VOL. XXIXi COHYALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 17 1892. NO. 18; I obaacr varies in f a- ,Vor and of her quali fies accord- ind to where. JtlJ jjrown i MA3TIFF PLUG CUT b a scientific mixture of the choicest grades Selected by manufac turers of thirty yearj experience; WILL & LINK, SOLE AGENTS FOR H. F. MUD PI ALSO- WEfeER, Emerson, Vose & Son PIANOS DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Entire Body with White Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. My diseaso (psoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, spreading across my nose, and almost cov ering my face. It ran into my eyes, and the physician was afraid I would lose my eyeeinht e -- oi'.cavi bi wver my neau. ana mr Man nil om, UQIli X WflS enurtiy bald-beaded; it then broke out on my arms and shoulders, until my arms were just one sore, ii covered my entire body, my face, head, end shoulders being the wornt. The white scabs fell constantly irura my neau, snouificrs, nntl arms; the skin would thicken and bo red and very itch-, anu wouiu cracK ana uieeu many hundreds of dollars, I w jtfr was nronounced inriirjilili. T heard of the Ccticbra Hkjiedies, and after using two bottles Cdticura Resolvent, I could see a change: and after I had taken four bottles. T via almost cured; and when I had used six bottle- of juticuba Kesolvent, one box of Ccticcra, and ono cake of Cuticijba Soap, I was cured of tho dreadful disease from which I had suffered for five tears, i cannot express with a pen what I suffered before usingthe Remedies. They saved my life, and I feel it my duty to recommend them. My hair ia restored as good as ever, and so is my eyesight. Mas. ROSA KELLY, Rockwell City, Iowa. TO THE FAR Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purifier, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and poisonous elements), and Cuticuka, the ereat 6kin Cure, and Cuticura boAP, an exquisite Skin Bcautificr, externally (to c.ear tho skin and scalp and lestore the hair), have cured thousands of cases where tho sheddin." of ccales measured a quart daily, tho skin cracked, bleeding, burning, and itching almont boyond endurance, hair lii'ekss or all gone, suffering terri ble. Vi'hat otlicr remedies have made such cures ? Sold everywhere. Priciv CirrrnTnA. -lo Rnm 25c.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the I'oTTua Ukco and CnEMicAL Cobpouation, Boston. IKS-Bend for " How to Cure Skin Diseases," 04 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIKflPIitSSi black-heads, red, rough, chapped, and I I III oily skin cured by Cuticura Boap. IT STOPS THE PAIN. Back ache, kidney pains, weakness, rheumatism, and muscular trains n. lleved in ono infnulo by theCuti- uni Anu-i-ain i-iaster. aoc. Newman I3ros ORGANS ''WONDER" C. C. CONN Band Instruments. SHEET MUSIC. HOOKS AND ALL K!N'D3 OF MUSICAL 1NSTRTMEKTS. We are thnrmiclily posted on SEWING MACHINES and keep the best family machines ia the market Needles for all Eicds of HacMnes. Write for catalogue and prices for anything in our ine. Cor. Second nd Ferry Street. ALBANY, OREG02T. TAKE YOUR ATCHE S ACROSS THE DEEP-, WEST, On steamboats, c-rs and stace-coaches, I Hnststtcr's Stoinuch Bitter3 is. tarried as i the innst important item in the materia nedicia A the traveling publics It deprives vit'ate;l, brackish vrater-ol.-fts hurtful prop erties and execrable tbivor. " counteracts the pernicious effects iipoii ih4 "stomach of bad or indigestible food; remedies cramps, heart hum and wiiul upon the stomach- - It " tine defence against- malarial disorders, nul lilio3 the tb effects of excessive heat, col,: and damp, relieves frickheadaciies,- ml is an incompnrahle cure for costiveness and bill ntisnesH. The fatigue of travel -often tel!t most disastrously upon invalids And conva lescents, oec.isionliy to such an extent; as to jeopardize life. Persons in feeble health ipiehensive of bad effects from travel, will if provided with the Bitters, be far less likely to have their fears realized, G. H. Waggoner has been engaged to finish the term of school commenced by XV. E. Norton. SOLD HIS HAP.DWAKE BUSINESS. I have tins day sold my hardware busi ness to Jas. It. .Smith & Co. I take this method of thanking the people of Benton county for the liberal patronajro extended to me in the past and hope that all my patrons will continue to bestow their patronage upon my suoce?sor, who is well and favor ably known in this community. J. D. Clark. May 23, 1S92. A SMssonablb Number; The July issue of 1 KB DeiiINeatoR is a remarkably str.rrig and seasonable number. '''An Illus trated article en Summer RkcRSati02?3 will be appreciated by all lovers. e outdoor spo.rts who desire to be sensibly clothed. A summer entertainment is called "A Fourth of July Balk" and in an ably prepared piper on Salads are provided dainty relishes for jded appetites. The "Broom Drill" is il iustrated and described in the scries on drills. Pi, ysisiil Culture takes ud a verv interesting and instructive lesson, and the ohapter on Child Life is oue of the most im port mt yet issued. The busy housewife will find much ns-ful and labor-saving in formation iu the paper on Scouring, and the bird-lover will learn how to Successfully treat the ailments and diseases of cage birds in a simply written article on that subject. Many other topics of interest are attractive ly considered, and further designs and in strtlctions are given in Drawn-Work, Tat- tiug, Lace-Making, Knitting and Crocheting, Single copies of this number, 15 cents. Subscription price, $1.00 a year. Address orders to the Butterick Publishing Co. Lim iteJ, 7,9 and 11 West Thirteenth Street, New York. LOCAL NOTES. tViiitB of all kinds at Small & Son's. -TO- IT. 33. VOGLE, Hext door to Rose's cisrar factory. ADMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE TO CUED- ITOliS. Notice is hereby civeii that the Under. signed has been appointed administrator of the estate of William C. Woodcock, de ceased, by the county judge of Benton county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate will present them with the proyer vouchers therefor within pix months from the date of this notice to me at my office in the First National bank of Corvallis, in BMitm county, Oregon. Dated inis me itn clay ot June, A. If. 189:2. M. S. WOODCOCK, Administrator of the estate of William C. Woodcock, deceased. - ' - Jtin 17 gt NOTICE OF CONTEST. There is mure Catarrh in this section cf the country than all other diseases put to gether, anil until tho last lew years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local Wool WANTEivThe Ipglitest cash prfcl paid for wool tit S. L. Kline's. :. Coffins and caskets nt L; Welker & Co. '-" ' - :- : - - ' - ' - ! Furniture, cornice poles ahd -window shades at L. Welker & Co. . 7' ' Take your old silver cases to U. B. Vogle and get a new oue iu exchange. Go to A. F. Peterson, for Picture frames, Best of moulding constantly on hand A .fresh lot of hand made candies at Small & Son s. It is absolutely pure. Leo and Sylvia Davis, of San Francisco, are visiting their uncle, Samuel Beck, of this city. Ladies, L Welker & Co. have received a handsome assortment of upholstery goods which they invite you to call and inspect. The steamer K. C. Young has been repair el, and will not attempt to make regular trips to Eugene until the river is improve 1. During the' pioneers' reunion at Halsey a3fc week a foot race was run between Ed Cameron, of Corvallis, and Sydney Leeper, ot Halsey, for $100, the latter winning. Mr?. Anna Rork, wife of M. V. Rork, the people's party . nominee for congress, died Saturday night at Salem, after a brief illness. Mr. Rork is iu Coos countv; Mrs. Kork's death was unexpected. Oregon strawberribs h$ve taken the place of California raised fruit in the horn's niir THE CIT V COUNCIL. 1 1 ... . . . ... treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science Kel3 ano Ule clla"e is a wonderful improve has rjroven natirrh is h? a nonatit.utu.nal went The former are ripe, clean and of disease, aud therefore reouiros constitutional Sod flavor' whiIe th33 trom California treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mnnufac- were C0Vered ith sand and only half rips. tared by F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo, Ohio, Ur- M. Bloss, the new president of the is the only constitutional cure on the mar- tta agricultural college, is in the city on ket. It is taken internally in doses of fronv business connected with the college. He is 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on I visiting with state superintendent McEIroy BO WEN LESTER Office up9tairs in Farra's Uricfc. Strictly First-class work guaranteed. Corvallis, - - Oregon. Dr. J. M. Campbell, D. . S DENTIST. Corvallis, - Oregon . Office over First Nutional Bunk. ARGEST STOCK, ATEST STYLES, OWEST PRICES, -ON- Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS AND WINDOW SHADES AJT KLINE'S. Carpets Sewed and Laid, DOIOU WANT TO SA VE froi 25 19 50 Cents on E?sry DtIai YOU SPKNDP If so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed on receipt of 20 cents for postage. Chicago General Supply Co. 17 8West Van Bnren St OVER 1200 BI0Y Kept in Stock by A. W. GUMP $ CO. US East Third St., DAYTON, OHIO. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, 1 OttiKioN City, Oit., May 24, 1892. J Cmiplnint havi'ig been entered at this of iicc by William C. Hodges against David Leash for abandoning for more th.in six months prior to February 12, 1892, his homestead entry No. C953, dated Match 22. 1SS7, upon the s of se, uej of se and se of mi sec 2C, t 13 s, r C w, in Benton county, Oregon, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry, the said parties are heieby summoned to appear at Corvallis, Oregon, before the county clerk on the 18th day -f July, 1892, at 10 ..'clock a. m., to re spoiid ami furnish testimony concerning said allegod abandonment. And on the testimony then submitted a heariuf will he ha.l at this olbce on August 18, 1832. at 10: the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. tiiey oner oue numlreu dollars tor any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars nud tes timonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0. 3"Sold by druggists, 7ic- ; o'clock a. in. J. I. Apperhox, Register. Pistkb Paqijet, Receiver. AGENTS FOR THE coemuly i mm im, wi Celebrated American Ramblers, The American Light Haniblers and American Ideal Ramblers. Champions, Light Chamaioas. Over 400 Second Hand Machines in Stock. Send for Prices and save Money. Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters taken in Exchange. NOTICE OF CONTEST. , Benton PLANING County MILLS AKD flflSH AND ) COR -flCTORY. W. P. NiAtiTYftf Prtpiidtot. Doors sari Sash k&pt in stock or made to Order. Mouldings of all kinds" in pine or cedar. All- orders wHl receive prompt at' Mention. I guarantee all my worfc to be Brst-cUss. West of ii. P. depot, Corvallis, Oregon; 8-8-tf. GLOSB INSPECTION. Our Summer Suits will hear the closest inspection, and the conserYative gentle man in the picture says he can find nothing wrong evn in the buttonholes. They (the suits) are all wool and as wide as you want them. All wool suits, mens sizes, Salem Manufactory, at $10.00 Boys $5.00. The Regulator of Low Price. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ) Ork(;on City, Ok., May 26, 1892. J Complaint having liven entered at this of fice by Carter A. Troxel against heirs at law of John nn -IVter Zinsli, deceased, for abandoning aud fiiiline to make settlement in any way on said land, prior to Jan. 28, 1S92, his homestead entry Ji'n. 0703. dated Anirust 16'. 1885. upon the wA nwi and i sw sec 22. t 11 sr7 w, in ISeuton county Oreijon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at Corvallis. Oregon, before the county clerk on the 22d day. of July. 1S9SJ, at 10 o'clock a. in. to respond and funikh testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. And on the testimony then submitted a hearing will be had at this of fice on August 22. 1892. at 10 o'clock n. m. J. T. Appebson, Register. Peteh Pacqckt, I'eceiver. V ijite Husbands Wanted. In the In dian camp on the Grande Itonde river, says the Asotin, Wash., Sentinel, are fieventeen marriageable Indian girls, some of whom want white men for husbands, and shun the idea of marrying one of their own race. The fiither of one of these girls offers an i: ducement of 200 head of irood horses to some young white man that will marry his dauglt rer. ine old lnuiau states that not any hoodlum of a white fellow will do, but he must be a young man of good character aud address, and able 1 o provide hia wife with a good horns. If you need letter heads, statements, cards or envelopes you caa get just what you w .ii t!is Gv?.3?r3 oIUij. Bifore giving your order call and see our stock and j get prices. CUAMBEIILAIN'4 COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIAIUtHCEA ItEMEDY DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The copaituership heretofore existing un der the firm name of Hymnn & Browncll is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. H.yimui retiring from the firm. Wishing to close up our business by Sf,iu 1st, all mi-ties knowing themselves indebted to the linn will ile:-se settle their accounts immediately. Either nartner will siun in - - a -- - iquidatioii. Dated at April 1892. A. J. Hymax. Albert Browneli. Albany Or., this 15th day o) Having purchased the interest of J. A. Hyman in the "Albany Nurseries1' I shall continue the business at the old location on an enlarged scale. Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage in the past I shall en deavor in the future, by fair and liberal dealing, to merit a continuance of your fai or. Albert Brow eh,. Dated at Albany Or., this 15tb day tf April 1892. 13 en ton Coxintv Id the standard. Its many cures have won ii. praise irom lviaine 10 California. Kvery family aud every traveler should be provid ed with it at all times. No other remedy can take its place or do its work. 23 and 50 cent bottles for sale byJT. Graham, drug gist. Notice to Hunters. The undersigned wants a number of fawns and young elk. A good price will be paiiL C. B. Wells, Philomath, Or. NOTHING LIKE IT." There is nothing that will so quickly sat isfy one of the value of Chamberiavn's Pain Balm for rheumatism as a personal trial. Give it a chance and see how quickly the pain will eubsiue. For sale by T. Graham, druggist. and will remain until Monday, when he goes to Clackamas county to organize and hold farmers' institute. Statesman. THE ROYAL AND THE SOLDIERS. Army and Navy Journal. During the last year, including tha March oon tracts recently awarded, the Royal Bak mg .Powder Company has supplied over 212,000 pounds, or 105 tons of baking pow. aer tor. the United States Government and its army and navy officers. For many yeais the Government has giv .... '. i 1 r r i , hi- . . . , on iuj uruers mr it 3'ai uanmg rowder in preference to all others, it being found sU psrier to .ill others in strengh aud purity by the othcial examination, and the only Bak ing Powder thac wiil keeo and retain itn strength iu the various c'.inutei to which it is sent by the department. .More than 100,000,000 are invested in "truck farming," mostly early vegetable production, in the United States, and the annual yield from the 531,410 acres of land so occupied is 76,517,155 net, after paying treights and commissions, or over $143 per acre net cash returns. This industry em- ploys 210,735 men, 0,25i women and 14,874 children, aided by 75,863 horses and mule3, and S8.971.20G worth of imolements Fruits and Flowere. A SUCCESSFUL ItEMEDY FOR RHEU MATISM. 'I have trade for ten miles around on Chamberlain's Pain lU!m for rheumatism, and believe it to be a perfect success." G M. De L. Smith, Middleway, W. Va. For sale by T. Graham, drusroist. One little county ia western New York marketed 300,000 barrels of apples last year aud had a fruit crop worth $339,000. A fruit was very abundant and prices low last year, that was a good showing. It is doubt ful if all Oregon sells over 203,000 barrels, which is equal to GOO.OOO bushels. If a 8in"!e couuty of New York LTotM that many, how many will tua whole state produce? 'When Saby was sick, va gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bod Children, she gave them CastoriiL LD-d-i.ryi.U- Complete Set of Abstracts of EtnlOD County. Gsnr&faneiai I Pdtating Titles i spssislij, Money t6 .6an orr Improved City ' and Country Property. TiGkets ON SALE Ei Mil!; MAIN ST '7 w a M - Propria, CORVALLIS. J. 2.1. AiTJ.EWIIJTE.M. D., rcsiiltnee North 0r.li Street.. - - U. 3. PlillKoT, il I)., reeiileiice 4th street, two doors north of Upcra iouse. Applewhite & Ternot, '.YSSGiaHS AND SUHOEOfiS. Corvallis, Oregon, Offices over S. IX ClarK7 foitd ware store, and at E. Grafradi's drugstore. Hours: 8" id 12 a. rh , 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p: m. CWIdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoriai -TO i OMAHA, Kansas City,- St. 3?afil CHICAGO, LOUIS, -And all Points East, North and Soil th PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS ; AND DINERS. Eteamss Partlmd to Saa' fnaeisco Ever; foa dtju TICKETS TO ATD FROM EUROPE For rates and genentl mformatiari calron'or address. W. tf, HDRLBURT, . Assi Oent Pass. Agt, Bi Washington St. j. Portland, Oregon Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. IJJfiTTEn THAN A SI. 00 BOTTLE OF BLOOD PURIFIER. Dr. V. H. Evens, the leading druggist of Sanford, Florida, says: "I Jways feel safe in recommending St. Patrick's p'llls; 1 sell more of them than any other pills I carry iu stock. mere are none wetter, anu one dose of them wiil often do m6re good than a dollar bottle of any blood pr.rilier iff the market. For sale by T. Graham-, drngg'ist. buggies and Carriages. AH persons wanting a m buggy, carriage, hack or cart will do well to call at the Corvallis Car riage and Wagon Company's factory and ex amine, net, ire they are painted, the nice. first-class material which is being put into tne vehicles. By so doing, vou can save money and get a good, first-class, durable J0l. Ail work warrantee!. See the Wosder Lewis Si-ray Pump, Agricultural Syringe and Veterinary Syringe. Three in one, the best, the cheap est.' Call or eeud your orders to J. Win. Willj- agent, Corvallis; Oregon; Thi 'Kkadowf that Oil your bfe. if you're a feeble,' suffering- woman, can. D0 taken out of it. The chronic wea k nesses. functional da- rangements, and panuul oisoraers peculiar to your sex, can be taken away, The one unfailing remedy for them is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It corrects, cures, and Duilds yon up. It improves digestion, enriches the blood, dis pels aches and pains, melancholy and nerv ousness, brings refreshing sleep and restores neaitn ana strengtn. ior periodical pains, internal m nomination and ulceration, weak back, teucerrhea, and all kindred ailments,' It's a positive specific one that is (uaran- teea. . . If it fails' to'eive satisfaction, fn any case, the money fiaid for it is- returned. . A little book, on "Woman and Her Dis eases,'' sent to any address, sealed front off- servation, on receipt of ten cents Or posfr j age. . Address, "World's Dispensary Medical A ociation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The common council met in regular ses siou on Moriilay, June 13th, 1S92, with Mayot John Burnett iu tlio cliaiK .The foi lowing members were present : J. 0. Wil son, U. U. Rose, B. R. Job, Tllos. Egliu, Geo. Waggoner; W. II. H-irtlossi R. E. Gibson and T. J; Creighton; Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. " Ordinance bill No. 29; relating to certain auimals, and prohibiting their running at large within the corporate limits of the city was read the third time and passed. Ordinance No. 30, to provide for the tax ing and killing of dogs, was read for the third time and passed. Report of canvass of the city was read, showing that T. J. Creiglitou had been elected alderman of ihe 1st ward; Geo. Waggoner 2d ward, W. H. Hartless and R. E. Gibson 3d ward. On ritotioii, lots were J : a .1 . . ... , , . ... uiawu to determine wno snouiu serve tl.a long term in the third ward, R. E. Gibson receiviriar the long term and W. H. Hartless the short term. The following clainis against the city were referred to the finance committee! City Transfer Co., 1.50; P. M. Zerolf, $1.75; Jay W. Dunn, 20 J M. W. Wilkius, SI3.30. Bills aggregating a total of &i77. 10 were read and allowed. The annual report of the mayor was read and accepted and the police judge was In structed to fiiriiish' a ftopy to eaCH of the city papers for publication. Petition of John Burnett, asking permis sion to build a stairway in alley back of his building corner of Second and Jefferson streets, referred to street committee. The liojuor licenses of B. Woldt; Thos. Whitehorn, Geo. Maddux, Chaai. Albrecht, Leo Glbhard, A. Hodes and John Kiukade were approved and the police judge was in structed to issue licenses to the principals named. On motion, a resolution was adopted to appoint a committee of three to take such steps as may be necessary to secure the pas sage of an ordinance requiring all streets in the city except those1 Upon wliich one-half of the lots are unoccupied by buildings to be graded, said Committee to report at next regular meeting, Geo. A. Waggoner. D. C. Rose and W. II. Hartless were appointed. , Petition of E. Holg.ate e't al asking the council to tatce steps to have Monroe street graded was referred to street committee. Petition signed by about 100 citizens, praying the council to pass'an ordinance pro hibiting tne s:ue ot tooacco to minors, was referred to committee on ordinances. Application of O. C. McClagcn for the oface of night watch was read and placed on file. It was moved that the city hall commit tee bo requested to report iu regard to W. C. T. U. proposition for a library iu tho new city hall. Resignation of J. R. Bryson, alderman from third ward, was read and, on motion, accepted. On motion, the council adjourned nntil Tuesday evening. TUESDAY, JUNE 14. Council met in adjourned session. Prer. eut, Mayor Burnett, D. C. Rose, T. J. Creighton, G. A. Waggoner, Wm. Hartless and R. E. Gibson. In the matter of filling the vacancy in the office of alderman of the third ward, the names of J. C. Mohr and R. M. Davisson were placed in nomination. Davisson re- ceivinar the highest number of votes was de clared elected. The names of G. A; Waggoner and W. H. Hartless were placed in nomination for pre sident of the council. Waggoner receiving the highest number of votes was declared elected. . . Report of city hall committee to whem was referred a proposition from the W. C. X. V. in regard to furnishing them a room in the new city hatl for a public library was accepted and placed on tile. The committee recommended that a spare room in said building be leased to the W: C. T. U. at a nominal rent. Petition of M. W. Wilk'ins, asking the council permission to erect an outside stair way leading from' the sidewalk to the base ment of the new hotel on the corner of Mob' roe and Secord streets was granted. The mayor appointed the following standing committees:1 Finance; RV TS. Gibson, Thos'. Eglin and G. A. Waggoner. ; Streets and public m' provements; Win. H. Hartless, D. C Rose aud T. J. Creighton. Fire aud Water;" J. O. Wilson, B. R. Job and I. M. Davisson.' Health G. A Waggbher, Dl C. Kose anil T. J. Creighton. City hall K. K. Job, J. O. Wilson, Thos'. Eglin, W. H. Hartless and the m'ayor. Ordinances; R. E. Gibson', J. O. Wilson and R. M. Davisson1: On motion, the committee of three ap pointed at the previous meeting to' take steps to have streets graded was enlarged to' five members. The Mayor appointed T. . Creighton and Thos'. Eglin to serve ou this Committee. On motion' the street committed was empowered to make atl necessary ar rangements to nave graded all that portion' of Second street commencing at J. T. Phillips blacksmith shop and extending north to Friendly's saw mill also Madison street from the O. P. track on 1st or Water street to Fifth' street. On motion the following' resolution Was' adopted. Resolved, that a committee of three be ap pointed to' take into consideration' the best means to secure' an efficient supply of water for the city purposes' with' instructions to' report at the next regular meeting by ordin ance : otherwise. The Mayor appointed as such' committee; G. A'. Waggoner R. K, Gibson and D. C. Rose.' On motion, the petition signed by some forty citizens to have certain streots laid out in tte ndrtli western part of the city wni referred to the city attorney aud strut coiibnittee. On mottoii; tlie Council adjourned intil Monday Jiiue 20tli. EXHIBIT IN DRAWING; It wai the pleasure of a rep'reiieritative of the Gazette; one day tliis week; to visit th exhibit in free hand draw ing executed 4 by the studeuts iu Prof. Beichtbld's class; at the Oregon agricultural collge; during thej past two terms; The exhibit is a very cred itable o'tie, especially when it is considered! that notie of tlie students of the cliss ever received any instructions iti this art prior to' January first, 1892. The exhibit consists d all of ilie work o'f tlie class from the begin ing and shows marked improvement as they? advanced. The walls of the class robhi. are ornamented with some thirty or fourty of the best s'udies selected, some of which would do Credit to much older artists'. Tha balance of the work is preserved iti book forni and is open to the inspection of visi tors'. The exhibit will be open to visitor every afternoon until the close of college. The following is a list oi some of the draw' ings worthy of mention i Fishermaiden'; (Freuchj by liisa FranR Pa'rsonsi also Peasant Girl on her way to church, very good. Fishing Scene in Scandinavia,' Lulu WiU Ham's; good; one cad fairly feel the chill of the liugh blocks' of ice in the witter. Stag, driuking, Aug Zimmerman.' Orsgon Forest scene,' Eilith Coote, very; natural indeed. ... French Anarchist, (head) Mark Bump; e ' celleht, particularly the expression. Landsoape, Delia Gellatly, town in thol background, hillside iu foreground; perspec tive very good. Head of Roman girl, Jas. Briscoe, arid i Group of Terrier Dogs', good. Eastern Scene, caravan in front, city in! background, Miss Frank Parsons, a ver delicate piece and true to nature; Tired Blacksmith, Geo.' Clark.' Normandy Fisherman with basket; I'una George, very cateful work; Italian landsoape, Etta Campbell; very creditable effort, with great attention to de tails. Head of Juno, and one of little girl, b Tlieo Raster, good; Head of Northman, and Rhenish landscape Frank Edwards, splendid achievements. Landscape, showing reflection iu water Edith Coote, a" lovely picture' of peaCe and beauty, a perfect gem'. Brace of Deer, (buck aud doef A. T. Bui ton, a painstaking and successful attempt. Herd of Cattle in a field; Lulu Williams', i bucolic picture of great force. Goat ia field, and Head of Caligula; Hef' bert Friendly, bothj but particularly the' first, real good. Child asleep in high chair, by Lettie Wicks, very natural aud life-like; Miss Anna Haugh exhibits, Girl dressed" in Greek costume, and A Fowl, good. , Bert Lacy, Bust of Infant; aud English1 landscape, very neat. Miss Orla Robbins' exhibits a pretty Arca dian scene,' 8 good specimen to study tlif Greek nose. Anna Ward, Head of Young with much earnest work and perseverence.' Ilobert Gellatly, although not as a'ceom." plished an artist ia his sister, m'oitosly sliows1 a Childs Head,' that cost him many an Kouf of severe application.' Arthur L'swis, has nearly finuhed a1 fine picture of the noble Oregon pine.' Miss Ina Gould, Father carrying Iittlcf boy, a4oihpIete success. Miss Lbtta Rose, just finished a ciiarooaf picture representing a landscape, very good.' Miss Kate Mackay drew a head,' with ele- gince. Miss Elith Co'ote's representation of s beautiful Cotswold, done in oue day,' is a' geat ornament to' the gallery.' Mr. Mark Bump's Head of a Sheep,' and! his Scotfsh' Bagpiper show what persi-' teut' application can do, the former has' been1 spoken for to' go to Chicago' as' has' also some of Miss CboteV work arid others; Mr. FV. Elliott is represented by a rustic' scene,' Kiue iri Clo3Q Qa irters! Milton Wyntt -sent a tharlhe,' Sh'ip at' Anchor.' ... Then the class did a good deal of eke'ch' ' ing from nature during the last term;' Mr. Biix'ton's .Pyramid of Stacked Guns,' MisV Cobte's Umbrella and Geranium, Mr. Ed wards' Hat,' Mr. Lacy's Step-Ladder andf' Mr. Leonard's Waste-Basket,' deserving special mention. Womanj justicesand-constables; The following are those elected fn the" various precincts to the offices of justices r the , peace and constables, at the election1' held on the Gth instf , JUSTICE. PRECINCT, Simp Creek, Corvallis 1 & 2,' Corvallis 3 & 4, Willamette Valler Alsea . . Philomath, t Lower Alsea Toledo . Tidewater Yaquiha Lima Elk Lobbter Kalnnrtiht Big Elk J Tonilinson, Ef O Uavi H Q.pav i J 8 S Powell Ale Ixxjjiey J Watsou . A',VC&rk' , , Claude. Warren ItEyer A J William B F Sanborn Jacob Vercler V J Jiishop j Thos Russell "T F Luckey L A Peek ,. Jf V Leeper. I H Derrick CONSTABLR.' it Vahderpoot K M.Daviiwori Sol JI8tock 3 tt MorelocVr: ,B Fmnt fi N Warfleld ' Fred Put c ut W E Abbitt" IS P Newton,. Robt Harriwrr A t Altreo Waikmi' F Tharp' J R Barln Commencing next Sunday, there will' be regular services .at the. Cougrejpitional1 church, each Sumlay evening TbcT pastor Rev. W. C. Kantner, has bought a house' here" arid is removing to this place with' his' family. His many friends in and but oi the church,' will extend him a cordial wef o'ome. There are nibre tha'n the usual nu-nv , ber of able ministers', in' Corvallis and Mr rtantner is a creditable additioii tp the list Although there' are a number of cii,rirche here, Con-allis i growing" so' fasl that ol? of them seem to do well ill tlie w'a 6Cio' gTegatibns,' Buy your Clothing for Fouirt