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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1891)
VOL. XXVIII, I COKVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, isOYEMBEK .6, 1891. mam PMDCC Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, if UntO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, -lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Epcpdy and permanent. Genuine siucd " L Buttx." A (Irand Opportunity! THE FINEST OF ALL! 1161063 of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands." By J. W. BueL The Grandest Subscription- Book ever in troduced on the coast. Over 600 extra large quarto pages. 300 magnificent Origi nal Illustrations. Double-page Colered plates. SELLS AT SGHT. A PTl"MTPQ! wanted io this county. As we AlJijlM JL O are determined to extend our busi ne into this slate, we are jrning to start in by offer ing better inducements to live agents than any other house has ever done before. We deliver the books - right at your very door free of freight charges or any other expense, all of which we pay ourselves. Don't take n agency for this great work from any other house until you have sent to us for our descriptive .circulars and extra liberal terms and iSducbiikxts. -We will guarantee to do better by you. DOMINION PUBLISHING Co., Vancouver, British Columbia, General Agents for the Publishers. WOODBURN NURSEKY. ... The Largest Stock in the Northwest". If Million of Trees! , , ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES (Of Fruit, Shade, Ornamental, Nut and Evergreen Trees. Vines and Shrubbery. Send for Catalogue and Price LUt to - J; II. SETTLEMIEli, .. - WOOD I . URN, OK. EAST AND SOUTH VIA - Southern pacific Route Shasta Line. . ' Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. SOUTil . t,r Portland .... 7:00 p. m. 1 Albany.... 10:23 p. in. NORTH Lv San Frisco. . . .0:00 p Lv Albany. .6:22 a Ar Portland 9:36 a .Ar Kan risen a:i--a.iu; Ahnva trains atnn onlv at followhur stations north .of Jtoneburg-, Kast Portland, Oregon City, Wood burn, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Bhedds, Halsey, Har J-isburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. Roseburg Mail Daily. Xv Portland S:05 a. ra. I LvKoseburg 6:20 a. m X.T Albany 12:20 p. in. Lv Albany 12:00 m At Rogeburg 6:40 p in Ar Portland . .4:00 p m Albany Local Daily Except Sunday. V leave: absite: Portland...... 5:00 p. m. I Mbany.... .....9:00 p. m Albany ...5:00 a. m. Portland -8:65 a. m .Lebanon Branch.' 2:36 pm...Lv... Albany Ar...9:25p m 3:25 p m..Ar. ..Lebanon. ..Lv.. .8:40 p m 7 :30 a m . . Lv . . . Albany .... Ar ... 4:26 p m 8:22 a m. .Ar. . . Lebanon , . .Lv . . .3 :40 p m Pullman Buffet Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Ftr accommodation of second-class passengers, attached to Express Trains. Wtrt 8id Slvbioa. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mill Trail. Daily Except Snaky. w . ra I A U R TV 'Portland 7:30 a.m. i Corvallis 12:10 p. in .Contains:.... 12:65 p. m. Portland...... 6:30 p. m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Oregon PaciSc Railroad. Zxpiess Train. Daily Xieept Sunday. LEAVE. ' Portland 4:40 p. m. McMinnville 6:46 a. m. ARRIVE. McMinnville. ...7:25 p. m Portland 8:20a. m THROUGH TICKETS to all points South and East. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps etc., call on company's agent at Corvallis. T E.PROGKRS, Asst. O.K. P. Agent, R.KOEHLERManarer. t. M. APPtEWniTE.M. D., residence North 9th Street, ft a PERNOT. M D.. residence 4th street, two doors north of Opera House. Applewhite & Pernot, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Corvallis, Oregon, Offices over J. D. Clark's Lard ware store, and at K. Graham's drugstore. Honrs: 8 to 12 a. m, $0 t 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of J. H. Nicho las, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned, that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of J. H. Nicholas, deceased, by the county conrtof Benton County, Oregon; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, accompanied by the proper vouch- ers, to the undersigned, at ner residence, in Corvallis, Benton Uounty, Uregon, witnin six months from the date hereof. Emma Nicholas, Administratrix. Dated, September 17th, 1891. CORV.A.'IiX.IS PENCE Hi WORKS, LEISURE & KYLE, PttOFareross, We furnish the best and cheap est Fence in tne mancer. ioc Fields, Orchards and Lawns. Call and get our Prices fce- - fore Purchasing. Factory cor. Second and Adams Sts. CORVALLIS, OREGON. H. G. DAVIS, ' Attorney and Counselor at Law, CORVALLIS, : OREGON. Legal business promptly attended to in any part o Office in Postoffice Block. Benton County PLANING MILLS AND- gfiSH m fJOOR fCTORY. W. P. fARJYN, Proprietor. rinnr. nml f?asli kent in stock or made to nnl.r M nuMiiiL's of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders wiil receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my worn w oe first-class. West or b. V. depot, uorvanis, Oregon. o-tl. 0EE 1200 BICYCLES Kept in Stock by . AW. GUMP CO. 115 East Third St, : DAYTON, OHIO. AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated American Ramblers, The American Light Ramblers and American Ideal Ramblers.. - " Champions, Light Chamaions. Over 400 Second-Hand Machines in Stock. Send for Prices and save Money. Bicycles; Guns and Typewriters taken in Exchange. Free Railroad Ticket TO AND FROM THE WORLD'S FAIR Commencing May 1st, 1893. ing October 31st, 1893. End- Our proposition is to Rive, absolutely free, a first- lass railway tiRket to and from Chicago, to inelude all meals en route both ways, free bus and baggage to and from depot to hotel in Chicago, six days first-class board and lodging while there, six admissions to the Fair Grounds, and two tickets to any first-class thea tre. We want relial le asrents to represent us thromrh- out the Pacific Coast. Pleasant and profitable em ployment will be given, if desired, until the opening OI tne vv oriu 3 t air, jnay xov, xotfo, au Bgeucjr win pav an average of from $3 TO $10 A DAY, besides each agent will be given a free railroad ticke to and from tne worm s r air. AGENTS ANTED Teachers, students, ministers, bright younr men and woman, parties who have Bad experience as can vassers for books or other articles in fact, our propos sition is open to everybody who is in a position to de vot.n nil nr a nortion of his or her time to our business. Parties who are not in a position to devote full time o our business, can, by devoting a few hocrs each day nri svoninir to the work secure one of the free tick ets only. Each ticket will be first-class and guaran teed by the World's Fair to., incorporated, capital stock 106,000. 00.; We require no capital to be invest ed by our agents. Experience is not necessary; we teach you free. Write for terms and send two-cent stamp for reply and- postage for printed pamplet giving lull particulars. Aaoxess PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. AinBWorth Block. Third and Oak Streets. See) Heading) Roora i) Main St.; Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet .room. Good Books. Current Pa. pers and Periodicals. Hie public invited, strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W. C. T. U. 3"FuFBisked rooms (up stairs to rent. i F TEACHERis' EXAMINATION. ' Notice is hereby given that for the pur pose of making an examination of all per sons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this .county, the county school superintendent thereof will hold a public examination at the Court house in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon on Wednesday, November 11th, 1891, be, ginning at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. in. - W. E. YATES. County School Superintendent, Benton County, Oregon. Dated this 26th day of October. 1S91. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County court of the State of Ore gon, for the county of Benton. In the matter of the partnership estate of Belknap Bros., Belknap Bros. & Kenedy and Belknap Bros. & Kenedy Bros. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that the undersigned administrator of said estate, has filed his final account for settle ment of said estate, and the County court of Benton county, Oregon, has fixed Saturday, the 5th day of December, 1891, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court house door in the city of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, to hear and determine all and singular of said accounts and the objec tions thereto. E. M. BELKNAP, Administrator of said estate. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or., ) October 3, 1891. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of the County Court of Benton county. Or., at Corvallis, Oregon, on November 23, 1891. viz: Robert McFarland, Homestead entry No. 6178, for the N. E. J of S. W. J of Sec. 8, T. 11, S., R. 7 W. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George L.- Cram, James II. Craiu, Fred King and Claude Warrep, all of Sum mit, Benton County, Oregon. ' J. T, Apperson, - Register. SUMMONS. In the circuit .court of the state of Ore gon, for the county of Benton. Jannie Hoflowell 1 Plaintiff. vs. I. O. Hollowell, ) Defendant. To I. O. Hollowell, the aboye-named defen dant: ' In the name of the state of Oregon, ' you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in said court, on - or be fore the 9th day of November, 1891; that being the first day of the regular, term of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county pf Benton; and if yon fail to ap pear and answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the courts for the re lief demanded in said tsomplaiut, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing, between you and plaintiff be dissolved; that plaintiff hare the care and custody of their three minor children; "and for costs and dis bursements of th8 suit. ""' ' This summons is published in the Cor vallis Gazette, by order of. Hon. M. L, Pipes, jndge of the above entitled court, duly made at chambers on the 22d day of July, 18U1. V. . HCFFORW, Attorney ior nainuu. Dated August 21, 1891. SUMMONS. In the circuit coart of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton. Eliza D. Bel veil, 1 Plaintiff. vs. John 3, Belvail, J Defendant To the said John J. Belvail, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above, entitled suit in said court, on or before the (ninth) 9th day of Novem ber, 1891, that being the first day of the regular term of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton; and if vou fail, to appear and answer the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the . . . -1 - c j 1 . 1 : ... .: 1 Court lor me reuei aenuuucu ui saiu cum plaint, to wit: That the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved, and for costs and dis bursements of this suit. This summons is published in the Corvallis Gazette by order of honorable M. L. Pipes, judge of the above entitled court, duly madeat Chambers on the 12th day of September, 1891. JOHN JvKLSAY, Attorney for the Plaintiff. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY. In tho matter of the estate of James C. Keezel, deceased. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of sale of an interest in a certain portion of real estate in which said deceased at the time 01 his death bad an interest in the portion to be sold by said rrder, being hereinafter fully described. Said order was made by the county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, duly made and entered in the jonrnal of said court, on the 6th day of October, 1891, di recting and ordering me to sell at pnblic auction to the highest bidder for cash in band, to pav funeral charges, expenses of sajd administration aud claims against said estate, all the interest that said deceased at the time of his death had la the following described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at point 9.03 chains north of . the north terminus of the east side of - E street in the - city of Phi lomath, in Benton conntv. Oregon, being the NV corner of fractional block north of block 4 iu said city of Philomath, running thence north 20 chains to- the south line of the land of N. Castle, west 12:50 chairs. south 20 chains, east 12:59 chains to the place of beginning, containing 25 acres, . it being a part of the original donation laud claim of VVayman ntClair and wife in lp. 12 S.. R, 5 W.. in Benton county, - Oregon, said lines and courses to conform to ' the lines as originally made and improved. 1 wiH'on Satuiday, the 21st day of Nov. 1891 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of court house in Corvallis, Benton connty, Oregon, offer for sale to the highest bidder tor cash in nana. all the interest that said deceased at the time of his death had in said above describ ed real estate, to nay funeral charges, ex penses of administration and claims against said estate. . Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 22th day of October, 1891. - . . Sarah J. Keezel, Administratrix of the estate of James C. Keezel, deceased. T ChildretvCry for Pitcher's Castoria Republican Club. Corvallis should have a republican club organization. Steps to organize clnbs are being taken throughout the state, and there is no reason why Benton county republicans should not agitate the matter.' Nothing so secures the safety of a party as well perfected - organization, and we would urge the importance of a meeting at an early date to that effect. The coming J une election in this state demands repub lican activity, as the result of Oregon's elec-' tion will determine very materially the pros pects of the presidential, election. Let the republicans of Corvallis and Benton county take hold, and work. and strive to promote the principles and the interests of the party. Under this Law. A dispatch from As toria to Wednesday's Oregonian chronicles the arrest by the sheriff at that place Tues day of ' Lillian Young, on advices from the girl's mother, who lives in Corvallis. Her negro paramour, with whom she eloped from Albany recently, was also taken in and both are now in the county jail at Astoria pending a hearing. In her letter to the sheriff the girl's mother says 'she is not yet of age and is of a wild disposition. From Florida. Mr. N. B. Has well, grandfather of Mrs Small, of this city, iu company with Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Small's mother, arrived in Corvallis from Dade City, Florida, last week, aud will spend a greater portion of the winter here. . Mrs Small had not seen her mother and grandfather since fourteen years ago and the meeting was cer tainly a very happy one. Mr. Has well is a printer by trade. . "Western Settler's Chosen Specific. With every advance of emigration into the far West, a new demand is created for Hostetter's iStomach Bitters. Newly peo pled regions are frequently less salubrious thaii older settled localities, on account of the miasma which rises from recently clear ed land, particularly along the banks of riv ers that are subject to freshets. The agri cultural or mining emigrant soon learns, when he does not already know, that the Bitters afford the only ; protection against malaria, and those disorders of the stomach, liver aud bowels, to which climatic changes exposure, and unaccustomed or unhealthy water or diet subject him. Consequently, he places an estimate upon this great house hold specific and preventative commensur ate with its intrinsic merits, and is careful to keep on hand a restorative aud promoter of health so implicitly to be relied upon iu time of need. ' ' . Major . Bbuce's Mother. The mother of Major James Brace, near Monroe, died last Monday at the advanced age of 90 years, being one of the oldest ladies iu Ben ton county. In her long career she has passed through a period' of varied and mar velous scenes, and -has witnessed sparsely settled colonies'develop into a gigantic com bination of commonwealths. A lite lived this long has many attachments of interest to it. She was an early pioneer. Kupepsy. This is what you ought to have, in fact you must have it to fully. enjoy life. Thous ands are searching for it daily, and mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands up on thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people iu th hope that they may at tain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the U3e persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Enpepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for. Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach aud Kidney Sold at 50c and 1.00 per bottle by. T. Graham, drug gist The Census. Wednesday afternoon last, at 3:30 o'clock, was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Fuller, of Toledo, 'a son weighing ten and a half pounds. The report says that all are well except tue father, and that he's well, too, but under a terrible strain of ex citement. To be dashed into fatherhood all of a sudden like that is enough to cause nervous prostration, aud auy man . who can withstand such can roll a Kansas cyclone down a hillside. Caddo Mills, Texas. June 5, 1891. From my own personal knowledge I can recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for cramps in the stomach, diarrhoea and flux. It is the best medicine I have ever seen used and the best selling, as it always gives satisfaction. K. Kherill, Twenty-nve aua 00 cent bottles for sale by T. Graham. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev.. G. F. Plummer. Hector. Services and sermon every Sunday at 11 a. in. aud 7:30 p. m., which will be conducted by the Hector on the 1st, 3d aud 5th Sundays of each month and bv Lav-reader on the zd and 4th Sun days. Evening service aud lecture by the lector every Wednesday evening at y:,iu. All are welcome and are cordially invited to be present at all services. For diarrhoea or summer complaint in any form, there is nothing better than Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Cure. Mrs. Nancy Berry of Adams, Lawrence connty, Kentucky, says one dose cured her of an attack diarrhoea. Two or three doses -will cure any ordinary case. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. Twenty- five and 50 cent bottles for gale by T. Gra ham. . The fire alarm was sounded yesterday evening about 6 o'clock. The fire was dis covered to be a burning flue in one of Dr. Farra s houses, on Main street. . It was nothing of a serious nature, however, and was soon extinguished before any ' damage was doue. CIRCULAR NO. 13. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. T. HOOO, EKCB1VKB. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. Corvallis, Oregon, Oct. 31, 189L All Concerned : As trains Nos. 1 and 2 will be discontinued after Nov. 7th east of Halstead, we will not receive freight for nor ticket passengers to points east of there after that date until further notice. C. C Hogue, G. F,&P. A. fi r h'i L I x i'ipuvusj1 niuuuHi, Alice tcmu per uua, VfHKIFelr wry iuf f i tfcHCr toO!tlrFta LOCAL NOTES. Fruits fit all kinds at Small & Son's. Peanuts for all at Small & Son's; One half ton just received. "imported and domestic dress goods have all been marked down at J. H. Harris'. A fresh lot of hand made candies at Small & Son's. It is absolutely pure. Gentlemen Do not buy your boots and shoes without first inspecting the prices and quality at J. H. Harris' . - .. When Wanted? Umbrellas, gossamers, rubber boots and shoes and everything in the wet weather goods, go to J. H. Harris. J. Wm. Will, has made arrangements with Santaclause for the largest aud most varied stock of holiday goods ever shown in Corvallis. A fine line of new boots, shoes and rub ber goods at Weber & Son's Boot and Shoe store. A few more bargains in second hand guns at J. Wm. Wills'. Wood, oats, wheat or hay taken in exchange. 'Mr. and Mrs. James Eglin returned Wednesday from Portland, where James has been under the care of a physician, hay ing his eyes treated, for some time. . Osborne S. Davey, formerly of this city but quite recently from Portland, has pur chased the confectionery and fruit stand of Johnny Hughes, one door south of Hamilton, Job & Co. 's bank. Mr. Dayey is a young man of perseverance and' enterprise, and merits a reasonable share of tlie-publlo pat ronage. In the circuit court of Linu county the case of the State vs the Willamette "Valley & Coast Railroad Company to annul the charter of the corporation, a motion to dis miss the cause on the ground that the suit was brought in the wrong county, and for want of service was submitted. The motion was sustained, and the case dismissed. PHILOMATH ITEMS. Philomath, Nov. 4, '91. Owing to the continued rainfall for the past two or three weeks the farmers are not making much headway with their seed ing. The Athenian Literary Society met Sat urday evening to resume its work and the following officers were elected: President E. L. Bryan; secretary, E. M. Lance: as sistant secretary, Viola Johnson; treasurer, Hattie Ingle; censor, Luella Dixon; libra rian, Minnie Bryan; chaplain, Prof. Sheak; sei-geant-at-arms, Prof. Gilbert. Several new members were enrolled, aud a good so ciety is assured. ' ' -' ' '( "v' ' Mr. C. B. Wells has moved his family to town to attend school. -There will be services in the Radical church every Sunday morning and every other Sunday evening, from this on, by the pastor, Rev. Stewart, who arrived from Michigan a few days ago. Philomath against the world. It has two first-class colleges, oue public school, three churches, three general merchandise stores, oue drug store, one hardware store, one blacksmith shop, one hotel, one livery stable, one butcher shop, one barber shop all of which are supported by 275 inhabi tants. - Caelebs. Farmers' Institute. Below we present the programme of the farmers' institute to be held in the Christian church at Harris burg, New 13th and 14th, 1891, it being the first session of the series of 1891-'92 : Friday, 7:30 p. m., Address of. Welcome, Mayor Lassel ; Response, Prof. B. L. 'Ar nold ; Sugar Beets, Prof, G. W. Shaw; Discussion ; Demonstration of tbe Workings of the Baley Cream Separator, with Remarks on Dairying in the Willamette Valley, C. H. Schmidt ; Discussion. Saturday, 9:30 a. m., Some Personal Experience in Farming in Oregon M. Fuller; Discussion; Rotation of Crops, J. F. .McCartney ; Discussion, Prof. H. T, French and others ; Silo and En silage, Trof. H. T. French ; Discussion ; Breeds of Hogs and Proper Caring for Pork, Open Discussion. At !-:30 p. m.. Questions fram Question Box ; Hop Raising in Linn County, Dr. II. A. Davis ; Discussion, J. Cartwright and others ; The Codling Moth and the Apple Question, Prof. F. L. Wash burn ; Discussion. At 7:30 p. m., Questions from the Question Box ; Farm Accounts, Prof. W. W. Bristcw ; Discussion ; Some Common Weeds, Prof. M. Craig ; Discus sion.; Closing Remarks. The above pro- will be interspersed throughout with music. The Festive Fish. Oue of the pleasant est . sports that can be indulged in is to chase the festive fish, and especially speck ed beauties, which are quite plentiful in Oregon streams at certain seasons. When ever Mary's river rises sufficiently its banks are often lined with anxious fishermen, and they enjoy fine sport,- crowned with much success, generally. At preseut the river is high enough to permit trout to run up. as fir as the dam, and the boys are pressing the season with the hook and line. These fish are very large, and a more delicions dish it would be hard to place on a dining table, If you catch more fish than you can get away with, boys send them out to the poor for charitable purposes; the Gazette will promise to take a few, among the rest, pro vided you charge only charitable prices Nothing does a newspaper man more good than a good dinner oneer in awhile. Of course,- we don't expect regular meals.- - Bucklen's Arnica Salve: The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, . Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped . Hands, Chilblains, Corns,- and all Skin Eruptions,- and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. , It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction', or uor sale by inosiraHatm- . circuit eber'RT docket. criminal cases. State 0 Oregon vs Edward Clarke.... State of Oregon ys Boyd Kennedy. actiqn-at-law. Maria Armingtou vs Sol King: administra tor. . . . Wm Deering & Co. vs Creighton & Qui vey.... Philomath College vs Henry Sheak Moyer Bros' vs H W Vader .... Oregon Csty Mfg Co vs A Wilhelm. . . . Wm Deering & Co vs Creighton & Qui vey . . . .R M Wade & Ca vs Creighton & Qui vey . . . . Wm Deering & Co vs Creighton & Quivey ,. Helen Williams et al vs Henry Nice and Henry M. Polhemus.... Helen Will iams et al vs T J Elliott Helen Will iams et al vsJohn Guilliams Helen Will iams et al vs J D Healy . . . .Helen Williams et al vs A Gallagher, . . .Cerinda Swick vs J C Taylor. . . . J E Heukle vs Jesse Wood et al . . . .Benicia Agricultural Works vs Creigh ton & Quivey .... I R Dawson vs Karl Karr . . .Sol King vs Bryaut & Wiight Sol King vs L W Mulvaney.. ..F J Chambers vs J M Watson and Mary Watson . . . .Will G King vs T Jay Buford et al John Mil ler vs Wm Grant. .. .Kroschman & Hart- man vs J. R. B.tyle.) mid Elizabeth Baylcy. . . .Charles F LlV'ctt. vs Thos Samuels. ...John A. Hawk vs John W Fawver.... N Blum vs T H Taylor. . . . Wm II Pament vs J M Applewhite, damages. .. .Simpson, Bogue & Co. vs R Lee MoJie. ...AM Will iams & Co. vs Rol t B Gilbraith G E Ne- ol vs Wm Butler G W Heukle vs David C Ballard Wm G Porter vs Wm Grant. ..Geo S Mires vs .Henry C Mires.... J McConkie vs N. P. Slate.... A Pearce vs Benton County. . . .Geo Coffee vs Hcilry L Row. . . .Hartless & Dayisson vs 11 L lien kle. SUITS IN EQUITY. F B Dunn vs Alex Wood and W S Locke. . . . Calvin Stewart vs M A Dice et al . . . . Philomath College vs J W Hotfc et al.... Philomath College vs E C Wyatt et al. . . . T E Hogg vs M M Davis T H Cooper vs G W Cooper et al. . . ,L Vanbebber vs Al mira Mitchell et al. . . .Willamette Valley & Coast Railroad Co vs Wm Mackay as sher iff of Benton -county. Oregon. .. .Caroliuo Patterson vs Meredith lowland et al.... John Radamaker vs Elmira Mitchell et al. .J W Rayburh vs L L Hurd et al....L M Sloper vs T Graham et al. . . .Z Job and B R Job. partners a3 Hamilton, Job & Co., vs M Jacobs et al. . . .S M Bsrry vs Eglia & Long. . . .Currance Shepard vs R F Baker and Nettie Baker. . . . J II Nicholas vs S M Berry. . . .T Egeqtou Hogg as receiver 0 P R R Co vs Peter McDougall . . . .T Egentoh Hogg, .as receiver O P R R Co., vs E Will iams. :.!T Egentou Hogg, as receiver 0 P R E Co., vs C G Copeland and C Copeland. . . T Egenton Hogg, as receiver O P It R Co., vs S A Logan . . -. .T Egentoif Hogg, as re ceiver O P R R Co., va Joseph D Graham. John Buchanan et al vs S A Morgan1 rnd T T Morgan. ...R F Baker vs James Patter son, J O Stearns and VV C Monrot .... John Harness vs M H Wallace aud Mary J Wal lace. . . . Han 11a Hogevoll vs Severn Hogevoll divorce .... Catharine Phile vs Moses Hurd and S T Jeffreys', administrators. .. .Catha rine Phile vs Moses Hurd and S T Jeffreys, administrators of the cstato'of Mary Hurd, deceased, E Holgate, J B Lee, M S Wood cock and F M Johnson. . . .Jennie Hallowell vs J O Hallowell, divorce.... A Pearce' vs Beaton county review. . .The Jarvis-Cork-lin M T Co vs Amos B Wood et al J D Pittman vs Julia Pittman, divorce. . . .Car-y Landres vs Harry' Land res, divorce. .. .Julia A Seeley vs Judson Seeley, divorce. . . .Ella E Johnson, vs Addie M Thompson and N A Thompson .... Ashby Pearce vs W H An drews, T M Culberson and Amanda Culber son . . . .Eliza Belvail vs John . Belvail, di vorce.... John A Gautonbien vs Angies Gaut'onbien, divorce.'. . .Sol King vs . The Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., Trustee et al. . Martha A Campbell vs W A Campbell, di vorce. . . .Carrie R Howe vs Frank L Howe, divorce .... Jacob Michel vs Nathan' Howard and Clara A Howard ... .The Farmers & Merchants Insusauce Co. vs Claude Warren et al. . . .The Farmers aud Merchants Insur ance Co. vs Wilhelm Schwartz and Henri etta Schwartz et al. .. .Barbara Hanson vs B F Jones and Ella Jones. . . . Jas R Bayley aud Sam'l Case vs City of Newport. . . .M J Hutton vs Cal Huttou, divorce.... In the matter of the State and County taxes due Benton county for the. years 1889 and 1890 from the Willamette Valley &' Coast R R Co "and the Oregon Pacific R R Co W.C Monroe vs R F Baker et al .... Damon Smith vs Jos Haslett et al... . .R F Baker vs J O Stearns mandamus. . . .Estate Mary Porter deceased final . . . . John Rickard vs L L Hurd et al .... Elizabeth Graham vs John G Blake W H H Rich vs Carrie' Nicholas. ..'.LP Osborn vs Amanda Ketch um. . . .John Burneett vs J R Markley ct al . .J I Fuller vs Rebeca Fuller, application for leave to answer and to- modify decree. . . . . Allon Parker vs B E Gardiner et al . . .-. A A Roberts, assignment for benefit of cred itors. . . .Vance & Keeney vs Frank Wood, notice to have court re-tax costs. . .-.In the matter of the payment of taxes due Marion county from W VtCRE Co., petition for order to ieceiver. ...EC Keyt vs J B Chit wood. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written' by Mrs. Ada E, Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote:- "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs,- cough set in and finally terminated iu Consumption. Four doctors gave up saying 1 couia irve tmz a short time. 1 gave my self tfu to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above.; My husband was advised to get Dr. King S New Discov ery fot Consumution.Coughs and Colds. 1 (rave it a trial, took in all eitrht bottles:' it has cured me and thank. God t am now a well and hearty woman."'' Trial bottle free at T. Graham's druy storey rejnilnr- size,- 50o after $fK . .... Brought out by the CHfieisf Government Tests. PUR1TV OF FOOD DEMANDED BY THEPEOPiEr which Rasing powder will GivE .iS? Froni Chicago Tribune. The public is always responsive tcf suj gestious about the food it eats; Great in terest has been taken in the investigations? of the United States Ixnd Canadian govern ments and by many of the different boards of health to show the purity or inv . purity of milk, bilking powders,- spices antf other articles in daily use in the culinary department of our households. . Just now the subject of baking powder is claiming public attention. We all desire5 pure and wholesome bread and this5 can' ho be had with the use of impure or poisonous baking powder. There can be no' long er any question tnat alltho cheaper, lower grades of baking powders contain either al um, lime or phosphatic acict.- The official analyses by the United States' and Cauadiari governments have been stud-" ied with interest aud have pretty clearly ea tablishel the facts upon? this' subect. The ' United States government report gives thtf ' names of eighteen well known powders -some of them advertised as pure cream of tartar baking powders th.-ft contain alum. The report shows that the royal bakiug1 powder was found the highest in leavening strength, evolving lGft 6 cubic inches of garf per single ounce of powder. There werrf eight other brands of cream of tartar pow ders tested and their average stfehgflf was 111.5 cubic inches of gas per ounce5 of pow der. The Canadian governnf cnt investigation" ' were of..a still larger number of powders. The Royal baking powder was here also shown the purest and highest in strength, containing 129.32 cubic inches of leavenir gas per onnce of powder. Niue other cream of tartar powders were tested, their average' strength being reported to be 89 cnl-ijy inches of gas per ounce. These figures are very instructive to the8 practical housekeeper. They indicate lhaf the Royal baking powder goes mOre than 39 per cent further in use than the others or uf one third more economical. Still more fntJ portant than this, however, they, prove this" popular article has b.een brought to the highest degree of excellence for id its sil-' pcrlative purity this superiority in strength? is due and consequently that by - its' nse? we may be insured tho purest and' most healthful food. The powders of lower strength afe found! to leave large amounts of inert matters inf tho food. This fact is emphasised by the the report of the' Ohio State Food Commfs' sioner, who, while finding the Royal prao-r tically pure, found no other to 6ontain- lestf than ten per cent of inert or foreign matter; . The public interest in this question' half likewise caused to be made investigation by our local authorities. Prof. W. il Haines, of Rush Medical College, consulting chemist of the Chicago Board of Health, h(f found results similar to thostf reported by the national and Canadian authorities. -Dr Haines says: . '. ; . . "Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. I have recently obtained samples ot the1 chief baking powders of the market, and? have subjected them-' to carefuf chemical. examination to determine ' their purity, wholesomeness and-leavening power. -As the result of my tests I find the Royal bak ing powder superior to all others' iff ever respect. It is entirely free from- all sduP' teration and unwholesome' impurity, arid irf baking it gives off a greater volume of leav ening gas than any other owdef. It irf therefore, not only the purest, but also the strongsst powder with which I am acquaint' -ed. WaltjsuS. Haines. M. T1 Consulting Chemist, Chicago' . Board of Health." - . The statistics show that there iif used inf the manufacture of the Royal baking pow' der mure than- half of all dhe ercatrr of tar tar consumed in' the Uuited States for al purposes. The wonderful sale thus indi cated for the Royal baking powder greater than all other baking powder combined-- is perhaps a higher evidence than that al ready quoted of the superiority of this arti' cle, and Of its iudispensablentss to modern? cocKery. HOMES. "Be it ever so humble, there's no nlac like home," We offer lots in Wilkins'additions at SlfKT 110 and $125 each, and will furufafi' lum-' ber sufficient to build good neat honsM lr cash prices upon the payment of 25 cash balance to be paid in installments of 8 or" 10 per mouth. Wo will build a house to cost not less than 500 on two h'l8t'-casa iota witniu erghfc often blocks of thd nublie school, lots, to be 50x100 feet, to dost i from 125 to 250 each, house to be of your owrf design, and should "it cost less than $600 you will have' tho benefit of the difference upon the payment of 30 per cent, down balance to be paid iu installments at thif usual rate of interest. If yoiv wish or have any ambition to own? a home you certainly can do ho better than? call on Hartless & Davisson in the OccU" dental hotel block and secure one of thtf ..linu a rrftea . Wrt trtll'111 lm ...... -made it possible for every man' in our little' cny no piuvnie a nume ior nitnscit and tne1 money that, he is paying out every month for rent can be applied toward paying fof that home. NoW, if you" do not Waut the earth, Come and see us and learn how we can afford to make this unheard-bf offer j uot wait until someone with an eye to busi ness has secured the first choice of our lots' but come at once. Provide that wiffe aii those children a roof over their head ibitfr will uot bo taken away from them in case' 6 accident.- There offors stand good for thir rysf.' H artless asDAMSKX, V