The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 07, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 41.
Notice is hereby given that the executors
tit the last will and testament of Hainan U.
Lewis deceased has have filed their final ;ic
count fur settlement of the Estate of said
deceased in the County Court of the State
of Oregon lor Benton comity; and that said
Court set Saturday, the 8th day of No
vember. 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said
day, at the court house at Corvallis. in Said
county, as the time and place for hearing
nil aud singular of the objections to said
final account and for settlement of the same.
Executors of the Lust Will and Testa
ineut of Hamau C. Lewis, deceased.
Land Offick at Okegon City, Or., )
October 2, 1890.
Notice is hereby given that the followirg
named settler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Benton county, at
Corvallis, Oregon, on Novinber 15th, 1890,
.viz: William E. Kisor, Homestead Entry
No. 5932 for the N. E. J of N. E. J and
Lots 1, 2, 3 aod 4 of Sec. 4, T. 11, S. R. 6
He names the following witnesses to prove
hit continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
George W. Owen. T. G. G. Reed, S. E.
CJulp and A. B. Alexander, all of Wrenn
P. 0. Beiitou couuty, Oregon.
Land Office at Oreoon City, Oe. )
October 6. 1890.
the following named settler has tiled
fcotice of bis intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the County Clerk of
Benton -County at-Corvallis, Oregon, on No
vember 23, 1890, viz: Wesley W. January,
Homestead Entry No. 5770 for the N. E.
-of Sec. 22, To. 12, S. R. 8 W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous residence, upou And cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
R. L. Feagb-s, B. F. Grant, A. I. Ship
3ey aud W. li. Mnikey, all of Harlan P. O ,
Bentou county, Oregon.
J n the natter of tlu partnership estate of
Belknap Bros., Bulk imp Bros. Kennedy,
Belknap Bros, aud Kennedy Bros.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance
iof an order of the county court for Benton
county, state -of Oregon, made on the 2nd
day of October, 1883, lu the matter "f said
estate of Belknap Bros., consisting of E. M.
Belknap and S. E. Belknap (deceased) as
partners, and Belknap Bros. & Kennedy,
enntistiug of E. M. Belknap and S. E. Bel
knap deceased) and G. W. Kennedy as
fiartnera, and Belknap Bros. & Kennedy
lro., consisting of E. M. Belknap and S.
K. Belknap (deceased) aud G. V. Kennedy
And K. K. Kennedy as partners, the nudcr
aigued, the administrator of said partner
ship estate, will sell at public auction to
the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin of
the United States (and subject to confirma
tion of said court) on
Saturday, the 20th day of December, 1S90.
at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the court
Iiouse door in the city of Corvallis. in Ben
"ton county, state of Oregon, all the right,
title, interest and estate of said partner
ship estate, behig the fee simple, in ami to
jll that curtain lot, peice or parcel of land
oituate, lying and being in the city of Cor
. allii, in Benton county, state of Oregon.
And particularly described as follows, to
wit: Lot seven (7) upon which is situated
foundry and machine shop; also lots eight
((8) aud nine (9), all of said lots being in
block one (1) iu organal town in the city of
Corvallis, in Benton countv. Rtate of
Oregon. E. M . BELKN A P.
Adm'r of said partnership Estate aforesaid.
Dated Oct. 6, 1S90.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Benton County.
K. M. Webster, Plaintiff,
Sarah Hayden, Elizabeth Conner,
Dickson Conner, Jane G. 'ouner,
Stephen Conner, D. W. Hayden,
G. W. Hayden. L. C. Dickens,
John Dickens, E. M. Fin ley, A.
J. Hayden, T. A. Hayden, J. B.
Hayden and S. A. Hayden, ;
Defendants, j
To S:irah Hayden, Elizabeth Conner, Dick
son Conner, Jane G. Conner. Stephen
Conner, D. W. Hayden, G. W. Hayden,
L. C. Dickens, John Dickens, E. M. Fin
ley, A. J. Hayden, T. A. Hayden, J. B.
Hayden, and S. A. Hayden, the defend
ants above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon
re hereby summoned and required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of said plain
tiffin the above entitled suit now on tile in
the office of the clerk ot said court ou or
before the lOih day of November, A. D.,
1890, the same beifig the first day of the
next regular term of said court. Yon are
notified that if you fail to so appear aud
answer said complaint as herein required,
said plaintiff will take decree against you
quieting his - title to the north one-half of
the donotion land claim of Mien Hayden
and Sarah Hayden his wife, it being claim
No. 37. in T. 13 S.. R. 7 West of the Wil
lamette Meridian, in Benton County, State
of Oregon, and such other relief as may be
deemed equitable and just. This Summons
is published by order of the Hon. M L.
Pipes, Judge o? said Court, which order
bean date Sept. Z2d, law.
J. V. Rayburn,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I-. Books Iarne4
in one reannff. Testimonials fr ;m a!!
rr of the riobe. Prospectus post
This land is situated from to 5 miles
from the State Capitol, with its excellent
shipping facilities, cannery, etc., and is es
pecially adapted to fruit raising.
Five-acre tracts from 55 to 75 per acre
all cultivated and ready to set in fruit.
Ten-acre tracts partially cultivated for
50 per acre.
Twenty acres light timber land with good
spring branch, $35 per acre.
Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in cultiva
tion, spring brauch running on the place,
for $35 per acre.
Forty acres of choice land all cultivated,
small house, some young fruit already set
out. 70 per acre.
Forty acres of land all cultivated, in
wheat this year, for SG5 per acre.
Forty-three acres, twenty-five acres cul
tivated, fine spring branch, place all fenced
in, for 40 per acre.
Fruit raisers profit from $100 to $150 per
acre after the trees are 4 years old.
Au industrious man can make a good liv
ing for his family while his orchard is com
ing into bearing by raising vegetables and
various crops for the cannery. Let us know
what amount you have to invest and we
will advise as to location.
Send for maps, pamphlets and price lists to
tf. Salem, Oregon.
Worse Than Leprosy
Is Catarrh and there is but one prepara
tion that does cure that disease, and that is
the California Positive and Negative Elec
tric Liniment, sold by The Pharmacy. It
also cures ueuralgia, rheumatism, headache,
sprains, burns aud all pains. Try it and
tell your friends where to get it. Sold by
all druggists.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been chosen as assignee of the es
tate of B. F. Williams and Jasper Newton,
partners, insolvents. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby requir
ed to present the same, properly verified, to
me at the office of E Holgate, Corvallis,
Oregon, within three months from the date
ThiB 17th day of October 1S90.
Cw Assignee.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Benton County.
A. G. Robertson, Plaintiff,
v s.
Moses Hiied, et. al., Defendants.
To George V. Jackson, one of the defend
ants named in said above entitled suit.
In the name of tlieState of Oregon you
are hereby summoned and required to ap
pear aud answer plaintifl's complaint, filed
against you iu the above suit in said court
on or before the first day of the next regu
lar term of said court, it being the loth day
of November, 1800, to be held at the court
house in the city of Corvallis, iu said Ben
ton County, Oregon, and you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear aud an
swer said complaint us herein required, the
plaintiff wijl apply to the court for the relief
demanded in said complaint, to-wit: for a
(leci eeand judgement against the defendants
Moses Hind and S. T. Jeffreys, administra
tor of the estate of Mary A. Hurd, deceas
ed, for the sum of 1030.00 in U. S. gold
coin, with the interest thereon iu like coin,
at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from
Sept. 10th, 1SS9, (less $130.00 paid Sep!.
25th, 1880), and for the further sum of
$100.00 attorney's fees hesidss the costs ami
disbursements of this suit; and for a deciee
and order of said court that the nioitgaged
premises set out in said complaint be fore
closed and the mortgaged premise', t-wit:
The East half of " the S. W. J. Blithe
West half of the S. E. of Section 36,
and the S. W. J of the S. W. J of Section
30, all in Tp. 10 S. R.ll W., "Will. Mer."
in Benton Countv, Oregon, (excepting the
S. E. J of S. W. j of S. W. i of said Sec.
36, and Lots 1, 2, and 25 in the town of
Fiuitvale, in said County, be sold by the
-sherilf of said Comity and the proceeds
therefrom he applied to the payment of the
costs and disbursements of this suit and the
amount found due the plaintiff on the de
cree herein, that each of the defendants in
said suit be forever barred and foreclosed of
all right, title, lien or equity of redemption
of, in or to said premises, aud for such other
relief as may be equitable. This Summons
is published in the Corvallis Gazette for
six successive weeks by order of the Hon.
VI. L. Pipes, judge of said court, which
order was made at chambers and bears date
September 25th, 1890.
Dated September 2Gth. 1S90.
F. M. Johnson,
W. S. McFadden,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Land Office at Oregon City, Or.,
October 6, 1890.
the following-named settler has filed
notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Clerk of Benton
County, at Corvallis, Oregon, on November
24th. 1890, viz: William A. Ridenour,
Homestead Entry No. 5492, for the W.
of N. W. i. N. E. i of N. W. i, N. W.
of N. E. J, Sec. 10. Tp. 12, S. R. 8 V. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
A. L. Feagles, of Big Elk, Benton Co.,
Oregon, Ephraim Conroe and John Yantis
of Turn Turn, Benton Co., Oregon, Win.
Glass, of Corvallis. Benton Co.. Oregon.
, Register.
The Buccaneers of Old
Flaunted the skull and cross bones, their
ensign, defiantly at the masthead. Your
modern pirate, not on the high seas, but up
on the high reputation of standard remedies
skulks under various disguises. His hole
and corner traffic has never to any degree
affected Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, al
though that standard invigoraut and correc
tive has long been the shining mark at
which his shafts have been directed. Cheap
local bitters, composed of fieiy uurectified
stimulants, with an infusion, or extract pos
sibly, of some tonic bark, are still some
times recommended as identical with, or
similar to, or possessing viitues kindred to
those of America's chosen family medicine.
These perish speedily, while the great sub
duer and preventative of disease pursues its
successful career, over coming malaria, dys
pepsia, nervousness, kidney troubles, con
stipation aud rheumatic ailments, not only
ou this, but on many continents.
Dr. E. H. Taylor has gone to San Fran
cisco for the purpose of having his eyes
treated. He has been affected for about a
year to such an extent that be was com
pelled to give up the practice of his pro
fession. How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props. Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions, and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. Ohio. W aiding, Rinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggist3-
Died. At the Exchange hotel on Thurs
day morning, 6, 1890, of pneumonia, A
Green, aged 64 years. He was hurried the
same day in the O Id Fellows cemetery. It
will be remembered that the deceased is the
blind pauper who lost his sight about two
years ago while chopping wood on Mrs.
Beach's farm just across the river. He was
native of Missouri.
A. Trinidad Lady Writes to San Franelseo
for It.
Mrs. Harriet McNamara of 319 State Street,
Trinidad, Colorado, while visiting in St Louis
last summer, did not sufTcr with ber usual sick
headaches aud indigestion. But upon her re
turn to Triuidad her oil troubles came upon
her. It was not the St Louis climate that did
no much for her sick headaches. The secret is
told in the following letter, received by Thomas
Price & Son, the well-known assayers of 524 Sac-
ramento Street, San Fruucisco. Mrs. McNamara
" Three ran-.ths slf re I was visiting in St.
Louis and oh .nined two Lotties of Joy's Vegeta
ble .yarajari!a. It wax of pieat relief to me in
my headiii.-hes and indigestion. Since my re
turn to my home in Trinidad I feel the need of
it, and as I have loM. the address I write to you
to ak if you will not kindly forward this letter
o the prooer number in Pan Franeiseo, and
have me ent a few more bottles of this valuable
vegetable compound.'"
Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is an almost cer
tain cure for sick headaches and constipation.
Peonle who have used it once will send hnn
C'wis of inia ;o ot it, as in lo above instance.
Runs high at the Pharmacy over System
Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh
of the Stomach, Dyspesia, Constipation and
impure blood and to build up the system.
It certainly possesses wonderful merit when
all speak so well of it. Sold by all drug
gists. ,
Only One in the United States.
Oat of 1357 cough syrups manufactured in
the United States, but one has been found
tn be entirely free from opiates and that is
the California Positive and Negative Elec
tric Cough Cure, which is the best on earth
for cough, colds, croup, etc. Sold by all
Prof. Grimm, master of the Corvallis
Grange, attended a meeting of Harmony
Gr .nge, Linn county, on November 1st, aud
addressed the council on the subject. of agri
culture in an interesting manner, says a cor
respondent of the Albany Herald.
'Is This the Best?"
Is a question often asked, when medicine
is wanted. The following are a few of the
medicines of known reliability, sold by
T. Graham, druggist of this place. They
have many other excellent medicines, but
these are worthy of special mention:
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous
for its cure of severe colds, and as a pre
ventative of croup. Price 50 cents per bot
tle. Chamberlain's Pain Balm, a general
family liniment and especially valuable for
rheumatism. Price 50 cents per bottle.
Diarrhoea Remedy, the most reliable known
medicine lor bowel complaints. It is
especially prized by persons subject to colic.
It hascuredinanycises of chrouic diarrhcaa.
Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
St. Patrick's Pills, for disorders of the
liver and bowels. A vigorous but gentle
physic that cleanses and renovates the
whole system. Price 25 cents per box. '
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment.
For tetter. Salt-rheum, scaldhead, eczema
and chronic sore eyes. Price 25 cents per
Circuit court convenes next Mondaj .
Stamping done to order at Ladies' Bazar
Cash paid for potatoes aud dried fruit at
The People's Grocery.
Baths at all hours for ladies or gents, at
the Occidental Shaving Parlors;
J. S. Moore's tor shaving, hair cutting and
shampooing. Shaving 15 cents.
An excellent quality of cranberries may
be found at the People's Grocery store.
E. E. Paddock wants your potatoes and
dried fruits cash or trade as preferred.
C. B. Crosno, of Toledo, senator elect
from .this county was in Corvallis this week.
Call and examine the work of Pernot
Bros., photagraphers, Main street, Corvallis.
Pernot Bros, photographers, enlarge pic
tures by any method desired by his patrons.
Ladies, it will pay you to look at the line
of fall and winter underwear at the Ladies'
100 acres of improved fruit laud two and
one half miles of Corvallis. Enquire of J.
H. Nicholas. ,
Go to the Occidental Shaving Parlors for
a first-class shave, hair-cut, shampoo or
bath. The ouly two-chair shop in the city.
The ladies of the Firemen's Coffee Club
have fully decided to give a social at Job's
Theater on the evening of November 14th.
A fine line of standing and hanging lamps
have just been received at E. E. Paddock's.
Call aud see them before purchasing else
where. W. B. Chase last week sold to Dr. J. B.
Wells his splendid residence and four lots
located near the court house. Considera
tion, 2,000.
A three-dollar piece, used a9 a bangle, up
ou which there was some engraving, was
lost upon the streets of Corvallis on Mon
day, 27th. The finder will confer a favor
by leaving it at this office.
Stop that hacking cough, and soreness of
the throat and lungs, lnifore it become i a
seated trouble beyond the reach of medi
cine. Wright's Red Cross Syrup is unfail
ing. Sold by all druggists.
W c. will on Wednesday, November 12th,
Hja a sale of blankets, comforts and white
quilts at special prices. All interested iu
these goods' should call and make their win
ter purchases. S. L. Kline, ai the Busy
Big Store.
Lustrous Pearly White Teeth and firm
ruby gums, make beautiful faces more
charming, and the plainest ones attractive.
Use Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap and ri-
store them. "A Toilet Gem." 25c. Sold
by all druggists.
Fisher's new brick will soon be ready for
occupancy, ihe postotlice for which new
fixtures are on the way, is to occupy one
apartment on the ground floor, Wilkins,
Bund & Go's., ait store will be removed to
another and Jesse Spencer's barbershop will
occupy the third apartment.
J. H. Hughes will preach at Job's theater
next Sunday morning and evening. The
evening servica will begin at 7 o clock.
Come at the first bell ringing. Morning,
subject '"True Source of Happiness." In
the evening the question will be discussed,
'Were the books of the New Testament
written in the Apostolic Age and by the
men whose names they bear?" A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
The qnestion has been asked, "In what
respect are St. Patrick's Pills any better
than any other?" Try them. You will
find that they produce a pleasunter cathartic
effect, are more certain to their action, and
that they not only physic but cleante the
whole system and regulate the liver and
bowels. For sale at 25 cents per box by T.
P. P. Griffoz, the pioneer jeweler of Cor
vallis, has just received from the east a large
and elegant stock of clocks aud jewelery.
He has just returned fiom Europe, and dur
ing his travels has had an opportunity to
gather much valuable information concern
ing his line of business. Being the pioneer
jeweler he is thoroughly acquainted with the
wants of the people and has selected his
goods accordingly. If you need anything
in the line of jewelry, clocks, silverware,
etc., give him a call. Repair work prompt
ly attended to.
Vocal and Instrumental Music. Mrs.
F. M. Johnson desires to inform the public
that she is ready to give a few pupils in
strnction in vocal and instrumental music
Mrs. Johnson needs no recommendation to
the pe iple of Corvallis. Her method f
teaching is thorough and plain. For further
information as to terms etc., call at her resi
dence, corner 4th and Jackson streets.
John Foster, Tliomas Eglin, W. A
Wells ;ind George Spencer started to
California on a recreating trip. Mem
bers of the party think their health re
quires a change of atmosphere, but it is
not so poor that they will fail to enjoy
themselves. They expect to be away
from home the greater part of the
Wasted. To rent a good house with
over six rooms. F. I Washburn.
The following are the cases upon the
docket of the Benton county circuit court
which convenes Monday. November, 10,
The State of Oregon vs John M. Ewing,
The State vs Fredrick Root, recognizance.
The State vs M. B. Ketch um, recogniz
ance. Maria Armington vs Sol King, adminis
trator, action.
Wm. Deering & Co. vs Creighton &
Quivey, action.
Knapp, Burrell & Co. vs Mary A. Palmer,
Benecia Agricultural Works vs Creighton
& Quivey, action.
Philomath College vs Sheak, action.
W. L. Vance and Geo. II. Keeney vs
Frank Wood, action.
J. W. Ingle vs Thos. H. Cooper, action.
John W. Ingle vs George Bethers et al,
Mayes Bros, vs H. W. Vader, action.
C. Stock vs Newton and Willams, action.
San Jose Woolen Mills Co vs F. E. Dodge,
Wm. Bennett vs M. W. Smith, action.
Emily C. Bump vs J. S. Cooper, action.
Sol King et al vs Win. Bagley and Ann
S. Bagley, action.
Francisco & Lamberson vs John Rickard,
J. B. Ferguson vs the Northwest Fire In
surance Company, action.
Hamilton, Job & Co. vs Northwest Fire
Insurance Company, action.
D. M. Titus vs Schooner Win. H. Harri
son, action.
J. D. Hiatt and Bro. vs J. W. Brown &
Son, action.
J. B. Lee vs John Keyes, action.
J. A. Chapman vs Addie Whitney and
G. A. Whitney, action.
Oregon City M. F. G. Co. vs A. Wilhelm.
William Deering vs Creightou & Quivey,
William Deering & Co. vs Creighton &
Quivey, action.
R. M. Wade & Co. vs Creighton &
Quivey, action.
G. W. Staver vs Adam Wilhelm, action.
Jane E. Fisher vs Wm. M. Wood, action.
E. G. Beardsley vs Frank Conover, action.
L. M. Sloper vs Northwest Mining Co.,
Smith & Geary vs John Johnson, action.
B. F. Jones & Co. vs John Erickson et al,
John Rickard vs Smith & Stetler, action.
The State Agricultural College vs J . W.
Rayburn, action.
Susan M. Berry vs Eglin & Long, action.
Patrick Gillooly vs Wm. Bennett, action.
F. B. Dunn vs Alex Wood and W. S.
Locke, suit.
Calvin Stewart vs M. A. Dice et al, suit.
E. Holgate vs James B. Beumfield, suit.
Philomath College vs J. W. Hrftt et al,
Philomath College vs E. C. Wyatt et al,
John B. Ferguson vs Thomas Samuels et
al, suit.
J. D. ClarK vs Jacob Pyburn and Snsan
Pyburn, suit.
Mary Stewart vs E. A. Waymire and
Fred Waymire, suit.
O. E. Leet vs Mrs. E. N. Cook and J. M.
Garrison, suit.
Joseph Leggitt et al vs W. S. Ladd et al.
T. E. Hogg vs M. M. Davis, suit.
Lazarus Vanbebber vs Alvira J. Mitchell
and Thomas H. Mitchell, suit.
R. M. Davisson & C. C. Hartless vs F. B.
Dunn aud William Mackey, suit.
T. II. Cooper vs G. W. Cooper et al,
M. A. Eastman vs W. II. Palmer and
M. E. Palmer et al, suit.
J. W. Kayburu vs J. P. Priest, suit.
Lazarus Vanbebber vg Alvira Mitchell,
Thosmas H. Mitchell, John Radainaker aud
Harston Badamaker, suit.
Parilee Crow vs M. T. Crow, suit.
Elizabeth Crow vs Parilee Crow et al,
George Bethers, Kezi.ih Rayburn and
Stephenson Rayburn vs John W. Ingle,
Willamette Valley and Coast Railway vs
William Mackay, Sheriff ot Benton county,
Oregon, suit.
William Bennett vs William Mackay et
al, f-uit.
R. M. Webster vs Sarah Haydin et al,
James Anderson vs Christine Anderson,
suit for divorce.
J. B. Lee and John Ray vs Orlena Lewis,
Catharine Pile vs Wm. M. Harkin, suit.
William Bennett vs M. W. Smith and
Mary Smith suit;
Caroline Patterson vs Meredith Howland
et al, suit.
E. Holgate vs Peter Kyniston and S. T.
Jeffreys suit.
Mary A. Modisette vs Benjamin N.
Modisette, divorce.
Mary Stewart vs B. T. Taylor, suit.
W. J. Davis vs F. S. Davis, divorce.
Lanra Smith vs Otis Smith, divorce.
A. G. Robertson vs Moses Hurd et al,
George S. Mires vs R. G. Mires et al,
John Radamaker and Carston Rada
maker vs Elvira Mitchell et al, suit.
Jerusha Smith et al vs Cassandra Bryant
et al, suit.
Ollie Millsap vs Byron Millsap, divorce.
Caroline K. Gieffos vs Addie Whitney,
G. A. Whitney and J. A. Chapman, suit.
T. L. Bohauon va S. M. Bohanon, divorce.
Mary Stewart vs Addie Whitney G. A.
Whitney aud J. A. Chapman, suit to fore
close mortgage.
W. H. H. Rich vs Peter Hagin, fore
closure. School District No. 32 vs John Errickson
and Warren Wright, injunction.
P. P. Greffoz vs James H. Doty and Lucy
H. Doty, foreclosure.
John I. Fuller vs Rebecca E. Fuller, di
vorce. C. E. Nicholson vs G. W. Quivey, Mary
E. Quivey and F. G. Hanna, forclosure.
The Farmers Loan aud Trust Company as
trustee vs the Oregon Pacific Railroad
Company et al, forclosure.
J. W. Rayburn vs R. M. Davisson et al,
f oreclosu re.
John II. E.ister vs Joseph Edwards and
David Huggius, suit.
The latest election returns give Massachu
setts, Pennsylvania, Kansas and Nebraska
democratic governors. In Ohio seven re
publican congressmen against 14 democrat
were elected.
Illinois. Eetimated returns indicatejthe
election of Amberg, rep., for state treasurer,
by a plurality of about 10,000 over Wilson,
dem.; Edwards, rep., for superintendent of
public instruction has a plurality of 8,000
over Roab, dem.
Kansas. The republican candidate for
governor, six out of seven republican cn
gressional candidates defeated, Senator In
gall's re-election a subject of grave doubt.
That is the situation in Kansas.
California. 987 precincts give Markhain,
rep., for governor 10,530 plurality over
Pond, dem. Democrats concede election
entire state ticket.
Iowa. Returns from one third of the stata
show democratic gains sufficient, if continu
ed, to wips out the republican majority of
two years ago and give a small democratic
Nebraska. The returns give Boyd an ap
parent majority of 8275, but the territory
yet to be heard from is so largely republican,
that there is a possibility that this majority
for Boyd may be wiped out.
Colorado. Twenty-five precincts receiv
ed from the city and county nive Townseml
rep., for congress 4S'J8, O'Donnell 3750.
For governor, IJonitt, rep., 4272, Yeaman,
dem., 3831. Returns so far received from
outside counties gaye the head of the repub
lican ticket a plurality of 1753.
Minnesota. Three coiiaressmen are dem
ocrats, one republican and one doubtful.
The legislature is presumably republican,
but uncertain.
North Dakota. Returns so far as receiv
ed give Johuson, rep., for representative in
congress, 3422; Benton, dem., 2962; for gov
ernor, Burke, rep., 2758; Roach, dem. ; 2497,
Muir, farmer's alliance, 365. Johnson's
majority will probably be 8000. The legis
lature will have about twenty-five demo
crats and independents, out of ninety-three.
The republican state ticket will have about
the same majority in the state as the repub
lican congressmen.
Montana. The democratic committee
claims the election of Dixon to congress by .
450 majority. The republican! committee
claims the state for Carter by 125. Demo
crats claim four state senators and concede
the republicans two, with two in doubt.
Republicans claim five state senators.
Pennsylvania. The latest returns from
twenty congressional districts of the state
show the election of eighteen republicans
and ten democrats. The piesent delegation
from this state is twenty-one republicans
and seven democrats.
Wisconsin. The latest returns from the
state iudicate a plurality of 20,000 and up
ward for George W Peck, dem., for govern
or. The democrats elect a majority of the
assemblymen and state geuite. In the
lower house they will have a majority of
thirty or over, and in the senate a majority
of two. They elect seven out of nine con
gressmen. Connecticut. The legislature is 10 to 16
republican on joint ballot. Total vote of
the state, about 120 towns official, is 135,
374. Morris, dem., has 67,661 and is 53
short of the popular majority. It is almost
certain no election has been made; if so,
the legislature will elect Merwin, rep.
Delaware. Complete returns from the
whole state give Reynolds, dem., for gov
ernor, 445 majority, and Causey, dem., for
congress, 514 majority. The next legisla
ture will stand: Democrats 17, republicans
11. There is no United States senator to
be elected.
Michigan. Up to 11 p. in. indications are
that the democrats have elected the govern
or by about 10,000 plurality, and the rest
of the state ticket by a subtantial vote.
The legislature is democratic.
' Nevada. Advice3 from various parts of
Nevada indicate the election of Coloord,
rep., congress, by a majority of between;
five and six. huudjred.
The Southern states all go democratic.
I A. iJiaet.--, S-.' I u'tli Ave. Jiew Ini.