T&E COftVALLfS GAZETTE, fftlDA, SEPTEMBER 4, 1391; Highest of all in Leaveaing Power. ABSOUUTELY PURE FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. IEOH OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT AT WASHINGTON, AUG. 17. 1891. Secretary Foster is again at his desk. He says he has not a single doubt in the world of the election of McKinley and a republican legislature in Ohio, and now that the third party has shown its true colors he has no fear that it will be able to control enough votes to amount to anything in the coming election. The secretary smiled when asked if it was true, as stated by the democrats, that he was an noyed because the holders of the 4$ per cent bonds were not com ing forward faster to . get those bonds extended at two per cent but if they didn't wish them ex tended they have only to wait un til they mature next month to re ceive the cash for them. There is no compulsion about it. In fact Mr. Foster thinks it will be more beneficial to the public to redeem fiifteen or twenty millions of dol lars worth of these bonds than it would be to continue them, as the money paid out to redeem them will be just that much added to the money in circulation just at the time it will be needed in busi ness circles. Mr. Foster said that the report of a disagreement be tween himself and Senator Sher man in regard to these bonds was an entire fabrication without the slightest foundation. Postmaster General Wanamaker is away on his vacation, but he is still devoting considerable thought to improving the postal service, and has just directed that a reform be made in the delivery of letters having special delivery stamps upon them. In future when a let ter is taken to the address given and the parly is found to be out, a printed notilication, similar to those used by telegraph messen gers will be left. Heretofore it has been customary to take the letter back to (he office, where it was sent out by the regular car rier on his next trip. Senator Plumb with his hard horse-sense way of looking at things always has views worth listening to. For instance he says it is entirely too soon to bvgiu dis cussing National politics. That the proper time to begin will be when the next congress has shown its intention. Of the reported as pirations of ex-Congressman Kel ley to succeed him in the senate he said: "This is a free country; anybody can aspire to any office." It was apparent, however, that the senator was in no ways alarm ed on account ot Mr. Kel ley's as pirations. Mr. Plumb says that in his opinion not a single South ern state will drop out of the democratic column in 1892, and thai he has no doubt ot the elec toral vote of Kansas being cast for the republican ticket as usual. In speaking of the probable demo cratic candidate for the presidency: 'I will not attempt to prophecy further than to say that Campbell will not be the man, for McKinley is going to be' the next governor ot Ohio, and that will eliminate 'Campbell as a Presidential fac tor." Great preparations are being made for the democratic circus which is to take the road from this city early in September and exhib it in a number of towns between here and the Pacific Coast during the forty day season it is to be out. This circus idea was brought to light at, the meeting of the execu- five .committee of the National Association of Democratic Clubs in Jfew York last wee. Jt 13 t6)K8SZ?&&$? tJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. x 7, 1889. Powder be under the management of that association and to travel on a special train. Invitations have been extended to many democrats of prominence to join this railroad show, but so far only the follow ing are down among the certain attractions: Senator Kema, Ile presentative Bynum, ex-Kepresen-tative McAdoo, Chauncy F. Black, president of the club association; Secretary Gardner, of the same organization, who is the ostensible of the aggregation, and a number of smaller fry who are always ready to join anything if somebody else foots the bill. Speaking of bills, no body seems to know who is to pay those incurred by this party, although there is a strong suspicion that a candidate for the presidential nomination who hails from a state beginning with an M and whose own name begins with a G, could easily tell, if so dis posed. Meetings are to be special ly arranged for the speakers in this party along its proposed route, It will be queer if this sort of busi ness can gain any votes either at a nominating convention or at the polls. The secretary of the Maryland Farmer's Alliance denies most emphaticalty that the recent state convention endorsed Senator Gor man, and intimates broadly that the Maryland Alliance is in the field for Gorman's scalo. "This may be true of the leaders of the alliance," said a Maryland republi can, "but many ot the rank and file even of those who were dele gates of ihe convention, are under Gorman's thumb, and when the time comes to vote they will sup port Gorman's candidate for the legislature, alliance or no alli ance." President Polk of the al liance says: "If the Maryland al liance is true to its principles two alliance senators will be elected from that state and Arthur P. Gov man will not be one of them." Manv years' practice ban given C. A. Snow & Co , solicitors of patents at Washington, D. C., unsurpassed suc cess in obtai liinr parents for all classes .'f inventions. They make a specialty ot rejected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. Their ad- v-riisenieiit in another column will he ot interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all wly have to do with patents. ,. Hotel to Let. A first-class hotel situated in an excellent locality aud doing a business which pays from $3500 to $4000 per year to lease for a term of years. This is a good op portunity for Home one. The furniture must be sold with the lease. Reasons for leasing, on account of poor health. Addifss "L. N." Gazette office, Cor vallis. Oregon. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream. Is not a cosmetic in the sense in which that term is popularly used, but permanently beautifies. It creates a soft, snioothe, clear, velvety skin, and by daily use gradually makes the complexion Beveral shadts whiter. It is a constant protection from the effects of sun and wind and prevents sun burn and freckles, and black-heads will never come while you use it. It cleanses the face far better than soap and water, nourishes ani builds up the skin tissues and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. It gives the freshness, clearness and smoothness of skin that you bad when a little girl. Every lady, young or old ought to use it, as it gives a more youthful appear ance to any lady, and that permanently. It contains no acid, powder or alkali, and is as harmless as dew and is as nourishing to the skin as dew is to the flower. Price 81, at all druggists and hair dressers, or at Mrs. Gervaise Graham's establishment, 103 Post street, San Francisco, where she treats ladies for all blemishes of the face and figure.- Ladies at a dig. tance treated by letter. Send stamp for her little book "How to be Beautiful." - Sample Bottle ZT'JxS'Z stamps to pay for postage and packing. Lady agei ts wanted. MRS. CRAHAM'S Face Bleach. Cures the worst cases of Freckles, Sunburn, Sat lowness. Moth-patches, Pimples and all skin blemish es. Price 91 50. Harmless and effective. No sample an be sent. .Lady agents wanted. ... Tlio ' Urn frrrl or mthis town who first orders 1110 Ul UEttlat bill of mv nreraratioM will uavc his dhik aaueu to bins au verasemenk HILL'S MANUAL. A magnificent new edition of that won derfully popular book, Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms has just appear' ed. The sate of this book continues to be something remarkable. It has already run through forty-eitjlit separate editions, not less than 330,000 copies having been called for to date and the presses are kept stead ily going. Think of it. Over 560 tons nl paper fifty-six car loads have been used in this manufacture. Many who have se cured agencies have been makim; small for tunes and it is said that one man on this coast has earned oyer $7000 in commissions on this work. The new edition is a brill iant success with forty-six new features and agents are sure to realize auotber big har vest. Business men, farmers, mechanics, and all classes take to the book at sight. It is a book that saves the owner money and that is what the people are after now days. Any man or woman with spare time can earn big wages with this new edition of the famous Hill's Manual. The History Compauy of San Francisco con trolls the Pacific coast. They want live agents see ad iu another column. Mr. Amos Strong, formerly of Salem, is now in charge of the Gearhart Park hotel on Clatsop beach, and is prepairiug to welcome right royally the visit of the Oregon editors, Au gust 30. Portland. Oregon. ' A. P. Armstrong. Prin. Branch School: Capital Bus. College, Salem, Oregon. same courses or stuay , same rars ot uimoii. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting; Penmanship, and English Departments 49"In session throughout the year. Studenui admit ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. G. R. FARRA, M. D , PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra's brick. Office hours, 8 to o a. m., apd i to 2 and 7 p. m. i:i3-yi NOTICE! A Guaranty of $10 a day and Expenses. This is what can be made in GOLD selling the great new 1991 edition ot the famous HILL'S MANUAL SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS, Kevised and Improved. Forty-six Valn.ible New Features. Over 200 Beautiful Engravings and nearly 600 Lin-jre Pages. E' erybndy has heard of Hill's Manual. The demand is something marvelous. Over 300.000 copies sold. Forty-eight editions already exhausted, and the m-iunilicent new edition just nnblished means another rich harvest. No experie nee I and no capital required. Even btitiiiuers i can sell this work with wonderful success. It oilers a grand opportunity for every bright man or woman, old of young to coin money. FIFTY-EIGHT BOOKS IN ONE. Penmanship. Letter Writing, Book-keep ing, History, Etiquette, Commercial Forms. Legal Busiuess Forms, How to Draw a Will, Mortgage, Note or Bowl, Partnership rorms. How to Collect a Debt, Ji.xeraptinp Laws, and a thousand things that are want ed in every-day life. Above all it teaches men and women how to be successful. If you cannot take hold yourself be sure and tell some worthy friend about the New Edition, and give him a chance to earn the money Price of outfit SI 00. Don't wait hut send in your application now. THE HISTORY CO., 733 Market Street. San Francisco. MONEY TO LOAN On God Real Estate Security, From Five to Twenty Years at Six per cent. Call on GEO. H. BIUJCE, Insurance and Loan Agent. Yaquina, Oregon. UNION PACIFIC RY. "Columbia River Route." Train for he East leave Portland at 9:00 p. m. d lily. rlT1T7'TjirnCl to and from priuci X JLVXV Hi 1. O pal points in United States, Canada, and Europe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CAES PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Free colonist sleeping cars run through on Express trains from Portland to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and KANSAS CITY. Free of Charge and without Change. Close connections at Portland for San Fraucisco and Paget Sound points. For farther particulars inquire of any Agant of the Company or H. H. HURLBURT. Gr. . A. C. S. Miller, Portland Oreeon. Traffic Manager. DENTISTRY, J. B WKLLSi D. T. ., (Successor to N. B. Avery.) Ether administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office over the First Nations Bank. SALARY $25 PER WEEK. WANTED! " ' Good agents to sell our General Line of Merchandise. flo peddling. The above salary will be paid to "live" agents. For information address , Chicago General Supply Co., J 78 West Van Buren St, SAY" OW ABOUT THAT FRED T. 51 E R R 1 L T.,, 127 Washington St Portlan d, Of. Controlling Oregon and Washington for the Leading and Best Man ufactories of BICYCLES, TYPEWRITERS, SKATES. A full stock constantly on hand for cash discounts and installment terms. Bicycles and typewriters taken in exchange. Branch Stores it Salem, Or., Spokane and Tacoma, Washington. Benton County AKOTCT C:0. Complete Set of bs tracts of Benton County. onrejucing I Perfecting Titles a Specialty. Money to Loan on Improved City and Country Property. , I MBIT i CO.,'- Proprietors. MAIN ST.. CORVALLIS. o a 3 o C3 F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. 3rPoe8 a general r ractice in all the courts. Also leant for all the first-class insurance companies. 2:24 R. L. Taylor, PROPRIETOR OF THE." Little Band Box Barber Shop, Corvallis, Oregon.-; ggrShaving, hair-cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. - - - SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CORl Yallis Gazette, the oldest pa per in Benton eo One year $2. o 2 J5 SD - p-! rz si P 55 S- Lb .Jf " a & O egg A 1 Id ?3 e - 2 v 22 j- -8 . CC 02 5 O CS 8 3 ra,Bl ft . 3 1 at all prices from $10 up. Write HOTEL, Corvallis, - - Oregon. . A. CANAN, PRO. THE OCCIDENTAL IS A. NEAV Build ing, newly furnished, and is first class n all its appointments. RATES U3I3V-. 3Large Sample Rooms on first floor for (.commercial Men. J. M. APPLEWHITE, 51. D., residence North l)tii Street. H. S. PEHJiOT, M D. , resilience ith street, ttto doors north of Opera House. Applewhite fe Pernot. PHYSICIANS MB SURGEONS, Corvallis, Oregon, Offices over J. D. Clark's hard ware store, and at 11. Graham's drugstore. Hours: 8 to 12 a. m, 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m. 13 en to ii PLANING County MILLS, AND fiSH AND QOOR pflCTORY. W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors ami Sash kept in stock or made to order. Mouldings of all kinds in pine or cedar. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my work to be hrst-class. West of b. f . depot, Corvallis, Uregon. 8 8-tf. The State Agricultural College. Opens September 18, ?91. Course of study arranged expressly to meet the needs of the fanning and mt.clian cal interests of the state. Large, Como- dious and well-ventilated buildings. The college is located in a cultivated and Chris tian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. MILITARY TRAINING. Expenses need not exceed $150 for the entire session. Two or more free schlorships from every Couuty. V rite for catalogue to B. L. ARNOLD, Pres., Corvallis, Or. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE from II to SO Cents 02 In hh YOU SPEND? If so, write for our M tmmotk Illustrated Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed on receipt ol 20 cents for postage. Chicago General Supply Co. 17 8West Van Buren St. THE PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK OP PORTLAND, OKEGON. Paid op capital . . . . $260,000 Surplus aud profits 60,000 Interest allowed ou savings deoosit as follows: On ordinary savings books. . . .4 per cent per annum On term savin? books. ..;....(! percent per annum On certificates of deoosit: For three months. .......... 4 per cent Tcr annum For six months 5 per cent per annum ffrtr 1 U.U lu. cnfrnflta A .-... ...m i.ar annum FEANK DKKUM, President I D. V. TH05IP80N, Vice President, & C. BIBAJTON, C'-sWer. A New Typewriter! tiIe International A strictly first-class machine. Fully" Warranted; Made trom the very best ma terial, by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for" the purpose. Waranted to do all that c:m be reasonably expected of the very best typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words per minute or more according to' the ability of the operator. A machine' that will manifold more than double the" number of sheets than any other typewriter without affecting the alignment in any re spect, as on this machine the algnment is5 uidestriictible. PRICE - - $100. If there is no auerit in your town, address1 us on the subject as we are more liberal wifh our Agents than any other Compan iu our line. International Typewriting Co.,- 2 PARK SQ., BOSTON, MASS. Agents Wanted. AGENCYiorN 1 A pamphlet of information andab- isiraraoi me laws, snowing How tot v ------- J. 1 mtof. .-m. y jiuu-ks, vopyriRnts, sent Jree.mSiM . Addross H1UNN & CO., VI f It.-..-. .1. : new 1 ort. zm& PHSLBP WEBII -DKA 1 I Jt Carpets, Wa'l Paper, Furn'f ture artcJ Eecid'ng, Trom Terminal or Interior Points the EAILEOAI) Is the Line to Take T3 AIL FISTS W ani S55T3 It is the Dinina Car Route, ft runs Through Vestibuled Trains Every Day in die Year TO VF. Pm KD CHICAGO (No change of cais-, Composed of DINING CAES, Unaurpas3el,- PULLMAN DEW ESOM limm Of laiesS Equipment,- Tourist Sleeping Cars,- Best that can h constructed and in' which accnmmodatiniiR are hoth Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and Edgant Day Coachs PS Mr A Continuous Line ConnectinsT with All Lines, affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service- Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the' road. THE0UGH TICKETS to and from all Points in America,- England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company Full i'mormation concerning-' rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on appli cation to any agent, of A-D. CHARLTON Assistant General Ps5Egerf Agent, ITo 121, First St,,- Ccr Wtslingtcri, Portland, Oregon. L. . 6EAGH, At, n. p. R. R., Corval!it, Oregon. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Fat-' ent bnsiness conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office Is Opposite U. S. Patent Office. ' ' and we can seenre patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-; tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Onr fee not due till patent is secured.- A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," witH names of actual clients inyoiirState, county, town, sent free. Address, C.AtSHOW&CO y Opposite Patent Office Washington, G 0RTHE8H PAGIFIg.