rnjE co&v alias gazette, fhiday, eeb. is, ism. Carbal'lts (incite. ISSI KD KVKflY KRIDAT XOHMSQ BT 8UB3C31PTION RATfcS rirfnr $2 00 . Month 1 Three Mmittm ff-nifle Copie3 &c er Vear not paid in advance): 2 50 WINDOWS LAST WORDS. The last m'omeats of Secretary Windom's life were used by him in giving counsel to the American people upon the two great ques tions of finance and commerce. His death comiivg with tragic in tensity so swift! v after he had sdo- w V - . en, invests those words with a sol emn significance. They come to ns now as a voice beyond the grave, but full of the vigor of a living patriotism. He closed with this appeal which the republican party commends to the memory of every voter: "Give us direct and ample trans portation , facilities under the American flag and controlled by American citizens-; currency sound in equality and adequate in quan tity and international, to facilitate the changes, and the system of reciprocity carefully m adjusted within the lines of protection; and not only will our foreign commerce again invade every sea, but every American industry will be quick ned and our whole people feel the impulse of a new and enduring prosperity." These words should be treasur ed up and not forgotten. It is for these things that William Windom Tabored hard for many years, and though he did not live to see the fulfillment of them, who can doubt that his last effort will be largely instrumental in bringing them to pass, and that right speedily. San Jose Mercury. Senator Veatch's bill, provid ing for the repeal of the act creat ing a railroad commission, failed to pass the senate. Veatch sup- j ported this measure witu a Jong argument for retrenchment and reform, and when placed upon final passage the bill lacked but two votes of going through. The Albany Herald says, if Ore gon people supported, advocated, defended and stood' by the Oregon, newspapers with half the vim and Joyality that the newspapers sup port, advocate, defend and stand by Oregon then Oregon would be come the best slate in the Union and Oregon newspapers would be the best newspapers in the world. Some 600 squatters on what is known as niggertract Tacoma, are excited because of ai order of U. S. Marshal Harford that they must pay rent for the land. The squat-, teratook up the land in good faith, and expect title from the govern ment. There has been varied opinions- expressed at different times as tb' what position the gov ernment occupies as to this land. Portland Examiner: It is notjthe fndians only iiv the Missouri river states and territories who cannot earn a living and want rations from " the - Government-. The farmers of Western Nebraska have applied to Congress for 1,000,000 to assist them in get ting through the winter, and it is needless to say that if they get it the Dakotas and Montana will be Iieard from very soon. San Jose Mercury. Soke of the Corvallis papers -would like to see the state doing something toward improving the Willamette river; so-w14 we, but when they talfe of spending the whole amount between- Portland and Corvallis we feel like kicking. We are on- that part of the river tfoat needs the ; most improve ments, and if any work is done we want our portion-of it. Our town is-very- small asyet, but we are Veil1 slsod and in a- very short time . We may have outrun Corvallis in the coarse of progress.- Junction my Pilot.. OREGON'S ADVANTAGES. Oregon and California are both extending their area of fruit cul ture, and setting. out thousands of trees. But hot ft are working un der different conditions. . In Ore gon tl orehardists have delightful weather for the purpose, and plow ing goes on without interruption notwithstanding ft is the middle of winter. The young fruit trees are taken from the nurseries and set out easily and rapidly, in ground mellow and moist and in perfect condition. In California, how ever, there is the periodical drouth and the orehardists are compelled to dig holes for the trees with the aid of crowbars and picks. This discounts the traditional story as to the'soil of Vermont where the grain has to be shot into the ground from firearms in order that it may take root. Bat, notwith standing this discouragement, we are assured by the Bulletin that the work of thus "planting trees" in California goes on without abatement. It only shows the pertinacity with which people there prosecute business under difficulties that would appall the Oregon farmer, who has been in sensibly educated to an easy-going life under the unequaled soil and climate of this favored region. No crowbars and picks for him. Salem Statesman. Arkansas has robbed our state of the opportunity offered of ob taining free advertising by reason of niggardliness (the brilliant scheme of Governor Pennoyer) by stealing a march on us in refusing to make an appropriation for the World's Fair. Inasmuch as Ar kansas has nothing to display, and has stolen Pennoyer's thunder, it behooves us to return to the first proposition, to step out of the ditches, shake off the moss and see that Oregon is fairly represented at the Chicago Exposition, by con tributing a respectable sum of money. Uahlornia has appropria ted $300,000 for the World's Fair and will be able to make-an exhib it that its people can point to proudly and which will be of great benefit in the way of attracting immigration and capital, Wel come. An examination of the records of the pension bureau at Wash ington discloses the fact that there are but 12,000 applications on file that are not represented .by attor neys. These will be taken up by the board appointed for the pur pose and proceed to final deter mination. This, board is required to use every care that could be ta ken by an attorney, and to fully consider and give just weight' to every favorable fact disclosed in the record of these cases. In other words, full and complete justice is to be done in every in stance, and technicalities of con struction on presentation of these cases are not to be taken advan tage of. Claimants are to be as sisted and not hindered. These re forms have already been started in their course, and it is expected they will result in good to all con cerned. Oregon- City Enterprise. The Farmers' Alliance of Kan sas is very bitterly opposed to' pools of all kinds except its own. A grain pool, for the purpose- of withholding from the market im mense quantities of breadstuff's by storing them i "alliance" ware houses until the producers can obtain such prices as they consider satisfactory, is in their opinion a very proper scheme, but a pool to regulate" the price of iron, oil, or any other article not produced by farmers, is by the same judgment robbery.- Northwestern Financier. The' Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Repub lican says: "Cedar Rapids pack ed last year li'6,000 hogs as against 116,000 in 1880. It leads" St, Louis. Cleveland and Sioux City. These figures suggest -to the reader where much of Iowa's cheap corn goes. The Iowa farmer who con denses Iowa corn into Iowa pork is 'the man who laughs.'" " FA VORS THE PRINTING BILL. At its regular monthly session Satuiday, Marion, county grange discussed the proposed bill pro viding for publication in county newspapers of the proceedings and claims allowed by county courts and commissioners. After a full hearing and espec ially from the standpoint of econ omy, grange resolved unanimously in favor of the law, and unan imously recommended its passage. There i3 strong sentimeutin many parts of the state in favor of such a law. The grange is opposed to all measures for increasing county expenditures, and favors retrench ment. No means could ,be pro vided for cutting down the ex penses of couuties so effectively as the publication provided itr this bill. The only persons to object to such a law are those who have an interest in keeping the details of tax-eating a sealed book to the taxpayer. Journal. It isn't until you get a lovely cluster of boils on the back of your neck that you fully realize what a wonderful man Job was. The Australian ballot bill with out amendment has passed both houses, and will become a law as soon as it receives the governor's signature. The Olympia people have par alyzed the legislature by closing all the capital saloons from mid night Saturday to Monday morn ing. There is one consolation in the present congressional situation. Democrats no longer have an ex cuse for making an extra session necessary. Eight if . souls gone to God. Cause, mine explosion; place, Scottdale, Penn. Heaven help the widows and children thus thrown upon the world, for the owners of tha mine are not likely to do it. Caemencita, the Spanfcsh- dans- euse, got $800 for dancing eight minutes in Boston last Friday. Twenty miles away was a church, the pastor of which gets- $400 a year. People would rather be amused than admonished. Whenever a public man con: stantly receives "taffy" from the newspapers of the opposition par ty he would do well to ask him self: "In what way am I injuring my party?" for unless he is in some way injuring hi own party he wouldn't be getting the aforesaid "taffy." Senator Ingalls, when he re tires from the senate,' will leave a place which his farmers' alliance successor, Judge Peffer, will find it difficult, if not utterly impossible for him to fill. The retirement of Mr. Ingalls will be a far greater loss to the state of Kansas than to himself. . The election of Dr. Gallinger to succeed Senator Blair was very gratifying, to the wage-workers of the country. He made a reputa tion as a hustler several years ago in the house of representatives as the special champion of the print ers, for whonr he naturally has a kind feeling, baing a typo 'himself. The newspapers are-growing en tirely too enterprising. They will not let a man stay dead even when he wants to. They have resurect ed Ray Hamilton, whose body was recently found on the lonely banks of Snake river, and located him? under an assumed name, in Aus tralia. Cocoanut butter is a new arti cle of commerce that bids fair to come into extensive use. It looks like lard and melts at a tempera ture of 100 degrees. It does not readily turn rancid on exposure to the air, and is , much; more easily digested- than animal fats or butter- made from cream. - Dyspeptics who cannot safely eat pastry made with dairy butter, find no difficulty in the digestion of pastry iji which cocoanut butter has been used. BAD ECZEMA ON BABY 1 Head one Solid Sore. Itching Awful. Had to tie his Hands to Cradle. Cured by Cuticura. Our little boy broke out cm bis head with a bad- form- of eczKnu. . whpn ha uni. months- oid. We tried thrp dnr-f...ra Kt they did not help hlin. We then iwed your three Cuticura Remedies, and at tor using thCin eleven wet.ks eX:ir?tlu nnnnrAinn t,. Ai rections, he began to steadily improve, and after the use of them for seven months his head was. entirely well. When we" begun usine it his head was a. null 1 anm fmm i-l.- crown to his eyebrows. It was also over hia ears, most of his f tee, and small places on different D:irts of inin hnAv TW pro wapo 'sixteen weeks that we bad to' keep his hands keu hi nie craaie, ana noia them when he was taken uoiand had to keen mit.f.pna fiol on his hands to keen Ins Hnr-imila nnf ..f the sores, as he would scratch if he could ia any way get his hands loose. We know yonr Cuticura Remedies cured him. We feel safe in renoiYimamlino f.)i.m -v... OEO. B. & J A.ETTA HARRIS, Webster,' XUU1411U, Scrofula Cured. T have a sisfcr vnmntor t)i,n n.c ..1 P ... 1. Whole bodv Was I'nvprpil with unrofnla oni-oa from head to foot. She could not he down at niht and had no peace by day. A friend advised her to try the CuticiTua Remedies. .She did so, and they cured her. UVHX. ti. JiHVtINU, Kushylvania, Ohio. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood and Skin Purifier, and great est of Humor Remedies, cleanses the blood of all impurities and poisonous elements, and thus removes the cause, while Cuti cura, the great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite skin beautitier, clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair.. Thus the Cuticura Remedies cure every species of itching, burning, scaly, pimply, and blotchy skin, scalp and bfood diseases, from pimples to scrofula, from infancy to age, when the best physicians fail. Sold eveiy where. Price, Cuticura, 20 c. ; Soap 25c. ; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by i he Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. 3"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testi monials. Bl T V'y Skin and Scalp purified and beautified l J. O by Cbticura Soap. Absolutely pure PAfflS ASTD WEAKNESSES Of females instantly relieved by that new, elant, and infallible Antidoto to Pain, Isflamation, and Weakness, the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. HOTBL, Corvallis, - - Oregon. HI. A. CANAN, PRO. THE OCCIDENTAL IS NEW Build ing, newly furnished, and is first clans n all its appointments. RATF.3 LIBERAL. sarLarM Sample Rooms on first floor for Commercial Men. -DENTISTRY. 33. WELLS, D. D. (Successor to N. B. Avery.) Ether. administered far painless extracti of teeth. Office over the First National Bank. PliOPKIETOR OF TEE ROBVALLiS flAKEBV And Dealer in Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. PURE WJXES MB LIQUORS. Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Etc., kept constautly on hand. Corvallis, " " Oregon. JOHN M. SO.MEIiS. ATTORN EY, Corvallis,, Oregon. Office two doors north of J. A. Knight's furniture store. BECAUSE THEY ARC THE BEST. - P. M. Fekky & Co's Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SED ANNUALi I For 1831 win be mailed FREE to ail applicaffrs, and to last season's t I customers. It is better than ever. ivcry person using Garden, rlfrwer or Jtezd Seeds, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MICH. I Largest Seedsmen in the world Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. ' Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip--tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. - A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SftOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0. C. rvUBSCEIBE FOE THE COE .X. vallis Gazette, the oldest pa- jlO perin Benton co. One year, $2, W E WILL CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE , Stack of Men's Winter Clothing, Overcoats, Furnishing Goods and Rubber Goods, at In order to make room for mer Stock, of which wo will assortment. Greatly ORKfTUftE) llEflOQUARTERSTl tO TK to WW -iJX K5 Furniture Store. This is the great Emporium for Modern Furniture at reasonable pri-1 ces. His slock is large, and selected with special care with an eye (o Comfort, Beaut', Style and Durability. A glance at his elegant wick er, plus.h and fancy chairs, convenient folding wardrobe beds, stylish? center tables of antique oak and walnut, will convince those in quest of Furniture that his store is tlie place for bargains in anything of ther hsusehold furniture line. IN a fcai ST Corvallis, ImrSer : Oak : With Wire-Granze Doors mm rninn. dure run Fire-Backs Warranted for 15 Years. Argund Stoves and Ranges, "Ventilated Ovens, PLUMBING B00FJNG, HEP AIRING. I L. POSSOIT Si S01T. We carry a lull BetSEEDS, TREES, BULES, M FERTILIZERS. kffpf.ks' SUPPLIES. Give us a N trial order. P. L. P03S02T & SON, 209 StrcCESSOBS TO MILLER EROS. J lit! HUiWOi lf.'Lluu ptue til ' li.w v uUH Library is $ 1.00. The Gazettk and tne Judge Libray will be sent to any ad dress ou. receipt of ?2 50. ray v t&s Lur yesf "-- . .. KHCS.I0C2HTS. f . - FEBRUARY riees our TsTew Spring find Sum have a large and elegant Oregon Oregon stock of the Very E ETC., BEE 2nd Street, Portland, Oregon.. CATALOGUE FRE&- PROTECTION' OR FREE-TRADER WHICH? Do you want to; keep thoroughly7 posted on the effects of the New Tariff Law, as shown from- week to week ? Do you want to know all about the1 policy of Protection and have a.a' answer to every false statement of the Free-Traders? Yes? " Then subscribe for youf hotntf paper and the American Economist,. published weekly by the American Protective Tariff League, New York. (Sample copy free).- The Economist is an acknowledged authority oo Pro tection and should be widely read--' The yearly subscription of the Econo--mist is $2,; but we have made special arrangement with the pub Ushers by which we can .send: tou the Economist for one year- and the Gazette one year, both hr J3.O0; 33 ' 0 MGES 1 RHQ'.ll.,Vii' ML Ita w