highest df all id -U. S. Gov't SLepffi, Aug. ijr. 1889. War has broken out among the large watch manufacturing con cerns of America, and the an nouncement is made of a reduc tion of twenty per cent, in all 18 size movements. It is said the Elgin company will lose $100,000 in rebates to jobbers who now hold in stock the goods on which the reduction is made, and $300,000 on the movements now held by the company, while the Waltham company will lose something over a million dollars by the reduction. The reduction is made in an effort to wipe out of existence the Due I ber watch-case company. Now is the time lor all hands to get pocket time pieces at reduced rates. OuEGON WEATHER REPORT. The question whether large farms or small farms pay the best, depends 011 the value of the land, the nature of the soil, the charac ter of the crops which must be produced, and other modifying circumstance. In the prairie states, where land is cheap and grain 13 the staple crop, moderate ly large farms are necessary in or der to secure a profit. Where fruit, vegetables, etc., lorm the chief dependence of the farmer for profit, small, well tilled farms are better than large ones, or vice versa. The circumstances must determine the matter. Ex. - Among the advantages to Eu rope of the war in Chile was the opportunity it gave of testing several newly invented rifles in actual battle instead of at un satisfactory targets. - The insur gents' were armed with a German weapon known as the Mauser Mannlicher gun, and it proved to be a luan-licker, indeed, for sever al instances were found where a single bullet had passed through three men. The cartridge is about as large as a cigarette, and ninety- five of them weigh no more than sixty of our Springfield rifle cat rulges. " Yankee ingenuity is proverbial. Already we are beginning to im prove on English methods in the manufacture of tin plate. For cen turies the English tin makers have used tallow largely at one step of the process. An American manu facturer has found that cottonseed oil is preferable in many respects to tallow. Cottonseed oil is cheap er, and its use in . the tin industry now growing up in this country will make an additional market for this importent southern pro duct. Ex. The president's salary is paid to him in mothly. installments of $4.- 166.67. The warrant is brought up to the White House by' a spe cial messenger of the treasury de partment, and after the president has indorsed it as he would an ordinary draft, his private secre tary deposits it at the Columbia bank. When the president is out of town the draft is mailed to him. The same method is pursued in paying the justices of the supreme court. FOR WESTERN OREGON, FOB WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1891. The temperature has been low er than the preceding week. The weather has been cloudy or partly cloudy, with rain in latter part of the week. An earth-quake was felt especially in the Willamette valley about 9 o'clock on the eve ning of the 16th. CROPS. Hop picking is nearly over, the hop crop will amount to about two thirds of a crop, the lice and mould having damaged the other third. Corn in Jackson and Jose phine counties is being cut, the yield is larger than for many years. Grapes in the southern counties are ripening and wine mafeing will begin within a few weeks. Threshing is generally over, except an occasional small stack in a few localities. Reports continue to indicate that the far mers are all pleased with the pro ducts secured, save hops. Peach- i es, pears, apples and melons are very plentiful and the yield has been more than an average. The prune crop has been fully an aver age and the drying of them yet continues. Some plowing has been commenced. Cotisu motion nirrri An old physician, ietii td from practice, having had phteed in his hands bv an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy . and per mahent care of consumption, bronchitis. catarrh, asthma and all throat and lung af fections, also a positive and radical care for nervous debility and all nervous complaints. after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his doty to make it known to his suffering fel lows. Actuated by this motive and a desire te relieve human suffering, I will send free ol charge, to all who desire it, this receipe. in German, French, or English, with full directions lor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tins usutsr. vv . a rv fivpa xsn diock, xiocnescer, a.- x. Many years' practice has triven T A. Snow & Co.. solicitors of nnr.pntc at. Washington, D. C unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents lor all classes 01 inventions. ihev make a snma b of rejected cases, and have secmvI . , - allowance ot many patents that had been previously rejected. Their ad. vertisement in another column will be of interest to inventors, patentees. manufacturers, and all who have to do ... ' I with patents. :GO TO' P'.DTC Cough, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, bUnCO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup. ThiM I MHfl. and Th. f ( . . .. v .., .... vi.,.uwuu.uS vuiiaumpiion. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " L Butts." TO SUBSCRIBERS, OLD AND NEW. The five territories, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Oklahoma and Alaska, will exhibit their resources and products, together under one roof, at the ' world's fair. They will unite in erecting one large building, though Utah; if its next legislature makes a "snfficient ap propriation, reserves the privilege of erecting a separate building of Its own. r , .-, It is said' that Jav Gould ' is about to retire from active' busi ness on account of ill health. 1 The management of his business will be intrusted to his sons. Hotel to Let. A flrst-clasa hotel situated in an excellent' locality and doing "a business which paya from $3500 to $4000 per year to lease for a term : of' years. ; This is a good op portunity for someone. The furniture must be gold with the lease, Reasons for leasing, on account of poor health. Addjfos "It N' -Gaaett office, Cor valUs. Pi-twin. In order to out The Weekly Oitr i egonion into the homes ot thos : without it, the publishers make the liberal oiler ot fiileeti months fo- $2 00 to all who subscribe nrior fn January 1, 1892. This offer ap plies not only to new subsenbers but to renewals as well. In nddi. tion to this, each new subsftrihpr. or old subscriber renewing, is given nis choice ol either "The American livestock Manual." or th "San. dard American Poultry Book," wnicn will be sent free. Dostaee Dre- paid. These are valuable works of reference for the farmpr. The Weekly Obegonian is the great weekly of the Northwest There is no weeklv Dllblished nn the Pacific coast, or any where else. mac lurnisiies readers a fuller compendium of all the news of the whole world than does the Weekly Oregoniax. No other paper gives such close attention to to Pacific coast news, especially to what is transpiring in the great Northwest. Aside from its unexcelled n features, a large number of special articles, prepared for its columns by wellknown writers, are nnblish. ed during the year. It furnishes descriptive letters from various por tions of our own countrv and from foreign climes, as well as stories, poetry and well selected miscella ny. 1 here is a department main tained for the farmer, also for the women and children. All the ad. vantages of a newsDaDer of t,h fircr. class are offered by The Weekly Obegonian. No familv in the en. ure iNorcnwest can atlord.to be without it. Address, . Obegonian Publishing Co. Portland,' Oregon MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream. tfl not acofimAtif in th una. it. w1ii.li .t. . is popularly used, but permanently beautifies. It I creates a soft, smoothe, clear, velvety skin, and by daily use gradually makes the complexion several shades whiter. It is a constant protection from the effects Of BUn Allfl Winrl Ollll nrAvanta aim V... J freckles, and black-heads will never come while vou I ...... i. i. ..i . i t . . . . , . . i " i. iviur mo save iar Better man soap and water, nourishes and builds up the skin tissues and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. It gives - 1 K.M ... OCtl 1 1 bill. I. 1 ou had when a little girl. Every lady, youn; or old "" w (fives a more youtniui appear ance to any lady, and that permanently. It contains ' , 1. 1 1 v. 10 w, iim iiiiu33 as uew I . " la w IMC I flower. Price 81. at all drucrcists and hair riVpsners I or at Mrs. Gervaise Graham's establishment, 103 Post rcc, sun rranciseo, wnere sne treats ladies for all blemishes of the face and figure. Ladies at a dis- aiice ireaiea Dy letter, send stamp for her little wva. V w rvf VO OClft U till Ul. Sample Bottle ,re; J2nLy m. - ku VCilba 111 I stamps to pay lor postage and packing. Lady age. ts MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach. riurvHI thrt worot. mbm n9 f 1 I- . o i n. .. . iwnica, ouuiiurn, oai- lowness. Moth-patches, Pimples and all skin blemish. es Price 81 50. Harmless and effective. No sample m kii. ijauy. ftKCfl wantea. Til ft ?irrio"(rict thig town who first orders , j ' 01 my Preparations will ... ..ii.c BHiucxi bu vtiis auvertisement. My prerrations are for sale by wholesale drug gists in Chicago and every city west of it. Free Railroad Ticket TO AND FROM THE WORLD S FAIR Commencing May 1st, 1893. End ing October 31st, 1893. Our proposition is to give, absolutely free, a first- IfljUl r&ilMQV ltilraK4nHiul nu . .. i 1 ' ....... viiil-m ju, w inuiuae all meals en route both ways, free bus and bamra"e to and from dAnnttn tiitl I. . iz . i board ana lodging while there, six admissions to the . Mia w vuiius, Mm wwo .ivKeis to any nrst-ciass thea tre. Wl Want ra.liltlA atran .a - .1 i out the Pacific Coast, pleasant and profitable em ployment will be given, if desired, until the opening of the World's Fair, May 1st, 1893. An agency will f",V aBWlOgV UI 1IUIU S 2 r -p 1 S3 3 O -v-S o a . CD 5- es O a M 1' a o r3 o .2 a a J. Wm, WILL. fieraettfber yoK have' neitfier ageiiffs Hot tfM(!siliefs c'ofinrtiissiohs to pay when you buy frbiri hifti, fo ttei gets his direct from the - factories atfd are warranted. THESE PIANOS Have No Superiors! FOR THEIR COST YO& WILL Save Money ! By callingon him be 1 fore buying. NOTICE A BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES InrKtiMATionAt, ON- Organs, Sewing Machines, Gns, Revolvers, Pocket Knives, Notions, Etc R. M. WADE & CO., DEALERS IN :aedwas3 -AND. Agricultural Machinery. $3 TO $10 A DAY. besides each agent will be given a free railroad ticke to and from the World's Fair. AGENTS WANTED Teachers, students, ministers, bright younp men and woman, parties whohave bad experience as can vassers for books or other articles intact, our propos ition is open to everybody who is in a position to de vote all or a portion of his or her time to our business. Pvlka whA in nAMlinn J ...11 . : r- - v v v. iu - ' vt utiun; 11111 Lime o our business, can, by devoting a few hours each day and evening to the work, secure one of the free tick eta nnlv lTniVl .inlro will tlA AM -.1 1 teed by the World's Fair Co., incorporated, capital lAdkttAAAMAA tXT - -. . . ' j! ' " "require nocapitaito Deinvest ed by our agents. Experience is not nexssary;-we teach VI m frm WnU ... A - 1 . . "uniMn uu gOJU KWU-vCHIi stamp for reply and postage for printed pamplet PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO. PORTLAND. OREGON. Ainawortb Block. Third and Oak Streets. a -5 o I I o EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern pacific Route Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Portland Dnilv. jiniTTft . HUllTil uv l oriianu ... 7:00n. m.lLv SanFriim s.-nn nm Lv Albaiv 1A.94 n. t.. .11 Ar San Frisco 8.15 a. ni ' Ar I'nrtliuiH " " " a.is Abfive trains utiui aiiIv at fniiu,;.... . t. i -...nviii obMviuiiv iiurtn r " 2 ,.,r" a'wiiu, vregnn t;ir.y, wood- .... muaiiy, langent, sneaas, ilalsey. Uar riMllllrfr .Tiinol.i..n !; 1-..:... .. . " ot ... vi.j, iirin6j ciu;ede. Rosebnrg Mail Daily. Jiv fortiand....8:0S a. m. I Lv Rosebnrg 6.20 a. m "y p. m. bv Albany 12:00 m ar nuseoiirg 5:40 p in Ar Portland 4:00 pni WOODBURN NURSERY. The Largest Stock in the Northwest. If Million of Trees! ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES Of Fruit, Shjule, Ornamental, Nut and Evergreen Trees. Vines and Shrubbery. Send for Catalogue and Price List to J. H. SETTEEMIETt, WOOD BURN. OR. Benton County PLANING MILLS AND S&sma"d loQR Factory. W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. 111 i-: Doors and Sash kent in afnolr n n.j.i. order. , Mooidinga of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders will receive prompt at. Untion.. 1 goaraateo all my work to be" first-class Waat of S. P. "Jamt fUrmXts. Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin. Branch School : Capital Bob. College. Salem. Oregon. isnsiness, Shorthand. tsht'6. and Rnrlisk TyeSartinjmts vawtogue irom euner accooi, nee. TWlTWrWrsSJT- Psr i9In vetnion throughout the year. W M SU HUH. PHILIP WEBER, "'- -DEALER T Carpets, Wall Paper, Furni ture and Bedding, CORVALLIS, - ORECON. DENTISTRY. J. B WELLSi r. r. s., (Successor to N. B. Avery.) Ether administered for nunlep. AvfM.t;nn r WAU.tbW4WU of teeth. Office over t.ha iTImf 'NT.;nn. a. ev.tuc Bank. SALARY $25 PER WEEK, . : - WANTED! Good agenta to tell our General Line of Merchandise. Iln mJJU. m. 1 . .... . . vpuuiiiig. xuv BYDnve ssiary will De paid to "live" agents. Far information address Chicago General Supply Co., 178 West Van Buren St. : G: r. fArra. m. n.. PHTSIOIANand SURGEON Special attention and diseases of Women and Children. utnee up stairs ' in Crawford & Farra's uncK. umoe Hours. to nam i to a and 7 p. m i3-yi.. Main St, Op, Cameron's Store... A eniet room. Good Books. ' Current P- MIS and Periodicals. The public invited. Stranger especially welcome.- Pr(Mrr.f W r,:.'r 'rr " Albany Local Daily Except Sunday. Portland 5:00 p. m. I Albany.. .9:00 p in Albany 5:00 a. m. Portland 9:00 a. m Lebanon Brauch 2:36 pm...Lv... Albany.. 3:25 p m. . Ar. . .Lebanon. 7:30 a in.. Lv... Albany... 8:22 a ra. .Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Ar...9:25p m ,.Lv. ..8:40 p tn .Ar...4:2G p m .Lv . ..3:40 p m Pullman Buffett Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of second-class passengers, attached to Express Trains. Wtct Silo XHrlsta. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Hall Trala. Bally Eic.pt Sunday. LKAVK. . ARRIVE. Portland 7:30a.m. Corvallls 12:10 p. m Corvallis 12:66 p. m. Portland 60 p. m At Albany and Corvallls connect with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Express Tula. Daily Except Suday. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland :40 p. m. McMinnville... 7:25 p. m McMinnville.... 5:45a.m. Portland 8:20a. m HEADQUARTERS FOR Buggies and GartsI The Largest Line of Bailing Wire and Ties. ALSO DEALERS IN Binding Twine, Clevbland Cottage Colors, Paints and Oils RACINE BUGGIES PARRY CARTS. "FORFAR," The Finest Summer Resort ON THE PACIFIC COAST. "Forfar" is situated half way between Newport and Seal Rocks and is wen protected from the coast wind. From any point on this property one can obtain A VIEW OF THE OCEAN AND BEACH For miles in either direction, including Seal Rocks to the south and the entrance to Yaquina Harbor, Newport and Cape Foul weather to the north. Just The Place for lis Business Mm to Spend tie Summer Taeatin witl lis fasiilj, Fine Drives; a Beautiful Park. Teams always in readi ness for the accomodation of guests. Lots 50x135 feet, for building purposes, $25. Lots 135x135 feet A strictly first-class machinn. Fnllv warranted. M ade from tlie very I8t material.- by skilled workmen, aiid with the best tools that have ever been devised for the DtirD08e. Wnrnnfnd In dn nil that n.-in' lie reasonably expected of th "verv lwwfc typewriter extant. Capable of e writing 1 50 per minute or more according to the ahilit.v n( tkA nna. A- ,i.;...- that will manifold more thiiii dWble the t . . numoer ot sheets than any other typewriter without affecting the alignment in any re-' spect, as on this machine the a9frhment is:' indestructible. PRICE - SIOO. It there is no agent in yonr town, address" us on the subject as we are more liberal with our Agents than any other Company' in our line. InleraaliBual Tjpnritiaj Co.r 2 PARK SQ., BOSTON, MASS7,- Agents Wanted. From Terminal or Interidi? Points the Northern Pacifib EAILEOAD Is the Line to'Tako TO ALL POINTS EAST aJSOOS It is the Dining Car Route. It runs' Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day in the Year (No change of caig, Composed of- DINING CARS, Unsurpassed, f HUMAN SWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment,. Tourist Sleeping Cars, . Best that can be constructed? and! ib which accommodations are botht Free and Furnished for hohlera of First or Second-class Tickets audi Eelgant Day Coaches; : A Continuous Line Comrectinir with All Linetk affording: Direct and XTninterruptedl Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations! can be secured in advance through any agrent of the road. ... ...- choice property, from $100 to $200 For Further Information Address, WILLIAM GRANT, Newport, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security From Five to Twenty Year at Six per cent Call on GEO. H. BRUCE. Insurance and Loan Agent. Yaqnina, Oregon. THROUGH TICKETS - to all points South and East. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps eta, can on company s agent at Corvallis. E. P ROGERS, Asst. G. V. &P. Agont. B. KOEHLER Manager. OCCIDEHTAL Corvallis, - - Oregon. M. A CAN AN PRO THE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW Build ing, newly -furnished, and is first class n ail its appointments. RATES LIBERAL. JW Larue SamDle Rooms on first floor for Commercial Men. . - . '. F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 5 : ; CORVALLIS, OR. 1 ' OVER 1200 BICYCLES Kept in Stock by A. W. GUMP $ CO. 115 East Third St, DAYTON, OHIO. AGENTS FOE THE Celebrated American Ramblers, The American Light Ramblers and American Ideal Ramblers. Champions, Light Chamaions. Over 400 Second-Hand Macbines in Stock. . Send for- Prices and save Money. Bicycles, Guns and Typewriters taken - in Exchange. M. APPLEWHITE.M. D.. rendence North 0th Street. H. S. PERNOT, U. D,, residence 4th street, two uuuro norm tn upera tiouse. Applewhite L Pernot, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ; ; . Corrallisj Oregon. . : ; ware store, and -at - Rx. dh-Am drag store. Hosrs: 8 toJLil ajh THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. THROUGH TICKETS) to and). from all Points in America England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company, Full intormation concerning: rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on appli cation to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General' Passenger Agent;. Ho 121, First St., Cor Washington1,. Portland, Oregon, L. E. BEACH, Agt. n. p. R. R, Corvallis, Oregon', . THE Paid nn canitsl enen nnn Surplus aud profits 60,000 vOTua(a WVOltj W On ordinary avinm book. .. .4 per cent per annum "fv"?" oook'- per cent per annum On certincatea f deposit: For three month. 4 per cent oer annum x months 6 per cent per annum For twelve 'mOm. . t percent per annum rMAnn. iruiiua, rTenaeuc O. P. THOMPSON, Vice Preddent H. C. 8TRATTON, Cuhla Dv lOU WANT TO SAVE Prom 2S to SO tests on Etdtj Dollar YOU 8PENDP If so, write for our Mammoth lllaitratad Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed on receint of 20 . . . . . cents ior postage. Chicago General Supply Co. 17 8West Van Buren St Ml Cajeate, and Trade-Xarks oMatMd,anaUFafcv Je 0pMfllsU..Psts4 iSk : JSSa.? "OI" P'tent In less UnnthantbOM tiSf m-0??'.? .or Pnottfc. with derfp-:L"- .W?.dF.,B' patentable or set. tree of James of actual hhn j -tmrSftj'te. evtv r, town, sent Ixee. AbissC - ' . Oregon Pacific Ra ilroatf T. B. Hogg, Receiver, ancf Oregon Development Co.?& STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours Less-time than by any other route:- First class through passenger and freight line from Portland all points in the Willameite valley to and from San Francisco, CaL TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.)' Leaves Albany 1:00 p. m I Leaves Yat)Uliia6:4r a. m Leave Coivallisl:40 p at. I Leave Corvallis 10:35 " amre laqmna&.cHfp. m I Arrive AiDany liau al ntv- Oregron ft California trains connect at AlhanyaiHS Corvallu. The above trains connect at Yaquina' wieHt the Oreiron Development Co. 'a Una et steamships ba tween Vaqniua and San Francisco: Frnri Yaquina. Steamship "Willamette. Valley"' Au& 4thr 13th, 22nd, 31 sC, Frm wSan Francfaev SteamshiD ""Willamette Vallev." .rnlW 31st. Aog. 9th, 18th, 26th. v This Company reserves the right vo-clianc eaillnar' ' N. B. Passengers from Portland aud alJF Will.ltMf fj. veIIav iiinl:. 0:11 111 air. nl..n. conoectron wft& the- aitts ec the- Yaquin.-v ' route at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined -to San Francisco shoulsl arrange to anri ve at ' Yaquina the evening before date ot sailing. . .aoBcugnr sera rreigiis races- always til' . lowest. . For information- apply to 1. v Cummins, freight and ticket agent, t'orval Iisr to C C. HOeUE,. ' Jfen. F. an J P. Agent, Oregon P ' cilio Itailroad C.r Corvallie. Or. -W. B WEBS TEE.