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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1891)
the ooKvALiiS QAzEi'TE, Friday; September is, i89i; bighest oi all in Leavening Power. ARSOLLFTECSf PURS YOUNG AMERICAN PUSH. There is a wonderful amount of push in young America of the present day. Smart young men !ean against big brick buildings for hours at a time evidently try ing to push them over. In the same way they will push against a railing or a fence until it falls down. They will push through a crowd of free-lunch grabbers to get the choice pieces of cold ham. Crowds of these young fellows will push ladies off the sidewalk, 'and they push their way into places where 0 they have no business. They push a surprising amount of provender that they do not earn down their gullets, and push them selves into the front row at enter tainments where they pay noth ing. They puh themselves into society that they have no fitness to adorn and push better but more modest young men to the wall They push their lathers very close to make a living for them, and push their mothers to all sorts oi inventions and deceptions to keep them in cigarette money. They , push their paunches up to the bar and push scorpion broth down in to their maws. They push their tailors to bankruptcy and other tailors to the limit of endurance. If they acquire wives they will push them to the washtub, and finally they will push themselves off the precipice of destruction. Yes, there is a great deal of push in the young America of the pres ent day. Ex. The average cost of running a passenger train on the railroads of the United States is 83 cents per mile, and the train earns just $1.0G in doing it. The profit, therefore, is only 23 cents a mile, but it foots up to $300,000,000 on all the roads in the course of a year. The roads get 2 cents and 2 mills per passen ger per mile, and it costs 2 cents to carry him. It is this 2 mills per mile, multiplied by millions, that makes the vast'sum of $300, 000,000 profit. The roads get a little less than a cent for carrying a ton of freight one mile, and it costs them six tenths of a cent to carry it. . It costs more to run a freight train a mile than a passen ger train, the figures for the former being $1.06, and the tram earns $1.65 per mile. How many intending visitors to the great Portland Industrial ex position, to be held at Portland from September 17 to October 17, have ever seen the Indian in his na tive ceremonies and wild, weird dances? How many have ever seen a war dance or a ghost dance, such as came so near plunging the country into a bloody Indian war last winter? Those who have not will have an opportunity to wit ness these peculiar ceremonials of the savages at the coming exposi tion, as Superintendent Mitchell has succeeded in procuring from the Umatilla reservation a number of noble red men for this purpose THEcrops this year prove the fact-beyond dispute that ground, rsummer"-followed, will produce abundantly, but. that farms plant ed every season in grain give a poor yield. If our agriculturists would change crops occasionally, the soil would not become exhaus ted, and the crops would be much more remunerative. It is well that farming be followed' after scientific principles, and where ex perience teaches that soil is adapt ed to a particular crop attention should b paid to that. By such means land can be made to repay the husbandman for his toil, and not otherwise. Ex. Jajjes Rctsseix Lowell once said that after hearing a certain orator he felt as he had done when a boy, coming home from , ''training," "with his ears full of bass drum U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. OREGON WEATHER REPORT. FOR WESTERN OREGON, FOR WEEK ENDING 8ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1891. The temperature has been low er, yet above the average. The atmosphere has been clearer from smonk, the weather has been part ly cloudy and local showers pre vailed during the latter part of the week. CROPS. The showers have done no ma terial damage, they have delayed some late threshing, and some what retarded hop picking in a few sections. The threshing of grain is practically over, only a few small lots yet remain to be thresh ed. The wheat is being delivered to warehouses and elevators. The wheat product was never better, the. berry is of first grade, the yield has been heavy, generally more than was anticipated. L:irge yields are reported from every county. In Washington county, for example, one farm yielded 46 bushels per acre, another 54 bush els per acre. Smut is more gener ally reported than usual, though it is not this year so very extensive, spring wheat is more affected than fall wheat. The oat crop has been good, lut not as proportion ally good as the wheat crop. Hop picking will be about finished next week, unless the present rains should de' ay the pickers more than is now expected. The hops of Douglas county were supposed to be free from lice and mould, but on picking, some yards are found to be badly damaged. No lice are observable in Josephine county. It is estimated that lice and moule have damaged the hop crop to the extent of $300,000. In Josephine and Jackson counties corn is ripe, of good quality and yield. Summer 'allowing is in progress in many of the Willa mette. valley counties. TO SUBiCiUUERS. OLD AND NEW. In order to put The "Weekly Oiir egoniok into the homes of those without it, the publishers make the liberal offer of fifteen months fo $2 00 to all who subscribe prior to January 1, 1892. This offer ap plies not only to new subscubers but to renewals as well. In addi tion to this, each new subscriber, or old subscriber renewing, is given his choice of either ''The American Livestock Manual," or the "Stan dard American Poultry Book," which will be sent free, postage pre paid. These are valuable works of reference for the farmer. The Weekly Oregonian is the great weekly of the Northwest There is no weekly published - on the Pacific coast, or any where else, that furnishes readers a fuller compendium of all the news of the whole world than does the Weekly Oreuoman. No other paper gives such close attention to to Pacific coast news, especially to what is transpiring in the great Northwest. Aside from its unexcelled news features, a large number of special articles, prepared for its columns by wellknown writers, are publish ed during the year. It furnishes descriptive letters from various por tions of our own country and from foreign climes, as well as stories, poetry and well selected miscella ny. There is a department main tained for the farmer, also ibr the women and children. All the ad vantages of a newspaper of the first class are offered by The Weekly Oregonian. No family in the en tire Northwest can afford to be without it. Address, " Oregonian Publishing Co. Portland, Oregon. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Paid up capital. $260,000 Surplus and profits 60,000 Interest allowed on savings deposit as follows: On ordinary savings books. . . .4 per cent per annum On term savings books 6 per cent per annum On certificates of deposit: . For three months 4 per cent per annum For six months 5 per cent per annum For twelve months 6 per cent per annum FRANK DEKUM, President D. P. THOMPSON, Vice President, H. C. STEATTON, Cashier. DODU WANT TO SAVE From 25 to 50 Cents on Every Dollar YOU SPEND? If so, write ior our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, . Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed on receipt of 20 cents for postage. Chicago General s Supply Co. St Patrick's Pill3 are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula; and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. T. Graham. Many years' practice has given C. A Snow & Co., solicitors of patents at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suc cess iu obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. They make a specialty of. rejected .cases, arid have secured allowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. Their ad vertisement in another column will be of interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream. Is not a cosmetic in? the sense in which that term is popularly used, but permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, smoothe, clear, velvety skin, and by daily use gradually makes the complexion several shades whiter. It is a constant protection from the effects of sun and wind and prevents sun burn and freckles, and black-beads will never come while you use it. It cleanses the face far better than soap and water, nourishes and builds up the skin tissues and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. It grives the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that you had when a little girl. Every lady, youngr or old ought to use it, as it gives a more youthful appear ance to any lady, and that permanently. It, contains no acid, powder or alkali, and is as harmless as dew and is as nourishing' to the skin as dew is to the flower. Price 1, at all druggists and hair dressers, or at Mrs. Gervaise Graham's establishment, 103 Post street, San Francisco, where she treats ladies for all blemishes of the face and figure. Ladies at a dis tance treated by letter. Send stamp for her little book "How to be Beautiful." SfimnJp Rntflp nailed free to any lady on Ottllimt' UVlliV receipt of ten eents in stamps to pay for postage and packing. Lady agei ts waniea. MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach. Cures the worst ases of Freckles. Sunburn. Sal- lowntfss, Jloth-patches, Pimples and al! skin blemish es Price SI 50. Harmless and effective. No sainole can be sent. Laly agents wanted. TllP DrnfO'itjt m this town who first orders I Ilo I'l Uilot a bill of mv preparations will haTe his name abided to this advertisement. My preparations are for sale by wholesale drugf ffists m Chicago and every city west of it. Free Railroad Ticket TO AND FROM THE WORLDS FAIR Commencing May 1st, 1893. End ing Oetober 31st, 1893. Our proposition is to irive. absclutclv free, a first- lass railway tiKkct to and from Chica ero, to include all meals en route both ways, free bus and baggage to and from depot to hotel in Chicago, six days first-class board and lodging while there, six admissions to the Fair Grounds, and two tickets to any first-class thea tre . We want relia' le agent3 to represent us through out the Pacific Coast. Pleasant and profitable em ployment will be given, if desired, until the opening of the World's Fair, May 1st, 1B93. An agancy will pav an average ot lrom $3 TO $10 A DAY, besides each agent will be given a free railroad ticke to and from the World's Fair. AGENTS WANTED Teachers, students! ministers. brisrht voun? men and woman, parties whohave had experience as can vassers for books or other article i iufact, our propos ition is open to everybody who is in a position to de vote all or a portion of his or her time to our business. Parties who are not in a position to devote full time o our business, can, by dmoiin a few hours each day anu evemng u inc worK, secure one oi tne tree res ets only. Each ticket will be first-class and guaran teed by the World's Fair Co., incorKrated, capital stock310G,03o.OO. We require no capital to beinvest ed by our agents. Experience is not necessary; we teach you free. Write for terms and send two-cent stamp for reply and postage for printed pamplet giving full particulars. Address PACIFIC PUBLISHING CO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Ainsworth Block. Third and Oak Streets. Portland. Oreeon. A. P. Armstrong-, Prin. Branch School : Capital Bus. Coxxkuk, Salem, Oregon. came courses ox eiuuy, same rates oi tuiuon. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Departments JSF-In session throughout the year. Students admit ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. PHILIP WEBER, DEALEK Carpets, Wall Paper, Furni ture and Bedding, CORVALLiS, - OREGON. DEftSTBSTRY. J. B W ELLS) T. D. (Successor to N. B. Avery.) Ether administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office over the First Nationa Bank. SALARY $25 PBR WEEK. WANTED! Good agents to sell our General Line of Merchandise. . No peddling. The above salary will be paid to "live" agents. For information address Chicago General Supply Co., 178 U'est Van Puren St. G. RTFARRA, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra's brick. Office hours, 8 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 and 7 p. m. i:i3-ji. Free) Reading) Room i) Main St., Op. Cameron's Store.. A quiet room. Good Books. Current Pa pers and Periodicals. The public invited. Strangers especially welcome. Per Order of W. C. T. U. OTurnished rooms (up stairs) to rent. Benton Ooimty PLANING MILLS AND- Sash and Poor Factory, W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors and Sash kept in stock or made to order. - Mouldings of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my -work to be first-clasa. West of S. P. depot, Coryallis, ni!B Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, uUllLO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " 1. Eatts." 02 w S3 -3 o C3 02 C3 o o o O Pu E3 o 3 X -3 ri EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern pacific Route Shasta Line. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. Lv Poitlaird ... 7:00p. m. Lv San Frisco... '.0:00 pm Lv Albai:v 10:2:! n in I I.v All nnv -9o. SOI!TII. vnuTii Ar San Frisco Ar Portland 8:S5 a m trains stoo onlv at fnllmviiw. iKncuiu, L-upt. rui uanu, yre;r(Ul Wly, ooa- uurci, Salem, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, llalsey, liar risbuig, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. Rosebnrg Mail Daily. Lv t'urtiaiid 8:1)5 a. in. I LV Uoseburg. . . .620 a. in Lv Albany 12:20 p. in. Lv Albany 12:00 m Ar Koseburg 5:4u p m j Ar Portland 4:00 p m Albany Local Daily Except Sunday. leave: areite: Portland 5:00 p. ni. I Albany 9:00 p. m Albany 5:00 a. ni. Portland 9:00 a. m Lebanon Branch. 2:30 p in. ..Lv. . .Albany Ar...9:25 p m 3:25 p m. . Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv. . .8:40 p m 7:30 a in. .Lv. . .Albany Ar. . .4:26 p m 8:22 a ni. . Ar. . .Lebanon. ..Lv . ..3:40 p m Pullman Buffett Sleepers: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of second-class passengers, attached to Express Trams. West Sido Eivkion. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail Train. Saily Except Sunday. LKAVB. I AKKIVK. Portland 7:30 a. m. i Corvallis 12:10 p. m Corvallis 12:55 p.m. Portland 5:30 p. in At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of the Orejjon Pacific Railroad. Express Traia. Daily Except Sunday. LEAVE. Portland 4:40 p. m. McMinnville. . . .5:45 a. m. ARRIVE. McMinnville... 7:25 p. m Portland 8:20 a. m THROUGH TICKETS to all points : South and East. For tickets and full information regarding rates, maps etc., call on company's agent at Corvallis. ' E. P ROGERS, Asst. G. F. &P. Agent. R. KOEHLER Manarer. OCCIDENTAL Corvallis, - - Oregon. IV1 fi. CANAN, PRO. THE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW Build ing, newly furnished, and is first class n all its appointments, " RATES LIBERA'.. 3Large Sample Rooms on first floor for Commercial Men. F. M. JOHNSON, '' ATTORNEY AT LAW "CORVALLIS, OE. ' fSTPoes a general r roctlce in all the courts. - .Also i -P 2 3 ... FOR PIANOS GO J.lm.WILL. Remeriiber you have neither agents nor wholesalers commissions to ' pay when you buy from him, for he gets his direct from the factories and are warranted. THESE PIANOS hi lo Superiors! SaveMoney! ffiOiQ By calling on him be FOR THEIR COST, m fore bu"S- NOTICE A BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES Organs, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolvers, Pocket Knives, Notions, Etc. R. M. WADE & CO., -DEALERS IN- HARDWARE AND- Agricultural The Largest Line of - V ' ALSO DEALERS IN Binding Twine, CleYbland RACINE BUGGIES PARRY CARTS. "FORFAR," The Finest Summer Resort ON THE PACIFIC COAST. "Forfar" is situated half way between Newport and Seal Rocks and is well protected from the coast wind. From any point on this property one can obtain A VIEW OF THE For miles in either direction, including Seal Rocks to the south and the entrance to Yaquina Harbor, Newport and Cape Foul weather to the north. Just 7b Place for th Business Man to Spend ih Summer Vacation with, his Family Fine Drives; a Beautiful Park. Teams always in readi ness for the accomodation of guests. Lots 50x135 feet, for building choice property, from $100 to $200 For Further Information Address, OVER 1200 BICYCLES Kept in Stock by A W GUMP CO. US EastThird St, DAYTON, OHIO. . AGENTS FOR THE ':.nuoL7i jBiurm cm Celebrated American Ramblers, The American Light Ramblers and American Ideal Ramblers. Champions, Light Chamaions. Over 400 Second Hand Machines in Stock. Send for Prices and save Money. Bicycles, Guns and -Typewriters taken in Exchange. J. M. APPLEWHITE.M. D., residence North 9th Street H. S. PEKNOT, M D., residence 4th street, two doors north of Opera House. Applewhite & Pernot, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, " Corvallis, Oregon, . ; Offices over J. Clark's, hard ware store, and at R. Graham's '"(Jrug store.- Hours:; & to ; 12 a: m., to ft. anrt, 7 to MO n ORGANS TO YOU WILL ON Machinery. HEADQUARTERS FOR Buggies and -s- Garts Bailing Wire and Ties. Cottage Colors, Paints and Oils OCEAN AND BEACH purposes, $25. Lots 135x1 35 feet WILLIAM GRANT, Newport, Oregon MRTIPCf A Guarantee of $10 I1UIIUU a day and Expenses This is what can be made in GOLD selling the great new 1891 edition of the famous HILL'S MANUAL OF- social m mm mm Bevised and Improved. Forty -six Valuable New Features. Over 200 Beautiful Engravings and nearly 600 Large Pages. Everybody has heard of Hill's Manual. The demand is something marvelous. uver 3UO.IHJU copies sold. Forty-eight editions already exhausted, and the magnificent new edition just published means another rich harvest. No experience anu no capital required, iven beginners can sell this work with wonderful success. It offers a grand opportunity for every ongnt man or woman, om or young to coin money. FIFTY-EIGHT BOOKS IN ONE. Penmanship. Letter Writing, Book-keeping, History, Etiquette, Commercial Forms. Legal Business Forms, How to Draw a Will, Mortgage, Note or Bond, Partnership rorms, now io collect a JJebt, .Exemption Laws, and a thousand things that are want ed in e very-day life. .Above all it teaches men and women how to be successful. If you cannot take hold yourself be sure and tell some worthy friend about the New Edition, and give him a chance to earn the money. Price of outfit $100. Don't wait bat send in your application now. THE HISTORY CO., 723 Market Street. San Francisco. , MONEY TO LOAN On Good Seal Estate Security From Five to Twenty Years at Six per cent. Call on y GEO. H. BRUCE. insurance and I Loan Agenti ii. A New Typewriter r THE ; Inte rnati onal A strictly first-class machine. Fully" warranted. Made from the very best ma terial, by skilled workmen, and with the) . best tools that have ever been devised for" the purpose. Waranted to do all that cart be reasonably expected of the very besft typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words per minute or more according to the ability of the operator.' A machine' that will manifold more than double the) number of sheets than any other typewriter without affecting the alignment in any re spect, as on this machine the algument is indestructible. ' PRICE - - $100. If there is no agent in your town, address us on the subject as we are more liberal with our Agents than any other Company in our line. 'International Typewriting Co., 2 PARK SQ., BOSTON, MASS Agents Wanted. From Terminal or Interior Points the RAILROAD Is the Line to Taka T0 ALL POINTS EAST and SOUTB It is tJae Diuing "Car Route. t It rnns1 Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day in the Year TO ST. PAUL KD CIHCiGO (No change of cais, Composed of DINING CARS; , Unsurpassed, PULLMAN DEAWINS ROOM SLEEPS Of Latest Equipment, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Best that can be constructed andjin which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders -of First or Second-class Tickets, and Eelgant Day Coaches. A Continuous Line Connecting with All Lines, affording; Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured m advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all Points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning; rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on appli cation to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTOT, Assistant General Passenger! Agent,. No 121, First St., Cor Washington,. Portland, Oregon, L. E. BEACH, Agt. N. P. r. r., Corvallis, Oregon. THE Yaquina j Route Oregon Pacific Ra ilroad T. E. Hogg, Receiver, and Oregon Development Co.'s STEAMSHIP LINE. 235 Miles Shorter; 20 Hours Less time' than by any other route. First class through paascnger and freight line fromt rortland all points in the W illameite valley to and from Sau Francisco, Cal. TIME SCHEDULE (except Sundays.) Leaves Albany 1:00 p. ra j Leaves Yaqnina6:4S a. in Leave Coivallisl:40 y ir. Leave Corvallis 10:85 ' Arrive Yaquina 5:30 p. m I Arrive Albany 11:10 a. m.- Oresron & California trains connect at Albany and.- . C.'rvallis. The above trairm connect at Yaquina witb. the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steamships be t ween Yaquina and San Krancisco. Frin Yaquina. , Steamshio "Willamette Valley," Aoir, 4tb, 13tb, 22nd, 31st. FrmoSan Franclsc. Steamship "Willamette Valley," July 31st, Aug. 9th, 18th, 26th. , - This Company reserves the right to cbantr "sailuir . datos without notico. N. B. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette valley points can make closet connection wfth the trains of the Yaquina. route at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined - to Sail Francisco should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of sailing. : rassenger and ireight rates always tli lowest. For information apply to I). W. : . Cummins, freight and ticket agent, Corval lis, or to C. C. HOGUE, - . Gen. F. and P. Agent, Oregon Pa ciric Railroad Co., Corvallis, Or. W. B. WEBSTER. Gen. F. and P. Agent, Oregon DeveloD- - ment Co., 304 Montgomery St.4 S. F., Cal. UBSCrjBE FOR THE COR- k VALLI3 GAZK'ITE, thLttldfctLr-x. Northern Pacific