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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1891)
m 4 VOL. XXVIII, i COKVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OEEGON, FRIDAY, 0CT0ER.2, 189L h The Burglar! Thipopular play will be produced at the Corvallis opera house, 23 Thursday (Uf 0 BY THE- ()msHER-flvis (Jompany The Corvallis theater-going public has not heretofore hid an opportunity of wit nessinz a d1.iv bv this troupe in Corvallis, and their well-known reputation for artistic playing needs no comment. FRUITS AND FLOWERS," An illustrated Horticultural Journal edited by E. R. Lake. No farmer or fruit grower can afford to be without it. It pays whoever takes it. $2.00 per year; 91.00 for nix months or 20 cents per copy. Address, D. H. Stearns, Portland, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONS" Land Office at Oregon Citir. Or., August 19, 1891. ) Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hs Mud notice or his inten tion to mnke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the county clerk of Benton county, at Corvallis, Oregon, on October 12, 1891, viz; Mertou Stewart Hd. Entry No. 5668 for the K. W. I of Sec.12, T. 11 S., R. 7 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wiley Nerton, Emanuel Branndn, Chas. McTimmonds, F. H. Francis, all of Blodgett, Benton Cov, Oregon. J. T. Apperson, Register, J. A.1 HALL, CONTRACTOR FOR Brick, Sand and Stone A First-class Article furnished on short notice. Leave orders at Hamilton, Job & Co.'s Bank, SUMMONS. . In the , circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Benton Eliza D. Belveil, ) Plaintiff. vs. ctohn J. Belvail, ) Defendant: To the said John J. Belvail, the above named defendant. In the name of the State f Oregon, y-m are hereby required to ap pear aud ans.ver the complaint hied against you in the above emitted suit in said court, on or before the (ninth) 9th day of Noveio lier, J89I, that beiiig the first day of the regular term of the circuit court of the State of Oregon fos the County of Benton; and if you fail t appear and answer the complaint the plamtfff will apply to the court for the relief "demanded in said com plaint, to wit: That the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved, and for costs and dis bursements of this-etfit. ThH summons is published iu the Corvallis Gazette by order irf honorable M. L. Pipes, judge of the above entitled court, duly madeat Chambers on the 12th day of September, 1891. . John K els at, ' Attorney for the PI intiff. ALLBN & WOODWARD, HEADQUARTERS FOR Scliool and College Text Books And all kinds of Scliool Sup jies. fishers Block. - - Corvallis, Or. SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Ore- eon, tor the county oi nenton. Plaintiff. Jaunie Hollowell vs. I. O. Hollowell. V Defendant. To I. O. Htllowell, the ahoye-named defen dant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are heieby required to appear and answer to the complaint tiled against you., in the above entitled suit in said court, on or be fore the 9th day of November, 1891; that being the first day of the regular term of the circuit cnurtof the state of Oregon, for he county of Benton; and if you fail to ap pear and answer the said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the courts for the re Kef demanded in said complaint, to-wit: That the bonds of matrimooy now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved; thit plaintiff hafe the care anil custody of their three minor children.; and for costs and dis iinrsements of tfcs suit This summons is published in the CoR ALUS Gazette by order of Hon. M. L. Pipes, judge of the aliove entitled .court, duly made at chambers on the 22d day ef July, 1891. W. S. Hcfford, Attorney for Plaintiff. Dated August 21, 1891 PUBLIC AUCTIONl I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder October 21, 91 ATI O'CLOCK P.M. Nine Choice lots and two Houses, ' ON THIRD STKEET. T'ebms of Sale. One-half Cash; balance in six months at 8 per cent foterest with approved security. GEO. F. EGLIN. CASH STORE Corvallis, Oregon. i i CD xn P O i o U. J J Nl iV -V 4 NT CT- CO o1 0 W 9 Kfl I CASH I J STORE Serious Danger Threatens every man, woman or child liv ing in a region of country where fever and ague is prevalent, since the germs of ma larial disease are inhaled from the air and are swallowed from the water of such a region. Medicinal safeguard is absolutely necessary to nullify this danger. As a means of fortifying and acclimating the sys tem so as to be able to resist the malarial poison, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is in comparably the best and the most popular. irregularities of the stomach, liver and bowels encourage malaria; but these are speedily rectified by the bitters.- The func tions of digestion and secretion are assisted by its use, and a vigorous as well as a regu lar condition of the system promoted by it. Constitution and physique are thus defen ded against the inroads of malaria by this matchless preventive, which is also a cer tarn and thorough remedy in the worst cases of intermittent and remittent fever. LOCAL NOTES. Ed, Crystal returned last Tuesday from Vacaville, California, where he has been spending a months vacation visiting friends aud relatives. Ed. says he never spent more pleasant vacal ion. He has resigned his position with S. L. Kline where he has been employed for the past four years and will return in a short time to Vacaville where he has accepted a position with his uncle. Catarrh Can't be Cured With Local Applications, as they caunot reach the seat of the disease. . Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous snr faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians iu this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is composed oi the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, price 75c. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorlo. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Wanted. Several cords of first class ash wood. Must be A 1. Address, W. IS., this office. Farm to Rent. 320 acres; team to sell, seed and feed for winter. Apply to F. M. Johnson for further information. Fob Sale. 320 or 160 acres of agricul tural land in lien ton county, at i&'Z dU per pcre. J) or terms apply to I. W illiams, Boom IS, Arlington building, Portland, Oregoti. Wanted. -An experienced logger to take a contract to haul logs from a logging camp to the river. For particulars, address, or enquire of J. A. Hawkins, proprietor of the Philomath baw Mills, Philomath, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on farming land in Benton county. Enquire of J. It. Markley & Co. Office oyer the post- offico, Corvallis, Oregon. NOTICE. Notice is herebv given that the Board of Equalization for Benton County, will meet at the Court house in Corvallis, October 19, 1891, for the purpose of publtcly examining the assessment roll and correct all errors of descriptions and valuations of all proper ties. Now, therefore, all parties who may be agneved by reason of such valuations, descriptions, or otherwise, will take notice of the meeting of said board at said time and place, and make due complaint. That after said board "adjourns there will be no cor rections or alterations made, and the assess ment will remain as returned by the As sessor. E. SKIPT0N, Assessor, By order of the County Judge. Fruits of all kinds at Small & Son's. Bargains in boots and shoes at Kline's. s25-4t Remember the play at the opera house Thursday evening. Peanuts for all at Small & Son's. One half ton just received. Arthur Spalding has been confined to his bed with illness this week. Dr. Applewhite made a business trip to Portland the first of the woek. Peter Rickard and his little daughter are quite ill with the typhoid fever. A fresh lot of hand made candies Small & Son's. It is absolutely pure. Don't forget the play "The Burglar" at the opera house next Thursday evening. Eddy Stock went t Portland Monday and will spend the week in the metropolis, To-morrow will be Jewish New Year and Stocks store will be closed during the day, William Grant, of Farfor, has been Corvallis during the week shaking hands with his friends. Elder Mercer will conduct services next Sunday both morniug and evening at the Christian church. As you go to the postoffice to-day notice that elegant display of dress good in S. L. Kline's show window. J. H. Doty, of Wallport, was in the city this week transacting business and paid this office a pleasant call. See the bargains in the grocery depart ment at Kline's. Royal Duch Cocoa and Golden Gate Baking Powder. s25-4t Photography. E. oeifert is now per manently located at Philomath and will take cabinet photographs at 2. 50 per dozen. Born at John Rickard's farm twelve miles south of Corvallis to the wife of John Stames, on Sunday, September 27th, a girl, The celebrated Unsmer-Uavis company will produce one of their most popular plays The Burglar," at the opera house next Thursday evening. The. most elegant line of dress goods and trimmings ever shown ill Corvallis at Kline's. Ladies are respectfully invited to Call and examine them. s25-4t J. W. Hanson a former merchant of this city, is reported to have dropped dead while walking the streets of Fairhaven, Washington) one day last week. Preaching at the M. E. church next Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, and in the even ing at 7:30 o'clock by the pastor. Sunday school at 3 p. m. All are invited. Ladies should visit the cloak department of S. L. Kline's mammoth establishment, as they will find the largest assortment and finest coods ever shown in Corvallis. s25-4t The bald spot on top of Mary's peak is Covered with a cap of pure white snow, The peak appeared in its winter uniform for the first time this season last Tuesday morning. Jos. Emerick, who received serious in juries while working on the carriage- fac tory last week, has so improved that be was able to be removed to his home in Blodgett's Valley last Monday. IS IT ON THl! LIST! ammonia and axum in baking powders- how TO DETErr THEif . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Rosebprq Or., 1 September 24, 1801. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Judge or County Clerk of Benton Co., Oregon, at Corvallis, Oregon, on Sat urday, November 14. 1891, viz.: Adam Shough, Homestead Entry No. 4983, for WJ of S F4 and Ei of S W of Sec 14, Tp 14 S, R 8 W, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Alexander Strow, Harvey Steeprow, J. M. Thaip and W. H. Seith, all of Alsea, Benton county, Oregon. John H. Shupe, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Lvman T. Maxfield, Deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of . the estate of Lyman T. ' Maxfield, deceased, ' by the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same to me, duly veri fied, at my residence about 12 miles north of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. CAROLINE MAXFIELD, Administratrix of the Estate of Lyman T. Maxfield, deceased. Dated September 28, 1891. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Corvallis, Oregon. In the matter of the estate of J. H. Nicho las, deceased. ' Notice is hereby given to all persons con cerned, that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of J. H. Nicholas, deceased, by the-- county court of Benton County, Oregon; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly TeriSel, accompanied by tbtf proper' voueh ers, to the undersigned, at her residence, in Corvallis, Benton County - Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Emma Nicholas, Administratrix. Dated, September 17th, 1891. , CWWFerrCryJbPi&lwrr$Castoria. Henry Pape .returned Tuesday from Jacksonville. His wife and baby remained with friends there. We are glad to note that the little one is improving in health under the conditions of a change of cli mate. Misses Housley & Whitaker are having their opening display of mihnery goods for season of 1891 this week. They have an elegant display of hats, bonnets, etc., and extend an invitation to the ladies of Cor vallis to call and see them. B. L. Eddy, formerly of this city, bat who has been employed in Portland during the past year by the Bunker Hill Mining Company, has been transferred to the com panies" office iu Sail Francisco. He left last Saturday with his family for their new home. A young lady who has been spending the summer with friends in Corvallis, aud who recently returned to her home in Ohio, writes back that the average farm of Ohio looks like a garden when compared with the large farms and extensive fields of grain in ths Willamette valley. There will be a meeting of the Linn coun ty council of the patrons of husbandry in this city, on Saturday, November 3, at the grange hall iu Farras' brick. All members of the grange are expected to be present. The session wifl open at 10 o'clock. A basket dinner will be one of the features of the day. E. Siefert and W. P. Kerr, of Philomath, were aftrong the callers at the Gazette office this week. Mr. Kerr has purchased a half interest in VI r. SiefertV photograph gallery at Philomath and the new firm are prepared to furnish the people of that burg with a first-class likeness of themselves at a reasonable price. Born on Saturday, September 25th, to the wife of Wm. Butler, a boy. Mr.- But ler has recently ' received several large building contracts in this city and has ex perienced some difficulty in securing car penters to assist in the work, but he has an eye to the future and is not going to be left, especially if he waits long eaough. Mr. Luther Benson, of Indianapolis, is expected to lecture in Corvallis on October 13th. , He is the man on whom the mantle of John Gough seems to have' fallen. P. Fishbrook, former law partner of Presi dent Harrison, says of him:-. r'I have heard alt the great apostles of temperance, Gough, Cary and Murphy and Luther Ben son fs eesoBc( t aoae of them,"" ' ' In view of what the Minnesota senate has done, it is hoped that legislative bodies in other states will soon take up the question of food adulteration. The subjoined list of baking powders containing ammonia and alum, compiled from official reports and published in a recent number of the Scien tific American, is given below. 'It deals iu a direct manner with an evil which must be cut down," said the Chicago Tribune in commenting on the Scientific American re port. Following is the list of AMMONIA AND ALUM BALING POWDERS. Compiled front Offltidl Reports. fowdera marked with a star seem to have a general sale, as they are mentioned in at least two of the reports. atlantic&pacific. royal. crown. silver bfoon. cook's favorite. SCIOTO. crystal. silver star. DAISY. SNOWDRIFr. DAVIS' O. K. SOVEREIGN. DRY YEAST. STAR, OEM. 8TATB. GLOBE. STANDARD. KENTON. SUNFLOWER. PEARSON'S. WASHINGTON. PERFECTION. WINDSOR. PEERLESS. ZIPP's GRAPE. PURITY. CRYSTAL. There are; in addition to the fregoing list from the Scientific American, a num ber of such powders sold iu the western that were not found in eastern stores. Following is the list to date: CALUMET, - - - Contains Alum; (Calumet Baking Powder Co., Chicago.) FOREST CITY, - Contains Ammonia Alum. (VouwieBros., Cleveland.) CHICAGO YEAST, Contains Ammonia Alum (Chapman & Smith Co., Chicago.) BON BON, - - - Contains Alum, HOTEL, Contains Ammonia Alum, (J. C. Grant Baking Powder Co., Chicago.) UNRIVALED, - - - Contains Alum (Spragaes, Warner & Griswold, Chicago. ) ONE.SPOON, TAYLORS, Ammonia Alum. (Taylor Mfg. Co., St. Louis.) YARNAL'S, - - - Contains Alum. (Yarnal Mfg. Co., St. Louis.) SHAW'S SNOW PUFF, - Contains Alum. (Merchants' Mfg.'Ascosiation, St. Louis.) D0DS0N&HILS, - - Contains Alum. (Dodson ft Hils, St. Loitis.jf SHEPARD'S, - Contains Ammouii Alum:. (Wm. H. Shephard, St. Louis.) BAIN'S, Contains Alum. (Meyer-Bain Mfg. Co., Sti Louis.) MONARCH, - Contains Ammonia Alum. (Reid, Murdoch & Co., Chicago) SNOW BALL, - Contains Alum. (Bengal Coffee & Spice Mills Chicago.) GIANT, - - - - Contains Aloifl. MILK, - - Contains Alum. (W. F. McLaughlin & Co., Chicago.) ECHO, , - - - - - Contains Alum. (Spencer Bluing Paddle Co., Chicago.) KALBFULL'S PURITY, - Contains Alum. (Kalbfell Mfg. Co., Chicago.) RISING SUN, - Contains Ammonia. (Phoenix Chemical Works, Coicago.) WHITE ROSE, -Contains Ammonia Alum. (Globe Coffee & Spice Mills, Minneapolis J WOOD'S ACME, Contains Ammonia. (Thos. Wood & Co., Philadelphia.) ANDREWS' PEARL, - Contains Ammonia. (C. E. Andrews & Co , Milwaukee.) HARRIES' FAVORITE, - Contains Alifm. (H. H. Harries, Minneapolis.) FIDELITY, Contains Alum. SOLAR, - - - Contains Alum. (Sherman Bros., Chicago.) PUTNAM'S BEST, - - Contains Alum. (Wells Putnam & Co., Chicago.) CHINA "T" HOUSE, - Contains Alum. (Noab McDowell. St, Paul Minn. ) TWIN CITY, - - - Contains Alum. (J. K. Ferguson, Minneapolis, Minn.) HERCULES, - Contains Ammonia. (Hercules Baking Powder Co., San Francis co.) CLIMAX, - - Contains Ammonia. (Climax Baking Powder Co., Indianapolis.) Ammonia and alum are the most common adulterants yscd in the manufacture of baking powders. The government report shows that a large .'percentage of the baking powders on the market contain either one or the other, or both of these pernicious drugs. What woman wonld nse an' alum' or am monia baking powder, if she knew it? Such powders not only undermine the health, but ammonia gives the complexion a sallow or blotched appearance. The presence of alum or ammonia in baking powder, how ever, can easily be -detected. To Detect Ammonia. Mix one heaping teaspoonful of baking powder with one tea spoonful of water in a tin cup boil thor oughly for a few moments', stir to' prevent burning, and if ammonia is present yon can smell it in the rising steam. Or, place the suspected powder top down on a hot stove for a minute or two, then take off the cover and smell. To Detect Alum. Alum powder can be tested by putting a couple of teaspoonfuls Of the powder in a glass of cold water. If no effervesenee, that is babbling or simmer ing, takes place, condemn the powder and return it at ouce. Some powders, however, likar the 'Calu met," "Bon Bon,"' "Chicago Yeast," etc., contain phosphates in combination with alum, and with these brands- the following test is simple and sure: Take one-half teaspoonful- of baking pow der in lid of say half pound can;' char thor oughly over a strong alcohol flamey s good gas i-et, ef red hot coals. for one minute, then -ktf btit the sfln If the coin prove a Cream of tartaf pdwdtaf the coin will be bright; if an aluni ptfirtUf it will have sulphur stains. Now pour a little vinegar into the lid atta Smell the fumes. Aluni gives off sulphnf' ettfc'd hydrogen which may' be Selecied bf its foul odor. LOCATj NOTEfSi Don't miss it! What? The play at thrf" opera house next Thursday evening. Many of our citizens are at the metropo' lis this week attending the OipeslUdti: Euerybody is going to to see "The Burg' lar" at the opera house Thursday evening. John A. Hall is ho prepared to furnisU brick, sand and st6ne to contractors of par. ties building. See his' advertisement id another column. Mrs. Martha Avery arid Mrs. P; Arerjr; accompanied by her daughter Ester; lef last Monday for California, where they e pect to spend the winter': Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLagan and Mrs!; Tucker and two children, after an absence' of five years in Crook county, have returner! to Corvallis and will make this place' their" future home. Dr. Chapman, of Oakiand',- Californi-j Dr. Landon, of Portland, and Dr. Thomp-I son of this city, have been appointed to de liver addresses at the Synod of Oregori ai . Grants Pass next week. The rain of tile' present week will be w'ei- - corned by the majority of the farmers of Benton county. It bag moist6ned thd soil so that nipay of our farmers will sooii be at work on their fall plowing in dead earnest. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin, of SafeirJ, have been spending a few days in Corvallis) visiting their daughter Maud, who is atJ tending the Agricultural College. Mr. Martin is very much pleased with Cof vallW and its surroundings. The Presbytery of the f illarifet'te ffieei ' at Eugene next Monday evening and thd Synod of Oregon at Grants Pass on th4 Thursday following. tin Tliom'p'son and an elder from the Presbyterian church ot this city expect to attend these meeting. Services at the Presbyterian church Suit- day morning and evening at 11a. m. andr 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting at 6:1? p. m. At the close of a sfrort tfermoif in the morning there will be communion servicer and reception of members, "topid in theT evening, "Profit and Loss. " A welcome tot all. Albany advertises a few score oi cotam'oJ dious!residenc8 cheap for rent or tor sale. There is not a vacant house to be had in) Corvallis to-day, and every available caf penter finds all the work he can do on the1 new buildings now in aliref of construc tion. .. New residences are being put np id every potticm of our city. Boyd Kennedy, of Philomath, was bound over in the sm of $100 to appear before the grand jury, in Justice Carlile's court lasfc Saturday. One day last week Be bad m quarrel ith Chas. Allen and for revenge he took a brir'r off of Mr. Allen's wagon, but fortnnately the miscreants' deed was? " discovered" jufstia time to pt vent an acci denf.- A. G. H. 0 vern, of Monkata, Minff. i offers io furnish 7000 if the people of Sil verton will furnish $7000 more, and put up) a first-claAS fruit cannery. M Overs is man of capital, understands a cannery , and means business. Mr. O vern can find (t profitable investment for his money here inl Corvallis, if the people of Silverton cannoff accommodate him. W. G. Lane was seriously injured Ias6 Saturday at the sawmill. While seating himself on a lumber wagon the horses sud' donly started, causing him to loose has bat' ance and fall, striking the back of his head on the ground in such a manner as to injure' the spinal cord. The hind wheels of the!' wagon also passed over his body, causing additional iarurics-. Under the careful treatment of Dr. Altman he will come onB all right.. The first story of the carriage factory isf up and the tiiftber for the second aud third stories and a portion of those for the fourtH -story are ajlreadV for priming As nearly all the lumber and material is now on the? ground the work will progress very tapidiy in the future. It is expected, providing the) rain does not interfere with work, to com' plete one stiry a- weekv All the machinery has been ordered and will be ready fo ship" ment as soon as the building is enclosed. Kupepsy. This is what you ought to hvey fti faeJ" you must have it to fully enjoy life.- Though and8 are searching for it daily, and mbunr-' iug because they find it not. Thorttaan'd's tify on thousands of dollars' are spent aUnUnliy by our people in the hope that they lHay at-f tain this boon. And yet it my be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters', if used according to directions and- the ns persisted in, will bring yon Good Digestion!' and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eii'pepsy.- We' recomTilend" Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases oi Liver, Stomach: and Kidneys, Sold at SOof and $1.00 per bottle by .T. GT'ahaiB, drug gist. STREET CAR NOTICE. On and after this dato in lots of 50 or more, can be bought foi'' three cents each. School children' will be" supplied in lots of 50 tickets lit one enfr each. Cars will be run at proper hoars for Sunday Schools and church services hoth morning and evening. , Parties wishing; After charring space in' cars for advertising purposes can hp (that is burning until the whole mass is I accomodated -at 50 cents and 1 per Burnti blackV add a teaspoonful ef water and place By applying for 51. w. WtitSSi- bright silver com- m the solation-. Stir ' Kuptri-tciidom.flit