The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 18, 1891, Image 4

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Buy your HOLIDAY FURMITTTRE at L. WBLKER & CO.'S, Farra Block, CorvaUis, Oregon
For holiday slippers go to Webber
The shortest day of 1891 occurs
next Tuesday.
Ladies and children's haircutting a
specialty at Taylor's.
Christmas mixed candies at Small &
Son's, 15 cents per pound.
Mrs. M, J. Briggs has been at the
metropolis for some time visiting.
A full line of lamps and table cut
lery at lowest prices at Hershner's.
Go to Ed. Greffoz for violin and gui
tar strings. A full line always on
hand. .
See the latest improved cash regis
ters' at J. VVm. Wills. The latest
thing out.
Sixty head of mutton sheep, sold by
George Smith Tuesday, averaged 140
pounds each.
A. .F. Hershner makes no extra
charge for delivering goods outside
the city limits.
Several cases oj diphtheria are re
ported in the city. This disease is
generally an alarmist, but proper pre
cautions should banish all apprehen
sionsof the danger of its spreading.
There will be a called meeting "of
the republicans at the court house next
Monday evening for the purpose of
Our Soil Prof. G. W. Shaw,
chemist of the State" Agricultural Ex
periment Station, has just issued a
circular to the farmers of the state,
giving a list of questions relating to
the. natural characteristics of the soil,
which, if answered, will furnish the
College with a vast amount of informa-
effecting a permanent organization of tion, and when arranged and digested
the young men's republican club. - A WU be published in such a form as to
good turnout is desired. I be valuable, not only to residents of
r -
The Christmas ball promises to be tne state but also to intending settlers
one of the most successful events of the J an( to capitalists seeking investments
season. All who can should hear the I ,or tneir wealth. Among other things
concert before the dancing. Among
the numbers will be the beautiful
Spanish waltz, "Andalusia."
M. W. Wilkins has sold the undi
vided one-half interest in a lot on
Second street to Thos. Whitehorn for
the circular says: "The circular is
issued for the purpose of securing
more definite information concerning
agricultural features of the various por
tions of the state, in order that the
various sous, mineral, localities and
the sum of $2,500. On this lot mineral watera mY be properly located
ana classified, leading to the prepara-
Tommy purposes to build a fine two
stoiy brick-building next summer.
Judy & Bristow have a neat and
convenient gate patent on exhibition
Miss Addah Gillette went to Mon- at the old Pining mill on Water street.
..l . j -i . I It IS an invention cnntviveA hv r.hf im. I
- -u- cnuy ui auemi me . y - thoroughly investigated, collated and
gnui scnoe - - ; - , "r J"1 given to the public in such form as
Ilegular social dance at the opera w 111 "'V may of value not onl to the 8tat
uuse uus evening, ana me usual good I "" gmuuaujr ueveiops in
wine is expected. austnes and public improvements
Mr. Silas Couey, of Corvallis, is vis-1 amid tne protestations of mossbackism
. iting his many friends here, says the 's determined to be a city of power
Albany Democrat. and influence some time. Of course,
Take your watches to XT. B. Vogle, Corvallis not infested with moss
practical watch maker, next door to backs.
kose's cigar store. Miss Dunham closed a successful
Jos. H. Wilson has returned from term of school at Chitwood last
Stockton, Calif., having been called Wednesday afternoon. A dramatic
home on business interests. entertainment marked the closing ex
Rev. Parker, of Independence, spent ercises, and this reflected credit on
the last of the week in the city, the Miss Dunhara 33 a teacher of the
guest of Rev. M. O. Ligon. young idea.
Miss Allie RurrH will snfinrl tVxtf xtie Christmas services of the Pres-
tion of a correct agricultural and
mineral map of the state. It is of in
estimable importance to the state that
a full and correct knowledge of the
agricultural and mineral resources be
Din to tne many persons in the east
who are desirous of ascertaining the
truth concerning these matters before
venturing io locate on this coast.
Work is now under way at the station
to gather such information from all
possible sources, and preliminary ex
periments are being made to ascer
tain the physical and chemical nature
of the various soils.
Corvallis, Dec 16, I89I.
Ed. Gazette: Preliminary steps
have been taken this week for the re
organization or perfection of the fire
department Many exempt firemen
are offering their services in behalf of
the city's interests in this matter, while
some new members are backward and
reluctant. The safety and security of
n,y property against fires is a ques
tion of public importance and demands
the attention of the business fabric of
the community. We are not enjoying
the benefits of a satisfactory fire ser
vice at this time. City property is in
constant danger, and minor accidents
could easily lead to disastrous conse
quences. In the effort to perfect or
ganization the city council, as a pro
gressive body, should lend hearty co
operation. Complaint has often arisen
from prominent members of the fire
department that its petitions to the
council for many necessary utilities to
the interests of the organization have
not received just or liberal recognition
at the hands of the city legislators,
and the requirements of the depart
ment have thus been grossly disre
garded. Of course, we all know that
this disregard to further public inter
ests is not prompted by any improper
motives on the part of the city fathers,
but it does not erase the importance of
the inauguration and maintenance of a
first-class fire department, with all the
requirements necessary to its opera
tions, when called into service.
Respectfully, Citizen.
Christmas Services . Children's
service at the Episcopal church, Rev.
Geo. F. Plummer, rector, on Christmas
Eve at 7 o'clock p. m. Carols and
distribution of presents. Service, with
holy communion Christmas day at 10
o'clock a. m. The rector will preach
on "The Magi's Offerings." Every
body is invited. Seats always free,
Special music, under direction of Mr.
Don t fail to attend the ball at the
opera house Christinas night. An ex
cellent musical programme has been
prepared which will be rendered be
fore the dancing begins. Among the
numbers to be rendered will be a clari
net solo, with accompaniment by full
orchestra, also a grand operatic pot
pourri, introducing as a special feature
the anvil chorus from II Trovatore.
Also a number of other concert com
positions of the highest grade. They
will be worth hearing.
School Entertainment. The Cor- Since Thirty-Five Years. Tames
vauis public school is making prelum- Stuart, of Brackport, New York state,
nary preparations to give a grand en- arrived in this city Monday. He is a
tertamment at the opera house, 'in cousin of Mrs. R. L. Buchanan, near
Chiistmas holidays among her home byte"an Sunday school will occur on this city, Wednesday evening, Decern- Corvallis, whom he has not met since
folks at Dixie, Polk county.
Mulit & Chase have just opened out
neat photograph gallery in J. R.
Bryson's building on Third street
A nrcfr line of holiday goods, gift
books, albums, Christmas cards, etc.,
en be found at Allen & Woodward's.
jaoies ana children are the cus- rrf. Hall Lie h n mfr,,-',nir f- work of the entertainment, and its sun. time amnainbnnM A..r; e
ftrtmaM. - !,, . .. & 1 " ""5 " """ u
s. w uui gancry fclme from tb eff . , , , Cess will be due in a large measure to the winter before iournevin? on over
the Southern Pacific for his home in
New York.
Christmas Eve in the church. Christ- ber 23d, at 8 o'clock. The programme, thirty-five years ago, and the coming
mas exercises by the' children will as published elsewhere in our columns, together was indeed a happy one, be-
maKe up tne programme. A cordial is proiuse with literary and musical ing a complete Surprise to Mrs. Bu
invitation to all who wish to attend features, and promises to be highly in- chaiian. Mr. Stuart is a prosperous
I.T ........ l. . ....... I
mis entertainment; to begin at 7 teresting and enjoyable, if carried out farmer in New York state. After
ucjock. I 10 uie letter, rror. iSiancharrt deserves vinit.ino- vlana 1
I - 1 O uww ivi c vuiit 110
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall, of Wells a word of commendation for the inter- will go on a pleasure trio through
Station, spent Tuesday in the city. est ne lias taken in the preparatory California, where he will stop with old-
Will h rnarlv fnr hnninnu .TA'NTTATJV
1892, where all sizes of photoeraDhs will be
maue, up to as large as 10x12 in. Cabinet
photos 2.00 per dozen. Gallerv on Ninth
street, between Madison and Monroe, near
11. I IT i ; . ..
teauiug 10 agricultural college, umce
Hours from 1 to 5 p. m.
G. R. FARRA, M. D.,
Special attention given to Obstetrics
and diseases of Women and Children.
Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra:
brick. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m. and
and irom 2 to 7 p. m.
Branch School: Capital Bus. College, Saiem, Oregon.
uHuswuiDoivi Biuuy , wiue ntKS ui bUlllOIl,
Business, Shorthand,
typewriting. Penmanship, and English Departments
(trio session turougbout the year. Student admit
ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free.
residence North 9th Street.
H. S. FERNOT, M D., residence 4th street, two
noora north of Opera House.
Applewhite & Pernot,
cast of the court house
Mulit & Chase.
on the right cheek, but under the
treatment of Dr. J. M. ADnlewhite. she
Ed. Greffoz is just in receint of a ia
re and holloware. Go and inspect In the ca83 of w- Megginson et
them. I al, appellants, vs. Julia Megginson et
Philip. Phile last week sold to M.jaI ieaPndents, appealed from Benton
W. Wilkins twentv-five feet of real county tbo supreme court has rendered
estate fronting Second street for
Cloudy weather is as good as sun
hine for making photos at the new
gallery of Mulit & Chase, east ol the
court Louse.
Dm an on son s is tne piace to pur
Call on them.
Her. M. O. Ligon, of the M. E.
church, South, has been ailing slightly
daring the past week, but is now able
to be about again.
Mry, when you go down
a decision in affirmation of the judg
ment of the lower court. By this de
cision the law sustains the rightful
heirs of Benton county. .
Dr. Thompson will preach in the
his efforts. The proceeds of this en
tertamment will be appropriated for
the payment of books and incidental
expenses incurred in securing necessa
nes for public school work. The
general price of admission will be 25
cents, and children 10 cents. Tickets
j can be obtained at T. Graham's
store. ,
drug j
mas service. Sabbath school at 10 a.
m, Ulinstian liUdeavor at 6:15 p. m,
A kindly welcome to all.
Governor Pennoyer has appointed
General H. B. Compson, of Linkville,
Klamath county, to the brigadier gen-
Street eralshm of the Orao-nn National
.gain taice our oaoy to muut a inase, Guards. This appointment was made
Jttrtof the court house, and have to fill the vacancy occasioned by the
ome pnoios made. resignation of Gen. F. C. Schofner.
For a good substantial shoe, goto j Two prominent men quarreled Sat
Webber & Son's and get the Califor- urday night in this city and during the
ta Sunset Seamless ?3 shoe. The differences one of the parties DeDDered
. ...
A special feature of the Original
New Orleans Uncle Tom's . Cabin
Company is the musical part of the
programme. This company, besides
carrying a gold band, carry a grand
operatic orchestra of eight solo per
formers. , During the evening this
For the Holidays. Ed. Greffoz superb caste of artists will render a
always keeps apace with the times in programme that will please all classes:
Next Sabbath the usual services the jewelry business, for he knows iust it will consist of descriptive overtures.
will occur at the Presbyterian church, what it takes to suit the Dublie verier- medleys and solos on the cornet, saxo-
-a i - '
ally. Go to his jewelry store it you ph one, xylophone, double bell euphou-
The opening
Richardson's latest
gold and silver watches, solid and descriptive work, "Ridiculous."
Corvallis, Oregon,
Offices over J. D. Clark's hard
ware store, and at K. Graham's
drugstore. Hoars: 8 to 12 a. m,
1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m.
Benton County
I have decided to close out my Immense Stock of Clothing the
present season, consisting of Overcoats, Suits and sep
arate Pants, at Immense Reduction in Price.
This is no advertising scheme, but means just what it says. The
Goods must go. Everybody invited to call and get
New Goods at Closing-Out Rates.
Z3TPoea a eeneral rractice in all the courts. Also
arent for all the first-class insurance companies. 2:24
h. a.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Legal business promptly attended to in any part o
me Biate.
Office In Postoflice Block.
J. B WELLS) D. D. S.,
Inventor of the metallic-bound rubber
'places for artificial teetb.
Ether administered for rainless extraction
of teeth. Office over the First Nationa
CarpetsWall Paper, Furni
ture and Bedding,
Do You Cook
Packed in patent canvas
pouches which retain the
natural "moisture of the to
bacco, insuring at all times
a cool, sweet and lasting
J. B. Taco Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia.
se the choicest Christmas candies, "T2 n. the . Dlgmt?; -J-T-6' Wa,U l 8ee Cae fuH line of ,,artz 1Um and tLe dal'inet
icate dainties and delicious sweets. in the evf D1DS be a Christ- jewelry, watch chains, lockets, clocks, overture will be R
his antagonist in the eyes with black
pepper and then proceeded to cane
l : mi. i . .i .
uun. xue resuii was ui&t Dotn were
fined, the one to the assault $25; the
other $ 10.
In the case of Grace G. Isaacs
against the Southern Pacific Bailroad
company at Portland recently, to re
cover $31,000 damages for injuries
sustained in the Lake Labish disaster,
the jury returned a verdict awarding
best in the market.
The city council's act Monday night
in ordering the streets cleaned was a
commendable one. Much more mud
Would make the way impassable.
- Small fe Son are going to prepare
for the holidays wih a fresh and select
upply of Christmas candies, nuts, etc.
t will pay you to inspect their goods.
A. F. Hershner's larce and constant-
a i : - r .i . . I '
...mioguwe ui prooi mat ne the piamtiff $H000. The defendants
ww ho ueai gooas at ine lowest . , . . . ,
Cices and delivers them in a satisfac- were given ten days in which to file a
ry manner. , motion lor a new trial.
Song service and Christmas sermon -ev- P. Knight, of Salem, will
at the Presbyterian church next Sab- Preach in the Congregational church
liath eveninr at 7:15. Efforts will be Sunday, December 20, 18ol, at ll a
made to give all comfortable seats. and ' :3" P m Sunday school at
TTshers at the door.
CJ. C Hogue and wife, of the Ore
gon Pacific office at Corvallis, are in
he city the guests of Mrs. Hogue's
parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Kelly,
ays the Albany Herald.
12:30 p. ra. Prayer meeting Thurs
day 7:30 p. m. Corvallis hearers will
be delighted with the treat of listening
j again to Mr. Knight's thoughtful and
eloquent efforts.
At Newport, Monday the 7th inst,
the following municipal officers were
chosen for the ensuing term: City re
corder, W. B. Stout; city marshal,
& B. Winant; city treasurer, John
Buckley; street commissioner, S. Har
kleroad; councilmen, S. G. Irvine, W.
S. Whitten. M. W. Davies. Ti SMmi.
Prof. J. D. Letcher went to Port
Tapdf last Friday to be treated by phy
sicians. A telegram from him to this
city announces that he will not soon
return to his post at the college.
Two pairs of truck wheels for the
undry, belonging to Slate Bros., have bold, J. W. Oliver, Ben Tracy, Georg(
Den borrowed or tanen away. i hey .Landis and George Sylvester. Ninety
are indispensable to the use of the votes were cast.
Machinery, and must be returned. , , , ' L, . '
y.ui:,;- . -The postoffice department has issued
Judge. Hufford went to Salem Tues- orders that hereafter circulars having
duf ta Attend the meeting of the state anything printed on them with a rub-
toard of equalization now in session ber stamp will have to be paid for as
there. Judge Hufford will properly first-class matter. The order is passed
defend Benton county's assessment, on the principle that the stamp is
as that is his object in attending the nothing more or less than writing,
Meeting, in sanction to a request of from the fact that it is used as a pen
the board to the county courts of each and the legends it produces are as in-
onntj-of the state. dividual as those of a pen.
,- ... , - .-; . . - '. . . ,
-w -
plated fancy articles for the holidays,
and everything else that is kept in his
line. If you want .to get your best
girl something elegant for a Christmas
present, the place to get it is Ed. Gref-
foz'8. He would be pleased to have
you call and see his goods.
M. Wise, the tailor, has returned to
Corvallis, after spending a few months
in Portland. He has moved his estab
lishment into the room formerly occu
pied .by "Tony,," near John Moore's
barber shop and will do a rushing busi
ness. His return to this city, after
giving other localities a satisfactory
trial, is a Wise move, and indicates
gflssi and IJoor Factory.
W. P. RflARTYN, Proprietor
Elden L. Irvin has purchased J. W.
Baldwin's interest in the restaurant.
and will hereafter conduct the business that bread when cast uI'on the waters,
single handed. He intends to keep Wl11 float from Place to "ptece for
up the good reputation of the firm by awnue ana eventually show up in
crivine first-class meals nf th natural order.
Doors and Sash kept in stock or made to
order. Mouldings of all kinds in pine or
ceaar. ah orders win receive prompt at
tention. I guarantee all my work to be
tirst-class. West of S. P. depot, Corvallis,
articles of food, and the Thn Kh
& inures oi me regular isunday closed T. G. Reads general merchan-
j- . -i, .... . i
uuincr wm continue to be enforced, d se Rthr nr ct,f,- t
. 0.V.U.. iTW.
r resu oysters lor supper, boup always ' day. The amount to satisfv is $620.
and R. L. Sabin is plaintiff in the snit.
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness. Whoooina Couah.Crauo.
rhroat. Asthma, and everv affection of the
Throat, Lungs and Chest, including: Consumption.
Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " j. Satts."
at the service ot customers.
The Sham and the Real.
Every good thing has its imitators, every genuine article
its counterfeits. The Ammonia and Alum Baking Powders
sold over the counters are no more like Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder, than the paste is like the real diamond, or a
counterfeit is like one of the old master's genuine paintings.
When greedy and merciless manufacturers claim their
adulterated and harmful baking powders are as good as Dr.
Price's, they know they are not telling the truth. Thesa
people know they are destroying the stomachs and the com
plexion of the consumers, and there are many grocers recom
mending such powders over their counters knowing same
to be injurious and worthless simply to make a large profit
. Dr. Price, a concientious physician, has spent a lifetime
in perfecting and popularizing his Cream Baking Powder,
the only Pure Cream Tartar Powder now to be obtained.
Multitudes of imitators all over the land have sprung up,
not to imitate the purity of Price's Cream Baking Powder,
-but to see how cheap they could make their counterfeits and
hoodwink the public
Some use Ammonia and others Alum, but all these shams
cry in chorus, "Buy this, its just as good as Dr. Price's and
much cheaper.
Price's Cream Baking Powder is the standard for purity
and perfection the world over, and is beyond comparison.
Dr. Price stands for Pure Food and a foe to all shams
Main St., Op. Cameron's Store..
A quiet room. Good Books. Current Pa
pers and Periodicals. The public invited.
Strangers especially welcome.
Per Order of W. C. T. TJ.
Furnished rooms (up stairs) to rent
LEISURE & KYLE, Proprietors,
We furnish the best and cheap
esc rence in tne market for
Fields, Orchards and
Call and get our Prices' be-
. fore Purchasing.
Factory cor. Second and Adams Sts.
joRVAUis Bakery
And Dealer in Choice
Staple and Fancy Groceries-
All Old Stove,
Tbat is about worn out and don't bake
good and rises an unnecessary
amount of wood, and
Do You Need A New Store.
The Finest Cooking. ' The Best Fin
ish. Does the Best Work with
the least fuel, and in every
Superior to any Store Sold in This Met,
The Largest Stock in the
If Million of Trees!
Of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, Nut and
Evergreen Trees.
Vines and Shrubbery.
Send for Catalogue and Price '
- List to
From 25 to SO Cents on Every Dollar
It so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated
Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers
prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and
Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Agricultural
Implements, etc. Mailed on receipt of 20
cents fpr postage.
Chicago General Supply Co.
17 8West Van Buren St.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Etc.,
kept constantly on hand.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.
The Next Number Especially Good.
Town Topics
Published first day of December, BXareb
June and September. "
Every reputable news and book stand has tL.
Price, single number, 50 CENTS. C3.00
PEIt YEAR, postage FREfi.
This brilliant Quarterly reproduces the bast
stories, sketches, burlesques, poems, wittl -.
cisnu, etc., from the early numbers of that
much talked-about New York Society Journal,
Town Topics, which is published weekly. 8ub .
scriptlon price, $4.00 per year.
The two publications "Town Topics" and '
"Tales from Town Topics" together, at Um '
low club-price of $5.00 per year. . .
Ask your newsdealer for them or address, '
21 West 23d Street, N. Y. City. - .
R. L. Taylor,
Benton County
a:b:s:t:rict c:o.
Comple eSe tof bstracts of Banton
Conrejaccing I Perfecting Titles i Specialty,
Money to Loan on Improved City
and Country Property.
. MAEELE7 CO,, - Proprietors.
Little Band Box Barber Shop
Corvallis, Oregon.
"Shaving, hair-cutting, dressing.
dying, and shampooing.
The Albany Nurseries
We are offering to planters the
finest lot of
Fruit Trees!
Of all the Desirable Varieties
in the state.
150,000 TREES
For this Season's Trade.
Inspection Invited and Satisfaction "
Send for Catalogue or call on us at the
Via Vlme .Homestead one-half mile
southwest from Albany.
Hyman & Brownell
J. .a.. hax,:d,
contractor' fob
Brick, Sand and Stone
A First-class Article furnished on
short notice.
Leave orders at Hamilton, Job & Co.'s Bank.
Tiiit WlSlf RPOKf flOEHTf
Always makes money in fact anyone with
an average degree of intelligence and a little
ability as a conversationalist cannot fail to
make a successful agent.
If so, we want you to become a representa
tive in your section we have many very -popular
books that we are pushing at pres. .
ent. If yon will write ns and mention this
paper we will mail yon by return mail circa. J '
lars and terms that will start you right.
400 Hob St., Stockton, Cal . .