The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, April 10, 1891, Image 2

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fka.ttk: conovee.
far Year $2 00
Six Months 1 00
Three Months 75
Slnorle Copies
er Year (wlia:i not paid in advance)... 2 50
If claims will win the speaker
ship fight, Mills will have a walk
over, but most people have an idea
that it is votes and not wild claims
f hat will settle the business. Mr.
Mills has a corner on "claims,"
but how he is fixed with votes
remains to be seen. As Mills
would make about as - unfit
6peaker as it would be possible to
select we trust that the democrats
will elect him. His occupancy of
the speaker's chair would make
thousands of republican votes.
Tbere is no discount on the
Americanism of Bishop Keane,
He says this country is not only
the grandest organization of pop
filar institutions, but it is also the
Best embodiment of human fra
ternity and of Christian civiliza
tion which the world has yet seen
And the bishop is not a candidate
tor office.
Italy has no man of-war that
can reach our coast with coal
enough left to boil a teakettle
We hope she will send her big
ironclad ships this way. We
need a navy for coast guard
purposes, and when her shipi
reach here out of coal we will
take them away from her and
keep them.
It was bound to come. A dem
ocratic paper charges that the
administration is responsible for
the existence of the "Mafia" at
New Orleans and for the recent
occurrences in connection there
with. There is about as much
foundation for this as for the aver
age charge made by the democrat
ic press.
hie JNew lorl Kecorder very
justly remarks in view of the fact
that of the three United States
senators elejted by the Alliance,
one is an editor, the second a law
yer, and the other a preacher, that
the next time it has any big office
o bestow it should give the farm
ers a show.
Present indications are that the
Parnell envoys will not collect
enough money in America to pay
their individual expenses. This is
not because American sympathy
for Ireland is waning, but because
Americans refuse to endorse the
dishonorable private acts ot Mr.
Major McKinlky in a recent
speech stated the tariff situation in
four lines as well as it could be
done in four columns. He said
'JNothing 1 can say or the new
tariff can help it. Nothing its en
emies say can hinder it. Its oper
ations alone can do it hurt."
If this country isn't the best in
the world, particularly for those
compelled to work for a livelihood.
why is it that the working people
of Canada, Newfoundland, Cuba,
and Hawaii are so anxious to see
their " countries admitted to the
United States?
Tii rousing receptions given
Major McKinley everywhere he
goes are an indication that the
people are beginning to under
stand the benefits of the tariff bill
bearing his name, which was so
unblushingly lied about last fall.
"Uncle Jerry" Rusk believes
in the right of1 American meat to
fair- treatment abroad, and the
American people believe in "Un
cle Jerry." ' Between the two be
liefs it is dangerous for foreign
governments to get.
Ex-Speaker Reed has gone to
Europe for a long vacation. He
has earned "a- good rest, and he
should take it in order to worry
ttie big democratic majority in the
The vagaries of the Italians here
are simply funny. They now
demand an amendment to the con
stitution ot the United States to
.make that instrument more agree
able to them. Certainly, of course
Let us put up a sign at Castle Gar-
aen inscrioea, "It you don't see
what you want, ask for it." While
we are amending things in this
country, we will also have a law
giving somebody authority to see
that these people who spit upon
our flag and in the faces of our
people are summarily sent out of
the country. They '.want exactly
reciprocal rights, they say, and
they know it to be true that no
American would be permitted to
print in Italy against that govern
ment and its people the insults
and falsehoods and threats which
have been printed in the Italian
papers here against this govern
ment and its people. This is an
abuse of the hospitality these peo
ple have enjoyed here. We did
not invite them to come to our
country, rhey came of their own
accord. The most of them never
knew how a full belly felt till they
got here. The lowest class of
them, organized into a murder
society, fries to control the highest
and best class through fear of
assassination. Ihere are many
worthy Italians in America, men
and women acceptable to the citi
zenship of any nation on earth,
but the amnestied brigands and
azzaroni are just now posing as
Italy in America and professing
stand still while they are assassi
nated. These people have worn
out their welcome in this country.
They are not wanted here, and
just a little more covorting and
insulting tajk will secure for them
an invitation to go back to their
diet of stewed thistles and mullein
leaves in that "civilized land"
where the conditions of life are so
narrow that robbery and brigand
age and beggary are regarded as
legitimate occupation. Alta Cali
fornian. From the accounts of the rav
ages of the Huns and Slavs in the
coke regions of Pennsylvania one
might imagine the tenth cent ury
back again. Public order must be
maintained against the assaults of
barbarians, but there is no need to
waste any sympathy on the pro
tected mine owners and manufac
turers whose property is threaten
ed by this uprising. They im
ported these hordes of savages to
this country to keep down the
wages of American workmen.
They violated law and public
policy to do it. They herd their
serfs to the polls on every election
day to cast ignorant ballots and cut
down wages Now
that they are swallowing a little of
their own medicine and finding it
unpleasant to the taste they have
no right to complain. S. F. Ex
The Astorian says the Farmer's
Alliance people have yet a good
deal to learn about practical pol
itics. Farmer Dowell, the treasur
er of the Farmer's Alliance in Ar-
Itansaw was buncoed out of $3000
of the Alliance funds last Thurs
day. It was the same old game,
the cards, the sharper, the steerer
and the goose, Dowell playing the
goose with disheartening success.
Baron Fava will increase the
pleasure with which Americans
witness his departure if he will
take with him the Mafia and laz
zaroni and amnestied brigands
who have been dumped upon this
country by his Government. Will
he Fava us to this extent?
If the democratic split in Chi
cago shall result in the election of
republican mayor of that city
visitors to the World's Fair will
have reason to be very thankful
for its occurrence.
Reciprocity is such a good thing
that the nations of the earth are
all howling for it, and Uncle Sam
can leisurely take his choice.
Upper Willamette shippers are
greatly disappointed at the with
drawal of the steamer Northwest
from that route. They had hoped
much in the way of lower freights
and better service because of com
petition, and are " more than ever
of the opinion that trusts are rob
beries and opposition boats an un
certain quantity. The Toledo and
the Northwest had no sooner be
gun to make trips on the upper
river than the Oregon Pacific sent
one of its boats down to get a
share of the trade of the Lewis
and Cowlitz rivers. It being di
mond cut diamond, a truce was
soon declared by which the Ore
gon Pacific boats now control the
traffic of the Willamette. The
great river makes an excellent
feeder to the Company's road, and
by means thereof Corvallis will be
come one ot tne liveliest towns
along the whole upper river. It
is absolutely necessary to tne u.
P. which has no other means of
connection with Portland, that it
maintain its present effective river
service, ana unaer tnese circum
stances shippers have little to fear,
even if -there is no competing line
of steamers. Even a monopoly is
not to be dreaded, when its every
interest is directly concerned with
those of the people who must de
pend on it. The Oregon Pacific
boats will always be seeking car
goes to Portland, for to this city
they must come for merchandise
to be distributed along the line of
its road to Yaquina, or to the sum
mit of the Cascades. The future
greatness of this water highway is
already apparent. When the Ore
gon Pacific has surmounted the
summit of the Cascades, and
brought into close relations the
flocks and herds of the vast ranges
of Eastern Oregon, and tha grains
vegetables and fruits of the Wil
lamette valley, there will then be
two or three boats where now there
is one upon the river, and Portland
will be brought into close relations
with that great section of Oregon
lying just east of the Cascades,
from which it is now almost wholly
isolated. Oregonian.
Senator John M. Palmer, of II
inois says the Chico Enterprise,
peddled clocks in that state a half
a century ago. Many democrats
and Farmer's Alliance men now
see in him a presidential possibil
ity. What a chance for allitera
tive head-lines that suggests. If
Palmer should ever reach the
White House one might expect to
read of "Pilgrim Palmer's Progress
from Peddling to the Presidency."
The Indianapolis Journal get a
cinch upon the eternal truth when
it remarks that "whenever the
country gets into a pinch requiring
statesmanship, diplomacy or gen
eralship, the people are glad to
have the Republican party at the
Miss Ella Rockefeller is in
Seattle. She is twenty-three years
old and has just that many mil
lion dollars. The Seattle Times
Press says she is very pretty. She
certainly has a very lovely figure.
A Kansas paper 6ays, "Kansas
leads all other states in the pros
pect for a big wheat crop." Ore
gon leads all other states for a sure
crop every year. No drouths or
grasshoppers here.
Mr. Cleveland has written an
other letter. This time he gives
tfie farmers a little "taffy," but
the American farmer is too shrewd
to be caught by such chaff.
' As an explanation that doesn't
explain Governor Nichols' letter to
Mr. Blaine, concerning the recent
killing match at New Orleans, is a
great success.
The news from North Carolina
indicates that the moonshiners are
closely allied to the "Mafia," and
quite as ready to murder officers of
the Jaw.
m l '
The latest news from Chili is
that the seat of war needs patch
ing. It has been sadly peppered.
Linkville Star. 1
- "Which is the richest and most
prosperous country?"
"The United States."
"In which country is the wealth
the most widely diffused among
the people?"
"The United States."
"What are the principal causes
of this prosperity and the general
ly diffused Avealth among all
"A protective tariff and a sound
and stable currency."
"Who gave the country these
"The Republican party."
An exchange says, the biggest
jcke of the legislative season is on
the North Dakota legislators, some
of whom are alleged to have ex
changed their votes for boodle.
When they quietly presented the
checks that they had received, the
bank teller quietly passed them
back, with the remark, 'payment
The Salem Statesman says the
gentlemen in the Oregon peniten
tiary are the politest fellows imag
inable. They are always saying
"pardon me."
A New York city official is .in
dignant because somebody tried to
bribe him. What's the trouble?
Wasn't the price offered high
Turkish teas are the new sensa
tions in Washington. The society
girls appear in Turkish costumes,
and the decorations are all Turk
ish. A Kansas farmer who announc
ed that he had discovered a new
kind of kind of chinch bug nar
rowly escaped lynching.
The spring campaign of the
Hatfield-McCoy war has been jie-
clared off, for the present.
Covered with Scales. Awful Spec
tacle. Cured in Five Weeks by
the Cuticura Remedies.
About the 1st of April last I noticed some red pim
ples like cniingr out all over my body but thought
nothing of it until some time later on, when it began
to look like snots of mortar spotted on, and which
came off in layers accompanied with itching. I
would scratch every mgnt until 1 was raw, tnen the
next nigrht the scales Demcr
formed meanwhile were scratch
ed off again. In vain did I con
sult all the doctors in the county
but without aid. After giving
up all hopes of recovery. I hap
pened to see an advertisement
in the newspaper about your
Cuticura Rkmediks, and pur
chased them from mv druggist.
and obtained almost immediate
relief. I began to notice that
tne scaly eruptions gradually
dropped off and disappeareuVne
by one, until I had been fully
cured, i naa the disease thir
teen months bef. -re I began taking the Remedies, and
in four or five weeks was entirely cured. My disease
was eczema and psoriasis. I know of a great many
who nave taken the Kemkkiks. and thank me for the
knowledge of them, especially mothers who have
oatnes wun scaly eruptions on their heads and
bodies. I cannot express my thanks to you. Mv
spectacle to behold. Now my skin is as clearaia
ooay was covered witu scales, and 1 was an awful
baby-s. GEO COTEY, Merrill, Wis.
Cuticura Resolvent.
The new Blood and Skin Purifier and greatest of Hu
mor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all
impurities, ana tnus remove the cause), and cuticu
ra. the great Skin Cure, and Ci'TicuRA Soap, an ex
quisite skin Beautifier, externally (to clear the skin
and scalp ana restore the hair), cure every secies of
agonizing itching, burning, scaly, and pi.nply dis
eases of the skin, scalp, and blood.
Sold everywhere. Price, CuTicmA, 60c.: Soap,
25c. : Kksolvent, $1. Prepared by the Pottee Dkuo
and Chemical Corporation, Boston.
X3"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. 64
pages, 50 illustrations, ami 100 testimonials.
PLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, and
oily skin cured by cuticura isoap.
Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness,
Hacking Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy, and
and lnliamatson relievbd in one minute
bv the cuticura Asti-PainPlaster. Nothing like it
for weak lungs.
J. B. W ELLSt D. D. S..
(Successor to N. B. Avery?)
Ether administered for painless extracti
of teeth. Office over the first National
G. R. FARRA?M. D.,
Snecial attention given to Obstetrics
and diseases of Women and Children.
Office up stairs in Crawford & Farm's
brick. Office Lours, 8 to q a. m., and
to 2 and 7 p. m. i:i3-yi.
OFFICE Over Nolan's Store, Second and Monroe
" Streets
RESIDENCE On Jackson Street, between Eig-hth
OFFICE HOU RS From 8 to 12 a m., and 2 to 5 and
7 to 8 p. in.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office two dooru north of J. 'A. Knight's
I ' '"'
furiiittire store.
I. mean. Business, and intend to close out
my entire stock of Clothing, Hats, Gents
Furnishing Goods, Gloves, etc.
I wil lsell Goods at unheard-of prices, as
my stock must be sold within the next 60
days, and if not sold by that time will be
moved to some other town, as I must and
will close them out.
will sell Goods at 25 per cent discount
from wholesale price. People, now is your
chance. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Best Cough Medicine.
i where all else fails.
taste. Children take it without objection. Bv druggists.
1891, SEASON,
The Largest Stock of
Iarpets.) If all
And Bedding ever carried by any one house
in Corvallis, to select from at
At Prices wliicii will Ih-fy t ompetition.
Mail Orders for Carpets, Wall Paper or Furniture received
strict attention, and jroods will be shipped with dispatch.
P. 0. Box. 333, CORVALLIS, OREGON.
AVe carry a f ull stock of the Very
triul onier.
P. L. P0SS02T & S02T, 209 2nd Street, Portland, Oregon.
IhJ Mi9 JO J-o.9
Fire-Backs Warranted ibr 15 Years.
Argfaixd Stoves and Ranges,
Ventilated Ovens,
They never look ahead nor think. People have been to wait till p!anti?! seas, run to the gro'
eery for their seeds, and then repent over it for jz momhs, ratiier than stop and tiiinit what they wiil want
for the garden. VICK'S SSSB3 "ever disappoint, is the ve.dict from the millions who have planted
them. If it is Flower or Vegetable SJceiis, Plants, liuliis. or anything in ihb has, MAIZJ3 Jt O MISTAKE
this year, but send 10 cents Tor Yic&'S Floral GtiiOe, deduct the 10 ccntr. from f:r t orcer, it COSta
nothing. This pioneer catalogue contains three colored claier-, Grandest Novelties ever offered.
$-200 in cash premiums to those sending club orders. .ioto cash prices at one 01 the Stale Fairs. Grand
offct. chance for all. Made in different shape rroni ever before : jr r!"?' S'i x k inches.
P. Avert.
Allen Wilson.
John Smitii.
Benton County
Company, Manufacturers of the
Best brand of Roller Flour in the valley.
Having thoroughly eqnj ped our mil
with all the latest and most mproved inn
chinery we now are making superior arti
tide of flour equal to ahy in e VV ilhtmett.
valley. Give us a trial and convinced.
Every sack warranted .
Bran, Shorts and Chop
constantly on hand. '. Correspondence solic
B I I I B S r, ' , . '" writ., and Who.
U U U;"" Instruction, will work
r iw rtm snree TboiMand Italian
f arln theirown localitin.whrn-rrr thv IWe I will. if
learned. 1 d,.ir. b, . woriTrT" h dtort5"SS - i
bar. already tauirht d prodded with .mplom?r'
EecommnloH hv 'PVivfiininnH-
Pleasr.iit, anrl t.Via
Paper, Furniture)
Wire-Gauze Doors.
or free-trade
Do you want to keep thoroughly
posted on the effects of the New
Tariff Law, as shown from week t
week ?
Do you want to know all about the?
policy of Protection and have art
answer to every false statement of
the Free-Traders?
subscribe for your homer-
paper and the American Economist,.
published weekly by the America'
Protective Tariff League, New York
sample copy free). The Economist i"
an acknowledged authority on Pro
tection and should be widely read
The yearly subscription of the Econo
mist is $2, but we have made 9
special arrangement with the pub- .
lishers by which we can sencr
, Tou the Economist for one year aa
- the Gazette one year, both fos $?0- '
anses I