YOL. XXYILi CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1890. NO. 9. for Infants and 1 "Castortata so weU adapted to oatadren that I CastorU cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sojir Btomach, DianHraa, Eructation, known to me," liT Amcn.a, M. D., I P" HI 8 Oxford 8t, Brooklyn, X.Y. WUhout injurious medication.' : . Thx Csxtaub Company, 77 Hurray Street, N. T. h Wk WtmwkmWtmmwi' Tlie iCarries a full and com plete stock of - Staple and Fancy Groceries, -Crockery, Glassware, China and Semi-Porcelain, : Toilet Sets, Lamps. Vases. Decorated Tea and Dinner Sets, Wood and "Willow Ware, . Candies and Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, Grass and Garden Seeds, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. v . -o gpfiP'Everything guaranteed to give satisfaction or money re funded. Customers well treated. Goods best quality. Prices the lowest. . Volume of trade doubled the past two years, and constantly increasing. Goods delivered on board cars and boats free of charge. -o- SlhS tore Northwest corner of Monroe and Second streets, Gorvallis, Oregon. BEAT Tef-I One nt tYie 1 i eteoDei the worhl. Our facilities iw oneauftlrd. and to introduce oar . mpertorfroodamwill rndFKKB tOOKS FERSOV In each locality, - as above Only thoaa who writ ' tsi tia sit MiMran nuks am tst Hle iwii '? the chance. All yoa have to do In g return is to enow our (roods to . cause wnw csir Ttwr sKiprnoora) " and those around you. The be gtnnias; of th advertisement ham ths small smrl of h t- eopa. The fUowinr eat ftres the appeanuce of it reduced to abewt the fiftieth nart of lu Sulk . It ia a rrand. double aiae tele. rope, aa large as is eaay to carry We will alee show you how yot . em make (rem 413 to 9 X O a day at leaf t, from the atari, with - iniiMriv lunar wnu u onM w i Mr ill Mtmu ritif m - ddresa, H. UALLETT CO.. Box Pqhtlaxd, Hjumm. CITY LAUNDRY! " - Jm Sing and Doc You, Proprietors. " -' OrHaving lately made an entire change , in the management ot the wash-house, just south of the Hemphill bouse, we are pre pared to give satisfaction in our line. We also conduct an mtelligeece office. - gptl3 WESTWOOD POULTRY YARD ! J. F. Huffman, .Prop. Breeder and shipper of thorough bred Partrldfre, White ana Bun Cochins, light and dark Brabmns IianKshans, rose and single comb jro -legnorns, -voea wyan dottes. PlymouthEocks and Silver ' Hpanglea Hamburgs. bend lor trcalara. PHILOMATH, - - OKEGOX Miff era ifet HI Children. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, v Nit ice is hereby given that the partner ship heretfore existing between J. P. Ir vine and F. A. Helm under the firm name of Irvine tt Helm and doing busiuess at Corvallis, Oregon, is this day dissolved by mutual consept, J. P.Irvine, retiring from said firm. All liabilities of the late firm of Irvine & Helm are assumed and will be paid by the new firm of Holgate & Helm. All out standing accounts will be collected im mediately by J. P. Irvine and F. A. Helm. ; : IRVINE & HELM. Corvallis, March 12, 1890. In reference to the above we wish to in form the public that we will carry a full line of boots and shoes of the finest grade and makes, together with everything else to be found in a first-class boot and shoe estab lishment. We -will be prepared to do all kinds of repairing in our line. Hoping to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed ou the former firm, we rmain. respectfully, - ARTHUR HOLGATE, F. A. HELM. F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OR. arroe a general r notice in all the courts. Also spent for all the first-alass insurance companies. 2:24 MONEY LOAN! $100,000 to loan on Real Estate se curity. At HARTLESS & DAVisSON'S. ILL Dealers in . J Fruit, Vegetable, and Flower Seeds, Apiary and Poultry Supplies. "tTGarden tools, Fertilizers, Trees, etc., 209 Second street, bet. Salmon and Taylor,' Portland, Or egon. Sendpr catalogue. physicians- G. R, FARRA, M, D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Earra's brick. Office Lours, 8 to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 and 7 p. rn. 1:13-71. J. M. APPLEWHITE, M. D., ' residence North 9th Street. .'' H. 8. PERNOT, M. D., residence ith street, two ' doors north of Opera House. :1 Applewhite fc Pernot,ff PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, , Corvallis, Oregon, - Offices over J. D. dark's hard ware store, and at. R Graham's drugstore.." Hours: "8 to 12 a.'m . 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m. l,flP.TLl.DLI.SEEIhOIL(0. ' - Manufacturers of Raw and Boiled linseed Oil, Oil Cake Meal and Ground Flaxseed. PORTLAND, OREGON. CiiTThe highest price paid for flax seed. Seed furnished to farmers who will contract to put in a crop. '2:21m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office atOrfxjoii City, Or., ) February 27th, 1S90. Notice is hereby given that the followirg named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the county clerk of Benton county at Corvallis, Oregon, on Tuesday, April 22nd, 1890, viz: W. Gifford Nash, Pre-emption D. 8. No. 5822 for the W. i of N. E. i and N. i of S. E. I of Sec. 20 Tp. 10, S. R. 8 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: R. Skaccs, of Elk City, Bentwn county, Or., C. Rohrer,. of Summit, Benton county, Or., K.Brooker, -of ('orvaUis, .Kenton county, Or., and W. , J Poole, of Summit. B 'ntou county. Or. r-i , j J. T. APPERSON, . 1 ' "i. i '"' rr ' "t Register. ARGAfJDieSUPERIOR STOVES ; :and Ranges:- - The "Pacific Argand' range is made expressly for the coast trade. It has the ventilated oven and a new flue arrangement that makes a very quick working stove. : - . GREAT FUEL SAVERS! But one damper controls the operation of reservoir- ranges.- Quality the best. Prices the lowest. - B. OF T. ANNUAL MEETING. LET THEBE BE A DU. ATTENDANCE ON KKXT - - THURSDAY EVENING. . -The board of trade held a meeting lust evening, a quorum being present. The name of W. St. Clair was proposed for membership. Several communica tions were read and ordered filed. Other business of minor importance was transacted. On Thursday evening next will occur the annual meeting of" their organiza tion and it is desired that evert mem- "Bere present as new officers are to be elected and committees will be appointed. It is to be hoped that more attention will be given the meetings by some of the . members,,; who have, of late, been quite conspicuous by their absence.. " . " '"" " The board has, above all things, accomplished one great thing for Cor vallfs it has been partly instrumental in bringing the Southern Pacific rail road company: to time in extending their road On south from this city to the now main line. This will be the biggest thing that has come to Corval lis in the past five years., I And so on. - Now, once more, let the full mem bership of the Corvallis board of trade be present at the annual meet ing on next -Thursday evening, April 3rd.- ;.,; .- ; REPUBLICAN CONVENTION CALL. The Republican County Convention will meet in Corvallis, at the court house, Wednesday, April 9th, 1890, at 11 o'clock, a. m.. for the purpose of nominating county officers, one senator, , two representatives, and eight delegates to the state convention. The primaries will be held in the several precincts on Saturday,' April 5th, 1890, at I o'clock, p. m. The precincts will be enti tled to the following number of delegates: Soap Creek. . .,".-.3 - Willamette,.. . . .3 Alsea ..3 Summit. 2 South Corvallis ., . . 8 Elk City. . . . . 1 ... .2 Wrenn . 3, Lower Alsea ...... 5 Tfde water . 1 Little Elk 2 North Corvallis .... 7 Monroe. 6 Kings Valley. ......4- Newport 8 Philomath . . .;.7 Lobster. . ........ .1 Turn Turn.;. ......2 Toledo , .. ...4 Yaquina. . . . .5 Fairmount 3 Big Elk.. . ... ,2 , South Corvallis. . .8 The same being one delegate at lare and one delegata for every twenty votes, and one for every fraction over one-half thereof in each precinct cast for congressman at the June election of 18S8. -- SOL: KING, Chairman County Committee. A CASE Tti POINT. In our forefathers' days, pimples were attrtb ted to diseased blood. But modern medicine hai demonstrated that rich food does not create erup tions by fouling the blood, but retards digestion, which makes the stomach torpid, and the circu lation sluggish, and in turn causes an enfeebled action of the pores which congest or become pim ply. The modern theory therefore is not to treat the blood, but the stomach and liver, and it la under this new idea, that Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla was conceived. It has wiped out tht " blood disease" theory of pimples, of the old sar ssparOlas. A case ia point " I have had for yean, spells of indigestion and dyspepsia and tried nearly everything. Finally I took one of the leading sarsaparlllas. It did not help me, but caused pimples to break out on my face, which I was told was caused by the potash it contained. Hearing that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla did not contain mineral and might act differently, I sent for it. The pimples disappeared tmmediadcjy and I have now after months had no return of the old spells. It it a cure for indigestion and dyspepsia ltd the attendant face eruptions." Mas. C. D. Btbakt, , 1221 Mission street, 8. 7. ; One'hundred lots near the Oregon Pacific depot for sale. For prices and terms see Hartless & Divisson. . .The new -model "C" Superior Range has the largest oven of cny radge made- Snd the fire backs' in all Superior stoves .are warranted for FIFTEEN Years. , . - . - ' -- STUDYING OREGON HISTORY. The Collegian, a journal pub lished monthly at Salem, contains an article headed "Oregon History in Public Schools." It is a subject of great importance to all school children of this state, and is prob ably the least thought of by most teachers when training the mind of their pupils. , The author of this article, as given below, is W, E. Yates, principal of Corvallis' pub lic schools, and the Gazette . re prints it, appreciating the writer's thoughts: "It is not well to overload the curriculum of any school, and espe cially that of the public school; still, while there may be too many branches taught in our schools, the results may be good if prominence be given to the proper studies by the teacher. : ' - More depends upon the teacher than the text-boek any way, a good book in the harfds of an incompe tent teacher is worse than useless; while the qualified instructor is able to seeure proficient work and mental advancement even without a text-book. ' The schools of our state have little history of Oregon - taught in them except that which is given them by the teacher. The pupil should not be allowed to leave the halls of the common school or even the college without an intimate knowledge of the social,' political, industrial, and colonial history of our beautiful and prosperous state. The teacher should make promi nent the geography of the state where the school is located. , A general knowledge of geography is well, but a knowledge of our own country in its varied details is 'bet ter. So in regard to Oregon histo-: ry; it should be made emphatic. (Many children attend our schools for years, and,it may be, study and finish the course , without a hint that a Whitman, a Lee, a Johnj Jacob Astor, a Hudson Bay com pany, ever existed or at least have any historical interest or connec tion with the early events-in the formative period of our territory. . The physical features, the rivers, harbors, lakes, mountains, etc., re ceive a passing notice inour6chool geography ,but the political history is omitted entirely. Probably many youns persons leave school without a thought of the names of Oregon's governors, the different towns in which the capital has been, and the growth of its indus trial pursuits. This should not be. If one of the teachers 'of Oregon schools would prepare a suitable text-book on this subject and it were incorporated into the list of studies he would confer a blessing on the state. ' Until that is done, - we teachers should conclude Wie history of the United States with; a few weeks' course of lectures- on the history of Oregon. - : , ; ; , Let the pupils of; the public schools learn something of the his tory of their home, the state of Oregon." - - ' Go to C B. Wells, Philoniath, : for your fine eggs to set. - 5 A CALL. Or., ;The State Horticultural associa tion will hold its first quarterly meeting for the current year in the city council chamber "ot Portland on Tuesday, April 8th, at 10:30 a. m. All persons interested in the development of Oregon's horticul ture in its various branches are cor dially and earnestly invited to be in'attendancer' Business "of much importance" will. come ' before the association and it is hoped that all persons engaged T in horticulture will attend and take partjn the discussions. Reports will be rendered by the following committees which were appointed at the annual meeting irfcanuary last: "Tariff on Prunes," "Annual : Report," "Constitution and By-laws." ' ; v - " The following papers will also be presented and discussed: Ore gon Horticultrre, O. P. Mason, Portland; The Prune and Its Cul ture, Chauncey Ball, Mt. Tabor; The Young Orchard, R. D. Allen, Silverton. : This promises to be one of the most interesting meetings the asso ciation has ever held,, and. all members are especially requested to be promptly on time at the open- in. E. R. Lake, Secretary, PHILOMATH PARAGRAPHS. We hear complaints of a backward spring. - Prof. Gilbert reports a pleasant and profitable time at the teachers' insti tute at Albany. Prof. Keezel will close Lis school this week. - The professor ia working on an incubator, and contemplates going Into the poultry business. J. J. Finlayson is still confined to his roomand little hope is entertained of him ever being a well man. His son-in-law, Judge Poweli is visiting him this week. - The W. C. T. U. gave a very pleas ant entertainment on last Monday eve ning at the M. E. -church. An effort is being made to organize a band of juve nile temperance workers, and the pro ceeds of the entertainment will be used to that end. "- John D. Wood, who has been teach ing in Polk county during the winter, is visiting relatives in. our town. Mr, Wood, we believe, can show a record of more terms of shool taught than any other man in the state. .' . wvi mm, m 1 w.. store the other day and was pleased to note the attractive display of goods in their show windows. John can get tilings up in good shape and don't you forget it. - Our band boys have just received a fiuo lot of new music, and will pro- 3(1 to arrange for another entertain ment to come ofl in the near future. Such enterprise is commendable. Give us the entertainment. Here is the finest opening for a flour ing mill of any town in the state. Corvallis is our nearest point, and with our large agricultural district and the facilities for shipping we know of no business more profitable. Give us a few enterprising men and a good mill will be assured. U. Betcher. March 25th. Union Pakty Convention. -Notice is hereby given that there will be a mass convention of the "Union party" of Benfon county, Oregon, held in the court-house in Corvallis - x on Saturday, March 29th, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the state con vention and to elect a permanent county chairman and attend to such other business that may prop erly come before the convention. All who are interested in the fur thering of the principles ot the party and desire to join with us are requested to attend, - Geo. A. LandiSj Temp. County Chairman. L. H. Andrews and wife returned to Oregon City on Thursday. They came here iu September last to keep bouse for their three ioys who are students in the college. Business has called them back-to their old home. During their stay here ihey have made many friends who are sorry to have them go and who hone to welcome them back next fall. gome real bargains in ten and twenty-acre tracts of first-class f fruit lands situated just midway between Corvallis and Albany on the O. " P. railroad. Price and term very Vnr n.irtiVnlfirs call on Hartbtsa & Davwaon. v ' . .