The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 22, 1891, Image 2

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    the: corvallis gazette, friday, may 22, isoi.
itra-itk: conovee.
Per Tear ....... 92 00
! Mnnt.lm 1 00
Three Months 75
Ingle Copies , 9
er Vear (whan not paid in advance). 2 50
Will a fight between the
Charleston and Itata be not or
Good-bye to Gorman's chances.
Ife has been nominated for presi
dent by Anna Dickinson.
Corvallis is doing her share of
building this season. Carpenters
and painters have their hands full
The newly appointed senator
from Texas, Mr. Chilcot, 13 a rail
road lawyer, which accounts for
It is always good politics to en
force existing laws:, and if they
can't be enforced they should be
Oregon will fairly hum when
She harvests her immense grain
crops of 1891 and sells them at
good Harrison prices. Journal.
The people at Yaquina City
and Newport are making great
preparations to entertain the teach
ers next month.
Some of the larmer boys of Ben
tbn county are doing a profitable
business raising China pheasants.
They find ready sale for them at
$5 per pair.
The question is, shall the city
dwn its water works and electric
light plant, or shall the city treas
ury be drained by private corpo
rations for the present service.
American tin is worrying the
democratic editors so that they
cannot rest at night, and the tin
schedule of the McKinley act does
not go into effect until July 1st.
On July 4th next, and there
after, the flag of the United States
will contain forty-four stars. Wy
oming was not admitted until after
July 4th following its admission.
The railroad blockade that kept
the wheat crop of the Columbia
valley and Palouse country from
getting to market is not so bad
since wheat has gone up to nearly
$1 a bushel.
How about that 4th of J uly cel
ebration? Gentlemen, the time is
drawing close at hand and if Cor
vallis is to celebrate this year it is
full- time our people were making
a-move in the matter.
The good people who are agitat
ed over keeping the World's Faii
open 1 on Sunday are worrying
themselves unnecessarily. They
can go to church on Sunday and
let the sinful go to the fair.
There is some talk of pardon
ing Sandy Olds. Pardon him by
all msans;- lie has a brilliant fu
ture behind him. He would do
well practicing law if he attentive
ly listened to his own trial. As
torian." An address has been issued to
the Southern people calling for
contributions- to the Jefferson
Davjs' monument fund, and nam
ing June 13th as the day upon
which every town shall act in the
The Nev Orleans grand jury
Kevins: exonerated the leaders of
the mob that lynched the Italians,
it is now in order to send them as
missionaries to those misguided
communities which believe in
always upholding the majesty of
the law.
Wilful and malicious lies al
Ways go home to roost, and the
indications notv are that the out
rasrpsnnS falsehoods told by the
- o -
democrats about the McKinley
tariff act will do that party a great
deal mdre'harrn in '1892 than it
did them-good in 1890.
It is the universal opinion of all
who settle in Corvallis that it is the
healthiest city in the "Willamette
valley. No other city of its size
has a lighter death rate.
The knights of reciprocity are
causing the democrats of Mary
land considerable alarm. They
claimto be able to control the
next legislature, which will elect
two United States senators.
The next thing in order is a
special city election. Shall the
city issue bonds for a system of
sewerage, and for the purchase of
the water works and the electric
light plant, or which?
Those who have gone into the
business of raising garden truck
in the vicinity of Corvallis will
find profitable returns for their
labor. No one who is willing to
work has failed at this business in
Now that the city election is
over Jet the new council get to
work under the provisions of the
new charter. We want an efficient
police force and a rustling street
supervisor. Let the council look
well to these appointments.
This country will probably not
half-mast its flags on account of
Rudini's last communication sever
ing all diplomatic relations with
us. lie is like the boy at the de
beating, who, having been worsted
in every debate, declines to contin
tinue the discussion.
The fruit crop of Benton county j
promises to be abundant, lrees
are loaded with fruit and never
looked more healthy. While the
fruit pests are troubling some
orchards here, they are not so no
ticeable in Benton as in some other
sections of the Willamette valley.
The Toledo Blade announces to
its readers that "the tide of im
migration is rapidly turning to
Oregon." Well let them come,
there is room in the Willamette
valley for a good sized tidal wave
of capitalists, business men and
industrious farmers and laborers.
"I alone am master in this coun
try," was the defiance hurled at
Bismarck by the Emperor of Ger
many in a recent speech. As Bis
marck has been elected to the Ger
man Reichstag the world will soon
see whether the hot-headed young
man can make good such a proud
Mr. Blaine is very considerate
when he calls Rudini's attempt to
make people believe that the sec
retary of state made use of a confi
dential communication in order to
answer the Italian's first audacious
demand ua total error." In view of
the proof presented by Mr. Blaine
he would have been justified in
calling it an outrageous falsehood.
No man is a bankrupt who meets
all of his obligations, and that is
what the United States treasury
is doing. When a- single national
obligation of any sort goes to pro
test then the people will be ready
to believe that a deficit exists, but
such a thing will never happen
while we have a republican admin
The president and party have
arrived at home in Washington
after having traveled over a terri
tory of 10,000 miles without a
single accident or a minutes delay
on schedule time. During the
tour the president made just 140
speeches and probably shook
hands with more people than an7
living man in America during the
same space of time.
The damage done by the May
frosts in- the eastern states to the
fruit crops- is reported to have
been very great. In many places
throughout New Jersey and Dela
ware the- crop is reported to have
been reduced one Jialf. This is
two successive years the fruit "-rop
of these states have proved a
failure or partial failure- Let the
people of these states come to Ore
gon where crops never fail.
Odr May sensation is the Itata
and the Esmeralda. In April we
had the row with Italy; in March
Salisbury and the British lion were
our sensation. By June another
interesting episode will transpire
in some quarter. Every month
we have lots of fun fighting im
aginary foes and amusing our
selves telling what dreadful things
would happen shonld foreign fleets
frown along our unprotected coasts.
The throbs of increasing pros
perity now being fejt in all branch
es of industry and business, in
every section of the country, are
sharp pains to the gouty old demo
cratic hulk, and they tell the story
in indisputable language of which
party was right about the McKin
ley tariff act. The ruin predicted
by the democrats last fall is a long
way off, unless that party should
by accident obtain the control of
the government in all its branches
and carry out its ruinous ideas.
Senator Frye states that our
manner of carrying out public
improvements is the most waste
ful one in the world. When any
thing is undertaken in Europe it
is carried at once to completion,
but in this country the work done
with one appropriation is often de
stroyed before another can be had,
and as a consequence our improve
ments have cost us on an average
fully twenty-five per cent more
than they would have cost had we
acted like the governments of
Work on the portage railway at
the Cascades will now go forward
without delay. This means much
to the commerce of Eastern Ore
gon, and the people of that sec
tion are no doubt happy. But
how about the improvements of
the upper Willamette. The water
is getting down to its low stage
again, and if it continues to fall
tha boats will soon have to tie up
for a couple of months or more,
all for the want of a comparative
ly small appropriation to clear the
channel of a few snags and sand
Two Tammany democrats who
have been proven guilty of accept
ing bribes while holding municipal
offices, and who only escaped well
merited punishment through legal
technicalities, have just been ap
pointed to lucrative and responsi
ble positions under the city gov
ernment of New York. And yet
we find otherwise intelligent men
short-sighted enough to advocate
the turning of the national govern
ment over to Tammany Hall, for
that is just what the election of a
democratic president next year
would mean.
One would suppose that ex
Representative Barksdale, of Mis
sissippi, was proposing to lead an
army into a bloody battle instead
of the farmers alliance of his state
in an assault upon the senatorial
seat now occupied by Mr. George,
to read his bloodthirsty language.
The following historical" quotation
he recently gave as expressing his
feelings: uIf I fall, avenge me;
if I retreat, slay me; if I advance,
follow me." When t he oifice-seek-ing
itch gets hold of a man he
seems to lose whatever common
sense he may have previously
The report of C. P. Huntington,
president of the Southern Pacific,
to the directors shows that "a con
siderable part of the increase in
earnings from commercial freight
is due to the development of the
fruit industry, in Oregon and California.-
On the lines in Oregon
the increase in freight earnings
amounts to $112,644, the principal
part of which is local. The
through freight over these lines is
still small, but shows a large in
crease over the preceding year.
In the local tonnage there has
been an increase on the main line
of about 20 per cent., arising from
the natural growth of the country
and the unusually long period of
low water in the Willamette river."
There is every reason to believe
that this year is as peaceful and
prosperous as any that has ever
passed over the world, and yet it
is full of all sorts of disasters and
of rumors that excite the fears of
the timid. There is war in Chila
and India, and threatend war in
Peru and Africa. There is a
financial collapse in Argentia and
another one imminent in Portugal.
There are floods along the Rio
Grande and the lower Mississippi
and destructive fires in Michigan,
Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Add to these the rumors ot im
pending strife in Europe and the
rapid exportation of gold from this
country which threatens a mon
etary for us when the time comes
to move the crops, and it will be
seen that for a peaceful and pros
perous world we are certainly hav
ing trouble enough. Back of all
these actual disasters and
rumors of war that attract the
attention of men, there is looming
up always larger and darker from
year to year the black cloud of
socialism, and the strife between
capital and labor. Never was this
cloud more portenlious than now,
and never perhaps was the light
ning of its strikes shown more
vindictively. In every portion of
the world these are going on, and
what deserves special note is that
they are manifesting themselves
more in the countries of high
wages like the United States and
Australia than anywhere else.
No man can forsee the outcome of
all these things, which if they
were duly considered would pre
sage a future doubtful enough.
Fortunately mankind never pays
much attention to anything except
its present and pressing business.
We know that the things that con
cern us individually are going well
and so we call this a prosperous
year, not caring to estimate the
ruin and the fears elsewhere. It
is quite possible, however, that
this prosperous year of ours may
be written down by the historian
of the future as a year of. anxiety
and unrest out of which the world
emerged into a truly peaceful and
prosperous epoch only after long
strife and bibor, and witli great
bitterness, confusion and suffering.
San Jose Mercury.
It seems never to have entered
the minds of some of the political
agitators among the farmers, that
the true way to make agriculture
prosperous and profitable, is to
protect and extend our own man
ufactures so as to increase the mar
ket for the food produced by the
farmers. Nobody would suffer
more than the fanners tnemselves
if the free traders could have their
way and destroy the manufactur
ing industries of this country.
They either forget, or are too ignor
ant to know, that even if we
adopted absolute free trade, Eu
rope would not buy any more of
our agricultural products than she
does now, unless she could get
them cheaper than she could buy
them of Russia, India or Aus
tralia. This is not republican doc
trine alone; no less a person than
Mr. Colman, who was at the head
of the agricultural department un
der President Cleveland, said:
"No amount of advertising, no
proffer of reciprocal trade, no
choice of fiscal policy can force on
Europe another peck of wheat per
capita, scarcely another quart, for
many years to come, unless unex
pected disaster shall befall her
crops." Toledo Blade.
Bellamy's ideal theories advanc
ed in his book 'Looking Back
ward" is being put to a practical
test in Santa Clara county, Cali
fornia. A colony has leased 1S60
acres of land for five years and
propose to set up a Bellamy gov
ernment. We predict that the
head of the concern will come out
at the end of the five years with
well-filled purses and the colony
will have the experience and be
J left to battle with the cruel chari
ties of a cold world,
Strangkrs who come to Cor
vallis say there is as much busi
n ?ss done here as in any city of its
size on the Pacific coasl; but what
we need is more manufactories to
give employment to the laboring
classes. For instance our foundy
should be in operation, employing
from ten to twelve hands, the can
nery project should be carried out
and put in operation for next sea
son's fruit crop, it would give em- j
ployment to 75 or 100 people din
ing the fruit season besides furnish
ing a market and bringing better .
fruit and vegetables.
Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin
Disease Covering Entire Body
Cured by Cuticura.
My baby was taken very sick wlii-n lu;
was three months oM, and in a few days be
gau breaking out. We employed both of
the home doctors, and they could do noth
ing for him. Then we sent for the best
doctor in Ent'.n Itipids, Mich., and he doc
tored him tor two
weeks, and he t;ot
worse all the time;
and then I took him
mi Jackson to a doc
tor who attmds es
pecially to skin dis
eases, and then he
got worse than ever.
Then I told my hi-.s-hand
we had better
try the Cuticura
Remedies any way; did not have any idea
they would do any good, but in less tliau
two months from the time we began givim;
them to him he was entirely well, and not a
spot on him. His hair beg.m "rowing right
off, and we had thought be would always
be bald-headed. There was not a spot on
his whole body, face, and head, only his
nose and eyes, but what was as raw as a
beef-steak. So poor there was not any
thing but bones, and so weak he could raise
neither hand nor head.
Mrs. Frank Barrett, Winfield, Mich.
Cuticura Resolvent.
The new blood and Skin Piuitier, ami great
est of Humor Remedies, cleanses the blood
of all impurities and poisonous elements,
and thus removes thee cause, while Cuti
cura, the great skin cure, and Cuticura
Soap, an exquisite skin beantifier, clear the
skin and scalp, and restore the hair. Thus
the Cuticura Remkdif.s cure every species
of itching, burning, si:aly, pimply, and
blotchy skin, scalp, ami blood diseases,
from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to
age, when the best physicians fail.
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c;
Soap. 25; Resolvent, . Prepared by the
Potter Druu and Chemical Corporation,
43"Send for "How to Cure Blood Diseases."
Bi T"Y"QSkm and Scalp puriied mid batutifled
AD1 Oby Cuticura Soap. Absolutely pine
Plaster relieves rheumatic sciatica, hip,
kidney, chest, and muscular pahis and
.weaknesses. inee, 2;c
$250 REWARD.
The city of Corvallis will pay the above
reward for the arrest aud conviction of any
one guilty of arson within the limits of said
city. By order of City Council.
April 28, 1891. City Recorder.
L. 0. ALTMA.N, M. D.,
OFFICE Over Nolan's Store, Second and Monroe
RESILIENCE On Jackson Street, between Eighth
and Ninth
OFFICE HOURS From 8 to 12 a m., and 2 to 5 and
7 to 8 p. m.
Gypsy Cloth,
Tennis Flannel
Outing- Flannel,
Touile Du Nord,
Imperial Zephyr,
Imperial Satine,
Satine Robes.
New Walking; Jacketed
The only new line of Jackets in Corvallis
this year.
New Tennis Shoes, New Straw Hats, for
Men, Boys, Girls and Children.
Yours to Please,
8. L. KLIMB.
fMSDCC Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis,
uUnCu Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup,
Sore Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the
Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption.
Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " L Butts.
vallis Gazette, the oldest pa
per in Benton co. One year, $2.
August Schioeman, Prop.,
Meals at all hours.
Frssh Bread Every Morning
Delivered Free before Breakfast.
The following varieties: American Home
Made. German Milk Bread. French and Bye
Bread, also fresh cakes, pies, buns, etc.
Wedding & Fancy a lies
A Specialty. Special attention paid to
orders from abroad. 5:2 m3
$30,000 TO LOAN
ton Countv. Call on or write S. N.
STEELE & CO., Albany, Oregon.
Corvallis, - - Oregon.'
jl intf, newly furnished, and in first class
u all its appointments.
sf"Lari;e Sample Rooms oil lirst floor for
Commercial Men.
Carpets, Wall Paper, Furni
ture and Bidding,
and Registered
Clyde, Shire, Per-
cheron c Norman
For -Sale from $400 to'
$900 each.
This is the time to buy in order
to have them perfectly accli
mated for next season, and wo ,
must sell in order to make'
room for new importation-The.
freight on a horse to Portland, '
Oregon is only $SO. ,
Every animal fully Warranted. Terms Easy. Send'
for Catalogue. Address
Dr. Valerius & Co.,
Watertovra, Wis.
At The White House.-
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