THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, AUGSUT 14, 1S91. Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOUUTEl PURE SCHOOL REPORT. Philomath, August 7, 1891. Ed. Gazette. I closed mv 85th term of school July 3l8t, in District 61, about three miles from Elk City. The little school house stands on "Pleasant Hill" in sight of Siding No. 1 of the O. P. R. R. on Sam Logan's place. The pupils who fought bravely with me in this little intellectual battle of four months were Samuel, Leonia, Alice and Elvin Cloaks; Manda McClellan; Robert Scott; Augusta Baxter; Weslie, Burtie, Sarah and Martha Buffman; only eleven in all. They all did nobly, and not withstanding the much rain, and some sickness to hinder, they brought the average attendance op to about 00 per cent, and merited 100 in scholarship and deportment. We had over forty visits, seven of which were from the school officers of the district, who all did their duty well. Our county superintendent paid us one visit and paid us the high compliment that "we were a natural school and doing good work." J. D. Wood, Teacher. ; Arrested. John Vernie; was arrested in Eugene Tuesday by Sheriff Noland on a complaint charging him with the crime of burglary. It appears that Vernig had been a boarder at the hotel and owing some eleven dollars for board, his trunk was taken and locked in a room, when this morning he broke the lock and took his goods away. He was tried before Justice Kiusey at 2 o'clock Tuesday, S. W. Con don appearing for the state and L. Bilyeu for the defendant. The court held the de fendant in the snm of $200 fo await the action of the grand jury, and not giving bonds was committed to the county jail. Vernig was formerly a resident of Corvallis and was brought before the court several times while here for beating his wife. An editor while pursuing his every day duties is asked to do almost everything, whether in his line of business or not. We generally comply with such requests when it is in our power to do- so. But when it comes to writing a recommencatiou for a washing machine we have always drawn the lioeuntil we have thoroughly tested its merits, the Washington washer not ex septed. So when Mr. Harrington called on us tne other day we gave him some old, black greasy towels which had been stand ing up in the hall for the past year, and which we thought were beyond cleaning by any machine. When he took the towels we hardly expected to see hint return them, but in a short time he brought them back, and thep were nice and clean, too. There fore, we feel justified in recommending this machine to the public as being an excellent one in every respect. UNION PACIFIC RY. I "Columbia River Route." ' Train for he East leave Portland at 9:00 p. m. d-tily. . rFTsrlT7'TFrPC! to and from priuci AVVEi 1 O pal points in United States, Canada, and Europe. . ELEGANT NEW DINING CAES PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS . Pree colonist sleeping cars run through on Express trains from Portland to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and KANSAS CITY. Free of Charge and without Change. Close connections at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound points. ' For further particulars inquire of any Agant of the Company or T. W. LEE, G. P. and T. A. C. S. Miller, Portland, Oregon. Traffic Manager. J. M. APPLEWHITE, M. D., residence North 9th Street. H. S. PERNOT, M JX, residence 4th street, two floors norm of Opera House. Applewhite & Pernot, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, j Corvallis, Oregon, i Offices over J. D. Clark's hard ware store, and at K. Graham's drugstore.. Hoars: 8 to 12 a. m, 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m. OCCIDENTAL CorTallis, - - Oregon. IYI. A. CANAN, PRO. THE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW Build ing, newly furnished, and is first class a all i ts appointments, I RATES LIBSrtAL. ' a9"Large Sample Booms on first floor for Commercial Men. I : ' UBSCKIBE FOR THE COE ! vallis Gazette, the oldest pa hj per ia Benton co. Oneyesxy42. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Powder ' Drowned. Last week we published an account of the drowning of two parties while in bathing at Clatsop beach, and this week we must make mention of the drown ing of Mrs. Jennie Parker, wife of the editor of the Astorian, of Astoria, Oregon. It seems as if there is a strong nndertow at at Clatsop beach which was the direct cause of the drowning in both instances. Our Benton county resort, Yaquina Bas, has no such dangers to be encountered and never yet has there been anyone lost their life while while bathing at Yaquina. Not only is it safe in the bay, but the entire beach for miles above Newport may be safely trusted. The danger is not so much in the undertow itself as in the sand giving away and causing the bathers to lose their foot ing. At Yaquina bay the sand is only a few inches deep over the bed rock and is very firm, so that if there was an undertow it would not be very dangerous. At Nye creek, which is about two miles north of the hay, the beach is most favorable for bathing, and there are many who prefer it to the regular bttbing place at Newport. Big creek, which is four miles north of Newport, is also a tine place for surf bath ing and many go in there every day. In fact, we have the only county in the state where surf bathing may be enjoyed with perfect safety, and it is only a question of time till Yaquina bay will be the acknowl edged resort on the Pacific coast. Geological Discovery: The saud cliff fronting the Ocean at this place, in addition to the grand problems they hitherto afforded the scientific worker, now adds another great interest to the geologist in the fact that they are proved to be full of fossil remains. The head and ribs of an immense sea horse of the middle tertiary period, which found its grave more than half a million years ago, has just been distntered by Mr. N. S. Bent- ley and given over by him to Prof. Condon of the State University for preservation. At the earnest solicitation of some Portland and Salem gentlemen who happened to be on the ground, Prof. Condon consented to give a fimiliar talk of these cliff formations Thurs day and explain how Mr, Sea Lion was cap tured. A large audience assembled to hear his lecture, which was a practical lesson in geology uot soon to be forgotten by his hearers. This will undoubtedly lead to the discovery of many more valuable fossilf in the cliffs about the Kesort Cit v. Don't fail to see the fossils; you miss it.if you do. The Toledo Coal Company is working vigorously to reach their lower vein of coal, which it is said, is eight feet thiok. They have three veins at present, measuring in all nineteen feet and hope in a short time to be able to supply a large demand for coal. HAVE YOU TRIED ONE? GASOLINE STOVE SIMPLE SAFE ECONOMICAL AND OOL Just the thing for the sum mer season. C AWFULLY CHEAP. Call and see one in opera tion. J. X. OL-RK. R L Taylor, PROPRIETOR OF THE Little Band Box Barber Shop, Corvallis, Oregon. pShaving, hair-cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. Benton County o:sxro:T e:o. Complete Set of bs tracts of Benton County. CoHeyascifig & Perfecting Titles a Specialty. Money to Loan on Improved City and Country Property. 1 1, UkWB I CO., - Proprietors. MAIN ST., CORVAIvLilS. A DAY" IX WONDERLAND WITH SELLS BROTHERS AND THEIR GRAND ALLIANCE OF ATTRACTIONS. ihe times change and we are changed with them," said the ltoman philosopher. It may also be said that these changes are not always for the better, hut often bring retrogression and decay; and this is par ticularly true of the circus of to-day. In fact since the great ring-master. Death, gove Adam Forepangh his final cue, it may be remarked that but one really great aud legitimate circus remains, that of Sells Brothers, which is to exhibit at Corvallis on luesday next. The only other tented enterprise which can claim to rival it nas started out on the questionable, lecherous and nude mission of "revolutionizing the show businnss," and has succeeded, at least to the extent of substituting horse ballet for the intrepid and graceful eques trian and gymnfistic performances which the public will always admire. In their Hippodrome, Circuses, Moorish Caravan Pilgrimage to Mecoa, Tropical Aquarium, Aviary, Royal Japanese Troue. Aral ian Nights Entertainment aud resplendent frt e street parade, Sells Brothers present a more abundant feast of everything which apper tains to the most popular nf entertainment?. In exclusive features, such as their mon strous pair of Hiupntami. the Hairless Horse, a whole flock of Ostriches, and the miraculously diminutive pair of cattle, they surpass all rivalry. Cyreiine, the word- fainous long skirt Spanish dancer also ap pears with vhem, aud her grace and beauty add a wonderful charm to the performance. The Sells Brothers' big enterprise has been under one and the same management for a longer period than any other in existence, being now in its twentieth prosperous year. Success to it, always. hetukhed. i-resident js. u, Arnold r turned last Sunday from a visit to Califor nia and the Sandwich Islands. The follow ing complimentary item appears in the last number of the Pacific Rural Press: "We have enjoyed this week a visit from Presi dent Arnold of the State Agricultural Col lege at Corvallis. Pn-sident Arnold has felt the fatigue of long and devoted effort as an instructor and executive of the insti tution iu his charge, and has used his vaca tion for a rest, having visited the Sandwich Islands for this purpose. He returns much refreshed and invigorated, and has returned to his home after having visited the State University and Stanford University. He expressed himself much pleased with his observations in this state. Prof. Arnold impresses us as a most devoted and intelli gent educator, urged on by high motives and able to - attain results. We are sorry his stay in this state was uot longer. Many of our people would esteem acquaintance with him." The greatest boom failure in the history of the wot Id is probably that of Pascn.' Keep your eye on Pasco for only three seconds and you can see the whole town, an almost depopulated place, with a 15, 000 school bouse in the midat aud about a half dozen children to enter it. It mukes one's eyeballs ache to watch the spectach . The bubble is burst, and it is time to quit making bubbles. Albany Democrat. . The finest line of staple and fancy gro ceries and crockery in the city can be found at Paddock's. F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. ISTPoes a general tract ice in all the courts. Also acent for all the Unit-class insurance companies. 2:24 Benton County' PLANING MILLS, AND- SflSHAND oor Factory, W. P. MARTYN, Proprietor. Doors and Sash kept in stoek or made to order. Mouldings-of all kinds iu pine or cedar. All orders will receive prompt at tention. I guarantee all my work to be first-class. West of S. P. depot, Corvallis, Oregon. ' 8-8-tf. G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra's brick. Office hours, 8 tog a.m., and i to 2 and 7 p. m. 1:13-1. THEP0RTLAND SAVINGS BANK OF PORTLAND OREGON. Paid up capital 260,000 Surplus and profits 60,000 Interest allowed on savings deposit as follows: On ordinary savings books. . . .4 per cent per annum On terra savings books : . .6 per cent per annum On certificates of deposit: For three months 4 per cent per annum For six months 5 per cent per annum For twelve months 6 per cent per annum FRANK DEKUM, President. D. P. THOMPSON, Vice President, H. C. STKATTON, Cashier. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE From 2S to 50 Cents oa E?ery Dollar YOU SPEND? If so, write for oar Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, ' Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed oa receipt of 20 cents for postage. Chicago General Supply 'Co. 7 8Wesfr Van Burn St. jaKEESssasaggssaBsis for Infants "Castoria is so wen adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Abchkr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of ' Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." . Cahlos Marttn, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Tbk C int auk R. M. WADE & CO., DEALERS IN- HARDWARE AND- Agricultural The Lanrest Line of ALSO DEALERS IN Binding Twine, Cleveland RACINE BUGGIES Removal Sale ! OUST SEPTEMBEE 1 Ye will occupy the store on the corner of Jefferson and Madison streets; Qntil that time we will offer our entire stock at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Looking out this fall for the Largest and Most Attractive Stock of Clothing and Men's Furnishings ever opened in this section. Our New Fall Samples for Custom Made Clothing will ar rive about August 15th. Due notice will be given of the same. HEADQUARTERS FOR MENS OUTFITS. Type-Writers, New and Second-Hand. TYPE - WRITING SUPPLIES, Fine Linen and Carbon Papers, Ribbons, etc. General Agent for "SMITH PREMIER" Type-Writer, EDISOtf "MIMEOGRAPH," Automatic Steel Copying Presses, Cook's Auto matic Postal Scales and Rival Filing Cabinets. I can furnish you with a complete Office Outfit. Send for Catalogue. F- W. REYNOLDS, 29, Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. SALAEY $25 PER WEEK. WANTED! Qood agents to sell our General Line of Merchandise. No peddling. The above salary will be paid to "live" agents. Far information address Chicago General. Supply Co., 17S West Van Buren St, n i and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, gour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, , Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes tU- . gestion, Without injurious medication. For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it lias invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., "The Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York; City, Compawy, 77 Murray Street, New York. Machinery. HEADQUARTERS FOR Buggies and (forts I Bailing Wire and Ties. Cottage Colors, Paints and Oils PARRY CARTS. L. G. ALTM&N, M. D, HOMffiOPATlHC PHYSICIAN. OFFICE Oyer Nolan's Store, Second and Monro ' Streets. RESIDENCE On Jackson Street, between Eighth and Ninth. OFFICE HOUKS From 8 to 12 a m., and 2 to 5 and 7 to V p. m, A New Typewriter: THg- International "'"lirttiiauiiUiUai.i" A strictly first-class machine. Fully warranted, Made from the very best m' . term, by skilled workman, and with thtf best tools f. hat. hatru I.,,... .1 1 f - .... , u v. i urcii iicviacrii nn tne purpose. Waranted to do all that cm be reasonably expected of the Very best typewriter extant. Capable of writing ISO words per minute or more according trt the abiiitV Of tll urmftnr A n.n,.i.;.w. f . uiitkiiiiiiu that will manifold more than double tha number ot sheets than any other typewriter" without affectum the alignment, iii .mv re spect, as on this machine the allinient is indestructible. PRICE - - $100. If t.hfrt IS II f flrmi in truiK us on the subject as we are more liberal with on r Aueuts than an v nther f'.tm,. - z i j 1 l our line. htermiisnil Typewriting Co.,- 2 PARK SQ., BOSTON, MASS. Agents Wanted. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fe. Our Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office, ana we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washinpton. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, of .town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, 0. C. v AGENCYitoM v A pamphlet of Information andab- ISUWX.OI me laws, snowing Mow toi k um rauun, l RTeatu, Trade jumru, vopyrignu, um Tree. .AMn MUNN OC JO. viJUl nroawar. flew xrk. PHILIP WEBER, DEALER I - Carpets, Wall Paper, Furnl ture and Bedding, COSVALLiS, r OREGON From Terminal or Interior Points the Mortherh Pacific EAILEOAD Is the Line to take TO All POINTS EAST ani S0VT3 It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Vestibuled Trsius Every Day in the Year TO NT. PAUL ID CHICAGO (No change of cats, Composed of DINING OARS, Unsurpassed, mim iwm room mm Of Latest Equipment, Tourist Sleeping Cars, Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and Eelgant Da; Coaches. A Continuous Line Connecting: with All Lines, affording: Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS to and from all Points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning' rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on appli cation to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, i - Assistant General Fassengerf Agent, Ho 121, First St., Cor Washington, Portland, Oregon, L. E. BEACH, Agt. N. F. R. R., Corvallis, Oregon I i