. The vroeerv business in Corvallis is a bsxllv oripiiled busmess. Ajftd horse store up at the other eitd of : Main street is selling .goods at and - some below cust, actuaf ebatJ Of course they cannot hut loi'g, they not only sell what they have advertised at cost, but nearly everything else. There mnst be a stop ut to it some way, or the trade will be entirely . ruined, which would be a great disadvantagejto the public in general. They are selling the Wav umiiij v. a.f...u.HvwM $1; Extra C 20lbs for $1; Coal Oil, Pearl 5- gal can, 75cts; Best Island Rice 201bs tor $ 1, which every body knows is less than it coats to lay it down here. They say they are selling at such low prices for the purpose of inauiro ratine the cash system. Now we all know it is more convenient for persous . . . T. :1 to pay monthly if they have to pay a nine mote, which of cbnrse' is necessary if more convenient. Is ay let the people go there and buy him. out if they want to. It is only a matter of time till he will have no goods to sell, and then the rest ot us win have our own way again. I don t want to find fault, but when a man sells goodjt oost and great deal. f' thaa cost' " they are. doing op there, it is time for some body to say something. I simply say, let the people go and buy there at long as they have the goods to give away, wnicu win nos be very lone, then the rest of ustwUl have a how when thev have winked out. But rec- ollectj you mnst take the cash witn you ior they won't deliver any goods until paid for, t.;l. ; mrr inconvenient ior we u..u - J oeonle of Benton county if they do get the goods cheaper. I will not ment;on any h-a because they have a right to sell their goods or give them away as they please I suppose they are paid lor, ana u misj not the town will not lose anything by it; but it is the last grocery up town. If the .),. fit. ov store no that way joat let them wear it They are selling Pearl Oil at 75cts .,,,1 tn one can look at the pa pers and see that it costs that, and more too to lay it down here. How you auow m. they are selliug suoh staples as that at cost they must make it up on something else, u4. t . where they can make it back VU A MW W" -' - . for they re seUing almost everything else the same way. Absolutely giving away. Fault Fisdbb. PoST0Ki!T Owing to an unusual nun . . . .z r... thA hnlidavs the Ma- bar OI aCTracfcw" rioe band have decided to postpone their intended ball nntu xeo. time the boys will no doubt favor tho peo- ple 0f Corvallis witn wiuwigj.--- AGKtCTJLTTjKAL COLLEGE. NOTES. INTERESTING BATCH OF ITEMS THAT INSTTTUTIOlf, TBOU Every student is required to attend some religious service of his ow n chos ing, every Sunday. The possibilities are that 5 stu dents will be entitled to graduate at the close of the year. 1 here will be 411 weeks of actual school during the year, so that no time will be lost -because of the Christ mas holiday?. Christmas holidays beam with the endinsr of tho fall term on Dec. 23i d. and end at the beginning of the win ter term, January 4tn. All the classes in mathematics are busily engaged in reviewing. The term examination will take place dur ing the 3rd week in iJecemoer. Students who complete any of the regular courses of study and pass a satisfactory examiuation, will receive from the state board of education, a diploma to teach m the schools ot Oregon. At the end of each month every student is furnished with a report of his standing', both in his studies and in literary work. , Tbe average stmid tpg for- tho term, however, is sent to the narents. Bv this means jthe par ents, students and faculty are enabled to co-operate in securing -iue oesi possible results. Tkn i-nnfoiit fm-rli Tiloss medal be A. v V " v w'fc v - - ' tween the We'bsteriau and Ciceronian societies, will take place during the lat ter part of January. It will he hekl in the city hall, probably, and will be open to the public. 1 hose paruci pal ing in the contest are as follows: Websterian. Ciceronian. &I!CLAMATIOjJ. Jtias Jennie McQillis. Miss Amy Vaugn, Mr. Marion Johnson. -. Mr. Charles O.Connor' ESSAY. Miss EtBo WUHi, - His Nalli ; Dav Wsort( Mr. Buxton. Miss Mollis Voorhees. READING. Miss Eroia Lawrence, Miss Uatlie Bronson, Miss Franklin. Mua Leua Willis. DEBATK. Mr U L. Swann, Mr. Lee Applewhite, Mr. Horace LiUy. Mr. U. Desboroujfh. TIia mixtion to be debated is: Re solved that the World's Fair should be closed on Sunday. The judges are to be selected on that occasion. . " WORTHY OF EMULATION, nnrino- vacation several professors of the Oregon agricultural college were very acjuye m securing smueius ior u:e inHr.itnrinn. While on this errand two mbersvisiied -Hon. John A-JShupe, U. S. Registrar ot Unas at Koseuur Alter listcninz to their tale of woe, vr.. ' Ql.nnA infr.rmed them that he XTXI. .. " knew a young man who ought to be tnrnrl colleze-ward. and that if the vouns man could bs iu'duced- to attend the agricultural college, no wouiu se to it that the necesisary means wumu i.a furnished. The voune man was immediately visited by the professorrf; t,o AuriArA tn take a course iii higlier education, and it is needless to say,' is one of the promising young men in the inat.fiitirm. Mr. Uupe uiq a nice t.h i no- in nrofferinsr to ffive financial as sistance to a young man who desired an i.ni nnr rnh he neriorui eu a uouic rlftpd in turninff the younjr man col- loo-p-wmd. and Ins-interest in nigner education, is certainly wormy oi emuia- lation. . fJoTJOSEGATiONAL MEETINGS. The rain trn 1 irvinpH mill continue at the IV? a v ma ' ConTeeational church with unabated interest. ' rlev. uiapp, ui rouiiiuu, urim hfipii condiicti ii 2 the services for several davs. cave away last night to Rev. Thompson, , au ame nimistei from Kentucky; he will however re main a short time ana assist m ine oA..,mo a number navo muhjcu OCI T vvu , t.l.pir intention of becoming christians, and. as the meeting is nou-Uenomma- :r.ai ihmo makmsr a coniessiou aic permitted to unite with the church of their choice. There will be no ser vices tomorrow, hut the meetings will be resumed Sunday WrrrccrTV FOR A Fish Laddeb. A. SJJ M. - - , , ti, nM.RRitv of a nsh laaaer at the Oregon City falls cannot be ques tioned. There was a former appro- priation , squandered, ana tne laaaer ,ni.r.l!. In fact, it whs se w - i i i j j riously charged that the fish ladder was a trrand fraud. The suggestion r .i, Knrl of fiU commissioners to Kiaot nnt an avenue for the ascension IS ait ww vi - . r fih snems to be . a good one ana Dracticable, and there will be no dan- gci v . " - "C j - nf it homo- wasiea a way. run. .... , i i land Dispatch. ft '.' nf P. Flection. At the regu ir mPPtino' of Volley Lodge xso. 1 1, v r -p i.ld hist: Monday evening, ho f.Jtnwinor officers were elected for vww . the ensueing term: unanes ouug, n f '. Ttnwen Lesteiv v. C; v A. ivTnmhe. P.: A. W. Rose, M. of A.; t ft T.mif.liflfe. M. of F-; T. U r a v fj and S ... Jesse BDencer, Aiai m, iv -"j - , - A.J S. T. Jeffreys, trustee. The Whisky Trust. Consumers of ardent spirits will regret to learn tho whisfev trust has this week raised the pi-ice of whisky five cents er gallon, ana aiconoi w v'-"'rrt f-r.i.ine'a have advanced 10 cents :n.,..me- the dull winter P.?u- .ul ,aht.saloons of Corvallis -ii i .aa trr water for their Win nave : -- i customorOa ; , u ODD BELLOWS LODGE iNSTrrTJTEU AT PHILOMATH. Philomath now has a secret organi zation for thefirst timo in its) history it has long been a isluc of consider able population and ipiportance Jit Benton county; a leading educational center, and an incorporated city, but from some unexplainable causa secret societies never took a hold there in the past , xesterdav afternoon -District Dep uty Grand Master M. L. Dorru, ac companied by H. G. Davis, 'Moses Craig, Robt. Erwin, D. Cai'lile, J. M. Davis, J. T. Phillips, Henry Gerber, Wm. Borrue. ?. N. Wilkins. A. W. Bowersov. (icnrirc Smith. Jf W. 'Faiw quar, C. McCuHough, V. E. Watters, T TT n " tit . wmT . i. vurran, vvm.- ruignes, a. a. Book waiter. V. 1. nhamhnra Thoa. Samuels, J. A. Knight, IL G. Berry J. Danewood, T. M. Watson and T. J. Lreignton, ail . members .of Uarnum Lodge No. 7, 1. O. O. F., of this city, went to Philomath to institute an Odd r -mows lodge at that place. mi a iiiirtv-one charter members were initiated and admitted into the new lodge, which has the largest number of charter meifiliprs pvpr former! intrJ an Odd Fellows lodge in Oregon. A mi go nuiiiueiui visuiug metuucia re present from King's Vallev Corval lis and Albany, The following offi cers were elected: Uressler. . N. u.t os" Kmrirlr. V. fi Tnhn Si .niilrllnc Sccj E. N. Kiger, P. S. J George Mo Donald tresis. A splendid supper wan ftpfvp.rl hv t.hn vimrino liV LJdtL Fellows by the members of the new lodtje, and a grand time is reported PifckgEi - Scores One. rNatbaa Pipn-p ia f irlv in it according to tha decision of the circuit court for Marion couuty. , Monday morning Judga Burnett sustained demurrer interposed . by Attorney -Uenerat ueorge unam berlin in the. mandamus suit brouehD against the secretary of state and gov eruor by II. B. Miller, to - prevent them froiu counting votes cast for Pierce in counties where his name ap poared twice on tue same omciai oai lot and to compel the governor to U sue certihcate ot election to Miner. Demurrer was that petition-does nob state facts sufficient. Petitioners im mediately gave.iiQtice of appeal to tha supreme court, for "reason that court erred iu sustaining the demmter and rendering ; judgment in favor of re spondents. The case will probably bej heard some time next weetc. in th meanwhile die secretary of state is do- official cull vans in those counties in, which Piece's name oppeafsirt? but once. Orand Hal Masque. ureal prep aratious are being made for the masked ball to m given by Corvallis Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, on i Friday evening, D.cemi er 23rd, 1892, and it will no doubt surpass all previous efforts made by them on formw oc casions. No trouble or expense wui be spared to make it the .grandest masked party ever held in ?V,ovalhs. The renowned Parson & Fleck's or chestra, of Portland,, have been se cured to furnish music, and the com mittee having charge of the details ot the ball, are strangers to the word Ml. In addition to the special fea tures, there will be handsome prizes awarded. Hop Yards. The Dallas Tran script says: 'There" are no hop yards in Benton county, though that bottom lands adjacent to Corvallis ' would af ford excellent soil for the cultivation of snch crop." While it ia true there is plenty 6f soil in this vicinity suita ble for hop growing, there is a scar city of hop yards m tins section. How- over, there are a tew yaras .near x-ni- Inmatb. which demonstrates the fact the soil and climate in Benton county is well adapted to tne cultivation oi hops. " ,"' 1 ' SrHnoL Entektainmen!i--A very nlfvicinqr entertainment will .be given at the opera house by the departments of the public school on Thursday, De cember 22nd, entitled . An; Evening with the Little Folks. Students in tho .'liferent departsmehts will take ac tive part in the variety or; exercises, and will be a credit to the accomplish ments ot tho pupus orme puDiio school. A complete program will ap pear' next week. -. - ". Salem Steam LaondRyI--T. M. Hamilton, the agent Tor the Salem steam laundry, has decided to locate permanently in this cityY . Ho has al ready established a good, business for that company in this city.-.w.hich bids fair to become : constantly larger. Their work has never failed to give), entire satisfaction, while thir charges) are as low as is corrtpatible( with first' class work. Clothing called for and delivered free of charge..!,; Second Crop of Raspberries. On Wednesday of this 'week,' Dec. 7th, Prof. Coote, horticulturist aV the agri cultural college, sent to thfe office box of the second crop of -raspberries) of the Turner variety. - They are fully developed, thoroughly , "J-ipe and of fine flavor. Strawberries that ripeo at this season of the jekf are usually lacking in flavor, but these' raspberrie possess all the peculia j, 'delicious tasli cfthatfruiU r ;..)-, . ..... . , . . . . . ..v ; - - I