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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1891)
4 irt t (NO. 43, COBVAUIS, BEKTON COUNTY, OREGON, FBIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1891. vol ram. I I N E H E R E Gr TJ L A T O R CHRISTMAS GOODS-- WORST FORM ECZEMA. Baffled the Bast Madlo-l Skill for Blgfct Months. Cared In Two Month by Cntlctu-t medles. In Great Variety, Consisting of TTTTASES, PERFUME SETS, i Fancy Cups and Saucers, Fancy Fruit Plates, Shaving Mugs, Toilet Cases, Albums, Work Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Box es, and numerous fancy and useful articles suitable for the coming holi days are, now and will remain on exhibition until every piece is sold KLINES. u - i NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' IMU. MEET- This I to certify that a child of miae had Eczema in it went form, aa I which baffled the best medical kill that could be employed here. The little suf ferer wat wrapped in agony for at least eirht month. Six months of that time Ha suffering: waulmply untold. then I began the use of the CunccaA Ruiedics. in two months the awful disease had ceased its vengeance, and my darling- boy had rest, ana to au appearance the disease had yielded, bnt I continued the medicine for seveial months after no trace could be seen of It on any part of his body The doctors here watched the diseace with much interest, and ceuld only my "Wall done T The case was known far and wide, and every hod u mnh surnriaed. But thanks to CcncoiA Remedies Could there be anything on earth that would cause a father to rejoice it sureiy wouiu oe when the little innocent one couia nave sucn a rem edv at band (See portrait herewith.) J. A. NICOLE8, Bunker Hill, Ind. A child was brought to me with chronic edema that hid defied splendid treatment irom nmi ( a i.. nmiu if. n . ahnnld have continued similar treatment, but thought it useless. So put it or ConcuaAS. The child is well. C L. GU&NEY, V. D., Doon, In. Cutlcura Resolvent. The new Blood and Skin Purifler, internally, and Cuticira, the treat Skin Cure, and Cuncvaa Soar, the exquisite Skin Beautifler, externally, instantly relieve and speedily cure every disease and humor ef the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, from in fancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. 64 OUR m 1111" W m m mm 1 huihh u KS V a 1 mm u m mm mm ii Sold everywhere. Price, Ccticcba, 60. ; Soap, 25c. ; Resolvsut, 81. Prepared by the Porrsa Date un CMSHICAL CORPOSATIOK, BOSIOD. tag-Hand for "How to Cure Skin Diseases, pages, 60 iUustiatious and 100 testnaeniala. a If) WIS gkin and scalp purified and beautified by BAB CUTIOURA SOAP. APSOmwy pure. WEAK, PAINFUL BACKS, lriitnM .twl uuvins Pains and weaknesses relieved in one minute by the Cutlcn Anti-Fain Piaster, the only instanta neous pain-killing piaster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Oregon City, Or., ) Nov. 22, 1891. S TO OTICE IS HEREBY UIVJSJM IHAl XI the following-named settler baa hied nntin f hiii intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made oetore me county cwra u w ton county at Corvallis, Oregon, on January 16, 1892, viz : Daniel C. Sherwin, hd. entry No. 6343. for the ej of nwj and n$ of swj of sec. 26, 1 10 s, r 6 w. fie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz : Morris Allen, John S. Miller, Taylor Miller and Jeff Wood, all of Kings VaUey P. O., Benton Co., Oregon. J. X. APFEKSOH, negiswr. The aonanal meeting of tbe stockholders of "The first Nations! Bank,of CorvallUv will be held at their banking house in Cor vallis, Oregon, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday, . the 12th day of January, 1891, to elect a board of directors and transact such other business aa may lawfully come before them. M. S. Woodcock, President December 11, 1891. Something for the New Tear. The world renowned success of Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, and their continued pop ularity for over a third of a century aa a stomachic, is scarcely more wonderful than tha welcome that creets the annual appear ance of Hos tetter's Almanac. This valuable medical treatise is published by The HosteU ter Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own immediate supervision, employing 60 hands in that department. They are;ron nine about 11 months in the year on! this work, and the issue of same for 1892 will be more than ten millions, printed ui tne Ang lian. German. French. Welsh. Norwegian, 8wedish, Holland, Bohemian and Spanish languages. Refer to a copy of it for valuable and interesting reading concerning health, and numerous testimonials as to the efficacy ol Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters, amusement. varied information, astronomical calculations and chronological items, 4c, which can be depended on for correctness. The Almanac for 1892 can be obtained free of cost from druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the country- .- SUMMONS. In the circuit coart of the sUts of Oregon, for the county of -Benton. iriainiin. We are now receiving Novelties for the Holiday Trade in Fine Clothing. For M n'rvBoys- and lontns' line unaer- D.mon6mith, wo- iiTiri nvM-Rhirta. hiffii smile isecKwear, oiik nanuK-er- Joi!ei)n Hasiett. j. m. Has ri.iAfe-.ft.ul Wnfflfirfi. Fine;Shoes and Slippers. Hosiery and lS!.j3S . , j .t ii j i.flr Dy A Crtln T aavtia- I tha I. Haalett. J Defendants. UI0TC3, Bnspenaers. jiaxs,i;oiiar auu uu DUAco,uioituvA -a - - Hilett nd Marth,, Hasiett, st m T v - a 1 . ... Trunks, Alligator Hand Satchels, Men s jeweiry. oiik um brellas, etc. All at our nsnal popular prices. BORN. McFADDEN In Corvallis. December 9. 1891. to to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. MFad- den, twin daughters. This is a heavy case of immigration, for which W. S. is responsible, And it speaks well for the infant industry encouragfd by the legal fraternity. Give' us your Band, Mac MARRIED. GAITHER MACKAY At the residence of the bride's parents in this city, Tues day forenoon at 10 o'clock, James J, Gaitherand Miss Nellie Mackay, Rev. Father Briody officiating. Miss Mackay is known by all, being I daughter of Sheriff William Mackay, and Mr. Gaither is resident of Independence, but was recently of Toledo, Benton ooanty. The Gazettc extends congratulations, Their home will be at Independence. EAST AND SOUTH Southern VIA PACIFIC Route Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Portland Dally. soon. KOBTH L PerUana.... 7:00 p.m. Lv San Frisco.. ..7:00 p X.T Albary.-..10p. rn. Lv Albany At a Frisco 8:lSa.m. Ar Portland. .... 7:86 a ' Above trains stop only at following stations north ef Beaeburg, East Portland, Oregon City, Wood, nra, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Har riaburg, JaacUon City, Irving, Eugene. Roseburg Mail Daily. Xv Pertlaad.. Lv Albany... Ar Roe. burg a m. I tvHoneburg 6:20 a. m .11.-20 p. m. I Lv Albany... .8:05 i .6:40 p m Ar Portland , 12:00 m 4KKtpm Albany Local Daily Except Sunday. IiBavb; aaarrs: Pertlaa4 5:00 p. m. I Albany.. KW p. m Ajbaay, 8.-00 a. m. Portland 8:6$ a. m Lebanon Branch. 2:36 1:25 p m 7:30 am. 8:22 am ..Lv. . . Albany. . .. Ar. ..9:25 p m .Ar. ..Lebanon.. .Lv... 8:40 p m .Lv... Albany... .Ar... 4:26 pm .Ar... Lebanon.. .Lv ...3:40 p m Pullman Buffet Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of second-clasa passengers, attached to Express Trains. BKTWEEK PORTLAND AND COEVALU8. ViUTnls. S0y Zmpt talty. Lsava. Portland 7:30 a. m. CorraUU 126 p. m. Aaaiva. CorvalHs 12:10 p. Portland 6M p. At Albany and Cerrallis connect with trains of the Oregon Facile Kailroad. IgsrsMTtiia. CallyKicsHBoafay. LBAva. Peruana 4:48 p. m. If ektinnville . . ..6:46 a.m. ARRITK. HcHInnvUle... 75p. m Portland 80s. m THROUGH TICKETS to alIpoints 55outh and East. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps etc., call on company agen as Corvallis. B. P SOGERS, Asst. O. P. P. Agent, K.KOEHLXAlianarer. The Plupit and the Stage. r- Rev. F. M. Shront, pastor United Breth ren church. Blue Mound, Kan., says: "1 feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Kings New Discovery nas aone xor me. My lungs were badly diseased and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am srtund and well, training twentv six oounds in-weicht" " . . P r T Artnnr -ajove, msuigw. "":"'ri Rnllra (Vimhinatinn. writes: "Alter a two of the above-named defendants : Ithoroueh trial and convincing evidence, I la the name of the state ot Uregon, you am ciindent Dr. King's New Discovery for and each of yon, are hereby required to ap-j Consumption, beataem all, and cures when pear aud answer the complaint of the bove pvthm eiM f.ju The greatest kind- laiutitt in tne aoove-enwuea coun, now uu i neaa j can 0 my many thoasand inenas is le with the clerk of said court, on or before to r2e them to try it trial bottle the second Monday of April, 1892, being ,t Thofc Graham's drugstore. Regular the inn nay ot April. io,su y r? sixes 50 cents and 81. herabv notified that if ven fail to appear and I . answer said complaint as hereby required, I Services at the Corn: relational church the pUmtitf wm apply to tne conrs w tne s . December 13th. by Rev. W. S. relief demanded therein, to-wit: A JMg-l ' , Vwhina at 11 a. . -j a., tk. .r.nHxnt Jo. Hubert, tilpply. freactiing at ii a. seph Hasiett, for the sum of $1550.00 in I song service 7:15 p. m., followed by preach- U. 8. gold coin, with interest thereon lnljDg. Sunday school 12:15 p. m.; prayer Uke gold coin at the rate of ten per cens. 70 p. m. Thursday, per annum from the 16th day of June, 1888 1 " nutil paid, less the sum of S100.00 paid I How'l Thin 7 uereon, oep , aoojt, --- vr.J T1W. Reward of S190.00 as a reasonaoie attorney im , and I to the costs and disbursement, of this for any ce of Catarrh that can not be cured ; a. n Iktf 1-1 1 1 at l;itarph I .nr suit to be taxed; ana lor oecree i "'TZalSSiZr : T TM O of the defendanU herein, fna . o. AundeAieZ hlveT-own P. J. deaVrZS and orTerinV ihe rearppeViy Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe irTrTirfbTiU The nortli iK him perfectly honorable in nUJ bu.ine- tran h.if r,f thr, donation land claim oi "" j Jacob L. Uolter and Martha J. Holter, said """K"'- ""V7 "TA":.. -i,, n land claim be og situate in Sections '1, a, x ' " . M and 34, in Township 10 south, of R--nge VValding Kinnsn & Marvin, wholesale drug . T a. i i.r:n ... njfAA-;j;an .n Ran. 1 mata. Toledo. Ohio. m. VML OI blltS T lllUICbW uiciiurau. n ... . n ton county, Oregon, to be sold; and the pro- Hall's Catarrh Cure is taiten "y. ceeds arising from such sale to be applied as acUng directly pon the blood and mucous -r: a a . il. At the vsarni i HDniiCHii ui uic bvovciu. aiivv a v vwb tminwH: iim. w vuo ijwpu v suw . - . . . .r . . . M . f ,.! aiabnrsemenU of this suit to be taxed, bottle. Sold by all druggists, the cost and expenses of making such sale, I free. aodthesumotSiaawas a reasonauw - nann .hioned 3300 tnrkevs tornev's fee; second, to the payment to tnei , B . - -rr - I.:a in M1 with inter, for the Thanksgiving trade. Oakland nas at thereon at the rate of ten I inner been known as the leading turkey per cent per nJnm ,ro no shipping point of the Pacific northwest, but iou. aay ui .-T-r; a. business is spreading and 1700 paid tnereon on tne an uy . - - 1889; and that the surplus, if any, be paid shipped this year from Roseburg. fendants, and .-ach of them, and any and all PROPOSALS TO FURNISH TUB COUN persons claiming by, tbrougn or nnaer mem, TY 1 wuuu. or either of them, be foreve barred and and foreclosed of any and all right, title, in-1 gj yd, wiij be received by the Coun terest, right ot dewer, equity or reueuipwou . tenn. to anhsh a. :jt i ia caiiv Tknrcinn I 'J f BORMTl. JETTllET MTG CD'S lhef,dfT. MesMssWist m llHMl tnt Hi N I M tbe pjintiff may be entitled to. 30 cords of body wood of old growth red This summons is pubiisned in tne yorvai-1 gp jj wood to be full four feet long lis Gasette, a newspaper oi genera. clr I -ni cn before the sad raises: to be tion, published in Corvallis, uenton county, - - - - rwn. hv order of the circuit court of the delivered between the first day of June and state of Oregon for Benton county, duly I the first dav of August, 1892. All wood to made in open court on tne ma aay oi a be first class wood. i.mtvr lHHi.. ana enterea oi reveru au m records of said court. Blackbcbx a WATsoic, Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOVEMBER WEATHER SUMMARY. The fallowing Is a smmmary el tne waath ar for November as furnished by John Fnl ton, volunteer observer, of Oregon State Weather Service, at Oregon Agricultural Colleges , . Elevation above sea level ......... .319 feet Mean temperature. .'. .46.7 Maximum temperature Nov. 3), ... .72 deg. Minimum temperature (Nov. 17). . . .28 deg. Mean maximum temperature 55 deg. , Mean minimum temperature. 40 deg. No. times minimum temperature 32. deg. or below., 3 Total precipitation ..........2.40 in. Prevailing direction of wind .... sou th west Total movement of wind 3447 No. of cloudless days. ........4 No. partly cloudy days 6 No. of cloudy days Z0 No. of days on which rain fell 14 Dates of light frost.... Nov. 14th and-19th. Date of killing or injurious frost, Nov. 17th. : Specimen Cases. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., hadj a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incura ble. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him en tirely. Sold by Thos. Graham, Druggist Ready job Work. J. M. Carroll, secre tary of the state board of equalization, has issued the following resolution to the press: "Resolved, That all persons are hereby notified that the state board of equalization is now in session at the state capitol and will be pleased to have all persons appear before it who are interested in assessments and taxation and who desire to have a hear ing with reference to any particular class or classes of property." - We want eyery mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symp tom is hoarseness ; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accom panied the hoarseness from the start After that a peculiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may be pre vented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 50 cent and SI bottles for sale by.T. Graham, drug-gist The editor of the Weston Leader found a dead man behind his office, with a copy of the Milton Eagle and an empty flask in bis pocket, which explained, says the Leader, bis demise. ' The question now arises, was it the Milton Eagle' or Weston whisky that killed the man, or was death caused by sni fiiitig the odor that emanated from the back end of the Leader shop? There is no question but what it was a-clear case of poisoning. It may have been the contents of both. LOCAL NOTES. Testimonials OVER l00BICYCJtS Kept in Stock by A. W. GUMP S; CO. 115 East Thud St, DAYTON, OHIO. were AGENTS FOE THE Celebrated American Ramblers, The American Light Ramblers and American Ideal Ramblers. Champions, Light Chamaions. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and post tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or n . , money reiunaeo. jrnce zo cents per oox, For sale by The. Graham. A story is going the rounds, of an eastern newspaper man who stocked his barnyard with some choice fowls and had big cxpec tations of eggs. An experienced neighbor looked over his stock and discovered that he had 187 roosters, but not a pullet in the lot. It takes a newspaper man who under stand his business to raise chickens. They are almost as hard to raise as money. BOOK-AGENTS READ THIS. Do you know ns and the liberal terms we give on the Juveniles? In this line we lead a complete set issued. Are you making $5 a day? If not you will do well to engage witk ns, and work for the pro motion to a fine salaried position. Big com missions on tne best selling books and per manent position on a salary to those who want it Write us; state experience and terms yon are working on. L. P. MILLER & Co., Stockton, Calif. OUR PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Traits of .11 kinds at Small Sen' A full assortment all linea at Ladles' Bator, A. F. Hershner continues to lead in the grocery trade. ' Holiday goods to suit all purses and tastes at Ladies' Bazar. Peanuts for all at Small & Son's. One- half ton just received. Holiday gifts for young and old, for grave and gay at ladies' Bazar. Get your umbrellas repaired and your saws sharpened at J. Wm. Will 9. Girls, the large sized black hats Lave ar rived only 50 cents at Kline's. See L. P. Miller & Co.'s advertisement in another column. They are reliable. A fresh lot of hand made candies at Small & Son's. It is absolutely pure. Grand display of Salem blankets at Kline's. Patronize home industry and buy pair. Make your friends glad by souvenirs from tbe curious and artistic stock at Ladies Bazar. The largest stock of crockery, glassware and groceries iu Buutou county at A. x). Herahner's. Sewing machines, organs, pianos, guns and all fine machinery promptly repaired at Wm. Will's. Every boy that buys one dollars worth of goods at Kline's will be presented with a Castanet free of charge. Z. H. Davis is now agent for Butterick's Patterns, a full stock on hand, iaahioii plates furnished on application. If you want' your watches and jewelry repaired take them to L. BeIGs, the old pioneer of Corvallis, Good work done. For best assortment, lowest prices, best grades, and above all, prompt aud accom modating delivery; buy of A. F. Hershner. J. Wm. Will, has made arrangements with Santaclause for the largest and most varied stock of holiday goods ever shown in Corvallis. Them la no danmr from whooDinC COUSh when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given. It keeps tne cougn loose auu uiaaes expectoration easy. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, druggist A new feed store has been opened at Bea- son s corner by 1 m. rawerson, wuo win keep in stock a full supply of flour, mill feed, potatoes, hay. etc.- When in need of any of these articles, call on Mr. Patterson. Now is your time to get a gun or sewing machine at J. Wm. Will's, A special re duction sale in these lines will continue two weeks. See the largest variety of Christ mas presents now on exhibit at J. Will's. . ' The last issoe ot the Farm and Home notes the fact that the prize given by it for the beat letter from any state in its issue of November 1st was awarded to E. Grimm, of Corvallis, Oregon. Prof. Grimm, who is about to make his home in Portland, says that he hadlno thoughts of competing for a prize when he wrote the successful letter. The state of Oregon, through its attorney- general, Geo. E. Chamberlain, has just brought suit against Baker county to re cover state taxes. These taxes are dne to tha amount of tll.288.9S. and cover the taxes levied during the years . bstweea 1878 to 1890. Bake county has saoh year in paying taxes, left a small balance until the dues now aggregate the sum for which suit is brought. The masque ball to be given by the band on Christmas night is expected to eclipse all former efforts in that direction. Hav- ino been afforded an opportunity to hear some of the music rendered by the orchea tra which is to play on that occasion, we feel that we can truthfully say that they will furnish the best dance music ever heard in Corvallis. The orchestra will give a concert of about an hour's duration which will of itself be a decided treat Don't tail to hear it Over 400 becond-Hand Machines in Stock. Send for Prices and " 'save Money. - Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters taken in Exchange. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. B. W. Wiujoh, Co. Clerk. Decemblr 9, 1891. P. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. ETDoh a general rractice in all the courts. Also j arent for all the first-class insurance companies. 2:24 EC. Gr. DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, COEVALH8, OREGON. Legal business promptly attended to in any part o uu state. Office in Postofflce Block. Children Cry forJacherf$JCastorfa: i The Next Number Especially Good. TALES FROM Town Topics MAD BY AU. MEN AND WOMEN. Fanlisbed first day of December, March. 4BBS SM BCpHIBBST. DELICATE. DAINTY. WITTY, INTENSE. Every reputable news and book stand baa it, Prlee. Shinto number, BO CEBITS. mM FEB YKAR, postage FKEb, This brflbant Quarterly reproduces the best stories, afretchew, bnriesaaes, poems, witti ctams, etc., from the early number of that much talked-about New York Society Jom-nat, Town Tones, which is published 8ub- - Tn?tai2ntfaationa "Tfrw Tones" m "Tals raoar Town Topics " together, at the low ciub-prtoe 01 aoow per year. Ask your newsdealer for them or address, TOWN TOPICS, West 28d Street, K,Y, City. THE CHITWOOD NURSERY. J. E. Wilson, proprietor of the Chitwood 1 nursery, Uhitwooa, uregon, nam m une uw nlav of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Krer- greens CI rape Vines, Shrubs, etc., etc. Fbbe I FROM 1NSXCT MOTS. Aaaress, J. E. Wilson, Uhitwood, uregon. Shortly after we arrived in Corvallis we were forced to compete in price with cheap work and owing to the rush at that time we were nnable to give satisfaction in every instance. However, we nave made late 1m provementa in our gallery and are now able to do first-class work at all times and those who feel dissatisfied with any of our work can have a new negative made free charge by calling at our gallery within the next 30 days. Uoitn ft Underwood. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County court of the State of Ore i iron, tor tne couniv 01 mown. I " 1 . . . r . t 7 l.m. r In tne matter 01 tne pnnnersnip estate ui Belknap Bros., Belknap Bros, ft Kenedy and Belknap Bros, ft Kenedy Bros. Tintics is hereov eiven to aa concernea that the undersigned administrator of said ttate. has filed his final account for settle ment of said estate, and the County court of Benton ceuntr. Oregon, has fixed Saturday, the 5th day of December, 1891, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m, of said day, at the court hnnu dnnr in the citv of Corvallis. Benton nnntv. Orecon. to hear and determine all , . A am. ana singular ot wu pwwhuw finn thereto. Jfi. J. l&us.r ar, Admini-.trator of aatd estate. . NOTICE TO SETTLE. The undersigned having purchased from Quong Mow the entire interest in his Chi nese store and business, requests all par ties who hold claims against Quong Mow to present them at the store during the next ten days, if they want their money. Also, all persona who have accounts at the store will please call and settle. Sing Hing. "Of course it hurts, but yon must grin and bear it," is the old time consolation given to persons troubled with rheumatism, "It you will take the trouble to dampen piece ot nannei witn unamDeriain a rain Balm and bind it over the seat of pain your rheumatism will disappear," is the modern and much more satisfactory advice. 60 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham, druggist. Wm, the HARBOR I MPROVEMEKTSr- The following from the Oregon!! will be of interest to oar citizens i Captain Symons, United States en . a a gineers, lias returned lrom a visit ta Yaquina bay. The principal object of bis journey was to inspect two quarries that are being opened there, and also to ascertain the possibility and prac ticability of procuring rock for the jet ties along the line of the railroad and shipping it on the cars to deep water. The great trouble with the quarries along the river is the vast amount of debris left after taking out the rock wanted, and the difficult in disposing of it There are some good quarries along the railroad but as to whether they can be utilized or not, of course depends upon the freight rates the rail' road company can make. Work will be kept np all winter on the jetties at Yaquina. Rock is now being dumped on the north jettj, but in a few days the force will be transferred to the south jetty, and it will be built np to high-water mark and finally completed, Bridge Washed Awat. The Oregonian railroad bridge across the Calapooia at RrAwnsville was washed out Tuesday. The stream rose rapidly, and the big structure, which was undergoing repairs, was resting upon false work, which gave way before the angry current. It will be rebuilt at once. The damage was considerable. Election or Officers. The following persons were elected officers for the ensu ing year, of Ferguson Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.,last Wednesday evening: M. Stock, high priest; John Miller, king; J. H. Wilson, scribe; Z. Job, captain host; T. Graham, treasurer; J. Fred Yates, secretary; S. N. Lilly, tyler. Installation will be December 128th. Released. Joe Goggin, the man arrest ed at Albany last week by Sheriff Noland on suspicion of being the murderer of young Ewing at Cottage Grove, was released and has returned to Albany. The sheriff went to Cottage Grove, bnt could obtain no evi dence of the guilt of the man and so he was released without an examination. Hia talk tended to show that he knew a good deal about the matter. Eugene Register. CloVeiiCry JorJHttifsjCstttoib. Republican League. Republican clubs of the state convened at Portland on last Wednesday pursuant to a resolution of tbe executive committee of the state republican league. The obiect of the convention is to extend the organization throughout every voting precinct in the state.. Thirty-seven delegates were present. The following offi cers were elected: President, J. I Ayer, Of Portland; first vice-president, W. R. Tllia. aaonnxl vice-rjreaident. M. C. Brc- derick; secretary, M E. Dimick, Fateful Incident. The Yaquinsu Post tells how a young boy named . Bennie Schloupe accidentally shot him self in the arm while hunting near To ledo last week. Bennie was in a boat, and in some manner the hammer of the gun caught on a timber of the ves- . seh discharging the contents of one barrel, which entered the inside of the left arm, shattering it in a horrifying manner. On reaching home the boy's injuries were attended to but it was soon discovered that the flow of blood could not .be stopped. Acting upon the last hopes the saddened father per' mitled the arm of the sufferer to be amputated. But the blood had flown too freely and too long, and the boy's . life succumbed to tbe natural conse quences. Mis parents are almost dis tracted with grief. His remains were buried in Toledo cemetery. ' For the Holidays. Ed. Greffos always keeps apace with the times in the jewelry business, for he knows just what it takes to auit ths pnblie gener ally. Go to bis jewelry, store It you Want to see a fine, full line of quart jewelry, watch chains, lockets, clocks, gold and silver watches, solid and plated fancy articles for the holidays, and everything else that is kept in his line. If you want to get your beet girl something elegant for a Christmas present, the place to get it is d. Graf- foz's. He would be pleased to bars you call and ttee his goods. Stockholdees Meeting. Thst stockholder of the Cbrtallt tannery Company held a meeting last evenisg. The capital stock was increased, and propositions from several experienced cannery men for the building of the cannery were taken under advisement and consideration. No doubt before another month passes the contract will be let. The interest and activity be ing manifested by our citizens will give a stimulus to the scheme and lend en couragement to the stockholders. The Modoc im Collision. At Portland there was a slight collision between the1 steamers Manzanillo and Modoc opposite the foot of Stark street early Monday morn' ing. The Modoc left Ash street dock S o'clock, While it was yet dark, and was headed for the west side of the Morrison street bridge draw, a another steamer was coming through the east side. W hen near the ferry landing the Manzanillo backed on from the Washington street dock, directly in toe Modoc's path. The captain of tbe . little steamer at once had the engines re versed, but before she could be- stopped the boats came together with a crash. The Modoc's jackstaff was knocked off and portion of her forward guard and decK in. The hull was not damaged. nor the house. A portion of the wheelhouse of the Mantanillo was broken i, The damage to toe two boats- will not exceed $100. Don't read' Don't think r Don't befisve t Now are yon better? Yon women think that patent medicines- are horabug, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the great est hombog of the whole (because t s bes known of all) does your laclt-of-faith ear come? It is very easy to- "(loiV io this worl J Suspicion always comes more easily thai confidence. But doubt little faith never mado a sick woman well and "the Favorite Prescription" has cured thousands of deli cate, weak women, which makes us think that our 'Prescription" is better than your "don't believe." We're both honest. Let us come together. You try Dr, Pferee Favorite Prescription, If it doesn't do as represented you get your money again. Where proofs so- easy, yon ean't afford to donbt, - Little but active are Dr. Pieree's Pleas ant Pellets. Ttest liver nills made: gentle, yet thor- regulate and mvigoiatn tnsj miuh. Thev liver, stomach and bowels.