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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1891)
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FIUDAY, SEPTEMBER Si, iSDi. 2 IS macro bvkrt Friday morxiso bt 'K-tstk: conovee. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ear,.... " cmths, $2 00 .... 1 00 Mnllths, p Copies.... ;v. .-- 5c 2 50 loar (when not uaio lir auvaiiuuj... !nz recent vote on prohibition Kentucky resulted in 3291 e3 being cast in favor of it and ,836 against it. There is little he left for Kentucky prohibr- lists. Kll but sixteen delegates in the w York republican convention be in favor of Blaine for the nination next year. The re- inder were for President Har- tn. iere is no doubt about Oorval slow yet sure growth. It is the t sign of progression we have, I it is one that in the long run 1 be satisfactory to those who fired with push ajid energy. The towns of Milton, in Eastern ;gon, are scrambling over the 3stion as to which one shall e a woolen mill. Why cannot compromise the matter by 3h one of them getting a mill, Id stop making faces at the other? 1a chartered car from Corvallis the World's fair is being whis bred. If the devisers of the Iheme would talkin audible tones xut the matter some favorable tsult might possibly be accom- pished. This week the student resumes lis studies at school. He has the it door exercise sufficient to re- lew his energies in the pursuit of lis books, and he will find it to his Idvantage to make the most of lime. i. Jcst as a coincidence, remarks le Astorian, it may be mentioned lat during the three days that jlie Oregon editors were here and le twenty-four hours after (hey bit, there wasn't a solitary case l the police court in this city. Edisox is quoted as saying that llimately one's house will be both ghted and heated at a cost which ill'not exceed sixty cents per an- um. If this be true "ultimately" tinnot make its appearance upon le horizon of life too soon. The nomination of Fasset for go- femor by the New York republi- pns is conceded by the press of lie country to be a strong one. Se is a comparatively young man nd has given evidences of great ibihty in his past public perlor- nances. Gloves, Leak's Gloves, We Eastern Clothing at Headquarters Headquarters Corvallis is a healthy locality. It is situated at the base of the mountains, and is a veritable sum mer resort in itself; possessing the delicious benefits of the sea breeze during the heated term. Bin yourself a home in Corvallis. Of course, the Dalles will build up again. A town, that forges a head as it was, will be stopped by nothing short of a volcanic uphea val. It does us good to see enter prise and industry cling lo the bone and sinew of a community like that. Steel rails, which have been protected by a heavy duty, have greatly fallen in price; the price of steel rails has been thus reduced because the production here of 2, 000,000 of tons has been added to the production in England, nearly doubling the world's supply. Mr. J. J. Cotle and Mr. P. C. Johnson, of London, have started for Khartoum in the hope of find ing Gen. Gordon. Since General Gordon is. no doubt, dead, and since the natives of Khartoum are not over fond ot live white men, the chances are that these search ers will ultimately find their man. It is an incontestable fact, that the Willamette Valley is one of the best, if not the best, wheat producing sections on the Ameri can continent. As tin's truth goes out over the broad world, and as sumes the reputation it justly de serves, we canuot but wonder on the results that will naturally fol low after. Oregon fruits can be profitably raised by a proper care and culti vation of our wholesome soil. In days gone by the apple crop was profitable, and we well bore the popular sobriquet of the"Land of big red apples". The farmers would find it to their advantage if they would give their orchards more attention. Now that the congressional parly in Chile are victorious, all the Chilean newspaper men who sup ported Balmaceda are to be shot, says an exchange. That's right. Any newspaper man who support ed him ought to be shot. The only trouble is that a fresh ruction is liable to eruct any day, and then should the opponents of the con gressional party be successful it would be awkward for the news paper men who are at present "wooping up" the congressional ists. The custom of shooting news paper men tends to make them cautious in taking sides and pro motes uneasiness. . CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. . BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS AND VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. CLOTHING. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. TRUNKS ANL VALISES UMBRELLAS. BLANKETS. OVERCOATS. RUBBER CLOTHING, OIL CLOTHING, are showing: this season the Largest and Most attractive lines ever opened in this section. Eastern Pa rices. for Mens' and for Mens' and Considerable interest is mani fested in the change of climate in the vicinity of Los Angeles. The rains which have recently fallen in San Bernardino county are phe nomenal and unprecedented, and rainfall is of almost daily occur rence. This change of climate is accredited to the fact of the lake on the desert. The prospective wedding of the father and son in New York so ciety to two sisters gives promise of a relationship tangle which will compete for a time very disastrous ly with the puzzle columns. The fact that the son gets the elder of the two girls and the father the younger, does not complicate the matter, but it does add a certain amount of interest to it. Now a report comes from Ber lin that a nail used in nailing Christ to the cross for crucifixion has been found and placed on ex hibilion with the Savior's "holy coat" at Treves. Thousands ot de luded people are still flocking to see that "coat." The Russians claim to have the only genuine "coat" of the Savior hidden away at Moscow, and the coat now ex hibited by the Germans at Treves is a fraud. No doubt both coats are in fact frauds. "Will Corvallis grow?" asked a friend the other day. We answer we think it will. A town backed by varied and important resources as Corvallis is, and that has a few progressive moneyed men, and an unsurpassed location, with popu lar public institutions, and excel lent railroad transportation facili ties to the sea and other parts, and real and prospective manufactories is very likely to keep abreast of the times. Every property holder would find it to his advantage to be bus3T in the movement for pro gression. Unity of action is a potential element in enterprise. It is ah interesting fact in which an exchange speaks about the merits of the American hog, both at home and abroad: The Ameri can hog has gained a triumph in Germany, and can now, in the shape of ham, bacon, and sausage, enter any port in the empire, if it is accompanied by a certificate that .the animal was in a healthy condition. This will open a mar ket to the hog raisers of the west, and the fields of corn will be of great utility in fattening pork for Europe. Give the United States an opportunity, and the people of the world can be fed by the beef, pork, mutton and fish which are abundant in this country. California Boy's Outfits. Boy's Outfits! The people of McMinnville are clamoring for a redress from the Southern Pacific railroad company on rates for freight. We believe that they have reasons to complain when we consider that wheat from McMinnville to Portland is double the rate charged from Corvallis to Portland. This is a very partial regulation on the part of the rail road company, and some means should be devised to have rates equalized from way points to the metropolis. Oliver Wendell Holmes still lives, at the advanced age of 82 years. JJr. Holmes is a wise old man, and a good representative type of true Americanism. In the winter-time of life he shares the honor and respect of his fellow countrymen, and it is said that he has not a single known enemy lo mar the peace of his declining years. It must certainly be a hap py life for a man thus to live, and a happy thing thus to die, leaving a record behind him to be honored by every succeeding generation. General Lafayette Cartee died at Boise City, Idaho, September 1, aged seventy years. Gen. Cartee formerly resided at Oregon City and Salem, and was a prominent man in Oregon politics in the ear ly fifties, being at one timo speak er of the Oregon house of repre sentatives and for four years chief clerk in the office of Surveyor- General J. S. Zieber. He was for some time in the employ of the old O. S. N. Co., and engineered the first steam road built around the Cascades and Dalles. . Bank robberies are peculiarly accomplished, sometimes, and sometimes they - fail. One in Effingham, Ills., recently was a success at first but finally failed. The robbers found a cashier that had grit enough to stand them off, although they presented the muz zles of two revolvers for his con sideration. He held them at bay until they only succeeded in snatching $200 of the exposed money, and were run down and made to give up that, and surren der for trial. One plucky cashier at least. Subscribe for the Gazette. It wiil sympathize with you in every sorrow, and rejoice with you in every success. Try it, at $2 per year. For Sale. I will offer at private sale the remainder of my household and kitchen utensils at a bargain. They must be disposed of by October 1st, so come early. Call at residence of Mis. W. Jacobs. Mrs. L. Neugass. RUBBER CLOTHING, OIL CLOTHING, RUBBER BOOTS. Clothing at San Francisco Prices. Roger Q. Mills is never weary of contending that in consequence of the protective tariff the indus tries of Massachusetts were decay ing. The answer to this absurd statement is found in the fifth an nual report of the Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics on Manufacturing. A comparison is made between the returns for the year 1890 and 1891 in 3,041 es tablishments. The average num ber of persons employed in these 3,041 establishments in 1890 was 2.70 per cent, larger than in 1889. The greatest number of persons employed at any one time in 1S90 was 300,227, while in the previous year if was 293,321, or 2.35 per cent. less. When work was the slackest last year 234,324 persons were employed, as compared with 221,887 in 1880, or an increase of 4.20 per cent, in favor of 1890. The average yearly earnings per individual, without regard to age or sex, was $426.82 in 1889, and $433.56 in 1S90, an increase of 1.5S per cent. The capital invested in manufacturing in the state in creased last year 5.62 per cent, over the previous year, the value of the goods made was 4.37 per cent, greater, and the value of the stock used 7.15 per cent greater. ONE MASS OF SCALES. Afflicted Three Years by Dreadful Skin and Blood Disease, with Intense Pain and Loss of Hair. AU Otlir Remedies Fail. Relieved Instant ly and Cured in Tour Weeks by the Cuticura Remedies. I have a few words to say regarding the Cutioura Remedies. They have cured ine in four weeks time from a Skin and Blood Disease which I have had tor over three years. At certain times my skin would be very sore, and always kept cracking and peeling off in white scales. In cold weather my face was one mass of scales. When in the cold air the pain was intense; it would almost brings tears to my eyes, and my blood also being in a poor condition with a loss of hair. I have tried every known remedy that was recommended to me, but it was of no use, and give me very little benefit. So, hearing of your Cuticura Remedies, I concluded to give them a trial. The first application gave almost instant relief. In a few weeks tims I found myself cured, and I am thankful for what they have done for me. Your Cuticura Remedies are a blessing to those who may have the opportunity to use them. I can recommend them to anyone. EDMUND KERAS, 2704 J Union Ave., Chicago, 111. Cuticura Remedies Effect daily more great cures of humors and diseases of the skin, scalp, and biood than all other remedies combined: Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beauti fier, externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier and greatest of humor remedies, in ternally .cure every species of itching, burning, scaly, pimply and blotchy diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, from infancy to age, fiom pimples to scrofula, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c; Soap, 25c; Resolvent, ?1. Prepared by the Potter Druo axd Ciikmical Corporation, Boston. 5?" Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 ' pages, 50 illustrations, 100 testimonials. pT rPLES, black-heads, red. rough, chapped and 1 1 AL oily skin cured by Cuticura Soap. : OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all pains, infla tnation, and weakness of the aged is the Uutici'ka Anti-Pain Plastkr, the first and the only pain-killing strengthening plaster. JSew, instantaneous, and infallible. Headquarters Headquarters Consequently GET THE BEST STOVE BY BUYING "SUPERIORS" OF ype New and Second-Hand. TYPE - WRITING SUPPLIES, Fine Linen and Carbon Papers, Ribbons, General Agent for "SMITH PREMIER" Type-Writer, EDISON "MIMEOGRAPH," Automatic Steel Copying Presses, Cook's Auto matic Postal 'Scales anl Rival Filing Cabinets. I can furnish you with a complete Office Outfit. Send for Catalogue. F. W. REYN O LDS, 29, Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. SAY HOW ABOUT THAT rrm J1 r tl ij 1 i-JK FEED T. MERRILL, 127 Washington St. Portland, Or. Controlling Oregon and Washington for the Leading and Best Man ufactories of BICYCLES, TYPEWRITERS, SKATES. A full stock constantly on hand at all prices from $10 up. Write j for cash discounts and installment terms. Bicycles and ! typewriters taken in exchange. Branch Stores at Salem, Or., Spokane and Tacoma, Washingto n Gloves, Leak's Gloves, stock of the above Oregon Clothing for James Means $3 Shoes, for James Means $3 Shoes. I SELL toves! EXCLUSIVELY And haye the Largest Stock in the city. You Oaii AND SAV3 MONEY riters, U J 0 H log f 8. o at Portland Prices. 11 CLOTHING WE TO OR CORVALLIS, OREGON. CLOTHIflGMDE TO CORVALLIS, OREGON DER - - " . i. . - !....--. - ,