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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1891)
THE 0CKVA1LIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 191. Highest of all in Leavening Powen U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. .lift II - - .: ABSOULTELY PURE THE BILLION CONGRESS. President Cleveland reduced the bonded debt only $341,396,989, or exactly $138,586,300 less than it had been reduced by Arthnr, with sma'ler revenue at his command, yet so extravagant were the appro priations of Cleveland's two dem ocratic congresses, that the sur plus on March 4, 1889, when he gave way to Harrison, was only $48,096,158.50, or only $26,464, 876.83 more than the sum left him by President Artur! If Cleveland had paid as much of the debt as Arthur did he would not have had a surplus at all, but deficit of $90,000,000. The surplus, as Cleveland left it was $48,096,158.50. The amount ot the bonded debt discharged un der Harrison up to June 30, 1891, was $234,009,640. In two years and four months he has reduced the per capita debt from $24.50 where Cleveland left it, to $12.87, where it is to-day. The Fifty-first congress did not appropriate "over a billion of dol lars," but. just exactly $988,410, 139. or $170,446,269 more than the Fiftieth congress. Of this excess $25,321,907 was for a pen sion deficiency which the demo crats of that congress dishonestly left unpaid; $22,667,343.58 was for postoffice bills, three-fourths of which will be returned to the treasury; $7,307,146.70 was for the purchase of Indian lands that will sell for three times their cost; $14,042,344.69 was to meet con tracts for naval vessels heretofore authorized, and $62,663,536.99 to pay new pensions under the new act authorized by the people in 1S38. The balance went in census expenses, harbor defenses and ini lrovements and World's fair ap propriations. These facts and figures were all set forth by Secretary Foster in Iiis analysis of the appropriations of the last congress, to which he devoted his speech before the re publican state convention at Co lu tubus, Ohio. Post-Intelligencer. the cost of spraying an entire tree several times during the season. If ' -WMW AVMOVIlt and worm-eaten apples are not for teasing, on account of poor health, Many years practice has given C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. . They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. , Their ad vertisement in another column will be of interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all who have to do wun patents. Hotel to Let. A first-class hotel situated in an excellent locality and j . ... aoing a business which pays from $3500 to $4000 per year to lease for a term ot years. This is a good op portunity for some-one. The furniture must be sold with the lease. .Reasons wanted at any price to effect permanent good must be general and thorough. Oregonian c ..: Address "lx JN. p.-jr,S, valis 0regon Gazette office, Cor- CHITWOOD SAWDUST. TT'-. -l . m. ji.rj.j.uK wazette: rimes are lively, as we are just in the midst of a large harvest of "tomatoes and pumpkin pies." The bear are trying to help us out in makins times lively. A few nights since they "came down like a wolf on L. I. f 1 1 ... - uie ioia" ana Killed six or seven of Jimmie Chitwood's sheep. IheRev. Mr. Ingles, of Philo- MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream. Tfl nnt tMimrtln In tti sum on In KiAt. . , T , 1 T V n VIlMk MIUI in nonn larl iicmI tint. norm rdni ku y I 1 -J ivihmiiiwuij uauIUC9. X V creates a soft, smoothe, clear, velvety skin, and by wuij uoo inuwuijr wanes tnp complexion several shades whiter. It is a constant protection from the i : f i ciidi:lii iii nun nrif i winn n iif i nrfli'anra aim freckle, ami hlaslr .lunula will iiai Art.A .u;t.. use it. It cleanses the face far better than noan &nd water, uuunwies ana ouiias up ine skin tissues and motli nrflniA,1 4. . 0 thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. It gives maUl, pieaclied tWJCe for US Sun- the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that l . . I lOU had when a. little -irl M am Uay at Uie UhltWOOd SChOOl house oughttouseit, asittfves a more youthful appear- . - ' . ailCB tfl IV kHv. Mil tW tunnnnonf). I -: lO a JUll ilOUSe. I no actd. IKWlf-r nr ultnli nH la a a k..n,l... .!... T V j.1 i ind 18 m nourishing to the skin as dew is to the ' . ' w , uiv viiji tvwtl Jiur- I 1 c . mi urains ana nair aresserg, .., ; .1 , . A ,. or at aire, uervaiseorahsro's establishment. 103 Post 13 uu tue Uiert laiCing Or- I street, &an rrancisco, where she treats ladies for all ,i- t . TT. blemishes of the face and figure. Ladies at a dis. UeiS IOI iruit trees. HlS trees are I tnce treael y letter. end stamp for her little -j . I uou -now h oe ceauuiui " iinest we nave Seen in the I SomnU PnUln nmiledfree to anvladvon ctof TJ . . , wumflu wvlj receipt of ten cents in olait- nas uuu ripe SiraWDer "amps to pay for postage and packing. Ladyagei ts VlJQ nil n 1 nrm A..n..l-v 1 - I 1110 HC CVCl Utill VineS pk mm m. mm - . A ouiuuiiri aim sliii riiv 1.-0011 J ..vv bearing. It is wonderfiil fn tiow they produce. J. U. Chit wood and wilo l.onn . ' lid V ESTABLISHED 185X. ESTABLISHED 1851. INVESTIGATE THIS! The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co Issues the Safest Policy of any Company. TC7 OVER 1200 BICYCLES Kept in Stock by A. W. GUMP $ CO. 115 East Third St, DAYTON, OHIO. AGENTS FOR THE MBULTI JBBITin ClS Celebrated American Ramblers, The American .Light Ramblers and American Ideal Ramblers. Champions, Light Chamaions. wver 4uu becona-tlanu . Machines in Stock. Send for Prices and tve Money. Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters taken in Exchange. , 1st. Because the famous Non-Forfeiting law of Massachusetts, com- rc.a mom iu guarauice you paia up capital or casli, after the 11 ret year. 03.. 1 the event of misfortune yon cannot lose your insurance, the guarantee is perpetual and does not lapse in six months as other policies do. dd. The Cash Value makes the policy collateral loau in case you should need it 4tll. They pay you annual dividends, either to reduce the annual cost or increase the cash and paid up values. Thus you do not loose your dividends in case of death or misfortune, as you do with a Tontine policy. Under this law you have the greatest protection and the least conditions at the same or less cost. If. you are not insured you ought to be. If you nave some you ougnt to nave more. Send me your name and age and I will send you a sample policy. Agents Wanted. , A New TsjWMTsitE . THE- I N TE RN AT X O NAT see Face Bleach. fflirail t.llA Wnnt. MOM rtt VraY loo Cnl... O-l ..v.vv uvuus w a.n,i9, UUIIUUI IJ, lownewi. Moth-patches, Pimples and all skin blemish- w. mw ci w. narmiess ana enective. io sample ue oci't. iaay aenu wantea. Kill n.t mar miana m na m,.lll " "j pi v-aiawi7iio will navA nim name. aAAaA V.: a a . I prwpanwiuua are ior sate Dy wholesale drue; vnii toiii I ril"w vuiwijjw nnu every cuy west 01 it. WGODBUEN NUESEKY. The Largest Stock in the Northwest. Some fruit-growers who sprayed once last spring and thereafter neglected their trees only to find them laden with worm eaten ap ples this fall are telling the editors of their local papers that spraying is all a humbug, and that there is .no possibility of escaping the ravages of the codlin moth in this etate; that the orchardist may just as well sit down and suck his thumbs for all the good he can do his fruit. The printing of this sort ol talK is calculated to do a great deal .of damage. It may make some men neglect, next spring, their evident duty, not only to themselves, but to their fellow horticulturists. - Spraying fruit trees is not a matter of ex periment at all, although many in this state seem to think so. The codlin moth, the wooly aphis and the San Jose scale, although com paratively recent pests in Oregon, and still unknown in some parts ,of the state, are by no means new to many other sections of the United States. Therefore the ad vice of Prof. Washburn, the ear nest entomologist ... of the State Agricultural College, and the warnings of the State Board of Horticulture are not founded upon guess work or as the result of a brief investigation upon their own part, butupon the combined wis dom of experimental stations and practical fruit-growers all over the country. The. , fact that apples command high prices in city mar kets, although ' thousands of bush els will rot upon " the ground this fall, coupled with the close inspec tion and jejection by the state au thorities of ' Washington of all worm-eaten ; fruit, brings the sub ject of the extermination of pests most forcibly to the' f ore. One bushel of apples free' from blemish -I . . i. 4 .... jmo iul 11CU noma V1S1C lO mends Tl10 11- in this fcwn who first orders Mr. Durkee, our merchant is doing a good business. and is as happy as a squirrel with Ins newly married wile. He says she catrt. be beat in Oregon Mr. McDonald, our authority on honey bees keeninir. is makino- rapid improvements on his home stead, and has a tine apiary in full blast, and his bees are doing nice ly. Mr. Mi-Bride and wife were down here to meeting yesterday horn Itiddyville. Uur district- school, is in fine running order, with Miss Dunham, ot Oreen Basin, for teacher. Krarrux 1 Million of Trees! ALL THE LEADING VAKIETIES Of Fruit, Sh?de, Ornamental, Nut and Evergreen Trees. Vines and. Shrubbery. Send for Catalogue and Price Lint to J. H. SETTLEMIEH, WOOD BURN, OR. Benton County PLANING ' MILLS OREGON WEATHEU REPORT. WESTERN OREGON. FOR WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1891. The fore part of the week was cloudy and rainy, the latter part cool generally cloudless, with fo in the mornings. Light frost was quite general on the morning of the 23, but no damage is reported from it, this was the first frost of the season. Smoke has entirely disappeared from the atmosphere. W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. rnnns -T . . " ' I Doors and Sash kent in atnolr nr m.7a t Harvesting Of Cereals IS OTer. order. Mouldings of M kinds in pine or mere are a few small amounts of rT x W"I,4WIU","W prompt at- . x , omuuii La ui tention. I guarantee all my work to be West of S. P. AND Sash jjjg Doob Factory. wheat and oats to tresh There was no appreciable damage done by the rains. The buckwheat crop of Clackamas county is very good, small portions of it were damaged by rain. Hops are about all baled. Experiments show that sugar beets and sorghum do very well in Washineton countv. Th rains softened the earth sufficient! to allow of plowing in many coun ties. In portions of Linn county the corn is not ripening well. In Douglas county the wheat was not over an average in quantity per acre and quality, oats are however above the average. In Jackson county grapes are ripening: and wine making will begin next week. In Curry county a 200 acre field of barley, oats and wheat, averag ed 50, 51 and 53 bushels per acre respectively. Reports indicate that every one is satisfied with the result of the harvest. first-class. Oregon, depot, Corvallis, SS-tf MONEY TO LOAN On Good Eeal Estate Security From Five to Twenty Years at Six per cent. Call on . GEO. H. BRUCE, Insurance and Loan Agent. Yaqnina, Oregon. M I I Ph S3 o "4 I I f-1 -a 52 " J a . s- a $ -- ZS m S -S rj r2 Qx g H HI o m 55 a 53 o H. G.C0LT0N, General Agent 33 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. IPIAJSTOS A.HST3Z) ORGANS -GO TO J. Wm. WILL. Remember you have neither agents nor wholesalers commissions to Vy wiieii you uuy irom nim, ior lie gets Ins direct from the factories and are warranted. I A strictly first-class machine; Fiillyr warranted. Made from the very best ma-v ferial, by skilled workmen, and with tlio best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. Waranted to d o all that can be reasonably expected of th very liest1 typewriter extant. Capable of writing 1 5C words per minute or more according to the ability of the operator. A machine that will manifold more than donble the number of sheets than any other typewriter" : without affecting the alignment in any re-- . spect, as on this machine the algnntent is indestructible. PRICE - - , $100. If f llPrA wet nn nrvAnf in .l J ... 'S'-" u 114 j uui bunu, ufiiii caB U3 On the Sulllftnt na tv n va ntAMi 1lAofl I With Onr AfTpntR f.tinn nv nthaK rimn,vnfir in our line. International Typewriting Co.v 2 PARK SQ., BOSTON, MASSu Agents Wanted. From Terminal or Interior: Points the Northern Pacific THESE PIANOS Have No Superiors! FOR THEIR COST YOU WILL Save Money ! EAILEOAB Is the Line to Take I TO ALL POINTS EAST ail SOME By calling on him be fore buying. NOTICE A BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES ON- Organs, Sewing Machines, Gns, Revolvers, Pocket Knives, Notions, Etc. :ast and south Southern VIA PACIFIC Route Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. uni'Tii wi.vfii Uv Portland 7:00p.m.Lv Sail Frisco.... 9:00 nm Lv Albanv 10-93 n m T.v Alliou. .4o Ar San Frisco 8:15a.m. Ar Portland.'.'.'."." 9:85 a m Above trains stop only at following stations north of Roseburg, Eat Portland, Oregon City, Wood burn. Salem. Albanv. Tanrrpnt RhoHHa Hafucir r risburg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. Eosebnrg Mail Daily. Lr Portland 8:05 a. m. LrKoeeburg....6:20 a. m Lr Albany 12:20 p. m. J Lv Albany 12:00 m Ar Roseburg 5:40 p m Ar Portland 4M0 p m Albany Local Daily Except Sunday. LEAVE: isniTf! Portland 5:00 p. m. I Albany 9:00 p. m Albany 6:00 a. m. Portland 9:00 a. m Lebanon Branch. B. M. WADE & CO, -DEALERS IN- -AND- Agricultural Machinery. HEADQUARTERS FOR Buggies -s- and Garts I It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day in the Year TO ST. MIL KDCfflCiC (No change of cais, Composed of Unsurpassed, I PULLMAN SEAMS ROOM SLEEFEES ' or Latest Equipment,. Tourist Sleeping Cars,., Best that can be constructed and ini which accommodations are botbt Free and Furnished for holders oS First or Second-class Tickets, and! Eelgant Day Coaches. A Continuous Line Connecting? with All Lines, affording: Direct and Uninterrupted! Service. The Largest Line of Baili ng Wire and Ties. ALSO DEALERS IN Binding Twine, Cleveland Cottage Colors, Paints and Oils RACINE BUGGIES PARRY CARTS. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured m advance through any agent of thei road. "FORFAR," The Finest Summer Resort ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 2:36 pm...Lv. 3:25pm..Ar. 7:30am..Lv. 8:22 a m..Ar, . .Albany. . ..Ar. ..9:25 p m Lebanon. ..Lv. . .8:40 p m .Albany Ar. ..4:26 pm .Lebanon. ..Lv ...3:40 p m S Pullman Buffett Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of second-class passengers, attached to Express Trains. PF1RP0 ponghs. Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, uUriLO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup. Sore Throat Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Longs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " 2. Sattf." West Sid SMtta. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Kail Tills. Eaily bespt Suiay. LKAVB. Portland 7:30 a. m. Jorvallig 12 5 p. m. ARRIVE. Corvallia..... .12:10 p. m Portland 630 p. m U Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Eipwit Train. Bally ZxetptSuday.. ; F. M. JOHNSON; - - r ATTORNEY v AT LAW, c ... CORVALLIS, OE. Branch pPrlri. uenr. uractni. taition. Typetvritinr, Petmuxnthi, an4 Fw"'h Irnrt, liKAVB. Portland.... VcHlnnville. .4:40 p. m. . ,5:5a. m. ARRIVE. McMinnville... 755 p. m Portland 8:20s. m THROU&H TICKETS to all points' South and East. V ' : For tickets and MI infortrlatidn recariUncr rates, maps eta, call on company's agent at VOrTMllB. "Forfar" is situated half way between Newport and Seal Rocks and is well protected from the coast wind. From any point on this property one can obtain A VIEW OF THE OCEAN AND BEACH For miles in either direction, including Seal Rocks to the south and the entrance to Yaquina Harbor, Newport and Cape Foulweather tj the north. lust lie Placs" for tb Business Mm to Spend tie Summer Vacation with lis Family. Fine Drives; a Beautiful Park. Teams always in readi ness for the accomodation of guests. THROUGH TICKETS to anfi from all Points in America England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full iniormation concerning rates, time of trains, routes an& other details furnished" on appOi cation to any agent, or A. D. CHARLT0F Assistant General Passenger- Agen, Ho 121, First t.t, Cor Washington-.. Portland, Oregon, L. E. BEACH, Agt. n. p. r. r., Corvallis, Oregon THE Yaquina Route Oregon Pacific Ra ilroad T. E. Hogg, Ceceiver, ancT " Oregon Development Co.V STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours teas time than by any other ronte. First class t-U 1 r - i . ... . . Lots 50x135 feet, for building pur poses, $25. Lots 135x135 feet Portland all points in the Wiikmeite vJW to ana irom San Francisco, CaL. TIME SCHEDULE (except SontevB.V Leaves Albany 1:00 f. m Leave Yanuina6:4fa . IrfMLVA Onrvnllial rift ik m I I f . -ii:- n.n-'.. . - - - - - f i l "i mils iu ..;j Arrire Yaauina 5:30 p. m Arrive Albany U:10 a. in,. Oregon it California trains connect at Albany aw Carvallig. The above trains connect at Yaquina witdh the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steamships iw tween Yaquina and San Francisca choice property, from $100 to $200 For Further Information Address, WILLIAM GRANT, Newport, Oregon. J. 1L APPLEWHITE, M. !.,. residence North 9th Street. H. S. PERNOT, U. D., residence 4th street, two doors north of Opera House. Applewhite & Pernot, ' PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, : ; ; Corvallis, Oregon, Offices oyer J. D. Clark'a hard ware store,' and at K. Graham's drugstore. Hours: 8 to 12 a. m, 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. -i . G R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN and STOGEON y Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra's t i r rr . . o i i THE PORTLAND SAVINGSBANK OF PORTLAND, OP. BO ON. Paid up capital , . 260,000 Surplus and profits 60,000 Interest allowed on savings deposit as On ordinary savings books. . . .4 per cent per annum T""8" o percent per annc On certificates of deposit: For three months per cent per annum t,"" r -"-"' o per cent per annum For twelve months ; .6 per cent per annum FRANK DEKUM, President. -- D. P. THOMPSON, Vice President H. C. STBATTOX, Cashier. PHILIP WEBER, : oeaxCeh .. . - -;; : ' - Carpets, WqII Paper, Furni tureanfLLrf Frm Taqnlnav Steamshio ." Vl - 4th, 13th, 22nd,lst. - Frm oSans Fran PiCi. Steamshin "Willamotto Voli.... - t,i. 31st, Aug. 9th, 18th, 2Cth. y d,Si05tteto- "' B- Pengers from Portland and ai Willamette valley points can make clus connection wfth the trains of the YaaaiuZ route at Albany or Corvallis, ad it destiU to San Francisco should arrange to-'areive t Yaqnina the evening before date of saili Passenger and freight rates always th lowest. For information apply to 1 W Cummins, freight and ticket agent, tlorvalt ls, or to C. C. HOGU15, T 'J :?nd P A8ent. Oregon Ps. cihc Railroad Co., CorVAUis! r. W, B. WEIfSTER ,i . v , ; r' Gen. F. anil Ti. A. V . went Co., 304 MontomeVyX i ' - ...