The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, October 07, 1892, Image 1

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    - : - ' - - .zJ;?.? : tx- j:,, -,r f y ffiur'V
' .. ',. 1 '' ' " " . ; i '"-rifr-
. . . , . PENNOYER'S IDEAS EXPLAINED. BAKING PuWDER WAR. . The Revolt ovJrtS " ? AaATSffKs' rS Yyti&nAMV$&Gl
' "' ' ' ' -' "' "" 'r' ""I 4i, A . tendency in trade i toJnwlvery "afia a, ;" - t"f ! 7. - -- - Tfr ri 1 ?r23k. ATL
. At latBo?uti6n 'of Governor Pennoyer'8 . . spiftialist in his lui$.Jfa tiffiaTa woVk, ' . jf jttL .Tv. 1l.iTr" 3 i . dfkm-St JTK HPS
H The evT shown by othf bingpowder f WtfetV -O
f SjSfl x M I,ITJ'WV 1 V I I 1 vited the agricnltnral college and, ih com- manrffacfutera of the greal p'rettige of the man controctatotgB&.2fe rfAoi tW- ? J l . ' . . ixS" 3k .W".f9ga t& '
If f V T AX- mJf l 1 i ; Py- one of th member, of theRojal Baking Powder Ts not at all then by comMtiing iheork.SfjthVe 4fe r& ttlBaWPCSUW W. L " - JCrA -fi V V'FCr
If I l-Vi-l O Fl ILjfll 5 board of regents, made a tour of the inatitn- , ent men, the resulfiaa Mfacliine which" is J.Z''ik j fa tx i V.. ' 'Vt 11 .O - JNrl 1SI
III Jky I li i 1 M I 1 A 1 ' ?5l Tbey.wjw listening to the reciUtion P"8;"?- . T? val han bnpn tfiA mucn better tha'iwcTd beenaad infiWnfeiJDLjt0 S'ttsioti'-
II I tV 1 M ki.JI I 1 1 I ; of the class in booeetang when the gover- For thirty yeaw tne ftoyal las been the one man done aU ofith&6WriiiScl.. TSff'JZ:. MrXfa-4teriiimJSS!m ll LA '
'i-r m a - m m. m x a - mm 4 uvi . tui niu i iiik iii i.iih lthii i.ifririri aiaanr t HrjiniiHrri irtr imni.v aiii i km Kilt' LiLi iu uiiKiiitx i ninn nun mono ortnm ifdu "am- y r t." timl. vivvuiuk uuui vuu sen Hanprwun. naBAi.'nn.ftAir rv "i w n 'jt , m wa m
I 1 toirJSaZ-A I m&jf U U ULTTJ f 5im'di "M,r- .N. d? you know how long powders, and has been placed at the head f the whole whi&& iA&&E& , m,j -f P -poa'ttioO ot MlihMtT. 1
I a?i, s:. VS. ..W.-.-...... J i nwu n. ', ' i .t oy every Doara ot oraciai exararaers i , j. v-rTT. r;r r.?"rrWii?r JfwJL .IbS
for Infants and Children.
"Castorl a la bo well adapted to chfldren that
-I recommend it as superior to any prescription
nown to me." H. A.-Abchkb, M. D.,
Ul So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
"The'iue of 'CMtoria is sovnfversal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a work
of eupereroeation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
witiin easy reach." ; . -
Carlos BUrtth. D.D.,
. - New York Cfty.
i Pastor Bloomtegdale Seformed Church.
Castoria enres OoHb, Oa'nsHpatidh,
8our Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and prutuotea A-
Without injuriona mwlfeaHon.
" For several years I have reoommsnded
your ' Castoria, and shall always continue to
do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial
Eowm T, Piaites. u
" tbe Wlnthrop," 138th 8tret and 7th X,
Tmt Ctstxvk CokpiT, T7 ubrat BtHsxt, Nfc Vosjt.
I )1 1
For Fall and Winter
Will be the single and
breasted, straight-cut sack suit
Scores of them from
$10 TO $25.
&ot one that is loiffl ; the sort of
goods that gentlemen wear.
fine Dress Suits,
King Pins in Overcoats,
, ' . Bojs' and Youths' Suits
iTlie largest and most attfactiVis
fitock of Meus Furnishings
in the valley.
Out H at Stock
Complete lints of Boots, Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clotninjr,
Rubber Boots, Mackintoshes Trunks Valises and Satchels.
Blankets at Cost to Close.
arfe chock full from cellar to garret with Fall and Winter
Garments for men, boys and youths
It will pay you to see us before bnying-.
Headquarters for clothing ; ready made and made to order.
Market Opened !
I have Purchased "the Old
And will carry a full line of thfc best Meats to be obtained. The pub
lic, as Well as all of my old customers, are respectfully invited to call
and nee me. Free delivery to all parts of the city. .
For sale
One half block containing 6 lots- tn Third
and B streets, Known as the Hanna prop
erty, as a whole or in part. Fur price and
terms addres for 30 days.
' 4 Eugene, Or.
Slab Wood. Please take notice that
hereafter slab wood will l.e xoid by tickets
at the office of the-Corvallis sow mill, aIo
. tickets can be procured at Stock'sCash Suorr.
tTpon purchase of the same, prompt dVlivery
wil be guaranteed. Max Fbiekdly.
A tract of land situated on the little Elk
road, known as the Parrish ranch, for sale
at $10.00 per acre cash, on or before
the 1st of November, 1892.
J as. Robertson ft Co.;
Newport Oregon.
If yon need letter heads, statements
cards or envelopes yon can set jast what
you want at the Gazette office. Before
sriving your order call and see onr stock and
Ret prices.
At last a"8ofuti6n'of Governor Pennoye'r's
position on the silver question has been
reached. One day this weelt !His Excellency
visited the agricultural college and, ih com-
iany with one of the members of the
ard of regents, made a tour of the institu
tion. They were listening to the recitation
of the class in boo'k-teep'iDg 'when the gover
nor, turning to one of the gentlemen near
him,said, "Mr. N , do you know how long
I studied book-keepiog?
"Why, ne, governor," was the reply, "I
do not."
..Well, I studied
said the governor.
"'AV wm the quick reply, "that explains
yonr somewhat Vague Ideas on the silver
We are indebted to Mr. j. A. Allbright
for a generous remembrance in Vlie way of
some fine peaches which he raised on bis
own trees. They are a native Variety,
called the Mt. Hood, and were equal in
flavor rony. We 'eVer ate. There was no
thing s'uia'. I about them, either; we meas
ured two of them and found each of them
just 8f inches in circn inference.
it just one evening,'
The envy shown by dthe bating powder
manufacturers of the greal prestige of the
Royal Baking Powder is not at all
For thirty years the Royal has been the
standard for ptirlty and strength in baking
powders, and has been placed at the head
by every board of official examiners
whether state or national.
The Royal Baking Powder Company 'con
trols its own cream of tartar factory and
the processes for making the only chemically
pure cream of tartar. It sends its product
to millions of homes all over the world,
supplies the army and navy, the great trans
Atlantic steamers, the finest hotels and
VestaurHiit8. and is recommended by the
best chefs and authorities on cuibine in everv
land. Itw'sale is larger than that of all other
ci"eam of tartar baking powders combined;
it. has more friends among housekeepers
than any other similar article
These facts are doubtless bitterness to
the makers of the inferior baking ponders.
CX 13. "WELLS,
Next t)oor to the Postoffice.
We wish to inform the public that we have formed a partnership iu the
grocery business and that by fair dealing and close attention to business, hope
to earn a share of the public patronage. We shall aim to Tcee'ri
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
and will warrant every article as represented or money refunded. We will
offer no baits to draw customers and will sell no coods at cost To prosper
we ft) list have -a profit.
All sales strictly cash. The best goods at
the lowest prices.
.All llZinds of Farm Frodxlcts Taketl in Ex-
change atSthe ECigest Market IPrice.
We invite you to give ns a fair trial. We shall endeavor to please vbti
and if possible make it an object for you to trade with us.
Yours Very Truly,
of the whole which woaj includhe
tion of the materia "the lypt miotic
worsrag ii, etc., .incjregfcjn-be
isfct'ion to the riurclftwer
improved quality: ajd therseniiofr tfeirmbeVpf pu
price, l he same.f tnJfr lldiaod; m finer 4 P.
A,1,J. ioo, b uucu cau TtjitHjL Bee li VI
will visit Nolan's store. Tbers
of making a soectalVv of InelPa
Mr. Nolarf"sWie's 'tWrVfeeT)f.l
-1 1 ? 1L " ' "J
ilso, as one. Mtf YealsV. see i f '.ttTow i jwt .,A.i:i.
will visit Nolan's 'store. - Tbe7a'tRe-; reWlrr'!-
len. rurnisbuzc
goods are apparetitJJie msiftgK-efl sfep
patrons as closely as s-tHowgachaditgicite
aoove ao the necessKies oKtJiCTrjfiachttSs
and the result hi attoek TBfgoediitwIgeli
or in the smallness'oITthS pcef Tis
ir. ixoian nas iairly oaitti
enori, ana as a reSultTVis jstore-nWw1' con.
tains the largest and Shoicasi fstdik .oLmen'i
and boy's clothing ever arou?Irfltoche
also hats, Mackintb.h-oats,4otsiho
rubber and oil clothing-,?
which is required foy
A visit to this store .wi
for the effort and time
A caly, Itching, gkjn se&9 i
Kadless SufferfbjgCpeli J)'
CuUcura. KeraedleB."
Tf I had known of th jCtrrthnaA fenrj?sX '
twenty-eiBht years .would have uddne
buu.uu ana an lmmensA nmhnnt-Af miim ng tir
disease (psoriasis) commenced jsiy heacraTa
spot not larger than a cent. W8Ba;ai-ipidly all
over TyT'iy,-'aod gt Vader
my naij. ' The cales .would
droft offC. me VlL the Vmb:
and my Sin?acingTCas'endie
ana witnouf reliBi.unatnol
sand. dollStfa-woula not tempi
Egaid'. t am, a po0.tppSt
TeelrlclTto bg rllevidf
8ome"4f 4Jra doctonksaBa
leprosv. bme riMvQsn. dho.
4 riasis, mc 1 rfannot-'praleo I A- w.
sand riftftlartfwJ
ia wVtte a limited
ir r.rak i riNtw n.i mh ia lniti rKPuuiwut 111 lit "An tumah it v m, .tub mm.
FUjUJQirina ne. j T.r t'TVr i ne. loviie8tw4orsuJr,i v jr - . . a - i
onfcWMcuYeeU:r. fS ' -K S .f i
lis- . sal-inXTJottfcliMv- . - I
nt jfo?Setodif . .. 7'-V
E ?rVy.mWrtejr5tord! . . " 4
e-Wojis -lJiIUV. .i . 'W'rTyihWbuTaof Jhmnirrnm.kl V ; a.
joy. herenoVbeti'fyrkai.- , . -MSaoWpainttaft aVAeehWmi? ' .
trialfywia-fttol)e1Jt ptjfcsibla 6A S?yie?. t oriX A " t,"!!1 - ...
-TT- -. ' Wenc Xilo! i ihr.vraHAfA. anl deli vred- 1 xeen inches and iTWJulvk.w?4 ' . I
VCUnC4 35 ji innSSC-S irtfcJlaoSh . . T - ' I
'.who6iIhf;?f: V"R?J8 I . A
Aa$rJf 5fiiJte;El6toanaocra1Mat ..1 T". -A ' j U' ' .
heperaV'eningaB ."Tl. fj .
56o(Timi8icVUrae.uf7DnW and a trVi'A! Bvt95tesa assTtoaiTfihjtfiAt "tkt iVl -r,.? - I
. ffW W C. T. T.lf Wiftini..1 j ctDwn.Ma dKnaoAanil .IU . -
A'atttaLVMlVAflRaa JcIostasswtfoA.', - . A. !
:e5Wee0rart1ai ,
hade my
4fieap3at plc in tK ty-fpr r&M&a. i
y person ever was. Through forceol TbMr J T "'S ny Kina wrcanneik POOOJI Try tffehvH
b my hands over my arms andta'tt scriSclr and ro'uJsvilriinil tTifti MfE. - IT-. 1
v rJCiSr V. j. jusr i...'rA i i.l
muchr fhey.
sldn as clear and free fron jscajes as
t tised of them was 5 worth! Ilf
nere and said yon would
you wouia nave naa ue
tslcture (No. 2. paee 47)
Cure Skin Diseases," bnt
anv person ever was. in
rub my hands over mv arms and.lces'W seruclr
once in a while, but to no M ntofte .'IL ERMltl Veil
1 scratched twenty-eight yearSyap sot.'0, be-n
kind of second nature to me. Swisnk voii a thoir
sand times. . - 1, -' J
utiniirn Rolvknif
The new M
cleanse the
tne nair),
species o
tne BKin
rSHI oily j
i fall
Hip, kidney, and- ntihi
weaknesses relieyed-ia.oifl
by the CaticaraTAntftrab"
The first and only yqbjllJ9PblaM$ri
AW. 0nvr aVfd .lMfH.m.
onVeMfeia Ateriir-clos4 tfw a
io-aay- j .... a I
.:-3o!rmi wUL fhp heisit'
, haifg ak?nwn, dawg forb-pj
BiMng. meir xm
wwoc, tv'uav .
studte's iueloci
.of JVSUamette witt meet if Woclburnr. . -
Mfc- Mftndav. atftha Svnrin n. . -.
ATlbpy WiTllOrv .ele5fllf,l ' '
yterian cfuKn -Sf ffijcitJfefikvAA
ys-jwnod aad uU preaeff tVa 6ionir 1
:XS,"5.3OIlJP'.eleO wi" oewoccupiertjaermoTEv ThlS booy. htftlbera 75 5infa. . ' '.V ' F
oy wcitckoflrthmg. .J35cJ.uBfs
Hood and Bkln Parifier, IriftruVIy (ta.f?T T!. .'?Slr piSH,H -.i - L ' V - 'i. " W
blood of autmpniitteaind po&onouC.L4ne JJ-vanghaal jhureh ln-tMg oitefeict I .-OR. OlRafiK Gwton. ttU.titf r
. and Cutiouba. the freatBkbl Care. anbTT Sundav evSint7 -an ' AlV.atnJR,j hnntiul 1m tn(.n...i '7T " W 7
to8U,ne..1?g-aJi tT .t
and herediry d.al1finlno. 6T 2I fKiT'KJ&'a ..1:-ST1 2K. T .CT-T' -
, scalp, and Wood, with logs of a&ir.fronk I ""i1""!"" " iVf"Oi'ra J"tfPJ J3creeB8l , ' .r " '"'""'cww. nnta. . . w' v
to age, frcm pimple, to. ;TteWmj . ,4 $
Sold everywhere. Price, Cdtka,j.; affip. Wf- .Viic W .i UastT wek: fottpjPlJiMl e r.l .Oi '
25c; Resolvent, 1. Preared-y thPWB K h -bi. scfmnlsf -tfiis : TSSfcjfir ' "tI" fl?-?w?-2? . A.
Wo and CHEMicAx. CoRYicN.oatomJi -jPJSjt " i -i ' iP art ?T .8 exrt jrom JasMrpflftrhJ . r.
fa- Send for " How to OllmkirfcIHg3tea5. a 1 -!yflX2 pd f manmnre schoa. "saw4roianced it as fine a SDeViman ad - J -
paee9,6oiUnBtraUonB,andiwtCBrin-.'ara pgeajadai;ioiial roonr jfinSduSai. -fy aglityft hj T '
I, black-heads, red, roueh.ckfiapeo. and i, iptt- .- . Ft " '- . i
.kin cured by eiAicwffiriSC ,f ; Vhn ilckoL,iit supeAotwdnMfthM' BCSTKESS CHAMn&ajL Dt-naa . -As
w . .
Land Office at JlosF.BirH!vOiSf
September JjaJ JSBa X
-When Vou buy
Furiiitui-e, Shades, Car
pets and Wall Paper.
Picture Framing a Specialty at
. n. wil:
Successor to Philip Weber.
One Price Cash Store,
SlJiQkejLiha supefipwdntf3fthH'. Business CHAMpjfn Mint. Baa retiwxf
rnroeJatoryTStarted WedBesdavioK-tha from the firm W Brarfc Wr ffu..t.i f
srfhplief-nr the cominc wintr. a-lFrS mill Tn Widi!fuHlimnro-.,,.TrrvI!: k
?Jei!ut tBjgffjyeaks. -.r 1 fA-,Ule'k inaivemeists-wh
r ine reeI.meetintr of the Tioarrt nf J,-.-d "."W"t-uangune(l, the v-Tiave sUrtefl
ilrfors of thacaarfactorv. waVneld Jsl ?"verSsjragnf theiifc'Which insured i
Mdhdavanin Jin toW. W.wn-f t.iTtlPI0mptn,VeiW ofSllTnfrtiuipa .lVliIrf -
Vesignedthe bcelf tifiri-r A - VV i rllat it has already uAd'a nercirtihla. JrLT
LBowrsos wlecWWHH "CS,v; Tovecnenlw. in .the trad. Whr. JlGZ - A-
Notice is herebv eivcn'thahefollowinV A-feetter wseloeflon- ccld Hot Ja BeeriT6. th6ka ro thpnblic f
named settler has filed noiice tf'iiifltiiiL,n.l mad- V . -,t J t3 PV0flPLq? thfl paftf add r
4.; i. c '-. j !i t 'as iT.l t.-A3i,iM v . .IP
claim, and that said proof jtoTLbe.maireTje.'J "&.e 'AgricnltliraTcoBdtjB. in thehabllf n
Uounty, Uregon, at Corvallia, "Oregy. oirf tyjje
Friday, .November Jlth, Home-1 coaeraatiQtv-- i
stead entry No. 6077, of vniliaja-U?. Him-J 8er,'andK8a
8 w.
He names the follow
prove his contiuuous reside&ce -Jipffi aajfl
cultivation of, said lanjl, -Tjha4es
iSvens, John Phillips, Al Hard. JUe .fipW
cu, aii ui Aiaeo, xeuran (JJILV. vWNfOn
JOHN H. SHUiVIte'gil&prja
Aug. 0,"lS92 ,
tne toiiowing-nameu settler nas. niea notice
of his intention to make hnal pro
port of his claim, and that safd proof
matte oetore tne county uert ot cSeuaon
county at Corvallis, Oregon,
1892. viz : Luke Thornton, hd. enrrvtfNo
7481. for the w4 of swi and swl of nwi of
sec. 22, 1 10 s, r 7 w. - v
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation . of, said land, viz: Joseph
Skaggs, Frederick Hersig, Alex Patterson
and Jesse Wood, all of Summit P. O.. Jfen-,
ton Co., Oreison. J. T. ApFEbsoK, Register.
injpiBpEiyeoyfa j
f delectable ,lfi
ir the liberal V . ? v
Mfuesta contfn: . . m 4
pe.Qf the aat. 'Yb -will fir,!. WoUAW ' P ' . " "
toltheleldeheyowwite. V
1. .. , iiSfr.T . a li . . . . . fc-.
J ejllencei. 4'h
Me jast eyenjpa Iras ol
,ffPrgV one e
Lrenderbdby. Jha
yjine atfd'ataatn anoro
M '-Jrt , VIH.vMw 1.-. wigwiiiciifjw, .-xriH onn ration
pnwinin'WL'aiw iron iniinir rn&r fAU I'inn Maa i .rv i r i awi t :h tli. aw
effjfjja feft hand. It -war caagfft. in-UoJos carJvethesraVof alT andrtne!2ol. .
H.. -l.K.l 1 .wWIL. . - ' "W- i
Mthe 'sbtipe'r and tfe fli
side of the second ipi
com! ipirnd ayeqa- MUfe 0f
.peooTt. Hot a while ifr was
-I ""aw I VU'up U: UVUnOll)l
. , . .
m. 1 ----.j-- ni.ii iinu uarB 49- is
t -v . n v -. -jPa, tttdt it can K -,l j
jaiNi uns-iu. UHm-NSmF,, 7V 4 T. . " " . ..wyi'
ffi"'Y" ,ol"" Amen, aean ot toe. MpOi
x Session of Portland: CavA'sn ,
tionSr entertainment at tht3. l.fiarh
soulhinthigitv last atfav aS.,
WSmwas assisted by aom? fif ourTlst Jocal
nwisiciana. ana tneir Portion clfia imMim
r . - - - . f . . -
on October 10W r Pf? ,.0nSF?,nkf9 -artistio.
a--nianner inmrnicn is wife rhrini. -Tiwr..
!-,. 1. .." f "T
i"- ""Ycr, was -uiBappomtnieac, and
ther better. She it dohW&4ar'Trpoi
take by tryipffo fcistnierself on4he pii
am -Lie. ' . . '
Pipvrp Ww rri- C A Trrr
fiaafnw. . A Tfa JTier"l
T i4 i . .-nJ
Notice is hereby given that the approved
maps of the following new surveys have
been received at this office. to-wit:
All of township 31 south, of range 3 eastj
All of township 31 south of range 2 aast. j
The heretofore unsurveyed portionoftown-
tions, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, .21..2
23, 24. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Si, Zi. 3834
35, 36, of sea 10, sj and nei ofsec. 13
me piacs or tae aoove menfiakDM sarvevs
111 1 !.! lI1l . r. . . . .
November, 1892, and on, and after fl date
of filing we will be prepared to t&Eaijre ap
plications for the entrv of saM lamia.
JOHN H. SHUPE asM.tert
A. M. Cr A wfoud, Receiver. .
, . T- i
Let us hope that the teonl
ually disregard their health will
desirable place, ahd avoid the
is less, desirable as an eternal
on account of the heat and
generally. ut wniie we tarry tm thlATViene
of tears, why should we voluntsfrily dufe
rsJsall ti
Us of the atrocious malady, whndh-mjeas
physicians are verv much at fanft4-wnda
to shorten the term of our existence HeasfJ
burn, biliousness, constipation alijiota
ways accompany this complaint ind
-&.-..- r a. mi .ti j.
pletely conquers
voustiess and debit
auce of " la grippe" it has showft aiogulaH
the tortures of dv.pepsia when fiysUynic
use of Hostetter's Stomach ri
symptomatic of it. These are all
guislied by the
te tjl e ane. Carvaltis ,4
wba pldits &leuted 'vinlipif Riir -
y lnrnes;S showRr re3; skil and
. m
aB""u" siexecuiing me nimcnit se .
lecOBy he pIayeW(f pre.I($ for hiiri .
. ..SAf (.. i U u T. . . at. '
w v iv ma viusenwsroressian. a w -
k4iK.'CoiftioKS.,i-eIn the ai: 4T ' '
fmeaitim-teaSbj t Jalrtn last Wed-.T
tf caaaafff special isrtrSs' ii i. 1
fbl aemmunlty wrAjigpced Jt.f: Josfplf , ' f a f ,
idggetE ei V-fc-S.iJKld. el al anneal :-.
. f .w .
, luaemeni reverna m -
aniFe coinirtUlfflteer. fpin by
Maoreiad This i the .ele6rated Cpri-
yairccollgamrM. . fhuo .south. Oa4 , ,
ajinvolveJUe tftlato thtate agriU. '
Jtural co-Vn4 id, ttilitfc . . . PHr " '
lomath college v. rrC. Ji'yatt et-al apT -
Ldfthbjbinatiofl dissolve . and thalSi't 4.
u. .vwnpa WYaroor- moon
rarEi ci Da in -run.
-r .1 . i . . w i court Deiftw. dirt not wit in th. ikon -... '
ji iu ceisuraten newesmo ' iranAtia . . ... i.. .. : . z . r",'w w
looms andaSnou-iea that aM&j&tvK "i8" ? UmiteBrethren calrf
. . - - - . t . . -vi nnn nv rnn ayf nv iMr i.n. n . r
op ail Kinds ot rpet Bd jnitf weaving, B.nd1T.""i; T .u".Er '', "TK" ej, w
guararftees lirspfee wiA Tit ttW prices.1 the'ttSfomath cofege, b.rporai
An invitation fl eDded to All TatervtedJ " X , 5j-
to caicsnd rtcartmTeC-Tlmens fikrnrk it I.
cornrr air ShiJ 7 ashing
T. ). .2. . .
UliSi- -I . i n'nW)f iy "ffeWng 'wit
I the choleTa.-wheiw. CbamMrlra rjnlin -
;ra and Diiarhnfei TtrmoA Mn 4L
I fVl...' j m L-k IV 3
pM irejinrgftarf o.ahona. Sorgi-Wired. . It will giv relief iar-fw
IiVIfb.'319Ju8h.1itreet Si F I and . tftyflf irfa short time. I have
win u&xi tne tever nousa. a.oay and
4- h. Ankt,;n tr.. rrH4 fi
will be filed in th( office On the 23rd day,ofThi.4nsUtute'speyrdjted to thl
r,Cment of cDrvatnre of the snirm. d
Hssesof the hi(i and" lrjiee foidt, croofifed
i -niF air.-Ehrohia dfa-
tases has rTftftlS fof the ihstitt.anatid!M
jeptatio m . s ... V
umDs, cim ieec ana jai aomiy qa
X0w' success n treanng Mietgi trc
well iS nttaLEMarr
!o tv-ho jibii L iApejp,iv;5ttiWimyy?f
YT, 'WTnese complaints snouia nor iaii to taire aL
reaifctfa-K r .j B tlcj!nw,,i as. i; - z.
a. .. jb . iEitsicii;caiaaik mxt awi . jkiiii isn iiiuiiwt
rrenco fi" B t5flTA, hi--(;TOirwf
suroiiulmBa.T . - i. i-.t: f'.v-'-ifS.-
UHlUrS JL m JJLV lUDMWO 1 ttUll Mil I II tflllrl fA III T.
ii nn
'Jatil'thoa. t
IejplevE. V. Gqndit, Albany; J.- Sfl
Morris, Scio. Or
I otKeiaerjeby ieithat bollof
pnn41iTtfinn 4tillrrMtfc at tha hnnrt hnnut in.
ntbn county i (figonA op Manday? th7Mne$ft
Trth,day of October, 8SS.
Bestsoa ou welkr the pgi
uami-ug aon'3rrcx;H
Icryiirsn anA vajlfc . of
"be pro.
have tried if . 1
Clinton ffeWettoT. Ji
st first be-
violent .form ofT
angerbiM a Cholera; W
fjjbo epiderhio at Kejirfette' ws
Kvejna be chbmra, but snhHsquent
tinedrcnifc fconrl ot ha
f m
raotz, ddldg. bail r Assignee aV .
sTasJraflti BMji L mVakie. . - . . '
nsoTvant debtor,. ".. JV".. i- - . -
tCtf U beTrsby ciyen tbti the 30ttt -
, Ifday or September 18??, ..J
. VI w duly appointed aasignae of tin
. A. Kwnks, w4hioa bnsinsM" under thrf ' j, ., 2
naale of FrafftK RroWiers. nrisoUtent lebtorf . . . I
a -r
for Betlton CbTlntV!
lathe matter ore.
..-.. . j
n fi
Davidson, j Jjp-
and ail persotKTioMine i
raJ-tz claiaia. nvrrt
Udav of October. LSfc. and fcAtlnn. in fvariSe3L,to wi tiaignee, at kis office in Con
C. A?FtMtajrri
estate of
,uud!r tha
flaima JgainstsaiiP
isnot&eut are re.
their claims., properr
i . - - . . - - . - : . i '-...;. i ,,! Tj. ar . - p i
-i.--r, wuicuitwi uuiu-m segsoa oile weelcr the pavoa ot-ifiUbirwy I Jiff, j-7.ocnpy, uregon, wjtaiirinroov - . . . - " 1
malaria, rhenmatisi&r n iHnm3lia Mrran in (- I monthajrom the aato hereof. . . . . " a.
soimr Drooenv, ai none, jm mmimh ,-. Wii, v -n i
( llTmOAT f"?"1 over this complaint that Ufa carj ranitntered-Rr1th -I M.Jf-.T--- i .'' .f
VAilUiN t ned off so many of oar brightesfSIHt;. ihfr &&to &Lior, for FKfcJrerS GsSrW , V
:1S t