The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 21, 1890, Image 4

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Jerry Lerang Killed by, it
Falling Tree.
Thigh-Bone Broken Resigned A
Quotation applicable to Modern
Times Other Matters.
The Wetas club still continnos to hold
weekly meetings at the gun store of Henkle
& Kriebel's.
To-morrow, February 22nd, the anniver
sary of the birth of George Washington.
Had he lived his age would be 158 years.
Ghas. McCnllough, the engineer, baa
been called on to attend the fixing of the
temporary bridge across Mary's river here
it has the piles.
A dramatic society has been organized .in
Coryallis, and their rooms are in the Farra
block. Among the members are David and
Mrs. Osburn, Miss Mand Hoffman, Miss
Jessie Waggoner, and others. .
Wednesday's west side freight train, due
here about 3:30 p. m., did not arrive until
after 9, owing to the forward trucks and
front drivers of the engine jumping- the
track at McMinnville, while making a fly
ing switch.
Evangelical Church. Preaching in this
city on Sunday at .11 a. m. by Rev. J. W.
Parker, and at 7 p. m. by the pastor.
Preaching at Evergreen on Saturday night,
and at Beulah on Sabbath at 10:30a. it.
J. M. Dick.
J. A. Knight has lately added a steam
earring machine to his furniture factory,
and is prepared to do most any kind of
work in this line. Remember that he has
an excellent line of furniture home and
foreign made.
Farmers, or anyone else, having property
for sale will do well to place it with the Cor
vallis, Willamette Valley, State Land and
Loan company, as no more reliable corpora
tion exists on this coast. Their new office
ronmspill be thrown open just as soon as
the furniture arrives from Portland. - They
are ready for business now, using a portion
of F. M. Johnson's law office in which to
transact business.
Several Albany young men have
been in Corvallis dining the past week.
tt i .? ttt ri m
usual jiayci meeting vi , j. a.
U., on Feb. 27th, at i-eading room par
lor. tvi, ; J.
rary bridge across Mary's river at this
Tiie republican state central com
mittee is called to meet in Portland on
March 5th. .
Yesterday, the 20th, was the twenty
sixth anniversary of the establishment
of the order of the Knights of Pythias.
The grade down into the Oregon Pa
cific wharf, at the foot of Monroe
street, has been repai red and the dock
has been washed out.
Gratiam Glass, Jr., has soM the
Yamhill County Reporter of McMinn
ville, to F. H. Barnhart, a man of
many years' experience.
Snow still covers the foothills and-
mountains west of this city. On Mon
di$ morning about an inch of the
"stuff" fell in Corvallis. -
J. ii. JNeu, a capitalist of Crete,
Nebraska, arrived here on Monday
last He has been visiting with some
relatives in this county this week. He
may locate here. V -
The Congregational lad:es will give
a social and supper at Mrs. F. G.
ClatJj's on next Tuesday evening.
. Supper from 5 to 7 p. m. A cordial
invitation is extended to all.
At the Congregational church next
Sunday the pastor will speak in the
.m I n 11. n i
"and in the evening will again answer
questions. A cordial welcome to all
who attend.
Henry Carlile, brother of Justice D.
Carlile of Corvallis, died at his home
in Stubenville, Ohio, in January last
He was in this city last summer visit
ing with relatives and looking over the
The bonded indebtedness ot Astoria
is $57,050, and the city's indebtedness
is $14,668. . In addition to this 'it is
proposed to add $22,950 to the amount
of the bonds, to run for 20 years at 4
per cent
Services at the M. E. church next
Sabbath as usual, by the pastor. Text
at 11 a. m., Hab. 3:1 7-1 Subject at
7:30 in the evening "Should the Bible
be restored to our public schools?" -H.
P. Satchwell. . " -
v An advertisement extolling the vir
tues of a new make of infant's feeding
bottle winds up as follows: "When
the baby has done drinking it most be
J unscrewed and laid in a cold place,' say
tfnderrQ.'r' Poor baby."
The mothers'?' meeting held Hast
Thursday was unusually interesting.
Three thoughtful ; papers were-read.
The next meeting to be held on March
i3th; topic to be-considered "How'
can our public school be best used in
building up character?"
Adam Baumbargerr who is supposed
to be the, fellow who robbed H. Mc
Kenzie of $7" and over - last "week,
(mention of which was made in the
Gazette), is now in the county jail
whre he will. remain - until the next
grand jury meets. His bonds were
'placed at $300.
Win. Grant, of Forfar, the new town
site on the coast between Seal Rocks
and Newport, was in Corvallis on .Tues
day accomdanied by his brother Simon
Grant, of Canni, Illinois. The latter
has been in Oregon visiting for the past
six weeks,' and started on his return
trip last Tuesday.' Wm. went as far as
Portland with him.
A work train in charge of G
Stevens leit Albany on Monday on the
Oregon Pacific with about fifty men on
board, who will be put to work placing
ihe road in good condition to the front,
so that the work of construction can be
resumed as soon as the weather will
permit Regular trains will commence
running to Gates about Wednesday or
Thursday from Albany. - '
The recent trip of Nellie Bly. and
Miss Bisland has set a French savant
to calculating the time required for
different journeys around the earth,
with the following result: A man,
walking day and night, without resting,
would take 423 days. An express
train would take 40 days. Sound at a
medium . temperature, 32J hours.
.Light, a little over one-ttnth of a secij
ond. " Electricity", passing over a cop
per wire, less than one.-tenth of a sec
ond. An American author adds that a
lie will travel so fast that no instru
ment is capable of timing it.
" Killed by a Falling Tree.
Last Saturday, news was brought
to Corvallis that Jerry Legrangy
who lives on the Clancy farm,
about five miles west of this city,
had been found dead. Late in the
forenoon of Friday he went butynorthern Californ
to do some work i.n one of .the
fields and had occasion to fell an
oak tree. And, taking the posi
tion in which he was found on the
ground, he "was struck on the head
by a limb as the tree was falling
aiid his skull crushed.' Not com
ing to supper on Friday night a
search was made for him but he
was not found until Saturday after
noon. D. Carlile, acting coroner,
and Dr. H. Pernot "went out to
hold an inquest over the remains,
but as the killing was found to be
accidental, they returned without
holding any. The remains were
buried in the Catholic cemetery.
In the Bulrushes. There has
been all kinds of rumors in the air
in Corvallis during the past ten
days. This reporter has heard
about Moses (the gentleman who
smote the rock) being placed in a
basket when a tiny - wee ' thing,"
about his experience while float
ing on the waters of the pond, and
how Pharoah's daughter discover
ed him, etc.', but, this week, rumor
has it that another Mose was found
floating on the bosom of Mary's
river near aclump of bushes, south
of Corvallis. ft has not yet been
ascertained 'whether Faro's girl is
connected with this aflair or not,
but some one is. Await future
developments. ...
Thigh bone Broken. Last ' Sat
urday Dr. J . B. Lee was called to the
residence of Geo. " Porter, situated
about sixteen miles south of Cor
vallis, to sefc a broken limb of his
7-year old son, Fay. The boy had
been playing in the. barn and was
orc'the top of the hay mow. when
he accidentally fell off going down
through a hole in the second floor
and striking on his right side' on
the floor below. Upon being pick
ed up it was found that the right
thigh bone had been broken about
four inches below' the hip joint.
He was suffering terribly, when
the Dr. arrived, but. after having
the fracture set, is recovering
- .Fine photographs of the "flood" at Per
not I5ros. -" .. ' .1- - "; "... -' r- -
- She's a LAU-A,rr-They have a
"hog 'of the female kind at Oregon
City which; is iiqw.- known as the
"$ow of '90" she having been
christened during the first week of
February. It seems that this sow
"was the mother of several pigs and
they were quietly occupying a pen
in the backyard of a resideut of
Canemah,.which is situated above
the falls, r x While .the late flood
was. at its. highest this "family"
suddenly found themselves out on
the bosom of ; the beautiful Wil
lamette headed for 'McGinty's
destination, and as the pen floated
through the rapids of . the falls it
was - torn to pieces and poor old
sowy and little piggies were scat
tered, to the waves; of course they
were given up as lost, and the
owner was minus, about 300 pounds
of porkv One day last wek the
aforesaid owner had occasion to do
some work a short distance from
the rear of his property.and,"while
busily engaged, heard a grunting
noise in close fproximity to him,
and on looking around saw that
very same sow " coming towards
him. How she ever got out of the
river alive is still puzzling the
brain of the owner and others
down at the falls' city, and about
the only way imaginable is that,
the water being so very dirty she
si m ply walked on it to shore. The
pig9 were not so fortunate they
succumbed, and have by this time
Been taken in by some sea shark.
"A Long Trip.: Mrs. G. P. Mims
and two children, of West Vir
ginia, arrived in Corvallis on Sat
urday last, by the passenger train
from Portland. ..... Her husband
came to Oregon a few months ago
and located at Oakland gdlng into
the . mercantile business. After
getting settled, he sent for his fam
ily. a Mrs., Mims - and children
upon arriving here had been just
forty-live days coming. They
were on one. of the Central Pacific
trains in the great blockade in the
Sierras, after that were held in
ia by the S. P.
snowslides and were compelled to
return to San Francisco and take
the steamer for Portland. Arriv
ing at. 'Frisco one day after the
sailing date," were compelled to
remain there" four days oi. more.
After Portland' was reached they
could not get to Oakland via east
side on account of damage by the
high water, and, upon the repairs
to the west sid3 being made, came
here - to cross over to Albauy and
take the local train there. Mr:
Mims had started to meetithem in
Portland arid, on arriving here by
the afternoon train on Saturday
from Albany, was happily surpris
ed to see them. 1
The Team Fell; While going
to the S. P. depot on - Monday
noon, the driver of the Hemphill
house buss was compelled to run
his horses on account ot the train
arriving; earlier than expected.
"While the team was going it. at a
fast rate one of the horses stepped
into a chuck hole and fell, .throw
ing the other down, breaking the
tongue and banging up things in
general. - The animals were not
injured but were somewhat plas
tered with mud. While the re
pairs are being made to the hack
a carriage is being used to convey
the arrivals to and from lhe trains.
Scandalous. One day this week
the Gazette received a short epis
tle through the post office with no
name signed. It is the rule of this
paper not to publish anything from
an outside party unless v accom
panied by his own signature, but,
in this case the rules will be sus
pended and' here is the epistle:
The scandal -monger is around
and. and among other things, says
that the tollowing-lines from Tam
O'Shanter will -'apply to, the pro
prietor of - one of the leading
newspapers of the city: , -"'
"The landlady and Tam grew graciou.
With favors sweet, secret and precioiu."
Letters. - Advertised for Feb
ruary 21, 1890: Tony Cedar
brand, 2, J, (B. Owenby, W. II.
Parrieh, Jennie E. Ripsineker. F.
A? Helm, P. M." " " -
A Thrilling Experience told
in Ten, Chapters.
The News Spread like Oleomarga
rine on a Summer Day Peace
be Still-Rats in the Woodshed. ,
, .The fore part of the hind part of the
winter had arrived. ..
chapter II.
The beautiful Willamette, which, but
a few weeks ago, was a raging, roaring
stream, carrying destruction before it
in the effort to chase Me. to the sea,
was slowly flowing past the "heart of
the valley" after roundingvthe horse
shoe just above. The wind was sigh
ing through the limbs of the tall tim
ber which surmount the eastern banks,
and all was serene just like it always
is in Corvallis.
- " '
In the city the electric incandescent
lamps were sending forth their spark
ling beams, and the cocks were begin
ning to announce the approaching
hour of midnight. Occasionally their
crowing would be disturbed by the
heart-rending notes of an old Lorse-
fidule, the bucolic cries of the promp
ter, and the infernal tread and teheing
of three or four maidens and the same
number, ot the gentry kind, as a
"grand" dance was going on in the re
gion of the ferry.- ,
Michus Crowbaram Twaddlegerger
was leaning against a lamp post. He
had come over from Albany to see
the sights and enjoy himself in the
"core"- -for a few days. He had his
pockets lined with satine, his wallet
showed no sign of having been un
done, and he was enjoying himself as
best he could under the terrible effort
of bracing up a lamp-post; knowing
full well that he was out of the ; reach
of his pajja and his best girl. He pre
sented a woeful looking appearance
standing there in this ungallant posi
tion with no one near to keep him
company. " .
" Just across the thoroughfare, stand
ing under one of the shade trees which
border along the edge of the sidewalk,
a llack object could be seen treading
softly to and fro as if, itself, commun
ing with nature. At times the object
was seen to stop and, after assuming a
position fronting toward the luniD-oost.
held up by Michus Crowbaram, would
remain so a short length of time, and
afterwards resume the slow move
ments again. It, too, was a sight to
This is all for 'what occurred after
wards during the dark and stilly night
afore-mentioned. Let the scene be
changed.. - -
It was a regular Oregon day; the air
above was full of moisture, occasion
ally there would be a precipitation of
rain and snow, and now and then the
clouds would break away and old Sol
would send forth some of Lis pleasant
rajs. The hour of three o'clock had
arrived and ?n a certain portion of the
city several madams had gathered to
gether and that stuff, better known as
gossip, was flying like wild-fire from
their pretty wrinkled lips.. They talk
ed of this and that until the air was
fairly black with the misdeeds and
miscreant actions of their friends who
we;:e pursuing- their daily movements
in different parts of the city. - They
had heard of the characters mentioned
in the preceding chapters and, woman
like, had . devoted a ortion of their
time to a conversation concerning the
creatures. Of course, Michus Crow
barani was found guilty of. doing some
terrible de.ed or being to fresh with the
object across " the street, (which they
imagined resembled their kind). The
news spread like wild-water and every
other person whom you met always
knew about it and a great deal more.
M. C. Twaddlegerger, at this hour,
isstill alive. . He is not a very ,bad
creature. , The fairy-like madames arei
ready for ' another "affair;" this titut
something right bad is wauled: :
- . " ' ' CHAPTER IS. ' v; :
Who wilt condescend to become the
hero for them to work upon? All that
is . necessary in order to have that
title conferred upon you is to simply
pursue the even tenor of your way,
attempt to-confer favor on a friend,
or resent horn doing something mean,
and yjjii will immediately be branded
as a "character." 1 V
This is the end; no poetic effimoh
can be found to place here. No epi
taph is necessary. ; The author ; is net
Ulead, but simply sleeping. The trau.p
is being shaved. McCarthy is down.
At Oregon City. H: L. Hatch,
of- Salem, was in Coryallis '..on
Monday and Tuesday, having come
up for the purpose of putting in a
bid on the work of placing the
steamer Three Sisters into the
Willamette river she having
been left on the roadway about
halfway between Cauemah and
Oregon City. He says, as also doj
others, mat great damage was
done by the high water at the city.
The road way between the edge of
the 'basin" and the railroad track
is all dug out,"and rocks of large
size were moved down stream as
easy as though little grains of sand.
The weatherboarding of the Im
perial flour mills, as high up as the
water reached, is completely torn
off and nearly all "the structures
between the mills and the woolen
factory "are gone. On some places
where only one dwelling house
stood there are now two or three
standing, and sidewalks and fences
are scattered everywhere. The
Enterprise, printed there esiimates
the loss to the city as $151,495,
and for the county in general it
will be much greater, and says the
highest water was on .Wednesday,
the 4th, when it was fifty feet and
six inches above low water mark.
Pcrned Out. At Junction City
on Sat.urda3r morning, about 5
o'clock a lire, started in the Babir
block, which is used aa a hotel,
opera house, and store, and soon
the whole building was consumed.
Across the street was the post
office, which also took fire and was
consumed, the government prop
erty all being saved. Lee & Kirk
were occupying the storeroom at
the time and t heir losses was about
$1,500 with $1,000 insurance. No
insurance on the Babir block, but
the hotel contents were about one-
half insured. Mat Wilkins, brother
to the Wilkins' residing here, was
the proprietor of the hotel at the
time. The supposed cause of the
fire is that it was caused by a de
fective flue in the kitchen.
"Resigned .It is learned that F.
W. Bowen, the assistant manager
and superintendent of the Oregon
Pacific railroad, has tendered his
resignationthe same to take effect
on March 1st. Mr. Bowen has
been with this company how near
ly two years: He intends going
to "San Francisco to make his home
in the future, where. he is interest
ed in another business which will
require all his time. During the
time he has been a resident of
Corvallis he has made many
friends, all of whom will regret
his departure.
. New Painting Establishment.
Wm. Edwards and T. S. Barnhart
have formed a partnership and
this week opened a paint shop in
the Horning building at the south
end of Main street. They are pre
pared to do all kinds of carriage
and sign painting, and when the
dry season arrives will takeOi'ders
for. painting residences, etc. In
connection with this business they
intend to keep a stock of fine wall
paper and. as Mr. Edwards is a
splendid paper hanger, they will
be ready to do work for you in
thier liner
Oratitfti. T)nrinr . this week
County Clerk Wilson has issued
two marriage licences, one to Her-
and one to E H. Pament and
Emma'Miller." , V .
Have you heard from McGinntyl
Concerning Flax-Raising. Tha
Portland linseed oil ' company"' has
an advertfsejnent elsewhere in the
Gazette. This company is desir
our of having a largely increased
acreage in the Willamette valley
sown to flax,' Us they say they will
require over 100,000 bushels of
flax seed next season. As induce
ments to those willing to put in a
crop they offer to furnish seed
specially cleaned, ' at $1.50 per
bushel in Portland, payable on or
by October 1st without interest.
They will pay $i:40 per bushel, of
60 pounds, in sacks, for all clean
merchantable flaxseed delivered
at Portland. If the farmers pre
fer, they will receive - it at any
railroad station, where the quan
tity will be not less than a full carload,-
paying the above price less
the freight to Portland. W. H.
Honeyman, the manager, was in
this city yesterday seeing if any
farmers in this vicinity would con
tract to grow the flax. Certainly,
tneir snould be more flax raised m
Oregon, as the demand for it is be
coming greater every year. Then
there is the oil cake and meal
which .is excellent for feeding
Local Pedestrians. Last Fri
day W. S. McFadden had an occa
sion to.attend to some law business
in Albany, and was compelled to
remain until after the train left.
Desiring to be here that evening,
he ran across Ala Harris, who was
in the same fix, and proposed to
him to turn pedestrians and walk
home. Ala agreed to it and at 4
o'clock they started from the Al
bany side ci the bridge and began
their journey. At three minutes
to G they arrived at Monroe street
where it crossed I he track in this
city 1 raveling about eleven miles
in one hour and fifty-seven min
utes. This is " fast" time consider
ing the weather; probably they
could have arrived earlier had the
distance been much Jess.
Electhic Light Oompany.--Ainong
the new incorporations,
which have filed papers in the sec
retary of state's oiHce at Salem
during the past week, is the Cor
vallis electric light and power com
pany, with L. L. llurd, Johnson
Porter, Z. Job, W. C. Corbett, and
G. Lilly, as incorporators. The
capital stock is placed at $20,000
divided into 20') shares L. L.
Ilurd, 100 shares; Johnson Porter,
42; Z. Job, 25; W. O. Corbett, 17;
G.Lilly, 1G. At an election of
officers the following were chosen:
President, L. L. llurd; secretary,
J. Porter; treasurer, Zephin Job.
Neat Work. Jesse Spencer has
had one of his barber chairs fixed
over by Philip Weber, the furni
ture dealer. The wood work has
all been varnished and the cushion,
headrest, foot stool, etc., all re-covered
with handsome mohair plush.
It is an excellent piece ot work,
and, together with Jesse's smiling
countenance, will please all his
After being detained eighteen days
at Yaquina owing to the shifting sands
on the bur, the Willamette Valley and
the Farallon crossed out on Monday
last, bound for San Francisco. .
1 fcT...
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