YOL. XXVIII, COKVALLIS, BEATON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1891. 3 EXHIBIT. OF THE FINANCES OF BENTON COUNTY, OR, TOR THE TEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1891. STATE FUKD. From taxes Paid state taxes COUNTY FCXD. On band from last year On hand from trial fees On hand frm taxes On hand from all other sources. . . .8 16,407 01 . 16,407 01 ..8 9,654 30 202 50 28,083 26 1,529 25 I 8 39,469 37 CONTRA, Oranty orders redeemed 8 31.231 10 Interest 2,309 17 Cash on hand , 6,929 10 INSTITUTE FUND. institute fees 8 12 25 Paid institute orders 12 25 SCHOOL FUND. Cash on hand from last year 8 2,972 17 Cash on band from taxes 15,988 59 Cash on hand from fines 305 30 State school fund 4,954 65 8 24,220 71 CUKTKA. School orders redeemed 8 21,480 G5 Cash on hand 2.740 06 8 24,220 71 XPBNDITURES. Roads and bridges. 8 6,756 03 faupers 2,088 77 Court house lights, water, fixtures, etc. . . 596 14 Bounty on wild animals 2ts2 50 Wood 221 50 State cases 2,236 17 Jurors 1,608 2i Sheriff 2,482 12 Clerk 1,828 25 Printing 332 60 Insane 127 76 Bailiffs 276 00 Janitor. 395 00 Coroners inquest. 152 90 Books and stationery 5ri3 19 Commissioners 445 50 Jail 37 60 Common schools 209 05 County treasurer 600 U0 County assessor 1 .005 no 1 .maxing present owner book 700 00 Per centage making descriptions 6,519 87 District attorney 317 15 Bcnool superintendent 806 14 County judge 800 00 Interest 2.309 17 County orders outstanding last year 44,246 43 8 76,822 98 CONTRA. County orders redeemed $ 31,231 10 Interest paid 2,309 17 Cash ou hand 5,929 10 County orders outstanding 37,353 61 8 76,822 98 RECAPITULATION. Cash on hand from last year 8 12,626 68 iasn on nana irom taxes 6u,4Dl 11 From all other sources 2,037 OS Money received from state treasurer state school fund 4,954 65 8 80,109 34 COXTRA. County orders redeemo J 8 31,231 10 Interest 2,309 17 School Supt. order a paid - 21,4aU 65 State taxes paid . 16,407 Cash on baud county lun.i . . . Cah on hand school fund.. . Institute fund paid 5.929 2,740 12 3 80, 109 Respectfully Submitted. B. V,'. Wilson. Clerk. By U. Y. Wilson, Deputy. une au, isvi NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS. Plans and estimates are invited for a city hall to be built on the corner of Madison and Fourth streets iu the city of Curvallis, The butJdiog is to be built of hriuk about 0x75 feet, two stories hih, with stone basement. The committee reserve the right to pay only for the plans adopted. Plans and estimates to be submitted by the first of next month. All communications shoult be addressed to Z. II. Davis, ' Chairman Com, Dated July 23, 1891. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City. Or., June 11, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has hied notice of (us niton tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be ore the county clerk of Benton county, at cjorvauis, Uregon, on August 4, 1891, viz James L Taylor, homestead entry No. 6660. lor the nwjofawi bee. 0, Twp. 12 S, K, to w. He names the following witnesses to prove His continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: George Green, Wm. H. Green, Chas. Herron, Leonard Herron, all of Philomath, Benton Co., Oregon. J. T. Apperson, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY". In the matter of the partnership estate of .Belknap tiros., Belknap Bros. & Kennedy, Belknap Bros. & Kennedy Bros. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance ot an order of the county court for Benton .county, state of Oregon, made on the 11th day of July, 1891, in the matter of said estate of Belknap Bros., consisting of E M. Belknap and S. E. Belknap (deceased) as partners, ana Belknap Bros. & Kennedy, consisting of EL Al. Belknap and S. K Bel knap (deceased) and G. W. Kennedy as partners, and Belknap Bros. & Kennedy .Bros., consisting ol Hi. M. .Belknap and S. E. Belknap (deceased) and G. W. Kennedy ana rv. K. Kennedy as partners, the under signed,' the administrator of said partner ship estate will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin of the united states (and suject to confirmation of said court) on ScUurday the 5lh day of August, 1891, at 11 o'ekek a. M. of said day at the court House door in the city of Corvallis, in Ben ton connty, state of Oregon, all the riL'ht. title, interest and estate of said partnership estate Deing tne iee simple in and to all the following described property to-wit: The N. W. i of Sec. 6, in Township 4, S. R. 5 E. Will. Mer., situate in Clackamas Co. Or.; also lots 7 8, 9, in block 1 of ori ginal town of Marysville (now city of Cor vall's) in Benton county, Oregon. Together with the foundry and machine shops situat ed thereon including all detached property, appurtenances and fixtures in and about aid foundry and machine shops, such as blacksmith tools, grindstones, moulding tools, safe and office fixtures and all move able tools and appurtenances thereto be longing. E. M. BELKNAP, Adm'r of said partnership Estate afore Said. Dated July 16, 1891. THE OREGON STATE FAIR. The prospects for a good State Fair were never so nattering as they are this year. The premium list has been revised, and in many important points the prizes have been increased. j.he entries in the speed depart ment are the largest and best in the history ot the fair, lhe state lair is under the management of the State Board of Agricul ture, and over $15,000 in cash is offered in premiums for exhibits of stock, poulty, ag ricultural products, fruit, etc., works of art and fancy work, and for trials of speed The board is making every preparation for a great meeting. Many valuable improve ments have been made, and the grounds nave been cleared op and greatly beantihed. Electric and horse-car lines now run from Salem to the grounds. All persons wishing a premium list for the fair of 1891, can ob tain it by addressing J. T. Gregg, the sec retary, at Portland, Oregon, or Geo. W, Watt, assistant secretary, at Salem. The fair begins on the 14th of September, and will last one week. Send for a premium list ana prepare something for exhibition tins year. TO THE PUBLIC. We wish to announce that we have finish ed all our cheap work and are now prepared to do strictly first-class work. Enlarging a specialty. 1-onn & Underwood. KEPORT. Report of the condition of the First Na tional Bank of Corvatlis, at Corvallis. iu the State ot Oregon, at the close of business, July 9, 1891: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 8 70,020 80 overdrafts, secured and unsecured 135 7a j U. S. Bonus to secure circulation 12.500 Stocks, securities, claims, etc ,. 4,830 57 Due from approved reserve agents 1,09 42 Due from otlier National Banks' 1,058 11 liue from SUte Banks and bankers 1.114 (17 Furniture and fixtures 2,8t9 89 Current expenses and taxes paid 198 71 Premiums on U. S. Bonds Bills of other banks Fractional paper currency, nickels, cents Specie Legal-tender notes Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (6 per cent of circulation) 2,400 65 40 5T- 11,155 10 165 502 50 Total $103,236 11 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 2 50.000 Surplus fund 1,00J viiuivinou proat JH4 National Bank notes outstanding 10.250 814 88 Individual aeposits subject to check 81,530 09 AaKJ Demand certificates of deposit 12,562 07 Time certificates of Deposit 2,528 97 Total 8108,236,11 State of Oregon, County ov Benton, ss: I, M. S. Woodcock, president of the above named bank, do swear that the above state ment is true to the bust of mv knowledge and belief. JVL. S. WOODCOCK, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day ol July, 1891 Notarial Seal. E. Holoate, ' Notary Public. CORRECT Attest: W. T. Wiles, Z. H. Davis. A. F. HeitsuxER seal Directors. Remember Henkle & Ki ieliel goods at J. Win. Wills are umng very cheap. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of Benton countv J5taie oi uregou. In the matter of the Estate of B. S. Ward, deceased l Notice is hereby ni ?ea that the nnder- signed has filed her final accouut of said estate us administrator of said estate in said court for a (iual settlement of said estate and that said court has hxed Saturday the 8th day of August, 1891 (it being a day of the rugular August term of said court) at the court house in the city of Corvallis in said county at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and a final settlement of the same. Dated July 9, 1891. S. J. Ward, Administrator of the Estate of B. S. Ward, deceased. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby civen that the Countv lourt ot Benton county, Uregon, will up to the 5th day of August, 1891. receive sealed bids to furnish all materials, build and con struct, erect and complete, a bridge across Hilarys river known as the "Hartless bridge near Philomath, Oregon. Plans, pecihuations and strain diagrams, to ac company each bid. kach bidder shall de posit with his bid ten per cent, of the amount thereof which shall be forfeited to the county in case the award is made to him, it he fails, neglects or refuses to enter into contract and file his bonds (in an amount to be determined by the court) within two days after such award is made. The said bridge to be completed by the 10th I day oi September, isfl. The court re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at Corvallis, Or., July 13, 1891. B. w. W ilson, County Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate ) T'" of ? - Marion Cooper, deceased. ) .Notice is hereby given, to all persons con cerned, that the undersigned haye' been duly appointed executors of the last will and testameut of Marion Cooper, deceased, by the County Court of Benton county, Ore gon, and all persons having claims against Aid estate are hereby required to present the same to us, duly verified, at the resi dence ot Thomas H. Cooper near Corvallis. in Benton county, Oregon, within 6 months frdm the date hereof. Dated July 17th, 1891. Thomas H. Cooper, ' .Gbor9b Cooper, - Executofs, IN MEMORY OF T. E. CAUTHORJT. sr a. w. Farewell dear friend and au revoir, 1 Cannot. Will not urn la. a.liaur For death in time but not eternity, ' Frb us irom ine good and true. For standing by thy weary couch Before the last dread A voice prophetic whispered in my ear. "Siv- Tit i V 1 1. . . , ! . J .ftwuujomiuu miau meet again." Though after death in God's high providence The vile no more shall be. The good and true are but parts of his divinity. uu Duau live tjiruuu an eternity. Your friend has honored every trust. At home, abroad and in the council of his state. His unstained soul has like a mirrpr thrown aenections only of the good and great. Envy, malace or reveng-e he never knew, His mind was fashiuned on a broader nlun Across the chasm of eighteen hundred years he drew, ujj,uMcftuu mapiratiuii sum ii v c u iorman. Then au revoir dear friend a brief farewell and some goon iuut wait the true and bravs; With hope and faith 1 see you livo again Aim waia in iinb oeyonu tne grave. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars rp.ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Proos.. Tol.d O We," the undersigned, have known F .T Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him periectly honorable in all business transac. tion, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax. Whole ale Druirtrists Tol. do, O., Welding, Kinnan & Marvin. Wholn. sale DruL'irists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internallv. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial pni free. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold bvgall Druggists. One hundred and twenty thousand dol lars have passed over the counter of the bank of Vaeaville, according to the state ment of Edward Fisher, cashier, inpayment for fruit shipped to Eastern points, as against 90.000 the same time last year. One hundred and sixty-one cars of green fruit and four cars of dried fruit have been auippeu xast mis year, .ninety-three wan the record for the same time lanfc vn. Across the Deep, to the Far West, Uu steamboats, cars and stage coaches, H09 I rA,,QVi L. 1 J . . . - 1 . . vbv.a a ubuiimuii fitters is carried as tne most important item in the materia medica ol the traveling public. It rlennven i-ii.i:,i-. eil, brackish water of its hurtful 1 1.1. J3 --- cecrnuie n.ivor. counteracts th nr- nicious eliects upou the stomach of bad or indigestible tood, remedies cramps, heart burn and wind udoo the stomach. Tt in n. nne detense agaiust malarial disorders, nul lities the effects of excessive heat, cold i.rl damp, relieves sick -headache, and is an in comparable cure for costiveness and bilious lies. The fatigue of travel often tell mmt aisastrously upon invalids and convales cents, occasionally to such an extent as to Jeopardize life. Persons in feeble health. apprehensive of bad effects from travel, will, if provided with the Bitters, be far less likely to have their fears realized. R. M. Wade & Co., informs us that they have sold every harvester they had in stock and their stock was large to commence with. They even wonder themselves why they have enjoyed such a lively trade. The cause is easily explained advertise in a live paper and do a live business they have been patronizing the columns of the Ga zette since their opening. The mystery is solved. The following frank statement fiom J. E. Hare, of Trenton, Texas, will be of interest to many of our citezens. "My little boy w.is very bad off for two months with diar rhoea. We used various medicines, also call ed in two Doctors, but nothing done him any good until we used Chamberlain's Onlio. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reniedv, which gave immediate relief and soou cured him. I con sider it the best medicine made and can con scientiously recconimend it to all who ned a diarrhoea or colic medicine." For sale by T. Graham, druttaist. M. Wilkins is now busily engaged pre paring samples of grasses grown in Oregon. The collection will be exhibited at the state fair this year, and will serve as a nucleus for his grand exhibit at the world's fair in 1893. He will prepare about 900 samples this year, of which there will be 86 varie ties Guard. Bucklen's rnica Sal ve. The best salve in the world fnr Cat Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rl Soreo, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no oav reouirerf. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rernnoed. frice 25 cents per box. For sale by Thos. Graham. Pleuro Pneumonia in Cattle. County Stock Inspector Simeral reports several cases of pleuro pneumonia among the cattle of this county. In the Waldo hills he has two cows under quarantine, afflicted with this disease, which is contagious but works its deadly way slowly. But few horses are suffering from the glanders. One was kill ed by his orders, near Brooks, the other day. Statesman. Eupepsy. This is what yon ought to have, iri fact you must have it to fully enjoy life. Thous ands are searching for it daily, and mourn ing because they find it not. Thousands up on thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may at tain this boon. Awl vet it mav be had bv all. , We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the domou Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver. Stomach and jKidneys. Sold at 60o and $1.0Q per bottle , by T. Graham, drug gist. Children Cry for" Pitcher's Castoria, Buy your hunting outfits at Nolan's. Bargains in summer shoes and hats at Nolan's. Lebanon was visited by a $10,000 fire last Monday night. Oak and ash wanted in exchange for guns mit w. tv iu. ill. Bargains in summer nnderwear and over- shirts at Nolan's. Mi. and Mrs. John Foster returned yes terday from their wedding tour. Ho for the seaside and the cool shades of the mountains this kind of weather. The Salem's have played nineteen games this year and only lost two, and those only by a scratch. J. W. Will is prepared to furnish bicycles of all kinds at the lowest prices. Also bicycle extras. W. A. Wells and family, Misses Lizzie Clark, Mattie Avery and Helen Holgate are among those who went to the bay this week. There will be an ice cieam social at the W. C. T. U. reading rooms this (Fridav) evening, given by the ladies of the M. E. church. - Miss Lizzie Keesee entertained a few of her friends by giving'a social party, last Wednesday evening, at her home four miles north of Corvallis. Prof. Grimm returned from his farm near Aurora last Wednesday. He says the hop louse and fruit pe.ts are getting in their work in an alarmidg manner in that section of the valley just now. A. M. Reeves, for the past twa years principal of the public schools of Philomath. has been elected principal of the Halsey public schools. Philomath looses a good man in Mr. Reeves and Halsey is to be con gratulated on her success. Last week Huston Shipley, of Monroe, bought a new buggy at that place, and had taken his seat iu it for his first ride when the horse became frightened and ran three miles down the road before it could be stopped. Fortunately no one was hurt and but little damage was done. We are reliably informed that John Zeis will build an ice factory in Corvallis either this summer or next spring. His trade in ioe is large enough to justify this move, and as it is cheaper to manufacture than to ship it from other points, he must build. ' The new city hall is to be built and with out delay. It will be a brick and stone structure 50x75 feet, to cost $3,000 or less. As will be seen elsewhere the committee appointed at the last meeting of the council have advertised for plans and specifications. and it is their intention to let the contract and get to work on the building just as soon as possible. A Serious BrN away. Last Wednesday evening while Dick Abbey, accompanied by his wife and Mrs. T. Whitehorn and child. was driving past the Stewart farm about one mile north of Corvallis, his horse be came frightened and ran away, The sud den start threw Mrs. Abbey out on the buKgy. She struck the ground on her bead, receiving a cut on the forehead and a severe shock. In attempting to regain the lines Dick was pitched over the dash board, and was either trampled on or kicked until he became insensible. Mrs. 'Whitehorn iu her fright attempted to jump from the bug gy with the child in her arms and was badly stunned from the fall, but fortunately the child escaped without injury. Word was immediately sent to the city for Mr. Eglins carriage and medical assistance. Dr. Chas. Lee was soon at .the scene of the accident and assisted in making the injured persons as comfortable as possible while being trans ferred to their home. Although the ladies received quite a severe shock and were badly frightened they were not dangerously injured. But Dick did not get off so easy. The corner of his right eye was severely cut, his nose was broken and he received an ugly wound extending from his upper lip over his right cheek, also a bad cut three inches long on his left leg. However, none of the wounds need prove fatal. At last accounts all of the injured parties were get ting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances.' The Willamette. In an interview with the Statesman, Senator J. H. Mitchell says concerning an appropriation for the upper Willamette, much depends on the report of the engineers. The appropriation that will be asked for this year to be used on the Willamette above the locks will be of suf ficient size to accomplish much good. A considerable of it no doubt, will have to be expended on the revetment at Corvallis, where in 1888 an appropriation of $14,000 was spent in an endeavor to keep the river from leaving the city. The same work will have to be done again, only in a more sub stantial manner. . . A Mother's Gratitudes My son was In an almost heirless condition with Jinx when I commenced using Chamberlain's . Oojic, Cholera and. piarrhoea Remedy. It gave him immediate relief and I am sure it saved his life. I take great pleasure in 'recom mending it to alL Mrs. M. L. Jobnbon, Everett, Simpson Co. , Miss. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Thos. Graham, druggist. ,, , . ' i . . ... .. A TRIP TO THE COAST. The editor of the Gazette recently took m ... a aay on and went to the sea shore. Arriving at Yaquina we took the steamer Richardson and after a pleasant ride of four miles down the bay arrived at Newport. as usual the wharf was crowded with sum mer visitors who had lined np on both sides of the passage way anxious to meet their expected friends, or who sized up the new comers as they passed by with an air of: -wonder what is coming next I" Foroiir part, as soon as we landed we caught a glimpse of Pete Abbey's smiling face on the porch of the Bay View house, just across the street, and we made a straight snoot tor him. We run the gauntlet with out difficulty, stopping a moment to shake bands with this or that friend, and arrived safely at the hotel, and the obliging land lord lost no time in finding accommodations for us although the house was crowded Mr. Abbey always has room for one more. Among the first friends we met the next day was Wesley L. Davis, of the Times, and we were at home in a newspaper office, Mr. Davis has recently taken charge of the Times and is giving the people of Newport and vicinity a paper worthy of their support He has made several improvements in his office, having just added a new job press and new type for turning out job work, After showing ns his office, Mr. Davis took us out to the end of the government jetty where we watched Capt. Winant's steamer Mischief go out over the bar with a fishing party on board. The bar was quite smooth and it was a fine day but we did not care to change places with any one on board as we hadjbeen there before, and our ardor for deep sea fishing is not so great now as it once war; On our return, after a stroll down the beach we met our old time friend. Wm, Grant, of "Far Far" and he insisted that we should fulfill our promise made some time ago to spend a day at his new summer re sort situated Ota south beach, just halt way between Newport and Seal Rocks. ' Bright and early the next morning in company with Mr. Grant we crossed the ferry and were met by his team, kept for the special accommodutioa of his guests. The drive down the hard beach in the pure morning air was delightful. As we passed aloug by the high cliffs our conception of the country lying back from the beach was that it was rough and rugged, full of deep canyons and mountains. Arriving at "Far Far" we found that ' at least in one place we were mistaken. It would be difficult to find a more pretty spot on any coast for a quiet summer resort than that Mr. Grant has. From almost any point on his land one can get a fine view of the beach up and down the coast as far as the eye can see, includ ing seal Kock, the entrance of xaqnina harbor, - Newport, and Cape Foul weather. Still it is well protected from the high winds. Mr. Grant has expended $8000 or more during the past year in improving this resort. He has just completed a large and substantial house and has furnished it throughout in elegant style for the accomo dation of guests who may be fortunate enough to stop with him, and the sur rounding grounds are being laid off in beautiful parks and walks. Mr. Grant has laid out all of his laud in lots excepting about 20 which he has reserved for his house and park, and is now selling them at from $25 to $100 per lot. Many people from Portland, Salem, Albany, and Cor vallis have already purchased lots here and are building or will build cottaces so that their families will have a quiet place in which to spend a month, or two at the the sea-side during the summer time. At noon we sat down to a delicious spread pre pared by Mrs. Combs who has charge of the household affairs, after which the team was brought out and we started for Seal Rocks. - Of course we could not return to Corvallis without paying a visit to Mr. Brassfield and his famous watering place. Mr. B. greeted us in his usual pleasant manner and invited us to remain a day or more, but our time was limited and we could only make a short stay, so after a glimpse of the marvelous wonders of nature, the great rocks continually lashed by the angry waters of the sea, it was time to take our departure. For pleasure seekers Seal Rocks is a drawing card, and Mr. Brassfield is receiving his share ot the patronage. Returning to Newport we took the train the next morn ing for Corvallis, only regreting that we did not have more time to spend among the genial people at the sea-side. Hunting at The BAY.They have been having a great time at the Bay hunting deer. The country across the Bay from Yaquina is alive with them. On Tuesday of last week seven were seen on the beach at one time, and Friday morning five. One day the hounds drove one of them into the Bay, George Walker and one or two com panions took a boat and tried to capture it; but not knowing the trick of taking it by the tail and drowning it tried to hit it over the head with the ores and ride over it but this did not work and the deer escaped. Thursday the hounds drove up what was thought to be a dee) bat on being followed proved to be black bear. He was treed; but escaped to the thick bushes as usual with a bullet that will probably prove fataj. "PejBocrt.- WHAT IS TO DONE. C6rvallis, Oreoon, July IS, 1891. EdWoe Gazette: Will you" allow me space in the Gazette for a wof d or tivb jef specting a subject of public interest; 9oe time last spring, if j mistake not I tfoticeoV something in the local papers relative- to the" municipal ownership of public works; or works in their nature public, su'ch as' elW trie light, water Works',- etc. ' Beiug somewhat inTprsssed witK the ideet of the city owning its own water and eleo-. trie plants I took occasion to mention' H ttf several of the Council and afso to some of the leading citizens of Corvallis. I was at that time, like some otlftf citi-i zens, inclined to trge infmediate actio oh part of the Cdrfneil and have the question of city ownership, or not, submitted! id a vote of the people at ondej but the sugge tion was made, and I confess that its wis- dom weighed so heavilyon me as to cause me to iqiroediateiy yield my own inclination to it; the suggestion was made the owing to the approaching election and the prob able changes in the conncil which would rtrt suit, that the whole qdestrotr 6f the munici pal ownership of public works should be postponed until after the election. And the suggestion was quitn generally adopted and We have heard very little on th ub ject since. Now we have a new council, a new char ter, and. I think, a procnessive spirifon tha' part of the citizens of Corvallis, notwith standing the fact that this is the 15th of July and nothing done yet in the way puouc improvements, and what is the city going to do about it? If I am correct the city pays Something over eight hundred dollars pef" annum fof electric light. That is interest at teri pef cent on more than half the cost of the whole plant. I am authoratatively inform ed that the commercial foil, 6f the private" lighting, now yields a revenue of about ten percent, on the whole cost of the plant: The hieter rate for inside light is one anil one-half cents per hour per lamp oT sixteen4 candle power. Now supposing the city owned the etec trie light plant at at cost of $15,000 I tMofc it .could be bought for some less, but say $13,000. The purchase ifiou'ey would be" raised by issuing city bonds for the amount which would probably sell at par and drtvt 6 per cent, interest which would amount to $900 interest annually. That is lesftnaaf" $100 more than what the city U now paying' for electrict light each" year. And the nam-' berof street lights seems to be gradual! - increasing. The cost of maintaining the" electric' light plant and operating it. tnf informed id considerably lest thitt he ' amount derived frem the commercial foil 4 private lighting. Now if I be correct in ill . thi, would it not be to the interest of the1 , city to own its own electric lighi plsntf That is buy nut the preseftf owners. 'The 7 franchise is becoming more valuable each year and the business is increasing and .whir proper management it ought to pay fox' it- . self before the bonds, which would-be issu ed to buy it, would mature. If the city owned its own electric- plant. it could reduce the price of light 6ne-tbirf and according to data within the reach, of all, still derive sufficieut profit to' pay the' bonds at maturity. I khrJw of qiifte a good ' many persons who have signified a readiness4 to use electric Hgbs, who' now nse otia booh as the price is reduced. Probabl the increased number of consumers would more' than counter-balance the difference in rive nue caused by the redaction in the price. Another thing which might be mentioned iu this connection is suggested by the pres ence of an arc- light bu Main street. The present street lights cost $3 per light per month. The arc light wottld cost $12 or" n.ore. But the incandescent light which we now have is of 23 candle .power" whilst the arc is 200 candle power. Obvi-r ously it would require a lesser niimber of arc than incandescent lights. . Which would- 4 be the more economical for the city? I will confess I don't know. But if the city' were the owner of its own plant it cou-lf exercise its own discretion perhaps titt easily than now as the' cost of producing I arc light is said not to be relatively fi' excess ot the cost of producing the irit&D cent. - The general impression which t gathered frefrfi the unwritten histcf y recent city election, seem to be citizens of Corvallis selected tbfei men with a view of getting progff into the city government who their wisdom, give proper atier; improvements; etc., which so property owners are demgnd was the dominent idea on the ' electors Would it not be' conncil to act. The surtfro " ' gone. . It seems to me that the , vallis may be ready ta bh .' exercising their perogafir . of these contemplate p-., of bonded indebtedftesr ' works, etc. But in tl," I know that some tir wiser to put the ir "' . ',-'-there seems to be x Reasons which I ar There are urgi should have beV drainage and gv ' other things tfe ' y do need thenf-i' at it in abend thin have tjf ' -